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05x06 - Forgive and/or Forget

Posted: 03/10/22 10:58
by bunniefuu
Pick me up. I can't see.

So it's just a precaution, right?

I mean, she hasn't gotten

Any infections?

Knock on wood.

And daphne's cold is pretty much gone.

So when does she come out of this thing?

When can you guys hold her?

Oh...well, it's kind of complicated--

Charlie: they want her to put on

A little bit more weight.

So, it's get her past the infection risk,

Get her started eating... And then home.

You must be dying to hold her.

Yeah, but--

On the other hand, as long as the baby's ok,

It must be great to get your rest.

I mean, you had major surgery.

It's true, except--

Aren't you exhausted? Doesn't it wipe you out,

Constantly schlepping down

To look at the baby?

Uh...yeah, actually.

I'm feeling a little bit exhausted right now.

Ok, back in your chair.

I'm gonna get you back to your room.

Be careful where you're sitting, ok?

Get that foot thingy.


Thanks. Thank you.


Can we come visit you later

After we've finished ogling the baby?

Uh-uh. No.

She needs her rest.

Uh, sorry.

Controlling boyfriend's orders.

Owen: bye.

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they want to live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they want to love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Daphne... She seems ok now,

Don't you think?

Yeah, she does. So far.

But even if diane is out of the woods,

This is just the beginning.

I mean, somebody has to be with her every second.

It's like this is their whole life now.

Yeah. It's not for everybody, is it?

You know, the kid thing.



I want to do it someday, sarah.

Have kids. You know that.

Yeah, I know.

And I would never pull a "will"

And, like, walk away.

God, of course not.

But if I had to choose when--

That's kind of the point, bailey.

I mean, that's why I asked you

The question.

'Cause if there's an accident,

You kind of don't get to choose.

I know. And I'm saying--

I'm saying... That I'm a really lucky guy

To have everything that I have,

A great job and, I mean...


I have you. And...

That's kind of all I have room for right now.

I don't want to be a father, too.

And it's got nothing to do with you and me.

Because you and me--

Oh, I know. I know.

Mag? Maggie, there's something blocking the--

It's my laundry. Sorry.

Oh, well, uh, I have a ton to wash, too.

I could do ours together if you want.

Why? Would that make you feel better?

Would that make you feel like you're really my friend?

No, that's not... I was just--

What did campus housing say?

Oh. Well, it turns out

There's already a waiting list

For transfers.

Probably be a couple months at least.

It's too late for a refund

If one of us

Wants to move off campus,

But they said sometimes you can find

Someone in the dorm

Who's willing to--

Can you please shut up?

You--you just asked me--

I didn't ask you for an essay answer.

Maggie, I am sorry.

I'm... So incredibly sorry,

I feel like I'm gonna be sorry forever.

But, you know, we're stuck here


And god, I wish I could change that,

I wish I could, like, drop out of ec-12

Or just vanish from this room or...

I don't know. Maybe that's the answer.

Maybe I can just stay away from here

From whenever till whenever.

You know, just draw a line through

The middle of the day.


Ok. Ok? Did you say ok?

So when can whenever be? From when till when?

How about starting now?


From now till when?

How about never?

Let's see what else is on.

Find the stooges. Do they have

The stooges?

I don't know.

I swear to god,

I would have gone all the way postal

Without this mini-casino.

Ha ha ha.

Come on lucky 9, lucky 9!

Baby needs a new--


Oh, my god.

Why is she-- no one said she'd be out

Of the incubator so soon.

Dr. Murtry said when she hit 3 pounds 8--

Oh, my god.

She's so tiny and... Perfect.

Let me see. Let me see!

Let me see.

Can he? Is it ok if he touches her?

He'd pick up a lot of bugs at school.


Claud, could you...

Come on, owen.

Hey, what do you say we go buy baby diana

A present, huh?

But I want to see the baby. I want to see her!

You want to hold her?

I'm scared I might break her.

She's so little.

Support the head.


That's it. Like this?

Is this ok?

That's it. Gently.

