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05x20 - Moonlight and Maintenance

Posted: 03/09/22 20:42
by bunniefuu



Oh, Fred!


I'm out here, Wilma,
taking care of Pebbles.

Goo goo, dada!

Fred, do you know
what day this is?

It's saturday.

Right. The day
you mow the lawn.

Okay, okay.

Bye-Bye, dada.

Come on, Pebbles.

Let go in and have our lunch.

I wan gape ju.

Of course we'll have
grape juice.



meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Let's ride with the family
down the street

Through the courtesy
of Fred's two feet

When you're with
the Flintstones

Have a yabba-Dabba-Doo

A dabba-Doo time

We'll have a gay old time

Boy, do I hate

Listen to him, will ya?

I do all the work,
and he hates saturdays.

I made a list
of other things to do.

"Trim the hedge,
finish painting the garage

Fix the roof--"

Alright. Alright.
I can read it.

For once, I want you to
do more than read it.

- I want you to do it.
- I will, will.

Fred, this is getting

The roof's
in terrible shape

And the water heater's
gonna go any minute.

I know, and I'll
get around to it!

That's what
he always says.

That's what you
always say, Fred.

Ever since we've lived
in this house

I've been after you
to fix things

And I can never
get you to do it.

Look, Wilma,
I am not a machine.

I work all week
at the quarry.

Do I have to work
every weekend at home?

You know something, Wilma.

We oughta junk this place

And move
into an apartment.

An apartment?

Why not?

In an apartment,
a man is king.

No lawns to mow,
no roofs to repair.

If anything needs fixing,
just press a button

And some flunky
comes and does it.

Don't kid yourself,

You'd never be happy
in an apartment.

"Bedrock towers.

"New ultra-Modern

Push-Button living
at its finest."

There you are, Barney,
just like I told Wilma

Push-Button living.

That's for me.

I dunno, Fred.

It looks like they
get an awful lot

For these apartments.

Are you kidding?

Are you kidding?

That's what we're getting

For these apartments,
mr. Flintstone.

Oh, boy, oh, boy.

Would you care
to see one of them?

Well, yeah.

I don't usually show
apartments myself.

I leave that to my
resident stationary engineer.

Third floor, please.


Wake up, otis.
I said three.

And make it snappy.

Come to think of it

Perhaps you'd prefer
the vacancy on the fifth floor.

Fifth floor, please.

Make that
the fifth floor.

The fifth floor.

Wait. I just remembered.
5b has been rented.

I'll show you the apartment
on the fourth floor.

Make that
the fourth floor, please.

Forget about
the fifth floor.

Now he wants
the fourth.

I wish he'd make up
his mind.

Here we are.
Fourth floor, apartment 4b.

Wow, Fred.

An a*t*matic door.


a*t*matic nothing.

This is hard work.

Notice the view,

On a clear day,
you can see clear

Across the swamp
to the tar pits.

I'm sorry if it's a bit stuffy
in here.

The place
has been closed up.

I'll open
a window.

I think
it's stuck.

Ta ta.

Gee, an a*t*matic
window, too.

At bedrock towers,
everything is a*t*matic.

The oven...

Wow. An a*t*matic
oven lighter.

The ice box...

would you close
the door, mac?

It makes it kind of
drafty in here. Brr!

Uh, excuse me.

Boy, this is really living.

Hey. What's this for?

That's the a*t*matic
vacuum system.

I'll show you
how it works.

Hey! Some suction.


I'll turn it off.

I'm terribly sorry,
mr. Rubble.

I'll have
the vacuum adjusted

As soon as I get a new
resident stationary engineer.

Why did the old one leave?

Who knows? It's
really a cushy job.

Nothing to do but mingle
with the tenants.

You know, play host.

That's all?

For which he gets
a free apartment...

free apartment?

Plus a handsome salary,
and tips.

No kidding.

Look, mr. Rockroll

About this resident stationary,
whatever he is

You got anybody in mind
for the position?

Well, no, but I can't
engage just anybody.

I need a man
with a fine background

Personality, tact

The ability
to handle people

Make decisions

A man with
a good education.

Ah, mr. Rockroll...


I went to school...

you're hired!

Yes, sir, Barney

I can just see the look
on Wilma's face

When I tell her
I'm bedrock tower's

New resident
stationary engineer.

Gee, Fred, I don't know
how she'll feel

Being married
to a janitor.

A janitor?

What's this janitor jazz?

I'm replacing a guy
with a good education

Lots of personality
and tact

Was good at handling people
and making decisions.

Oh, yes? Where is
this character now

for the senate?

No. It so happens
he made enough money

To build his own
apartment house.

