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05x20 - The Wish

Posted: 03/11/22 08:28
by bunniefuu
There's still some of his clothes upstairs,

But these are the last of owen's toys.

That's great, jule. Thanks.

You can't even stay for breakfast?

I'm not sure it's such a great idea.

You ought to just spend some time with him, bailey.

It's been weeks since--

I know. It's just every time I see him,

He still seems kind of--

What? I seem what?


Which, if you are, I completely understand.

Bailey, I'm not angry.

I'm fine. I just don't wanna get into a whole postmortem

About it, ok?


So,'s owen?

He's good.

And, you know, you don't just have

To visit him at school.

You can come by the loft any time you want.

I know. I will.


Hey, everybody.


Hey, claud.


So, uh, what's going on today?

I'm just workin'.


Well, I've got an art history paper

I've gotta finish.


I need to stop by the store on the way to class.

Why? You need a ride to school?


No, I don't need a ride to school.

I just--forget it. I'm outta here.

Hey, claud...


Grab me some milk out of the fridge.

(Sighs) whatever.

You remembered! Hey. Happy birthday.

16. I can't believe it.

Happy birthday, claud.

Hey, party's at my place tonight.

You're all coming?

All: yeah.

To bailey's place? Charlie?

I wouldn't miss it for anything.

This is great.

It's gonna be great.

You got me a bunny.


♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free... ♪

Why does a one-hour teachers' meeting

Tire me out more than a full day of work?

It took a lot longer than an hour.

Here. Let me carry some of that for you.

Oh, no, that's ok. You've got diana.

It's no problem. You should see how much stuff

I can carry out of the market with her now.

Pretty soon, I'll be balancing stuff on my head.

Me? With a kid in my arms?

I could shower, put on makeup. No problem.

I'm right here.

You can put it in the back.


There you go, honey.

Let me get you buckled in.

But you--you've got 2.

The other's owen, right?

No, no. For rugrats now, it's just diana.

Owen's with his other brother.

Oh. What happened?

It's a long story. You don't have the time.


Well, thanks, charlie.

Ok. We'll, uh, see you tomorrow.

Valerie, you've-- you've got my--

Diaper bag in your car.

(Diana cries)

Ok, honey. Come on.

Just stay cool and dry a little longer.

There's a market on the way to uncle bailey's, ok?

I'm not coming.

But it won't be the same if you're not there.

Sorry, claudia, no.

Listen, today I have special privileges, right?

Like a dying man's last request.

You can't refuse me. You're coming to my party.

Claud, listen, your family put this thing together.

Notice that nobody invited me?

There's a reason for that.

Can I at least bring you a piece of cake?

You know, just bring it by tomorrow or something.



Hey, hey.

Happy birthday, claudia salinger.


Sweet 16, huh?

Ah, could've fooled me.

I thought you were at least 18 or 19 by now.

Bailey, look at her memo.

I don't have time for this, joy.

"Employee dress codes must be observed even coming and going

From work."

I have to get home, ok?

My sister's having a birthday party there,

And I left sarah alone with owen.

Staff meetings half an hour before every shift.

That--that's probably a good idea.

Communication, coordination.

"Personal phone conversations restricted to under a minute."

I have kids at home, bailey.

Under a minute. Really? Huh.

Will you talk to her, bailey? Please?

Ok, look, I'll look into the phone call thing,

All right, but...

Lauren's your boss now, joy,

So you're gonna have to work the rest of

This stuff out with her.

And I mean, really, she's not that bad.

Who? Who's not that bad?

What? No one. Who?

What are you still doing here?

I thought you had to get home.

Right. You're right. I do.

As long as you're here, though,

I still have 6 more things on my list.

6. Really, couldn't they wait?

Starting with the kitchen.

Which, let's face it,

Was designed for a much smaller volume of business.


Ok, owen, how about this?

Owen: down on... That side.

Which side? I can't see where you're pointing.

Over there.

Ok, um, you know what? I can't remember.

Did you say higher or lower?

You know what? It's fine.

(Timer goes off)

Wait. Varsity or junior varsity?

Mike paganelli and beaver soriano?

Ok, they're, like, jocks, like, big, large senior jocks,

Who, by the way, wouldn't notice me if they sat on me.

I mean, why would they want to come to my party, abby?

