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02x03 - We're in for a Bad Spell

Posted: 03/06/22 20:54
by bunniefuu
Well, I certainly appreciate
your letting me stay here.

I'll try not to be too much bother.

We're glad to have you, Adam.
It'll be like old times.

Not quite, Darrin. The food we had
in the Army was never like this.

Why, thank you.
You can stay as long as you like.

Well, actually, it won't be more
than a couple of days.

I have an appointment for
a job tomorrow...

and if I land it, I'll be looking around
for a place of my own.

Adam, what made you decide
to change jobs and come out here?

Well, frankly, Darrin, I don't know.

One afternoon, I suddenly had this
overwhelming urge to come here.

I handed in my resignation
right there and then.

It's kind of funny, though.

I really was fairly settled in Salem.

Salem? You're from Salem?

- You know it?
- Only by reputation.

Well, my family has lived there
for 300 years.

You know, this is really very good.

How did that happen?

My goodness.
Here, don't worry about it.

Here, let me do that.

- I'm awfully sorry.
- No, that's all right.

Adam, try the wine.
It's really very good.

To Company D.

Oh, yes, sirree,
I'll drink to that.

I'm sorry. I don't know
what's the matter with me.

Here. Here, mop it up with this.

- I'm not usually so uncoordinated.
- That's all right.

- No harm done.
- Well, I'm sorry.

- I'll get you some fresh wine.
- Thank you.

- Are you all right, Adam?
- Oh, well, I think so.

All right. Now, you just relax.

I'll go and get the main course.

So strange.

I'll help you.

Look, Sam, just because Adam
happens to comes from Salem...

is no reason to victimize him.

I didn't have anything
to do with those accidents.

- You didn't?
- No.

Endora. Endora, where are you?

- Mother's in the south of France.
- Really?

Well, I guess Adam's just one of
those people who's accident prone.



Adam, what happened?

I know this doesn't make sense,
but the salad att*cked me.

Aunt Clara?

Aunt Clara?

Well, I've heard of coming in
on a wing and a prayer...

but, really, this is ridiculous.

Now, where is the young man
that you're so worried about?

Oh, Adam Newlarkin.

He's gone to his interview.

Aunt Clara, it's getting worse.

It's getting worse.

Last night, he fell
out of bed three times.

And this morning,
when he was shaving, he cut his toe.

Cut his toe?

He dropped his electric razor on it.

Now, I hope I'm wrong,
but he has all the symptoms...

so I thought we'd better check.

Yes, well... Well let us see now.

- What's his name?
- Newlarkin. Adam Newlarkin.

Yes. Yes.

He has a spell on him, all right.

- Oh, Aunt Clara, are you sure?
- Oh, yes.

He's right here on the list
of spellees.

Right between the New York Mets
and Richard Nixon.

Evidently one of his ancestors...

also named Adam Newlarkin,
was a judge in Salem.

He sentenced a witch named
Zorelda to some terrible things...

that included being dunked
three times in the local pond.

What's the spell?

Oh, it's...

Oh, this is terrible. Look.

That's a lulu, isn't it?

Poor Adam.

It's no good shaking
your head, Darrin.

Tomorrow, Adam will be
exactly the same age...

as the judge when
he sentenced Zorelda.

- Oh, Sam...
- Believe me.

Believe me, that spell will take
effect by 5 p.m. Tomorrow.

It's all here in red and white.

Just because it's written
in some crazy... Red and white?

It's thicker than ink.

Sam, let me see it.

What it boils down to...

is that by 5 p.m.
Tomorrow afternoon...

Adam is gonna steal
a large sum of money...

and be branded a common thief.

That's ridiculous. Adam is
one of the most honest men I know.

Besides, he doesn't even come
in contact with actual money.

Hi, everybody.
Well, congratulations are in order.

- I got a job.
- Well, good.

- At the Peterson Company?
- No. That one fell through.

