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01x02 - Cut Man

Posted: 03/03/22 18:19
by bunniefuu
Over here! Come on! Help me.

Get him out.

Easy, easy, easy.


Go upstairs and close the door.

And not a word to anybody.



Not even your mom.

Ay, um No, no calls.

- It's okay.

I'm just trying to help.

- No.

- We have to get you to the hospital.

- They'll k*ll everyone.

- Who?

- The men who did this.

They'll k*ll everyone in the hospital to get to me.

Okay, you can't Don't.

You've lost a lot of blood.

I think you might have been stabbed.

I have to leave.

You wanna leave? Door's that way.

This crowd is not happy, Pete.

Murdock has dominated this fight but now Price has turned the table on him.

He's pounding Murdock's head

- and Murdock isn't even defending himself.

- Oh! Oh! Wait! The ref is stopping the fight.

Canero has stopped the fight.



-1 favorite "Battlin' Jack" Murdock loses to a TKO in the 10th.

Price looks as shocked as the crowd.

Murdock had him on the ropes but let his glove drop and got tagged with a series of devastating Dad! Hey, Matty! Hey! Hey, hey, don't don't get blood on your shirt.

Gotta keep your gloves up.

Yeah, well, I I should have you in my corner.

Does it hurt? It don't tickle.

Go get the kit.

You shoulda had him.

Price is a bum.

Hey, anybody who's got the guts to step into that ring deserves respect.

Don't you ever forget that.

- Even Price?

- Even Price.

- Sorry you lost, Dad.

- Yeah Just wasn't my night.

Easy, easy, easy.

Easy with the cotton swabs there, doc.

Gotta get in there.

You don't want to get it infected.

- Stitches?

- Oh, yeah.

You better get the Scotch.


- It's for you.

- Really? You think I want your hands shaking like last time? This is my face we're talking about.

Go ahead.

Take a Just a little sip.

Oh! Oh, it burns! All right.

Come on.

Let's do it.

Don't move.

So you watched the fight? You're supposed to be doing your homework.

Got it done first.

All of it? I want you to finish up before you go to bed.

- I'll do it tomorrow.

- Tonight.

- Before school?

- Tonight.

Okay? Okay.

All right.

Go ahead, go ahead.

Dad? Uh


You gonna have enough this month for Mr.

Morris? He will get his rent on time.

You got all this for losing? Sometimes even when you get knocked down, you can still win.

It ain't how you hit the mat It's how you get up.

That's right.

All right, all right.

Go hit the books.

Can I take the bottle? No.

Just Go on.

Go on.

Pour, oh, pour the pirate sherry Fill, oh, fill the pirate glass And to make us more than merry Let the pirate bumper pass For today our pirate 'prentice rises from indenture freed Strong his arm and keen his scent is He's a pirate now indeed You know I'm still here, right? Could you could you hear me just now? Nope.

The correct answer is, "Yes, and you sound amazing.

" Well, of the two lies, I took the lesser.

I thought you went home.

What are you still doing here? Uh I could ask you the same.

Yes, but I am a partner at a prestigious law firm with very important documents needing to be documented so we can start generating some revenue, while you are also very integral in your own special, manager I dug myself in too deep and I can't climb out.

- You need a hand with that?

- Please.

Oh! Not gonna happen.

Seriously, what are you still doing here? I have work to do.

What work? We don't have any clients yet.

Well, your shit's not gonna unpack itself.

This box of vital import will be here in the morning.

You should be out having a life, doing poppers and flapper dancing.

- I don't know what kids do these days.

- We're the same age, Foggy.

So you're saying I shouldn't be here, either?

- Yeah.

- Fair enough.

But I'm awkward and unfashionable.

Those things don't seem to apply to you.

I just don't feel like going home okay? Well, we can't stay here.

Not enough money in the kitty to keep the lights on past midnight.

So let's hop a few bars, not think about it.


Big fan of the not thinking.

You will fit right in here.

- Should we call Matt?

- Sure.

Yeah, let's see what he's up to.

Are you gonna listen to me this time?

- Where am I?

- You're in my apartment.

Who are you? I'm the lucky girl who pulled you out of the garbage.

- You've seen my face.

- Yeah.


Your outfit kind of sucks, by the way.

Yeah, it's a work in progress.

Okay, I really wouldn't try to move too much.

You've got two or three broken ribs, probable concussion, some kind of puncture wound, and that's just the stuff that I know about.