Just on tips.

Oh, brother. Now
I've heard everything.

No, you haven't, Wilma.

You haven't heard me
say pack up all your junk.

We are moving.


That's right.

A free apartment
goes with this job.

But, Fred!

Think of it, Wilma.
I'll keep my job at the quarry.

I'll be getting
two salaries.

On top of that,
we can rent this house.

I tell ya, the loot
will just be rolling in.

[Door opens]

Fred, Barney
told me the news.

About me accepting the position
of resident stationary engineer?

Yes. Just think,
that great big building

And our Fred, the janitor.

- Not janitor!
- We know.

Resident stationary

Fred's reaaly made up
his mind, Betty.

We move to the Bedrock
Towers tomorrow.

I don't know what
to say, Wilma.

I'm going
to miss you so.

Bamm-Bamm will miss
Pebbles terribly.

Won't you, Bamm-Bamm?

Bam! Bam!
Bam bam bam!

And Hopperoo,
she's going to miss Dino.



[Honk honk]

Well, there's one thing
to be thankful for.

Bedrock Towers
isn't too far away.

Yes. And you're lucky Fred found
someone to rent your house.

Here you are,

The first and last
month's rent.

Thank you, Mr. Rathrock.

Eh, one thing

How's the roof?

The roof?

Sound as the rock
of Gibraltar.

Another thing.
I do a lot of washing.

How's the plumbing? thing I can honestly
say, Mrs. Rathrock

As long as I've lived here

I never once had to fix
the plumbing.

That's nice.

There it is, Wilma.
Our new home.

It certainly is an
impressive building.

It sure is.

I'll run it for you
like I belong here.

Hey, buddy.
See that sign?

It says no parking.

That's okay, officer.

I happen to be the new
Resident Stationary Engineer.

I don't care
if you are the janitor.

The sign says
no parking. Get moving.

Oh, boy.

We'll look at our
apartment first, Wilma.

Then I'll unload
the trailer.

Resident stationary
engineer's suite, please.

Take her down.

Fred, just where
is our apartment?

I meant to tell you,

It's in
the sub-Basement.


Well, at least
we needn't worry

About Pebbles falling
out the window.

Goo gaga.

Well, here we are.

Welcome to the black hole
of Calcutta.

It's probably just
a b*rned out light.

Why don't you call the janitor
and have him fix it?

Yeah, I'll do that
first thing tomor--

Alright, Wilma.
Nobody likes a smart aleck.

[Giggles] Sorry, Fred.
I'll try to behave.

Careful with
the dishes, Wilma.

We don't want to...
break anything.

Hey, time to get to work
at the quarry.

I don't want to be late.

Before you go, Fred.
What is this thing?

That's probably
the intercom system

For the tenants to call
when they need something.

What if someone calls
while you're gone?

Oh, don't worry about it.
Nobody's going to call.

Everything in the building
is a*t*matic.

Oh, sure.


If you should get a call

It'll just be someone
wanting advice

like you're
the hostess here.

Oh, alright, dear.

And to me you are the hostess
with the mostest.

Goodbye, honey.
I'm off to job number two.

Ha ha! And salary
number two!

Ha ha ha ha!

You know, Pebbles,
I shouldn't admit it,

but sometimes your father
is a pretty smart operator.

[Telephone rings]

Oh, my gosh!


Uh, hello?

Why, no.
He's not here right now.

What? Your garbage
disposal's stopped up?

Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Why don't you just
press a button?

Oh, you did.

Why don't I come up?

I'm sure I can fix it.

Oh, sure.

Pebbles, mommy
will just be a minute.


Hello? What?

Your air conditioner
isn't working?

Oh, my gosh.
I don't know.

Well, I have to go up there
anyway, so I'll drop by.

Dino, take care
of Pebbles.

I'll be right back.



[Awk awk]

Your hot water heater?

Yes, sir, Joe,
it's like stealing.

Nothing to do,
a free apartment.

Ha ha! Who says Christmas
only comes once a year?

Ha ha ha ha!


How much longer
are you going to be?

I'm entertaining
my bridge club for lunch.

Oh, dear.

The only thing that worries
me about the job

is that apartment living
is liable to spoil Wilma.

Hey, lady!

When you've finished
with that

a couple of leaky faucets
in the bathroom need fixing.

Wilma, I'm home!

What have you been doing
with yourself all day?

You want to know what
I've been doing all day?

Well, I'll tell you.

It's that thing.

Somebody's been calling
every two minutes.

Oh, yeah? Tenants
wanting advice, huh?

You don't know
the half of it.

[Telephone rings]

What was that?

That thing.


There it
goes again.

