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04x07 - The Storm

Posted: 03/08/22 17:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on felicity...

What? What's wrong?

I got a call from lauren.
My dad's getting worse.

What did she say?

She said I should go see him.

Tonight when I was walking home,

I saw ben with a woman.

No, no, that's lauren.

- She's in a.a. With...
- With his dad.

Yeah, I know that
now, but I didn't then.

I thought that he was
with her, and I freaked out.

I told him that we
slept together.

Oh, my god.


Can I talk to you? Can I
talk to you for a second?

I tried calling you all night.

Yeah, I was at the hospital.

How is he?

He's sick.

I'm sorry. I know I should
have told you about noel...

Why don't you just go
home. Just get out of here.

- Let me talk to you...
- I don't want to talk to you.

I'll get my stuff
later, all right?

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ New wallpaper

♪ New shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ I don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me ♪

He just got here.

Richard, he lives here.

Shh! I'm freaking out, man.

He could come in here
and rip your throat out.

He's not gonna
rip my throat out.

I would. If you'd slept with
my woman, forget about it.

- Say hello to your grave.
- Right.

I think he saw me.

Okay, can you just hand
some of these out for me?

Man, seriously, just
come stay at my place.

For your own safety.

No, I'll find
something. Thank you.

Okay, but just so you know, you
always have a home over at casa coad.


Wait, wait.

We're clear. We're clear. Okay.

What's with the threads?

Oh, it's the new job.

That's right, the dream
begins today, right?

Hey, you know what'll make
that dream even better?


Is the, uh...

The shmeghan tie pin.


Yeah, that's a real
skull right there.

It's actually edgy
yet professional.

- Yeah, thanks.
- Obviously, ben hasn't
told you yet, huh?

- Richard, shut up.
- He'll find out eventually.

- Find out what?
- You want me to k*ll you?

- I'll tell him, if you want.
- Tell me what?

I was gonna wait
till we had more time,

So that I could explain.

Explain what?

Say it. The suspense
is k*lling us.

Okay. I slept with felicity.

- You what?
- You slept with felicity?

- Are you serious?
- When?

Does ben know?

People, relax. Give
the man some room.

Yes, ben knows. I told him.

You told him?

- And he didn't hit you?
- That's what I keep saying.

- You gotta be careful.
- Stop it.

Okay, I'm going to work.

I know this is gonna
cause tension in the house.

You think?

So I'm looking for a new place.

I'll be out as soon as I can.

I'd take his room in a heartbeat, except
my parents won't let me live off campus.



- Hey.
- Hey.

What's up?

Uh, I just heard about
felicity, you know.

And, you know...


If you want to
talk or hang out...

I'm all right. I got a
lot of studying to do.

My mom's in town, so...


Yep. She's here to see my dad.

Oh, that's great.

Yeah, it is.

I mean, that they're talking.

Look, if you, uh...

If you change your mind,
wanna grab a beer, whatever.

I appreciate that,
sean, I really do. Thanks.


You slept with noel.

Oh, my god. Everybody
knows? This is horrible.

Oh, no, it's not
horrible. It's about time.


Hey, are you okay?


Don't worry. I
know all about it.

Ben won't even talk to me.

Why? Because of this?

It doesn't get much
worse than this.

Uh, yeah. Sean lost a testicle.

Oh, please, I'm eating.

Are you gonna get
back together with noel?

No, I want to be with ben.

You will be. He needs
time to cool down.

Yeah. It's like, the one time
that I cheated on a boyfriend...

Well, the one
time I got caught...

He was mad at me all summer.

But when I got to eighth
grade, he was all mine.

He was hot, too.
What was his name?



Anyway, I came over 'cause
I thought maybe you'd want

Some female solidarity.

You want me to sleep over?

No, that's okay.

Don't worry about
it. Okay? Ben loves you.

And you love him. You followed
him all the way to college.

It's like a fairy tale.

It'll work out.

When you're the most
romantic one in the room,

I know we're in trouble.

I know you're doing double-duty
with this other job of yours.

