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04x03 - In the Beginning

Posted: 10/03/08 19:22
by bunniefuu
4.03 In the Beginning

Air Date: 2 Oct 2008



Dean is asleep. Sam pauses and looks at him before leaving the room.


A car pulls up. Sam gets in the passenger side. Ruby is driving.

Ruby: Ready?

Sam: Definitely.


Dean is dreaming. We see flashes of his terrified face, in red, and the sound of screams. He wakes to find Castiel sitting on his bed.

Castiel: Hello, Dean. What were you dreaming about?

Dean: What, do you get your freak on by watching other people sleep? What do you want?

Castiel: Listen to me. You have to stop it.

Dean: Stop what?

Castiel puts two fingers to Dean's forehead.


Dean is sleeping on a bench.

Police Officer: Move it buddy – you can't sleep here.

Dean: Okay... sleep... where?

Police Officer: Anywhere but here.

Dean tries to make a call on his cell, but gets no signal.

Dean: Perfect.

Dean gets up and enters 'JAY BIRD's DINER'.


Dean sits at the diner's counter next to a Young Man.

Dean: Hey, where the hell am I?

Young Man

Jay Bird's Diner.

Dean: Yeah, thanks. I mean, uh... city and state.

Young Man

Lawrence, Kansas.

Dean: Lawrence.

Young Man

Hey, you okay buddy?

Dean: Yeah, tough night.

Young Man

Hey, uh, coffee here, Reg.


Okay, coming right up.

Dean pulls his cell phone from his pocket.

Dean: Can you tell me where I can get reception on this thing?

Young Man

The USS Enterprise?

Dean looks at REG as he brings the coffee over. REG is dressed in 1970s hippie gear – think early Sonny Bono.

Dean: Thanks... nice threads. You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right?

Young Man

Sonny and Cher broke up?

Dean looks around the diner and notices everyone is dressed in 1970s-era clothes. He looks at the newspaper the Young Man is reading. The headline reads "Nixon accepts resignation of top…" and the date is Monday, April 30, 1973. Dean mouths the words "Seventy three." A Man enters the diner.

Man: Hey, Winchester.

Dean and the Young Man look around. The Man shakes the hand of the Young Man.

Man: Son of a bitch. How you doing, Corporal?

Young Man

Hey, Mr. D.

Mr. D.

I heard you were back.

Young Man

Yeah, a little while now.

Mr. D.

Good to have you home, John, damn good.

Dean: Dad?

Mr. D.

Well, say hello to your old man for me.

John: You got it, Mr. D.

John notices Dean staring at him.

John: Do we know each other?

Dean: I guess not.

John gets up to leave.

John: Take it easy, pal.

Dean: Yeah.




Dean is following John Winchester. As he turns a corner, Dean bumps into Castiel.

Dean: What is this?

Castiel: What does it look like?

Dean: Is it real?

Castiel: Very.

Dean: Okay, so what? Angels got their hands on some Deloreans? How did I get here?

Castiel: Time is fluid, Dean. It's not easy, but we can bend it on occasion.

Dean: Well bend it back or tell me what the hell I'm doing here!

Castiel: I told you, you have to stop it.

Dean: Stop what? Huh? What, is there something nasty after my Dad?

Dean turns as a car horn sounds. When he turns back, Castiel is gone.

Dean: Oh, come on! What, are you allergic to straight answers, you son of a bitch?!


John is talking to a CAR SALESMAN.


A fine young man like yourself, just starting out? How about I take off another 250?

John considers it for a moment.

John: Let's do it.


I'll get the paperwork.

John walks over to the front of a beige VW van and rubs the headlights.


That's not the one you want.

Dean is leaning on a '67 Chevy Impala!

John: You following me?

Dean: No, no, I was just passing by. I never got to thank you for that cup of coffee this morning. I was a little out of it.

John: More than a little.

Dean: Let me repay the favor.

Dean pats the hood of the Impala.

Dean: This is the one you want.

John: Oh yeah, you – you know something about cars?

Dean nods his head and looks slightly nostalgic.

Dean: Yeah... yeah, my Dad taught me everything I know.

Dean: And this – this is a great car.

Dean opens the hood of the Impala and leans in. John joins him on the side of the car.

Dean: 327 four barrel, 275 horses. A little TLC and this thing is cherry.

John: You know man, you're right.