And your eyes, they're nonresponsive to light, which isn't freaking you the hell out, so either you're blind or in way worse shape than I thought.

Do I have to pick one? Do you mind telling me how a blind man in a mask ends up beaten half to death in my dumpster? The less you know about me, the better.

The wound on your side knife? Probably.

Ah! I think I got the bleeding stopped, but I can't tell how bad it is internally without a full series of X

-rays, so No.

No hospitals.

This is my night off.

I'm really not looking for some guy to die on my couch.

Are you a doctor? Something like that.

Most people, they find a bleeding masked man in the garbage they call the police.

- You got a lot of experience in this area?

- Why are you helping me? The less you know about me, the better.


You got a name at least? Claire.

Don't suppose I get to know yours? All right, I'll call you Mike.

- Mike?

- Yeah, a guy I used to date.

Turns out he was very good at keeping secrets, too.

Thank you, Claire.


Make sure you're stabilized.

We'll figure the other stuff out later.

I can't see! Matty, Matty, Matty, it's me.

It's Dad.

I'm right here.

I can't see.

You were in an accident, you remember? You're in the hospital, but I'm right here with you.

Everything's so loud.

Everything I'm right here with you.

It's Daddy.

Here, feel my face.

Feel my face.

I'm right here.

I'm right here.

- I can't see.

- It's all right.

It's okay.

- Dad, I can't see!

- It's all right, Matt.

- I can't

- It's all right.

What is it? What's wrong? I can't breathe.

Can't You've got air in your chest.

It's collapsing your lung.

I'm gonna relieve the pressure, but I'm gonna need you to hold still, okay? Here we go.

This is gonna hurt.


Just breathe normal.

All right.

Look let's just say for the sake of discussion I buy this whole, "We can't go to the hospital because whatever" story you've got going on.

But we need to talk about what happens if you give up the ghost here in my living room.

Because I'm listening to myself explain to the police how I let this happen, and every version ends with me in handcuffs, so convince me it's worth it.

They kidnapped a boy.

Who did? The Russians.

They've been running a human trafficking ring out of Hell's Kitchen.

Took over when the Italians folded up.

Two days ago, they pulled a kid out of the back of a van.

Beat his father while he watched.


I knew the kid would still be alive.

At least until they took him out of the city.

I tracked the Russians to a warehouse not far from here.

Thought I was being smart, how fast I found them.

Turns out, I wasn't.

They were waiting for you.

And I walked right into it.

So, they took this kid just to get to you? Yeah, I've been making their lives difficult lately.

But you're blind.

There are other ways to see.

This is what you do? You make life difficult for bad men? It's one way of putting it.

No offense, but you don't seem to be very good at it.

Ow! Yeah, well, you're catching me on an off night.

Did you at least find the kid? No, he wasn't there.

I barely made it out myself.

I was careless.


So these men that took the boy they're out there right now, looking for you?

- Mike?

- Someone's coming.

Wait, what? There's someone in the building, a man, going from door to door.

- How do you know that?

- Shh.

He's on the third floor already.

Smells like Prima cigarettes and discount cologne.

You can smell a man on the third floor? You'll smell him soon enough.

He really likes that cologne.

You're looking at me like I'm crazy, right? Seems the appropriate response.

There are some things I haven't told you about me, Claire.

You haven't told me anything about you.

All I know is you're very good at taking a beating.

That part I got from my dad.

Jack, put your hands up.

Get in there, come on.

Watch your speed.

Footwork! Footwork, come on.

Watch Watch out! Oh! Way to take a punch, Jack.

Hey, Jack, shake it off.

You're looking good.

Hey, Jack, what's up?

- How'd you do?

- Uh I tagged him a couple times.

That kid is fast.

So, how you how you getting along with your new books? I'm working on it.

Each grid is six possible dots, so each letter is a combination of those dots.

You have to feel for what's not there as much as what is.

That doesn't make any damn sense at all.

Well, you know where a punch is going before it's thrown sometimes, right? Oh, clearly I don't.

So, uh, you can make sense out of all of this?

- I'm starting to.


- Hmm.

Dot in the right corner, that's a "C.

" Upper left, "A.

" "T" is hard.

I get it confused with "Q.

" Well, why don't they just make it feel like a "T"? Well, they say this is faster once you get the hang of it.

"W" is really tricky.

Braille was created in French, and they don't have "W.

