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04x06 - Immediate Family

Posted: 03/08/22 18:26
by bunniefuu
Look, mommy!

Oh, bailey, will you swing me?

Put it up just for the natmeister.

Ok, there's got to be another shoe,

Size 13.

Going to drop it right on my head.

What? I found it in

The basement.

Higher, bailey.

Hey, nat,

Why don't you tell bailey

What you get to do tomorrow night?

Sleep over at madeline's house.

So mommy can cook dinner for you.

Really? Nat!

Is that the part I wasn't supposed

To say?

Yep. But, hey, it's ok.

It's ok, sweetie.

Um, I was going to--

Uh, if you're free?

Are you--

Are you asking me out?


You wanna?


Yeah, i--

I wanna.

Higher, bailey, higher.

"Bicentennial surf and turf special for 2

Only 17.76."

Save or toss?

Got to be brutal.

One for the scrapbook,

The rest to the recycler.

Funny how things work out.

I mean, my grandparents actually brought me here

When I was a kid.

And now, here we are.

Small world, huh?

Oh, yeah. You know, I probably even saw you.

Isn't that weird to think about,

That whole ships in the night thing?

How 2 people who have never met,

But are destined to meet,

Might've almost met several times.

And then, well, one thing leads

To another.

And all of a sudden--

They're locked in a storeroom?

You mean we're trapped?

The workers will let us out.

Wait. Wait just a second.

What if we were trapped?

But we're...


Definitely trapped.

Great, but,

Um, what about, you know.

'Cause I don't actually carry one in my wallet.

I do.

Since our third date.

Well, sh**t me,

I'm an optimist.

Ok, i--i think I have an answer.

Was there a question?

Well, to what we were talking

About yesterday.

Duh. About to k*ll

A mockingbird.

So anyway, I reread it last night and--

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

You reread the whole thing

Last night?

Ok, I skimmed. Anyway--

You know what?

Before you get me all interested,

I can't do this today.

But we do this every day.

I know.

But my dad sat me down last night,

And he said that I had to get a job, so...

A job?


I have an interview at the shoe shack.

Wait a minute.

Does that mean you're going

To be, like,

Working every day after school?

Pretty much.

So, I mean,

Maybe we can e-mail or something.



What is this stuff?


The chef calls it ishy mishy.

I call it gross.

Since when are we japanese?

Charlie: it's one appetizer.

I got to try some new things

For the reopening.

I don't know, I kind of like it.

You guys just don't appreciate

Real gourmet cooking, you know that?

I'd appreciate it more if it was

Actually cooked.

Hey, charlie,

You're probably going to be hiring

Some busboys or dishwashers when

You open, right?

Not really. It's covered.

Hey, don't eat all the ishy mishy.

Try the, uh,

The california rolls.

Sorry, I don't do seaweed.

You've got rice in your hair.

I do?


That's weird.

Hey, charlie, this reopening thing.

Is that just for family or can we invite somebody?

What, you have to ask to bring sarah?

Hey, who ate all the sauce?

Oh, I'm sorry. It was good.

Bailey: actually, um, I was going to--

As I was saying, are you sure

You're not going to be hiring

Any part-timers?

You looking for a job, claud?

For a friend. I was going to

Tell you guys--

Griffin's clean up guy

Just quit.

You can use someone,

Right, griffin?

I guess so.


'Cause you could hire this guy, griffin.

His name's reed isley,

And he's smart and cute.

Well, not that cute would be any reason

To hire him, but--

Julia: cute? Reed isley?

He's a senior.

He's, like, some big,

Dumb jock.

He's not dumb.

You have a crush on reed isley?

No. No.

He's just a friend.

Julia: uh-huh.

Save some for somebody else.

Want some more of this?

Julia: he does not hate you.

Are you kidding? The guy's said

5 Words to me

The whole time I've known him.

4 Were before we got married.

And he makes me sit at the kids


He didn't make you.

"You're sitting here, griffin."

That's what he said.

We're married, for god sake.

He lets his girlfriend

Sit at the booth.

You want to sit at the booth?

Next time, we'll trade. You can sit at the booth.

That is not the point,

All right?

Unless he's yelling at me for eating

Too much food,

The guy acts like I'm not even around.

He hates the fact that we're married.

What? That's not--

Griffin, charlie just has a lot going on

Right now, that's all.

He's got claudia,

He's got owen, and the restaurant.

