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03x07 - It's Just... Weird

Posted: 03/04/22 17:33
by bunniefuu
[Alexa] It seemed like just yesterday

we were here looking
at our freshman schedules,

and now we were here
talking about our senior prom.

We have to get a group photo.
It's gonna be an amazing night.

Amazing 'cause you're going with Cody.

I thought he liked me.

We spent so much time together
talking about Reagan.

Talking prom?

-Did I mention I picked the theme?
-Every day since March.

"A Night in New York."

And I've decided to go solo.

I don't want some rando
messing up a picture of me.

What about you, Katie?

[Katie snickers]

She hasn't told the guy she likes,

who totally likes her,

that she likes him.

They hide their feelings for each other
behind contempt and put-downs.

It's adorable.

I thought he might like me,

but nothing's happened
since he won me the laptop, so...

That was him obviously telling you
he likes you.

Now it's your turn.

I don't factor into this, so...
I'm gonna go.

Prom pedicures, anyone?

I know you're afraid to tell him,
but that's why you have me.

-Go ask him to prom.
-Oh, I will...

think about it. I just need to maybe--


Are you guys talking about prom?
Your bossy friend just told me

she came up with the theme.


Yeah, I didn't go to mine.

A tux, flowers, dancing... [chuckles] cheesy.

[groans faintly]

-That answers that.
-Mm, go ask him.

He'll say yes. I can feel it.


Okay, I'm doing it.

-[Katie clears her throat]

[exhales deeply]

Pick up the pace. Prom's Saturday.


No. Decided to get
a prom pedicure instead,

so goodbye.


I'm gonna get those two together.

Who cares?

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ When I can't take it any longer ♪

♪ You make me feel stronger ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ When I can't take it
You make it so much better ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh, we'll do this together ♪

♪ I've got you, oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪

Grandma's earrings are gonna look perfect
with your dress.

Just don't post any photos.

She doesn't know we have 'em.

-Thanks, Mom.

Oh, and thanks for not chaperoning.

Hey, it worked out for both of us.

Joe and I have game night
with Lori and Dave.

Oh, that reminds me
not to post any photos.

I told the school I couldn't chaperone
because I was visiting Grandma.

That's right. Game night.

Oh, did you warn him
that Lori can be, uh...

Crazy competitive?

Who cares?

I'm just excited Joe's part of the group.

And about the snacks.

-No way.

Lori puts bacon on everything.

Sometimes bacon on bacon.

No, I just said the word "bacon."
I don't have any.

I got wait-listed
for NYU's acting program.


I didn't even know you applied.

Well, I didn't tell anyone.

I did it
so I wouldn't regret not doing it.

Oh, my God. I can't believe this.

Honey, this is huge.

Uh... It's just the wait list. I mean...

I'm not accepted or rejected.


It says that you'll find out anytime
between now and August 1st.

This is incredible.

What if I get in? I won't.

What if I do? I...

I'm not gonna think about it,
because I'm not gonna get in.

But what if I do?

-This is awful.

I never told Alexa.

When I applied, it... it was a no shot.

Now it's a long shot,

so I have to tell her,

which means telling her
that I never told her.

Uh... But not right now.

I am not giving up on love.

You're asking Aiden.

Oh, but you know, I don't even know
when I'm gonna see him again.

You have a shift tomorrow.

-But we like to keep it professional--

I just want you to be happy.
You're doing it.




The annoying barista
who won you that laptop?

I saw that coming.


So, you gonna ask him?


I can't think about this.

I have to find a way
to tell Alexa about NYU.


NYU, prom...

I wish we could call Grandma
and tell her about all of this.

But I told her we were out of town.

Everything okay?

You put Colombian beans on the Kona shelf.

I mean, I don't care,
but it seems like you would.

Oh, of course I care.
You know how I feel about bean storage.


Can I tell you something?
But you can't tell anyone.

This is Undercover Boss, and you're a man
in a mask named Ron Wired?

This is big, kind of. I dunno. Maybe?

It could be.

Keep me posted.

I applied to NYU's acting program,

and yesterday I found out I'm wait-listed.

What? That's awesome.

Except I haven't told Alexa.

But it's not like I'll even get in,

and even if I did, which I won't,

I'm going to UNC with Alexa.

Look, just... just tell Alexa.

Come on. The longer you wait,
the more stressful you'll be.

Thanks for the bean assistance...

the advice.

[both chuckle]

Of course. We're friends.


[nervous chuckle]

So, did you ask him?

Uh, not yet.

Oh, well, good thing I'm here.
Go tell him that I want a latte.

Then say, "Alexa likes lattes...

like I like you."


Alexa likes lattes--

Figured. I make a great latte.
Already done.

With the New York City skyline
in the foam so you can say,

-"Speaking of New York..."
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it.

So, did you ask him?

-You didn't. I'll ask him.
-No. No. No. Don't.

Uh... He thinks of me as a friend.


It's what he said.

Well, go back over there

-and tell him--
-No. Uh...

Gotta get back to work, so... [chuckles]

Whatever you're doing
with that broom, I'm doing it now.

