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04x11 - Kleptomaniac Pebbles

Posted: 03/07/22 18:06
by bunniefuu
[pleasant music]

Put 'er, Bamm-Bamm.
Put 'er right over the plate.

He he he.

He's sure a
cute kid, Barney.

Toss the ball, Bamm-Bamm.

'Uncle Fred will hit
it nice and easy.'



Wow! It went clean
through the bat.

What a fastball that kid has.


'You can say that again, Fred.'

If he'd have thrown any harder
I'd have to take a cab back.

He he he.

Well, we know
Bamm-Bamm can pitch.

Now, let's see
if he can hit.

This bein' his
first time at bat.

I'll give him a
nice easy slow one.

How's that?

Slow enough?

Give it a nice level swing.
Keep your eye on the ball and--





Fred Flintstone, you know
I just waxed these floors.

Yeah. Just my luck.


Fred, are you alright?
Say something, Fred.

You know, Wilma, that Bamm-Bamm
could be another Joe DiRockio.

Oh, I'm all choked up.

Who's Joe DiRockio?

Only one of the greatest
hitters of all time.

Well, back to the old ball game.

Not so fast, tiger.

You promised to take
Pebbles shopping, remember?

What, again?

I only took her shopping
every day last week.

You promised.


He he he.

Alright, Wilma.

Barney may have the greatest
hitter of all time.

But I'm gonna have the greatest
shopper of all time.

He he he.

[theme music]

[siren blaring]



Meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Let's ride with the
family down the street

Through the courtesy
of Fred's two feet

When you're
with the Flintstones

Have a yabba dabba doo time

A dabba doo time

You'll have a gay old time

La lala lala
la la lum

Yara ra ra
rum pum pum

Pebbles and daddy
are taking a stroll

Another few months and
I'll teach her to bowl

Uh-oh. I forgot to
give you your bottle.

Here you are.

'Oh, Fred. Fred?'

Don't worry, Wilma.
Everything's under control.

Yes, dear. Except that you
forgot to take Pebbles.

[Pebbles mumbling]

slurp slurp

Wait a minute.
If she's not in here

who's drinking
from the bottle?

slurp slurp slurp

Out, Dino.
Out, out, out!


He's always pullin' that.
I'm tellin' you one more time

and it's straight
to the dog pound.

[Pebbles sobbing]

Don't cry, sweetheart.
Daddy won't hurt you.

Yeah, Pebbles,
don't cry.

Daddy's gonna
take you downtown.

Ooh, that reminds me, Fred.
Here's the grocery list.

"One Pterodactyl egg"

"loaf of rockwheat and a quarter
h*m* mammoth milk."

Got you.

Here we go, honey.


See you later, Wilma.

- 'Oh, Fred.'
- Yes, dear.

Try to keep an eye on Pebbles
while you're in the market.

You know how babies
grab things off shelves

when you aren't looking.

Ha ha ha.
Don't you worry.

Maybe other babies
snatch things

but not Pebbles Flintstone.


Hey, how did she
get that list?

Ha ha ha.
I said she grabs things.

Oh. It probably fell
out of my pocket.

Thanks, Pebbles.

rizzz rizzz rizzz


'Hey, quit bothering me,
you darn horsefly.'

Get away, will you?
You, you insect.

I don't need this grocery list.
I got it memorized.


Oooh, what a powerful
little monster.

Hiya, Barney.
What's wrong, pal?

Eh, watch out for the horseflies
around here, Fred.

They got an awful kick.

Oh, sure, Barney,
they wear horseshoes.

Ha ha ha.

- Hey, where's Betty?
- 'Betty?'

'Oh, she's downtown, pickin'
out Wilma's birthday present.'

You don't say.
Isn't that nice.

She's buyin'..

Wilma's birthday?

Yeah. It's tomorrow.

Hey, what did you
get her, Fred?

Me, uh, well,
it's a-a surprise.

I can't tell you now,
I'm in a hurry.

Hey, what's
the matter with him?

rizzz rizzz rizzz

Oh no, you don't.

I'm not getting
clobbered by you again.

Sic him. Sic him!

Wilma's birthday tomorrow,
and I didn't even remember it.

What a stupe.
Huh, Pebbles?

Papa stupe. Papa stupe.

He he he.
Okay, okay.

You don't have
to agree so hard.

We'll buy mommy a nice present
as soon as we get the groceries.


'Oh, a baby elephant ride.'

Alright. Pebbles is
gettin' an elephant ride.

Go. Go.
Go, go.

Well, what's the hang-up?

Ah! He he!
The money.

I'm sorry.

[Pebbles laughing]

Hold on tight.

Boy, that's what I'd
call a short ride.

