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06x20 - Great Expectations

Posted: 03/12/22 10:56
by bunniefuu
Marriage, as we know,
is a venerable,

auspicious institution
laden with joy and promise.

But it is also
a solemn ordinance,

not to be entered into
frivolously or deceptively

without the assurance of deep,
ardent love and commitment.

Now, do you young people have
anything that you would like
to say before we continue?

A poem to read? A thought?

Young man?

You look nice.

Thank you. Well, then...

Do you, Holly Marie Beggins,
take William Bradley McCorkle

to be your lawfully
wedded husband?

I do.

And do you, William Bradley

take the lovely Holly Marie

to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Yes, I do.

By the power vested in me

by the State of California

I now pronounce you
man and wife.

I'll go sign the papers.

Kiss her.

[Bailey clears throat]

Hey, Will.

Will: Yeah?
Bailey: Down, boy.




How about a kiss
for the best man?

No, Bailey.

-People. Everywhere.


Yeah, the INS takes
this very seriously.

They could be anywhere.

Anywhere? You mean...

Like, here, now?

Come on...

We have to be careful, for sure,
but don't you think that's being
a little bit paranoid here?

-Like her? Right there? No, I'm not
being paranoid.

I could get deported,
and he could get sent to jail.

Hey, hey, hey,
well, you know what?

Do we really need
to use the "j" word here?

Wait, nobody's going to jail.

Hey, that janitor just walked
past a cigarette butt.

What does that mean?

-[Bailey exhales]
-I'm sorry, I'm just...

Not taking any chances, Bailey.


[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Charlie. [exhales]

It's beautiful.

I thought about, uh,
curving the slats

but then it seemed like

that might not be
that safe, you know? [chuckles]



I don't know...

I'm not sure if it is that safe.

What do you mean?

To be banking on this so soon.

To be building things
for this baby already.

[Charlie sighs]

Okay. Hold on a second...

I mean, that's
why we didn't tell
our families, Charlie.

Kirsten, I really don't see
how building a crib

can hurt that baby.

You know what I mean.

Things can still go wrong.
It happens all the time.

It just... it makes me nervous,
that being here so early.

I feel like we're tempting
the gods or something.

Tempting the gods?

That's how I feel.

-Yeah, fine.



You're back.

I wasn't
expecting you back.

This is, uh,
Agent Lawrence from the, uh Immigration and
Naturalization Service.

Uh, this is my husband,
Will McCorkle.

And, uh, this is our friend,
Bailey Salinger.

Just thought I'd drop in,

introduce myself.

-Nice meeting you.

So, I was just saying
that it's a real shame
that you two can't hang around

because you've got
that party to get to

which I thought you...

were going straight to.

The-- yeah, uh, birthday thing.

Birthday party.

Will forgot the gift.

The gift...

[whispering] Which I
forgot to wrap.

You must be a close friend.


Have your own set of keys.


Keys. Oh, these.

These keys. Oh, these aren't

these aren't my keys.
These are his keys.

These are...
Will, take your keys.


Well, anyway, um...

I'll see the two of you

the day after tomorrow.

Day after tomorrow?

Oh, yeah, he, uh...

they have an interview for us.

Standard procedure.


Oh, we'll... be there.

Listen, I'm sure it's nothing
to worry about

but, uh, you'd be amazed

how many people marry Americans

for the sole purpose
of circumventing

our immigration laws.

-[Will exhales]

Not a concern
with you two.

I'm sure. [door closes]

[collective sigh]

[doorbell rings]



Hey... What are you doing here?

I thought you were in Mexico.

I was.

I, uh... I, I just got back.


Well, welcome back.


Can I come in?


Look, Julia, I just
wanted to say...

No, no, you know what,

You said enough
before you left.

Before you took off

without telling me
where you were going
or why.

Because if you cared at all
about what I thought

or what I felt, you would
have at least
discussed it with me

before you took off to some
Mexican commune.

Well, it's more
of an artist colony...

I don't care anymore.


I'm moving to Mexico.


I mean...

You're right.

I had no business saying
any of that stuff to you,

especially since I was the one
who had something to prove

to the school,
to myself, to whoever.

So... I took off.

I, I ran away.

And it wasn't fair
to do to you.

Or to us.

And you're going back there...

But I'm here

for the next three days.

And I'd like to see you
as much as I can.


Before you leave.


We are dead.

We are dead people.

We're never gonna fool that guy.

Did you, did you see him?

Did you see how his eyeballs

were drilling
straight through us?

