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03x06 - Red Sky at Morning

Posted: 11/10/07 01:59
by bunniefuu
3.06 Red Sky at Morning

Air Date: 8 Nov 2007



An athletic young woman is running along the docks at night. She stops at a water fountain and takes a drink. She hears thunder and looks up, out over the water; sliding past not too far away is a ghostly old sailing ship. She removes her headphones and stares as it crosses into the harbor, then vanishes. She puts her headphones back in, still spooked, and jogs off.


Later, the Same woman is showering. A dark figure approaches and places his hand on the glass of the shower door. She doesn't notice until he rubs at the glass, making a squeaking noise. She pokes her head out and looks around the bathroom, but sees nothing. She goes back into the shower; moments later a man in an overcoat grabs her from behind and begins to strangle her. He slams her against the walls of the shower several times until she slides to the floor, apparently dead.

END Teaser



Dean is driving, Sam in the passenger's seat. There is a tense silence in the car, which Dean breaks.

Dean: So, I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something to tell me?

Sam: (playing dumb)

It's not your birthday.

Dean: No.

Sam: Happy... Purim? Dude, I don't know. I have no idea what you're talking –

Dean: There's a b*llet missing from the Colt. You want to tell me how that happened? I know it wasn't me. So unless you were sh**ting at some incredibly evil cans... You went after her, didn't you? The Crossroads Demon. After I told you not to.

Sam: Yeah, well...

Dean: You could have gotten yourself k*lled!

Sam: I didn't.

Dean: And you shot her.

Sam: She was a smartass.

Dean: So, what? Does that mean I'm out of my deal?

Sam: Don't you think I might have mentioned that little fact, Dean? No. Someone else holds the contract.

Dean: Who?

Sam: She wouldn't say.

Dean: Well, we should find out who. Of course, our best lead would be the Crossroads Demon. Oh, wait a minute...

Sam: That's not funny.

Dean: No, it's not! It was a stupid freaking risk, and you shouldn't have done it.

Sam: I shouldn't have done it? You're my brother, Dean. And no matter what you do, I'm gonna try and save you. And I'm sure as hell not gonna apologize for it, all right?


Sam and Dean are impersonating officers of the law to interview a witness. She is holding a framed photograph of the shower-drowning victim. The witness' name is GERTRUDE CASE, and she is elegant and well-groomed and approximately 70 years old. As the scene continues, she begins to flirt shamelessly with Sam.


But I don't understand. I already went over all this with the other Detectives.

Dean: Right, yes. But, see, we're with the Sheriff's Department, not the police department – different departments.

Sam: So, Mrs. Case...


Please. Ms. Case.

Sam: Okay. Um, Ms. Case, um... you were the one who found your niece, correct?


I came home, she was in the shower.

Sam: Drowned?


So the coroner says. Now, you tell me, how can someone drown in the shower?

Sam: How would you describe Sheila's behavior in the days before her death? I mean, did she seem frightened? Maybe she said something out of the ordinary?


Wait a minute. You're working with Alex, aren't you?

Dean: Yep. Absolutely. That's (laughs) Alex and us, we're like this.


Why didn't you say so? Alex has been such a comfort. But I'm sorry. I thought the case was solved.

Sam: Well, no. No, not yet.


I see.

Sam: So, anyways, we were talking about your niece.


Well, yes. Sheila mentioned something quite strange before she died. She said she saw a boat.

Dean: A boat?


Yes. One minute it was there, then it was gone. It just disappeared right before her eyes. You think it could be a ghost ship? Alex thinks it could be a ghost ship.

Sam: Uh, could be.


You let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

(she traces a finger slowly along Sam's hand; Sam looks uncomfortable, Dean tries not to laugh)

Anything at all.


Dean and Sam walk along the docks. The water is crowded with pristine, moderately sized boats.

Dean: What a crazy old broad.

Sam: Why? Because she believes in ghosts?

Dean: Look at you. Sticking up for your girlfriend. You cougar hound.

Sam: Bite me.

Dean: Not if she bites you first. So, who's this Alex? We got another player in town?

Sam: Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't change our job.

Dean: And what looked like a ghost ship, right?