What does he expect for a dime?
A round trip to the moon?

Now, we'll just get this
shopping out of the way.

Let's see, now,
where do they keep the bread?


Ah, here we are.

Oops. Oh, this rockwheat
bread is m*rder.


Oh, my back.

This health bread will be
the death of me.

Now, let's see.
Next, an egg.

Ah, there we are.




He he he.

When this place
advertises fresh eggs

they mean fresh eggs.

A quarter h*m*
mammoth milk and that's it.



A loaf of rockwheat,
one pterodactyl egg

a quarter mammoth
milk and..

Wow! Haha!

You sure are stocking up on the
groceries today, Mr. Flintstone.

Huh, what do you mean?

Look at that load.


Pebbles, when did you
take those things?

Oh, don't worry about it.
Lots of kids do that.

Uh, well, you better
put this on my bill.

- 'And deliver it, will you?'
- Sure thing, Mr. Flintstone.

Pebbles and I have
some shopping to do.


Ha ha ha.

Now, don't let her
get you down, Mr. Flintstone.

They all grow out of it. That'll
be five cents for the apple.

He he.

Yeah...just add
it to the bill, eh?

[comical music]

Now, let's see.

What should we get mommy
for her birthday?


Last year I gave her a mop and
a lifetime supply of floor wax.

Ah, prrr.

'I know, I know.
That's exactly the way'

'your mother
felt about it.'

Hey, look!
"Rocky Pierre's boutiques."

And look at that handbag.

Wonder if it's
genuine alligator.

Oh, really. And what do I
look like, a giraffe?

Oh, boy.

[Pebbles giggling]

"Hotrock Jewelers."

Say, this place
has real class.

By Jove! This looks like
a jolly good shop, eh, what?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Jolly good.

Have to hurry
with my shopping.

Nearly tea time you know.


Uh, yeah, yeah.

You hear that, Pebbles?

That guy's
got real class too.

That's him alright.

Baffles Gravel,
the international jewel thief.

(male #1)
'"Alias Lightfingers Leo",
let's put the cuffs on him.'

(male #2)
'Take it easy.
Remember what the chief said.'

First we got to catch
him in the act. Come on.

Uh, not quite,
Mr. Hotrock.

Uh, not quite.

I want something a little more,
um, shall we say, valuable.

Of course, sir.
I have just the thing.

A flawless white pearl
in the original oyster.


Can't a guy get a little
sleep around here?


- What do you think?
- Hmmm..

Well, if you've
nothing more expensive.

More expensive?

How's this, sir?

I say, great!

May I enquire--

Two hundred and fifty two
thousand, sir.

Yeah, but that includes
gift-wrapping and a card.

Yeah, honey, this is
the kind of place to patronize.

It's got elegance.

Wonder if they give
trading stamps.

There's Baffles now,
looking over the jewelry.

Yeah, play it cool
and he won't notice us.

Oh, drat!
The fuzz.

This calls for some ingenuity.

There's the salesmen,

Probably got me pegged
as a millionaire.

Uh, how do you do?
I'd like something for--

I'm sorry, but we've already
contributed to charity.

Charity? I'm here to buy
my missus a birthday present

and price is no object.

My apologies, sir.

How much would you
care to spend?

Well, uh..

He he he.

I'll go as high as $1.98.

If you could go $1.99,
I have just the thing.

Well, if I have to,
I have to.

Okay, what is it?

A ladies' watch-strap.

Genuine burlap, and very simple
to attach to her watch.

Oh, that's no problem.
She doesn't have a watch.

But I'll take it,
you never know.

Here's the money.

clink clink clink

Uh, may I?

Huh? Oh, of course,
I'd appreciate the opinion

of a connoisseur.

Hmm, perfectly charming.

I'm sure your spouse
will adore it.

Eh, nice to have made
your acquaintance.

We'll meet again,
I assure you.

Cheerio, old boy.

And a cheerio to you too.

I don't get it.

Why was Baffles talking
to that funny lookin' fat guy?

Probably trying to
throw us off the trail.

Hey, here he comes now.

And you're sure you're not
interested in the bracelet, sir?

No. I've decided to let
someone else take it.

And cheerio.

Uh, cheerio, yo.

He didn't
take anything this time.

That's for sure.

'No! Robbery!'

My priceless diamond
bracelet! It's been stolen.

[Mr. Hotrock sobbing]

Oh, gee!

[pleasant music]

Now, remember, honey.

I'm lettin' you
hold the present

but we won't give it
to mommy until tomorrow.

You understand?


What took you two so long?
I was getting worried.

Relax, sweetheart. Your little
family is home, safe and sound.



Mommy missed you, Pebbles.

What's that in your hand?