Let's, let's, let's confess!

We should roll over,
beg for mercy.

Forget it, Will.
It's too late for that now.

Will, it's all
going to be fine.

Deep breaths.
Calm down.

Calm down. I mean,
how is that possible?

Do you know-- know
what happens to us

if we get caught?

I can never run
for elected office.

Yeah, you realize that, right?


Will, can we worry about
your political career

after you move out
of my basement?

Oh, thanks. That's very helpful.

Boys. Boys, let's just
think about this.

We knew this was gonna happen.
We just...

didn't realize it was going to
happen quite so soon.

That's right.

She's exactly right.

This isn't so bad.

You guys have 48 hours
to get to know each other

as well as a real couple.

Oh, what were we thinking?

I wanted to be someone
in this world,

do something. I was going
to save social security.

Yeah. Yeah, I had a whole plan.

Wait a minute.

Wait a second.

Who do you both know that well?

You know me.


-You're right.
-So anything that
he asks Holly about you,

if she answers with me in mind,
then you do the same thing.

Your answers have to match up.

-What are you
talking about?

Say he asks her, "What does
your husband eat for breakfast"?

She thinks of me, says...

Granola and chocolate milk.

You, of course,
would know this, so you
say the same thing.

That's half the battle
right there.

Now you just need a crash course

in getting to know Holly.

We can both help you with that.

I don't know...

-Oh, come on.
-Will, Will...

Uh, does your husband wear
boxers or briefs?



What's his favorite sport?

[both] Wrestling!

See, man, it's cake.

We're halfway there.




Wet dish, longing to be dried.

Hm, sorry.



That goofy smile
on your face.

What's going on
over there?

Oh, I had the most amazing dream
last night, Julia.

It's been with me all day long.

Oh, yeah?
What was it about?

Me and Todd.

What happened?

Well, we're in his car

which he loves more than
anyone should love a car,
in my opinion...

and he was actually
letting me drive it.

Which I never have
because he never lets me,
like, ever...

So, I'm driving.

And I'm hitting
every green light.

All of a sudden,
we're not on the street anymore.

We're actually flying.

Sounds symbolic.

So he
looks at me, and...

he smiles and says

"You made the car fly".

And then he, like,
reaches into his chest, but...

I mean, it's not gross
or anything, and he pulls out...

this key in the shape
of a heart.

Julia, the key to his heart.


And he hands it to me,
and he says

"I love you, Claudia".

Just like that.

Just so...

Simple and real.

Isn't that incredible?

I guess.

You guess.
What does that mean?

Well, it's just a dream, Claud.

Yeah, but it was so real
when he said it.


Still, I just don't think
you should get caught up
in something you wish he'd said.

It's not a disaster.
We'll handle it, you know?

It just means delivering
a week or two past due.

The--the only thing
that concerns me
is it's getting worse.

-I know.
-Last week,
we were averaging

-six days late, and
this week, it's eight.
-I know.

I know. It's not good.
Let's just see
what Mitch has to say.


How's it going?

Well, we're, uh...

we're up to four pieces an hour.

And I don't think the guys
can do it much faster than that.

Why aren't they partnered up?

I mean, I thought
we talked about

putting two guys on
these back assemblies.

Yeah, I--I thought about it,
but that doesn't make sense.

I mean, to put two guys
on the same piece,
the math says--

Mitch, we talked
about this. I mean...

you can't even give it a try?

So, you want me
to shut down the line for a day

while the guys learn new jobs

when it's 90% that
it probably won't work.

Yes. Yes, I do.

I asked you to give it a shot. That doesn't
mean you deciding

that I'm wrong all on your own.

Okay. Hold on.

Mitch, I think what
we're saying is, try and look
at the big picture here...

Okay? A little time

lost now, learning
how to build this stuff right,
that's time well spent.

Look, you guys hired me
out of my last job

to get this place moving.
And you told me
when we sat down

you said that we're not about
micromanagement here,

everybody gets a piece
of the business,

you can be your own boss.

Well, that's right...

Mitch, you own a piece
of the company

but that doesn't
mean we don't still

have a management
structure here, or--

Look, I want you
to double them up.


If it doesn't work

then we can always
go back to your way.

All right?

You're the boss.

The nature of critical
evaluation in 18th
century romanticism.


-This has gotta be
for Ms. Shaw.

[sighing] Reading
is hard enough,
but writing about

how other people
wrote about writing?

It just seems like
so much writing.


don't do it.

-Yeah, right.
-I mean it.

