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06x23 - All's Well...

Posted: 03/12/22 12:44
by bunniefuu
Okay, you all set, bud?

You have another piece here,
ready to go.

No, thanks.
I'm just about ready to pop.



-Good morning.

What's this?
Bailey made your
favorite French toast?

Yeah, and he's taking me
to the exploratorium
after school.

And it's not
even Saturday.

What, you have a slow day
at work today?

Yeah. Kind of.
Hey, I'll grab these plates.
Get ready for school.

We're running late, yeah?

They get cleaner
when you get them wet.

Are you... you okay?

I applied...

To this college
for a place in their
summer school program.

Which, if I did well enough,
they'd let me attend
as a junior.

Which, if I did well enough,
they'd admit me
to their business school.


I take it they told you no?

They said yes.


This college...

It's in Pennsylvania.


You think I'm being
a bad dad again?

No. But that's why you're taking
him to the exploratorium,

To talk to him, to see
if he wants to come with you?

I don't know. I don't know
how to handle this yet.

I just wanted to spend
time with him.

-Bailey, I don't understand.
-Look, just...

Please, do me a favor.

Don't tell anybody else
about this yet, okay? Please.

I really need to figure
this out first.

Why not figure
it out with Owen?

I mean,
the boy's pretty smart, Bailey.

Don't you think he's gonna
have an opinion?



I'm sure he will.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪



I didn't know
you did body work.

I don't.
Uh, this bike's mine.

I just... I've been working
on it for the last
couple of months.

Ah! Nice.

So, uh, I...
I think this is yours.

The palm prints
and the grease stains,

It's kind of a dead giveaway.


Yeah. Well,
I couldn't help noticing

that all the apartments
that you circled
were for two bedrooms, hmm?

Oh. Uh, yeah.

Stephanie said she wanted
to move in together.

But you threw this away.

Yeah. I just decided that I...

I wasn't really
ready yet, you know?

So we give it
a bit more time.

All right.

You don't want
to talk about it?

No. I just did.


All right,
what's going on?

No, you know what,
you're already bored,
so, forget it.

Come on! Tell me,
come on, Julia.

Okay. Okay.

I have three summer options,
and I can't decide.

One is summer school,
more writing,
and that would be great. But then the abuse conference
wanted me to do more speaking,

Which would be, you know,
really excellent.

And then
I got offered this job
counseling victims,

and that would be
really great, too.

And actually, tomorrow
I have an interview

with the National
Organization for Women,
which is gonna be really...

Which is really gonna be good
for my upcoming
campaign for congress.

Oh. Really?

Where I plan to make
it a capital crime

pretending to listen
to someone
when they're not!

Griffin! Hello!


You know what?
When you were, uh...

-Talking just then...

I had this weird thought.

I actually said to myself,

"Man, I, uh...
I really wish Justin
were here right now."

[both laughing]

Where are we?

Right here in your bed.

Like, what time is it?

How long have I been passed out?

Maybe an hour or so.

-It's okay.
-An... an hour?

My... My Mom's gonna
be home any second!


I think she already is.

Heard some banging downstairs.

Why didn't you tell me?

-Well, the door's locked.

I mean, if she knocked,
I could just hide or something.

You were just
sleeping so soundly.

You looked so happy.

Yeah, that's
'cause I didn't know

I was about to be
grounded for life.

Put your clothes on!

All right. All right.

I can't believe
I fell asleep.

Uh... an hour!

My Mom is gonna k*ll me!

Hey, Todd.

I was just thinking...

You know, if we're both
gonna be living
in San Francisco next year--

Yeah, if I don't get
into Northwestern...

If you turn down Juilliard.

I am not going to Juilliard.

Okay, whatever.
Just get dressed.

I mean, really,
if we're both gonna be
going to college here...

Bailey and Sarah, they...
They got a place together

When they were
both going to school.
And I was just thinking--


Y-you wanna live together?

