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06x22 - Falling Forward

Posted: 03/12/22 12:43
by bunniefuu
Well, thanks for calling,
and give my best to Marty.

Okay, bye.


I was just down there
leaning on Mitch,

who's got two teams
working O.T. to finish
the hotel order,

And I got a call
on my cell phone

from Steve Wayne
over at Style Barn.

Ambruso Furniture's
going under.

Yeah. That's right.
How'd you hear?

That was Baxter Mills.

Ambruso was one of their
biggest customers.

Those were the guys that
kept stealing our space
in showrooms, right?

So what happened to 'em?

Man, that company...

that company
looked a lot like us.

[buzzing sounds
in the background]

Should we be worried?

I don't know.
I was thinking
the same thing.

[men chatting indistinctly
in the background]

On the other hand--

All their accounts
are up for grabs.

You know who their
number one client is?
Jason Kimball.

Kimball Interiors
Jason Kimball?

We need to get in a room
with that guy.

Heh. Today.

Hold on. We should put together
a bid package first.

Okay, um,

all right, you--

You figure out
how our stuff fits
into their catalog.

I'll figure out how
to structure a deal.


I think I've got his book
over here somewhere.

What? Hey,
wait a second.

Weren't you
on your way home?

Isn't this one of your
free nights with Kirsten?

Oh, she'll understand.

No, hey, no.
Get out of here.
Really, I can do this.

Well, what about you?
I thought you had plans
with Will and Holly?


No. We were gonna see
a movie or something.
It's not a big deal.

Really, listen, go.

Be with your wife, okay?

I will type up the offer,
you come in the morning,

make any adjustments
you want, and make the call.


You sure?

We're gonna nail this,
Charlie, and then...

we're goin' after
all their other accounts.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free... ♪

♪ Closer to free... ♪

So, I like to meet
with my advisees

to do a sort of
postmortem on the year

and to ask about your
plans for the future.

The future?

Yes. Whether you plan to
finish at CFA this term,

receive your
Associate of Arts degree,

or whether you'll return
in the fall to pursue
your Bachelor's degree.

Well, I guess
I didn't realize.

Do a lot of CFA students
leave with the two-year degree?

Some. Writers
with contracts,

journalists eager for
field experience...
and cash.

So, any professional
opportunities looming?

New book contract?
Magazine job?

Editing position?

No, not really,
not right now.

Does that mean
you'd like to stay,

get to work
on your next book?

Well, sure,
if there were a new book.

But you've talked about
so many story ideas
in class--

I've started
some things.

Lots of things. I--

Short stories, then?

More like incoherent
ramblings, actually.

So, where does that
leave us?

Do you want
to stay put

or move on?

That's a very
good question.

Yeah, I hear what
you're telling me, Will.

Okay? You don't
want be doin' this.

I understand that,
but I'm sorry.

[Will] I'm doin'
the best I can,
all right?

What do you
want from me?

See, I don't
want anything.

It's not what I want.
It's what Holly needs.

How many times do we have
to talk about this?

Will, you can't just pop by here
to pick up your mail.

So, fine,
I'll be here when
Holly goes to school

or when she's out
with you, but I--


You're up. Good.

Um, I was just gonna
take off for work.

You need
a ride to school?


What's going on?

What? Nothin'.

Bailey, I heard you
and Will fighting.

We weren't fighting.

So what was
all the whispering?

We just...

We thought you were
still sleeping.

Why are you

going to work so early?


Charlie and me are trying
to put together this deal.

So we still having
dinner tonight?



Do you...

want me to invite Will?


that'd be great.

But, um, I don't think
he's free tonight.

My mom actually
made us milk and cookies.

Can you believe that?

And she told me to tell you
"good night" too.

She's going to bed?

No, she's goin' out.

On a date.

At nine o'clock at night.

Oh, come on.

It's great that she's
getting out there again.

I mean,

why should
we have all the fun?

Well, I thought
we were studying.

We were...

until your mom left.

[song playing on stereo]



My mom's not gonna be home
till after 11:00, so...

I just thought...

Since we've been
talking about it,

If we wanted to--

if you wanted to,

we could.

We don't
have to, though,

if you don't want to.


I do.


Mmm, Todd,

I... I don't know.


You know
that Joanne Comerford
got into Vassar today?

