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06x13 - The Declaration of Co-Dependence

Posted: 03/12/22 10:46
by bunniefuu
I got to get these carrots
to balance out.

Alex thinks it's maybe why
our profits are so far down.

I mean, nothing against you,
man, you know.

Business is what it is,
and this program
gets kind of buggy sometimes.

Well, me and computers.
It's the only match worse
than me and Franny.

Wait a second.

Here's the problem.

All these expenses
that got entered in,

somehow they got charged twice.

All of these...
Which is...

How did that happen?
Every debit has to be
entered individually.

I don't understand.

Let me save you some time.

The reason
you don't understand,

it would never
occur to you.


That a guy you trust
would do something
like this.

What, Joe, what...

You're scaring me here.
What's going on?

First thing you got to know,
Bailey, is that you're gonna
get it all back.

Every cent.

-Oh, my God!
-It's a short-term jam.
I'll dig myself out of it. Joe... How much?
How much money?

Well, just add up
all the double expenses.

I... I don't even
know the number.

I don't want to know.

What did you...
What the hell happened?
What kind of jam are you in?

Divorce is expensive, Bailey.
I had a mountain
of legal bills.

What, so you...
You took money
from us to pay them?

I had a better idea.

This market, man...

Sometimes you watch it,

and you feel like you know
what it's thinking.

I mean, like the money
is there waiting to be taken.

Wait... wait, what,
the stock market?

In the first six months,
I was nothing but up.

But these options,
they expire, man.

Okay, enough, enough, Joe.
I don't want to hear this, okay?

I can't believe this.

What are we gonna do here?

This money...
We need this money.

You want me to tell the family?
I mean, you shouldn't have to be
stuck with that yourself.

No. No. Forget that.

They've got enough to deal with
right now. They have Griffin's
hospital bills to sweat.

This is my fault.
I should've paid
more attention.

There's nobody to blame
here, Bailey, but me.

Joe, just be quiet, okay?
And let me handle this.

Just let me think.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Where's Bailey? We're
gonna miss the elephants.

There aren't any elephants.
It's a different kind of circus.

It's French.

Hey. I know, I know.
You don't have to say anything.

-I'm sorry I'm late.
You ready to go, bud?
-I've been ready for an hour.

Okay, great. But we got
to get going now
because I have to be back

at the restaurant for dinner.

Isn't Joe there?

Uh... No. I gave him
the night off.

Why are we even going?
We're already late.

Bay, you want me to take him?
You seem kinda swamped.

No, no, no, no. I'm fine.
I'm fine. Come on. It'll be fun.

We could both use
a little fun right now,
don't you think?

All right.
Go get your coat.

Um, you guys...

have probably been
waiting for these.


Wait a second. Is this...
Is this restaurant money?

-Why are you giving them to us?

Alex always mails them.

Why is it personal?
This is from your account.

Yeah, I know. I just...
I didn't have time to transfer
the money over, so...

Hey, Bay...

Are you sure
everything's okay?


Yeah, it's fine.
Every thing is fine.

I'll see you guys later.

[Charlie] Okay, we're gonna
have to break down production
into 2 lines.

The, uh... The first one
will be the old stuff...

Nails, staples,
faster assembly...

And the second one
will be the new stuff.

Dowels, tongue-in-groove
construction on every joint.

No metal, only glue.

Well, that'll mean
retraining, retooling...

Gus won't go for that,

Yes, he will. I got 37 POs
from new outlets here.

So, let's talk
about who's on which line.

Can I ask you
a dumb question?

-So we'll still have jobs
next month?

Next month, next year, guys.
We got a lot of work
to do here, okay?

So, let's talk about how
we're gonna split up
the shifts.


You don't have to...

You kept us off
unemployment, my man!

[indistinct chatter]

What, you trying
to get away there?
Leaving my party?


Uh, actually, I've been here
a while. I just...

Just haven't run into you.

But I got to run
to this thing
across town... Oh, no. That's cool.
I'm glad you could
put in an appearance.

The reason I haven't
seen you lately

is that I've been going
to these other meetings,

Over on Mission.
It's closer to work.

That's great.

Listen, I got to talk
to this guy.

He's my contractor.
He owes me some bathroom tiles.

So I'm glad I caught you.
You look really great.