What do you mean free beer?

Free--no, we're not having-- abby, wait, wait. Abby--

The entire ice hockey team is crashing my party tonight.

And that would be a bad thing?

Sarah, they're like these...

These cool guys with actual shoulders,

These men on skates with sticks that they whack at each other

When they're not, you know, throwing each other into walls.

Yeah. Guys who make you think about stuff

You're trying not to think about, right?

Oh, sarah.

There's nothing wrong with thinking.

I know. Ok, but if I am,

I'm thinking I didn't dress for this, did i?

You--you look great.

If I had known the entire ice hockey team was coming,

I would've spent a little more time

In my closet.

So then why don't you spend some time in mine?


Come on.

I also noticed you let kitchen staff

Swap shifts without consulting management.

Yes, that's-- what's wrong with that?

Nothing if you wanna roll the dice every day

On who's gonna show.

Well, I haven't had a problem so far.

Which brings me to this quaint little practice

Of running the phantom tab.

Phantom tab?

Like rip van freebie over there.

He should pay like everyone else.

No, no, no. Forget it.

Louie's been coming here longer than I have.

He was one of my dad's best friends.

I did a little math. If you count the per

Seat revenue

And add in the food he doesn't pay for--

I don't care. I don't want to know.

Bailey, can I ask you a question?

When you put that ad in the paper,

The one that said "manager wanted,"

What did you mean exactly?

'Cause I got the impression that you wanted someone

To manage.

Yes, and I hear you.

It's just that salinger's works in a certain way.

And so do i. Unless you don't want me to.

Of course I do. Of course I want you to work here.

I just wish that you could treat people nicely.

You know, like you want them to stay.

I will. In my own way. With my own rules.

That's the only way I can do this bailey, ok?



Except for this. And this.

And...random locker inspections?

I thought you had to leave.

I don't remember reading "boot camp" on your resume.

Oh, wait. Hold that door.

Oh. I'm sorry. I can take the next one.

No. Come on, get in.

(Door closes)

So what floor is bailey's place on?


And this...

And that.

And...everything else looks good.

Ok, so I'm going home. The place is all yours.

Yeah, it really feels that way.

If you need anything, just call me, ok?

I'll be at home. What the--

Man: what's going on?

Woman: what happened to the lights?

What? What happened?

I'm thinking you asked that guy louie to pay

The electric bill.

It's a slow elevator.

Old building.

Maybe I can speed it up some here.



What happened?

Griffin, what'd you do?

Oh, come on. I got a diaper crisis here.


I know, I know. Hang in.

Hey, did we blow a fuse?

Sarah, you're not done with my hair.

Yeah, I know, but I think we've got some--

Some flashlights in here somewhere.

Uh, that's ok.


I'm scared.

Oh. Oh, it's ok, sweetie. Come here.

(Knock on door)

I'll get it.

Uh, are you claudia salinger?


Are you the hockey team?


I had to walk all the way up the stairs.

Uh, I think the power in your building went out.

How astute.

He must be the goalie.

Owen: claudia and sarah, look!

All the lights in the city are out.

Come look.



Newscaster: san francisco has been hit

By a city wide blackout

Early reports indicate...

Hey, hey, it's ok, sweetheart. Sweetheart, come on.

Shhh. Diana, hey, hey, everything's gonna be ok.

Newscaster: crews estimate at least several hours

Before power is restored.

The mayor has declared a state of emergency

And called for a 9:00 curfew.

Ok. All right. Hold on.

Ok, baby, hang in there.

I got you into this, and I'm gonna get you out.


All right. Can you go any faster,


Sir, the checks were all in the computer.

I have to reenter and calculate everything by hand.

We have other kids. We have to get home.

You know what, lauren?

Let's let these people go, ok?

That's silly. If they can just wait 5 seconds.

Are you refusing to let us leave?

Lauren, come on.

Woman: isn't it against the law?

You wanna know the law?

The law says that skipping a check

When the power's out is looting.

Looting? Lauren, what's next?

You gonna start sh**ting the customers?

Back off and let me do my job.

There's a blackout going on, ok?

We're not holding these people hostage

To their checks.

Ok, everybody...

I want everyone to know,

Whoever needs to get home

To their families,

We'll trust that you'll come back later

To settle up, ok?