Oh, my!

A bracelet for my birthday.

[Pebbles giggling]

Oh, it's absolutely gorgeous!

Oh, no wonder you
and daddy were gone so long.

Ah! Wait till I
show it to Betty.

Hey, what's for dinner,
Wilma? I'm starved.

'Fred, darling.'


Wow! That's what I'd
call a good dinner.

Now, uh,
what's for dessert?

Oh, you shouldn't
have done it, Fred.

I don't deserve it.


Don't deserve what?

Oh, don't tell me Pebbles
gave you your present.

Yes. And it's the loveliest
gift I've ever received.


Okay, Wilma, you don't have
to put it on that thick.

It's just a little token.

Some little token.


Oh, I've wanted one for years.

Gee, Wilma.

Oh, you big, generous
hunk of man, you.

Well, there's nothing
too good for you.

And if it's too large
for your wrist

I can easily put
another hole in it.

Oh, silly boy.

Who'd punch a hole
in a bracelet?

Yeah, hehe. Who'd punch
a hole in a bracelet?


Oh, no. No!


I don't know what
it cost you, dear.

But whatever it was,
it must've been a steal.

Steal. Yeah,
that's for sure.

Uh, listen, Wilma,
I'm takin' it back.


'It's too fat for
your skinny wrist.'

'It's too skinny
for your fat wrist.'

- We're givin' it back.
- But I love it.

No! No, I won't let you wear
a hunk of junk like this.

What a disgrace.
My wife wearing fake diamonds.

Look, I'll show you.


These phony stones
won't even cut glass.

See? What did I tell you?

crackle crackle

Fred, I think
I understand.

You didn't buy
that bracelet for me.

There's another woman involved.

Another woman?
Don't be ridiculous!

Some birthday present.

[Wilma sobbing]

Oh, I'm calling my mother.

Oh, no. Not that.

Okay, Wilma,
I'll tell you the truth.

Your daughter
is a kleptomaniac.


My daughter?

I'm afraid so, kleptomaniacs
run in your family.

Fred, how dare you?

Well, what about
your grandfather

the dinosaur horse thief?

Huh! That's right. Oh, Fred!
Our child's future is at stake.

I know, she's liable to be
the only baby in Bedrock

with her picture
in the post office.

'What'll we do?'

Well, there's only
one solution out.

I'll-I'll return
the bracelet to the store

without letting them
know who took it.

Oh, Fred, hurry!

Pebbles is too young
to be fingerprinted.


[Dino snoring]

I say, what luck!

All I have to do is pluck
my little bracelet

from its hiding place.

[Dino snoring]

Hmm, the baby's
still in there.

I'll be very quiet.


Yi, yi, yike.

Ooh, the little monster
must be teething.

Or perhaps
she's hungry.

Be ready for anything.

That's why I'm
such a smashing success.

Here, baby.


I say! A rather
aggressive little tut.

If I want that bracelet,
I'll have to remove her.

I say...really?




Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

you two-footed beast.



Now, to get that
bracelet and be off.


By Jove!
It's gone.

'Uh, there you are, Wilma.'

I'll-I'll put the bracelet
in this box

an-and dr-drive do-down
to-to the jewelers.

Well, goodboo. Ah, goodbee.
Uh, so long.

Fred, you're so nervous. You
think you'll be able to drive?

Well of-of course
I-I can drive.

Wh-why, wh-what's
the matter wi-with--


What is it?

Th-th-there was
a face in the window.

W-w-with a monocle.
I saw it!

That settles it. I'm gonna
ask Barney to drive you

to the jewelry store.

Please, Wilma.
I'd rather do it, myself.

Oh, boy. Wilma's right,
I am jittery. I won't feel right

till we get this bracelet
back to the jewelry store.



Hey. What's with him?

Don't ask questions.
Use Fred's car and be careful.

Will do.

Faster, Barney.
Step on it.

If I go any faster,
I'll crack up.

If you don't get me to that
Hotrock Jewelers any faster

I'll crack up.

Well, the Gravel
g*ng did it again.

Yup, swiped the bracelet
right off from under our noses.

[car revving]

Hey, there's that
funny-looking fat guy again.

Hey, who's the joker
doin' the drivin'?

Probably another one
of Gravel's boys.

That mob gets bigger
every second.

Uh-oh, here comes
the kingpin himself.


Follow those crooks.


Hey, what's wrong, Fred?

You're not your usual
boisterous self.

Do me a favor, Barney.
Keep drivin' and keep quiet.

Oh, sure, Fred.

Hey, did you read
about the big robbery?

What robbery?

Oh, I don't know any robbery.
I'm just making conversation.

He he he.

Just, one more word outta you.
One more word and..