Oh, oh my god. Does that hurt her?

No, no, no. She's fine.

Like this?

That's it.

Oh, my god.

I know.

Oh, my god. I know.

Oh, my god.

Hey, look, owe. It's the stooges.

I like to watch with charlie.

He laughs at all the dumb parts

With me.

I can laugh at the dumb parts.

I can.

Oh, man, that's really dumb.

But--but funny. Very funny.

Hey, partner.

You're still here?

I thought you were heading back to school.

Uh, no. Not yet. You know.

'Cause charlie needs my help know, stuff.

Oh. Right.

So you're gonna hang out for a couple extra days?

That's the plan?


But you're gonna call hanover, right?

Let 'em know what you're doing?

Make sure they're ok with everything?

You know diana's out of her incubator, right?

I mean, they just brought her in,

And they're all, like, passing her around.

The baby? It's ok to hold her?


You're gonna make that call, right?

You'd better go. They're gonna

Take her away any second.


Don't they ever use a frying pan for cooking?

I know, I know.

She was the same way with me.

I went to see how she was,

And pretty soon dante's inferno

Was flying at my head.


And you know what? I don't really blame her.

Me, neither.

I feel evil.

I deserve the inferno.

You know, you could always stay here.

Ok. Don't get me wrong.

'Cause what 2 people do together

Is not my business.

Ray, we-- we were just studying.

And I never judge--

Judge? What?

And this has nothing to do with my celibacy.

Or even with my virginity--

Ray, could we not--

But the truth is,

Even if you don't look to god for guidance...

I mean, it's my room, too.

Ned: ray, nothing's happened.

Really, practically nothing.

Ah, but in the future?

What goes down-- or on...

Between these walls, even if I'm not here

When it happens--

You know, I don't know what I'm doing here.

I have a ton of studying to do.

I should go to that... Library, there.

Yeah. Me, too. Me, too.

Julia: do you have a blanket

In case it gets cold?

Yeah, here.


And take a pillow.


I should take one, too.

And some food.


You working?

Yeah, I was.

Good. Me, neither.

So what are you up for?

Cuddle up with a video?

Cuddle up with a pizza?

Cuddle up with a restaurant manager?

Wow. You know what? Um...

That sounds really great,

But I've got this stupid midterm thing.

You know, latvia from the balts to the teuts.

God, I'm not even in the 1100s yet. So...

You know what? Since I still have

References to pull,

I think I'm just gonna go to the library.

At 9 p.m.?

Yeah. I know it sounds crazy,

But you know what?

I will feel much better

When I'm done.

So don't wait up.

Nurse: hello?

Mr. And mrs. Salinger?


What's going on?

It's time to give diana another try at the breast.

Now? Again?

This is dr. Nampur, our on-call pediatrician.

This is hillary, lactation specialist.

Ok, but why do I need so many--

Charlie: try not to talk,

'Cause the book says

That your voice distracts the baby.

That's not a perfect

Latch-on. Here--

Are the nostrils blocked?

That might be a problem.

Nurse: here, try massaging the breast.

If she's not letting down. Here. Like this.

You do it. You should-- you should learn.

Can we--

Does everyone have to be here

For this?

Just try to relax.

He'll let down easier if you relax.

Could we just try the bottle, please?

Don't tell me I did all that pumping

For nothing.

If she starts on the bottle, she's not gonna want to

Go to the breast.

Now what would you rather have on your breast?

A baby or a pump?

Can I get back to you on that?

Daph, come on, just try and relax like they said.

How can I relax with half the hospital

Down my shirt, ok?

I get more privacy twirling pasties

At a shore leave party.

It's ok. You're-- you're scaring the baby.

No. You are.

All of you.

Daphne, she can't get off the iv

Until she starts eating.

Well, then put her back on the iv,

Because this isn't working!

Can't you see that?

It's not working.


We'll just try again later.

(Alarm sounds) hey.


Actually, you know what?

I was reaching for the snooze,

'Cause I need a little more sleep.


Well, can I fry you up something greasy

For breakfast?


Yeah, that would be great

In a little bit.


