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04x02 - Gloom Groom

Posted: 03/07/22 17:58
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

How's everything, Pebbles?


Can you play
table tennis, Pebbles?

Maybe, I'll teach you someday.


Well, so much for table tennis.
Any one for firewood?

[Barney laughing]

[theme music]

[siren blaring]


meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page right
out of history

Let's ride with
the family down the street

Through the courtesy
of Fred's two feet

When you're
with the Flintstones

Have a
yabba-dabba-doo time

A dabba doo time

You'll have a gay old time


[continues snoring]


Come on, Pebbles, honey.
One for grandma.

And one for mommy.

'And one for daddy.'

'Come on, sweetheart,
one for daddy.'

Oh, I get it.
Daddy's too fat already.

Okay, sweetie,
you've had enough cereal.

I prefer birdseed myself.

[bird call]

Oh, dear.
That must be Betty.

[bird call]

Gee, what cold hands.

- Hi, Wilma, ready to go?
- Be right with you, Betty.

I'll get Fred
to take care of Pebbles.

Fred? Oh, Fred?


'Fred? Fred, wake up.'

Oh-oh. Hey, Wilma.

Fred, Betty and I are going
to the beauty parlor.

Take care
of Pebbles, will you?

'Why, sure.
It'll be a pleasure.'

- I won't be long.
- Take your time, honey.

Alright, sugar. Suppose
daddy reads you a story.


'"Goldirocks and
the three dinosaurs."'

Once upon a time,
there were three dinosaurs.

'A papa dinosaur,
A mama dinosaur'

'and an itsy-bitsy
baby dinosaur.'

And the three dinosaurs lived in
a little cottage in the woods.

And each had their own bed.

The big dinosaur
had a b-i-i-i-g bed.

And the medium size dinosaur
had a medium size bed.

And the itsy-bitsy dinosaur
had a itsy-bitsy bed.


Isn't that something, Pebbles?
They all had their own bed.



Okay. I get the message.
No more reading.

We'll play ball.

Got it!



Alright, honey. Catch.

'Atta girl.'

'Now, throw it
back to daddy.'


Oh, boy.



I get it. Daddy's gotta cr*ck
his skull for laughs, eh?


Alright. Catch the ball again.

Good. Now throw it back.

Oh, no, you don't.

chomp chomp chomp

Dino! Dino, here boy!
Here, Dino!



Get the ball, Dino.



You see, Pebbles,
daddy isn't so dumb.

Anybody can whack
their head twice

but three times
you'd have to be a dope.




Hiya, Fred. Getting
your lumps special delivery?


[Fred mocking]

Alright, alright.
We've had our laugh for the day.

What do you want?

I came to see
if you wanted to go bowling.

Oh, well. I can't, Barn.
I'm taking care of Pebbles.

Pebbles? This grown-up
young lady is Pebbles?

Boy, Fred, she sure
is growing fast.



Hey! Be careful.

[continues giggling]

'Golly, you know
before you know it'

They're married
and got kids of their own.

Listen, it'll be a long time
before Pebbles gets married.

She's not even going steady yet.
Right, sweetheart.


Hey, Barn. How about
a game of table tennis?

Okay. Uh, Pebbles
can watch us.

Yeah, and Dino
can watch Pebbles.

[Dino barking]

Go ahead, Barney.
As my guest, you serve first.

Oh, you go ahead, Fred.
Uh, got the ball?

Oh, yeah. The ball.
It's around here some place.

So, how about a date, gorgeous?

Gee, Harold. I don't know.

Never mind the ball, Barney.


'We'll use this.'

- All set, Barn?
- 'Fire away.'

thwack thwack

thwack thwack

thwack thwack

Gosh! I had no idea,
Harold was so athletic.

thwack thwack

'You missed, Fred, my point.'

Oh, Harold dear,
you were wonderful!

It's nothing.


I'm not even warmed up yet.



- 'My serve.'
- Yup. I lead, one to nothing.

I will soon fix it.



Two to nothing.


Alright. Alright.

What are you a walking
scoreboard or something?



- Net ball.
- So what?