They ought to call that
the 13th step.

The one you take
out the door!

-Well, I think you're
the only one here

that wants
to stay less than I do.

Why do you say that?

Because I caught
that slick move,

the one where you slip in
and you wave and you slip
right back out.

I mean, I would
try that, but...

My sponsor,
she'd, um...

get on her broom
and track me down.

Oh, um, I'm Evvie.

-Who are you?
-I'm Bailey.

So, Bailey...

Do you ever go
to an AA meeting

and feel like
you've joined a cult?

This isn't a meeting.

Yeah, well, it...
it might as well be.
I mean...

The g*ng's all here.


do you?

You may have a point,
but I... Really, I got to go.

No, you can't.
If you leave,

they're gonna put me in
a trance, and I'm gonna be
converted for good,

and I'm gonna have to eat
the meatballs and--

I'm sorry, but I...
I really... I got to get going.

Okay? But I'm sure
I'll... You know...

run into you again.

What, at...
at, like, a meeting?

Yeah. Sure.

[door opens]

Thanks for bringing
all this food, you guys.

-It looks amazing.
-Mm. So much better
than takeout.


I can't believe
that someone actually
made these from scratch.

-What do you call them again?

They're stuffed grape leaves.

Mm. Good.

And you brought
so much extra.

Well, we know how busy
you all have been,
so we thought...

And we're gonna be
gone for 3 days,

and I feel horrible
about dumping the child care
on you that whole time.

We'll be fine.
We'll just split our time up
into shifts.

Um, speaking
of which,

Um, can you take her tomorrow?

Not tomorrow. Remember?

I've got my Gabapentin
side effects meeting.
I got to prep all morning.

But my afternoon's good
if you can take her
in the morning.

No, I can't. I got six
wholesale buyers coming in
from 9:0 0 to 1:00.

Mm. Maybe I should stay
for an extra day.

Look, honey, I can meet you
in Texas later, right?

-That's fine.
-Daph, no. Forget it.

We'll be fine.

Okay. Well...
I will, uh...

go in at 5:00.

And log a few hours
before breakfast,

which will be...

no problem.

We're covered.

It's just this...
this feeling I have

that I'm falling behind.
I mean...

Everyone else in my life...
Charlie, Bailey,

they have careers,
they have kids.

My friend Justin's engaged
to be married...

This is Justin, the ex?

He's getting straight As,
he has a 20-year plan...

Clarify for me.
What number is he?

I mean, how do...
how does he rate?

What about this one?
It's supposed to be good.


It's too expensive.

-So where is Justin?

I mean, where is he
on the scale? Is he a... seven?

-Is he a nine?
-What scale?

Well, the friendship scale.

You know, 10...
they are who you'd want
to be trapped with

on a desert island,
down to one...

You'd watch 'em drown
when the ship goes down.

Adam, that is so screwed up.
I don't rate people.

Yes, you do.
Everybody rates their friends.

You know, you got
first tier, second tier--

I'm not talking
to you about this.

Okay. How about this?


Rate me.

Rate you.

Rate me.

Okay, well, up until 15
seconds ago, I would've
given you an eight.

Solid 7.5, with significant
upside potential.

But then, this. This,
this infantile game.
I mean, I don't know.



Explain how a hotel's
gonna be cheap.

Well, if the food
is free...

Adam, these blintzes
are amazing, which means
that as of this moment,

you just shot up
to a 9.

So I'm closing on Justin?

Hey, you know what?
That looks like fun.
Let's dance.


All right.
I don't get this.


[slow song begins]

Well... As long
as we're out here.


You know, you were right.
This is fun.

Are you having fun?

Yeah. Uh huh.

Hey, Bailey,

I was talking
to my real estate agent

back in Los Angeles,

And he said, I can
unload my condo,

-raise a little cash,
and if I get a good price...

-and then he drops
his commission--
-No. Don't do
anything stupid, okay?

Well, I got
to do something, Bailey.

Well, you will.

Believe me,
you're gonna pay us back.

But for now...

I've done the math here,
and... and...

I think we're okay.

We can stay open.

I've got enough in the bank
to cover the shortfall and...

Oh, no, no, no.
Hold the phone.
Your own money?

Well, yeah.
What am I supposed to do?