Sam: It's not the first one sighted around here, either.

Dean: Really?

Sam: Yeah. Every 37 years, like clockwork, reports of a vanishing three-mast clipper ship out in the bay. And every 37 years, a rash of weirdo, dry-land drownings.

Dean: So, whatever's happening is just getting started.

Sam: Yeah.

Dean: What's the lore?

Sam: Well, there are apparitions of old wrecks sighted all over the world. The S.S. Violet, the Griffin, the Flying Dutchman – almost all of them are death omens.

Dean: So, you see the ship and then a few hours later, you pucker up and kiss your ass goodbye?

Sam: Basically.

Dean: What's the next step?

Sam: We gotta I.D. the boat.

Dean: That shouldn't be too hard. I mean, how many three-mast clipper ships have wrecked off the coast?

Sam: I checked that too, actually. Over 150.

Dean: Wow.

Sam: Yeah.

Dean: Crap.

They approach an empty parking space; Dean looks around, confused.

Dean: This is where we parked the car, right?

Sam: I thought so.

Dean: Where's my car?

Sam: Did you feed the meter?

Dean: Yes, I fed the meter. Sam, where's my car? Somebody stole my car!

Sam: Calm down.

Dean: I am calmed down! Somebody stole my ca–

(he begins hyperventilating)

Sam: Whoa. Dean. Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy.

Bela: (sauntering up)

The '67 Impala? Was that yours?

Sam: Bela.

Bela: I'm sorry. I had that car towed.

Dean: You what?!

Bela: Well, it was in a tow-away zone.

Dean: No, it wasn't!

Bela: It was when I finished with it.

Dean: What the hell are you even doing here?

Bela: (flippantly)

A little yachting.

Sam: You're Alex. You're working with that old lady.

Bela: Gert's a dear old friend.

Dean: Yeah, right. What's your angle?

Bela: There's no angle. There's a lot of lovely old women like Gert up and down the eastern seaboard. I sell them charms, perform séances so they can commune with their dead cats.

Dean: And let me guess, it's all a con.

Bela: The comfort I provide them is very real.

Sam: How do you sleep at night?

Bela: On silk sheets, rolling naked in money. Really, Sam. I'd expect the attitude from him, but you?

Sam: You shot me!

Bela: I barely grazed you.

(to Dean)

Cute. But a bit of a drama queen, yeah?

Dean: You do know what's going on around here. This ghost-ship thing, it is real.

Bela: I'm aware. Thanks for telling Gert the case wasn't solved, by the way.

Dean: It isn't.

Bela: She didn't know that. Now the old bag's stopped payment and she's demanding some real answers. Look... just stay out of my way before you cause any more trouble. I'd get to that car if I were you... before they find the arsenal in the trunk. Ciao.

She leaves.

Dean: Can I sh**t her?

Sam: Not in public.


A middle-aged man is washing his face at the bathroom sink. A dark figure passes behind him, and he turns.

Man: Hello?

He turns back to finish washing his face. When he turns around again the bathtub is nearly filled with murky water. Confused, he kneels down beside the tub and fiddles with the drain. Suddenly a hand sh**t out of the water, grabs him by the neck and strangles him. His eyes roll back in his head.




The last victim's house has become a crime scene. Bela, impersonating a reporter, is interviewing a distraught man who is the victim's brother.


No. Police said that he drowned, but I don't u-understand how...

Bela: I am so sorry for your loss, Mr. Warren. Now, if you could just tell me one more time about the ship your brother saw.

Dean and Sam approach, wearing suits and flashing badges.

Dean: Ma'am, I think this man's been through quite enough. You should go.

Bela: But I just have a few more questions.

Sam: No, you don't.

Bela: Thank you for your time.

Dean: Sorry you had to deal with that. They're like roaches.

Sam: So, we heard you say your brother saw a ship.


Yeah, that's right.

Dean: Did he tell you what it looked like?


It was, uh... like the old Yankee clippers. A smuggling vessel. The rakish topsail, a barkentine rigging. Angel figurehead on the bow.

Sam: That's a lot of detail for a ship your brother saw.


My brother and I were night diving. I saw the ship, too.