-Come with me
to Mexico instead.

You're kidding,

I mean it.

I mean,
I was thinking about it

and, Julia, you would
love San Miguel.

I mean, it's got
cobblestone streets
and Gothic cathedrals.

There's two art institutes
there, there's weird
creative types everywhere,

and it's got the coffee
that you can't get here.

The kind that's like mud.

Adam... [sighs]

Don't do this to me. Not...

right now.

I can't just pack up
and move to Mexico.

Of course you can.
Why can't you?

Well, 'cause I've got school,
for one thing.


You take a leave of absence.

I can get you into my workshop
at the institute

and you'll get full credit here.

It's not that simple.

Um, I've got other


Like my family. So come for a month.

Come for a week even.

But I warn you...

When you get down there,
you are not gonna want to leave.


You make it sound like paradise.

It would be...

if you were there.

What're you doing, Will?

Bay, I gotta know this stuff.

What color her toothbrush is,
what brand of...

this she uses.

Will, I don't know
half that stuff.
I don't really--

Does she use pins or barrettes?
Does she floss?

Does she use--ow!


What's going on?

I cut myself.

Oh. I have bandages.

Yeah, don't worry.
He knows.

Would you please tell him

he doesn't need
to know every single

intimate detail
of your life.

I mean, next thing,
he's gonna be

hunting through
your underwear drawer.

-Underwear drawer.
-Put it on the list.

[Bailey sighs]


Give me your finger.

I'm sorry.

I was going through things.
I wasn't paying attention.

Will, please don't apologize.

Your apologizing seems
kind of backwards.


Every time I look at you,
I feel so guilty.

All this stress and anxiety for
my stupid green card.

Wait--wait, you know what?

Don't feel bad.

If I weren't such a coward,
I mean, this wouldn't
be anything.


Will, are you kidding?

You give yourself
so little credit sometimes.

If only I could tell you how
completely in awe I am of you.

No...You don't
have to be in awe.

Oh, really it's...

It's very humbling.

I don't know if I could do
what you're doing. It's...

very unselfish.


You know what,
I think I can finish that.



Because Bronte believed
that in order to create
a true romantic heroine,

she herself had to be
carried away by her characters,

her work,
by her own life.

And so,
she created Jane.

Jane, who rejects
Puritan convention,
and lives by her heart.

Who's brought back to her lover
by a passionate dream.


Don't get bogged down
by rules and mores.

Fly. Follow your urges.
Listen to your hearts.

That's the way
to true prolific freedom

and creative fulfillment.

Not to mention
a very hot love life.

Who was on the phone just now?

The travel agent.

They wanted to make sure
that we were, um,

we knew we were going
to be paying a cancellation fee.

Mm, that's right.
I forgot to tell you.

I was gonna talk to you
about it last night,

but then you got home so late.

You canceled the weekend?

I mean, I was
really looking forward
to doing that with you.

I know. I know.
Me, too.

But, you know what?
I just thought it would be nice

If we stayed home
and just relaxed.

[Charlie sighs]

Kirsten, we've been over this.

I mean, they can
find me at home.

They can drag me into work.

They can't drag me
into work in Carmel.

-I know.
-Then what happened? I...

We just finished saying
that we were gonna
make time for each other.

That's why we planned
the whole weekend.

Okay, don't be mad at me.

But I thought about going so far

You know, all the way to Carmel,
and I just felt like

I don't want to be that far away
from my doctor.


Come on. I mean, it's one thing
to not want to put a crib
in your house

but if you're gonna go
shutting yourself in--

I'm not shutting myself in.

I'm just--we can go
to the movies.

We can go for something to eat.

If there's not some big
crisis at work

Which there will be.

Look, Charlie...

I have waited longer for this.

I have worked harder for this
than for anything.

I mean, honestly,
why would I take any chances?

This is nice, huh?

Just us sitting here reading,

doing our homework,
you know?

Just being together.

Not having to say a word.

You want to take a drive?

What? Wh--where?

I don't know, anywhere.

I mean, just hop in the car
and just fly.

You know?

if you want to.

Just, um, let me finish
this chapter first.


Yeah, absolutely.

Do you think I could
maybe drive?

W--would you mind?

Um, well, I--I would

except... You remember?
The--the lease thing.

The kind of insurance,
won't let anyone
drive but me, so...



You don't think
I'm a very good driver,
do you?


No, that's not it.

You just don't trust me.

No. Claudia, I do.

Because, Todd,
I trust you completely.

I mean...