Yeah, and Teresa Hall's
going to Wesleyan.

I haven't even heard
from a single school.

Uh, no,
me, neither, but--

I'm sorry.

I'm kinda distracted
by everything right now.

I can't really think
about anything else.

-I didn't even realize
I could leave CFA.
-[oven buttons beep]

I mean, all this time,
I've been k*lling myself

trying to figure out
what to write next
for school,

when maybe I'm supposed
to be leaving school and doing
something completely different.

The plates are in
the cabinet back there.

I know where
the plates are.

I've known where
the plates are
for 15 years.

So, um, what does
professor Shaw say?

She said I should
think about it.

She wants to
introduce me to this
former student of hers

who's running this
new women's magazine,

which could
be really cool,

'cause that'd be something
completely different.

You know what?
I'm sorry.

I forgot to tell ya...
Maggie called.

She did? When?

This afternoon.

You were
here this afternoon
answering the phone?

Yeah, well, you didn't
tell me when you were
gonna be home, so...

I was here
waiting for you.

All afternoon?


What, like I have
something better to do?

Well, except
studying for exams,

or writing your two papers,
and ending
your marriage, Justin.

Well, anyways, Maggie
had very interesting news.

She's organizing
the Napa Women's
conference and...

guess who
the guest speaker's
gonna be.


Julia Salinger.


Yeah, she wants you
to talk about your book

and seeing Ned again.

No, no, no!

See? That is
exactly my point.

I wrote that book and
finished it months ago,

And it's still the only
thing people want me
to talk about.

I want--
I don't know.

I want my life
to be about something
different now,

something new, you know?

It's okay. Come on.



Wow. Seems like old times.


Well, just...
you guys,

picking up
where you left off,
like nothing's changed.

What's that
supposed to mean?

-Nothin'. Just...
-[timer beeps]


-Hey. Perfect timing.

Just finishing up.

Okay, so, uh...

might have gotten
a little cold here.

You want pesto

or sun-dried tomato
basil fusilli?

I've decided to annul
my marriage to Will.

Heh. So neither, then.

Um... How about
some salad?

I'm serious, Bailey.


Let's talk
about this.

You know, you should have
thought of that sooner.


There was a whole lot
to talk about, wasn't there?

But you decided
to keep it all quiet.

What happened?

You know what
the sad thing is?

Is even though both
me and Will were lying
when we said those vows,

he meant that stuff
more than you do.

Love, honor, cherish--

-It's really nice
to be honored, Bailey.

To be told the truth.

I was... I was trying
to protect you, okay?

I was trying
to protect both of you.

Yeah, well, you didn't.

You just made it
a thousand times worse,

and now I have to
break up the marriage,

and pray that Will and I
don't get caught.

You know you don't have
to do that. You don't.

So, what's
the alternative then?

I mean, now that we're
actually talking about it.

Okay, well,
hang on.


we can still
keep this under control.

Under control?

You made things
unbelievably painful
for both me and Will,

Not to mention
you and Will.

-And you lied to me, Bailey!

Forget about
me and Will, okay?

Forget about all
that other stuff--

Forget about it?

Do you want to stay
in this country or not?

Do you want to get that
degree from Stanford,

or don't you?

-Of course I do.

Well, then,
you forget all of that
other stuff, okay?

Because this is
what you have to do.

You have to stay
married to Will.



I'm sorry I'm late.

Did I miss her?
Is she down already?

Oh, she went down
about an hour ago.


I'm so sorry.

Bailey and I had to
finish up that pitch.

Don't worry about it.
I had some work to do, too.


-I brought dessert.

-Heh heh.

Rum raisin. Oh, and
chocolate chip cookies?

Yeah, is it too much?


It's just...

I know it's probably
bad luck to say this,

But I really think that
we're gonna land this
new client.

Oh, it sounds great.

Not that you need a reason
to shower me with desserts,
believe me.

Well, I'm probably gonna
be In after midnight
the next couple nights.

Oh, I see.
Now it's making sense.

But I'll be home
early next week,
I promise.

Just promise me you'll
send some recent photos
every now and again.

[Cell phone rings]

Charlie... Get it.


Go ahead.


Wait. When?

Is he okay?

Okay, yeah--
I'm on my way.

Yeah, just tell them
I'll be there. Okay.


Mitch, my...