It went over, didn't it?
So, it's my point.

'No, it isn't, Mr. Flintstone.'

The rules say,
that if the service ball

touches the net in passing
over it, no point is scored.

Arnold, what are
you doing here

and why don't you mind
your own business?

I am minding
my business, Mr. Flintstone.

I'm here to deliver your paper.


Hi, Pebbles, how are you?

Alright, Arnold, if you're here
to deliver the paper.

- Let's have it.
- Yes, sir.


Why, you..

Hold it, Fred.
You said let's have it.

I'm sorry, Mr. Flintstone.

I'm sorry, Mr. Flintstone.
I'm sorry, Mr. Flintstone.

Hey, look Fred, are we playing
table tennis or are we not?

We are. No alibi's this time,
just try and return the serve.



This guy is hopeless.

Look at that net!
It's too high.

You're wrong there,
Mr. Flintstone.

The rules say, the top
of the net should be six inches

above the playing surface.
This one's barely four inches.

Okay, Arnold, seeing
you're such an authority

on the game,
how about you playin' me?

Gosh! I don't know.

To make it worth your while,
we'll play for the paper money

I owe you. Double or nothing.

Well...alright, Mr. Flintstone,
But I feel I should tell you.

I possess a rather high degree
of proficiency.

Don't start alibiing, Arnold.
I've gotta bum back myself.

Come on, let's play.
Now you serve first.

You got the ball?
What happened to the ball?

And I'm even better at golf.

Once a guy hit me 300 yards.

Oh, Harold.

'Doggone it. Where's that ball?'

Never mind, Mr. Flintstone.
I happen to have one.

'Okay, go ahead and serve.
Barney, you keep score.'

Will do, Fred.


- Ready, Mr. Flintstone?
- Yup.


'One to nothin'.'

Wait a minute, Barney,
I wasn't ready.

But Arnold asked if you
was ready and you said, "yeah."

Oh, yeah, I said "yeah" but
I didn't mean yeah I was ready,

I meant, yeah,
I'm getting ready to be ready.

Alright, I'll serve again.
Are you ready?

- Ready.
- Here goes.



What are you doing, Fred?
Playing by ear?


Eh, look, Fred,
Arnold served such a fast ball

you ought
to stand back farther.

Oh, yeah. Thanks, Barney.
That's a good idea.

Okay, Arnold,
do your worse.

I know how
to handle your serve now.

[upbeat music]



Mr. Flintstone,
are you alright?

Yeah. I'm alright.

Let's keep playing.
You haven't won yet.




thwack thwack

thwack thwack

[dramatic music]

thwack thwack

[music continues]



Too bad, Fred. That's point
and game for Arnold.

- Have you had enough.
- No, I haven't.

Now come on. One more game,
double or nothing.

But you've already lost
seven dollars and 28 cents

plus 80 cents in side bets.

- That's eight dollars.
- I know. I can add too.

Let's see, eight
and eight is 18.

Okay, Arnold,
18 bucks or nothin'.

- Come on.
- Hm.

- Uh, Fred--
- Stay out of this, Barney.

I know what I'm doing.
Go ahead, Arnold. Serve.

Yes, sir.


Nice return, Mr. Flintstone.


I got it, I got it.


Awck. I'm getting
the heck out of here. Awck.

My point, Mr. Flintstone.
You didn't return the ball.

thwack thwack

How's everything, Pebbles?


Can you play
table tennis, Pebbles?

Maybe, I'll teach you someday.


Well, so much for table tennis.
Any one for firewood?

[Barney laughing]

'I guess that does it,
Mr. Flintstone.'

Would you care to settle
our little bet in cash

or shall I take
a mortgage on your house?

You'll get your money Arnold.
Have I ever welched on a bet?

And while Arnold is thinking up
an answer to that one

I'll be on my way.
So long, Fred.

So long, Barney. And you could
b*at it too , Arnold.

- 'Pick up your papers and go.'
- Yes, sir.

How about that? The White Stones
are tied for the pennant.


I'll read about it later.
Gotta keep an eye on Pebbles.

I'll watch her, Mr. Flintstone.