Dean nods over his shoulder at the van.

Dean: Then what are you buying that thing for?

John: I kinda promised someone I would.

Dean: Over a '67 Chevy? I mean, come on, this is the car of a lifetime. Trust me, this thing's still gonna be badass when it's 40.

John considers it for a moment and hold out his hand to Dean.

John: John Winchester. Thanks.

Dean shakes his hand.

Dean: Dean Van Halen – and thank you.

John looks in the open windows of the Impala.

Dean: I was in pretty rough shape this morning, huh?

John: No kidding.

Dean: I've been hung over before but, hey, I was, I was getting chills in that diner. You didn't feel any of those cold spots, did you?

John: Nope.

Dean: I swore I smelled something weird too, you know? Like... like rotten eggs. You didn't happen to smell any sulfur by chance?

John: No.

Dean: No... There been any cattle mutilations in town recently?

John: Okay, mister! Stop it.

Dean: Yeah, if only I knew what to stop. Listen, uh – watch out for yourself okay?


Yeah, sure.

Dean pats the Impala again and leaves.



John points at the Impala.

John: I'll take this one.


John pulls up in the Impala. Further down the street Dean pulls up. He watches as a young woman runs from a house to John's car.

John: Hey.

Girl: What's this?

John: My car.

The Girl walks around the back of the car, and John follows her.

Girl: What happened to the van?

John: Mary, this is better than the van! This has got a 327, a four barrel carburetor.

Dean: Mom?


Mary and John are inside with milkshakes. Dean watches them through a window.

Dean: Sammy, wherever you are, Mom is a babe. I'm going to hell... again.


John and Mary are sitting across from one another talking over milkshakes.

John: I should just talk to him.

Mary: My Dad's being my Dad, John. It's not you.

John: How is it not me? He's been like this for how many years?

Mary: He's just protective over me, that's all. He doesn't want me to –

John: Hook up with a mechanic from a family of mechanics?


No! Hey, I love you, for exactly what you are. I'll be right back.

Mary leaves. John pulls out a small red box. Inside is a ring.


Mary is standing behind Dean.

Mary: Why are you following us?

Dean turns around. Mary knees him in the stomach and throws him against a metal container next to the building. She goes to punch him, and he dodges it, stepping sideways.

Dean: Are you crazy?

Mary continues her attack. Dean backs up as she comes after him, but he manages to grab her arms.

Mary: You've been trailing us since my house.

Dean: I don't know what you're talking about –

Mary: Really?

Mary and Dean grapple. Dean grabs her and holds her against a wall.

Dean: Okay, how about we talk about this, huh?

Mary: Let me go!

Dean sees Mary is wearing a bracelet with protective charms.

Dean: Are you a hunter?



John and Mary pull up in the Impala.

John: See you later?

Mary: If you're lucky.

They kiss and Mary gets out of the car. As she approaches the house Dean appears.

Mary: Dean, right? I'm not sure you should come in.

Dean: You can trust me. I mean, come on, we're all hunters, right? I mean, we're – we're practically family.

Mary: Yeah, thing is, my Dad, he's a little, um...

Dean: Oh, I gotta meet him.

Mary: You've heard of him?

Dean: Clearly not enough.


Samuel: So, you're a hunter? Well, tell me something, mister hunter, you k*ll vampires with wooden stakes or silver?

Dean: Neither, you cut their heads off.

Mary smiles.

Dean: So, did I pass your test?

Samuel: Yep. Now get out of my house.

Mary: Dad!

Samuel: I don't trust other hunters, Dean, don't want their help, don't want them around my family.

DeanNA is setting the table in the next room, and calls to Samuel.


Knock it off, Samuel.

Samuel: He's a hunter.

DeanNA walks into the room.


Who passed your little pop quiz, and now I am inviting him to dinner. Are you hungry?

Dean: Starving.


Good. I'm Deanna, you've met my husband Samuel, now wash up.

Dean looks at Mary.

Dean: Samuel and Deanna?

Mary nods.

Dean: Really?


Dean, Mary, Samuel and DeanNA are sitting around the dining room table eating dinner. DeanNA leans over and touches Dean's arm.


First time in Lawrence, Dean?

Dean: Well, it's been a while. Things sure have changed... I think.

Samuel: You working a job?

Dean: Yeah, maybe.

Samuel: What's that mean?