Then you're knocking down the wasp's nest
in the alley.


[exhales deeply] Um...

Gotta go...

knock down a wasp's nest, so...


You know, I don't know what's worse:
you or your lattes.


Hey, that's not your mug.

-Been looking forward to this game night.

Growing up, my family did puzzles.


Aw, Joe.

Puzzles aren't games.

No, no. You can't win at puzzles.


Ah. Oh.

Wait. I thought
you were joining us tonight.

Oh. Yeah.

Then I realized I didn't wanna do that.

I'm playing a gig downtown.

It doesn't pay,

but they said I can take
whatever I want from the lost and found.

[doorbell rings]

[clears throat and gasps]

[Lori and Jennifer] Aww.

[mockingly] Aww.

Thank you.

[all] Aww.

[Jack, mockingly] Aww.

Wow. You look incredible.

Thank you. So do you.


[car horn honks]

[gasping] Oh! It's here. Okay.

We got a limo.


[Alexa and Spencer chuckle]


It's so shiny and stretchy.

I just wanted you to be surprised.

It's so hard keeping something
from the person you share everything with.

It really is.

I'll catch a ride with you guys.

-We're going in the other direction.
-I don't mind.

[Alexa sighs and clears her throat]

You know, I once imagined going to prom
with Lucas.

[Lucas] Sunroooof!

Oh, but he wasn't playing air guitar
out the sunroof, so...


-Have fun, Alexa!
-Love you!

Have the best time.

-[door shuts]


I am so glad
we're doing this on prom night.

Otherwise, I would be home
crying into a bag of popcorn.

[mockingly] Aww.

Just remember it's Joe's first game night,

and I'd like us to stay friends.

I'll take it easy. All right?
The kid gloves are on.

[chuckles] Ooh.

I've... never put these on before.

They're a little snug.

[dance music playing]

[Alexa] Oh, wow.

Wait, we definitely have to add New York
to our list of places to see one day.


One day.

Isn't it incredible?

-You know, the theme was--
-[all] Was your idea.

The theme's not so great...

if you were recently rejected by NYU.

Really? Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't wanna talk about it, but...

with all this New York stuff in my face...

Hey, at least you applied.

You know, you never have to wonder
what could've been.


I'll always know I was rejected.

I heard there's a hot dog vendor.

Oh, wow, great.

Well, if we're gonna spend the night
in New York, we should talk the talk.


Yeah, fuhgeddaboudit.

Katie, come on. "Fuhgeddaboudit" with us.


[weakly] Fuhgeddaboudit.

No, it's like this.

[all] Fuhgeddaboudit!

This makes me wish
they hadn't picked my theme.

For me,

the theme might as well be

a night you're constantly reminded
you're not going to college in New York.

That's why he's not doing the accent,
not because he's not a good actor.

Okay, I found the photographer

for our group shot. I wanna remember
how great I look tonight.

And all of you guys.

All right, everyone. On three.


My favorite song! Let's go.

Oh, Hannah!

Come on! I am not gonna have
my first prom dance without you.

We're in New York.

I was waiting for them all to go.

All right, why don't Dave and I go first

since Joe's a puzzle guy.

We can ease you guys in, right?

Uh, and, you know, game night
is about having fun with your friends.

Okay. [clears throat]

Ready, set,


[whispering] All right. Let's see.

[clears throat]

It's The Giving Tree.

[Dave] Book.

Three words. Second word.


-[Lori] Mmm.

-[clears throat]
-Third word.

Yoga. Giving Yoga.

Nope. Makes no sense.

Okay. Uh... Oh, uh...

Tree! The Giving Tree!

Yes! Yes! Yes! [chuckles]

-Yeah. I mean, yes. [clears throat]


Yeah. Okay.

A movie. Three words.

The Lion King.

Uh, football! Remember the Titans.

A bear? Bad News Bears! Care Bears!

No, Paddington Bear. Paddington Bear 2!

Time's almost up.

Uh... Jumanji.

-Mamma Mia!
-Time's up.

[sighs] No, it was The Lion King.

Oh. That's clear now, actually.

One point on the board.

Yeah. Well, that's okay.
Yeah, got one point. [chuckles]

Not that it matters,
'cause we're all having fun.

-[Dave chuckles]
-And that was a lot of fun.

All those guesses you had.

[exhales deeply]

Ready, set,


Uh, movie. One word.


Book. Seven words.

Uh... Harry Potter
and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

-Ooh, that was fast.
-I saw that, Jack.

And I really enjoyed watching it.

TV show. Two words.


Uh, Stranger Things!

-[exhales deeply]
-Ooh, that one was faster.

How did you get Stranger Things from that?

The last time we were watching it,
I spilled a cup of tea.


Three points, put it on the board.

Wow, you guys must be full...

from eating our dust!

Whoo! [laughs loudly]

Honey... [forced laughter]

...I've never seen this side of you
before. It's so fun.

[Lori] I'm... I'm sorry.

I thought your family did puzzles.

Oh, we did. After we stopped playing games

because I won so much.

It's your turn,
unless you wanna write a zero on the board

and get it over with.

