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03x19 - Super Car

Posted: 03/09/22 19:18
by bunniefuu
VoilĂ . [Sniffs]

Hey, strawberry
waffles. [Chuckles]

In honor of this
historic occasion.

Just because Larry
gave me a day off...

in the middle of the week
is no reason to get historical.

Well, go ahead.
Say what you want.

But to me, this is a day to
remember... a day of significance.

You know what I think
the significance is?

He's going to ask me
to work the weekend.

Well, live... for
tomorrow you work.

Samantha, what have
I done to deserve you?


And you don't.


I better run, or I'll
be late for the office.

Wait a minute, Darrin.
Now, let me explain.

Mother, Darrin's off today.

I think you're just
noticing it for the first time.

Sweetheart, wh-why don't you
go into the living room and relax?


Mother, just once, can't
you be nice to Darrin?

Go ahead. Take the first step.

You'll find out that being
nice really isn't so painful.

- All right.
- Good.

Darwood, dear boy.

I think it's time we
had a talk. About what?

I mean, I think we should
have a better understanding.

I just want to bury the hatchet.


Ooh! [Gasps]

Oh, isn't that a darling!

No, it's a Reactor Mach II.

Tell me, would you like
to have a car like this?

Sure, but even if
I could afford it, I

couldn't get it. It's
not on the market yet.


Well then, close your eyes
and hold out your hand.


- Oh, what's that?
- Those are the keys
to the car you wanted.

Come on, charm boy.

Let's go see, huh? Come on.

Come on.

Mornin', Charlie. Hiya, Joe.

J.J. just stopped me. Told
me the Reactor Mach II...

has to be ready for the
trial run next Monday.

Yeah, and a week ought
to do it. Rough night?

Had a crazy nightmare. I
dreamt we had the trial run.

And we opened the hood
to let the reporters see it.

The engine was gone. No.

The whole thing was powered
by a bunch of squirrels.

Squirrels? [Chuckles]

Oh, that's a riot.

Get the hood up, Charlie. We'll see if
we can't adjust some of those... squirrels.

- Hey, Joe?
- Yeah.

I think I'm having another
nightmare. The car is gone.


Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Sam, isn't that wild?

Your mother made an exact
copy of the Reactor Mach II.

Oh, it's beautiful. It makes the
Batmobile look like a skateboard.


[Chuckles] And it's
got a flip-top roof!

Oh, that's wonderful.

Oh! Electric doors!

[Darrin] How about that?
Yes, how about that?

Darrin, don't you think
you should thank Mo...

[Engine Starts] Oh,
listen to that power plant.

There must be a gold mine
under that hood. I hope so.

Hydraulic suspension
system. Yeah.

And look at that control panel.
It's even got a radar screen.

I don't think I can bear
all this enthusiasm.

See you later, dear.

Darrin, you really should
have thanked Mother for the car.

Well, I know I should
have, except for one thing.

What's that? I can't take it.

Why not? You know I can't accept
anything that's a product of witchcraft.

But Mother was only being nice.

I know. Would ya look
at that steering system?

Darrin, couldn't you
make one little exception?

Honey, if you make
one little exception,

before you know it,
you'll make a lot more.

Couldn't you keep it
just a little while? Uh-uh.

Would ya look at
that power plant!

Don't you realize how hurt Mother's
going to be if you don't keep it?

Honey, it's a
matter of principle.

Look, if you'd just
accept the car graciously,

maybe she'd stop bugging you.

She will? It's worth a try.

Okay, I'll take it, but
only for a little while.

And, remember, I'm only
doing this for your mother.

[Joe] Now just
calm down, Charlie,

and go over this step-by-step.

Now, we know the place
was locked, right? Right.

And we're the only ones
that have keys, right? Right!

Well, there's your answer. No
one could possibly have gotten in.

You're talking nonsense!
The car is gone, isn't it?

Is it? What?

I don't know about you, but I am
too old to take up another trade!

Do you wanna tell J.J. that
$150,000 worth of car is missing?

And five years of research?

Not until we've gone over
the whole thing step-by-step.

Now we both know the
place was locked, right?

Now, how am I on that side?

About two feet away.
That's close enough.

It handles like a dream. I can't
wait to get her out on the highway.

It does ride beautifully. Would
you like to get behind the wheel?

Uh, uh, the steering
column? May I?

Oh, of course.

