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05x17 - And Baby Makes Four

Posted: 03/11/22 08:10
by bunniefuu
( Theme song playing )

♪ Come and knock on our door ♪

♪ Come and knock on our door ♪

♪ We've been waiting for you ♪

♪ We've been waiting for you ♪

♪ Where the kisses are
hers and hers and his ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

♪ Come and dance on our floor ♪

♪ Come and dance on our floor ♪

♪ Take a step that is new ♪

♪ Take a step that is new ♪

♪ We've a loveable space
that needs your face ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪

♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪

♪ Three is company too ♪

♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪

♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪

♪ Three is company too. ♪

Okay, mr. Furley,
is it all fixed?


Would you mind flipping off that
switch while I fix this loose wire?

Sure. There you go.

- Okay. Safety first, you know.
- Yeah.

- Oh, hi.
- Hi.

Hey, mr. Furley, looks
like you need some light.

- ( Electricity buzzing )
- ( furley shouting )

Oh, I'm sorry,
mr. Furley, I'm sorry.

Oh, are you all right?

I think he melted my fillings.

I'm so sorry... ( Mumbles )

Mr. Furley, now calm down.

- I'll see you later!
- Wait, where are you going?

I need some wire.

Besides, I wanna get outta
here before another accident...

Hi, everybody! I'm late.

Can't talk. I gotta fix my face.

Me, too!

Mr. Furley? Mr. Furley!

Have we met?

Mr. Furley, are you okay?

Yeah, of course I'm okay.
Why wouldn't I be okay?

I'll see you later. I
gotta get some wire.

Yeah, excuse me... The
front door is over here.

- Here's the front door. Watch your step.
- Here you go.

Excuse me, fur... Are
you sure you're okay?

- I'm fine!
- Holy cow.

Hi, guys, I'm late.

Wait a second! Is
everything all right?

Yes. No. Oh, it's my
boyfriend, doug.

I gotta go. I'm late.

( Stammers )

Boy, that fashion
photographer boyfriend of hers

Has got her so confused.

Jack, have you
ever met this doug?

No, uh-uh. Here.

Me, either.

Say, jack, do you think
it would be terrible

If one of us sort
of bumped into him?

- You mean, on their date?
- Well...

You mean, sort of check him out
and see if he's the right guy for cindy?

Come on, janet,
cindy's a big girl.

She can take care
of herself, can't she?

Let's go.


- Janet?
- Hm?

Next time we go anywhere,
find out where we're going first.

You know, cindy, gazing at you

In this light, I've
got to tell you,

Yes, doug?

You look terrible.

Oh, not again.

I'm afraid so. Too much blusher.

But I thought you said to
emphasize my cheekbones.

I said emphasize, notadvertise.

And I can see you
haven't been using

The honey-almond
facial I recommended.

You know, I insist that
all my models use it.

It does wonders for their skin.

But I'm not one of your models.

Why don't you just try
liking me the way I am? I do.

Of course you do, but then,

Your standards
aren't as high as mine.

Doug, why don't
you just buzz off?

All right.

But it's your loss.

Nice guy.

That's the last fashion
photographer I ever date.

Oh, cindy, let me
tell you something.

I haven't met a man yet who didn't
try to change me one way or another.

You take this jeweler
I've been seeing.

He got you to wear
those earrings?

He got me pregnant.

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy. Or girl.
I don't know yet.

Does he wanna marry you?

Oh, sure. I just don't
wanna marry him.

- But why?
- I don't love him.

But how're you gonna
raise a baby all by yourself?

I'll manage.

Say, I don't suppose you know anybody
with some old maternity clothes?

I'll call a friend of mine
as soon as I get home.

Oh, thanks, I'd appreciate it.

Kelly, do you think you're doing the
right thing by not getting married?

Cindy, there are just some men you don't
wanna spend the rest of your life with.

Kelly, baby.

A perfect example.

Kelly, I just wanna say
three magic words to you...

"Give up, larry."

Not even close.

What did I do?

She's pregnant.

I was at the movies.

There, that oughta do it.


Well, thank you.
Now we can see again.

I wish I could say
the same thing.

Well, I'll see you later.

Okay, 'bye.