" Oi, Battlin' Jack! Hey, you wait.

Couple months, you're gonna be reading Braille faster than I read normal.

I already read Braille faster.

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

You smartass.

I'll be right back.

- That's what I'm talking about.

- What's the word, Jackie

-boy? Roscoe.


Hello, Jack.

I heard about the wee one.

That's a tough break.

- You have our condolences.

- And you're young yet.

Plenty of time to have more kids.

What can I do for you boys? We come bearing glad tidings.

A match with Creel.

Creel? How'd you pull that off? Mr.

Sweeney can be quite persuasive when he puts his mind to it.

It's me Irish charm.

Jesus! Creel?

- I owe you I owe you guys.

- Ah.

You're doing us the favor.

It's 3


-1 that you go the distance.

You drop in the fifth, we're clearing 70%.

- Right.

- Come on, Jackie! It's time to celebrate.

It's the big time, Jack.

Thanks for the offer.

I'm gonna take a pass.

Did he just say "pass"? I appreciate everything you've done for me.

Really, I do.

But I got other things to worry about now.

He don't want to do it, he don't do it.

Man makes his choice and we make ours.

You wanna step into the ring, see how that plays out? You gotta think of your family, Jack.

This could do a lot of good for your boy.


What else are you gonna leave him when you're gone?

- All right.

- We need to hear you say it.

I go down in the fifth.

There you go.

That wasn't so hard.

This all you got? Yeah, it's for vegetables, not a knife fight.

He's at your neighbor's door.

You kidding me? Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

You can barely stand up.

- That's what the knife's for.

- Wait! Don't do this.

Not in my home.

Okay, nobody has to get hurt.

Just stand over there on the side and be quiet and I'll get rid of him.


Who is it? NYPD, ma'am.

Please open the door.



I'll be right there.

Move over.

Sorry to bother you so late, ma'am.

My name is Detective Foster, with the 65th Precinct.

We had a bit of a disturbance a few blocks from here.

We're asking everyone if they've seen or heard anything unusual in the past few hours.

- What kind of disturbance?

- Armed robbery.

Some dickhead in a black mask shot up a bodega on 38th.

Owner put up a fight.

Perp fled on foot, leaving a trail of blood in this direction.

Oh, my God.

Probably long gone by now, but just in case, you know.

You see anything, hear anything tonight? No sorry.

Just being thorough.

You have a good night, ma'am.


You, too.

See? No reason to get all stabby.

Boy, were you right about that cologne.

What, does he dip himself in that crap? He didn't believe you.

Mike! What are you doing? What do we do now? There's someone else one floor up watching us.

Oh, no.

He's young.

He's scared.

Santino? He's the one who found you in the alley.

He's seen my face, too? Yeah.

Claire, go upstairs and get him.

We're gonna need help carrying Detective Foster to the roof.

What the hell are we going to the roof for? Less chance of someone in the building hearing him scream.

Matt, it's me again.

Where are you? I'm introducing Karen to Josie's, and I have high hopes it's gonna go terribly.

Climb off whoever you're on and get down here.

You saved the best for last, huh? Oh, yeah, this place is a sh*thole but it's our sh*thole.

The city's tried to shut it down half a dozen times, but I helped Josie with the liens, and as a result, we get to drink for free.

You absolutely do not get to drink for free.

Let's agree to disagree.

Thank you.


Oh! You could do so much better, love.

Thank you, Josie, but this is my employee for your information, and we are not on a date.

- Are we on a date?

- Definitely not.

Okay, good because I was starting to worry you might be in love with me.

What other explanation could there be? You hang around my office all day.

Well, I'm your secretary, Foggy.

You refuse to leave.

You're always at your desk.

- I'm a good secretary!

- No.

You gaze at me lovingly when you think I'm not looking.

What? You might.

How would I know? I'm not looking.

Just let me live in it.


Is there something in there? I think that's an eel.

- Really?

- Let's get to the bottom and find out.

So you wanna talk about it?

- Let's leave it alone.

- Yeah, no problem.

Okay, technically, "leave it alone" is not my strong suit, but I can't, um I can't get Danny's blood out of the carpet.

It's like somebody spilled a wine bottle and it just won't come And a man broke into my apartment and tried to k*ll me.

He dented the wall where he bashed my head into it.

If that guy in the mask hadn't have been there My cousin does drywall.

I'll call him first thing in the morning.