So assuming we get those tax breaks,

I'd say we're looking at a cash margin

Of 5 to 6%.

Times 1,800 metric tons--

You can look at the spreadsheet that I ran

With all the variables.

Nice numbers. Very nice.

Professor beech is gonna like these.

Maggie: I don't know. Because what about

Slime disposal?

I don't see anything in here about those costs.

I know. I know.

I put that under by-product management.

A 1% contingency?

Didn't you read the bankruptcy report?

It said that the average cost

For refitting a zinc-lead blast furnace was upwards

Of a million nine!

Ok, yeah, but if you amortize it by--

You can't amortize what you don't own, julia.

This was supposed to be a low cost startup.

And we haven't even mentioned personnel retraining,

Pension and health,

Site management.

Navin: maggie's got a good point.

I think we got a lot of work to do here.

Does anyone else want to take a crack

At these numbers?

Here, sweetheart, it's right here.

Can't you taste it? All you got to do

Is pull.

You can do it.


She won't take it.

Maybe she's not hungry.

Let's give your wife another try.

Why is she gonna take it from me

If she won't even take it from him?

If we've already tried, like, 8 dozen times--

Daph, come on.



See? She wants to be with him.

She's crying because she smells your milk.

I can't-- I can't take this.

Would somebody take her please?


Hey. Shh...

Shh. It's gonna be ok.

Look at that.

She really doesn't like me.

Does she?

Julia: mr. Beech, can I talk to you

For a second?

I just want to know if I can make a switch.

Why do you want to switch?

Well, I'm just--

It's just not working out in my group.

Sir, if you can just give me--

I'll get to everyone, people.

Not working out how?

Personality wise, I guess.

If I'm gonna shuffle rosters,

I need a reason.

Ok. Uh...well, it's kind of a...

Well, it's kind of a boyfriend problem.

Boyfriend? What boyfriend?

My roommate's. Or mine. Well, hers and then mine.


It's the same. He's the same.

Good. Who's next?

Anyone here with a real problem?

Student: professor beech,

Which problem sets...

Buddy, you're doing a great job, you know that?

You're being a very, very, very big help.

Yeah. Big help.

So, uh, aren't you going back to school?

Haven't you been here a long time?


I'm going back.

As soon as I organize her clothes

And sterilize her bottles

And hang up this mobile, wherever it goes.

And, you know,

Pay some bills that charlie,

Like, totally missed.

Find diana's crib sheets--

Ok, so not today.

Uh, no. Not today.

Now where's that baby monitor?

It was right here. Where...what did I do--

Oh.'re both--

You ok?

Uh...i'm--i'm fine.


What's wrong? (Crying)

I'm just--i'm just--

I don't even have any laundry.

I'm sorry.

Whatever it is, I'm sorry.

Oh, god.

I'm such a waste of oxygen and

Nutrients and tuition.

Catch me up here a little?'s not the end of the world, ok?

And it's just my first grade at stanford.

It's the first line on my brand new transcript

And it's a stupid incomplete.

Oh, man.

And you know the reason I'm dropping the course?

It's not a death in the family,

Or cancer, or a premature baby.

It's just this--

This stupid horrible thing that i--

God, what am i--

I can't talk to you about this.

Why not?

'Cause I know how you feel about this.

You told me how you feel about this,

And you won't understand.

And it'll only make me feel worse, so i--i can't.

Dr. Nampur: mrs. Salinger?

Today's your day.

You're free to go home.

Just sign this form and your internist

Can release you.

I'm free to go?

Yeah. Unless you don't feel ready.

You can always request an extra day.

No. I mean, that's ok.

I mean, I don't feel not ready.


Are you--

Are you sure that we shouldn't keep your

Room for an extra day?

I mean...

If we're gonna keep trying

To feed diana every couple hours...

I mean, there's a cot for me, but...

Don't you want a decent place to sleep?

Well, maybe I should sleep at home.

But you want to get bounced back and forth

In a car 12 times a day?

When your stitches aren't even healed

Up yet?