Try not to get too overwhelmed.

No, it's just...
Er... We... we're 17, and...

My parents,
they're not gonna--

Todd, you already
have your own car.

You have your own
checking account. I mean...

You have your own tax guy. No, I know.

Okay, I'd like to, I would.

It's just...

With a move like that,
we just have to make sure

there's a good,
practical reason for doing it.

Okay, I'll distract my Mom,
and remember,
you use the back stairs,

Um... And the alley.
And... and put a bag
over your head

so Miss Lyons
won't recognize you.


Yeah, and while
the bag's on my head,

I'll think of a good,
practical reason.


So, I hope you don't mind
being on the floor,

but you'll have a lot
more room down here.

Yeah, that's fine. We don't
both fit, I'll sleep on a chair.

We need some more pillows.

If that's what you're planning,
then please take our bed.

No, that's okay.
We're only gonna be here
for two nights.

Well, all the more reason.

I mean,
Charlie's still working nights

till he's done cutting
his business back,
so I'll be all alone anyway.

Hey, what is that?

Luke said that was like
a base closing or something?

No, I said it was
like the opposite of...

Charlie's not pulling the plug
like the government.

He's selling off pieces
to his employees.

That way they get a job,
they get a stake
in the company.

Guys in the army get nothing.

Sorry. I guess I misunderstood.

You know, I'm gonna, uh,
go and get us
some breakfast stuff.

I'm gonna go with you.

You don't have to pretend
that didn't happen, okay?

You can ask.

-Ask what?
-What's happening with us.

Look, it's none of my business.

I am a rotten girlfriend, okay?

I stink. I am the pits.
Do you wanna know why?

This man has shown me
14 apartments in Dallas, 14.

Wanna know how many
of 'em I've liked?


You know what's missing
in all those apartments,


Every day...

In Dallas without her,
I am miserable.

And Luke, he's done being
patient with me, and he's right.

Really? You think?

You know, I mean,
to put your family first...

I mean...

How could that be wrong?

[indistinct chatter]


-Beth Colt.

-Oh, hi.
-Listen, I'm sure you've
already heard this

ten million times by now,
but, wow! What a speech!

Oh, you saw that. Thanks.

So, I need an intern.

The job pays
practically nothing,
the hours are endless,

and I am not always
a dream to work for.


Any interest?

Well, uh...

You obviously like
to write, which is good.

I do all kinds
of position papers.

I need lots of help
drafting them.

Oh, okay. Great.

Plus there's plenty
of public speaking. I don't know how you
are with people,

but co-ordinating
legislative policy

means lots
of one-on-one...

With everyone from
reps to abuse victims.

Well, to tell you the truth,

it sounds...
Perfect for me. Really.

Great. That's great.

So, I take it...
Well, you're in here.

That must mean
you're okay relocating.

Relocating where?


Oh. Um...

Sorry. Washington?
No, I didn't know.

You can't do it?

Well, no, I didn't say that,
actually. Uh...

I don't know.
Are you actually offering?

Yes, I'm offering.

Please be my intern.

Start now.
Start by finding your resume

so I have an address to start
sending your pitiful stipend.

Well, uh...

Can I take a day
to think about it?

Of course you can.

You know, I'd be leaving home
and my family.
It's kind of a big deal.

You know...

I'd have a lot of work...

Kind of like now, but most
of it I'd be doing at home,

so the only time that we'd
ever have to be apart
is when we're both in class.

And I know it sounds scary,

having to meet
all those new kids,
but I will be doing that, too.

And so...

We would do it together.
You know, it might be fun.

-It's kinda--
-Do I have to?

I mean, are you just
pretending to ask me,

but we're really going,
no matter what?

Hey, no.

Of course not.
I wouldn't do that.

I'm asking you because I want
to know how you feel about--

I wanna stay. Okay?

I don't wanna leave everyone.

I don't wanna go.
Okay, Bailey? Please?


