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06x02 - The House That Fred Built

Posted: 03/10/22 12:44
by bunniefuu
Oh, that Fred!
2:00 this morning,

He tiptoes in,
steps on the cat's tail,

Drops his bowling ball,

And wakes up
the whole family.

It took me an hour to get
Pebbles back to sleep.

Barney tried to sneak in, too.
Was I mad!

I really told him off.

What kind
of a bowling match

Lasts until 2 a.M.?

You wait and see,

Barney will bring me
flowers tonight

And try to sweet-Talk me
into forgiving him.

There. The dishes
are all stacked.

These a*t*matic dishwashers
are wonderful.

You just push
the button...

and your work
is done.

Not for me! Did you ever
see such dirty dishes?

Mailman! Special delivery
for Wilma Flintstone.

For me? From who?

I don't know, ma'am.

Never read them,
just deliver them.

Anything wrong,

No. It's a letter from my mother.

Listen to this. "I've decided
to sell my house

"And move in with my favorite
son-in-law and his wife.

See you next friday.
Love, mother."

Isn't it marvelous?
Mother is coming to live with us!

But Fred doesn't get along
with your mother.

He's going
to be a bear.

True, but this bear
has a sweet tooth,

And before
he starts growling,

I'll drown him
in honey.



meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Let's ride with the family
down the street

Through the courtesy

Of Fred's two feet

When you're
with the Flintstones

Have a yabba-Dabba-Doo

A dabba-Doo time

We'll have a gay old time

What are you--

So you come home a
little late, so what?

It's flowers or no dinner, Fred.
You don't know Betty.

She's no different
than Wilma.

You got to show them
who's boss, Barney.

When I've left this morning,
I told Wilma

what I wanted
for dinner and when want it,

and I'm get home
I'm goonna get it.

That's what I think, too.
You better take some flowers with you.

Are you kidding?

Come on insidea minute, Barney.
I'll goonna show you how to handle women.

The first lesson is
to use an iron fist

in a velvet glove.
Now watch me.

Wilma, get dinner on the table.
I'm home!

Oh, boy!
Are you asking for it!

Sweetheart, you're home!
Oh, I'm so glad to see you!

Did my babykins have
a rough day today?

Hmm? Mmm!
You wash up, dear.

I'll get
your slippers.

We're having
your favorite dish tonight--

Roast brontosaurus.

Gee, it works! The old iron fist and
velvet glove really works.

I'm surprised.

To tell the truth, I'm a little
surprised myself.

And Rocky's comes back to left
to the jaw staggers stony,

And--[Ding]-- There's the bell
ending round two.

Some fight,
huh, Pebbles?

Fight. Fight!
Ga goo ga goo goo.

Fight. Fight!

I ought to put you
in the ring.

[Arr arr arr]

O.K., Dino.
You can be trainer.

Oh, Fred, darling, I have one
more slab of marble cake left.

Would you like
to finish it off?

No, thanks, honey.
I'm too full.

Quiet everybody!
Round three is coming up.

Rocky swings to Stony's head
and connects!

Stony faints with the slam.
Staggers Rocky with a right!

Rocky brings one up from the floor.
and Stone covers up.

Another right-

And Stony goes down!

Come on, Stony!
Get up! Get up!

Fred, could I ask you
one little teensy favor?

Sure, sweetheart.

C'mon Stone, give him
the old one-Two!

I got a letter from mother today.
She sold her house.

That's nice.
That's it, Stony, let have it!

She wants to move in with
her favorite son-In-Law.

Is it O.K. If she comes
to live with us, Fred?

Sure, Wilma. Anything you say.
That-A-Boy, Stony!

Mmm! Oh, thanks,

Mother will move in
next friday.

That's fine. Ain't this
a great fight, honey?

Come on, Stony!
Come on--

Her mother?
Moving in next friday?

Hey, Wilma, just a minute!

Sorry. You said
it was O.K.

I've been k.O.'D by my own
velvet fist and iron glove.

[Raa raa]

Oh, shut up!

The iron fist caught you
in the kisser.

Yeah. I never thought Wilma
would sneak my mother-In-Law in.