Did you ever think
of wearing a bell?

What's bothering him?

Oh, well, he's had
a very bad day.

- He's not the only one.
- Really? What happened?

I don't want to talk about it.

Okay, honey, whatever you say.

That doug, all he ever
wants is his own way.

You should've been there, janet.

Why? What happened?

I told you, I don't
want to talk about it.

Janet, would you stop
badgering this poor girl?

Can't you see she's upset?

There, there, cindy.
Uncle jackie's here.

Do you feel better now?

I certainly do!

Jack, come on!

- Cindy's just had a terrible
fight with her boyfriend.
- Really?

Yes, and after what he just
did, I don't care if I see him again.

H... C... I'll see.


Listen, whatever it is
that's on your mind, dear,

Are you sure you don't
want to talk about it?

I'm sure.

- Janet?
- Yes?

Do you think it's
right for a woman

To have a baby without
getting married?

Oh, golly, that depends
on who the woman is.

She's a friend.

Well, she's not exactly a
friend. Yes, she is a friend.

A friend? And she's pregnant?


Cindy, are you putting jelly
on your tuna fish sandwich?

What? Oh, yeah, I guess I am.

( Chuckles )

Never saw you put jelly

On a tuna fish sandwich before.

Since I left fresno, I've been doin'
a lot of things I never did before.

Hey, janet, what's goin' on?

( Whispers ) come here,
come here, come here.

Sit down. I think we
have a very big problem.

What're you talking about?

It's cindy. I think
she's pregnant.

Cindy? Pregnant?

Cindy? Oh, come...
Pregnant? When? How?

All right. When?

I don't know,
jack. I don't know!

She hasn't exactly come
right out and admitted it yet.

It can't be. Not cindy.

Well, anybody
can make a mistake.

Hey, I know she's accident prone,
but that's carrying it a little too far.

Okay, fine, well, you wanna
make jokes? Well, you don't care?

Of course I care, but
there's nothing to care about.

I mean, if cindy were pregnant,
we'd be the first to know.

Or, at least, the second.

But why are we standing
here? Let's go ask her, okay?

- Okay.
- Come on.

Your old maternity
clothes are just what I need.

I knew I could
count on you, mary.

And a crib? Oh, that
would really come in handy.

Gosh, I can't tell you
how much I appreciate this.

Oh, my god, she
really is pregnant.

Janet, what're we gonna do?

Well, we're not gonna say
anything, for starters, jack.

I mean, obviously, she
doesn't want us to know.

Yeah, yeah, you're
right, you're right.

Okay, we'll just be
understanding and considerate

And, above all, try
not to upset her.

- All right.
- Okay, cindy...

Are you okay?

Uh, ee.

Okay? Ha-ha! I've
never felt better.

Nothin' like a good door
slam in the face to pick you up.

What're you doing standing
up? You should be lying down.

I want you get into
your bed. Now come on.

I'll bring you a nice cup of
hot chocolate and a pickle.

- What?
- Oh, please, jack,
let me take care of this.

Cindy, I'll get you something
that's real nice and nourishing.

No, thanks, I'm not hungry.

But what about the little one?

Well, if janet's hungry, I'll
be glad to fix her something.

No, cindy, please,
you need your rest.

You go lie down.
Go on, sweetheart.

- But janet!
- Now go lie down!

Okay, now, sleep tight!

Oh, janet, I don't think I can
survive nine months of this.

I'd like just 10 minutes
alone with that doug.

Please, janet, one pregnant
roommate is enough.


Calm down, janet. What do you
want? There's nothin' we can do.

- Oh, yes, there is.
- What?

Call him up... Call
him up and tell him

That this baby is his
responsibility, too,

And that he can't just go
walking away from cindy,

And if he's any kind of
man at all, he'll marry her.

- You're gonna
tell him all that?
- No, you are.

No, janet, I can't...
No, janet, come on...

Hey, are you doug cooper?


Thank god.

Excuse me, I'm doug.
Are you jack tripper?

- Yeah.
- Have a seat.

Don't tell me what to do.

I think I'll have a seat.

All right, start talking.

You just couldn't keep your
hands off cindy, could you?