Okay, I won't, uh,
I'm not gonna make you go.


Then we have to talk about...

What if I want to go?


Well, it's like
when Julia went away.

College is really important,

and sometimes you have
to go far away from home
to find the right one.

But, I mean,
what's it gonna be like if...

If... if you're not here?

Who's gonna do my
assignments with me?

Who's gonna do what you do?

Julia and Charlie and Claudia,
they'd all still be here,

and those guys
take great care of you--

I really don't want you to go!

Okay? I really don't.



What's up?

I was just, uh, wanting
to talk to you and...

You're always gone, yeah,
with all your interviews
or whatever.

Oh, no. I... I'm here.
We've just been
missing each other.

What'd you wanna
talk about?


I sort of, um...

Hmm, how do I say this?

I had sex.


Yeah. I, um...

I had sex.

I... had sex.


Well, uh, how are you?

How... Was it...
I mean, um...

Are you okay?


Yeah, I mean, it was... Nice.

It's been nice.

Oh! So more than once.

Are you being safe?

Julia, we're talking about Todd.

The guy's so hygienic,
you could practically
perform surgery on that bed.


Well, I, um...

Seems kind of fast.
I mean, how long
you guys been dating?

Are you kidding? Like, months.

Who are you
to talk about fast?

You got drunk and
had sex with Justin

when you guys
weren't even dating.

Okay. Good point.
But, you know,
still, it's, uh...

You're okay, though?
You seem kinda...

Yeah. I'm...

Fine about...

Fine about that, you know.


It's just other stuff.

What stuff?

Maybe nothing right now.

It's good that
you're here though.

It's good that I can
talk to you, you know.

Yeah. Of course.


Hey, Diana!


Here! Who's that?


Any plans for lunch?

I thought we could, uh...

Go pick up Kirsten and then
swing by the restaurant.



Are you all right?
What's going on?

Uh, Luke's gonna
be back in a minute.

[clears throat]


You know, I've been playing
with her for
the last five hours.

You know what her best word is?

She says it every
single time I get up to...

Go to the bathroom or
just stretch my legs or...


Bye-bye, Mommy.

I love him so much, Charlie,
but all my friends are here!

[crying] And you and...

Diana and...

Wait, what are you saying?

Luke loves that job, Charlie.

He loves leading those men,
and who else is gonna give
him that kind of authority?

I can't ask him
to give that up,

anymore than he could ask me
to give her up.

So I'm saying that...

I don't know. [sighs]

Maybe I really need
to give him up.

I had this idea that maybe
I would like to be a consultant.

Sometime, you know? Uh...

Businesses call you in
when things aren't working,

and, and you get to go in there
and help fix their problems.

And it teaches you
about all different
kinds of businesses.

And really, when
you think about it,

it's kind of the stuff I've been
doing in the past few years.

And this guy Kimball.

He can set me up
to get my degree,

he can introduce me
to all the right people--

You know what?

I'm kind of the wrong guy
to talk about this with,

because you know how I
feel about your family.


Forget it. I know
what you're thinking.

Thinking the same thing
as Victor,
Same thing as Owen--

You don't understand. Bailey...

I've been working at this place
for a real long time,

I mean, ever since...

You guys were little kids,

but it's not like the only life
I ever considered.

I had other
opportunities, but...

I was running this place
with your father,

and the money that we made,

he needed to support his family,

so I had to turn
that stuff down...

And after a while,
they stopped coming.

Joe, I never knew that.

Well, it's not like I had
regrets, but, Bailey...

I look at you...

You're not the only one there
to take care of Owen.


So, are you actually saying...

You think I should go?

A chance of a lifetime?

If that's what this is...

That's what it is.

[violin playing]

I cannot get this!

I can't get the rubato right.

I thought we were
just taking it easy,
just working on style.

I mean, you're
not competing now.

No, not at the moment.

What? Wh... what
does that mean?