On the other side of the parking lot, Bela is talking to the real uniforms and pointing in Dean and Sam's direction. Sam notices first and nudges Dean. They wrap up.

Dean: All right. Well, we'll be in touch.

Sam: Thank you.


Dean and Sam are loading shotguns at the trunk of the Impala. Bela approaches from behind.

Bela: I see you got your car back.

Dean: You really want to come near me when I got a loaded g*n in my hands?

Bela: Now, now. Mind your blood pressure. Why are you even still here? You have enough to I.D. the boat.

Sam: That guy back there saw the ship.

Bela: Yeah? And?

Sam: And he's going to die, so we have to save him.

Bela: How sweet.

Dean: You think this is funny?

Bela: He's cannon fodder. He can't be saved in time, and you know it.

Dean: Yeah, well, see, we have souls, so we're gonna try.

Bela: Well, I'm actually going to find the ship and put an end to this. But you have fun.

Dean: Hey, Bela, how'd you get like this, huh? What, did daddy not give you enough hugs or something?

Bela: I don't know. Your daddy give you enough? Don't you dare look down your nose at me. You're not better than I am.

Dean: We help people.

Bela: Come on. You do this out of vengeance and obsession. You're a stone's throw from being a serial k*ller. Whereas I, on the other hand, I get paid to do a job and I do it. So, you tell me – which is healthier?

Sam: Bela, why don't you just leave? We've got work to do.

Bela: Yeah. You're 0 for 2. Bang-up job so far.

She leaves.


Sam and Dean are staking out the home of PETER WARREN (the victim's brother). Sam is doing research.

Dean: Anything good?

Sam: No, not really. I mean, both brothers are Duke University grads. No criminal record. I mean, a few speeding tickets. They inherited their father's real estate fortune six years ago.

Dean: How much?

Sam: $112 million.

Dean: (whistles)

Nice life.

Sam: Yeah. I mean, nice, clean, aboveboard. So why did they see the ship? Why Sheila, too? What do they all have in common?

Dean: Maybe nothing.

Sam: No. There's always something.


(spotting them)

Hey, you!

Dean: I think we've been made.

They get out of the car and approach him.


What are you guys doing?! You watching me?

Sam: Sir, calm down. Please.


You guys aren't cops! Not dressed like that. Not – not in that crappy car.

Dean: Whoa, hey. No need to get nasty.

Sam: We are cops, okay? We're undercover. We're here because we think you're in danger.


From who?!

Sam: If you just settle down, we'll talk about it.


Look, you guys just stay away from me!

Sam: Wait.

Dean: Hey, you moron! We're trying to help you!

Peter runs to his car and gets in, starts to drive off. Before he makes it to the gate, the car shudders and dies.

Dean: That can't be good.

Sam: No. Get the salt g*n.

Dean runs back to the Impala as Sam dashes to help. Inside Peter's car, a spirit dressed in old seaman's clothes and a navy coat, his long hair dripping into his eyes, appears in the passenger's seat. It turns to Peter and glares, then reaches out to touch his cheek. Peter convulses, choking on water that spills out of his mouth and struggling to get a breath. He scrabbles for the door, which locks itself, and he slumps over. Sam arrives at the car.

Sam: Peter!

PETER doesn't respond, but the spirit glares straight at Sam. Dean arrives on the other side and aims the salt g*n at the spirit.

Dean: Sam!

Sam ducks as Dean fires. The spirit disappears, and Sam yanks the door open. He pulls Peter back and checks for a pulse, but after a few seconds his shoulders slump and he shakes his head at Dean. Dean kicks the door in frustration.


Sam & Dean are driving along in the Impala with the radio going, talking about the incoming weather.

Dean: (Shuts off radio) Do you wanna say it or should I?

Sam: What?

Dean: You can't save everybody, Sam.

Sam: Yeah, right, so – so what, you feel better now or what?

Dean: No, not really.

Sam: Me neither.

Dean: You gotta understa–

Sam: It's just lately, I feel like I can't save anybody.

(Eerie music followed by a view of the Impala speeding along)

(Outside the house Sam & Dean are staying in)

Sam is reading, Dean on his phone.