If you'll just wait your turn,

We'll have you out of here shortly.

Lauren, you're not helping anyone here, ok?

Why are they fighting, mommy?

Ma'am, I have your check right here.

Also tables 5 and 12.

Thank god somebody's doing their job.

Man: what about the rest of us here?

Hello! Somebody help us!

Anybody out there? Hello!

Hello! Hello!

We gotta get out of here soon.

Well, this is just a blackout,

I mean, if it's not the elevator.

They always check these elevators first.

I have all the candles for the cake

And all of claudia's cds from the house.

Not to worry, though, 'cause these cars,

They clamp to the guide rails


And the cables, they're all

Triple welded.


Griffin, can we just talk about this?

Talk about what?

Talk about why we don't wanna talk about this.

Talk about why we feel so weird here.

Who says we feel weird?

Griffin, please. We've been married.

Can't we at least say what's on our minds?

Nobody's stopping you. Say whatever you want.


Well, look...

I have a lot of problems with the way you handled

The whole ned thing.

I mean...

Beating him up and the whole kidnapping thing...

Glad we're trying to clear the air here.

Yeah, it was a lousy relationship.

I know that, but you gave me zero credit

For being able to look out for myself.

Somebody please get me out of here!

But forget all that...

Is what I'm saying 'cause...

Thank you, griffin.


Thank you.

I've been wanting to say that...

For such a long time.

I don't care whose fault it is.

Just let that tow truck take your vehicles

Off the street now.

Excuse me, officer.

Is your child ok?

Yeah, she's ok. She's just a little wet and hungry.

It's just the 2 of you?

Yeah. Do you know any store around here

That's open?

Any place I can get some formula and diapers?

Sorry, no. Everything's closing up for curfew.

Ok. Thanks.

Wait. Wait. Hold up.

There's a hospital just a few blocks up

On union.


I forgot.

I actually know that place pretty well.

They probably have the stuff you need.

Ok. Thanks.

Sure you got enough batteries for that boom box?

Yeah, I got it.

Hey, owen, buddy,

You break that arm fighting over your girlfriend?

I don't have a girlfriend.

I don't believe that.

Hey, freddie, you believe that?

Good-looking kid like owen? No way.

You know, if you wanna talk to them,

You should talk to them.


And say what?

I don't know.

Offer them some nachos.

But what if they ask me a follow-up question?

You know, like, "what kind of cheese

Is this?"

Or "hey, you ever been to second base?"

Claudia, they're just guys in high school...

Like you.


No, they are not just like me, sarah.

See mikey over there?

He dated nadine barry

And lost her virginity at 13.

They've all done it, sarah.

All of them have had sex.

Ok, claudia.

And I know why that's scary.

But the truth is, who cares, ok?

They're here, and they came

To see you.

They barely even know my name.

Oh, really? Then, um...

Why are they checking you out

Right now?

They're checking me out?


Well, am I standing right?

I mean, I should lean on my elbow or something?

Uh, mikey, can you give me a hand

Over here?

Sarah, what are you doing?

What can I do for you ladies?

There you go.

And smile.

You're the birthday girl.

Oh food! Finally, yes!

Coming through! Watch your backs, please!




It's a... Pretty crazy night, huh?

Yeah. We've got our problems.

What about you? Are you ok?

Is there something wrong with diana?

No, no, no. We just got stuck in some traffic

Is all.

I forgot her diaper bag.

Figured I could get some supplies here.

We're pretty jammed up here.

Half the doctors can't make it,

So you gotta let me get back to work.


Is there anything I can do?



You can give blood.

We've got a serious shortage.

Yeah, yeah, sure. I'd be glad to.


Dr. Segal asked if you can take the laceration in "c."

Right. Gotta go.

Look, take diana up to pediatrics ward

And give her anything she needs,

And I'll send a nurse up there

To take your blood.


So, is there anything you wanted to say?

Uh-uh. No.

You sure?

'Cause now's the right time,

Considering we're stuck in here

For god knows how long.

You might as well get whatever it is

Off your--

Why didn't you call me, jule?

Can you tell me that?

After all that stuff that happened...

And a lot of stuff happened.

I didn't even hear from you.

Right. I shouldn't have waited.

Just to...let me know that you're ok.

I should've done that.

I guess I was just, um...

I guess I was embarrassed, griffin.