I'll handle this, Wilma.

After all, those tenants
are payin' a lotta rent.

They're entitled to
a little consideration.

Hello. Resident stationary
engineer speaking.

All stopped up?

Well, why tell me
about it?

Uh, I mean, okay.
I'll be up in a while.

Have a look at it.

Fred, that's been
going on all day.

Yeah? What's for dinner?
I'm starved.



Your water pipe busted?

Look, buddy, I'm just
sitting down to dinner.

Can't it wait?

I mean, is it serious?

Okay, okay, I got the message.

I'll be right up.

Keep my dinner hot.
I'll be right back.

Please hurry, Fred.

Betty and Barney
are coming over later.

Good. Barney and I
can play pinochle.

I don't know
what's keeping Fred.

He's been up there
for two hours.

You know Fred, Wilma,

Probably socializing
with the tenants.

Oh, boy.

Fred, are you

I guess so.

Hiya, Betty.
Hiya, barn.

Sit down. I'll get
your dinner right away.

Yeah, yeah,


[Awk awk]

Oh, no.
Not again.

I'll get it.

Fred, I don't care who it is
or what they want.

You've got to have
your dinner.

You're right.
Watch me get rid of them.

Flintstone speaking.
Whatever you want--

Oh, hiya, Mr. Rockroll.

It's the owner.

No. You're not
disturbing me, Mr. Rockroll.

I was just sitting here

Sure. Sure. I'll take care
of it right away.

Fred, what about your dinner?

This'll only take a minute.

I just gotta take care of
a b*rned out light.

May I be of some
assistance, Fred?

Yeah, come on.
You can hold the ladder.

What's with that guy?

I don't see any light out.

Hey, Fred, look up there.

Oh, boy. One of those
candles must be out.

Watch it, Barney.
Hold the ladder steady!

I'm doing
the best I can!

Okay. Now, hold it.

I'm coming down.

Just a minute,

I'm losing
the balance.

Hey-- Aah!

Well, it's about time
you got here.

I've been pushing
this button for 10 minutes.

Oh, boy.

Better hurry, Fred.

You'll be late
for your job at the quarry.

Boy, am I bushed.

I got to bed
only an hour ago.

I'm beginning to think holding
two jobs isn't such a good idea.

Don't worry, Wilma.
I'll get used to it.

Here's your coffee, Fred.


Fred, wake up!




[Awk awk]

Yes, ma'am. Right away.
I'll fix it in a jiffy.

[Awk awk]

Huh? What?

Any particular shade
of green light

You're waiting for,

Alright, lady.



Say, I made
pretty good time today.

Flintstone, how you doing
on that other job?

Dough's really
rolling in, huh?

Yeah, I really
got it made.

Yeah, I got it made,

I got it made so much
I can't work today.

I'm gonna ask the boss
for the day off.

Rimrock, this is the
third time this week

You've fallen asleep
on the job.

But Mr. Slate--

No buts about it.
You're fired.

Now, get going!

I'm going. I'm going.

Hiya, Flintstone.

How do you like that guy?

Do you know
what he's been doing?

Holding down two jobs.

Ha ha!

How about that?

What do you want,

Who, me? Uh, nothing.

Hey, I'm glad you're here.

You can keep an eye
on things.

My wife wants me to look
at an apartment.

An apartment?

Yeah, that new one--
What do they call it?

Bedrock Towers.

Know anything about it?

No. Why should I know
anything about it?

I don't know why she wants
to move to an apartment.

I'm happy in my house.

Oh, well.
I'll look at it anyway.

Oh, boy, there's no one
there to show him an apartment!

I better get
over there right away.

I can't let Mr. Slate
know I'm working two jobs.

I need a disguise--

Hey, that's what
I need-- A wig!

He won't know me
with one of them on.

- Yes?
- I need a wig.

I'll say. The one you're
wearing looks kind of ratty.

Okay, wise guy.

Just hurry up
and give me a wig.

Here. Try this one.

Great. I'll take it.
Here's the dough.

Oh, I'll need this, too.


Ha ha ha ha.
The joke's on him.

That mustache was real.

Ooh! Ow! Oowie!


Anybody here?

[Snooty accent]
May I be of service?

Yes. I'm thinking
of renting an apartment.

Sorry, sir. There's nothing
available except the penthouse.

You wouldn't be interested
in that.

Extremely expensive,
you know?

Well, I didn't want
to go too high.

I don't blame you, sir.

But now that I'm here

I might as well look at it.


Shall we walk up?

Walk? What's wrong
with the elevator?


Oh, I say,
you are spoofy.

Why, the elevator
hasn't worked in months.

But it's 10 stories.