And us, jule. He's also got us.

We're part of this family, too.

You know what's really sad? Besides basically

Everything, you mean? It's just it's sad

That the two of you

Haven't gotten to know each other.

Because you're actually

A lot alike.

You know, he likes sports.

You like sports.

He likes music.

You love music.

You guys have a lot in common.

You do.

Charlie: the guy's a loser.


Ok, ok, it's not that he's a loser.

It's just--

That he married your sister?

Well, yeah.

I think that's this huge mistake, so--

Why? They seem like a cute couple.

Uh-uh. We seem like a cute couple.

They seem like a disaster waiting to happen.

Do me a favor, ok?

When you get home tonight,

Sit down and write 100,000 gazillion


"I will lighten up.

I will..."


What? What's the matter?

It's nothing.

I'm sorry.

I thought I just saw somebody that I know.

I mean, knew.

Charlie, you're all pale.


Oh, hey, um,

7 Needs you to put in a dimmer.

I figured you had to replace

The switch anyway.

It costs more, but--

You know how to put in a dimmer, right?

If it means extra money, I'll learn.

And hank called and said

That we should go ahead and

Clean out

That storage bin in the basement.

I thought maybe we could do that

Tomorrow night.


You know what?

How about saturday?

'Cause tomorrow's not good for me.


Why not?

'Cause I got a--

I got this thing.


Yeah. It's...

A language lab...


Anyway, you look nice.

Where you going?

Oh, well, I've got this language lab...


Charlie, are you nuts?

Why? Why would you ask me that?

'Cause you're putting clean dishes

In the dishwasher.

You're right.

Ok, I know you, charlie.


All right.

First of all,

Things are going really great for me,

All right?

I really like nina.

She's, like, this completely

Perfect woman.

We've established that.

And she's great.

And we're great.

Things are great.


Tonight, I'm kissing nina,

And all of a sudden,

Like, out of nowhere,

I saw kirsten.

Really? I mean, are you sure?

Well, yeah.

I mean, no, of course I'm not sure.

Because it couldn't have been her.

It wasn't her.

It was just somebody that looked kind of like her.

And that's a problem because...

Here I am with nina, and I'm loving that.

And then I start hallucinating.

And maybe that means I'm still hung up

On kirsten.

Or that I'm not really ready to move on.

What does it say about nina

If I'm seeing kirsten?

I don't know.

But now you're putting dirty dishes

In the cabinets.

And remember:

Everyone: it works if you work it.

You ready?

I got to go pick up nat.

You know what?

I'm going to catch the muni home.

My sponsor's acting like he misses me.


I probably shouldn't kiss you here.

Save it for tomorrow.


So, bailey, how you holding up?

You know, 'cause I've sponsored

People before,

But they call, you know?

And you, you don't call

For, like, a week.

So, me, I worry. And so, I called.

John, I appreciate that, man.

But the reason that I haven't called you

Is because I haven't really needed to.

Because everything is really going great

For me right now.

I'm really doing great.

School, work.

Totally manageable.

'Cause, uh, you're coming up

On 6 months.

And I remember how I was at 6 months.

I have never felt better in my life, man, I swear.

'Cause I met somebody.

And she's great.

And all of a sudden

Now it's like I've got this whole new,

Really, really great reason to want to stay sober.


Look, uh, it's not one of the 12 steps,

But your first year, a.a. Really discourages

Getting involved in a new relationship.

It's a bad idea.

Bad idea?

More people fall out for relationship issues

Than anything else.

It is, like, the single

Biggest excuse.

You have an argument: excuse to drink.

She cheats on you: you hit the bottle.

You break up, forget it.

You are on a bender.


There's too many excuses.

How many really great relationships

Have you been in?

I mean, relationships

Where there's no problem at all.

And I know you think you're doing great now.

But can you guarantee

Nothing's going to go wrong?

Well, no, I can't.


Look, john, it's not going

To be like that, ok?

This is important to me.

She is important to me.

And your sobriety isn't?

You don't call.

And then you tell me

It's because you've got this

Woman in your life.

Now, that means you're using her

Instead of a.a.

And you stop using the program

For whatever reason,

You're heading for a fall.

You are heading for a fall, bailey.



It's really you.

Oh, wow.

I didn't--

I mean--

I was in the neighborhood and--

And i--i couldn't not look at the house.

What are you--


You--are you ok?