Of me?


The way that I was,

The way that you saw me, I was...

So pathetic. I was so lost.


Since when did you ever care

About what I thought?


What, you mean to actually tell me

That you respect my opinion

When you blew off everything I said

About ned,

When you even wanted to divorce me

To shut me up?

Griffin, you were so completely wrong.

Come on. I'm just a nuisance to you.

You think... I'm that dense?

You think I could've missed

What happened to me?

A guy who claimed he loved me

Made my life a living hell,

And a guy who claimed he didn't...

God, you did so much for me.

Respect you? Griffin, god...

What I feel for you right now

Is so much more than that.

Wha--hey! What do you think--

You should not just sneak up on people

Like that.

I'm just sittin' here, man.

Oh, really?

You did that on purpose. Admit it.

Hey, claudia, can I talk to you

For a second?


You are way too tense, claudia.

You gotta ease up.

Who's tense?

I'm easy.

You're vibrating, claudia.

And you're handling it wrong.

You just...

You can't keep making them the enemy.

Well, I mean, aren't they?

They're just sitting there,

Checking me out,

Just copping free feels.

But they're just flirting, you know?

They're trying to get your attention.

Maybe I don't want their attention.

Then don't make it so tempting, you know?

Don't be so afraid.


Afraid of what?


I don't know. Uh...


Yeah. You're gonna tell me

That I shouldn't be?

Uh, careful? Sure.

Respectful? God, most definitely.

But scared?

Have you ever heard of stds or pregnancy?

Ok, not being scared of sex,

That just makes no sense.

Yeah, but that's because you don't really know, claud.

I mean, you don't know what it's all about.

And believe me, I didn't know, either.

Sarah, I don't know what sex is?

I'm turning 16, not 11.

Sure, you know how it works, the physical part and all that,

But, god, there's so much more to it

Than that.

Boy, I wish one of our moms

Was here right now, huh?

Ok. You know what?

If I've gotta do this, then...i have to do this.


Have you ever seen one of these?

Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

Sarah, they're bailey's.

No, no.

They're mine, too.

Come on. Women have to be responsible, too.

It's not just guys who buy condoms.

I know, I know. Lots of my girlfriends have them

' Forget it.

Their species cannot be trusted.

Oh. Come on, girlfriend. Sit down. We gotta talk.

Oh, boy.

Thank you very much for your patience.

Drive safely.

All right, we need to get a few things straight.

Yes, you're damn right we do.

How am I supposed to do my job

With you second-guessing every move I make?

How am I supposed to leave you alone

When you piss off all the people that I need?

Should've known this would never work.

You can't take anything over from a control freak.

A control freak? Me?

Who's the one who's been through

3 Different managers

In that many weeks?

Who's the one with the 90 point

Management plan?

You are, only you won't tell anyone what it is

Because, god forbid, you could ever be replaced.

I want to be replaced!

That's what this is all about!

Then prove it. Get out. Let me do your job.

I have the right to make sure

My restaurant's in good hands, ok?

This is my name on the glass

Over here.

This is my name on the matchbooks, ok?

You'll find the day's receipts

And credit card vouchers

In the cash box.

Timecards and food orders are posted in the kitchen.

Where you going?


We still have food to pack up here.

We're not done yet.

I am.


I quit.

So it's more than condoms, claud.

Being really safe means being with someone

You totally trust,

Even if that means waiting years and years.

I waited years and years...

And years.

Does any of this make sense?

Yeah, yeah, for sure. It's just...

Why am I so scared?

Well, 'cause you're not there yet.

And that's the thing.

When you feel that it's time,

You know, it'll be when you feel right

And he feels right

And there won't be anything to be scared of anymore.

And that's why all those guys out there,

They are nothing to get all nervous about

Or to be scared of.

You're right.

(Knock on door)

Beaver: hey, what's going on in there, huh?

What is it with chicks and bathrooms?

We were just having a little girl talk. Why?

Nothing. Just, uh... Freddie over there,

He wants to ask you a question.

You know, claud, talk to him.

Talk to him.

Yeah. Talk to him. Sure.

No. No, I wouldn't.

I'd leave right now and come home.

It's just they said the alarm won't work

Until the power's back on.

You know what, sarah?

I can just blow this off and...


You sure? You're sure you're ok.