Dean: It means I don't trust other hunters either, Samuel.

Mary: Hey, um, so why were you following me and John?

Dean: Mmm, I thought something was after your, um, boyfriend, but um, I don't think that anymore.


John Winchester mixing it up with spirits, can you imagine?


I saw that.

Samuel: What?

Mary: That sour lemon look.

Samuel: Now hold on, John's a really, really nice... naive civilian.

Mary: So what? You'd rather me be with a guy like this?

She nods to Dean.

Dean: What? No, no. No.

Samuel: Mary, of course not, it's just that I –


That's enough, both of you, we have company.

Dean: So what about you, Samuel, you, uh, working a job?

Samuel: Might be.

Mary: He's working a job on the Whitshire Farm.

Samuel gives Mary a look as Dean clears his throat.

Dean: Whitshire, why does that name sound familiar to me?

Samuel: Well, it's been all over the papers. Tom Whitshire. Got tangled up in a combine a few towns over.

Dean: That kind of thing happens.

Samuel: So why was he on it in the first place when his crops are all dead?

Dean: Demonic omens?

Samuel: That's what I gotta find out.

Dean: What about the rest of the town? Well, did you find anything on the web? ...Of information that you have assembled.


Electrical storms maybe. The weather service graphs should be here on Friday.

Dean: By mail?

Samuel: No, we hired a jet liner to fly 'em to us overnight.

Dean: You know, it sounds to me like we might be hunting the Same thing. You know if we go in there in numbers, we could take care of this real quick.

Samuel: What part of "we work alone" do you not understand, son?


Mary and Samuel are sitting in a truck.

Mary: And I'm here because?

Samuel: Family business, Mary... family.

Samuel: What? You'd rather be waving pom-poms at a bunch of dumb jocks?

Mary sees a boy leaning on a tree nearby and walks towards him.

Samuel: Where you goin'?

Mary: To do the job, Dad.

Samuel walks to the house and knocks on the door. Dean opens the door, dressed as a priest.

Samuel: Father, I see you beat me here.

Dean: The Lord is funny that way. Beth Whitshire, this is my associate, our senior, senior priest, Father Chaney.

Dean joins Samuel outside on the doorstep.

Samuel: Please accept our deepest condolences on behalf of the county diocese.


Thank you.

Dean: Mrs. Whitshire was just telling me all about Tom, and how normal and ordinary things were the day before his death.

Samuel: I see, so you didn't notice anything unusual, ma'am?


You mean like my husband's guts fertilizing the back 40?

Samuel is stunned into silence at her response, and Dean, looking amused, turns to leave.

Dean: Excuse me.

Dean pats Samuel on the back and then makes his way off the porch. Samuel shares an awkward smile with BETH, and we see Dean approaching Mary and the boy, CHARLIE. Mary notices Dean and turns back to CHARLIE.

Mary: Charlie, would you like to tell the Father here what you just told me?


Dad drank sometimes. Sometimes he got rough with Mom.

Mary: And that's when the stranger came?


I just thought he was some Bible thumper, like you all. He showed up about a week ago.

Dean: Saying what?


Did I want the beatings to stop? I just thought he was crazy, I didn't think – and the next thing I know, Dad's dead. Am I going to jail?

Mary: You didn't do this, Charlie.

Dean: Did the stranger want something in return?


He didn't want anything.

Dean: Come on, Chuck, he wasn't just handing out freebies now, was he?


He did say something about comin' a callin' ten years from now. Maybe he'd want something then.

Dean: Something like what?


I don't know, okay? Look, I told you he was nuts.

Mary grabs Dean's arm and leads him a few steps away.

Mary: What do you think?

Dean: I think he just pimped his soul to a demon and doesn't even know it.

Mary returns to CHARLIE, and Dean follows her.

Mary: Charlie, do you remember what this stranger looked like?


Yeah, he was about 5'10, white, normal looking really.

Mary: Anything else?


There was one thing.

Dean: What?


It's just, the light hit his eyes in a weird way and... for a moment I coulda sworn –

Dean: What? That they were black? Or red maybe?


No, they were yellow. Pale yellow.

Dean looks over at Mary.


Dean slams a map down on the dining room table. DeanNA is in the kitchen chopping bananas.

Samuel: What do you say we just slow down and talk this thing through.

Dean: There's nothing to talk about.