You're my boyfriend,
and I trust you and...

love you, and...

I would let you
drive my car
if I had one.

But, um...

obviously, you don't
feel the same way.

Um, I'll just...

Claudia, wait.


Checks I need you to sign here.

Also, a couple of contracts
you ought to look over--

Not now.
Look, I need you

To draw up a severance package
for Mitch.

I'm letting him go.

What? Charlie, why?

I told him to try
running the line my way

and he completely ignored me.

-He did?

I was just down there.

Nothing's changed.


Okay, look.

That's not good.

But before we start
throwing money away
on a severance deal

let me go down there
and try and talk to him.

Bailey, no offense, man,
but how?

I mean, you don't know
a dowel from a spindle.

Okay, but I know a paycheck
from a pink slip.

Look, if the guy can't
run the line any faster

he's not worth it.
He can't do the job.

Look at the situation here.

If I start to lose orders

and I can't pay back
the money that I borrowed
to expand this place

and this business goes under...

Okay. So who's gonna
run the line if Mitch goes?

Not me, obviously.

-We'll figure it out.

We've got chairs due
more than a week ago, Charlie,

and people are going to
start canceling their orders.

Fine, I'll do it.
I'll run the line.

You will?

Who's gonna do your job?

You can't do it all,

Charlie, that's why
you hired Mitch.

And me.

[knock on door]

It's open. Hi.


I wasn't expecting to see you.

Did you finish your essay? I'm going with you.


For a month.
Six weeks maybe

and then I come home.

You are not going to
want to leave.

-We will see.
-What made you
change your mind?

I want something to write about

that's not other
writers' writing

about other writers writing.


[Adam exhales]

Well, when can you leave?

Well, I cleared it
with Dean Distefano
this afternoon

so I guess all I have to do now

is...tell my family.

[Julia exclaims]

And then,
if Bill and Marty
have the joints pegged

then we'll have two pieces
prepped at the same time, okay?

Let's try that.

What's going on?

I thought that
four hands on the job

might save us enough time
to justify moving the-- Charlie, I've heard the plan
plenty of times.

Yeah, but we haven't
tried it yet.

Look, if I'm in your way here,

just come out and say it.

No, I--I'm serious.

Do you want me out of here?

That's not what I want, Mitch.

Then why are you
doing my job here?

I just wanted to see
if this might work better.

Mitch, give me a break here.

If I'm wrong, we can always
go back to your idea.

If not, what's wrong
with giving it a try?

Let me tell you what's wrong.

You don't trust me
to know my job. Admit it.

Look, that is not
what I'm doing down here,

I--I'll tell you what.

You've been sitting
there waiting for me

to crap out
since day one.

so I'm going to
save you the trouble.

I quit.

[key being turned at door]

Hey. Got your own key now, huh?

Yeah. You going to be
studying here?

Yeah, that was the plan. Why?

Well, 'cause Holly and I
have some work to do later

But, I mean, if you're quiet,
I guess it's okay.

Well, thanks.

Thanks a lot.

You know what?
As long as you're here,

she gave me some questions
for you to answer.

Like, uh... Which
side of the bed
does she sleep on?



Which puts me on the right.

Actually, it puts me
on the right.



What's her favorite
sexual position?


Says it right here.

Okay, she got these questions
from a girlfriend of hers

who went through
the same thing last year. They can ask this stuff, Bailey.

I mean, she made the list,

which is...

I don't know, man.
Some of this stuff...

-Nothing. Never mind.



Okay, one of the questions
they asked the girlfriend was

"What was your worst fight?"

And she put down
this thing that you did at
her cousin's house?

[sighs] She...


first of all

I wasn't hitting
on anybody, okay?

We were playing a board game.

And second of all--

Bay, it's me, okay?

I know how you are.

Excuse me?

You know what?
Who cares?

This is not even the point.

The point is,
I can't believe

You'd do something
like that, you know,

to such a--
such a cool person.

This is unbelievable.
You know what?

I'm not talking
about this with you.


Okay, be that way.

At least you're consistent.


[knock on door]

Just a sec.



Can I talk to you?

Yeah. I was just going to
come down and talk to you.

About what?

Oh, no.
You first.

What's going on?
What's that?

It's a letter...
t--to Todd.

Telling him I want us
to break up.


Why? What happened?

You were right, Julia.

About my dream,
about it...

only being something
that I wanted to happen.

Oh, no.

Oh, yes.

I guess I just, you know,
had to go to him

and ask him
if I could drive his car.