No...but, um, maybe...

Maybe you could handle some of the feedings

Without me.

'Cause you don't really need me if you're just

Trying to bottle feed her.

Well, then, uh...

What if I stayed?

Would you feel bad if I stayed?

No. It's fine.

I mean, if anything happens, we'll call.

But, I mean, if I go home, is that ok?

Sure. As long as that's what you want.



Are you trying to tell me something?


What's wrong?

I don't know.

I don't know. I'm just--

Another long day?

Do you remember

When you wanted to go to oakland

To watch the fires?

And I was scared that a cinder

Was gonna fall on me

And send my hair up in flames.

And you said I was nuts, you know,

'Cause we were gonna be watching from

Miles and miles away.

Well, you were right.

I mean, I was absolutely nuts.

But, still, it was how I felt.


The idea of sex right now...

It's kind of the same as that.

What, you're afraid you're gonna catch on fire?

I'm serious, bailey.

This is serious.

You know, maybe--maybe it doesn't make sense.

But I can't help thinking about,

If, god forbid, you know,

I got pregnant,

And the father was somebody who...

You know, really didn't want to be...

Sarah, you know that--

Yeah, I know. You would support me.

I know that.

But you wouldn't really want that baby,

Would you?

So, basically, I would be alone.

I would be going through all that alone.

That's scary.

Bailey, I mean, that really scares me.

You know, it makes me feel so not-safe.

You know, like, sex with you

Is really unsafe.

Mr. Salinger.




It's time to try another feeding.

Where is your wife?

Look--no, she's not...

She's not here?

She wanted--

I sent her home.

I don't understand why she isn't here.

Doesn't she realize how important it is--

Look, you don't know the first thing

About her, ok?

Because, first of all--

First of all, she's scared.

My...wife is scared and so am i.

And so would anybody-- excuse me, sir.

I think she's feeding.

Oh, my god.

Just make sure you keep this upright.

Don't let too much air get in--

Would you please be quiet?

My baby's trying to eat.

Thought I might find you here.

It's not a very good hiding place, is it?

The ws...

When you've got that woolf paper

Due yesterday?

Where else would you be?


Were you hiding from me?

Maggie mostly, but...

Yeah, you a little.

Why me?

Because I led you down that thorny path

Of temptation?

And you're...what...

Starting to wonder if we made a mistake?

Well, yeah.

And, probably, you're not only doubting us.

You're doubting yourself.

'Cause this is how things started

With griffin, right?

While you were seeing someone else.

The yale guy.


So just once, you'd like to start things up...

The way they're supposed to...

With both of you free and uninvolved.


Yeah, that's exactly what I've been thinking.

I wish it went that way, too, julia.

It's too bad it didn't.

You know, if it feels wrong to you,

I don't see it that way,

But...i'll get out of your way.

No, ned. That's not what I'm--


Daphne, we're home!

The baby's home.

Minor diaper crisis.

Potentially major.

Claudia: what happened?

We were driving home,

And I heard this noise that was so unreal,

I almost pulled over to check the engine.

You're already-- you checked her out


She ate every hour all night,

Her weight got up to almost 4,

And all of a sudden, the doctor just said

Fine, let her go.

Which brings us to this overflow situation.

Ok, uh, diapers? Wipes? Anyone, where is everything?

Claudia: charlie, everything is still

In the car.

We had no idea you'd be home this soon.

Ok. Quick, I need some kleenex.

Quick! Hurry!

Kirsten: uh, check the hamper. Whatever looks like a diaper.

Oh, my god. Ugh.

How about this? Will this do?

That's my earthquake series t-shirt.

You got to put something on her.

Look! She's pushing. She's ready to blow.

Ok. We'll burn the shirt.

Ok. Wait. The tape. Give me the tape.

Ok. Ready?

Kirsten: there...

(Passes gas)


You're home late.

Yeah. God, you know,

With, uh, everything that's been happening with the baby,

I've just been kind of letting things slip,

You know, like this biolab thing

That's due on friday,

Plus I have to write my romantic poets paper,

And I only have 3 more days.


