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02x04 - My Grandson, the Warlock

Posted: 03/06/22 20:54
by bunniefuu
- Who would be phoning at this hour?
- I don't know.


This is Larry Tate.

No. No, we're not back from Europe.

I'm calling you from London.

Louise and I need your help.

Sure, Larry. What can we do?

Take care of your baby?

Yes. Until Louise and I get back.

We just received word that our
governess has been taken ill.

I understand.
Now, don't you worry.

Sam and I
will get the baby right away.

Abner! Abner!

Wake up, wake up.

Wake up! Wake up!
It's an emergency!

- What?
- The Stephens.

He just put her in the car,
and they drove off at top speed.

- I bet she's gonna have her baby.
- That's impossible.

She's only been pregnant
three months.

Now go back to bed, Gladys,
and let me sleep!

Abner! Abner!

Hey, Abner, she's back.

With the baby.

You shouldn't make that meat loaf
if it gives you dreams like this.

I'm not dreaming.

Be reasonable, Gladys.

Ever hear of a woman
going to the hospital...

giving birth and bringing her baby
home in less than two hours?

But I tell you, there is a baby.
I just saw it.

I got mugged in the Tunnel of Love.

Isn't he cute?

- Darrin, I wouldn't do that.
- Why?

They say that baby talk
isn't good for babies.

Say, young fellow, what's your feeling
about the income-tax situation?

Mine too.

I think he's just hungry.
I'll go get his bottle.

And I'll go to work.

I'll be back early to help you
take care of young Mr. Tate.

So long, fella.

- Hi.
- Well, good morning, Mrs. Kravitz.

I saw you drive off
in a big hurry last night.

Yes. It was an emergency.

And you came home with a baby.

- That's right.
- Oh, how wonderful!

How much does it weigh?

About 25 pounds, I guess.

- Hello there.
- Good morning, madame.

I'm Mrs. Kravitz. I live over there.

- Fascinating.
- Are you a relative?

- I'm Samantha's father.
- How wonderful!

I bet you've come to see the baby.

- Samantha's had a baby?
- Yes. And after only three months.

Three months?

- Don't you find it rather strange?
- I certainly do.

It only took her mother 20 minutes.

I certainly am surprised
to see you, Father.

I'm sort of surprised myself.

I've just heard the news
about your having a baby.

I hope you're not upset over the idea
of becoming a grandfather.

On the contrary, I'm delighted.

It'll be an entirely new experience
for me.

And you know how I relish
new experiences.

Yes, I know.

Tell me, what kind of education...

in witchcraft do you plan
for the child?

- None.
- What?

- So far.
- That's shocking.

You can't put off anything as serious
as that kind of training.

Of course, you know that a baby
warlock has certain powers...

but they need to be developed
to reach their full potential.

Well, yes, of course.
I know, Father.

You see, Darrin doesn't really approve
of my teaching our baby witchcraft.

Darrin! What prejudice!

What bigotry!

Typical mortal for you.

Maintain pride and ignorance
and pass it on to the offspring!

Father, please calm down.
You see...

Oh, dear. Let me fill this,
and we'll talk more about it later.


So you're my grandson.

I'm your grandfather, boy.

You may call me Maurice.

Speak up, speak up. I can't hear you.

Your mother could talk when she
was 4 hours old, in six languages.

Don't worry, lad.

I'll teach you to succeed
in spite of your mortal father.

You're in for a little adventure, lad.

Come on, come on.

Let's go.

Father, I was...

Oh, my stars!

- Hello?
- Hi, sweetheart.

I called to find out how you're
getting along with the baby.

Fine. Just fine.

Is there anything I can bring home
for him? Milk, cereal, anything?


- Darrin?
- Yes, darling.

Promise you'll stay calm?

You didn't drop him.

How could you think such a thing?

Well, you just said, "Be calm."

- Father came to see me.
- Father?

What did he do?

Well, I think he thought it was ours,
and he took it somewhere.

Where? Where?

That's the problem.
I don't know where.

You don't know...?

You mean that baby might be...?

You mean Larry Tate's baby right
this minute might...?


That could mark a child for life.

I'll be home right away.

A taxi to the London airport, please.


Larry, that man has our baby.

- Louise, are you out of your mind?
- I tell you, that was our baby.