- Where then?
- At a bank.

A bank?

How did you happen
to get a job there?

Well, Darrin, I found myself running
out of money, so I went to a bank.

I started talking
to the bank manager...

and he told me they needed
an accountant.

I suppose you'd call it fate.

Is that what you'd call it, Darrin?

Well, I start tomorrow morning.

I'd better go upstairs
and wash up before dinner.

Adam, I don't understand.
You never worked at a bank before.

Well, I know.

But I thought it might be fun
to handle all that money.


What can we do about it?

Aunt Clara has gone home to try and
see if she can find a book of antidotes.

We'll just have to put
all our confidence in her.

Oh, dear.

This all has to be done
within a 12-hour period.

Well, here we go.

"Must kiss a spotted dog on the snout,
then the spell will be partly out.

Must be dunked in the water
one times three...

but part of the spell
still clings to thee.

The spell will be over when,
like Paul Revere...

he rides through
the marketplace...

yelling, 'Witches are good,
witches are dear!'"

Well, it won't win
any prizes for poetry...

but it'll do the job, I think.

I've heard and seen some strange
things since we've been married...

but this is the wildest.
That's right out of the middle ages.

Do we really have to make
Adam do all that?

Darling, we can't risk
not making him do it.

Nobody is going to kiss
a spotted dog on the snout...

and be dunked in the water
of his own free will.

Well, I guess we're just going
to have to do it the hard way.

Morning, Darrin.

- Hey, where'd the dog come from?
- He belongs to a neighbour.

- Hey, he likes you, Adam.
- I guess he does, doesn't he?

- Hi, fella.
- Why don't you kiss him?

- What?
- Give him a kiss on the snout.

No kidding. He really likes that.

Well, I think I'll take
a rain check on that, Darrin.

- Good morning, Adam.
- Morning, Samantha.

- Time to eat?
- Not until you kiss the spotted dog.

It's sort of a tradition.

We do it every morning for luck.

- Before breakfast?
- Why, certainly.

It's your turn first this morning,
isn't it, darling?

Yes, sweetheart.

Now you can eat breakfast.

And now I can eat breakfast.

- What was that?
- What was what?

I heard music.

That was the toaster.
We have a musical toaster.

Thank you.

Adam, how would you like
to have lunch with me today?

Oh, well, Darrin, thanks,
but it's my first day at the bank...

All the more reason to celebrate.
Right, darling?

Right. I insist.

Well, all right.
Where shall we meet?

At the Inn on the Terrace.
You eat outside.

I know you'll like the place.
Great food.

And it has a beautiful swimming pool.

- Darrin.
- Adam.

- How's the job going?
- Oh, fine, fine.

- Which is our table?
- It's a beautiful pool, isn't it?

Yeah, I guess it is.
Darrin, I don't have very much time.

Adam, what's that
written on the bottom of the pool?

Written on the bott...?

- I don't know.
- Right there.

Well, I don't see anything
on the bottom of the pool.

Here, you got...
It's way, way down there. See?

- Well, I don't see anything.
- Right there. That little green thing...

Are you all right?
You must have slipped.

- I felt something push me.
- Well, I don't see anything.

- Well, help me out, will you, Darrin?
- Yeah.

Thanks. Good. Thanks.

Okay. I'll get you a towel. Waiter!

I don't think that's funny!

I couldn't help it, Adam.
I just couldn't hold you.

You deliberately let me go.

- No, I...
- Yes, you did!

- And before that, you pushed me!
- No, I couldn't hold you.

Yes, you did!
And I'll tell you one other thing.

There is no writing
at the bottom of that pool!

I'd swear there's
something down there.

Sam, we're one dunking short,
and I don't see how I can manage it.

- Where is he now?
- He's changing.

I hope you're right about this,
because I feel like an idiot.

Darrin, we have to get him
wet once more.

I don't know how I can swing it.

I don't think I can get him to go near
the water, much less push him...