Whoo! [laughs loudly]

Hey, you know what this means?
[clears throat]

-Gloves are coming off?
-Oh, that one you get?

[dance music plays]


Look at Ryan sad dancing.

I mean, everywhere he looks,
he's reminded of New York.

[slow song plays]


About that. Yeah, I--

My second-favorite song!


You wanna dance?

I'm already out there.

Yeah. Totally.

Yeah, okay.

Bye. [forced chuckle]

Oh, yeah,
I really can't hold anything el--

Not even this?

You're here.

I'm sorry I'm late. [chuckles]

I'm cute but sometimes not that bright.


I thought you didn't like prom.


I don't.

But I do...

like you.

I like you too.

Oh, good.

[both chuckle]

'Cause otherwise, I'd have to pretend
I just happened to be here.

Oh, finally! [laughs gleefully]

I held her back as long as I could.

Look at the smile on your face.

I know. We like each other.

-I know.

It must've felt so good
to tell him the truth.

Oh, it did.

I'm wait-listed at NYU.

Oh, you're doing that now.


I'm sorry.

I'm-- I applied months ago,
and I never thought I'd get in,

but now I'm wait-listed,
which means I could get in,

but I probably won't,

and I have been really wanting
to tell you.

Please, say something.

Okay, it's group photo time.

No one go anywhere,
no matter how good the song is.

Oh, yay. This group again.

Katie, do you still have my pretzel?

[photographer] And we're smiling.

Oh, this will decide the game.

All right, uh, long tail.

Uh, front pocket.

-[with accent] Shrimp on the barbie!

-Yes! [laughs loudly] Ooh!
-Time's up.

In your face! We win!

In our face.
[forced chuckle] Let's go home.

Accents are not allowed.

That last point does not count.

Give me the point,
I'll give you another brownie.

Oh, no, give me that point,

and I'll bake you
a year's worth of brownies, all right?

[Lori and Joe argue]

This is a disaster.

My best friend
and my boyfriend don't get along.

My wife and my new best friend
don't get along.

I just bought tennis rackets.

What are we gonna do?

Return them, I guess.

-[Lori and Joe continue arguing]
-Joe's a whoo-er.

Libras aren't supposed to be whoo-ers.


Oh, my gig went great.

The crowd loved me.

And check out this lost-and-found swag.


So, who won?

You know what,
can we just get an official ruling?

Looks like I won for bailing on this.

[Joe] I'll find it.

I'll find the rules.

You're not gonna find it
because it doesn't exist.

[Jack groans]

[Jack] The game master has a ruling.


[with accent] ...are allowed, mate.

The winners are Team Lori and Dave.

Whoo! Yeah! Whose house?

My house!

Whoo! [chuckles loudly]

Yeah, baby! [chuckles loudly]

Whoo, that was fun.


Very impressive.

What is happening?

Wait, you guys had fun?

I get brownies for a year.

Yeah, we should do this all the time.

-Beg your pardon?

-Rematch next Saturday.

-Super fun!

[forced chuckle]

[all exhale deeply]

-We're burning all the games.
-We can light them in the smoker.

[dance music plays]

[groans] I screwed everything up.

You know,
I screwed up things worse than that once.


Brace yourself. It's a sad story.

A couple of years ago, there was this girl
that I wanted to ask to a dance.

I decided to practice my moves
in the hall mirror.

-Aw, that's sweet.
-It was. It was.

Till I lost my balance mid-Nae Nae

and fell down the stairs.

-Oh, no!
-Oh, yes.

-Now you know why I hate prom.
-[slow song plays]

Wait, so that's why you didn't go?




can I finally get my prom dance?

She tells me everything!

Okay, I know all her passwords.
I know she still uses kids' toothpaste.

I even know when she was a kid,
she had a crush on Lightning McQueen.

[chuckles] I know, right?

But that's not what this is about.

[inhales and exhales deeply]

Okay, we're going to college together.

How can she keep something

like applying to an acting program
from her best friend?

-Well, maybe--
-She didn't tell me

something that would make her feel
so nervous

and hopeful and terrified and excited?


She had all those feelings

without the comfort
and support of her best friend.


You know, I should ask her,
but not right now. I'm not ready.

And it's not the right time.
You know, it's prom.

That's true.

Maybe we should dance?

Maybe we should dance.

Oh, I like that idea.

Thanks for risking your life with me

on the dance floor.

Thanks for making me laugh.

Thanks for...

almost asking me to prom.

Thanks for noticing
that I almost asked you to prom.

[clears throat]

Mind if I cut in?

I am so sorry for keeping this from you.

I'm sorry if I made you feel like
you couldn't tell me.

No. No, you didn't.

It's all just so overwhelming.

And the idea of pursuing acting,

it's like if I told you,
it would've been real.

Well, you've told me.

So does that mean it's real?

Doesn't mean anything.

I mean, I'm only wait-listed.

Even if I get in,

it doesn't mean I'll go.

I can't imagine my life without you.

Me neither.


♪ 'Cause I need you ♪

♪ To see ♪

[theme music plays]


♪ I've got you ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