Ok. Yeah. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

What, you think of some more names to call me?

Yeah, I did, but that's not why I'm here.

Yeah, well, make it quick.

I got a ton of food to take care of.

I came here to say...

You were right.

I'm sorry?

Not about everything.

Not about most of it, actually.

About me, though.

Yes, I admit it.

I have a problem.

All my life, i...

I've driven off family,



The scariest thing is I don't even know

How it happens.

I try and I try to...

Solve all of their problems,

And then somehow,

Somewhere I cross this line.

And suddenly, I am the problem.

Like with you today.

You know what? You don't have to--

No, I do. I have to say it.


My name is lauren,

And I'm a control freak.





I guess that's what this is, then.

The 2 of us.

Control freaks anonymous.

The san francisco chapter.

Charter members.

I move that for our first meeting...

We eat...really fast

Or about 2,000 bucks worth of haute cuisine

Is gonna be landfill.

Unless you don't want to

Because at c.f.a.

We'll never tell you what to do.

I'll have the salmon...

If you don't mind.

Feel funny to be back here?

This floor, we converted it

Right after christmas.

Used to be your floor.

Yeah. Believe me, I know.

Just keep thinking that it all started here.

I met daphne through kevin, and that's how diana happened,

And now it's just the 2 of us.

Her and me.

It isn't just the 2 of you, charlie.

No. I know.

I was also thinking that you were a friend

When I was here.

Kirsten was a friend. I was just a doctor.

No. You were a friend. And, uh...

The way things fell out with you and kirsten,

We haven't talked, but I hope that, uh,

I hope you're ok.

You hope I'm ok?



Nah. Forget it.

Doctor? Yes.

Uh...i'll just put these on your desk.

No, no, no. I'll look at them right now.

I guess it's still pretty crazy

Down there.

I've gotta...

Yeah, yeah.

You see some kind of landing or anything up there?

Not really.

It's too dark and really dirty.

Does it look like I can climb up to

The next set of doors?

Griffin, I know you want

To get out of here,

But I'd like you alive, so...

You know what? Could you shift your

Weight a little bit?

Griffin, careful!

Watch it!

Are you ok?


I'm sorry. That's ok.




Let's not.

Let's not do this.

I'm just...not sure.

I'm not sure, either.



Tell me you don't want this.

Tell me it feels wrong.

I remember you. You went to grant, right?

You into younger men at all?

(Whispers) good job.

Well, for valentine's day,

I got her car windows tinted

'Cause we always...

Well, you know.

And anyway, she wasn't too happy about that.

And her birthday's next week.



You know what? I always try to think of the thing that

I'd never want to give away

And then give that.

You just know it's got to mean a lot to the person

'Cause it meant a lot to you.

Can you think of anything like that?

Like the hockey puck I got signed by gretzky

After the '94 stanley cup?

Or do you have any other ideas?

I don't know.

Do you have any?


Let's think.


Sweet 16, huh?

I mean, you must have noticed how many different places

I've managed.

Yeah, but they're all really nice places.

Can you pass the eggplant?

Never for more than 2 years, though.

Trade you for the scampi.

Why do you think that is?

I don't know.

You need a knew challenge every now and again?

Yeah. I need a new address.

I need to find a new place to go

Where everyone doesn't want to k*ll me.

You and me both.

Oh, come on. You? Mr. Man of the people?

Mr. Billion dollar dimples?

You never met my older brother.

The one you had a fight with?


Wasn't that just about the kid's dyslexia?

That wasn't about control.

Or was it?

You know, everybody always says,

"Oh, bailey takes care of everything."

And...and that's true.


Why is that?

I mean, really.

Is it because I'm such a wonderful guy or...

Or is it because I'm so sure I'll do it

Better than anyone else

And I'm so sure the rest of the world

Will get it wrong?

Hey, you're preaching to the choir.

Maybe that's why I can't keep a boyfriend.

Or maybe it's my overbite.

You don't have an overbite.

Oh? Damn.

What about you?

Can you keep a girlfriend?

So far, yeah.

So you're...



Her name's sarah.


So, hey, there's hope for the rest of us

Control freaks.



Can we...

Like, can we just think?


Why do we have to think?

Because we can't make another mistake.

Stop worrying.

Griffin, no one needs protecting anymore.