And he said no?

Of course he said no.

And then I had to test
the rest of the dream

by telling him
that I loved him.

Oh, Claud.

Of course, he didn't
say it back to me, 'cause...

he obviously
doesn't feel that way.

Oh, you don't know that.

Why would I do this to myself?

This was a dream.

Well, because it's...
it's how you felt.


He just doesn't
feel the same way.

Well, did you say it
because you wanted
to hear him say it back?

Or did you say it because
it was how you felt?

I don't know. Maybe both.

Well, if you said it because
it's how you felt, you just
couldn't not, then

Claud, you should be
proud of yourself.

I don't know that many people
who are strong enough to say
exactly what's on their mind

no matter what.

I wish I could be more like you.

No... Really.

What do you think I should do?

What do you want to do?

Thank you.

What did you want
to talk to me about?

It'll keep.


Hey. Where's Will?

He's on his way.

We're supposed to be going over
our favorite foods.

Yeah, I know.

I know.

What? What's wrong?

Why did you have to tell Will
about that fight that we had?

At Rick's party?

What do you mean?
That's part of the ruse.

He's supposed to be you,

It was your idea,
your very good idea.

But you couldn't
make something up
for that one question?

There's nothing
of ours that's worth
protecting to you?

We don't have time
for this, Bailey.

The interview's in three hours.

I know when the interview is.

I got it tattooed on my brain.

Yes, so let it go, please.

You understand how much
this matters to me, Bailey.

Yeah, I understand.

I understand that
it matters to you
more than anything.

Meaning what? You? Yeah, that's how it feels.

Well, then, maybe it's true.

-No. You know what?

You should get ready.

No. Bailey...

Please let me say this. You know what my life
has been like

with mum and dad
moving us around,

all the different schools
and the traveling. Well, through all that,
the one thing that I've had,

the one thing that
I've been sure of

is I've always
wanted to be a doctor.

Now, you know
how I feel about you.

But this...

for certain is my future.

And I know that.

As for us...

I just can't know that
in the same way.

I can't.




Are you okay?

No. I...

Kirsten, what's going on?

Are you pregnant?

I came by to pick up the books

that Charlie had
for when Daphne was pregnant.


Something felt wrong,
and I--I checked

and I'm bleeding.

Oh, God. Okay.
Don't panic.

Um, come here.

Tell me what's going on.
Are you having cramps?

Are you...

I don't know what to do.

-I don't know what to do.
-Oh, Kirsten.

It's okay.

It's okay.
Everything's going to be okay.

You know what?

[Kirsten sobs]

I want you to come with me.

I'm gonna get you
to a doctor, okay?

Gently, gently. Okay.


-Where's Kirsten?

She's in with the doctor

And they said she'd be out
in a minute.

Is she okay?

I--I don't know.
I mean, she wasn't
feeling any pain

but, uh...

I'm gonna go in and see.

It's okay.


The baby's okay.
We're both fine.

Thank God.

What happened?

I started bleeding.

And Julia found me
and brought me here.

Thank God she was there,

I couldn't move.
I was so freaked out.

What did the doctor say?

She did, uh, some tests
and a sonogram.

And it turns out I just--
I don't have enough
progesterone in my system.

What does that mean?

The blood, it came
from the endometrium,

not the baby or the placenta.

It's pretty common,
she says.

I just need to take
some hormones.



I guess you weren't wrong
about not going away, huh?

No, but...

I told Dr. Adams
how anxious I've been

and she said
that panicky mothers
expecting the worst,

they can actually
make it more likely.

So she told me to just
trust what should happen
will happen

you know, just have some faith.

I wish he would get in here.

I feel like I'm on death row.

Don't worry, Will.

It's gonna be fine.


Let's get to it.

I always start
my interviews
with the same question.

It's kind of a nice way
to ease in.

How did you two fall in love?

That's, uh...



Quite a question.

Well, eh...


It was, uh...


Uh, let me.

Well, it's kind of
a weird situation.

We were sort of set up.

In fact, she was seeing someone
when we met.

But, uh,
the more we hung out

the harder it was
not to realize that...

this woman is amazing.

No, she's...



sweet and romantic.

Anyway, there was this...

thing that I was nervous about.

This... this test,
you might call it.

At work.

And I was... I was
so shaky this one time,
that I cut my hand.

And the whole time
that she worked on me

you know, fixing me up,

she kept telling me
that she wasn't worried.

That she believed in me.

And the way that she said it

you know, the look in her eyes

I could--I could
see myself there.

