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07x05 - Jack Gets His Own Restaurant

Posted: 03/13/22 16:17
by bunniefuu
[Man] ♪ Come and
knock on our door ♪

[Woman] ♪ Come and
knock on our door ♪

♪ We've been waitin' for you ♪

♪ We've been waitin' for you ♪

[Both] ♪ Where the kisses
are hers and hers and his ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

♪ Come and dance on our floor ♪
♪ Come and dance on our floor ♪

♪ Take a step that is new ♪
♪ Take a step that is new ♪

♪ We've a loveable space
that needs your face ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

♪ You'll see that
life is a ball again ♪

♪ Laughter is calling for you ♪

♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪
♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪
♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

[vacuum cleaner runs]

[phone rings]



Oh, hey, listen.
I'm glad you called.

Have you rented my
building yet? [sighs]

Well, why not? Mr. Angelin...
Oh, you're on the phone.

Oh, you're getting
brighter all the time.

Now, look... Thank you, sir.

You've got to understand some...

I thought you'd like to try
some of the minestrone...

Then get it. soup.
Coming right up.

Now you listen. I've
already got one restaurant.

I can't afford to have a
second one sit around empty.

Now why can't you rent it?
It's got a fully equipped kitchen.

Yeah, I know. I know. I
know. Times are tough.

But there must be someone
crazy enough to want to...

Here's your soup, Mr. Angelino.

Why, thank you. My pleasure.

Son. No problem.

Like I was saying. For
the right young chef,

this could be the
opportunity of a lifetime.

His own restaurant. Isn't that what
every young chef dreams about?

Could he ask for anything more?

Of course, it would have
to be someone with...

Initiative. But not impulsive.

Tough enough to run a kitchen.

And still charming enough
to deal with the customers.

But who?

Who, who, who...
Oh, wait a minute!

I know just the person.
He's right under my nose.

Young. Talented. Energetic.

Oh, I just know in my
heart he could do it. Yippie!

On the other hand, I could

tear the building down,
turn it into a parking lot.

No, Mr. Ange... Oh!
Oh... Ah, ah, ah...

Ah. Tripper? [whining]



You know what I'm going to do?


Give you the
opportunity of a lifetime.


[Terri] Janet! Yeah?

[Terri] Are you sure I
can't fix you a snack?

Oh, no, no, no, Terri. You know
I started my diet again this week.

[Terri] Oh, yeah,
I forgot. Yeah.

I wish I could be
like you. I eat and eat.

And I just can't seem
to gain an ounce.

How awful for you.

Maybe I should go into
the other room, huh? No!

Don't be silly. [laughs]

This doesn't bother me. [laughs]

Are you sure? Positive. I'm

positive. Well... Okay.

Mmm. Mmm.

Mmm! Mmm.

It really isn't very
good. [half-laughs]

It doesn't look good. Mm-mm.

Nah. It doesn't.


Mmm! Mmm.

Where you goin'?

I'm just gonna get
a glass of milk. Oh.

Milk. Oh. [sighing]




Janet, are you sure
you don't want some...


[mouth full] Positive. Positive.

I see. You just wanna
finish what's on your nose.

Woop! Oh, oh... We
laugh about that diet thing...

I did it!

I did it! I did it! I
did it! Well, what?

What, what, what, what? Girls,

you are not gonna
believe this. [Both] What?

I have sensational
news. [Both] What?

Wait till you hear. [groans]

Will you please
just tell us, you...

You gotta sit down,
first. Terri? Over here.

Janet? You sit
right there. Okay.

Are you ready? [Both] Yeah.

Wait. Larry's gotta
hear this. Lar...

Call him, call him, call him,
call him. What is with you?

[cackling] Are you in love?

Are you engaged? [squeaks]

Are you on something? Yeh...

Terri. You can never
know, these days...

Jack. Larry says he's
got his hands full. Very full.

Gimme the phone. I'll
get him down here. Okay.


Jack, would you please
tell us what's going on?

Just as soon as Larry gets here.

Jack, come on. Larry has got

a girl up there. Babette.

You think he's gonna come running
down here, just because you yell...


What about money?

Larry, I got something
to tell... Furley?

We forgot Furley.
I'll go... Wait!