Hey! Hey, there's the store.
The Hotrock Jewelers.


It looks like
it's closed, Fred.

Brilliant deduction, Barney.

We'll have to go
around the back.

The back?

But why can't we come
here tomorrow morning--


Last one to the back
gets a cold potato.


I say. There they
go around the back.

Now I'll just collect my little
trinket from those two oafs.


The nerve of them guys.

They're robbin'
the Hotrock Jewelers again.

This time, we'll
grab the whole g*ng.

Better call
for reinforcement.

Calling headquarters.
Calling headquarters.


(woman on radio)
'This is their answering
service. They're out to dinner.'

'Would you mind calling
back a little later, please?'

Oh, fine.

It's shut tight, Barney.
I guess we'll have to bust in.

Bust in?

Oh, Fred, I got a feeling,
you haven't told me everything?

Okay, Barney.
I'm gonna confide in you.

Pebbles took this
from the jewelry store.

She's a-a kleptomaniac.

Oh, then that
makes us even.

I got a cousin
who's a hypochondriac.

- Well, see you later.
- Come back here!

You're givin' me
a boost up to that window.

Huh? Oh, but, Fred, that'll make
me an accessory to the crime.

Which would you
rather be, Barney?

A live accessory,
or a deceased bystander?

Okay, okay.
Climb aboard.

Now, this'll just
take us a minute.

Fred, them
cold feet of yours.

They feel
like two icebergs.

Quiet. You're
makin' me nervous.

I say, gentlemen,
hands up.





Why, it's you.
The gentleman from the store.

Correction. Inspector Gravel
here, of Rockland Yard.

Rockland Yard?

H-hey, listen, he-he
forced me into this.

I wanted to go straight.

Uh, who-who do I see about
turning state's evidence?

Good old Barney,
loyal to the end.

I say, fellas. Neither of you
have to go to the pokey.

All I require is
the return of the bracelet.

Why, sure.
Here you are, inspector.

It's in the box.

Thank you.

Now remember,
crime doesn't pay.

- Pip pip!
- Pip pip!

Gee, what a nice guy.

Yeah, you can always
tell real class, Barney.

It's an honor,
just meetin' a gent like that.

(male #1)
'Alright, mugs.
Up with your hands.'

Oh, boy. This is turning
into a very busy alley.

This is it.
We've nailed all of 'em.

The whole Baffles Gravel Mob.

Graffles Ba-Babble

- Who?
- Don't pull that on us.

How long have you two
been working with Baffles?

I say. Do you think
I would associate

with such obvious
mental incompetence?

Hey, Barney, I think
he's referrin' to us.

I guess he likes us.

I'm beginning to see
what you mean.

Why, I'd be the laughing
stock of the underworld.

'Collaborating with
those two simpletons.'

Oh, our name's
not simpleton.

He's Flintstone,
I'm Rubble.

Oh, no.

I planted the bracelet
in the baby carriage.

I'll sign a full confession,
but I implore you

don't link me with
those two, please.

Told you he was
a gentleman, Barney.

He says, "please."

That does it, Baffles,
I'm convinced.

Yeah, they're innocent.

You two, beat it!

But don't leave town.

Oh, we won't,
we won't.

Oh, thanks, officer. And cheerio
an pip pip to you, Baffles.

Oh, yeah, and, uh,
tally-ho and stuff.

You gotta hand it to
the bedrock police, Barney.

- They're really alert.
- Oh, uh, Fred.

Look at the way they
captured that crook, Baffles.

Hey, uh, Fred.

Our police force is
the finest in the nation.

- Fred!
- Heh? Huh?

You can put
your arms down now.

Oh. Hehe.

As I was saying, Barney

tomorrow, I am taking
a cop to lunch.


Parking too close
to a hydrant.

Parking too far
from the curb.

License plates
incorrectly displayed.

- Broken tail light.
- Parking in a crosswalk.

(male #3)
'And in a red zone.'

Like you said, Fred,
our police force is the finest.

He he he.

[both laughing]

Yeah, Wilma. Dino and I
took Pebbles to three different

supermarkets and she didn't
take a single thing.

I told you
she'd change, Fred.

We won't have to worry
about her anymore.


[Dino barking]

Hey, what's Dino up to?


If I told you once, I told
you a thousand times, Dino.

Don't hide your bones
under the rug.

[Dino growling]

Oh, no.

'Stuff from the supermarket.'

Oh, Wilma!

We got another one!

Oh, boy.

meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Someday maybe
Fred will win the fight

And that cat will stay
out for the night

When you're
with the Flintstones

Have a yabba dabba doo time

A dabba doo time

You'll have a gay old time

bam slam

We'll have a gay old time