My family needs
this restaurant, Joe,

And it's not worth anything
to us if it's closed.

Look, why don't you...
why don't you go home?

I asked you to take
some time off,
And you've been here all day.

-Go on.
-Yeah, all right.

[door closes]

[door opens]

[clears throat]

What, you forget something?

Bailey, what's going on?


Uh, Joe, relax.

Relax. I'm just having a beer.

Just a beer?

Just a beer.

Bailey, um...

It's nothing
to get upset about, okay?

You know, um...

I am not in a position
to judge, obviously, but--

Okay, look, I understand
why you'd worry.

Okay? But you don't have to.
I've been having... a beer now
and again for, like...

two Weeks, and I'm fine.
It's fine.

-It's fine?

I've been sober for more
than 2 years now.

So I have a beer or two.
That's all I want.


-These yours, yeah?


So good night.

Oh, hey, Charlie.

-Are you excited?

First new piece should be
rolling off the line
tomorrow sometime.


Listen, I just signed
for the lumber
that we ordered. And--

Oh, good. We're on schedule.
Is it in the mill yet?

No, no. I told him
to hold off.

What? You did?

Gus, I ordered
quarter-sawn oak,

and the shipment's pine.

Oh. I know.
I changed it.

Oak's a hell of a lot
more expensive, Charlie.


Because it's stronger.

And it won't dent
or scuff like pine will.

Not to mention, it's what
our customers ordered.

Charlie... I don't want to sound
like a windbag here, but...

the way you make your money
is you watch your costs.

Yeah, if that's
the kind of furniture
you're making.

And what exactly
does that mean?

Well, just...

My stuff, it has to appeal
to a high-end buyer, Gus,

Or we can't get
the margins that we need.

Well, yes, we can,
if we watch our costs!

But you have to sell
the stuff first, Gus,

and these people
don't want to buy pine.

What people?

I don't know.
People who don't mind
spending the money

to get something that's...

What, better?
Is that what you're
trying to say?

Uh... uh, better than the stuff
that I've been making?

Gus, hold on. No.

No, look Charlie,
someday you're gonna have
your own business,

and that's when you'll realize
that you don't know half
of what you think you do.

I just don't want to lose
any of these orders, that's all.

You're not going to.
You're gonna do things
the way they've always
been done here,

And you'll be just fine.


Here you go, guys.

Excuse me. Sorry.

Uh... One of your girlfriends
just came in.

I don't have
any girlfriends.

Yeah. Well, I tried to
put her in a booth,

but she wanted
to sit at the bar,
so there you go.

Hi. Um...

I'm sorry,
I don't remember you.

-It's Evvie.

I know this is weird.
Uh... but I just, um...

When we talked
at John's party,

I got this vibe
off of you.

A vibe about,
you know...

the AA stuff.


So I asked around the party,
and I found out
where you worked, and...

So, um...
what... vibe?

-What... I mean...
-Just that you don't seem,
like, as hard-core

as the rest of those freaks,
you know.

You might even still
like to have a good time, and...


I'm not really sure that...
we should be having
this conversation. Oh, come on. Don't
you go stepford on me.

No. I'm just saying...

that if you're having...

problems or doubts
about anything,

then you should probably
talk to your sponsor about it. Yeah. Well, that's kind
of why I'm here.

I'd pretty much rather be
sober the rest of my life
than talk to her.

Well, okay, but I can't
help you with that.

Unless you were my sponsor.

-Why not?

You've been sober a long time,
and you seem like a person
I really could relate to--

Well, I... Um...
I really can't do that.

Oh, I know.

It's not kosher,
the opposite-sex
sponsor thing...

Did you hear me?
I said I can't.


I'm... I'm sorry.
I just...

You don't want to know
the whole story, okay?

But I just can't do that.

-But if you're...

having a tough night...
sometime, and you need
someone to talk to...



"Through stardust and comets
and wind and bad weather,

a star that I place
in the sky stays forever."

[knocking on door]
[door opens]

Hey, Kirsten.

Dr. Miller's been asking
about that draft of the study.

I know. That's why I'm trying
to settle her in for a nap,
so I can get on it.

Okay, that's good, 'cause,
you know what? It was supposed
to be on his desk yesterday.

Right. I know.
Thanks, Heather.