Look, I was just trying
to do her a favor.

A favor?!

I thought it would be
good for her complexion.


- She didn't even thank me.
- Thank you?

- Hey, jack...
- Lemme tell you something.

You can't just play around with somebody's
affections and expect to get away with it.

Jack, for heaven's sakes.

This is no place for
a lovers' quarrel.

This is cindy's boyfriend.
He walked out on her.

For you?

Listen, you're
making a big mistake.

Mr. Furley, not for me...
We're talking about cindy.

Oh, wait a minute.

If you've done something to hurt
cindy, you'll have to answer to me.

I won't put up with it! I'll...

You'll what?

I'll... I'll get behind
jack. He was here first.

Don't you think you owe cindy
after what you did to her?

No! Look, if anything,
she owes me.

I usually get paid for it.

Well, you're gonna
get something else.

Jack, did you see doug?

Yeah, and he made me so
mad, I wanted to punch him out.

- You didn't.
- No, I hit furley instead.


It was an accident, janet,
but boy, is he steamed.

Jack, you haven't helped cindy
at all. We've got to do something.

Now, look, janet, I've been
thinking. Maybe we're overreacting.

I mean, cindy's
young, she's strong.

I bet she can
handle this just fine.

Or maybe not.

Cindy, honey.

What's the matter?

Oh, I've been thinking, janet.

A baby needs to have a father.

Well, does that
mean that your friend

Is going to marry the guy?

Oh, no, she'd rather
die than do that.

Why does live have
to be so rotten?

She'd rather die?!

Janet, we gotta do somethin'.

- I know, jack, but what?
- Well she's gotta get married.

- Okay, but to who?
- To somebody, anybody.

- Like who?
- Like me.

Who said that?

You would marry her?

Look, I know it's crazy, but you
saw her. She needs somebody.

Yeah, but aren't you the
one who said she could

Take care of herself,
she was a big girl?

Yeah, but that's before I knew
how big she was gonna get.

Jack, think of
the responsibility.

Well, janet, it's about
time that I settled down.

But you're gonna have to
take care of a whole family.

Yeah, but that'll give me
an incentive to work harder.

- You can't date other girls.
- It'll...

- Jack?
- I'm thinking.

Oh, I have to do
it. There's no way...

Say, jack, up for a
little racquetball?

No, some other time, larry. I'm trying
to think of a way to propose to cindy.

Okay, I'll catch you later.

Did he say what I
thought he said?

- Jack? Married?
- Hey, larry, I don't think...

- Jack, why didn't you
tell me the good news?
- Larry...

- You and cindy,
you tricky little devil.
- Look, larry...

Well, it had to happen to
one of us sooner or later.

I wanna tell you somethin',
buddy, from the bottom of my heart.

Better you than me.

Look, larry, unless you're
gonna help me propose to cindy...

Oh, that's easy.

What do you mean, easy?
You never proposed before.

Come on, sure I
have, lots of times.

The important thing is not
to have any witnesses around.

- Thanks a lot, larry.
- No, jack, really,
it's very simple.

- I don't know. What do I say?
- Okay, lemme think.

Furley: jack? Janet?

Anybody home?

Yes, who is it?

Mr. Furley!

Just look at you.

How? I can't see.

I don't suppose you'd
have a steak in the house?

Oh, I think that ice would
be better for your eyes.

Forget my eyes, I haven't
had anything to eat all day.

Well, in that case, why don't you
go and ask jack? He's in the kitchen.

Thank you.

All right, you say
something like this.

"Darling, you mean
the world to me.

And there's no reason to go
on living if you won't be mine."


Now, don't you worry, ralphie.

I'm not gonna let
jackie come between us.

But do, do me a favor, and
don't use so much eye shadow.

( Chuckles) I get it.

You're puttin' me on, right?

( Chuckles )


I think I'll go lie down.

Get away from me!

( Laughing )

Sounds like I
missed all the fun.

You think that's fun? Wait'll
jack and you get together.

Larry! Uh, uh, I'm
sorry. Excuse me.

Oh, cindy, I just wanna say, I
think you're one lucky girl.

You devil!

What did he mean by that?

( Stammering ) well, the...
Janet and I were talking.