My foreman
just collapsed
on the floor.

They took him away
in an ambulance. Oh, my god, Charlie.

They think
it might be his heart.

I, uh...

gotta get to
the hospital.


[indistinct announcement
at hospital]

Excuse me. I'm looking
for Mitch Gallagher.

They just
brought him in.

You a relative?

No. No,
he works with me.

Mr. Gallagher's
in surgery.

That's his wife
over there.

-Mrs. Gallagher?

Charlie Salinger.

I know who you are.

Is Mitch all right?
The nurse said that
he was in surgery.

He had a heart attack.

They're trying to find out
how much damage it did.

[hospital phone lines

He had a pre-existing condition.

Mitch never told you
about that, did he?

No. No, he never
said a word.

No, of course not.

He didn't want
to worry you.

Listen, is there
anything that I can do?


I begged him
to slow down.

14-hour days,
6 days a week...

But he kept on
tellin' me,

just hang in,
just a little more time.

We're really buildin'
somethin' here.

Charlie's got
plans for this place.

I don't know if
Professor Shaw told you,

But Goddess is not
your traditional
women's magazine.

In fact, it's not
strictly a woman's
magazine at all,

despite the fact that
we cover women's issues,
fashion, hair, make-up--

It is called
Goddess, after all.

[she giggles]

Which, to us,
means not compromising.

We don't need to be
all things to all people.

We want to shock,
we want to intrigue,

but by actually
saying something.

You know what I mean?

Sure. I can't
wait to read it.

Actually, I was hoping
you'd write it.

I'm sorry?

Julia, I read your book,

and I think your
voice would be perfect
for the magazine.

How do you mean?

I was thinking
maybe a monthly column.

Say, 500 words
on the subject
of your choice.

How's that sound?

[she chuckles]

Well, I thought
I was just applying
for an internship--

The truth is,
we've been looking
for somebody your age,

with your point of view.

So, I want you
to go home right now
and try one for me.

We basically
go to press any minute,

but we'll wait for you.


[indistinct chatter]


I came as soon
as I got your message.

How's he doin'?

He's still unconscious.

They said it was
a pretty severe attack,

and they found
some problems with
the wall of his heart,

and might have
to go back in.

Oh, man.

-Listen, um...
-[Bailey sighs]

I just want to be here
when he wakes up.

And I know you're really
swamped right now,

but if you could
maybe just--

I'm already on it.
Don't worry.

Um... But...

Charlie, Tommy told me
about you cutting back
the schedule.

That's right.

Okay, listen, I know what
you're thinkin' here, okay?

But we don't have to do this.

What happened with Mitch,
it's... a fluke thing.

I don't care.
I don't care. All right, I'm makin'
some changes.

I've been
pushin' too hard.

But we're gonna
fall behind.

We don't want word
getting out that
we're behind,

especially when we're
meeting with Kimball--

I canceled
that meeting.

Oh, wait. What?


we can't handle
all this new business
right now,

And I'm not gonna
do that to my guys.

Okay, Charlie,
listen to me.

I know that
this is hard.

Okay, I know that,
and we all feel bad,

but you can't just
give up on this stuff now.

So, please,
think this through.

I have thought about it.

All right?
And I'm doin' this.

That's it.


You first.

You go.

No, you.


but we take turns.

Bad news first.

So, no from

at Woodbridge.

Okay, we hate Woodbridge.

So... yes from
San Francisco, but...

it's a safety college,
so whatever.


Yes from Stanford. Claudia, that's amazing.

And yes from Julliard.

You got in?

You got into


I know.

You're goin'
to Julliard.

No, stop, I'm not.

What? What are you
talking about?

I mean, how could
you not go?

Because, I mean,
I only auditioned

just to see
If I could get in.

Yeah, but you did.
You got in.

It's expensive.

I mean, at least Stanford
is close to home.

You know, I could--
I could save money
by living at home,

And I wouldn't
have to buy tickets
back and forth to New York.


I know.

But it would mean
leaving my family,

and you.

We rotate our people
through the product line
all the time.

That's really important
to Charlie.

It keeps everyone open
to new ways of improving
the process.

Very smart.

So, to take up the slack
left by Ambruso,

that really wouldn't
be a problem at all,
Mr. Kimball.

You make a good pitch.

What about Charlie?