If I tell you something,
I mean...

You promise
not to get mad?


I got into Juilliard.


You didn't tell me
you applied to Juilliard!

Well, I mean, I just wanted
to see if I could get in. And I'm not going.
I already decided that,

But... I just wanted
to try out and--

Wait, what do you mean
you've already decided?

Well, it doesn't
make any sense.

I mean, I don't
have the money, and...

And then there's Todd.

Claudia, hold on.
Juilliard, versus a boyfriend?

Okay, even if I didn't
care about leaving him,

It's still expensive. I mean,
with all my travel expenses--

Claud, forget the money!

There are plenty of ways
around that.

You can take out a loan,
get financial aid.


No! I am not gonna let you
pass this up.

This is way too big
a break for you!

You really think so?

Listen. Uh...

I... if I can help you
with some of the...
the money stuff,

Will you promise to
think about going?

I mean, talk to Todd!
He's a violinist.

I'm sure he would understand.

Claud, would you?

Okay, I'm gonna make some calls,

see if I have any connections
that can find you a scholarship.

Keep practicing.


I, uh...

I dropped my stuff off
and came right over.


-So, what's, uh--
-I have news.

-I have news,

But I don't want my family
to hear about it yet.


I got offered a job.

This incredible internship
at the National Organization
for Women.

Which... Justin,
this job is everything.

It is everything I have
been looking for and more.


-All right! Good!
-I know!

When do you start?

Well... I don't know,
'Cause there's
this one little wrinkle.

It's, uh...
It's in D.C.


Wow. Well, uh...

I mean, selfishly,
you'll be closer to me,


Your family, right?

Well, you know I had
the same sort of thing

when I got into Yale, you know.

I was kind of bummed
about leaving my family
and, uh...

Had second thoughts and--

No, Justin, that's
not what I'm saying.

This isn't like when I was
trying to figure out whether
I wanted to go to Mexico.

'Cause this job, it...

Ah! It feels like it
could turn into a career.

And yeah,

I feel bad about leaving
my family behind, but...

You know what?
They're gonna have each other.

They're gonna be here,
and they're gonna be together.

So, no, I just... I want to
make sure I can figure out
all the details,

you know, 'cause assuming
it all makes sense...

I'm going.

-You're going.
-I'm going! Yeah!

[Bailey] So I got a question
I gotta ask you.

You know how...

I've been talking about maybe
going back to school?


Say I got into a college...

With a real sh*t at getting
a business degree,

that I couldn't
get anywhere else.

Well... It sounds great.



It's in Pennsylvania?

At The University
of Pennsylvania.



Bailey, wait a second.
When did this happen?

I made a couple of phone calls
the past couple of days.

So it was after I asked you
to partner up with me?

-Charlie, wait--
-Why the hell didn't
you say anything?

You said you were
thinking about it,

but you weren't really
thinking about it.

-You know, just...

Forget it.


And what about Owen?

He doesn't want
to come with me, so...

I, I'm just having a really
hard time with this whole thing,

Because I...

I don't know what
I'm supposed to do.

I mean, am I supposed
to give up a chance like this...

Just so things can
stay consistent for him?


Bailey, you almost tore apart
the family to get him from me,

and now you're asking just
to hand him off again?

If you think this
is easy for me...


If I don't take
this thing right now...

If I wait till Owen is grown up
and out of the house,

then I'll be, what, I'll be...
I'll be in my mid 30s,

before I can even think of
something like this again.

I will be starting
my way up the ladder

when guys my age are
already halfway to the top.


I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna
just roll over and make this
okay for you.

I'm not gonna just let you
hand Owen off,

just so you can feel free to
chase whatever fantasy you have.

Raising kids is a lifetime
commitment, Bailey.

And the people
that make that commitment,

they give up things
all the time.

-What, you think you owe him
anything less?

Am I wrong?

No, you're not wrong.

[Julia] Man, look at everything
I can do online.