Mr. Webb, that is one thing

That you do not
have to worry about.

I've already given
notice at the university,

And no matter what's
going on in my personal life,

I guarantee you that webb
group graphics is number one.

That's good to hear.

I'm gonna put you
on emily's bat mitzvah.

Great, great. I
love bat mitzvahs.

No, it's a band, not an event.

Right. Right.

We're packaging the cd.

See dave in publicity. First
desk by the ping-pong table.

Then talk to zoe in
print media about the ads.

Okay, uh, dave in publicity,

And then zoe in
print media, yeah.

- Yeah, I'm all over it.
- Who's all over me?


Oh, zoe, this is noel.

I'm gonna put him on
emily's bat mitzvah with you.

I hope you have ideas,
because I have none.

- Welcome to the team.
- Thanks. Thanks.

Come find me. Bye, dad.

- She's your...
- Daughter.

- Yes.
- Wow. She seems great.

- Let's get to work, noel.
- Okay. Great.

I'm on it.

Hey, felicity. Can I
talk to you for a sec?

- Yeah, sure.
- I'm having a problem
with my midterm project.

- That was due last week.
- That's my problem. I didn't get mine in.


I was hoping I could
get an extension.

Otherwise, I take an "f."

Then I'm not team eligible.
I'm on the hockey team.

We had this away game last week.
Coach told us to focus on the game.

I completely forgot
about the midterm project.

So what do you say?

Um, yeah, sure.

Excellent. Thank you.

Thank you.



Okay, so the "r" group
att*cks the carbon

And forms carboxylic acid.


Nothing. I just can't
believe you can concentrate.

Well, it's due tomorrow.

- Sulfuric acid reeks.
- I'm gonna take off.

It's not that bad.

Uh, we're done.
Ben figured it out.

- No way.
- Yeah.

Wasn't that hard, actually.

All right, man. See ya.


Just so you know,
he's dying inside.

It's not the kind of
thing a guy can get over.

Like it's easy for girls?

Well, it's not nearly as bad.

Oh, my god. I hate
that double standard.

A guy cheats, and
it's no big deal.

A girl cheats, and it's
the end of the world.

Okay, look. The two
are totally different.

When a guy cheats, it's just sex. It
doesn't mean anything. For girls...

For girls it's just sex, too.

No, it's about emotions. When
a girl cheats, it means more.

I've cheated. It means nothing.

Okay. All right. Fine.

When a guy and girl cheats,
it's exactly the same thing.

Yeah, it is.

Okay, great.

Can we go over this now?



I just wanna come
get my stuff. Okay?

- There's...
- No, I got it.

You know where my
green sweatshirt is?

It wasn't in there?


Um, maybe it's in the, uh...

I'll just check and see.

Here's your key.

Oh. Sorry.

You want some ice cream?

Yeah, so that's the living room.

Um, these are the
bedrooms back here.

This is, uh, my room.

Right in here.


Honey, it's... It's great.

Yeah, it's all right.

Oh, wow. Who did that?

Uh, felicity did that.

Oh, you know, I just saw
her mom at yoga class.

She was telling
me how passionate...

What do you want to do today?

Go for a walk? Get
something to eat?

Um, you know, actually,

I'm just gonna get
back to the hospital.

- Really?
- I told dad
I'd be back by 3:00.


You heard he's back on
the transplant list, right?

No, I didn't know that.
Th-that's great news.

Yeah, it happened yesterday.


Doctors got together and
decided he was strong enough.

That's great.

I'm hoping he'll be healthy enough
to take home in a couple weeks.

You're... You're
gonna take him home?

Well, as soon as
they let me. Sure.

No, but I mean, for how long?
Till he gets a transplant?

No, I'm... I'm hoping
longer than that.

So, what? You guys are
getting back together?

Yeah, I think so.




I know it's... It's hard.

Yeah, well.

I mean, I understand
if it's what you want,

But I gotta tell you, it
makes me very, very nervous.

It is what I want.

It's just, after all we've
been through together,

He's a part of me, you know?