Do we need to talk?

Uh, about what?

Well, I heard from
the boys at Baxter

that you were
slowing things down.

Your brother said
they could expect
some delays.

Right, see,

what happened was,

we had a guy
on the floor get sick.

So Charlie's
not taking any chances.

Which, frankly,
that's why our guys
work as hard as they do.

Because Charlie treats
everyone around here
like family.

So, as soon as
we're back online,

we'll be cranking
things out at 110%.

I get the feeling
you could sell anything.

That's a compliment.

So, what are you,
just out of college?

No, never graduated.

Dropped out early to help
with the family business?

Something like that.

Ever give any thought
to going back,

maybe getting
a business degree?

Uh, sure, a little.
A lot... Actually. Why?

If it's something
you're interested in,

you should call me.

I recruit for
my B-school back east. They love guys like you
with experience.

You work really hard,
go to summer school, too,

have a degree
in a couple of years.

And then...

The sky's the limit.

With this economy
these days,

you can't afford
not to think big.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey. Hmm?

You look nice.

Thank you. You, too,
in that sort of

to-go-to-dinner way.

Oh, my god. Dinner.

Oh, I'm so sorry.
I totally spaced.

I just came right home
and started writing.

-Yeah, what?

You doin' your speech
for the conference?

No. Actually,
I had to call Maggie
and say I couldn't do it.

Really? Why?

Because I had the most
amazing interview

at Goddess magazine today.

Yeah? Goddess?
That's what it's called?

Justin, the editor
loved my book.

She offered me
a monthly column.

My own monthly column.


I know. Yeah!

Wow. All right.
Well, come on.

Let's--get dressed.
Reservations are 8:30.

We gotta celebrate.

No, no, no, I can't.

I have to do this column
for tomorrow.

I want to make it
original, you know?

Come on,
a girl's gotta eat.

Oh, well, can't we
celebrate tomorrow?

No, we can't.

We're having dinner
with my parents,

and then I have to go back
to New Haven the next day.

Well, then, we'll
celebrate with them.


Justin, I'm sorry.
It's just this
is so exciting for me.

I've been wanting
something new,
And this could be it.

All right. Fine.
You're the goddess.

We'll have fun tomorrow.
I promise.


Okay. Hey.

What the hell's
goin' on, Will? Look, take it easy,
all right?

Take it easy?

You know what it
took me to find you?


You move out
of my house,

you take all your stuff
out of Holly's

without a word to me,
not a word.

And then I call
your office, and they
tell me that you quit.

So why don't you
tell me what the hell's
goin' on?

What does it look like?

It looks like
you're bailing on me.

It looks like
you're pullin' up the stakes,

and you are
ruining everything.

Look, Holly knows
what I'm doing, okay?
She understands.

She's gonna
be deported, Will!

Bailey, she knows.

Okay? Just seeing her,
it's humiliating.

I don't care.


Will, you took an oath.

You don't care?

Is that what
you just said?

That... look,

I don't mean that. Okay?

Yes, you do!

You do!

If you were honestly
asking me to stay there,
after everything I told you,

then that's exactly what
you mean. You don't care!

We're talking about
her future.

Will, we're talking
about her whole life!

No, we're not!

Ask Holly.

Come on, there's other
med schools, Bailey.

There's schools in Canada
where she'd be a 2-hour
plane flight away.

If you'd actually
talk to her--

Whoa, hang on a second.

Don't you turn this
around on me.

You made a promise! Well, you know what?
I'm breaking it!


I'm breakin' the deal.

And you need
to ask yourself,

what the hell
is wrong with you?

Why you keep
pushing and pushing
and pushing this thing

when nobody else wants it.

Why everybody else
is ready to let go,

but you're still
hanging on.

Don't get me wrong,
I think it's
a wonderful piece,

And I love
the central idea--

How we as women
are constantly striving
to reinvent ourselves,

to start over, but--

You want me
to start over.

It's just a little
abstract right now,

a little too much
about the idea.

But if you could
sell it with some
concrete examples,

an obvious choice...

Courtney Love,
Britney Spears.

So, from a more
pop culture angle?


and how our readers
can relate to those goddesses,

ways they can
reinvent themselves.

A new look,
a new hairstyle,

how even a new lipstick
can make you feel like
a different person.


You know what I mean.