I can log onto the paper
in Washington
and check out classifieds.

They've even got floor plans
for some of these apartments.

You think a one-bedroom
is too big for me?

Mmm, I don't know.

They tell you about
the neighborhoods?

What about them?

You know,
how safe they are.

Crime statistics.

Justin, crime statistics?


-My first apartment
in New Haven...

I found this great deal
on a studio.

Turns out the reason was,
this strip joint nearby

was keeping a unit
for girls to turn tricks.

Really. It was just
right down the hall.

Guys would be at my door
all night long,

"Hey, man, you got
change for a hundred?

Dude, be a buddy
and loan me a condom."

-Wow, really?

I mean, I'm just saying.

Let's not forget weather.

-Yeah, sure.

You know, summer time,
you're talking, 110,

100% humidity.

People drop dead
in that weather.
Heart att*cks left and right.

-And I didn't even
mention winter, you know.

With wind chill you're
getting down to, like, -50.

Justin, what are you
talking about?


You know, if you don't think
I can handle this on my own,
why don't you just say so?

No, no, no. I'm just...

I'm just worried about you.

Going east was
a big deal for me.

I mean, I wish I could be there
with you, you know?

If it made it any easier,
you know, I'd be glad
to come just to--

Hey. Okay. You know what?

I understand.

But I'm gonna be okay.

-You sure?

Yeah, I'm gonna be fine.

Your designer was
in here yesterday,

and she thought that
this or the hoskins

Would work well
in your living room.

So why don't you
take a look around

and come get me if you have
any questions.

Uh, I have a question.

Hey, it's good to see you.

Listen, I got a call
from a friend in admissions.

-They still haven't heard
from you yet. I mean,

I mean, no pressure,
but I hope you know

what special attention
you're getting here.

I mean, normally, they
don't hold spaces like this.

I know, and appreciate
everything that they're doing,
and you...

But I sort of...


I was wondering if maybe
there's someplace else
that I could apply to?


Some place closer.
Like in San Francisco. You want to give up
a sh*t at Wharton
to stay close to home?

You... you kind of don't
know my situation.

The family that I live in.

-Is somebody sick?

Is it money? Because we can
always get you some aid.

It's none of that stuff,
okay? It's just...

It's my family.

So I'm wondering...

Isn't there any place local?
Isn't there a school near here
that you could recommend?

If you're saying that
you can't leave the city,

you know what percent
of the Fortune 500
are based in this city?

Just a sliver. A fraction.

This is where I can help you.

Okay, and it's
a damn good school.

It's not like it's one
of a lot of choices.
It is the choice.

You don't want
to throw this away.


Where have you been?

We had a session.
I thought you'd be there.

Um, no, I...

I had some stuff
to take care of.

Really? You looking
for apartments for us?


For next year.
Remember that plan?

Ross came by the studio,

brought you a scholarship
application for Fraley to sign.

Listen, Todd, I...

I happened to mention
to Ross that I got
into Juilliard.

I mean, I told him
I couldn't afford it,

but he made it like his personal
mission to make sure that I go.

I saw the application, Claudia.

It had your signature on it.

Todd, listen.

I mean, you have to believe me.
I don't want to leave here.
I don't.

Well, that's not very smart!

What do you mean?

Claud, I've told you before.

I mean, you'd have to be
out of your mind to pass
up this chance!

To play with the best musicians
in the whole country?

Oh, I know. I'm not saying
I don't see the value--

I'd go.

I mean, if I were you,
I'd be really sad, but I'd...

I'd say goodbye,
and I'd leave.

I'd go.


Justin, I can't see
in this thing or breathe.

Oh, yeah, and you need
some of these ice shoes, too.

Ice shoes with spikes?

Yeah. Oh, man,
I've seen quads freeze
up like skating rinks.

I mean, I've seen grown men
go down on that ice
and they never get up.