How could it be? You know he's
at home with Samantha and Darrin.

Are you telling me I don't know
my own child when I see him?

Oh, you know all babies look alike.

How dare you say
such a terrible thing!

Louise, please.

You're causing a scene.

How can you think so little
of your own son?

It wasn't him, I tell you.

Will you relax? You'll be home pretty
soon, and everything will be all right.

Beirut. Istanbul.

Your father's always looking
for the fun places.

He had no right to do it.

That kid doesn't even
have a passport.

Hong Kong?


They copy his shirts so well.

I have a thought, Samantha.

You go east, and I'll go west.

Try the Riviera first.

He has an appetite for bikinis.

Good idea.

See you later, darling.

Try not to worry.

Try not to worry.

- Hello?
- Hello, Darrin? This is Larry.

Larry who?

Good grief! Larry Tate.
What's the matter with you?

Oh, Larry Tate! Larry Tate.

Are you still in London?

No, no, we're home.
At the airport.

Just got through customs.

How's my son?

- Who?
- The baby! The baby!

- Has he been giving you any trouble?
- Oh, no trouble at all.

It's as if he wasn't even here.

He's fine. Well, we'll grab a cab
and be right over to get him.

Don't do that, Larry.
You stay right where you are.

I'll come over and get you.

- That's very considerate of you, but...
- I'll leave right now.



My grandson, the warlock!

There's no resemblance
to Samantha.

Favours her husband, eh?

- He's so cute.
- What can he do?

Okay, boy.

Now, let's show them
what you've learned.

He's only had a few hours
of training so far, you understand.

Now, son!

I brought him over here...

to get his education started
on a firm foundation.

- Relax, boy. Don't hurry anything.
- He's so cute.

Please. Don't disturb
his concentration.

- That's concentration?
- Please!

All right, boy, now we'll start
with a little simple levitation.

You see that bottle of ale over there?

I want you to think.
Think it right over to you.

Keep thinking, boy.

I'll get it started for you.

You bring it the rest of the way.

He's pretty young,
and it's difficult without practice.

All right, now, boy!

Remember the spell I taught you
on the way over?

Okay, boy. Produce your favourite toy.

You know, a nice little rattle.

There. Good boy!

Fake! I saw you materialize
that, Maurice.

Maurice, the baby didn't do it.
You did.

I did no such thing!
Did I, grandson?

Too bad, Maurice.

The kid just hasn't got it.

But he has to! He's my grandson.

I know. Nanny Witch.

You can wait here for her.

She drops by every day
for a quick one.

Don't worry, boy. Nanny Witch
will verify that you've got the stuff.

I sure miss the little fella.

- Can hardly wait to see him.
- I can imagine.

- Room for one more.
- There you are, Larry.

Oh, thanks.

It must be a faulty catch.

- I could use a little help, Darrin.
- Oh, sure.

Wait a minute!

- Find my laundry mark interesting?
- I've never s...

- Darrin, this case has to go in.
- Oh, sorry.

Where did I put the key?

Here we are.

Here, here. Let me.

There you are, Larry.

- No! Let me.
- No, no, no.

Just get in the car, Darrin.

I'm sorry.

But he's a lovely baby.

And I love him. But he's mortal.

- Like his father.
- Are you sure?

He's only human.

But what am I to tell
my friends?

Oh, shut up. I'm the one
who has cause to cry.

- What shall I do with him?
- Simple.

Feed him.

Okay. Let's go.

Louise, how is London?
You enjoy yourself?

Darrin, we're in kind of a hurry.

Oh, thank you, Larry.

Funny. It won't start.

Try turning on the ignition.

I'm glad the baby wasn't any trouble
for you and Samantha.

I was worried sick about him.

You don't know the time I had.

She thought she saw a man
with our baby in London.

You saw him in London?

On Westley Street,
right in front of the hotel.

Darrin! Look out!

Darrin, what is the matter with you?

I'm sorry, Louise, I...

What are you staring at?

Darrin, can we please go?

By the time I see my son,
he'll be so old, he won't recognize me.

- Any luck?
- None.

- Me neither.
- I advised Duncan...

- Darrin!
- Oh, well, whatever it is.

I signalled for him to stall the Tates.