Well, no, I'm not sure
that I do.

I mean, this shouldn't
be a how-to, should it?

Shouldn't it
be more of a why? It could be both, right?

Well, it could--

I'm sorry,
I guess I just thought

you wanted more
of an essay from
my point of view.

Look, we have
a magazine to sell. If you can do that
and get your point
of view across,

so much the better, right?


[monitor beeping]



How ya feelin'?

Well, I won't lie.
I've been better.

It's a hell of a way
to score a day off.

The guys sent this over.

Thanks. They all signed it.

Yeah. Hey, tell 'em
no slackin' off,

or I'll come down there
and kick somebody's butt.

I called
the insurance company,

and you're
completely covered,

and your salary's guaranteed,

and if there's anything
that your family needs--

You really want
to help me?

Then tell me
why you're slowin'
the line down.

What? How did you--

Well, I called Tommy
to catch up,
and he mentioned it.

Oh, Mitch...

You had a heart attack.

Let's just worry about
you getting better.

I worked my ass off
to get that line
up and running.

You--you think
I want you undoing all that?

Just relax.

This is not something
that you should be
stressing out about.

Charlie, your pushing me
didn't give me
this heart attack.

I pushed myself because
I want the same things
that you want.

I want something to come
from the work that I do,

something that's
big enough to last
for my family and me.

My wife doesn't
understand that.


maybe yours
doesn't, either, but...

That's why we do
what we do, isn't it?


What's up?

I've been thinking
about it, and...

I want to.



Just one second.


Uh, wait.

You thought
about this today?



Just... you've
to decide about college.

This giant decision...

and you thought
about this?

Todd, I don't understand--

You weren't ready
to do this for so long,

and then
all of a sudden,

the day
after you find out
you got into Julliard--

Oh, wait. Hold on.

I'm sorry, I just don't
want our first time to be

out of guilt or--


I told you, Todd,

I'm not gonna go there.

Yeah, but...

I don't believe you.

I mean, if you can
honestly tell me that
you don't want to go...

I didn't think so.


[door opens]

Bailey, Claud, hello?

No, it's me.

Remember me?


You look like this guy
I dated in high school.

Only cuter.

So, we missed you
at dinner.

Yeah, I'm sorry.
I called your parents

and told them I wish
I could have been there.

How--how was it?

Well, you know...

without you, it was...
kind of parentish.


So this is what
you missed dinner for,

you're reading
old issues of Sassy?

Yeah, Lisa seems to
think it'll give me
a better sense of...

I don't know what.

Somewhere to start, anyway.

It's getting
kind of late,


I have to go back
to school tomorrow.


Do you want me
to spend the night?

Yeah, I do.

If you want to.

I mean, I probably
won't get to bed till late.

Well, I guess I should
probably go then.

No. No, no,
no, no, Justin--

Justin, I'm sorry
I haven't been

that much fun
the last couple of days.

All right, but this
is a big deal for me.

I know you think
it's silly,

But it's a chance for me
to write for a living,
you know?

I mean, to do something
different every month,
do something new.

Yeah, I know,
different and new.
You said that.

Why is it that I'm suddenly
kind of feeling...

old and familiar?

When you get back,
we'll spend time
together. I promise.

No, Julia,
forget about me.

You turned down
a speaking engagement

at the Napa Women's
conference for what?

So that you can write
"How to test drive your
secret sex fantasies"?

I mean,
you're blowing off things
that actually matter.

You should think
about that.


What are you--
What's goin' on?

I'm on a flight
to London.

I was gonna come over
and say good-bye.


For how long?

I mean, you're packin'
all your stuff up.

I'm not coming back.

Holly... Hey--

I'm sorry, I couldn't
let you talk me out
of this, Bailey.

I can never
say no to you.

You shouldn't.

Listen, even if
you have to break off
this marriage with Will,

It's not too late.

Holly, there's still me.


Please, can't we just...

Can't we just have
a simple good-bye?


Why are you giving up
on this so easily?


You think
this is easy?

No, no, I don't.

Look, we both know
the timing has been lousy
for us from the start.

I only met you
by mistake.

And then, things
moved so quickly, and...

Life has
been screaming at us,
"it's not meant to be."

I wish I could stay.

But the fact of
the matter is that

that wouldn't be good
for either of us.

I've been away from home
for too long,

and you, you...