[Chuckles] Oh, hon, you'd
better take off your shoes.

Take off my shoes? Your
high heels will ruin the carpet.

I'm not wearing high
heels. Oh. Here. [Chuckles]

Okay? Yeah.

Whoa! [Chuckles] Whoo!

[Engine Starts] This?

What are you doing?
Starting the car.

- What for?
- So I can drive it.

Are you kidding?

I said you could get behind
the wheel, but that's all.

Y-You mean, you're
never gonna let me drive it?

Oh, sure. After
I've broken it in.

After the first
10,000 miles or so.

Honey, do we still have those
old army blankets of mine?

Mm-hmm. What for?

I thought I could put them around the
walls of the garage, protect the finish.

- I have a better idea.
- What?

Why don't I make
a slipcover for it?

What kind of material?

Oh, boy. I can't wait to
tell Larry about this car.

He'll turn green with envy.

Isn't he gonna wonder how
you could afford a car like this?

I'll tell him the truth. What?

I mean, I'll say it was a
gift from my mother-in-law,

and I had to accept it to
keep peace in the family.


Now, here's why I think you
guys haven't been on the ball:

The first thing you've got to
understand... Excuse me, Mr. Sheldrake.

You play golf, don't you? Yes.

It's a beautiful day.
We can still get in

nine holes, and we can
talk at the same time.

Only if we play the same ball.

Now here's what I think
your basic mistake has been.

- You just don't understand
the meatpacking business.
- [Phone Ringing]

Yes? Uh, put him on.
I'll just be a moment.

Well, Darrin boy, how are
you enjoying the day off?

Good. But don't make
any plans for the weekend.

I think we may have an
emergency coming up.

No kidding. A new
car. Is that right?

[Chuckling] Sounds wild.

Uh, just a minute.
It's Darrin Stephens.

He wants us to come
over and see his new car.

Sounds like something
really special.

Tate, I didn't fly in all the way
from Cincinnati to see a new car.

Uh, Darrin, maybe I'll
stop in on my way home.

Right. Bye.

Sounds like an expensive car. I
wonder where he got that kind of money.

Can I get back to why I think you fellas
are off the track with my product, huh?

Oh, sure, sure. It's one of
those new experimental jobs.

What is? Stephens's car.

Has a flip-top roof,
hydraulic suspension...

and a 425-horsepower engine.

How'd you like to
drive that home?

All I wanna drive
home is my point,

namely, that your ideas for my
product have been too routine...

No dash or imagination!

Tate, this is the space age, and
Sheldrake wants to be a part of it.

Do I make myself clear?


But how do we work
sausages into the space age?

That's your job.

Well... [Sighs]

Let me see now.

It's, uh, got hydraulic
suspension, huh?

- What has?
- Stephens's car.

Tate, can't you keep your mind on
one thing for more than a minute?

"Made in Detroit"?

Charlie, we gotta find some way
to explain that car's disappearance.

You're right. We
gotta find some way.

There's only one
problem. What's that?

There is no way to explain
it. I mean, what do you say?

"Sorry, we lost it."

Reminds me of a guy I
know who lost a house.

A house? No kidding. How?

Back taxes.

Charlie, I wish I had
your sense of humor.

I'd cut my throat.
Now there's an idea.

Hi. Car all tucked in?

Mm-hmm. Say, I was
just looking at the engine...

Would you like some
tea? Oh, no, thank you.

I was just looking
at the engine,

and it was real cute the way
you put "Made in Detroit" on it...

and a serial number.

Makes it look real legitimate. What
do you mean? The car is legitimate.

Of course, you mean a
legitimate copy, don't you?

Where did that car come from?

Darrin. How should I know?

Look in that magazine. That's
where it was when I cast the spell.

You mean, it came from Detroit?

What do you think,
the stork brought it?

Now listen, you two.
I don't understand.

I do! Your mother gave me a
hot car for a present! Mother!

Don't you look at me like that.

I was trying to do
what's-his-name a favor.

But to steal a car!

Well, where was
I going to get it?

I'm a witch, not a
car manufacturer.

- Will you do me a favor?
- What?

The next time you decide to do
me a favor, don't do me any favors!

Stop it.

Darrin, dear, there's no
reason... to be in a snit.

Mother just didn't understand
what she was doing.

Well, I mean, the
worst you can say...

is that she was
a trifle overeager.

Swell. That car
is worth a fortune.