- Yeah.
- It's not easy to let go.

I know.



Look, I know you
don't want to see me.


Uh, and I keep telling myself

I need to respect that.

So, I mean, I wasn't
gonna do this,

But I couldn't help it.

Just take it.

- Hey, thanks a lot.
- Excuse me?

Midterm grades are posted. I got
an "f." Did you ask for an extension?

You asked me about that
yesterday, didn't you?

Uh, yeah.

Nick, I am so sorry. I've
had so much going on.

Look, I don't care about
your problems. Okay?

I'm on athletic scholarship. If I get
kicked off the team, I'm out of school.

- I'll take care of it.
- You said that last time.

I'll talk to professor
cavallo today.

Well, okay.

You were listening
this time, right?

Yes, I was.

No worries. I have nothing
better to do with my time

Than to wait for you.

Oh, check this out.

Oh, you finally did
some work on your own?


It is the evolutionary
theory of gender relations.

It's about how men and woman
are different when it comes to sex.

And you're just
figuring that out?

Listen to this.

"Males who fertilize
the most females, win.

Therefore, they should share their
sperm with as many mates as possible."

You see?

Guys can't help but fool around.

We're wired that way.
We gotta spread the seed.

No, you don't.

"In contrast, the female's
strategy is more selective.

She shops for a mate
who can protect her."

That's why women pick such
protective and caring guys.

Yes! "This may be why the
female brain produces oxytocin,

"Which is responsible for a
woman's desire to snuggle

And be held close
after lovemaking."

I hate snuggling, and I don't
care what that article says,

Cheating doesn't mean more
to women than it does to men.

This is medical science
you're arguing with.

I'm not arguing with anyone.

Where are you going?
We gotta do this lab.

Since you know so much about
science, why don't you figure it out?

Well, um... No, but...


Hey, what are you
still doing here?

Oh, hey, I'm just... I'm just
working on the cd cover.

It's still really
rough, though, so...

No, it's great.

- Thanks.
- I like it.

Maybe change the font, though.

I was just about to do that.

- It's a little too...
- Biblical?

- Exactly.
- Yeah.

You know, it's only your second
day here. You should go home.

I mean, unless you're
a workaholic, like I am.

Yeah, no, I am, too. Uh...

But I should, um, I
should finish this.

- Okay.
- All right.

Before you do, do you want
to get something to eat?


I'm gonna be here late,
too, and I'm dying for a pizza.

You know what? You're right.
You're right. I should, um...

I should go home. And I'll get
this stuff to you tomorrow.

- Okay.
- Okay.

But if you change your
mind, I'll be here. Slaving.

Yeah, sure.

This is good, right?
Isn't this good?

You're relaxing, throwing back
a few, got your posse with you.

And you're... Taking
out a little aggression.

- Sean?
- What?

If I'm talking too
much, tell me.

- You're talking too much.
- All I'm saying is,

- You needed to get out.
- I know what he needs.

I don't need anything.

You need a blonde,
brunette, or redhead,

Preferably 5'10" and hot.

I'm gonna get another
beer. You want another?

- Yeah, please.
- Yeah, me, too.

You sure?

I only had one.

All right.

Nothing's going on?

We're working on a cd cover.

Keep it that way,

'Cause the boss's daughter is
not a line you want to cross.

I speak from experience.

- Oh, crap.
- What?

Just be cool. I got your back.

I gotta use the little boy's room,
so you know where to find me.

I hope you like pepperoni.

Oh, my god.

You, you're my hero.

One second!

Tammy, you said
that five minutes ago.

- It's gaby.
- Sorry.

I just need to...

Is that ben's sweatshirt?

This? No, I've had it for years.


What? You think these
are your pants, too?

I'm sorry, but I don't think
that's your sweatshirt.

It has a bleach stain on
the back exactly like ben's.

- Oh, gross.
- Yes.

It's not mine.

Thanks. He really wants it back.

Oh, by the way, we're
out of toilet paper.

Who are those girls?

- Good. You got my message.
- Yes.