Samuel: Except you're saying it's a demon, and none of us has ever heard of a demon with yellow eyes.

Dean: Yeah, well, I have. This thing k*lled my family.

Samuel: Just calm down, son.

Dean: You don't get it, do you? You are in danger, we are all in danger. In fact, you need to get yourself someplace safe.

Samuel: Not until we know what we're dealing with here.

DeanNA comes in carrying a fruit salad.


Sam's right, Dean, it could be a demon, it could be a shapeshifter, it could be any number of things.

Dean: I know what this thing is!

DeanNA goes back into the kitchen.

Dean: And I'm gonna k*ll it, that's all the talking I need to do.

Samuel: You're gonna k*ll a demon? How?

Dean: There's a hunter named Daniel Elkins. He lives in Colorado, he has Colt's g*n. TheColt.

Samuel: Yeah, I heard about the Colt, used to tell it to Mary as a bedtime story.

Dean: Well, it's real.

Samuel looks at DeanNA. They don't know what to think.

Samuel: Alright, say that it is. You got some kind of crystal ball telling you where this demon's gonna be?

Dean: Yeah, maybe I do.

Dean takes John's journal out of his jacket and flips it open on the table.

Samuel: What's this?

Dean: It's a list.

Samuel: Of what?

Dean: My Dad wrote down anyone he thought ever came in contact with the Yellow Eyed Demon: who, where and when.

Samuel: Why?

Dean: ‘Cause the more he could learn about the son of a bitch, the more he could figure out why it k*lled my Mom.

Dean flips the page.

Dean: Look, Whitshire Farm. I told you that name sounded familiar.

Samuel: Whitshire Farms, that was two days ago. How the hell is that on your Dad's list?

Dean: Uh... my Dad could see the future. Look at this, it says he's gonna hit here tomorrow night.

Samuel: Liddy Walsh?

Dean: Haleyville, that's close.

Samuel: I mean, yeah, it's about three miles, but...

Samuel looks over at DeanNA leaning on the door jamb, and she shakes her head slightly at the whole story. Samuel looks back at Dean, who sees that they don't believe him.

Dean: I know you guys think I'm crazy.

Samuel: You seem like a really nice kid, Dean, but yeah, you're crazy.

Dean: Yeah, maybe, but I know where this bastard's gonna be, and I'm gonna stop it, once and for all.

Dean takes the journal and walks out of the room.


Mary is sitting listening to music.

Dean: I'm shoving off. I just wanted to say, bye.

Mary: Really? So soon?

Dean: Yeah – job to do. Hey, I wanted to – to tell you, you know for what it's worth. Um... it doesn't matter what your Dad thinks, I like that John kid.

Mary smiles.

Mary: You do?

Dean: Yeah. Yeah, I think you two are meant to be.

Dean (softly)

Hell, I'm depending on it.

Mary: What?

Dean: Nothing. Um, can I ask you a question?

Mary nods.

Dean: What's he like? John.

Mary: Why do you ask?

Dean: Just curious.

Mary: I don't know. He's sweet, kind. Even after the w*r, after everything, he still believes in happily ever after, you know? He's everything a hunter isn't. (beat) No offense.

Dean: No, none taken.

Mary: Can I tell you something?

Dean nods.

Mary: He's gonna ask me to marry him. Tomorrow, I think!

Dean: Yeah?

Mary: Oh, Dad's gonna explode, but I don't care. I'll run away if I have to, I just… I love John, and...

Dean: And what?

Mary: I wanna get out. This job, this life, I hate it. I want a family, I wanna be safe. You know the worst thing I can think of? The very worst thing? Is for my children to be raised into this like I was. No, I won't let it happen.

Dean blinks back tears.

Dean: Yeah...

Mary: Hey, are you okay?

Dean: Yeah, no, I'm – I'm fine. Hey, uh, Mary, can I tell you something?

Mary: Sure.

Dean: Even if this sounds really weird. Will you promise me that you will remember?

Mary: Okay.

Dean: On November 2nd, 1983, don't get out of bed. No matter what you hear, or what you see. Promise me you won't get out of bed.

Mary: Okay.

A tear runs down Dean's face. He smiles at Mary and leaves.


Dean is driving. Castiel appears next to him. Dean inhales sharply.

Dean: So what? God's my co-pilot, is that it?

Castiel just looks at him, and Dean glances over again.