There's probably an alarm
out for it all over the country.

What are we going to tell the
police when they catch up with it?

Your mother is an
overeager witch?

Well! I'm not gonna stay
here and listen to this ingrate.

Good-bye, Samantha. I'm off to
New Orleans for the Mardi Gras.

Oh, Mother, wait a minute.

Oh, please, Mother.
Please come back.

Sam, let her go. She's
caused enough trouble.

Oh! Mother! Mother,
are you listening to me?

You come back here right
this second! Sam, I said forget it.

Who needs her? We've
got trouble enough.

The first thing to do is go to the garage
and put that car back where it belongs.

Oh, Darrin, don't you
understand? I can't.

Mother's the only one that can bring
that car back. Mother! Mother, dear.

You're a dear, sweet,
wonderful woman. We need you!

Mother? Mother,
dear? It's no use.

You insulted her.
I insulted her?

Oh, no. I insulted her.

Well, let's not
stand here quibbling.

The first thing to do is to lock that
garage door before... [Doorbell Rings]

It's too late. The police.

Darrin, pull yourself together.

Open the door!

[Chuckles] Hello, Darrin.
You know Mr. Sheldrake.

Uh, sure. Yeah, nice to
see you again, Stephens.

Nice to see you again,
sir. Please come in.

Come on. Oh, hi, Sam! Oh,
thank you. Thank you very much.

Mr. Sheldrake, I'd like
you to meet my wife.

This is Samantha. How do you do?

Well. Pleased to meet you, Mrs.
Stephens. Can I get you some coffee?

Oh, no, thanks. No,
no. Don't bother, Sam.

Well, sit down. Make yourselves
comfortable. Oh, thank you, thank you.

We've been brainstorming some
new ideas for Sheldrake Sausages,

and we thought we'd
bounce them off you.

And we're both anxious
to see that car too.

- Car?
- Car?

- Your new car.
- New car.

- New car?
- Yeah!

I'm dying to see that hydraulic
suspension system. Where is it?

Uh, where? Uh, uh, well...

Um, uh, the thing is,
uh... [Clears Throat]

I've, uh... I've
just put it to bed.

At noon?

Oh, yes. It's all
tucked in for its nap.

We promise not to wake it up.

Well, the thing is, um...

It's, um... Are you trying to
say business before pleasure?

Uh, yes! That's it. First let me hear some
of those ideas you wanna bounce off me.

But watch out for the rebound.
Remember, I've had a half a day off.

Stephens, let's look at the car, and we
can talk about it at the same time, hmm?

Um, well, uh... You see...
Darling, you go ahead.

I'll see if I can
contact that party.

Oh. Okay.

It's in the garage. Oh.

Mother, now I want you to listen
to me carefully, wherever you are.

Now I've never asked
you for anything important.

Well, at least not recently... not
since I asked you to be nice to Darrin.

But now we're
in a terrible spot!

So would you come back
and help us out, please, hmm?


Mother, can you hear me?

Oh, boy, are you
a stubborn witch.

What did you say?

Well, don't you get it, Darrin?

"Face the space age with
Sheldrake Sausages." Yeah!

And what better symbol
can we use than this car?

The car of the future!
Why, it's perfect!

But... [Mumbling]
Wh-What I'm saying is, um...

What are you trying to say?

Well, uh, since you asked, I'm not
sure that the car is the right symbol.

Stephens, believe me, I'll make this
the most photographed car in the country.

I'll go further. I'm positive
it's the wrong symbol.

[Chuckles] You
see, Mr. Sheldrake?

[Nervous Chuckle] When you
deal with McMann and Tate,

you're not buying
yourself a lot of yes-men.

This boy's got real integrity.

What are you trying to
do, sabotage the account?

Well, now that you've had a chance
to think it over, Darrin, tell the truth.

Sheldrake's idea has real
magic in it, right, Darrin? Right.

- That's why I'm against it.
- What?

- Darrin?
- Uh, e-excuse me.

Any luck? No, I'm afraid not.

Why is she being so stubborn? Doesn't
she realize the terrible spot I'm in?

You see that? I answered
my own question.

Darrin, that's not quite fair. Mother just
didn't stop to think of the consequences.

Sam, one of the consequences is
breathing down my neck right now.

The client wants to use the car
as part of his advertising campaign.

Oh, my stars! Well, just refuse.

It's your car. What?

Well, it's in your custody.