You--you look great.

Yeah, I'm good.

And I'm not nuts.

I thought I saw you outside

The roosevelt.

Yeah, um, I'm staying there.

How long are you in town for?

Uh, well, actually,

Um, that's kind of--

I'm, um--

I'm moving back, actually.

You're moving back.

Were you going to call me?

Ok, the flat's on post.

The landlord's there now.

There are 2 other people interested, so if we want--

Oh, oh.

I'm sorry. Hello.


I hate to interrupt,

But this guy says he's got to leave

In 15.

So if we want to get there--

Can I see you for dinner

Or something?

'Cause I'd really like

To talk, so...

Did I say 15 minutes?


That would be great.

Um, just call the hotel.

It's room 414.

414. Ok.

Hey, dimple boy.


Mmm, that's timing. I need a pack animal.


My planets aligned today.

My boss, he had to go out of town,

So I was able to sneak away early.

You are in for a treat, you know that?

Um, annie--

You know what?

You might want to hold this one

By the bottom.

It's got cans.

Annie, we kind of--

There's something we have to talk about.

What's the matter?

My sponsor thinks this is a bad idea,

Us getting involved like this.

Because you're only 6 months.


And that kind of has to come first.

You know, my sobriety.

I spent all last night and all day today

Trying to figure out ways to make this work.

And then I realized

That that's exactly what I used to do

With my drinking.

But a.a. Works.

We're, like, proof of that.

And if this is a rule, then--

Then there has to be a good reason for it.

So for now...

Can we just...


Can we just keep things the way they are

With us being friends?

Well, I guess i--

I guess I could freeze the lasagna.

And it could be dinner for me

And nat

For, like, a week, so...


Annie, hey, we can still do stuff together.

I mean, that's part of being friends.


This--this is not--

I just want to have dinner with her,

So we can talk.

Please don't be threatened by this.

I don't know how not to be.

I mean, from everything you said,

She was it.

She was your one, great, true love.


You know that theory.

That we all have one, great, true love.

And that the rest are either,

I don't know, practice

Or poor substitutes

Or also rans.

That's not--

That part of our lives, it's over.

Ok? Only we really never got a chance

To say good-bye.

I left her in chicago,

And that was the last time

We even spoke.

And I feel like we need to,

You know, have an actual


You mean, you want closure.

Yeah, I think so.

But that doesn't mean anything for us, nina.

I'm with you now.

This is just something

I kind of have to deal with.


Julia's not here.

Anyway, it's just tonight.

Yeah, yeah, i, uh--

I was just sort of in the neighborhood.

You know what?

I should leave anyway.

Wait a minute.

No, it's fine, really.

I'm fine.

Just call me when you're closed

Or whatever.

Is this a bad time?

A lot of stuff going on.

What's up?

Nothing. I just--


How about those 49ers, huh?

Did you catch the game last night?


No, I was here.

Yeah, hi.

I need to make dinner reservations

For tonight.

2 At 7:00 at a quiet table.

No, no, not romantic, just quiet.

Could you check?

This thing's pretty cool.

Does it work?

Not for, like, 20 years.

The salvage guys are going to haul it off.

You don't want to do that.

This would look really cool

In the bar.

I mean, why don't you let me fix it?

If you want.

Yeah, yeah, we can do 7:30.


Uh, the name is salinger.

No, no, I mean, I just--

I mean, thanks.

This really helps me out.

It helps me out, too.

I--i mean, griffin. It helps

Griffin out.

Salinger, can I ask you something?

Something kind of personal?


Reed, reed, you can ask me anything.

Let's say, hypothetically,

There's this guy, right?

And he likes this girl.

But the guy's friends think he's nuts for

Liking this girl.

Should he still ask her out?

Hypothetically, I mean.


Are you the guy?


Well, no. I mean...

Ok, yeah, I'm the guy.

Well, then, uh, it--

It sort of depends.

I mean, uh--

Why do your friends think you're nuts?

Well, you know, she's--

She's not a senior.

She's younger than me.

Is that stupid?

I mean, like that should even matter.

If you can talk to somebody,

And you feel this, you know, this connection,

Then who really cares about age, right?

I couldn't agree more.

I mean, what's a year or 3?

Age is so not important.

So, you think I should just say

The hell with it

And ask her out?

The hell with it. Ask her out.


Maybe I will.

Julia: so, she's been here

All afternoon?