How about that?
Ho ho ho!

If you can't make it

We'll just forget about it.

What do you mean
can't make it?

This is great exercise.

I wouldn't care if you
never fixed the elevator.

Oh, boy.

So this is the penthouse.

If you can call it that.

Not much for the dough
they're asking, sir.

Well, you're right.
The rooms are rather small.

They're also flimsy.

You could knock these walls
down with a feather.


See what I mean?
They're made of paper.


Why you--

Do you know what
you've just done?

You've improved
this apartment 100%.

That's what it needed--
A larger room.

Oh, that's what I needed--
A larger head.

Is this
the master bedroom?

It's been called that.

Isn't this
a ridiculous paint job?

Salmon pink and orange.


They're my wife's
favorite colors.


Well, one more thing...

You don't have
to sell me anymore.

I'll take it.

Isn't that
just my luck, Wilma,

Having mr. Slate
move in?

If he finds out I'm
moonlighting this job

He'll fire me
for sure.


Shut up!

Even on saturday,
they won't leave you alone.


I'll get it.

Yes? Alright.
I'll tell him.


That was Mr. Rockroll,
the owner.

What does he want now?

He says it's saturday.

He wants you
to mow the lawn.

Oh, boy. I just hope
Mr. Slate doesn't see me.

With this superpower

It shouldn't take you more
than two hours to mow this lawn.

Right, Mr. Rockroll.

If you need me,
I'll be over there

Having a picnic with my family.

Okay, Mr. Rockroll.

Yeah, this apartment living
is great.

Imagine having a putting green
in your own backyard.


Huh? Uh,
hiya, Mr. Slate.

I never expected to see you
in this nice neighborhood.

Ha ha ha...
I was just taking a walk.

As long as you're here

You might as well come up
and see my new apartment.

Well, I guess I can
come up for a minute.

Tell me, how do you
like the penthouse?

Oh, we like it!

How did you know
I live in the penthouse?

Uh, where else would
a man like you live?

Yeah, I suppose
you're right.

Let's go.

What a lovely day
for a picnic.



Oh, lamby pie.

Guess who I ran
into downstairs.

Fred Flintstone.

In this neighborhood?

Ooh, I'm glad you're back.

There's something wrong
with the kitchen sink.

You'd better ring
for the janitor.

No. I mean, why not
let me take a look?

Here's your trouble.

It's just the bowl
pit's loose.

Let me call the janitor.
After all, that's what he's for.

Please, Mr. Slate.
It's just a simple operation.

All I have to do is twist
this like this, and--

Now look what
you've done.

I'd better
get the janitor.

No. Don't do that.

I'll go get him.

I say,
what have we here?

Trouble with the pipes?

No. We're bathing.

I hope you brought
a beach ball!

I'll have this fixed
in a jiffy, sir.

All I do is twist this,


That made it worse.
I'll need help.

I'll call Flintstone.

I'll get him.
You stay here and bail!

Oh, Mr. Flintstone.

Mr. Flintstone.

Here I am, Mr. Slate.

Where's the janitor?
Didn't he come back with you?

I don't need him
to fix this.

What's going
on here?

You're ruining
my building.

Don't tell me!
Flintstone did it.

Why he ought to be fired.

I agree with you.

I believe I've got it.

It's fixed.

It's you!

Why don't you
drop in at my quarry?

I could use
a smart guy like you.

There's gonna be
a job open.

Oh, I couldn't do that.

Actually, Flintstone
told me how to fix this.

He's one of the smartest men
I've ever met.


Maybe I've taken Flintstone
too much for granted.

I'll have to be
nicer to him.

I'm getting rid of that
clunkhead janitor.

How'd you like to be my new
resident stationary engineer?

I'll show you
how I'd like it.



Hiya, pal.

You'll be happy to know
I've resigned my position

as resident stationary

Great, Fred.

That means you'll be moving
back to your house.

That's right,
except for a technicality.

I gave the guy a lease.

I was hoping you could
put us up temporarily.

Sure, Fred.
We'd be glad to.

Yes, sir, it'll sure be nice
moving back into my own house.

I know what you mean.

when will that be?

Let's see... they leased
the place for a year.

That means they gotta be
outta here in 364 days.

Meanwhile, I'll be glad
to help out while I'm here.

Good. You can start today.
It's saturday.

Doing what?

What else?
Mowing the lawn.

Ha ha ha ha.

Oh, boy.

meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Someday maybe Fred
will win the fight

Then that cat
will stay out for the night

When you're
with the Flintstones

Have a yabba-Dabba-Doo time

A dabba-Doo time

We'll have a gay old time

We'll have a gay old time