Their heads hit the ground,
and it sounds
like coconut drums.

Justin, stop, okay?


In the last 60 minutes,
I have been lectured

on self-defense, popular scams
by the cable guy,

how to tell junk mail
from letter bombs,

and it's starting to get
just a little insulting.

You really think
I'm that clueless?

-Well, yeah, kinda.

Look, I have been dropping,
like, 10 million hints.

No, I know. I heard.

How to tell whether
your landlord is stealing
your Victoria Secret catalogs.

How to set up
your own home alarm.

-Not about that, about--

Oh, come on.
Isn't it obvious?

-Ask me.
-Ask you what?

-If I want to come.
-Come where?

To D.C.! If I want to come
to D.C. with you.

You want
to come to D.C.?

No, not like that.
Like you mean it.

But, Justin, you still
have a year left at Yale.

Not necessarily.
I mean, you know,
I could transfer.

Where? I mean, Yale
has that incredible
English department.


I mean, I know it's
not as incredible, but...

That's why I need you
to ask me.

'Cause then I would
be leaving for you.

I could justify
giving it up for you.



No, I didn't do the invoices.
Someone else was going to.

Yeah, I guess he was.

All right.

Well, I'll ask him
when I see him.

Thanks. Bye.

-What happened?

Those invoices had
to go out tonight.


I'm sorry.
I cut out early.

I had some stuff on my mind.

You know, Bailey,
I'm not saying that you

had any obligation to me
to sign on as my partner.

You could walk out that door
whenever you wanted.

I know.

It sure would be nice
if you'd finish the work
that you started.

No, of course, but--

As far as Owen is concerned--

Look, you don't need
to keep lecturing me
about Owen, okay?

Look. Listen,
you want me to say
that I made a mistake

fighting you
for custody last year?

Fine. I did. Okay?

But not because I
was wrong about him.

It was because I was
wrong about myself.

And I know that's not good.

I know that's not fair to him,
but I wasn't ready to be
settling down that way yet.

And I'm not ready now.

Well, Bailey,
I'm sorry, but--

Hear me out, Charlie, please.

Last couple hours,
I've been walking around

feeling angry,

and frustrated because finally,
finally, I can see what I want,

And it's out of my reach.

And the thing
that's preventing me...

It's what you want.

I just finished saying--

Not, not just what you want
for the business,

Charlie, it's what you
want for your life.

I mean, look at yourself.

You have everything that
you ever wanted.

You have Kirsten, the kids,
the job, us.

Bailey, hold on--

Listen, I made a promise, okay.

To Owen, to you,
and to everybody.

But if you hold me to that,

I have to keep putting
other people first...

I'm gonna start to resent you.

That's not gonna
happen, Bailey.


You're my brother,
and I do not want
to look at you that way,

but I'm telling you,
I sit here,

and I watch you living out
all of your dreams--

You're not gonna
feel that way, Bailey--

No, you don't get it.

I'm starting to feel
that way now.

I'm begging you.

I need you to help me.


Where's Victor?

Um, I asked him if
I could pick you up today.

Oh. Well, where's your truck?

Across the street.

But, um, before we go home,
can we talk for a minute?

Okay. Here you go, babe.


Hey, Diana.
What does a cow say?


That's good!
That's a really good moo!

You know what happened
the other day?

She was waving her arms
and shouting,

"When, when! When, when!
When, when!"

And it took us a while
to figure it out,

but that second "when"
meant Owen.

She was asking when
she was gonna see you again.


Yeah. She's in love
with you, buddy.

Yeah, well, I like her, too.

You know, Kirsten and I,
we're having a baby,

which is a lot of work,

and we could sure
use some help with Diana.

Do you think you might
want to do that?
Help us out like that?

You mean, me come live with you
because Bailey is leaving?

Well, you know what?
He might.

So, how would that be?

I'd be like you.


Her big brother.
I'd be her big brother.

Well, yeah.