(A knock at the door)

(Dean checks the door and sees that it is Bela; Sam & Dean share a long look before Dean opens the door.)

Bela: Dear God, are you actually squatting? (beat) So how'd things go last night with Peter?

(Sam and Dean don't respond)

Bela: That well, huh?

Dean: If you say 'I told you so', I swear to God I'll start swinging.

Bela: Look, I think the three of us should have a heart to heart.

Dean: That's assuming that you have a heart.

Bela: Dean, please... I'm sorry about what I said before, ok? I come bearing gifts.

Sam: Such as?

Bela: I've ID'd the ship. (beat) It's the Espirito Santo, a merchant sailing vessel, quite a colourful history. In 1859 a sailor was accused of treason. He was tried aboard a ship in a kangaroo court and hanged. He was 37.

Sam: Which would explain the 37 year cycle.

Bela: Aren't you a sharp tack? (beat) I have a photo of his somewhere... here.

Dean: Isn't that the customer we saw last night?

Bela: You saw him?

Dean: Yeah, that's him, except he was missing a hand.

Bela: His right hand?

Sam: How'd you know?

Bela: The sailor's body was cremated, but not before they cut off his hand to make a hand of glory.

Dean: A hand of glory – I think I got one of those at the end of my Thai massage last week (laughs).

Sam: Dean, the right hand of a hanged man is a serious cult object and is very powerful.

Bela: So they say.

Dean: And officially counts as remains.

Sam: But still, none of this explains why the ghost is choosing these victims.

Bela: I'll tell you why, who cares. Find the hand, burn it and stop the bloody thing.

Dean: I don't get it. Why are you telling us all of this?

Bela: Because I know exactly where the hand is.

Dean: Where?

Bela: At the Sea Pines Museum. It's a carp bit of maritime history. But I need help.

Sam: What kind of help?

(Later on, Bela is waiting in the living room of Sam & Dean's house; no one else is around.)

Bela: (to Dean) What is taking so long? Sam's already halfway there... with his date.

Dean: So not okay with this!

Bela: What are you, a woman? Come down already.

(James Bond theme tune as Dean descends the stairs)

Dean: Alright, get it out – I look ridiculous.

Bela: Not exactly the word I'd use.

Dean: What?

Bela: You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex.

Dean: (beat) Don't objectify me. (beat) Let's go.

(Dean and Bela pull into the museum parking lot in the Impala)

(murmurs from the black tie gathering)

Bela: Are you chewing gum? (beat) Try to behave as if you've lived this life before, yeah?


This'll get their tongues wagging, hey my Adonis.

Sam: Just remember, we're on business.


Ohhhh, but sometimes business can be pleasure, hmm?

Sam: Right. (beat) You know, could you excuse me for a moment? Thanks. (Sam walks over to Bela and Dean) Exactly how long do you expect me to entertain my date?

Bela: As long as it takes.

Dean: Look, there's security all over this place, alright. This is an uncrashable party without Gert's invitation, so...

Sam: We can crash anything, Dean.

Dean: Yeah, I know, but this is easier and it's a lot more entertaining.

Sam: You know there are limits to what I'll do, right?

Dean: Ohhh, he's playing hard to get, that's cute. Come on. (sighs) I want all the details in the morning!

Bela: Thank you.


To us.

Bela: Private security?

Dean: I don't think so, look at the way they're standing, they're pros. Probably state troopers in mood lighting.

Bela: Posted at every door, too.

Dean: Yeah, I don't think we're just going to be able to waltz upstairs.

Bela: What do you suggest?

Dean: I'm thinking.

Bela: Don't strain yourself. (beat) Interesting how the legend is so much more than the man.

Dean: You got any bright ideas, I'm all ears.

Bela: Okay. (Bela groans and falls to the floor. Dean kneels down next to her.)

Dean: Honey, honey, are you alright? Waiter, my wife has a severe shellfish allergy. There's no crab in that?


No, sir.

Dean: (Taking a cake) They're excellent, by the way.

Guard: What seems to be the trouble?

Dean: Ahhh, champagne, my wife, she's a lightweight when it comes to the sauce. Is there somewhere I can lay her down till she gets her sea legs back?

Guard: Follow me.

