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01x34 - Remember the Main

Posted: 03/03/22 20:42
by bunniefuu
Hello? Oh, hi, Shirley.

Yeah, well, of course I sound happy.
My husband just told me he loves me.

Oh, you won't be able to have
the rally at your house tonight?

Well, of course we can have it here.

No, no, Darrin won't mind.

He likes me to do things like that,
very civic-minded.

He just told me he was proud of me.

No, no. No trouble at all.


- What about the library?
- Find a seat, please.

Would you take a seat, please?

Pardon me.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen,
I'm so glad you could come.

It is my privilege to introduce to you
the man who will soon be...

the next councilman for
Morning Glory Circle...

Mr. Ed Wright.

Thanks for a warm reception.
And to you, Mrs. Stephens...

for use of your home
on short notice.

I appreciate your taking time
out of your busy lives to come here...

so we could talk about my campaign.

We are all familiar with the record
of John C. Cavanaugh.

I don't think it's necessary to warn
you as citizens of this community...

as to the consequences of putting
this man in office for another term.

We have been handled and
manoeuvred to suit the purposes...

of the present administration, and
I think it's about time we stopped...

- Hi.
- Hi.

- What is all this?
- Isn't it exciting?

- I was gonna call you.
- Call me about what?

What are all those people doing here?

- Darrin, you're gonna be proud of me.
- Are you sure?

You've wanted me to be active
in the community...

- and be interested in civic affairs.
- Yes, honey, but all those people...

There's a lot going on in this town
that you don't know about.

There's a lot going on in this house
I don't know about.

Shirley was having the Ed Wright
for Councilman meeting at her place.

But then she couldn't,
so I said we could have it here.

Darrin, he's wonderful,
and you should hear him speak.

He's a Korean w*r veteran, a graduate
lawyer, and he's very bright.

So really, I know he'll be
wonderful for Morning Glory Circle.

That's why I knew
you'd be proud of me.

Hold it, honey, hold it.

Why couldn't Shirley Foster
have the meeting at her house?

Well, her husband works hard
at the office all day...

and when he comes home,
he doesn't like a lot of people around.

My opponent,
John C. Cavanaugh...

has been dipping his fingers
into city funds for too long.

Why is it that no outside company...

has ever managed to secure
a bid for any civic project?

The roads, parks, schools,
the auditorium, the library...

all built by firms owned totally,
or in part, by John C. Cavanaugh.

The IJ Fentris Cement
and Concrete Company...

they helped build
our elementary school.

Its fa?ade collapsed
within two years, remember?

Cavanaugh talked about
an investigation. There never was one.

The Oster-Halth Pipe Company...

he gave them the contract
to lay our leaking gas mains.

And the construction engineers who
designed our deteriorating library.

And now, the costliest project of all:

The Morning Glory Circle
storm drain and water system.

Here, photocopies.

Photocopies of those contracts
granted to the same incompetents...

by John C. Cavanaugh. Now this
is a sort of thing, we, you and I...

have to put a stop to
once and for all.

Abner, isn't it wonderful?

Not bad. The potato salad
is a little salty.

You mean Cavanaugh has
been getting away with m*rder...

- for the past 10 or 12 years?
- As far as we can tell, yes.

I've pushed for an investigation
since the start of the campaign.

That is the crummiest thing
I ever heard.

It should be obvious to any schoolkid
that the entire improvement program...

Well, it's a Cavanaugh monopoly.

Darrin, it's getting awfully late.
Mr. Wright must be dead tired.

Well, I am getting a bit weary,
but having interested someone...

as enthusiastic as yourself,
I can sit up all night.

Strange what goes on in the community
without you knowing anything about it.

That's what I said.

That's where I heard it.

Darrin, this water project is the straw
that could break Cavanaugh's back.

Make that the focal point
of your campaign.

That's what I'm trying to do.

I've got an idea to run off posters
at the office tomorrow.

That would be fine, Darrin, fine.
I'd really appreciate it.

- Well, good night, everybody.
- Good night, Mrs. Stephens.