It could be worse.

Yeah? How?

Suppose that, uh... imagine if, uh...
what if, uh...

boy, Wilma
sure is sneaky.

Hey! What's going on?

Tearing up the road.

The sign says,
"turn left."

So we turn left.
Let's go.

Uh-Oh. There's
another sign.

This one says,
"climb hill."

Boy, they must
think we're goats.

Where are we,

I don't know, but the sign says,
"go down the hill."

"Proceed 10 feet."

"Turn right."

"You have arrived!"

Arrived where?

Stony acres!
Welcome to paradise.

The finest homes west of Bedrock
for the discriminating buyer.

A real-Estate

We don't want to buy a house!
We want play golf.

Why not?
Peace and fresh air up here!

And all you lucky.

20,000 buys this beauty.
Tee off from the front lawn.

Are you kidding?
This isn't worth 20,000.

I'm letting you have it
for 10,000.

Asking 10,000 for
that crummy shack!

It ain't worth
5,000, either.

You gentlemen are sharp,
but I like you.

I'll let you steal it
for a cool thousand.

You got us here
on a low-Down trick.

Now, beat it before I get mad.
Fred, let's go.

I'll give you
100 bucks for it.

Congratulations, chump--
I mean, sir.

Put your name on this
bill of sale.

Hey, Fred, what
are you doing?

Buying a house,

Where do I sign?

You'll love
stony acres!

No neighbors
crowding you in.

In fact,
no neighbors.

There you are.

Good luck with your new home.
You'll need it.

What do you think
of it, Barney?

It isn't fit for
dino to live in.

I had another member
of the family in mind.

You don't mean
your mother-in-law.

Why not?
A little paint...

a little fixing
here and there,

And this place
will look great.

Gee. I don't know, Fred.

Will be a challenge, Barn.
We can do it.

I wouldn't deprive my best
friend of a little fun.

Sometimes I wish you had
a different best friend.

Morning, Wilma. I brought
Bamm-Bamm to play with Pebbles.

Betty, there's something
I want to talk about.

There you are,

You have lots
to talk about also.

Ga ga gee ga ga.

Oh! Gabba dooba
buddee boo ba.

Da! Go goo
ga gee ba!

Da goo ooh ga goo.

Gawa goba doba.



ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

I've just don't understand, Betty.
Fred hasn't complained at all

about mother
living with us.

Not even once?

No. And futhermore, where do
Fred and Barney

disappear to all day?

Barney says
they're playing golf.

what Fred says,

But when I call the club,
he's never there.

you don't suppose--

Uh-Huh. It's one
of three reasons.

[Together] blonde,
brunette, or redhead.

Oh, Wilma,
what'll we do?

First, we make sure
I'm right. If I am...

it's a lump on the
head for Barney.

And two lumps
for Fred.

Boy, I don't think this lawn has
been mowed for a year.

Nice work, Barney.
You're doing a swell job.

I'm doing the swell job.
The sticky feathers prove it.

I've got adimit
It looks pretty good.

And watch out, Barney.
There's a loose stone!


- Barney! Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm all right, Fred.

But maybe we ought to
start inside and work out.

What a mess!
I hardly know where to begin.

Hey, let's begin by forgetting
the whole thing and going home.

Cut it out, Barney!

This place needs a
little cleaning up.

Look. Is furniture
in everything.

Yeah, I wonder what
are the rocks for?

Maybe is to keep
the furniture in place.

This floor's got
an awful tilt.

All we gotta do is roll them
outside, like this.




OK, so the floor
isn't level.

We can
fix that later.

Fred, are you sure Will your
mother-in-law go for this idea?

Why not? She'll
be close to Wilma

but she have her
own little castle.

Oh boy. call this top a castle is like
call your mother-in-law Miss America.

Ah, don't worry, by the time
we're through cleaning this place,

You won't recognize it.

There's one thing I
know about is houses,

And this one's
solid as a rock!

Oh, well, I'll borrow
the bulldozer at work

and clean it up
in the morning.

O.K., Fred, send up
another rock.

One rock
coming up.

Put 'er there,

I'm enjoying this.