-Are you sleepy yet?
-[baby talking]

Well, she sure doesn't
look sleepy to me.

No, she doesn't.

Well, that's what happens
when interesting people come in.

Well, so why don't you
just put her downstairs
in the nursery?

Uh, the 1-year-olds
aren't in today, and she's
not ready for the 3s.

She gets...
overstimulated. See?

You know what?
I should, um,
probably leave.

Yeah, great, whatever.

Um, see, you're sleepy.

-Oh. Uh, heather?

Could you ask Meredith
to call my husband
again for me, please?


-Come on, sweetie.

We're gonna go.
We're gonna go for a nap.

Take froggy.

Take froggy.

["The Indigo Girls"
playing on stereo]

Wow. You said tacos.
I never thought you'd actually
make them.

Yeah. Yeah.

I, um, well, I thought
it would be nice
to do something...

you know, a la casa.

Candles, flowers.
I thought you hated
"The Indigo Girls".


And you're wearing
the shirt.

What shirt?

The one that I said I liked,
the "your eyes
are so blue" shirt.

-Uh huh.

No. The, uh...

Well, "The Indigo Girls",
that's just, you know,
some KRC freebie.

And the food, it...
you know, was...
it was actually takeout.

And, uh, well, the shirt,
you know, is because...

nothing... nothing else
was clean.

And that...
Oh, the candles are...

Adam. What's going on?

Uh... okay.

You, see...
uh, sit.


You see, the, uh...
the thing is--

You know what?
Um... Don't.


-Don't. You don't have to.

Are... Are you sure?
Maybe I should.

-Or I... I don't know.
Maybe you shouldn't.
-I shouldn't?

Uh, who knows?
I mean, I... I certainly
have no idea

what it is you're thinking
of saying, but, um...

All kinds of things,
all kinds of things are...

best left unsaid.


Yeah. Yeah, you're right.




Did I ever... Did I ever
tell you about this hot sauce?

-They make it in Tijuana.
-Mm mm.

It's like tongue-kissing
a volcano.

Or something stupid
like that.

-That's really hot.
-Yeah, it is.

So, uh... who was that, uh,
who was that woman
over there before?

What woman?

You know.
The one you were
talking with.

Sounded like it got
a little heated.

No, that was fine.

It was nothing.


I... I thought I heard her
say something about AA.


Yeah. She came here
to ask if I would be
her sponsor.

You... You can't do that,
right? Now?

Now that you're drinking?


Yeah. Yeah.
So, you told her that?

No, of course not.

Because you wouldn't
want your friends
down at AA to know that.

-No. It's not...
like it's a big secret.
-Right, right.

-No. Right.
-You see what I'm saying?

But your brother
and sisters know, right?


Okay, well...

The reason that I
haven't said anything
to anybody about it

is because there's
nothing to say.

Because it's no big deal.

Well, it might be to them.

Well, to me, it isn't.

You don't want
to give them a chance
to see it your way?

No, I don't... Joe.
Why, do you?

Is that what you're saying?
That maybe you'd like
to tell them for me?

No! All I think is that
it's something that--

I would think that you'd
understand my position.

You know? How...
Maybe it's best
not to upset them

with something
that they wouldn't
really understand.


Print, copy, or fax?
I don't see a disk
or a document on you.

Look, I made a couple of calls,
And I found out
that you worked here.

Well, I have to get
this toner changed.

There's people waiting
for the machine.

I wanted to say
I'm sorry.

For how I acted before.

-You asked me a fair question--
-Look, you don't
have to say that. I mean...

I was out of line.

No, you weren't.
You weren't. Okay?

I mean, that's the whole
point of AA...

It is to have people around
who understand.

And if you have a problem
and you talk to somebody
about it,

someone who understands
how you feel...

then it's probably
as helpful to them
as it is to you.

Are you okay?


-I'm fine.
-Actually, I have
a break coming up.

So, if you feel like
coffee or something.

Yeah, that would be good. Okay.

-Hey, warren.
-Hey, Charlie,
I'm sorry to bother you.

I just wanted to talk
to you for a sec.

Sure. I'm kinda
in a rush though.

I gotta get home
to take care of my daughter.

Yeah, I got
a couple of kids myself.

So, uh, what's goin' on?

Well, it's just that...

things aren't
exactly working
the way you said.