- Thank you.
- Whatever.

And here's the sweatshirt.

- This?
- It's his favorite.

I'd take it to him, but
I can't see him again.

There's literally hatred in
his eyes. Thank you for doing it.

I cannot wait to give him
this and a piece of my mind.

- Meghan, I appreciate that...
- No, no.

I'm doing it for
me. I'm sick of this.

He's gonna think
that I sent you.

No, he won't. Not after
I get through with him.

Please just give him the
sweatshirt and don't say anything.


Thank you

Oh, good. More toilet paper.

Ah, no, no. This roll is for her,
not for you. Or your little playmate.

If either of you uses a square
to pick your nose, you'll regret it.


I remember that.



- Thanks for bringing this.
- You're welcome.

All right.

I like that one.

You do?

Yeah, that one's
definitely the best.

I designed that one.




- It's great.
- Thanks.

It's nice here late
at night, isn't it?

Yeah. Yeah, it's quiet.

Sometimes, when I don't
want to be in my apartment,

I come here and hang out.

That sounds good.

It's like an escape...

From the real world.

Oh, look at that!
No, the top button.

Yeah, there you go.

- There you go.
- Oh!

- There it is.
- This is fun.

- You having fun?
- Yeah, I'm having fun.

Good. There you go.

You having fun now
that I passed you?

- Hey.
- Here's your ugly-ass

- Thank you.
- Don't thank me. Thank felicity.

- If it was up to me,
it'd be in the incinerator.
- Meghan...

- I'm giving ben
a piece of my mind.
- I don't want to hear it.

Are you an idiot? You won't
talk to her? It's moronic.

I don't have to listen to this.

Don't listen to me.
Don't listen to felicity.

Walk around with your
fingers in your ears.


Shut up.

Look, felicity loves you.

She really...

She loves you so
much it's disgusting.

I'm serious. If I think about it
too long, it makes me want to barf.

The least you could
do is talk to her.

Just hear what she has to say.

Okay, fine. Do what you want.

Okay, what's wrong?


You're cleaning the kitchen.
Something must be wrong.

I just can't believe
you're taking her side.

She's my friend.

She cheated on her boyfriend with her
best friend. That's doesn't bother you?

In the greater
scheme of things, no.

- Now you're defending her?
- No, I'm just not judging her.

- You think it's okay to cheat?
- I think it happens.

I can't believe I'm
married to a person...

- Sean.
- Who thinks
someone can cheat,

And it's okay
because "it happens."

- This is stupid.
- Now I'm stupid.

No, this. We're fighting. We
don't even have a problem.

This isn't even about us.

You're right.

- I am.
- You're right. I'm sorry.

You're right.



- Sorry.
- Hey.

Um... So what does she
want to talk to me about?

There's a couch back here.

- Dad?
- What?

Ah, mr. Webb.


Uh, we were...
Uh... I was just, uh...

- We thought you left.
- Yeah, we thought you left.

I mean, that's not why...

We were working on the cd
cover, on the project together.

- It's almost done.
- Yeah. It's really good.

- You'll like it.
- I don't think so.

Maybe you won't like it.

But I don't care,
'cause I'm firing you.

- You're firing me?
- Dad, come on.

You're lucky that's the
only thing I'm gonna do.

I tried everything. I told him about
your eligibility, about your scholarship.

He won't listen.

Hey. Whoa, you're big.

- What are you doing here?
- He's changed his mind.

- Cavallo?
- No, ben.

- A friend.
- He's meeting you for dinner.

- Are you kidding me?
- No, he wants to talk.

He's the love of her life.

Wow. I didn't know that existed.

It does. It's kinda
gross, but it does.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Hey, dad, how you doing?

Is your mother here?

No, she went to get something
to eat. You need something?

Some water.

- Okay, I'll get it.
- Thanks.

Did she tell you about
the transplant list?

Yeah, she said you're
back on. That's great.

Yeah, thanks to you.

She also says you two might
be getting back together.

She did?

What, it's not true?

No, no, it is. It's...