Dean: Right. Thank you. Come on, you lush.

(Dean groans as he lifts Bela up)

Dean: (To Guard) You think she's a pain in the ass now, try living with her. Thank you very much.

(To Bela) Maybe next time give me a little heads up with your plan?

Bela: I didn't want you thinking, you're not very good at that.

(Dean sighs)

Bela: Oh, look at you searching for a witty rejoinder.

Dean: Screw you.

Bela: Very Oscar Wilde. Room 235, it's in a locked glass case wired for alarm, I'm sure that won't be a problem.

Dean: (mimics) I'm sure that won't be a problem.



Where's Alex and your friend? They're missing a great party.

Sam: Umm, ah, I'm sure they're entertaining themselves.


Oooh, naughty. Then I guess we'll just have to entertain ourselves as well.

Sam: Woah… (GERT giggles) you know, Mrs. Case (GERT ooo's), I'm sorry, Ms.Case... I don't wanna give you the wrong idea.


Call me Gert.

Sam: (makes an awkward noise) Okay.


You remind me of my late husband... he was shy too, till we got below deck. (offscreen, GERT grabs at Sam's butt)

Sam: Whoa!


Mmmm, you're just firm all over, ooh, mmm.

(Dean is upstairs retrieving the hand of glory)

(We see Bela moving around in a different room)

(Knocks on door)

Guard: Sir? Ma'am? Everything alright?

Bela: (answers the door clutching at her dress) Hi.

Guard: Feeling better, I see.

Bela: Yes, much, thank you.

Guard: So, if you're done with the room...

Bela: Well... not exactly, could we have a few more minutes?

Guard: Uhhh, yes ma'am.

Bela: (Bela closes the door and giggles)

Dean: Oh sorry, ssss'uh... nature called.

Guard: Uh huh.

Dean: Thanks for looking after my wife.

Guard: Oh, she's being looked after alright.

Dean: Any trouble?

Bela: Nothing I couldn't handle. The hand, may I?

Dean: No.

Bela: It might be more inconspicuous in my purse.

Dean: Nice try.

Bela: Just trying to be helpful.

Dean: Well, sweetheart, I don't need your kind of help.


Sam: Man, this is one long song.


(Breathes deeply) I hope it never ends. How's the investigation going?

Sam: These things take time.


People are talking about the Warren brothers' deaths. Strange. Do you think it's connected to Shelia's?

Sam: Yeah, yeah, we think so.


I think they had it coming, you know. In a biblical sort of way.

Sam: What do you mean?


You know about their father?

Sam: No?


Come here, I'll whisper it to you. People say that the old man didn't die of natural causes.

Sam: Then how?


Rumor is the boys did it. Nothing was ever proven, but people still whisper.

Sam: Okay, okay. So... did Shelia have any connection to them?


None that I know of.

Sam: Did Shelia have any kind of tragedy in her life?


Yes, as a matter of fact there was a... car accident when she was a teenager.

Sam: What happened?


Her car flipped over, she was okay but her cousin Brian was k*lled. Why, is that important?

Bela: Well, having a nice time?


He's delightful... he wants me!


(to Sam & Dean) I'm going to get Gert into a cold shower. See you at the cemetery.


(to Sam) You stink like sex.

(Sam & Dean in the Impala)

Sam: You got it right? Tell me I didn't get groped all night by Mrs. Havisham for nothing.

Dean: I got it... Mrs. Who?

Sam: Never mind, just let me see it. What?

(Dean takes a ship in a bottle out of his jacket pocket.)

Dean: I'm gonna k*ll her.

(In Bela's car)

(The ghost ship approaches)

Bela: Oh, no.



The house Sam & Dean are squatting in is lit by candles.


You know what, you're right. I'm not gonna k*ll her. I think slow t*rture is the way to go.

Sam: Dean, look, you gotta relax.


Relax, oh yeah, yeah, I'll relax. (grunts) I can't believe she got another one over on us.

Sam: You.



Sam: I...I mean she got one over on you, not us.


(loudly) Thank you, Sam. Very helpful.

(Anxious knocking at the door)


Hello, could you open up? (Dean opens the door) Just let me explain... I sold it, I've had a buyer lined up since I knew it existed.