I mean, we're using
the cheaper wood,
and we're joining with metal...

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

And some of the guys,
I mean, we're worried.

Some buyers came by,
and Gus showed them
the line, and...

The looks in their faces...

I mean, you could tell it.
These guys weren't--

Hey, Gus.

Good night.

Well, uh...

You know, maybe we'll
have to lower prices
a little bit.

Oh, come on, that's not
what you said before.
[engine starts]

Look, Gus has been doing this
most of his life, Warren.

If he thinks that he can
get customers that way,
let's... let's give him a shot.

Gus thinks a lot of things,
Charlie, look where that got us.


I fought with him
as much as I can.

I mean, at the end of the day,
it's his factory.
He owns the place.

Yeah, I know. I...
It's just...

Well, you got us
this far, and...

Last night I took
out my family to eat.

First time in six months,
And it felt good,
you know?

To not worry that I might
lose my job.

It felt good.

And I'll be listening
to this guy sharing.

And he'll say,
"I'm 10 years sober,
blah, blah, blah,"

and everybody
claps like monkeys. Like,
"Hey, isn't that fantastic?"

And all I can think of is,
Ten years sober,
and you're still here?

God, I'm boring you speechless.

No, Evvie.

This is good for me, too.

Talking about this.

So, tell me the truth.

Does it ever get better?

Or is this what I have
to look forward to?

10 years sober,
and still feeling...

the way I do right now.

Evvie, come on.

It's life.

It's life, I mean,
what do you want?

I want to feel good.

That's all.

Is that so much?

No, I don't think so.

I hope not.

[music playing in a distant]


I didn't know if you'd
be home. I left you
a bunch of messages.

-But look at this,
here you are.
-Yeah. Um...

But I'm actually
on my way to the library. So...

Adam, you canceled breakfast,

you blew off the date
we made to work
on your application--

I was busy.

What can I say?

Okay, look, if you're not
gonna talk about this,
then I am.

'Cause I think I know
what you're doing, Adam,

-with the flowers and
the music and the shirt--

-Just wait, wait, wait...
-No, let me say this.

You are so great, Adam.

You're fun.

And you're funny,
and you're smart,
and you're...

really... you're...

You're everything
I need right now.

You're a really great friend.

And what you
don't know is there's
all kinds of reasons

why I can't
let it turn into more.

I have these really bad
boyfriend habits.

I jump from one
to the next really quickly

and all kinds of other things,

but the main one being
that if I let it turn into more

and it goes badly,
like it did last night,

then, um...

I'm afraid
to lose you.

So, I just...
Right now I...

I don't want to take
that risk.

You are funny.

Um... explain that, please.

You know, first of all,
points for getting
it partway right.

I was thinking
about it, yes.

See, and that's fine,
Adam, that's--

I said was.

You know,
you got me out dancing,

there was, you know,
the contact thing.

Yeah, sure, I admit it.

You know, it made me wonder
if there was anything there.

Which lasted through dinner
that next night when
I realized no way. No.

It's much better platonic.

Okay, so, then,
why did you start
avoiding me like that?


Did it never occur to you
that I might have something
besides you to think about?

You know, some good reason
not to call you back right away?

I mean,
here's a concept for you.

Not every boy
wants to marry you.

You were... busy?

Yeah, you know,
the application thing
you mentioned.

You know, it's a lot of work.
Which I wanted to do
by myself.

-Oh. Oh, man, did I...
I am so...
-No, it's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

Most guys,
you'd probably be right.
Just not me.

-Hey, Gus.

Listen, uh...

I'm sorry,
but we gotta talk.

Yeah, I guess we do.

I made some phone calls.

And practically half our buyers
said they'd pull their orders
if we switched to pine.

-Now, that's--
-Charlie, you don't have to--

Now, I know how you feel
about risking the extra money--

-Give it a rest, will ya?
-No, I won't!

If you're gonna make me
fight you on this, I will.

Well, you're gonna
have a tough time
when I'm in Tahiti.

Wait... What?

I was sittin' here
about four or five hours ago,

and a couple of guys
came in off the floor,

You know, with a problem...
And I gave 'em my answer.

And they stood there.

I said,"What's wrong?"

They got all embarrassed,
and then one of them said,

"Where's Charlie?
When's he coming in?"