You? I don't know, Arnold.
I don't think she likes you.

Oh, yes she does.
Don't you, Pebbles?


She sure is cute,
Mr. Flintstone.

Maybe, someday we'll get
married. Huh, Pebbles?

Arnold! Don't say that.

Not even in fun. Don't say it.

Well, okay Arnold.
You can babysit.

'I'll go read my paper.'

Look, Pebbles.
This is the church

'and this is the steeple.'

'Open the door
and here are the people.'


- Hey, Arnold.
- Yes, Mr. Flintstone?

This newspaper
is chipped. See.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Flintstone.

That's probably
where it hit your head.

Err, that Arnold.

Maybe, someday he'll marry
Pebbles he says.

Over my dead body he will.


No, sir. It'll be a mighty cold
day before I let Pebbles

marry him.


Mighty cold day.
Yes, sir.


[wind howling]

'But Mr. Slate,
I can't afford to retire.'

(Mr. Slate)
'I'm sorry, Flintstone.'

We're both over the hill.
My son has taken over my job

and he's found a younger man
to replace you.

Uh, a Mr. Arnold, I believe.


Hiya, Mr. Flintstone.

I'll take over now and don't
worry about your newspaper.

I'm keeping my route
as a sideline.

If you want my job
you'll only get it

over my dead body.

Aw, don't take it so hard, sir.

That's the rock business.



Why did it have to be him?

Thank heavens I still have
my old pals in the pool hall.

Hiya, Rockhead. Shaleface.
How's about a game?

Sorry, Flintstone.
The new guy's got the table.

We can't b*at him.
He's too good.

'Well, relax fellows.
Old Freddy is here.'

I'll show him
a few trick sh*ts.

- You again.
- Hiya, Mr. Flintstone.

Shall I rack 'em up?

Go ahead, wise guy.
Rack 'em up.

Just to be fair,
I'll even let you break first.

Gee, thanks, sir.
You're a real sport.

Here goes.


That did it, I've had it.
I guess I am through.

Washed up.
That Arnold's finished me.

Maybe I can find some peace
at the bowling alley.

Hiya, fellas.
I'm here.

Boy, am I ever
in the mood for a game?


Oh. Hi again,
Mr. Flintstone.

Guess what?
I'm on your team now.

In fact, I am the captain.

Watch this.

Hey, that's my
bowling ball.

Give it to me.



You know, that kid
is beginning to bug me.

'Water Buffalo Hall.'

My last refuge
from that Arnold.

I wonder what's goin' on today.

Hiya, brother Water Buffaloes.
What's goin' on?

[bugle music]

Announcing His Highness

the newly elected

Imperial Grand Poobah.


Oh, no.

No. Not him.

Not Arnold!


Well, at least I still
have my old pal, Barney.

We've been friends
through thick and thin.

He's always there
when I need him.

Hiya, Barney,
old pal, old buddy.

How's about comin'
over for a while?

Sorry, Fred. Me and Arnold
are going to the fights.

- So long, Fred.
- Bye, Mr. Flintstone.

Barney, you and I are through!

Some pal he turned out to be.

Lucky for me
I still have my little family.

No one can break us up.

No, sirree.

Not even Arnold.

[wind howling]


It's a mighty cold day.

Colder than any I've known
for the last 60 years.

Oh, I'm glad
you're home, Fred.

It's a mighty
cold day.

Yes, it sure
is mighty cold.

Where-where's our
dear daughter, Pebbles?

In her room. Listening to her
Leonard Bernstone records.

[jive music]

[music continues]

Wow! I wish Leonard Bernstone

would explain this music to me.

[music continues]

Oh, doesn't she
dance divinely, Fred?

Is that
what she's doing?

Pebbles dear,
daddy's here.

Oh. Hi, daddy.

[music stops]

Oh, boy. Soon as my
needle guarantee is up

I'm quittin'
this job.

Uh, Pebbles is getting
to be a big girl, Fred.

Soon I'll have to tell her all
about the birds and the bees.

What about them?

I hope you'll tell me
before noon, mother.

Why? What's at noon?

I'm getting married.