I am really, really, really, really full.

Come on.


There's just a little bit left.

I'm gonna explode.

There's just a little bit left.


Come on. No.

Come on--ooh!

What, you spilled? Oh, no.

You bumped my hand.

Raspberry sauce on my brand-new silk blouse.

Don't worry. Little club soda

Will get it right out.

Hurry before it soaks in.

All right.

Can't see here.

You mind?


It's comin'.



The lights!


The lights are back.


I should make sure the alarm's working ok.

Yeah. I'll check the computer,

Make sure we're back online.


That is...

Assuming I still work here.

Why wouldn't you work here?

The quitting part before?


Forget that.


Lights go off, people do all kinds

Of crazy stuff.


Ok. Ok.

Um, hey, uh...

Could you give this to claudia for me?

Why? You don't wanna stay?

It feels kind of weird.

Griffin, stay.

I'd like you to stay.

Just come in for--

Hey, you two.


Sorry we're late. We just got...

You know, stuck in the elevator.

Oh. You guys ok? You seem a little

Shaken up.

No, no. No. We're fine.

We're ok.



Hold on a second.

There's something I gotta say to you.

Yeah, you started to say something earlier, and then--

You and kirsten belong together.

What? Right.

I know. The last person you expect

To hear this from.

No. It's just not true. It's nowhere near true.

Look, I know a couple things

About kirsten.

I was her husband, and I know stuff

Even you don't know.

Then you know that when we were together,

All I did was make her unhappy.

And all she wants to do is move on with her life,

So let me just reassure you--

Reassure me? Charlie, it's not easy

Saying this,

But for her, you gotta hear me out.

I am the biggest idiot you ever saw

Because I should've seen it coming from

The very beginning.

When kirsten were first together,

I mean, you were all we talked about.


How you hated to let each other go,

But it was really for the best,

How because of me she could stop

Obsessing about you.

I mean, we actually talked about that.

I'm sorry, but--

No. It was me.

I told myself that I was helping her get away

From you,

But it was you all along.

You were where she was headed,

And you where she's heading now.

Listen, I hear what you're saying, but there is...

There's no way.

Charlie, you keep saying you're alone now,

But you're not.


Think about what I said.



I am so sorry I'm late.

Who cares? You made it.

Everybody's ok here?

Nobody tripped or fell or got hurt or anything?

No. We're fine.

What? How come you didn't put that

Birthday banner up?

I spent hours on that thing.

Uh, bailey, there was a blackout.

I kind of had other things

To deal with.

Yeah, but somebody else could've put it up.

You know what? Forget it. Forget it.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I must be out of my mind.


Griffin! Hey.

You actually decided to show.

Yeah, I did.

Hey, birthday girl. Hey.

Where were you guys?

Um, where's that cd player, claud?

Uh, it's over there.

So, who are all these boys?


Owen: charlie!

Hey, buddy.


I'm so glad to see ya.

I really, really missed ya.

Sorry I'm late.

Hey, you guys.

Hey. Hey, diana. Hi.

I got my date for the party.

Did your daddy get you this pretty outfit?


Nothing. It's just...

It's good to see you, that's all.

Well, don't expect to see either of us

This evening

'Cause me and diana,

We got a lotta catching up to do,

Don't we?

Don't we?

You ever sometimes wish you were 16 again?

I know I do,

So the whole grownup world can just go away.


Yeah, well, it's not gonna.

Doesn't work that way.

Well, could you just let it, griffin?

Please, for tonight?

Hey, you got any juice in there?


For diana.

Oh. Yeah.

Right here.


Hey, uh...

Owen looks good.

You think?

I think he needs to get more sun.

Gotta get him outside more.

Yeah, well, he's happy.

You can see it.



Well, thanks.

Looks like claud's got a bunch of new friends.



Let me get you another drink,

All right?


Relaxed, having fun?


Feeling any older yet?

Older. Uh...

Well, mikey, the sweet one,

A little while ago, he asked me if I'd want

To drive out to the overlook.

You know, park.

Oh, my god.

I said he'd have to call me back

In a year or 2.


Very good.

And then we made out a little,

But I don't know if he's really my type.


Oh, no. Oh, no, not again.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear claudia ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪


Make a wish.

Ok. Um...

Ok, let's see...

Don't say what it is or it won't come true.