Look, Gus...

So I went down to the floor,
and I took a good look.

It's beautiful furniture,
Charlie, the stuff
you're building.

The crazy thing is...

people will think
I'm the genius
that made it all happen,

When the best thing
I can do is just get out
of the way.

What are you saying?
You're... You're thinking
about leaving?

Don't worry. I'm not
gonna disappear on you.

There'll still be
plenty of questions.
I'll be around.

Gus, you can't do that.
You can't.

This business,
it needs you.

It's yours, son.

I want you to run it.

That's not
what I'm asking for, Gus.

I'm not even ready for that.

Oh, sure you are.

Why do you think
I'm doing this, Charlie?

You think I'd give it
to anybody I didn't
absolutely trust?

That's not what I wanted, Gus.
That's not why I'm here.

I don't know.
Maybe it is.

What's goin' on?

Where have you been, Bailey?
We've been trying to find you.

You weren't home
last night.

Yeah, I...
I got in late. Why?

Yeah, we left you a ton
of messages at work.
You didn't call us back.

Bailey, Joe told us
what's going on.

How could you not
tell us about this, Bailey?

It's nobody's business.

-[Claudia] Nobody's business?

That place... Bailey,
that's our restaurant, too.


The restaurant?

I know you wanted
to handle it, Bailey, but...

just for my own sake,
to get it off my chest,

I told them.

Now, you see why I'd want
to do that, don't you?

Good for you.

[Julia] Wait,
where are you going?

We have to talk about this.
When Charlie finds out--

No, we don't.

We don't have to talk about it.
It's already taken care of.

So, you're just gonna write
a check from your own account
and forget about it?

Joe is paying me back.
So, until he does,
we're done.

This isn't all that's wrong
with the restaurant, Bailey.

Business is down,
and we need that money.

You've been saying
the same thing
for months now.

Just sit tight. Be patient.
It'll all come back.

And it hasn't come back,
has it, Bailey?

Okay, guys, relax.

No. No, we're not
gonna relax.

What is going on with you,
and what is with this
weird denial thing?

Look, Julia,
I'm not in any denial, okay?

Yeah, right.

Well, tomorrow you won't be.
We called Alex.
We're gonna meet with him.

You what?

You called my accountant?

We need to sit down
with the books, Bailey.

The whole family.

You know what?

None of you...
None of you has
any right to judge me.

Okay, what I do with my money.
What I do with my life--

Bailey, we're not saying
this is your fault, but if
you're not gonna tell us
the truth--

No, I know what you're saying.
I'm telling you
I don't need to hear it.

-I said I don't need to hear it.

I don't know what
to say. I mean...

It sounds like
champagne is in order,

but what... what is with
that look on your face?

Well, I haven't said yes yet.

Okay, why not?

Are you kidding me?

This job...
All the decisions...

It's all gonna be me.

Exactly. So no one
can stop you from doing
What you think is right.

Including all the times
that I'm wrong.

I mean, this company could still
easily go under, Kirsten.


Charlie, come on.

I mean, the freedom
to draw whatever you want

-and then actually make it?
-No, no, I know, I know.
It's my dream job.

It's just...


Times 3.

I mean, you know
how hard I work now.

Putting this stuff
into production is gonna take
every minute.

I mean, forget about seeing me.

Forget about me being able
to help out with Diana at all.

So... So, what do you
want me to say?

You want me to tell you
don't do it?

No. No.
It's just...

This is it.
If I do this, it can't be...

"Which one of us
is gonna make a concession?"

It has to be you.

I can't take this job
and then only do half the work.

So, if that's something
that you're not willing to do,

to make room in your work
to be with Diana, then...

you tell me,
and I'll say no.

I think, um...

if this is what you want...

then... then you should do it.

Thank you.

Adam. Adam, hello.


-You're in a good mood.
-Yes. Yes, I am.
'Cause I bring...

I bring brilliant news.

Okay, listen, you did not
hear this from me,

and I did not hear
this from Becca,

my friend in admissions,
but, uh, you passed your GED.

Okay? Okay? And the dean
loved your essay.

So, Adam, it looks...
it looks really good.

Did you hear me?
Is that not great?

Yeah, that's great.

No, no, Adam,
be happier. I insist.