Sam, I'm going to be in custody
if you don't contact your mother.

If she won't come back,
there's only one thing I can do.

I'll have to go find her. All
the way to New Orleans?

I'll only be gone a few minutes.
I don't know if you should.

Here they come.
Have a nice trip.


Look, Darrin. I think I
know what's bothering you.

You just got the
car. It's brand-new.

And, naturally, you're
concerned about our using it.

Yes, it's perfectly understandable.
As a matter of fact...

Let's drop the matter for now, and
maybe, well, later on we'll see, huh?

Thanks, Larry. [Clears Throat]

Mr. Sheldrake has
just one little request.

Uh, yes. Could I drive it
around the block, hmm?


Uh, no.

Charlie? Mm-hmm.

Whatever we decide to tell J.J., we
have to be in complete agreement.

Right. I mean, the important
thing is to stick together.

Right, right. United we fall
and divided... No, united...

Forget it, and let's try to find
something we can agree on.

Okay, if that's the way
you feel, it's your car,

and if you don't want Sheldrake
to drive it, that's your business.

Thank you, Larry, for
being so understanding.

But it's my business to
keep our clients happy.

And any employee that doesn't cooperate
isn't going to stay in my business.

Is that a threat?
Call it a promise.

Mr. Sheldrake, you
want to drive my car?

Here are the keys,
Mr. Sheldrake. Ah, thanks.

Uh, drive slowly.
Watch out for the lights.

Be very kind to those
brakes. They're very tender.

My boy, I was drivin'
before you were born.

Uh, just once around the block?

I can't bear to watch this.
I'm going in to have a double.

[Engine Starts]

[Tires Screeching]

Darrin, we're back.

Sam, you found her! Yes.

You don't look too well.
And I have you to thank for it.

If that's the way you're going to act, I'm
going right back... Mother, please, wait.

Darrin, Mother came all the way from the
Mardi Gras in New Orleans just to help you.

Don't ask me why.
All right, I'm sorry.

Just put that car back
where it belongs, please.

Oh, she will, she
will. Just don't bug her.

What are you doing? Shh,
she has to concentrate.

Wait a minute! Not now!

What did you do that for?

Isn't that what you wanted? No!

He's too much!
Samantha, don't you re...

Isn't Sheldrake back yet?

Larry, I'm afraid he went a
little further than we expected.

Oh. Oh, my stars!

So, we're in complete
agreement, right? Right.

You're gonna go to Peru,
and I'm takin' off for Brazil.

And if anybody asks, we
never even heard of the car.

We never even heard
of each other. Right!

[Engine Revving]

[Engine Stops]

Hi there.

Sheldrake's the name.
Sausage is my game.

Charlie. Hmm?

Here's something
we can agree on.

I won't say anything
about this if you don't.

Right. Right.

Has the pounding gone away?

Oh, yeah. It changed
to a low thump.

I feel terrible about
this. I don't understand.

A responsible man,
head of a big company.

And he just drives
off with your car.

Oh, well, Larry, you
know these rich men.

They're so eccentric. But I
know how much that car is worth.

Well, Darrin isn't worried.
Why should you be?

He's not worried? No.

I'm sick. Mmm.

Oh, Darrin. [Phone Ringing]

Ooh, excuse me.


No, this is Mrs. Stephens.

Oh, Mr. Sheldrake.

Where are you?

At the airport?

What's he doing there? And
what... what about the car?

Um, Mr. Sheldrake,

there's something I'd like
to try and explain to you,

but I'm not absolutely
sure how to g...

What's that?

You have?

You were? You are?

Oh, why... why, Mr. Sheldrake,
that sounds wonderful!

Yes. A-All right. Good-bye.

Well, what is it? What happened
to him? What about the car?

Uh, h-h-he took a slight detour.

Just going around the block?

He said that someday,
when he figured it

out for himself, he'd
tell you all about it.


He also said to go ahead and use
the car in the advertising campaign.

- He has the rights to it.
- B-But, wh... How did he get them?

Well, it seems he ran into
the two men who designed it.

[Scoffs] I don't understand
anything about this,

but it's okay with
me. [Chuckles]

He sure flipped over
that car, didn't he?

Yeah, he flipped, all
right. Oh, he certainly did.

Yeah, he said it's a
great experimental car,

and they'll have no trouble
getting it off the ground.

Hmm? Well, that's what he said.