It's not the apartment, Foggy.

I know.

I don't see the city anymore.

All that I see are its dark corners.

I look around this room and all that I see are threats.

This room? These guys are harmless.

Look, that's Tom Belkin.

He's the Road Captain in the Kitchen Hellions.

He organizes the food drive every Thanksgiving.

That's Rob Donohue.

His wife Mira she works at the dry cleaner around the corner from our office.

That's Clint Peterson.

He Okay, he is a criminal.

He's done time for larceny and distribution.

But he's turning it around, and we are this close to getting his kids into Saint Agnes Daycare.

Saint Agnes! Okay.

You don't want to go home, you don't want to go home.

We can stay out all night.

You find anything? You smashed the hell out of it with that extinguisher.

He had a badge.

- What if you're wrong?

- I'm not.

- This is way past what I signed up for.

- What exactly do you think that was? I found a man who needed help, so I helped him.

Oh, yeah? That simple? Do you really want to get into this in front of him? He's out.

Maybe he's faking.

He's not.

Okay, that right there, that's what I'm talking about.

Okay, I find a guy in a dumpster who turns out to be some kind of blind vigilante who can do all of this really weird shit like smell cologne through walls and sense whether someone's unconscious or faking it.

Slap on top of that, he can take an unbelievable amount of punishment without one damn complaint.

- The last part's the Catholicism.

- So, what? I'm supposed to take it on faith I'm on the right side of this? You don't carry a masked man bleeding to death into your apartment on faith.

You knew which side you were on the moment you found me.

Why'd you help me, Claire? I'm a nurse.

Work the ER at Metro


A few weeks ago, cops bring in three men.

Said they were robbing tourists, beating them up pretty bad.

Apparently, a man in a black mask took issue with their activities and decided to step in.

I counted nine broken bones between them.

A few days after that, EMTs bring in a 19


-old waitress, said some guy she knew waited for her after work in the parking lot, att*cked her tried to drag her in the alley.

She said she screamed and screamed, and a man in a black mask heard her and he saved her life.

So, yeah, word's getting around.

And I want to believe in what you're doing.

I really do.

But this? I know you're afraid.

You can't give in to the fear.

If you do men like this win.

"There is a price to be paid for division and isolation.

" Democracy cannot flourish amid hate.

Justice cannot take root amid rage.

We must dissent from the indifference.

We must dissent from the apathy.

"We must dissent from the fear.

" Either you're actually reading all that, or you're making it up as you go along.

I don't know which is more impressive.

- It's Thurgood Marshall.

- Hmm.

Starting centerfielder for the Mets, right? You know who Thurgood Marshall is.

School wasn't my strong suit.

- How's it look?

- It's it's red.

It's really red.

Can I? Yeah.

- Good thing about red

- Huh? they can't tell how much you're bleeding.

Hey, who says I'm even gonna get hit? We're Murdocks.

We get hit a lot.

- Yeah I guess we do.

- But we get up.

Right, Dad? We always get up.

- Hey, it's Jack.

- Hey, Jack.

- Too late to change it?

- You can change it.


All on me.

Win by knockout.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Listen, you gotta do this quick.

Cash out the second Creel hits the mat.

Don't wait.

Okay, get a pen.

All right.

Got it.

You're gonna take the money down to Lloyd Wagner at M and R Credit Union.

You're gonna deposit it into account number 004




- Account's in your name?

- No, no, not under my name.

- It's under Matthew Murdock.

- Matthew.

Got it.

Yeah, thanks.

Thanks, Ed.

You're gonna want to lay low for a couple days after.

Can I do anything for you? Nah, don't worry about me.

I got it covered.


Not here.

Leave a message.

Hey, it's, uh it's me.

I'm about to go do something Well I'm about to go be me.

You know better than anybody that doesn't always go so well.

I don't know how this is gonna go, but if I were a betting man Matty's gonna need you.

More than ever.

Look after him, okay? And I know what I'm asking here, but he's a good kid.

He sure as hell didn't get that from me.

So It's better this way.

Just once I want Matty to hear people cheer for his old man.

Just once.

Matt! Matt, come on! Get up! I drank the eel.

- Oh, no.

- Not a euphemism.

Matt, I know you're in there!

- Get up!

- Shh.

- Here, you talk to him.

- Okay.

- Pretend I'm not here.

- Okay.

Matt! Matt, it's Karen and I am very, very sorry about this, and if I were you, I would not come to this door.