Griffin: yeah. Kind of cute, huh?

Or pathetic.

Ah, she's all right.

He seems pretty cool, too.

Quit obsessing.

Come here and hold this wire for me.

I don't know.

It's just pretty obvious

What's going on.

I just don't want to see her get hurt.

Oh, damn it.

You sure you can fix this thing?

Yeah, of course I can fix it.

You were working on it when I stopped by for


And you're working on it now.

I can fix it, all right?

It's not like it's that crucial.

If you can't fix it, charlie will understand.

I can fix it, julia.

I want to.

You, um, didn't eat too much.

Not very hungry.





That's done, huh?

Yeah, looks like.

So, what do you want to do?

You want to watch some tv?

Or whatever you want.

Yeah, yeah.

Um, you know what?

I don't often get a night alone.

Without nat, I mean.

So, if it's ok,

I--i think I might just,

Well, take a bath and eat a pint of

Rocky road

Or something.

So, you mind?

No, no, of course not.

A.a. Tomorrow?

Trust me, I'll be there.



So, um...

Did you find a new place?

Mm-mmm, not yet.

Um, the flat was...


How's your salad?

Um, well, the endive is just right,

And the, uh, balsamic's perfect.

And I'm married, charlie.

I, uh--

I got married.

Excuse me?

2 Months ago.

That's why I'm moving back,


Because, well--


Because my...

Husband is a doctor,

And, heh, he's, um,

Taking a position in neurology

At bay memorial,

And he's still in chicago, but, um,

I came out early

So I could find us a place,


Oh, god.


I'm married. Yeah.


You said that.

I mean, um...

I was reluctant to tell you,

Because--well, because I just didn't know

What that meant for you.

And it's--it's not some--some

Crazy thing that I did,

'Cause I know that i--i made some

Pretty weird choices,

You know, right after you and I

Almost got married.

His name's paul,

And I've known him since--well...


Since high school,

And, um...

Anyway, i--i ran into him last year

After you were in chicago,

And we...

Well, one thing sort of led to another, and...

Say something, please.

That's, um...



Uh, actually, I'm...

I'm with someone now, too. Heh.

So, uh...


Her name's nina,

And she, um...

And she works with birds,

And it's-- it's pretty great.

Really? Yeah.


Oh, that's, um...

I'm so glad to hear that.



Everything worked out ok.

Looks like.

(Deep sigh)



Charlie's mailing list is done.

You can tell him he owes me like $100,000.

Who's that for?

Did you get a gift for kirsten?


What? Uh, uh, no.

It's for a...

A friend.

Oh. Let me take a wild guess--




It's not.

It is. Claudia...

What are you doing?

What's the big deal?

Come on, claud.

You obviously have a monster crush on him,

And he's 3 years older,

And it's never gonna work out.

Why put yourself through this?

Who died and made you dear abby?

I mean, like you're even qualified

To have an opinion.

Sam was--what,

Uh, 6 years older than you?

Exactly, and it didn't work out.

Well, this will, because I know for a fact

That, uh, that reed's gonna ask me out.


And I also know that he really,

Really likes me,


Because he told me so, so...


Bite me.

Maybe it'll let up.


Or I could just make a run for it.

To the car, you mean?

No. No, that's ok. I'm gonna walk.

Bailey, that's insane.

Come on, on the count of 3.

Ready? 1,




Ahh. Ahem.

Damn it.

What? What's the matter?

My wipers.


Maybe it'll blow over soon.


I just...

It's a lot to take in.

So what are you, like, jealous?

No. That's not it. If I was jealous--

I mean, I'd hate myself if I was jealous.

She's--she's happy, so...

She's happy, and you're...

What are you, charlie?

I told you,

I don't...

I have no idea.

Well, you know, if it helps,

It--it kinda makes sense that you're upset.

I mean, let's face it,

You guys went through some major trauma together.

Only now it seems like whatever you had

Means, like, nothing,

And--and she's moved on now,

And she--she's married to some really great

Pediatric neurosurgeon,

And I can see how that would upset you.

You had to throw in pediatric neurosurgeon.

But you know what?

Not to seem cold or anything,

But whatever you're feeling,

Or--or going through, or whatever,

You--you kinda just gotta get over it,

'Cause, I mean, you don't have a choice.

Sh-she's married now,

And that's like...

Well, that's like it.


Oh, hey.