If you have to work, I guess I should, too.


Is that it?

Did you want to say anything?




Well, then I guess I'll see you

After closing.

Yeah. Great.


Don't be late.

Wow. Is that an actual smile,

Or...just gas?

I don't know.

I never had one of these so young.

Hey, you got a minute?

Not really, claud. I need to keep her moving.

'Cause there's some--

There's some stuff going on with owen,

And i--i just don't know what to do about it.

What, he's acting kind of jealous,

Doesn't want to give up his room?

Well, yeah, that--

I did that when bailey came along.

Bailey did it with julia.

You did it when owen showed up.

I did? Yeah.

It's totally normal, claud.

It's nothing to worry about.

It's just that, charlie,

If you had seen what owen did

With diana's mobile--

I can't right now, claud, ok?

Just trust me.

Whatever it is, it happens all the time.

(Baby fussing)







You are the single loudest sleeper

I have ever known.

You do not simply snore.

You move furniture around in your sinuses.

Kinda like-- (imitates loud snoring)

You hate me now.

No! No. You have no idea.

To finally meet someone louder than me...

Julia "hacksaw" salinger.

'Cause my last, he--he was--


What, he was harsh on you for it?


No. I just said "my last."

You're my first since him.

Since griffin.

And that's something I used to be really...

Afraid of.

You know? Taking that step?

With someone new?

And now I did it.

And it's done. And...

And what?

Nothing. Just...

I feel good.


Is everything all right?

When I got into bed...

You reached across me and you put your hand

On me, on my chest.

You were sleeping.


And? were just being sweet.

But, I'm sorry, you--you touching me,

That does stuff.

That... Makes me want stuff.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize--

No. It's ok.

I want you to do that stuff.

I want that stuff to happen.


And I know that it can't right now.

But-- it's that important?

Sex is that important?

Well, it's not just the sex, sarah.

It's all the stuff that...

Comes along with it.

You know?

The feeling that you want me,

The feeling that you trust me,

And the feeling that we're actually

That close.

And after we've had all that stuff,

Then anything less than that...

It's just not enough.

What--what does that mean...

That it's not enough?

I mean, maybe we should...

Maybe we should take some time apart.

I can't believe this.

Maybe I should go back home and stay there

For a little while.

I can't believe this.

(Baby crying) charlie: daphne.

It's time. She's hungry.



I'm too tired.

I don't want to do this.

Can't you feed her?

Can't you just give her a bottle?

You said you hated the pump.

It's the only way if you want her

To learn.

This is not gonna work.

It never works.

See? She doesn't want me, charlie.

She doesn't know you yet.

But you're her mother. Just let her--

No, you don't understand.

I'm just--

I'm no good at this.

I just--

I don't--i don't feel it.


Come here.

I mean, this baby comes out of my belly,

She's supposed to be my heaven and earth, right?

What's the first thing I do when I get a chance?

I take off. I head home.

And you know what, charlie?

I felt--i felt glad to be gone.


You're tired, and... You've got postpartum.

It happens to every mother.

No! Stop calling me that. I'm not a mother.

I'm not a mother!

Why did you call this baby diana?

Because that was your mother's name.

And why was she your mother, because she squeezed you out?

No. It's because she loved you

And because she wanted you.

Because she stuck around your whole damn life.

And she bathed you and dressed you

And raised you.

And that is not me.

It's just not.

Someday maybe...

But not today.

It's not me.

I know how you feel, but I've taken 4 extra days


Well, then take another one.

I mean, one less day of shop

Is not gonna put a dent in those kids'


It's my job, daphne. I want to keep it.

And you're gonna be ok.

No, I won't! I won't!

Listen, I felt the same way myself.

But then somebody handed me the baby,

And, wham, I had to deal.

But I don't know how to take care of her,


If something happens, I don't know how to fix it!

Then learn! She's your kid, too.

I can't do all this myself.

Look, if something goes wrong,

Just call me.

You have to be able to do this, daphne, ok?

Can't you see I am desperate here?!