I'm surprised that
she said something.

She was worried you'd be upset.

Are you?

I wouldn't say I'm upset.

But I am worried it's gonna be
the same crap all over again.

I still love her, ben.

Okay, um, so this,

And then, yeah, okay.

So... So that, uh,
magnesium metal...

And dry ether gives
you a grignard reagent.



- Thank you.
- Why? You did all the work.

When I did the work, I got a c-.
That's why I had to grovel for help.

- I did not make you grovel.
- Uh, yeah, you did. A little.


Can I ask you something?


It's about your wedding.

Was it called off
because you cheated?

No, um...

We called it off because...

It's hard to explain.


Your poor fiancé must've
been shattered, huh?

We both were.

Yeah. Well, he had it worse.

Oh, my god. Not that again.

No, no. No, no, no.

It's just...

Well, you know, because...

He lost you.

I hear them coming

♪ The blue parade

♪ They're throwing snowflakes

♪ And singing my name

♪ In deep blue voices

♪ I hear them say

♪ There's good love out there

♪ Just you wait

♪ Hold on, I'm coming

- Hey.
- Hi.

How are you doing?

I'm okay. A little wet, but...

Yeah, it's supposed
to be like this all week.


Hi. Can I get you two something
to drink? Maybe some wine?

No, I'm all right.


What do you want to say?


I mean, now that
I have you here,

Of course, I don't know...

It's just hard to
know where to start.

Can we just sit
and talk for a bit?

I didn't come all the way
down here just to talk.

You said you have something
to say. What do you have to say?


I wish I could take it back.

I wish I could make
it so it didn't happen.

Because I don't know
what I was thinking.

I was going through that
stuff with my dad, and...

And it just happened.
Noel and I were on the roof.

I was really upset, and...

I-i'm sorry. This
is just too weird.

I really gotta go.

Ben, wait!

Ben, I love you.

You know, I'm really
starting to hate that word.

The way people use
it, like you and my dad.

Like you say it, and it
makes everything better.

You say it, and
everything goes away.

Just tell me what I can do.

You've already done it.

Honestly, I've really tried
to understand why you do this.

Every time I think about
it, about you and noel...

If you could only understand...

I'm sorry. I just...

I can't do it right now.

I just can't.



I was just leaving the studio,

And I saw you.

I'm just taking
care of some stuff.

- When do you start
your new job?
- Oh, yeah.

That didn't exactly work out.


I'm sorry. I know you
were excited about it.

It's okay.

You know, I mean, I've
still got this, right?

Which is good. It's a backup.
It's good to have a backup.

Noel, it's gonna
take me a long time

To understand why you told ben.

Me, too.

Why did you?

I don't know.

I mean, it's like I keep
doing these things

Where the whole time I can
hear myself saying, "stop."

But I don't.

It's weird.

Well, I'm gonna go. I just...

I just wanted to say hi.



Hey, I'm, uh...

I'm looking for an apartment.

I haven't found one yet,
but I will. I'll be out soon.

- I thought you should know.
- Okay.

How's your dad?

Uh, he's better.

Good. That's good to hear.

Yeah, thanks.

She used to cut his hair, too.

I suppose it was
to save money, but...

I don't know, I think she just
wanted to be close to him.

Man, I do, I want
to forgive her.

Your mother?

No, felicity.

But I don't know.

I don't know how.

I'm just... I'm not
like my mom like that.

♪ I'm standing on the edge

♪ I'm trying to
find my way to you

Dear ben,

I dreamt once that I lost you.

We were on icebergs.

And I can't remember if you
were floating away from me,

Or I was floating away from you.

But I remember
waking up beside you.

It was the middle of the
night, and it was raining,

Like tonight.

And I heard your breathing,

Calming me.

It was like we could
speak without words.

I wonder how and
when we learned it,

This secret language.

I only know that, at some point,

In the silences,

I heard you.

And now I'm left with words,

These useless words,

When all I want is to
be beside you again.

To make you feel safe.

To help you sleep.

To bring you back to me.