That button next to the thing, honey.
I'm sure it'll work.

I gotta go now.

I got a spare suit
from the manager.

Well, it wasn't exactly
from Savile Row.

- Adam, your lunch.
- Thanks.

Guess you're pretty sore, huh?

- Darrin, can I ask you a question?
- Well, fire away.

How long have you been
going around...

kissing dogs' noses and pushing
people into swimming pools?

I mean, what kind of a practical joker
have you become anyway?

I wish I could be there
to help Darrin.

But Adam knows me.

I don't understand, dear.

Well, after being pushed
in the pool twice by Darrin...

Adam is not likely to get
near the water with me.

Could I lend a helping hand?


Yes, Aunt Clara, I think you can.

Think you can manage it?

Relax, dear.
I'll take care of everything.

Concentrate, Clara.


Adam, I've said I'm sorry.
What else can I say?

All right. Let's just forget it.

I just don't want
to go into that pool again.

Old lady over there
seems to be having trouble.

What old lady?

- Oh, well, I'll give her a hand.
- I'll go with you.

No, no, no. Stay there.

- May I help you, madam?
- Oh, thank you, young man.

Here, I'll get it. Oh, here.

- Oh, yes.
- This one...

Isn't that nice?
They're playing his song.

We're into the home stretch, dear.

I don't see how we're gonna get him
to put on that Paul Revere costume...

and ride through
the town square by 5:00.

Oh, yes, now, don't you worry.

Samantha, she'll
manage everything.

Where there's a witch,
there's a way, you know.

Excuse me, Mr. Harding.

How did you get that cold?

I know how...

I just wish I knew why.

Well, this is the season for them.

I'll be glad to get away to the sun
for a couple of weeks.

- You leaving tonight?
- No, this afternoon.

Mr. Abercrombie's letting me go early
so I can catch the 5:00 flight to Rio.

Now, is there any question
about this procedure?

No, no. I think I understand it.

But I feel fine.

Adam, Mrs. Stephens has told me
about your little mishap in the pool.

She's very worried
about that cold of yours.

- But it's nothing.
- Now, look, Adam...

I realize you hesitate to ask
for time off on your first day at work...

and I appreciate
your conscientiousness...

but I insist that you go home.

- Mr. Ab...
- Adam, that's an order.

It's nice to have seen you again.
Remember me to your husband.

- I certainly will. Thank you.
- Thank you, Mr...

Adam, I'm sorry I had to go over
your head, but it's for your own good.

I know you're going to be
a mother...

but would you please
practice on somebody else.

Adam, will you please hurry up?

All right, all right.
I'm coming, I'm coming.

Well, goodbye, Mr. Harding.

- Have a nice vacation.
- The best I ever had.

- I've always wanted to go to Rio...
- Adam.

Well, what is this all about?

We're all going to a costume party.

At 4:30 in the afternoon?

We're going for dinner.

Your Paul Revere costume
is on your bed upstairs.

And your horse is outside.

My horse?

What horse?

We thought it'd be fun
for you to ride over.

- Well, you'd better hurry up.
- Now, wait a minute!

Wait just a darn minute! I want to...

I recognize that lady.

I'm Whistler's mother.

Whistler's mo...?

Look, I wanna know
what all this is about.

What all this what is about?

I get up this morning, you make me
kiss a spotted dog on the nose.

Okay, some people have quirks,
so I went along with it.

But then I was pushed into a
swimming pool with all my clothes on.

- Adam...
- No, no, let me finish!

I was pushed twice by you
and once by Whistler's mother!

And then I am dragged
out of my office...

and told to get into a Paul Revere
costume and to get on a horse.

Now, I'm not going to move
from this spot until I know why.

Adam, I promise
I will explain it all to you tonight.

Right now, you just do as we say.


Because if you don't...

you'll be branded
as a common thief.

- What for?
- For stealing money from the bank.

I feel like I've just stepped
through the looking glass.