Sam: So the whole reason for us going to the Charity Ball was...?


I needed a cover. You were convenient.

Sam: Look, you sold it to a buyer, just go buy it back.


It's halfway across the ocean. I can't get it back in time.


In time for what?

Sam: What's going on with you, Bela? You look like you've seen a ghost.


I saw the ship.


You what? Wow, you know, I knew you were an immoral thieving con artist bitch but just when I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower –


What are you talking about?

Sam: We figured out the spirit's motive. (He shows Bela a photograph) This is the captain of our ship. The one who hung our ghost boy.



Sam: So they were brothers. Very Cain and Abel. So now our spirit, he's going after a very specific kind of target – people who've spilled their own family's blood. See first there was Shelia who k*lled her cousin in a car accident, and the Warren brothers, who m*rder*d their father for the inheritance, and now you.


My God.


So who was it, Bela? Hmmm? Who'd you k*ll? Was it daddy? Little sis, maybe?


It's none of your business.


No, you're right. Well, have a nice life – you know, whatever's left of it. Sam, let's go.


You can't just leave me here.


Watch us.


Please. I need your help.


Our help? Now how could a couple of serial K*llers possibly help you?


Okay, that was a bit harsh, I admit it, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence.

Sam: That's not why you're gonna die. What did you do, Bela?


You wouldn't understand, no one did. Never mind, I'll just do what I've always done, I'll deal with it myself.


You do realise you just sold the one thing that could save your life.

Bela: I'm aware.

Sam: But, maybe not the only thing.

(In the graveyard)

(Sam is setting up a kind of sacrificial circle)


Do you really think this is going to work?


Almost definitely not.

(An angry storm starts)


Sammy, you better start reading.

Sam: Aziel, Castiel, Lamisniel, Rabam… (assorted Latin)


Stay close!


Behind you!

(Dean groans. A g*nsh*t is fired as Dean is thrown through the air)

(Bela begins coughing up water, Dean comes to her aid)


Sammy, read faster!

(Bela begins to weep)


You... hanged me.


I'm sorry.


Your own brother.


I'm so sorry. (screams)

(The two ghosts charge at one another)



(Sam & Dean are packing, getting ready to leave their squatted residency)

(The door opens and Bela walks in)

Bela: You boys should learn to lock your doors. Anyone could just barge in.

Sam: Anyone just did. Have you come to say goodbye or thank you?

Bela: I've come to settle affairs. Giving the spirit what he really wanted, his own brother – very clever, Sam. So here. It's ten thousand – that should cover it. I don't like being in anyone's debt.

Dean: So ponying up ten grand is easier for you than a simple thank you? You are so damaged.

Bela: Takes on to know one. Goodbye lads.

Sam: She's got style, you gotta give her that.

Dean: I suppose.

Sam: You know, Dean, we don't know where this money's been.

Dean: No, but I know where it's going... A-HA HA.

(Later on in the Impala, Sam is looking at a map, Dean is driving)

Sam: Seriously, Atlantic City?

Dean: Hell yeah, play some roulette. Always bet on black. Hey listen, I've been doing some thinking. Um, I want you to know I understand why you did it. I understand why you went after the crossroads demon.

(Sam sighs)

Dean: And if the situation was reversed I guess I'd done the Same thing. I mean I'm not blind, I see what you're going through with this whole deal, me going away and all that. But you're gonna be okay.

Sam: You think so.

Dean: Yeah, you'll keep hunting, y'know, you live your life. You're stronger than me, you are (Sam clears his throat) you are... you'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry, I'm sorry for... putting you through all this, I am.

Sam: You know what, Dean, go screw yourself.

Dean: What?

Sam: I don't want an apology from you – and by the way, I'm a big boy now, I can take care of myself.

Dean: Oh, well, excuse me.

Sam: So will you please quit worrying about me? I mean that's the whole problem in the first place. I don't want you to worry about me, Dean, I want you to worry about you. I want you to give a crap that you're dying! (Dean says nothing) So, what, that's it? Nothing else to say for you?

Dean: I think maybe I'll play craps.

(Sam sighs)