I could take care of her
like you did with us.




That's good.


You got a minute?

You don't have to explain.
I think I get it.

No, I have to say this.

Todd, you're right.
I have been playing games.

And I haven't been honest. So...

It's true.

Second I found out
I got into Juilliard,
I knew I should go.

So I tried to convince you
to get an apartment with me.

That way there'd be, like,
this extra reason
for me to stay.

But that letter
from Juilliard, it just...

Sat there on my desk.

So finally I broke down,
and I let Ross know,

because I knew that
he would push me into going.

You didn't want to hurt me.

-But you know what?
-I hurt you even worse.


I hurt you.

When you said you wanted
to stay and I let you,

I... I played along.

I let you feel guilty
about something

that you should have
felt great about.

-No, it's true.

I should have felt good for you.

And we never talked about this,

I mean, it's not like
we're breaking up.

We're still gonna
see each other.

It's just gonna be work.

Still, three months
before you leave...

Which I plan to spend every
minute of with you.

[Justin] I know this
is gonna sound insane,

but wherever we live,

I think we need a view of, like,
a D.C. landmark.

It could be any landmark.

Um, you know,

it could be a display
of George Washington's teeth.

Just as long as it's something,
you know?

What's up?
You all right?

[Julia sighs] This is it.

You know that?
I'm leaving.

Leaving home.
I'll probably never come back.

What are you talking about?
You'll come back.

You'll, you know...

To visit, but not to live.

To borrow a couch in the house
for a couple of days.

I'll probably never even
unpack my suitcase.

Look, Julia.
Don't do this.

Don't, uh, start making
yourself feel guilty--

No, no.
It's okay. I'm not.

I just, I mean,
they have each other.

I guess I'm just saying
I won't have them.

It's gonna be weird.
I mean, we'll write,

we'll talk, but soon, I mean,
after a couple of years,

I'm not gonna
know them so well.

You know? I won't know
what their days are like

or what they watch on TV,

or what their hair
looks like in the morning.

I guess they'll just be
what I remember.

Come on.


Gotta finish that P & L
for the subcontracting business

if you want to spin it off
before tax time.

No. Forget it. You don't
have time for that.

You gotta get down to your
registrar's office.


Penn needs to get
your transcript, if you're gonna get into
their summer school program.

Jason Kimball called,

and he was a little impatient.

He said that you couldn't commit

about whether to go or not.

So, I kinda committed for you.

Charlie, I don't understand.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Hi.

We've got the taxi waiting,

but Luke wants
to read the, um,

brochures for him
on the plane.

[Charlie] It's all right there.

Okay, thank you.

How am I ever gonna
thank you enough?

Oh, Daph,
you already have.

I love you so much.

But I have to go
'cause I'm late.

-Okay, bye.
-Okay, bye.


Hey, have a cheese steak for me.

What was that about?

Well, uh...

Luke doesn't have your
business experience,

but he's spent lots
of time managing people.

It's not perfect,
but it buys us
all some time.

Plus it lets them come
back to San Francisco.

Diana will have
her mother around.

It buys you time?
What buys you time?

Luke's gonna
take your place here.

When did that happen?

Uh, this morning.

He was about to take off
without her,
and the idea just hit me.


I want you to do this, Bailey.

I want you to go get
that business degree,

And... I'll take Owen.

I'll probably move back into
the house with Kirsten,

but either way,
he'll live with us.

And, um, maybe all of us
being together,

Julia, Claudia, Owen, and me,

it'll soften the blow
of you leaving.

But... What happened?
I mean...

I just thought
about what you said.

About me holding you to this.

You know, and it's...

It's wrong.

I mean, maybe it's that
you volunteered, that you did

what you did for all those
years without being asked.

Maybe that made us feel like
you promised us something

That you were gonna
be around forever.



You deserve this. Completely.

[sighs] Charlie--

You know what?
You gotta get going.

Go get that transcript in.