But I think I also drank the eel.

And we are now filled with mighty eel strength!

- Matt!

- It's true.

Matt, come on!

- Come on!

- Come on! We're staying out till the sunrise! We're gonna go to the fish market! Oh, no.

Oh, Foggy.

- Oh, hi, Fran.

- Oh

- Sorry.

- We're really sorry.

- Sorry.

- We're sorry.

We'll be quiet.

- You wanna go to the fish market?

- No, she I'm gonna buy a bluefin.

I'm buying a bluefin, Murdock! Okay we've got what? Two hours to k*ll.

Let's brush you up on some Japanese auctioneering terms.

Okay, you don't have to do this, Foggy.

Do what? You haven't lived until you've argued with a 90


-old Okinawa survivor about sturgeon meat.

Thank you.

I needed this.

I really needed this.

But it's late, and we should go home.

- Are you kidding me?

- Yes.

After what you told me, I'm never going home again.

Men are waiting in the dark corners of this world to prey on us.

Oh, God.

The valiant, the kindhearted.

We must band together.

We must never sleep.

We must remain vigilant.

Here in the lights of Hell's Kitchen.

Never sleep! This city will protect us!

- This city's beautiful.

- Yeah.

Here's how this is gonna work.

I'm gonna ask you some questions.

You're gonna answer them.

If you're lying to me trust that I will know and I will be unhappy.

Where's the boy? He's dead.

This is what unhappy looks like.

Where's the boy? What do you care? If he's not dead yet, he will be.

- Why did you take him?

- Figured you'd come running.

And after I was dead? Sell the kid, like all the others.

I was telling the truth on that one.

I know.

We got you good, didn't we?

- Who do you sell the children to?

- I don't know.

Whoever has the money.

Where's the boy? So you find him.

So what? We'll take another.

k*ll me, somebody takes my place.

Long as people are buying, we'll be selling.

Nothing you do tonight will change that.

But go ahead.

Keep hitting me.

Let's see who drops first.

Try stabbing him in his trigeminal nerve.

Where is it? Go in through here, right above the eye.

That's the supraorbital foramen.

You want to go in right under there.

Hold still.

I might do some serious damage if you squirm.

How will I know when I find it? He'll tell you.

You're right what you said before.

I k*ll you, somebody takes your place, but they'll end up back here just like you, and sooner or later, one of you is gonna tell me what I need to know.

This is important.

Shh! Listen, I need you to know why I'm hurting you.

It's not just the boy.

I'm doing this 'cause I enjoy it.

No, no, no! No, no, no! Where is he? Where is he? No! Underneath Troika restaurant.

Eleventh and 44th.

They'll be waiting for you.

If you're lucky, they'll k*ll you before they start in on the boy.

It would be a shame for you to have to watch what they do to him Oh!

- Oh, my God!

- It's all right.

He landed in the dumpster you pulled me out of.

Is he dead? He'll live.

You need to get your things and leave.

Don't tell anyone where you're going.

What? He wakes up, he'll be back and he won't be alone next time.

But he didn't see my face.

That was just for effect, to scare him.

He knew you were lying when you answered your door.

Mike Do you have somewhere you can go? I'm cat

-sitting for a woman I work with.

Her brother's sick.

She's in Oklahoma.

What's the address? Why? I'm thinking if I make it through the night, I may need some help getting patched up.

Tenth and 54th.

Apartment 412, um, in the building above the liquor store.


Thank you, Claire.

I don't believe you.

What you said.

I don't believe you enjoy this.

In the red corner, weighing in at 164 pounds from Hell's Kitchen, New York please welcome "Battlin' Jack" Murdock! Murdock lands another and another! Get him, Dad! Get him! Creel is rocked! Murdock won't let him out of the corner! The younger Creel seems stunned by the ferocious display by the more seasoned Murdock! Creel goes down! Yes! Yes! He's not getting up! It's over! "Battlin' Jack" Murdock has defeated Crusher Creel! Yeah, Dad! Yeah! Murdock! Murdock! Murdock! Oh, oh, hang on there, son.

- What's the hurry?

- I think that's my dad.

Jesus, Ray, the kid's blind.

Hey, wait! Dad? Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! I want to go home.

I want my daddy.


I know you're scared.

But I'm here to help you.


- You don't have to be scared anymore.

- Okay.


Let's get you home to your dad.