Dean: Well, you're a regular Chatty Cathy. Tell me something. Sam would have wanted in on this, why not bring him back?

Castiel: You had to do this alone, Dean.

Dean: And you don't care that he's tearing up the future looking for me right now?

Castiel: Sam's not looking for you.

Dean: Alright, if I do this, then the family curse breaks, right? Mom and Dad live happily ever after, and – and, Sam and I grow up playing little league and chasing tail?

Castiel: You realize, if you do alter the future, your father, you, Sam – you'll never become hunters. And all those people you saved, they'll die.

Dean: I realize.

Castiel: And you don't care?

Dean: Oh, I care. I care a lot, but these are my parents. I'm not gonna let them die again. I can't. No, not if I can stop it.

Dean looks over to the passenger seat, but Castiel is gone.



Dean is kneeling at a safe, from which he pulls out the Colt. A man, DANIEL ELKINS, appears with a shotgun pointed at Dean's back.


Hold it right there, friend. Drop the g*n, be on your way.

Dean pretends to lay the Colt on the top of the safe, but instead points it at DANIEL.

Dean: Can't do it, Daniel.


Who the hell are you?

Dean: A hunter, just like yourself.


Thief's more like it.

Dean: I just need it for a few days.


Not happening, mister.

Dean: Look, I have a chance to save my family's lives. My family. But I need this g*n to do it. So if you want to stop me? k*ll me.

Dean lowers the Colt and walks slowly toward the door past DANIEL. He turns to look at DANIEL and DANIEL lowers his g*n.

Dean: There's some hunters in Lawrence, the Campbells.


Never heard of them.

Dean: That's where she'll be.


Mary and Samuel are sitting at the dining room table cleaning g*ns.

Mary: Dean say where he was going?

Samuel: Said he was gonna k*ll a demon.

Mary Chuckles.

Mary: k*ll a demon? That's impossible.

Samuel: Yep.

Mary: Where?

Samuel: Uh... oh, I don' know, over in Haleyville, uh, Walsh's maybe.

Mary: Wait, not Liddy Walsh?

Samuel: Well, yeah, I- I- I think so.

Mary: Dad, she's a friend of mine! We gotta help her.

DeanNA walks to the door of the room, and sees Mary getting up.


What's wrong?

Mary: I'll be in the car.


Hey –

Samuel: I mean, she wants to hunt, she doesn't want to hunt, is this some female time of month thing?

DeanNA sighs and walks back into the other room.

Samuel: What?


LIDDY WALSH is sitting on the sofa with Dr. BROWN.


I'm sorry, Liddy, it's metastasized.




His liver, his lungs. It's time we talked about arrangements.


No, you have to do something, Dr. Brown.


There is one way, a cure actually, but I'll need your help.


What do I have to do?


Nothing. Just in ten years, I'm going to come to you and ask for something then.




Nothing you'll miss.

Dr. BROWN's eyes turn yellow. The door bursts open and Samuel enters. He sh**t the YED in the chest. LIDDY screams. The YED's eyes open and Samuel cocks the shotgun again. The YED waves his hand and SamUEL's shotgun flies across the room.


Oh –

The YED waves his other hand. Samuel flies backwards and gets pinned to the wall behind him.


Oh, God.


Hold that thought.

The YED approaches Samuel.

Samuel: You son of a bich.

The YED leans in to Samuel, but turns around abruptly. Mary is standing behind him with a raised knife. The YED grabs Mary by the throat.


Hello there.

Mary slices him with the knife.


Where the hell have they been hiding you?

Mary keeps attacking. The YED grabs her arm and she drops the knife. She punches him.


I like you. You got a lot of spunk.

Mary kicks the YED. He grabs her leg, then slams her against a wall.

Samuel: Mary!

Dean bursts in with the Colt drawn. The YED pulls Mary in front of him as a shield.

Dean: Let her go!


Where'd you get that g*n?

Dean cocks the COLT and nods to Mary, who breaks away from the YED. Black smoke pours from the YED's mouth and goes out a vent in the wall.

Dean: Damn...


Dean: Mary, what else did he say to you?

Mary: I told you, just that he liked me.

Mary looks up at Dean with fear in her eyes.

Mary: What did he mean by that?

Samuel joins them on the lawn.

Samuel: Liddy's a strong kid, she'll be fine.

Samuel looks at Mary.

Samuel: Are you okay?