You've been trying to find
where you want to be.

I'm slowing you down.

You'll find what
you're looking for
faster without me.

I'll miss you.

No, we're on schedule.
Maybe a day or two behind.

That's right.

Where you been?

Uh, the office.

No, no, you can
add to the order,

but you have to expect
some extra time until
we get the sets matched.


Tommy, I gotta
take care of this,

and I need you
to stay on the line
until Mitch gets back.

Charlie, Mitch is dead.


Elaine just called.

Mitch went into
cardiac arrest,

and they couldn't
bring him back this time.

But I just talked to him.

I better
go tell the guys.


I just tried
calling you.

Your dad said
you were on your
way to the airport.

Yeah, I am. My mom's
in the car right now.

I, uh, I just
wanted to stop by
and see how you were.

Kind of went off
on you last night, so...

I stayed up till
5:00 in the morning

trying to write
that stupid piece,

thinking about
what you said, and,

you were right.

I should have been
writing the speech for
the women's conference.


That's what I did.

I thought
you didn't want to write
about old things anymore?

Yeah, well,
I put a new spin on it.

It works sometimes,
you know.


So, um...

Come home soon.

I want my old
boyfriend back.

God, those poor kids.

I know. [sniffling]

You okay? Charlie...

I love you.

I love you so much.



Your mom was
on her way out, but

she said
I should just come up.

Is that okay?

Yeah, of course.

So, I wrote
the check today...

To Stanford.


I told you.

I'm not going anywhere.

But I thought--

I would like
to go to Julliard.

I think about everything that
I'd have to give up and...

It's too much.


[soft music playing]

So listen. Uh...

Maybe it's too soon
to bring this up, but

I was thinking that we wait
a week or so and then promote
Tommy to foreman.

Yeah, I think
that's a good idea.

It's not all we have to
change around here, either.

We have been pushing too hard.


you can't make decisions
like that right now, okay?

Not when
you're still feeling
all this stuff for Mitch.

It's actually something
that he said.

He said that we're
building this thing to...

protect our families.

You know what?

We can't guarantee that.

We could build it
and build it and build it,

and it could still fail.

And the only thing
that we can be sure about

is that our families
are here right now.

And if don't spend time
with them while we can...

I want to keep
this company small.

A manageable family business.

Something that I can run
without too much help.

Maybe just...

one business partner. Period.

Charlie, before you--

And I'm thinking that maybe
I'm gonna change the name
of the company.

How's Salinger Brothers sound?


I know this is not
everything that you've
ever dreamed about, but

this could be great for you.

It's a 9-5 job
with plenty of time
to do other stuff, too.

Be with family. Take classes.
Whatever you want.

And we'll be working together,
and we'll just...

take it easy and,

keep things small.

Wow. Uh...

Don't answer right now.
It's a big step. I know.

I just want you to give it
some thought.

I will.

I will.

I had sex.

I know. I was there.

Are you okay?

I mean, was it...


It was...

It was...

Oh, god.

No, it was just--

it was different
than I expected.

It was like we are,
you know.

It was kind of intense,

kind of funny,

and a little bit
awkward in places. It was just different,
that's all.

Like it is now.

It's all different.



Your mom told me
you're heading back
to school.


I called, and they said
if I take summer school classes,

I can make up most of the year.


I guess I just
didn't expect you to be

taking off so soon. So, are they mad?

Your parents?

Not anymore.

Now that I've seen
the error of my ways.

Now that the

"wasted year" is ending.

That what it was?


this has nothing
to do with you.

Not really.

It's more like

what's wrong with my life

if the most useful thing
I can think to do

is to marry someone to help them
get their green card?


I'm sorry.

Don't be.

I'd do it all again.

Because the reason
I did it...

I know.

You're the most
unbelievable friend.

And now you're leaving.

Everybody's leaving
all of a sudden.

I don't know, it's just...

It's time.

I understand.

I actually do.

What does that mean?

You thinking
of making a move, too?

I don't know.


If you ever
make a move back east, I hope it's near me.


Me, too.

...constant desire
to reinvent ourselves,

to be fashionable,
to be current,

if not ahead of the curve.

We readily accept--
there's no escaping it.

The predominantly male
culture's expectations
of its women are--

[soft guitar music playing]

[soft piano music playing]