M-m-married? To-to who?
Who? Who? Who? Who to?

I'll give you a hint.

He's handsome, strong,
intelligent, charming

and ambitious.

'In fact, he's the most
wonderful man in the world.'


Uh, Pebbles, you just
described your old daddy.

Don't be silly, daddy.
I'm talking about--


[upbeat music]

Here's your paper.

Look out!


It's one time
he didn't get me.

No. Ooh, that Arnold.
That, that's--

Yes! That's the man
I'm going to marry.

The world's richest newsboy.


That's the man
you're going to marry?


Oh, my baby.

Fred, isn't it wonderful?

We're losing our baby.

Ooh no, we're not!
She isn't marrying Arnold.

- I forbid it.
- But, Fred--

You know how I feel
about that Arnold.

He's been making
my life miserable

ever since
he was a kid.

No, sir. She's not marrying
Arnold and that's final.

F-I-N-L. Final!

'Pebbles, beloved.
Where art thou?'

Here I art,
Arnold dearest.

- Ready, Pebbles?
- Ready.

No. No. Pebbles, come back!

Wilma, your child is eloping.

- I'm going after them.
- That's the girl.

Maybe they'll give me
a lift to the beauty parlor.


I'm not going
to let them do it.

I'm going
to stop the wedding.

'Stop! Stop, I say!'

Why can't I sit up front
with you, Arnold dearest?

The papers are there,


Pebbles, please you can't
marry him. I won't let you.

Goodbye, daddy dear.
We'll be late for the wedding.

Where is the wedding?


Where are you going?

Read all about it!


Ah-heh, that time he missed me.

Here, daddy.
Here's my bouquet.



Pebbles, baby, come back.

Come back.

[both laughing]

Dino. Here, Dino.

'Go get 'em, Dino.'


After him, boy!


Bring 'em back.
Go, boy.




Oh, the paper'll tell me
where they went. Here it is.

"Pebbles Flintstone
to marry Arnold the newsboy

at the Little Church."


I hear them.
I hear them.

Taxi. Taxi.

Follow that laugh.
And hurry!

[laughing continues]

There it is. That's it.
The Little Church.

I've got to stop them.

[church organ music]

I now pronounce you man and--

Hold it! You can't marry them!
The groom's no good.

'He sells chipped newspapers.'

'Oh-ho. You're not Arnold.'

'And you're not Pebbles.'

[laughing continues]

Ah-ha, I hear them.
They're in here.

I now pronounce you
man and--

'Stop the music!
Hold the presses!'


I demand this wedding
be stopped.

Uh, Betty.


Well, what are you
doin' here?

You tell us.
It's your dream.

We're getting married.
That's what we're doing.

'But you're already married.'

'You got married 25 years ago.'

Well, you can't expect us
to remember everything

that happened
25 years ago.

No. I've got to find 'em.

Pebbles. Pebbles!

Good luck, my children.

Stop. Stop!
I'm her father.

Goodbye, daddy.


Come back, Pebbles.

Come back.


Come back-k-k-k.


Come back. Come back.

- Come back.
- Fred.

Fred. Fred!
Wake up!

Come back.
Come back.


Hey, that beauty parlor sure
knows its business.

'You look 20 years younger.'

Well, thank you.

Fred, are you alright?

Yeah, yeah. I got a..

Oh. Oh!
Where's Pebbles?

She's right here with me,
Mr. Flintstone.

Arnold. Out. Out!

b*at it. Give me my daughter
and get out of here.


'Anyone who'd fly around
with my daughter on an elephant'

'is not welcome here.'

Ooh, what's wrong
with him?

- He must have had a bad dream.
- You can say that again.


Pebbles. Sweetheart.

Am I glad
you're still a baby.

Promise me you'll
never grow up.

Fred! What a silly thing to say.

'Oh, yeah? Just wait 20 years
and see if you still think so.'



[theme music]

meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Someday maybe Fred
will win the fight

And that cat
will stay out for the night

When you're
with the Flintstones

Have a yabba dabba doo time

A dabba doo time

We'll have a gay old time

We'll have a gay old time