These nuts are driving me nuts.

You ok?

I mean, what's the matter?

Ahh. Claudia, it's--it's not

Gonna work out.

Excuse me?

The--the age difference thing.

It's--it's just it's too much.


You don't...

I mean, how do you know that until you...

Until you give it a shot? I mean...

I gave it a shot.

No, you didn't.


I called, ok?

You did?

Last night, and--

Wait. Did I miss something here?


No. I just--i called, and I asked her out, and...

And she was nice and everything, but...

She doesn't date older guys.


You know the worst part? It's like...

I never even dated her, right,

But I still--i still feel totally bummed.

Is that stupid?



I think I know how you feel.

Waiting for somebody to swing you?

Not really.


You got plans tomorrow night?


I don't know. I--

'Cause, well, charlie has this

Grand reopening thing

At the restaurant,

So why don't you, me, and nat get

All dressed up and go?

As friends?

Well, yeah, as friends.

Why not?

Because it feels like a date.

That's why not.

It's not a date date but...

A friend date.

A friend date?

What is that, bailey?

I'm 26. You know that?

I'm 26 years old, and I can't sleep at night

Because all I can do is think about you.

I'm attracted to you,

Like, really attracted...

And I want that to go someplace.

So do i.

It's just...

Right now...

We can't be together.

I get that.

Because your sobriety is more important,

And I get that, too, believe me.

But when we're together

And we're not really together,

It's worse than being at a cocktail party.

I can't do this anymore, bailey.

I can't do this just-friends thing.

No, I told you.

It's--it's "salinger's,"

Apostrophe "s," not "s" apostrophe.

That's, like, plural or something, right?

It's my place, me alone.

W-what do you mean you can't fix it

By tomorrow?

I'm reopening tomorrow,

And people are gonna know.

Hey, don't insult my customers.

Just--all right, just...

Just do what you can.

Hey, all done.

Fixed it.

I'm sorry. It?

Yeah, the, uh, magneto was shot,

And the ground wire was shorted.

I was up most of last night,

But I figured you'd want it for your opening, right?

Where's the jukebox? Take me like 10 minutes.

God, griffin.

The--the salvage guys hauled it off

This morning.


Man, I'm sorry. It's just...

There's been a lot going on lately,

And I must have--

I mean, I guess I just totally forgot

You were gonna do that.

You forgot?


You didn't forget.

Man, y-you know, you didn't even hear me

In the first place.

Wait a minute. 'Cause the truth is,

You know, you're so wrapped up in your own crap

You don't give a damn about anybody else.

Griffin, that's not true.

Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

Look, i--i know you think I'm some kind of screwup.

Hell, I know I'm always gonna be the guy

That--that stole the money from you that time

Or whatever it is you're holding against me.

I'm also the guy that married your sister.

You know what?

She's happy about that.

Ask her.

You know what? If she's happy

About us,

You should be, too.

If you weren't such a miserable person

All the time,

Maybe you could be happy for somebody else

For a change.

(Door opens)




Uh, come on, sweetie, let's go.

"Who is this, really?"



Oh. Hey.

I didn't hear you come in.

What are you doing?

Um, just cruising the chat rooms,

You know,

Seeing who's out there.


Oh, man. "R-o-f-l." Heh heh heh heh.


Uh, rolling on floor laughing.

This guy in piedmont, he's a crackup.

It's not worth explaining.



Why don't you come with me tonight

To the restaurant?

Everybody's gonna be there.

Oh, um...

You know, I don't know.

I'm kinda...


Sarah, you're trolling the internet.

Come on.

We see each other even less now that

We're roommates,

So let's do something.

Thanks, but I don't think so.

Why not? Because.

Because let's face it.

Look, it's kind of a special occasion,

And the last person you want to show up

With is

Your roommate, so...


Come on. We're more than just...


Are we?



What's that?

Laugh out loud.

(Knock on door)


I, um...

I--i kinda have to talk to you,

And I'm sorry to barge in on you

Like this, but--

No. Come on in. Do you mind?


I just, uh...

The other night was pretty horrible.

I know that.

Well, horrible's kinda strong.

Uncomfortable is more like it.


Heh. Exactly.

But the truth is,

I--i never said any of the stuff that

I should have said to you.

I just got...

I don't know. I was--i was so stunned.


I know. Charlie--

But what I should have said--

What I wanted to say was...

I'm happy for you.

And you know what?