Good night, sweetheart.

Maybe a sketch of Cavanaugh
with his thumb in the dike...

dressed up like a little Dutch boy.

We'll figure out some kind of slogan
to go along with it, maybe...

Politics doesn't make
strange bedfellows.

Doesn't make any bedfellows at all.

Great, Darrin. Just great.

These are for the straight
campaign 24 sheets.

Has to be a certain amount
of hard sell.

- It's traditional, people expect it.
- I suppose so.

Now, for the subtler taste...

we have these cartoon layouts.
I think they'll be very effective.

Now, that one I like. Little Dutch boy,
Cavanaugh, with his finger in the dike.

Now the caption reads, "Portrait of
a hero with his fingers in everything."

I've told everyone about
how much help you've been...

and intimated you were practically
my campaign manager.

Well, if that's what you want,
you've got it.


Mr. Cavanaugh, the latest polls show
a 16-percent change in Wright's favour.

- How significant do you feel that to be?
- Not very.

How much do you think the
water project controversies...

had to do with Wright's
popularity upswing?


He labels it the key issue
of the campaign.

Well, I can't be held accountable
for Mr. Wright's labels.

What about the governor's
investigation, sir?

- What about it?
- Will there be one?

I doubt seriously that
the governor will be coerced...

into wasting his time
and the state's money...

by the irresponsible accusations
of a politically ambitious youngster.

We can be proud of the finest,
most modern, most efficient...

water and storm drain system
in the country. Be assured...

it will serve the citizens of this
community long after Mr. Wright...

and John C. Cavanaugh
are gone and forgotten.

That was
Councilman John C. Cavanaugh.

And this is Charles Turner
from the steps of City Hall.

Now we return you
to the station and more...

Pretty sure of yourself,
aren't you, Mr. Cavanaugh?

Well, you just better
watch your step, because:

We are the bright girls
Rally round for Wright, girls

That isn't funny, Mother.

On the contrary, it's hysterical.

What was that incantation
you were gyrating through?

That isn't an incantation,
it's a cheer.

- What does it do?
- It doesn't do anything.

- Then why were you doing it?
- Because you see, Mother, in...

- Never mind, you wouldn't understand.
- Oh, dear, Samantha.

Every time I see you, you seem to be
getting more and more confused.

I'm going to a political rally tonight.
What's so confusing about that?


You, in politics?

Well, you needn't laugh.
Politics is a very serious business.

Only to politicians, my dear child.

My husband happens
to be very proud of me.

- For what?
- For taking a position.

I don't know what you're talking about.
And neither do you.

You know, it surprises me sometimes
how unaware you can be...

for having lived
as long as you have.

Don't be vulgar, Samantha.

Well, it's true. Now, if you'll
excuse me, I have to go get ready.

I suppose all this was Darwin's idea.

Mother, Darwin's idea was that man
was descended from apes.

- This was my idea.
- Descended from the ape?


It's called the theory of evolution.

Pity to disillusion him.

Other way around, actually.

And it is no longer a secret,
my friends and fellow citizens...

that John C. Cavanaugh
and his whole corrupt machine...

are on their way out.

I know it and you know it, and what's
more, John C. Cavanaugh knows it.

The people will be fooled for just so
long, then they demand a reckoning.

Too many important issues
have been pushed aside unanswered.

Too many real
and challenging problems...

have gone unheeded and unsolved.

Too many private interests
have been served...

and too many public interests
have gone unsatisfied.

I say to John C. Cavanaugh:

"We want answers
and we want them now."

Stand up with me before the people,
before all the people...

and give me the answers
I want to ask in your behalf.

Any time between now
and Election Day...

I have offered to meet Mr. Cavanaugh
in a television debate...

to discuss every issue,
in the open, no punches pulled.

And I mean every issue...

including the Morning Glory Circle
water and storm drain project.

Whoever delivered
Mr. Cavanaugh's message...

you can tell him it'll take more
than an omelet to keep me off his back.

Abner, did you ever hear
such a wonderful speechmaker?

Abner, did you ever?

Abner. Abner.