I'm glad the boss let
me take few days off.

My boss
gave me a week,

But I've gotta returning
the favor.

How, Fred?

If his mother-in-law
comes to town,

She moves in
with me mother-in-law.

You know something, Fred.

For two guys who don't
know what they're doing,

We're doing
pretty good.

But you realize we're just
a couple amateurs.

Eh, who needs

- The ladder is slipping!
- Careful, Barney!

are you all right?

I'm O.K.

Lucky I fell into
this quick-Dry mortar.

Quick-Dry mortar?
Oh, no!

Boy, of all the stupid things to do!
You can do the stupidest.

Honest, Barney, If you
wasn't my best friend,

I wouldn't
let you help.

Now, hold still!

As I was saying, Fred,
we need professionals.

Call the union!

I see. Well, thank you
very much, Mr. Slate.

Oh, he hasn't,

Well, thank you
very much.

You're right, Wilma,
something is going on.

Barney has taken
time off.

So has Fred,
and he never mentioned it.

What's our next move, Wilma?

I don't know yet.
Let me think.

What's keeping
those guys?

Did you call
the union again?

Yeah. They were sending their
plumber and carpenter

Two hours ago!

Hey, that must
be the plumber.

And that must be
the carpenter.

Hi, marvin.

Hi, alex, how's
every little thing?

At $20 an hour,
how should it be?

My stocks are down,
but my golf game is up.

That's the plumber
and carpenter?

20 bucks an hour?

How's the new house, Marv?

I'm having trouble
with the servants' pool.

Why don't you
call a plumber?

Are you kidding?
I'm much too expensive.

Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, that's
a hot one.

"I'm much
too expensive."

That's funny,
huh, Fred?

Yeah. That's very funny.
Ha ha ha ha.

Hmm. Walls need
internal bracing,

and roof needs
new beams.

A little glue,
and it might stand up.

Look pal, how much is this
all goona cost me?

Oh, you had take that up
my agent, Mr. Flintstone.

Now let get's started, you
will please hand me that beam.

Yes, sure.

That's the one, Mr. Flintstone.

Now place it right
here against the wall.

Holly Macaron.This is heavy!
How about give me a hand!

Oh, can't, Mr. Flintstone.
It's my coffee break.

Union rules, you know.

That's fine,

Just dump those rocks

and get the pipes
in the house.

Watch it, Flintstone.

You're joisting
those beams too close!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Eh, scunna-Senna-Fudda-

all right, men.
All together, now.


We've got to
get that floor level.

A little higher, men.
A little higher.


3:00 already?

My, out time flies
when you're busy.

Isn't it
the truth?

Where are you
guys going?

Quitting time. Union rules,
you know.

Adios, Marvin.

Arrivederci, Alex.

See you at the club.

Ha ha!

What are you
laughing at?

I keep thinking

That joke
the plumber made.

"I'm too expensive,"
he says.

Ah, shut up!

Sorry, Fred.

They're home, Wilma.

Good, now

When they ask
for dinner,

We'll tell them to
get it themselves.

And you pretend
we're going out.

But we won't tell them
where or whit them.

We'll fight fire
with fire.

We'll drive them
crazy with jealousy.

We'll play it
real cool.

Gee, Fred, do we have to
put up wallpaper tonight?

He gotta finish, Barney,
Wilma's mother arrives tomorrow.

We'll get flour, make paste,
and get back to work.

Here they come.

They didn't
notice us.

Just headed straight
for the kitchen.

[Fred] Here's the flour, Barney.
Get a couple of bags.

We have to
go out again, Fred?

Of course! This is
thursday night!

They're going out
again tonight.

Suppose she don't
like it.

She'd better like.

This is costing me
a fortune.

Ah! The hussy! Fred's spending
a fortune on her.

Some nerve!

Hiya, Wilma.
Hiya, Betty.

Fred, Betty and I
are going out tonight.

That's nice, dear.

We're late now.

So you and Braney will just have
to fix your own dinner.

[Door opens and closes]

They're gone!

Well! We sure drove
them crazy, didn't we?

Yes, sir. Nothing like
playing it real cool.