- How long he'll do that, I don't know.
- Poor dear. I'd better help him.

I'll keep looking around the Orient.
We're running out of time.

Good luck, darling.

- What's the matter now?
- I hear a thumping under the hood.

- I don't hear anything.
- Well, I do.

It's taking longer to get
from the airport to your house...

than it took to fly from London.

I'll check it, Louise.

Hi, sweetheart. I just wanted
to give you a progress report.

- Did you find the baby?
- Not yet.

We're running out of places to look.

Honey, I can't stall them
much longer.

- Is he talking to someone?
- There's nobody out there.

Maybe he's talking to the motor.

Louise, nobody talks to a motor.

What's the trouble?

I'm checking. I'm checking.

How about London?
Louise said something about...

seeing a man with her baby
on Westley Street.

Westley Street? London?

Oh, how can I have been so stupid?

Of course! The Warlock Club.

You stall them just a little big longer.

- Couldn't we possibly get going?
- All right, Larry. All right.

- Wait a minute.
- What? What's the matter?

You've got lipstick on your face.

That's red oil.

In the shape of lips?

I guess you got me. I was necking
with Samantha under the hood.

Get in the car, Darrin.

- Keys...
- In the ignition.

Take the brake off.

Oh, Kendrick.

- Samantha. How are you?
- I'm fine.

Has Father been here with a baby?

Yes. Poor Maurice.

- My condolences, Samantha.
- Condolences?

- What happened? Where is he?
- Who knows?

He was so upset by his
grandchild's lack of talent...

that he departed in a fit of fury
and frustration.

Oh, dear. That wasn't his grandchild.

Do any of you know
where I can find Father?

Oh, dear. I've got to get back.

If you do see him, be sure and tell him
to bring that child home immediately.

Louise! Larry!

- Welcome back!
- I thought we'd never get here.

He drives at 10 miles an hour,
doesn't even know his way.

- I'm calling a taxi to take us home.
- Well, that won't be necessary, Larry.

- Here's your coat.
- Oh, thank you.

I'll walk before I ever ride
with you again.

How's my precious baby?

I'm sure he's fine. Just fine.

- Fix them a drink.
- Good idea.

Not for me, thanks.
All I wanna do is hold my baby.

Where is he, Samantha?


On second thought,
I will have a drink.

What about the baby?

No use being overprotective
with him. He can wait.

Well, what the heck?
We've got to live too, right?

- What?!
- I'll get the hors d'oeuvres.

You fix the drinks. I'll help Sam.

- What are we gonna do?
- The only thing left: Tell the truth.

But, Sam...

What was that?

Here. Serve these.

Here you are, Larry. Eat hearty.

Father, I am furious with you.

He is hopeless.

Pure, unadulterated mortal.

I'll discuss it with you later.

Well, here you are, Louise.

Well, sit him over there.

- Hit me again, honey.
- Louise!

My baby.

Oh, my baby.

Oh, my precious.

Mommy and Daddy missed you
so much.

- Did you get a cab?
- I sure did.

Come on, Louise.

Thanks, Samantha,
for taking care of him.

And, Darrin, we really appreciate it.

Oh, well, any time. We loved it.

- Didn't we, Darrin?
- Oh, yes. It was quite an experience.

- Can I help you with the luggage?
- Thank you, Darrin.

That'd be a good...

On second thought, never mind.

This has been the most harrowing
experience for me.

For you? What about us?

The humiliation of learning
that my grandson is not a warlock...

and now you're going
to have another.

My first.

Father, that wasn't my baby.

No. We were just taking care
of him for my boss.

Our baby isn't due for months.

Are you sure?

Then there's still a chance.
Oh, what a relief.



- Here's a present for the baby.
- Oh, how sweet.

Should we open it now
or wait until the baby arrives?

You mean you didn't have
your baby last night?

But I saw a baby last night.

This morning, you told me
there was a baby...

I thought you came to see the baby.

Yes. I think you need this
more than I do.

Well, ta-ta, Samantha.

- You too, Duncan.
- Darrin.

Right. Darrin. And don't forget.

I expect my grandson to be
a warlock in the classic tradition.

How are we ever
going to explain that?

We won't have to.

By the time she's finished that
martini, she'll believe anything.