You worked so hard
on your application,

you are gonna get in.

-You're gonna get in.
-Julia, stop. I said stop!

-What? What was that, huh?

-What was what?
-What? The... the...

the hugging me.
Then with the kissing.

You cannot do that.

I can't?
Why not?


Because... What?

Look, uh, I lied...

when...when I said
those feelings weren't there.

When the truth is,
I want to kiss you
so much...


And I know you don't
think it's a good idea,
but why...

why can't we just try?

Huh? You know,
what if we do and
it is so great?

You know, what if
it's not a mistake?

-Adam, I really don't know yet.
I don't know...
-You know what?
I'm sorry, but...


Well, that sure
sucked, huh?

-No, no, no, it didn't.
It was, um, it was...
-No, no, no, it was crap.

Don't lie.

You weren't into it,
and I lost my nerve.

The whole thing
sort of collapsed
onto itself.

It was, uh, it was
pretty horrible.

-You know what? I'm glad.

I'm glad we did it. 'Cause,
you know, we tried, and now
we know it's a bad idea.

So the kiss thing is behind us,
and we never ever
have to go there again.

-Never again.

Okay. Never again.


Good then.


[Claudia] Bailey knows
about the meeting, Alex.

Are you expecting him soon?
Because I've got a 5:00 and...

we can reschedule
if you want.

Maybe he just got
the appointment wrong.

You wrote him a note,
didn't you?

Oh, man.

Bailey... I mean, his timing
couldn't be worse. I cannot afford to
be here right now.

I've got meetings
on meetings.

Okay, well, you know what?
We'll just, we'll start
without him.


For you. Here's
another copy for you.


God, there you are.
I've been calling you
all day and all night.

I know. I'm sorry.
It's just... I...

I've been dealing
with some family stuff.

So, you want to
come into the meeting?

What? Oh.
Uh... no, I can't.

I can't. I just
stopped by to say hi.

Well, you know what?
Forget the meeting.
I'll just catch the next one.

No, no, you go
to the meeting.

You should go,
and then...

we'll do
something after.

I had to do that.

You're just so...

You're so sweet.

Well, thanks.

So... now what?

Your meeting.

Will you stop being
such a good influence on me?

Let's go to my house.

We'll watch
Leaving Las Vegas.

It'll be just like a meeting.
But much more fun.

No, I told you.
I'll be in at 9:00.

So start cutting
the front pieces,

and then I'll...
I'll check 'em out
before you... Yeah.

Yeah, could you hold on?

Kirsten, could you take her
for a second? I'm on the phone
with the factory.

[knocking on door]

[Kirsten] I'm only
half dressed, Charlie.

-Hang on. Hang on.
-[Kirsten] Is that them?

-Hey. Hey, you guys.
Welcome back.

-Good to be back.
-Hi there, sweetie.

Well, tell Warren
an extra 3/8ths of an inch
on the legs...

till we know if we're doing
rollers or pads.

Hey, you guys are back.

What's the big rush?
Are we late?

Oh, no, I've just got
a bunch of numbers to crunch,

and I can't miss the chance
to get stuff done
when Diana's not here.

How was she?

She was a dream.

A little trouble transitioning
into nap time, but...

Oh, did you sing
her Amazing Grace?

Oh, yeah.
That knocks her out every time.

Oh. Wish I'd known.
Next time.

Okay, uh, bottles, diapers...


Wait. I forgot Pooh.


-See ya.
-Um... Yeah. Bye.

-Bye, cutie. Bye, guys.
-[both] Bye.

Why don't you go see
Luke The Duke?

-Come here. Come here, baby.
Come here, baby.
-Go see him.


We kinda need
to talk for a second.

Sure. What's up?

Well... the thing is...
[clears throat]

Luke has been
transferred back to Texas.


God, I'm sorry, Daph.

Oh, no... It's not...

Luke has
this amazing family, Charlie.

They're wonderful.
They completely
welcomed me in. They...

They took me to this rodeo
and this barbecue
and this... Oh...

Oh, there's Pooh. Oh.


Which is why...
When he asked me to stay
and live there with him...

[clears throat]

I said yes.

Wow. Uh...

I mean...

What's that gonna mean
for Diana? I mean, that's...
That's so far away.

Well... maybe not.