Now what, mastermind?

We follow them.

C'mon, Barney. Step on it.
We got work to do.

O.K., O.K.!

Where are they going?

Beats me. What night club could
be up in this wilderness?

What's that?

I have news
for you, Betty.

That is no nightclub,
that is a hideout.

Ooh! Wait till I get
my hands on Barney!

You know how
to put this up, Fred?


First, put the paste on the wall.
Make sure is good wet.

That all?

No, dummy-Head!
Put the paper up, like this.

Get it?

Sure. First,
put the paste on.

That's it, Barney.
You doing fine.

Then I put the
paper up, like this.

How's that?

Gee, Fred,
get me down!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ooh, Barney,
you look ridiculous!

Ha ha!

You don't look so dignified
yourself, Fred.

Why, there's not
a girl in sight!

Look Wilma,
over the fireplace!

Isn't that a picture of your mother?

It certainly is!
What's going on here?

And where's

Right here, Betty,
and Fred's hung up, too.

Hi, Wilma. Do me
a favor, honey.

Get me down,
will you?

There! Now the little
nest is finished.

Boy, you girls
amaze me.

I got it a hand to you.
This place looks great.

I'm proud of you, Fred.

I think was wonderful of you
to buy this house for mother.

You do? I thought
maybe you'd be sore at me.

I still don't understand why
you got this place so cheap.

Well, Betty, I happen
to know how to bargain.

When that salesman

Gave me the water
rights to the place.

I knew I was

more than
I bargained for.

Right. You got about 100 gallons
you didn't bargain for!


Water rights, eh?

No wonder
you got it so cheap.

This house is built right over
an artesian well.

Well, I knew
all about that,

But I plan to,

What, Fred? Buy mother
a deep-sea diving suit?

No. To, uh... move the
house, that's what.

Yes, sir. according to
my calculations,

This house will fit right
in my back yard.

Shouldn't we be pulling
instead of pushing?

Of course not.
I know about physics.

It's a matter of levitation
versus gravity.

Ha ha ha!
Sounds legal-Eagle-Like.

We're going downhill!
Slow 'er up!

Whoa, tessy! Whoa!

Levitation vs. Gravity
just lost their first case,

And according to
my calculations,

We're going to
hit those trees!

Look. Here comes mother.
Yoo-Hoo! Mother!

Well, I made it.
Right on time, too.

Got any ideas, Barney?

Yeah, but I don't think Wilma
wants to be a widow!

This thing's going
over the edge!

we better jump!

get set...


Really Mother, you should
wait to see Fred.

Haven't got time, honey.
Gotta hit the road.

There they are.

Fred, what happened?

It's a long story,

Hiya, ma.

Hello, sonny.
Stand up straight!

Doesn't that boy
ever bathe?

I have bad news
to tell you, Fred.

I have some
bad news, too.

When mother said she
was going to stay...

in with her favorite
son-in-law and his wife,

She didn't mean us.

She didn't?

She meant with my sister and
her husband to live in Graveltone.

Just stopped by
to say hello.

You're not going to
live with us?

Sonny, I wouldn't
move here unless...

unless I had
my own house.

So long, honey. I'll drop
you a line from Graveltone.


Good-Bye, mother!


Can you imagine?
I misunderstood her letter.

I think it's the funniest
thing I ever heard!

Come to think
of it, Fred,

It is funny
at that.

All the work
we did!

Ha ha! Yeah!
We did work hard, didn't we?

Yeah! Ha ha!
Then the house got busted!

Ha ha!
Into a million pieces!

And all that money
you spent!

Yeah! Ha ha!
1,000 bucks down the drain!

Ha ha ha!


What's matter, Fred?

1,000 bucks
down the drain!

What am I laughing at?

There, there, Fred.

Pull yourself togheter and
come over to my place.

Oh, boy. I can't stand to
see a grown man cry.

1,000 bucks
down the drain!


meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Someday, maybe Fred

Will win the fight

Then that cat will stay out

For the night

When you're

With the flintstones

Have a yabba-Dabba-Doo time

A dabba-Doo time

We'll have a gay old time

We'll have a gay old time