You know?

And the me that I saw
in her eyes...

I never saw myself
that way before.

I mean, she made me
feel like this guy

you know, it was this guy
that I so want to be.



Wait, don't.

Todd, I just, um...

I came here to apologize.

About before.

You don't have to.

It was my fault.
I mean, I should've--

No, you shouldn't've.

I shouldn't've.

It's just...

Um, see, my--my parents
used to say it all the time

to us and to each other.

Just, "I love you. I love you".

Right up until
the time I found out

they were both having affairs
and got a divorce.

So, I just didn't
say it much after that.

I figured it really
didn't mean much.

But I feel it.

This is for you.

Here. I had a copy
made this morning.

[softly] Todd.

This is...

Let's go for a ride.

You're driving.

I got your call.

Um, I wanted to pick up
my last check, and then
I need to get home for dinner.

Yeah, yeah, we can
get that for you.

But, uh...

I wanted to say something first.

-I'll get out
of your way.
-No, no, it's okay.

You can stay.

I just wanted to let you know
how things went today.

Uh, they tried doubling up
like I told them to


you were right. [sighs]

Well, halfway.

They were faster
at some stations

and slower at others,
so we got all mixed up.


I let Sid run the line
for the day.

-Sid's good.

But he's not as good as you.

[Charlie] And the process,
it still needs a lot of work.

Listen, Charlie,
I'm sorry that

I sounded off like I did.

But, uh...

[Mitch] You know...

If you're asking me
not to quit, I still--

Look, I'm new
at this, too. [exhales]

And the truth is,
if I pushed you to quit
with whatever I did

then I made a mistake.

I mean, I'll... I might
give you some bad ideas,

but I might give you
some good ones, too.

So... [exhales]

Just try
trusting me a little.

And, uh...

I'll try trusting you, too.


[knock on door]

[sighs] There you are.

I was getting worried about you.

I got an airport shuttle
meeting us here any minute.

-Where's your bag?

Oh, you didn't leave it
downstairs, did you?

'Cause the neighborhood
loves an unattended bag.

Adam, I'm not going with you.


No, Julia...

I want to.

I really do.

And San Miguel
sounds so perfect.

You know, the--the city
and the institute, and...

and you.

I would love to be able
to just pack up my bags and go,
but my family--

I knew this would happen.

They're going through all this
stuff right now.

And they will be.

Forever. You don't
owe it to them
never to leave.

No, I know that. Um...

Actually, this isn't about
them needing me.

This is--this is about
me needing them.

They're so amazing,
Adam, my family. I mean,
they are all so brave.

And I get stuff from them

that I don't even realize
half the time.

Like being able
to say this to you

when I know that
you think I'm taking
a huge step backwards.


No, I don't.

Not as long as it's what
you really want.

I'm sorry. It's okay.

I'm going to
miss you so much.

I'm going
to miss you, too. Would you like
to work for me?

[door closes]

[Holly] Hey, Bailey.

Hey. How'd it go?

It was incredible.
Wasn't it, Will?

-I was so proud of him.

He actually made this guy
believe that he was
madly in love with me.

Kind of had me going, too.

Go on. Tell him.

I think he bought it, yeah.

Yeah, he's being bashful.

Truly brilliant.

Um, you know,
I'm kind of thirsty.

Um, be right back.

[sighs with determination]

So what now?


not sure.

Just glad that that part's over

for now.


That's good.

Listen, uh...


About what I said before...

Holly, you don't have to-- I feel bad--

Holly, stop.


You told me the truth.

Which is...

I should be grateful
that you trust me to know it.

I should be grateful
for a lot of things.

Aaah! Kirsten! Charlie!

What is that?

this is so wonderful.

Oh, I had no idea.

-Oh, I know.
-You're having a baby...

[Bailey] Guys, guys, guys, guys.

Guys, what are you
yelling about?

You're gonna wake Owen up.

they're having a baby.


You're having a baby?

Oh, my God.


My God.


[Adam on the phone]
Julia. Um, it's Adam.

Come on, Julia,
if you're there,
pick up the phone.

Look, you still have time.

Seize the moment.

Come on,
you know you want to.

Just come, come for
a couple of days.

You know,
if you don't like it

I'll buy your ticket back.

Come on, Julia. Get down here.

Your whole future
is waiting for you.

[everyone chattering excitedly]

[answering machine beep]

Hey, O. You're going to
be an uncle again, bud.

[everyone talks excitedly]

[Claudia] Julia...