I can't hear a thing, Gladys.
I'm wearing earmuffs.

You ready to go home?
My hands are freezing.

I have just been handed
the late edition of the Gazette.

The governor has ordered
a complete investigation...

of the water main
and storm drain project.

What do you say to that, Cavanaugh?

Ten seconds to airtime, and
Cavanaugh hasn't shown up yet.

- You don't think he will, do you?
- I doubt it, Ed's as good as elected.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

For the past two weeks,
Councilman Cavanaugh...

has ignored my invitation to appear
with me on tonight's program.

A debate under these circumstances
would seem impossible.

But, present or not...

one day Mr. Cavanaugh will be
forced to answer these questions.


now that an investigation
is already underway...

what excuse can he
offer for an administration...

corrupt with nepotism, graft
and private interests?

If we can take those allegations
one at a time, Mr. Wright...

perhaps I can deal with them
to your satisfaction.

Now, shall we go from
the beginning, Mr. Wright?

You have accused me of nepotism,
graft, corruption...

- and... How did you put it?
- Double talk.

I've also been accused of blocking
investigations and obstructing justice.

Perhaps we can clarify what seems to
be the main issue in this campaign.

We would all appreciate
that, Mr. Cavanaugh.

Fine, now let me not waste
any more of our viewers' time.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure
to present Mr. Merrill Sedgwick...

who, ironically, is here tonight
at my opponent's instigation.

Mr. Sedgwick is from
the state capitol...

a member of the governor's
investigatory staff.

Mr. Sedgwick, Mr. Wright.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Sedgwick.

We are honoured to welcome
a distinguished member...

of the governor's committee
to Morning Glory Circle.

I've spent the past two weeks
quietly investigating...

Morning Glory Circle's
new water system from stem to stern...

and I have nothing but praise for its
planning, construction and materials.

Moreover, I'm astonished
at the conservative low cost.

This fine water system should last
for many, many years.

It has my unqualified endorsement.

Thank you.

My appreciation, Mr. Wright,
for this opportunity afforded me...

to set the record straight.

Good night, my fellow citizens.

If I've said it once,
I've said it a thousand times:

Women should not
get mixed up in politics.

- You never said it to me.
- Don't split hairs, Sam.

You could've found out if Wright
knew what he was talking about...

- before dragging me into this mess.
- I didn't drag you in, Darrin.

Did I not come home weeks ago...

and find my living room
full of women screaming:

"We are the bright girls
Rally round for Wright, girls"?

I was only trying to be
part of the community.

You said you were proud when
I took an interest in civic affairs.

So I was wrong. I'm not so perfect
that I can't be wrong once in a while.

The truth of the matter is, Cavanaugh
trapped everybody into making...

Go ahead and say it.
"Making fools of themselves."

Wait'll they find out
about this downtown.

I could be finished
in the advertising business.

I don't see why.

What if Cavanaugh sues us
for slander, what then?

He wouldn't do that.

Why wouldn't he? We called him
a thief, didn't we? On television!

And a state investigator proved
he was right and Wright was wrong.

Wright is not wrong,
Cavanaugh is just shrewd.

You bet he's shrewd.

He let us hinge our entire campaign
on that water project...

knowing it would stand up
under investigation.

Everything else he's done
has been dishonest.

If only they'd investigate
some of those things.

But they didn't, and they have...

Sorry, darling. Mother, meet me
downtown immediately.

- Is that you, Mother?
- Of course, dear.

Have I ever let you down?

We really shouldn't be here, but I
had to find out about Cavanaugh.

Still in politics, Samantha? Oh, really.

- Mother, this is very serious.
- Serious for whom?

- Darrin.
- Oh, he's so naive.

Doesn't he understand that
this latest project of Cavanaugh's...

is the only legitimate thing
the man has done in his life?

We have no proof of that.

Well, just looking at the man
is proof enough.

We have to have the facts, Mother.

What would you like to know?

The deal on the IJ Fentris
Cement Company.

- There, dear.
- Thank you.


He's a crook, all right.