Ok. Fine. I'll call kirsten.

I'll ask her to come over.

She'll be your backup.

I'll come by in a couple of days

To pick up mail.

And as far as phone calls--

I'll just leave them on the machine.

You can call in and get them when I'm not here, if you want.

You know what I don't get, bailey?

Is that you work really hard

To have all this stuff in your life--

You know, the grownup stuff--

Business, the apartment...

But the one thing I need you to be grown up about,

You can't handle it.

And that's really sad,

'Cause otherwise, bailey, you come so close.

Claud, what are you doing?

Well, this is the garbage,

And this is the kind of can

We put it into--

What's going on here?

Why aren't you back at school?

Did you call them,

And they said you could take an extra week

Or something?

Well, technically... Not exactly.

Claudia, come on. This is serious.

That school, it costs a lot of money.

Oh, who cares about the money, bailey?

I mean, come on. Charlie needs me here.

No. I know. I know he needs help.

But does he have any idea what's going on

With your school?

Has he asked you when you're going back?

Of course not. I mean, he has enough

To worry about.

Exactly. That's exactly right.

Charlie already has way too much

To think about.

And it's great that you're worried, claud,

But you're a kid, ok?

And you belong in school.

You still have your plane ticket,


Ok. Why don't you get packed,

And I'll call the airline,

And we'll get you on a flight today, ok?

Ok, I get it.

You slept over there with him, and you're

Going back tonight.

It's cool. I don't care.

Because you 2...

All you did was...

You needed each other to get away from griffin

And me.

And you wanted to feel romantic about it,

Instead of all selfish or guilty or whatever,

So you went and had sex.

But that's all you have.

Just that.

You don't have what we had.

You don't have 2 years of being friends,

And then one night,

When you can't stand not being together anymore,

You break down and you fall in love.

So go ahead...

Have fun.

I give it a month.



Hello. Is anyone--

(Baby crying)

Can't you be quiet, please?

Could you just stop crying?

You just-- you just have to wait

For kirsten to get here

Because she knows what to do.

She'll--she'll--she'll change you and--and feed you

And rock you or--or something.

And--and then everything's gonna be ok.

(Baby crying louder)

Oh, come on. Can't you just hang in there?

Can you? She's just a few blocks away,

And she's so good with babies!

Oh! Oh! She's so patient.

She's so understanding.

And that is really who you need right now.

(Crying continues)

Ok. Look, I'm thinking

That I'm gonna need to pick you up right now.

But I'm not really good at this, ok?

So you're really not gonna feel confident here.


♪ Hush, little baby ♪

♪ Don't you cry ♪

(Crying continues)

♪ Daphne's gonna improv a reason why ♪

(Crying continues)

Thanks for, uh, giving me a ride,


I mean, you'd think after

He'd made me leave,

Bailey would at least find the time to--

Aw, forget it, claud. I'm glad to do it.

Man, I just can't believe


I can't believe I'm going so far

Away again.

You'll be back. Christmas is right around the corner.

Griffin...can you do me a favor?

Can you take a picture of diana

Every once in a while?

Just send it to me at school, ok?

Sure. No problem.

And one more thing...

And out for owen, ok?


What are you doing here?

Why aren't you at your apartment?

Um, I'm going to be staying here

For a little while.



How come?

Well, I kinda...

There kinda wasn't room for me anymore.

Yeah. Me, neither.

Hi. How is it go--

Shh! She's sleeping.

She's finally sleeping.

Is everything ok?

Did you--you and kirsten do ok?

No. She called.

It turns out she couldn't come over.

Some crisis with her cat. did it alone?

If I tried to cry as much as she did,

I would need surgery on my vocal cords,


But she stopped. I mean, look.

This is 10 straight hours

Of rocking and changing and begging.

Oh, yeah-- and breast-feeding.

Really? She did it?

I just--i stuck it in her mouth to,

You know, shut her up.

She took it, and once she started--

Oh, man--she was like me in a breakfast buffet.

It was like...hoover city.

You want me to take her?

You could probably use some rest.

No, no. It's fine.