I--i really, really mean that...

'Cause I really am,


I don't know. I guess that means

That things must be going ok for me, too.

That's all I ever wanted, you know that,

Was to see you happy.

I guess I always thought that meant we'd be happy

Together, but...

I lost you, but I still got what I wanted most.

I still got what was more important.

That's kinda weird, huh? Heh. Kinda. Heh.

And I wanna meet him,

And get to know him, and tell him how lucky he is,

And, um, I know the kids want to see you

Now that you're back.

I love you, kirsten.

I love you, too.

Julia: claud, come on. Owen's dressing.

We gotta get going, so...

What the hell are you doing?

I'm dead, ok?

Pay your respects and get out.

Ok, what happened?

Go ahead. Say "I told you so."

I don't care.

"I told you so"? What...

It was some other girl he was talking about, ok?

It should have been me, but...


Claud, I'm sorry.

I mean, god,

I know it hurts, believe me.

I've been there.

But you gotta just,

You know, give it some time,

'Cause each day'll get a little easier,


Wow. I know that sounds really lame

Right now, but...

You'll be ok.

You'll get over him.

Why would I want to do that?

Excuse me?

Why would I want to get over him? He's...

He's perfect, julia.

Oh, if you had seen the look in his eyes,

That heartbroken look when he told me that she

Had turned him down, and...

He feels things so...


Wait a minute.

What's so important that you couldn't just,

Uh, tell me out there?

I just wanted to be alone with you

For a minute

Before everybody got here. Is that a problem?

Depends on why you want to be alone.

I mean, you go off and have dinner

With kirsten,

And the next time I see you, you're in

A really good mood,

And you're not gonna dump me, are you?


No. No.

In fact, it's, um...

It's kind of the opposite.


Kirsten got married,

Like, 2 months ago.

Isn't that fantastic?

It is?


She's married, and--and she's happy,

And I'm happy that she's happy,

And you know what that means?

That you're happy?

Heh. Yes.

That means that I can tell you

I'm in love with you.

I love you.

Charlie. No, no.

You don't have to say it back.

That's not why I told you.

It's not a g*n-to-the-head kind of thing.

I just wanted you to know.

How much time do we have before

They get here?

Not enough,

But we can sneak back here after dinner.

Hey, charlie.


I love you, too.

All I'm saying is if he didn't want me

Here before,

He sure as hell isn't gonna want me here now.

Griffin, he said on the phone

To make sure you were here.

Why, so he could poison me? Uh-oh.

Hey, hey!


You're here.

(Gasping) nice to see you, too.

Griffin. I'm, uh...

I'm really, really glad

You came.

You are?

Yeah. Um...

Claud, could you give us

A second here?

Sure. No skin off my nose.

Come on, owe.

Look, um...

I owe you this huge apology,

And not just about the jukebox thing.

I was crummy enough about that,

But, um, the truth is you were--

You were right, griffin.

I should be able to be happy

For other people,

And you know what?

I am.

I really am, and I'm happy

For you guys.


And I want to do something to make it up

To both of you,

Something that we kind of forgot to do

The first time around.

I want to give you a wedding.

Really, charlie?

'Cause we--we need to do this thing right.

I mean, we need to do it like a family.

Wow. That is, uh, so...

Cool. Yeah.

Thank you, charlie.

Wow. You giving away food?

Hey, bay.


They change your medication?

Come on. Come on over here.

Ok, the--the table's not gonna be ready

For a minute,

So I have an announcement.

Uh, wait. Hey, charlie...

It's sparkling cider, bay.


Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

You two aren't...

What? No, no, that's not...

Oh, no, I don't get married

Till I've known the guy at least 2 months.

I just, um...

I wanna drink a toast

To being happy.

Who's happy?

Julia and griffin.

They're getting married.

They're already married.


Charlie's giving us a wedding.

So we can do something right for a change.

Julia: yeah.

Bailey: all this happiness.

You wanna be my date tonight?

As long as I don't have to hold your hand.

Waiter: salinger.

Party of 7.

That sounds kind of weird,

But I guess it makes these

Menus right.

What? What do you mean?

"Salingers" apostrophe.

That's--that's like the whole



It's us.

I knew that.

Bailey: yeah.

Wow, charlie, you did this for us?

One of those expanding tables.

We had to make room for griffin, right?

And this side folds out, too,

'Cause from now on we're only getting