Mary: No, Dad, I'm pretty far from okay. Can we go?

Mary turns and walks to the truck. Samuel turns to Dean.

Samuel: Nice job in there.

Dean: I missed the shot.

Samuel: Take the compliment, son. I'm saying that I was wrong about you.

Dean looks at him, and then to the truck where Mary went, and looks back at Samuel, obviously upset.

Dean: We need to talk alone.


Dean: We have to k*ll this thing now, or Mary dies.

Samuel: What? How do you know that?

Dean pulls out John's journal.

Dean: I just do, okay?

Samuel: When?

Dean: I don't know, maybe today, probably years from now, but it's happening, trust me.

Samuel: So what, are you some kind of a psychic now too?

Dean: No. Alright, listen to me.

Dean goes to the table and sits down next to Samuel.

Dean: Now, this is gonna sound a little... actually it's gonna sound massively, massively crazy.

Samuel: Okay.

Dean: Mary is my mother.

Samuel: Excuse me?

Dean: And I am your grandson, and I know what the hell I'm talking about.

Samuel looks at him in disbelief.

Samuel: You wanna run that by me again, son?

Dean: My real name is Dean Winchester. I was born January 24th, 1979. My parents are Mary and John Winchester.

Samuel: I don't have to listen to this.

Dean: Mary gets k*lled by a yellow eyed demon in 1983, and I think that this – what happened tonight – I think this is the moment that he caught her scent. Now, if we don't catch this thing now, and k*ll it, and it gets away? Then Mary dies. So I am asking you, please.


Mary runs up to John and throws herself into his arms.

John: Hey, you – you okay?

Mary: You promised you'd take me away.

John: Of course I did.

Mary: Do it now.

John opens the door of his car. Mary climbs in, and he shuts it after her, looking concerned.


Dean: How did I know about the Colt? Huh? How did I know about the Yellow Eyed Demon? Or where it would be? I'm not making this up, Samuel.

Samuel: Every bone in my body is aching to put you six feet under, but there's something about you – I can't shake it. Now, I may be crazier than you, son, but I believe you.

Dean: Thank you.

Samuel: I mean, how do we find this bastard?

Dean: Right here, the list.

Dean opens John's journal.

Samuel: And with the Colt?

Dean pulls the Colt out of his jacket and puts it on the table.

Dean: Yeah.

Samuel: Here, let me see it.

Dean hesitates and then moves it further away from Samuel.

Dean: Sorry, I don't let anybody hold it.

Samuel: I'm your grandfather.

Dean: Nothing personal.

Samuel: Sure it is, especially when it's me you're trying to k*ll.

Samuel's eyes turn yellow. The YED raises his hand and the chair that Dean is sitting slams against the wall. Dean glares, but appears unable to move.




Future boy, huh?

The YED walks over to Dean.


I only know one thing that's got the juice to swing something like that. You must have friends in high places. So, I k*ll your Mommy? That's why you came all this way? To see little old me?

Dean: Oh, I came here to k*ll you.


Hey, wait a minute, if that slut Mary's your Mommy, are you... are you one of my psychic kids?

The YED leans in and sniffs Dean.


No, not you. Maybe you got a sis, or a bro. That's terrific, means it all worked out. After all, it's why I'm here.

Dean: So that's what this is about, these deals you're making. You don't want these people's souls.


No, I just want their children. I'm here to choose the perfect parents, like your Mommy.

Dean: Why her? Why any of them?


Because they're strong.

DeanNA peeks around the corner of the kitchen doorway and sees what is happening.


They're pure, and they eat their Wheaties. My own little master race – they're ideal breeders.

Dean furrows his brow.


Oh, get your mind out of the gutter. No one's breeding with me. Though, Mary? Man, I'd like to make an exception. So far, she's my favorite.

Dean looks furious and tries to move, but can't. DeanNA watches from the next room.

Dean: So why make the deals?


I need permission.

DeanNA comes quietly into the room.


I need to be invited, into their houses, I know, I know, the – the red tape'll drive you nuts, but in ten short years, it'll all be worth it. ‘Cause you know what I'm gonna do to your sibling? I'm gonna stand over their crib and I'm gonna bleed into their mouth. Demon blood is better than Ovaltine, vitamins, minerals – it makes you big and strong.

Dean: For what? So they can lead your discount demon army? Is that your big plan?