Janet, why don't you...

Look at this filthy
ashtray! I've got to empty it.

Cindy, i, uh... What's that?

Maternity clothes.
Isn't that cute?

Oh, it's ador... Adorable.

Cindy, I have to
ask you something.

Go ahead.

Cindy, would... ( Sighs )


Jack, what are you
doin' down there?

Cindy, when two people
are around each other

A lot, like we are,

They don't realize how
much they mean to each other,

Like we do, and
sometimes they mean more

To each other than they think.

What I'm saying is, ( exhales )

Will you mo-o-o-o...
( Stammering )

Marry me?

Marry you? Excuse me.

Oh, janet, you're never gonna
believe this in a million years.

Congratulations, I know
you'll be really happy!

( Knocking at door )

- Hi.
- Hi, is cindy home?

I came to pick up the
maternity clothes.

- There they are, great.
- Hang on, those are cindy's.

Cin... No, cindy's
not pregnant, I am.

You are?! Congratulations!

Will you tell cindy I picked
these up? I'm a little late.

Yeah, well, nice
going. Congrat... Cindy!

Be with you in a second, jack.

So, listen, janet,
I mean, I love jack.

But I don't love him.
He's family, not husband.

Oh, cindy, sit down, please.

Come on, let's just sit
down here for a sec'.

Now, cindy, don't you
ever wanna get married?

- Sure, somebody.
- Well, who do you wanna marry?

I don't know yet, but he'd
have to respect me as a person.

And he'd have to
be fun to be with.

And he'd have to be kind,
and gentle, and considerate.

Well, isn't jack all
of those things?


Well, cindy, do you
want to take a chance

On giving up something
that you already have

For something that
you might never get?

You know, janet, that
makes a lot of sense.

I'm so glad.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome, any time.

- Oh, jack?
- Whoa, relax, calm down.

There's something
that I have to tell you.

But first, there's something
I have to tell you: yes.

- Yes, what?
- Yes, I'll marry you.


- No, what?
- No, I don't have
to marry you now.

- What?
- What?

Oh, janet, I'm
losing him already.

Jack, I'll be a good wife.

I'll give you love, and
respect, and a nice home.

I know you would, but
you're not pregnant.

Well, I'll give you that, too.

No, cindy, you don't understand.
You're not already pregnant.

Talk about lazy!

Wait a minute, what do you
mean, she's not already pregnant?

- You know cindy's friend?
- Yeah.

There really was a friend.

You mean...

Kelly? Wait a second. Did
you think I was pregnant?

No, janet did.

Cindy: janet.

Well... And that's why
you proposed to me?


Doesn't anybody around here give me
any credit for knowing what I'm doing?

Well, you keep
bumping into things.

Lemme... Lemme tell
you both something.

I do know what I'm doing,
and I can take care of myself

Just fine, and don't
you two ever forget it.

- Wait, cindy, come on...
- And another thing.

You two are the best
friends that anybody ever had.

( Phone ringing )


Oh, hi, janet. What's new?

Hi, chrissy. Oh, heavens.

You would not believe what's
been going on around here.

I'd tell you about it,
but it's so confusing.

Janet, you never think I'm
gonna understand anything.

Come on, tell me.

Okay, you know kelly
down at the regal beagle?

Well, she told cindy
that she was pregnant.

Wow, cindy was pregnant, and
she didn't know until kelly told her?

No, kelly was pregnant.

But we saw cindy eatin'
this sandfish with tuna fish

And jelly on it, so we jumped
to the wrong conclusion,

And jack ended up
asking her to marry him.

But, anyway, everything got
all straightened out by the end.

That's good.

When you see kelly, tell her
congratulations on her baby.

Okay, I w... Why, chrissy snow,

You did understand.

Well, I'm not as dumb
as you think, you know.

Hey, I don't think you're dumb.

Jack got kelly pregnant, then when
he was eating a tuna fish sandwich,

He decided he would
marry cindy instead,

Which, if you ask me, I don't
think that's very nice of jack.

And I'll tell you, if
he thinks I'm gonna

Send him a wedding
present, he can forget it.

( Theme music playing )

Jack: three's company was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.