I know it's hard to understand,
but it's true.

Okay. Okay, so I stole some money.

Well, where is it?

Is it in my suit?

Is it under my hat?

Is it in my briefcase?

Now do you believe us?

This isn't my briefcase.

I must have picked up the wrong one.

- I have to get it back.
- No, no, Adam.

I'm sorry, but it's too late.

- You're gonna have to do it our way.
- Your way?

Yes, you go upstairs,
put on that Paul Revere costume...

get on that horse,
ride through the market yelling:

"Witches are good,
witches are dear!"

- What?
- Witches are good, witches are dear!

I'm afraid we're gonna
have to tell him.

- Tell me what?
- Well, we've tried everything else.

Tell me what?

Adam, you're bewitched...

and you only have 10 minutes
to get unbewitched.

You see, it's like this:

One of your ancestors,
Judge Adam Newlarkin...

sentenced the witch Zorelda
to be dunked in a pond three times.

And she put a spell on him.

Two months later, he robbed a bank.

Aunt Clara has a book
that has all that information.

Lucky for you,
she also knows the antidote.

Now, that's why we had you kiss
the spotted dog on the snout.

Snoot. Nose.

And that's why we pushed you
into the pool...

because you had to be
dunked three times.

And that's why we want you
to go upstairs...

and put on that
Paul Revere costume...

and get on the horse that's
tethered... It's the only way.

And Adam...
Adam, where are you going?

I wanna get into
my Paul Revere costume.

You mean you believe us?

Of course I believe you.
I'm from Salem.

I hope he's a good rider.

He only has nine minutes
to make it to the shopping plaza.

Normally, we wouldn't have
discovered the loss until Monday...

but by some strange chance,
Miss Thompson decided to run a...

Well, I won't go into details.

The money is missing.
Now, what do we do?

First, we'll run a routine check
on all the employees.

Their homes, so forth.

- Then we'll...
- Witches are good, witches are dear!

Witches are good, witches are dear!

Witches are good, witches are dear!
Witches are good, witches are dear!

Witches are good, witches are dear!

Witches are good, witches are dear!

I suggest we check his house first.

I'm sorry to keep you people
from your party...

but it's necessary
that we question Mr. Newlarkin.

He should be here
in a few minutes.

He went to the plaza for something.

- Is this his briefcase?
- Well...

Well, I...

I'm sure Adam would be happy
to open it for you when he returns.

We don't have to wait for that.

Well, here he is now.

I did it! I did it! Was I in time?

You were on time.

- What was that music?
- That was the doorbell.

Newlarkin, I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

Excuse me.


It's for you.

Lieutenant Pearson.

Oh, I see.

Well, thank you.

One of my men from the airport.

They picked up an Albert Harding.

He had $75,000 in his briefcase.


- But he's been with us for 20 years.
- Well, it's the same old story.

Boarding a plane to Rio.

I apologize for the intrusion.

- I'll see you on Monday, Adam.
- Yes, sir.

- Have a nice party, everybody.
- Goodbye.


You know, it's a funny thing.
Ever since I was a little kid...

my grandmother has been telling me
all sorts of stories about witches.

But I was always too embarrassed
to ever admit...

that I believed in them, you know?

I never would have thought that you'd
go in for that sort of thing, Darrin.

Are you kidding?
Some of my best friends are witches.

Aunt Clara, Adam was curious
about why you collect doorknobs.

Oh, that's easy.

Because they're there.

Honey, how about some coffee?



Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart,
I didn't hear you.

Well, that book of spellees
must be pretty interesting.

Well, it ought to be.
It was banned in Boston.

Have you got to Darrin's name yet?

My name? My name is in there?

Now, just a minute.

Yes, here it is. Right there. See?

Oh, well, what does it say?

It says you're going to marry a witch
and live happily ever after.

- Does it really say that?
- No.

But it's true.

I'm a witch, and I know.