Please, my end game's a hell of a lot bigger than that kid.

Dean: End game? What end game?


Like I'm gonna tell you, or those angels sitting on your shoulder. No, I'm gonna cover my tracks good.

Dean: You can cover whatever the hell you want, but I'm still gonna k*ll you.


Right. Now that, I'd like to see.

Dean: Maybe not today, but you look into my eyes, you son of a bitch, ‘cause I'm the one that kills you.


So, you're gonna save everybody, is that right? Is that it? Well, I'll tell you one person that you're not gonna save.

The YED takes out a knife.


Your Grandpappy.

The YED winks and plunges the knife into Samuel.

Dean: No!



The YED goes for DeanNA, while Dean struggles to free himself. The YED sends DeanNA flying and breaks her neck in the kitchen as she tries to crawl away. Dean grabs the Colt and rushes in to find her dead, and the YED gone.

Dean: Mary... Mary!

EXT. Impala - NIGHT

John and Mary sit in the Impala, which is parked next to a river.


I guess it's no secret why I brought you way out here.

INT. Impala - NIGHT

Mary: John –

John: I just – just let me get through this, okay?

Mary: Okay, wait. There's things you don't know about me, John.

John: So?

John opens the ring box and shows it to her.

John: I will always love you for exactly who you are.

There is a bang at the window.


What did I tell you?

Mary: Dad!

John: Sir, just listen!

The YED pulls Mary out of the car. John gets out the other side.

Mary: Ow! Dad! You're hurting me!

John runs over and tries to pull the YED off Mary.

John: Hey, take it easy!

The YED grabs John's head and wrenches it sideways, breaking his neck and k*lling him instantly.

Mary: No!

John falls to the ground. Mary drops to her knees to cradle him. The YED kicks John's legs.

Mary: You k*lled him.


Oh, not just John, sweetie-pie. Mommy and Daddy too.

The YED unzips his jacket to show Mary the knife wound in SamUEL's stomach.

Mary: No...


Yup, afraid so. You're little orphan Mary now.

Mary: You son of a bitch!


Oh, sticks and stones may break my bones, and they won't bring your family back either.

Mary: I'll k*ll you, I swear to God.


Oh, let's not get nasty.

The YED sits down next to Mary.


Now look, we both said some things that we regret. Let's, um... kiss and make up.

Mary is crying as she holds John.


I'll tell you what, I'll arrange to have lover boy here brought back breathing.

Mary: My parents too?


Nope, sorry doll, that's not on the table. But, think about it, you could be done with hunting forever. The white picket fence, station wagon, couple of kids, no more monsters or fear. I'll make sure of it.

Mary: What? And all it costs is my soul?


Oh, no, you can keep your soul, I just need permission.

Mary: For what?


Mmm, in ten years I need to swing by your house for a little something, that's all.

Mary: For what?!


Relax. As long as I'm not interrupted, nobody gets hurt, I promise. (beat) Or you can spend the rest of your life, desperate and alone.

Mary is sobbing.


Mary? It's a good deal. So what do you say?

Dean drives up and sees the YED kissing Mary. He gets out of the car.

Dean: No!

Dean rushes forward with the Colt drawn. Before he can sh**t, black smoke flows from the YED's mouth. John comes back to life.

John: Mary?

Mary: John.

Castiel appears beside Dean and places a hand on his shoulder. When Mary looks up from John, Dean is gone. Samuel lies dead on the ground.



Dean is asleep in bed. He gasps and wakes up. Castiel is standing near the foot of the bed. Dean sits up.

Dean: I couldn't stop any of it. She still made the deal. She still died in the nursery, didn't she?

Castiel: Don't be too hard on yourself. You couldn't have stopped it.

Dean stands up.

Dean: What?

Castiel: Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the Same destination.

Dean: Then why'd you send me back?

Castiel: For the truth. Now you know everything we do.

Dean: What the hell are you talking about?

Castiel looks at the other bed, which hasn't been slept in, and Dean follows his gaze.

Dean: Where's Sam?

Castiel: We know what Azazel did to your brother. What we don't know is why – what his endgame is. He went to great lengths to cover that up.

Dean: Where's Sam?

Castiel: 425 Waterman.

Dean grabs his keys and his jacket.


You brother is headed down a dangerous road, Dean, and we're not sure where it leads. So stop it. Or we will.