Would you get the file
on the gas main?

It was handled by
the Oster-Halth Pipe Company.

- O or P?
- O.

There you are.


You were right, Mother.

According to these records...

Darrin and Mr. Wright pounced
on Mr. Cavanaugh...

at the only time he was honest
in his whole life.

- Oh, that husband of yours is a lulu.
- Mother.

Well, anyway, you know
it's funny, isn't it?

- Shall we go?
- I think we better.

And thanks for your help, Mother.

- Ven't, and they're not going to.

Oh, there's a simple way to handle this,
but Donald wouldn't approve.

On the other hand...

what he doesn't know
won't hurt him.

Good evening. I'm Abner Kravitz,
civil defence block warden.

- Evening, Mr. Kravitz.
- Evening, Mrs. Stephens.

You don't have to evacuate
your house yet...

but if I were you,
I would keep my radio on KXIW...

and keep some warm clothes and
a rubber life raft near the front door.

- Rubber life raft?
- Yeah, don't you have one?

No, what do we need
a rubber life raft for?

A large water main burst
at the corner of Elm and Forest.

Flooded most of the neighbourhood.

They say it's under control,
but I like to be prepared for the worst.

- Water main?
- Yeah, the whole storm drain collapsed.

Excuse me, I've got
a few more houses to go to.

Good night, Mr. Stephens.
Good night, Mrs. Stephens.

Good night, Mr. Kravitz.

Flood, isn't that amazing?

The length that some people
will go to just to win an argument.

- What do you mean?
- How'd you do it?

Just what are you inferring?

Are you gonna stand there
and tell me you're not responsible...

- for twitching up this flood?
- Yes, I am.

Well, that drain didn't burst by itself.

- Good evening.
- Good evening, Mother.

You'll have to excuse us,
we're having a fight.

- What about?
- It doesn't concern you, Endora.

Oh, I'm not so sure about that.

- Have you heard about the flood?
- Oh, now, Mother...

- You mean it was you?
- I'd certainly like to know who else.

Well, what did you do that for?

You've been raving at my daughter.

And everyone else
has been perfectly miserable...

because a water main hasn't burst.

So I just thought I'd burst one.

What good is that going to do?

Well, it should prove
that Mr. Sedgwick was wrong.

And they'll probably
reopen the investigation...

and examine all of
Mr. Cavanaugh's past dealings.

That is utter nonsense.

Hello? Yes, Ed.

Are you serious?

Yes. Goodbye, Ed.

- What'd he say?
- Sedgwick called Ed...

and said that he was wrong...

and they'll probably reopen
the investigation...

and examine all of
Mr. Cavanaugh's past dealings.

- Isn't that what I said?
- Yes, Mother.

- Isn't that what he wanted?
- Yes, Mother.

Well, what's he's so unhappy about?

You wouldn't understand, Mother.

I don't know, it's just that...

I don't know,
it's just all pretty mysterious.

I suppose I should stop fighting it.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Good afternoon, councilman.
Come in, and congratulations.

- Samantha, how are you?
- Ed, congratulations again.

- Thank you.
- I'd like you to meet my mother.

Mother, this is our
new councilman, Ed Wright.

Oh, how do you do?

Oh, yes. I saw you on television,
young man. It was most effective.

You're very kind, Mrs...



You're very kind, Mrs. Waters.

It's the greatest thing I've seen
since the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Hey, your mother has
a great sense of humour.

- Yes, hasn't she.
- What's the latest on Cavanaugh?

We're going along with
the investigations as planned...

- but Cavanaugh's disappeared.
- Really?

The general consensus is
he's skipped the country.

- Oh, that's too bad.
- We'd like to prosecute him...

but we have to find him first.

I think he'll probably turn up
sooner or later.

- Do you really think so, Mother?
- Oh, I'm sure of it.

I'd give anything to have him
right here in the palm of my hand.

I'll drink to that.

You have accused me of graft,
corruption and nepotism.

My appreciation, Mr. Wright, for
affording me this opportunity...

of setting the record straight.

Right, my fellow citizens?