Jack! We can't wait! Jack...

You know what time it is?

Mr. Furley. Wait
till you hear this.

I can hear it from my place.
People are trying to sleep.

Just get in here.

Come in.

Okay. Okay, we're all
here. Now you can tell us.

I'll be glad to. Pipe down!

Mr. Furley, not you.
Would you tell us, Jack?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What about the money?

Janet. Remember when we
met, right here, six years ago?

Remember what I said I wanted,

more than anything
else in the world?

Yes. And the
answer's still "No".

Come on. Are you two
finished reminiscing?

Remember, there are
other tenants in the building...

Remember the dream
I had? We have rules

and regulations. No
banging. No screaming...

You mean the dream about
having your own restaurant?

You have your own restaurant?

Yes. [cheering]

Quit it! What?

See, that's just the sort
of thing I'm talking about.

Your own restaurant?


He's got his own restaurant.

Tell us about the money.

Jack, tell us about the
restaurant. Yes, yes!

Angelino owns another
restaurant that's just

standing empty. What,
so he offered it to you?

All I have to do is pay rent,

and 10 percent of
everything I take in. Oh...

That's great, buddy!

I always knew you could do it.

I just can't believe it's happening
to me. My own restaurant.

I just can't wait
to start cooking.

Speaking of cooking... I better
get back to Babette. Well...

Good luck, Jack. I hope you make
a fortune. I can't miss. Who knows?

Pretty soon, I'll probably
buy a car from ya.

[laughs] Tell me more
about this restaurant.

What are ya gonna call it?

Well, I don't know. Let's see.

I'd like everybody to
know it's my restaurant.

I'd like 'em to
know it's French.

Then why not call it
"Gay Paree"? [laughs]

Well, it was just a thought.

When can we see?

Any time. It's right on
Ocean Vista. I've got the keys.

What about right now?

I'll drive. You're gonna
love this car. It's perfect.

Let's go! Lemme get dressed!

Never mind that. Just
put on a coat. Okay.

Oh, Larry.

What about Babette?

She'd have to throw
on more than a coat...

Come on, girls!

Here it is. 834.
I guess this is it.

I can't wait to see the
inside. Jack, I bet it'll be cute!

Hurry up and open the door.

I feel as if people can
see through my coat.

No, I can't.

Do you know something? What?

I have waited for this
moment all my life.

Will you open the door?

I am so happy for you. Oh...

I'm all goosebumps.

Oh, Mr. Furley.

You're excited for
Jack, too, aren't you?

No. There's a draft
coming up my leg.

Hey. Don'cha think somebody
should make a speech?

Sure. All right. Yeah!

Open the damn door!

Good speech. Whoo!

All right. Welcome to my future.

[clearing throat]


[metal crashes to ground]

Oh, God.

[sighs] So much for my dream.

No, Jack. It's a... it's a...

Yeah! That's just
what I was gonna say!

Jack, it really isn't that bad.

I mean, I've seen a lot worse.

Yeah. He was in
World w*r II. [laughs]

I'm just kidding.

Better get rid of
these folding chairs.

Jack? Just take
a look at that wall.

Just take a look at that
wall. What do you see?

Holes. Cracks.

Grease stains. Torn wallpaper.

Yeah. Exactly!

Is that supposed to cheer me up?

Well... don't you see
what I'm getting at?

Instead of the torn wallpaper,

you could put up
a great big poster

of the Eiffel Tower.

And then over
these grease stains,

you could put a
nice long picture

of the French Riviera.

Oh, or maybe a map of
the wine regions in France?

Don't you see
what I'm getting at?

Yeah! Turn the place
into a travel agency!

Whaddaya think? Shh.

Yeah, but I was just... Shh.

Yeah, but I... [All] Shh.

Maybe you're right, Janet. Yeah?

Think about it. A coat of paint

could really lighten
this place up.

Sure! How 'bout some curtains?

Huh? Little flowery things?

I could get flowers.

Oh. From your shop. Of course.

Some new wallpaper?

Hey, now you're talkin'!

I guess I have my
little bistro, after all!


There ya go, buddy!

The whole thing shouldn't cost

more than two,
three thousand dollars

to fix the place up. What?

Not even counting labor.

No, no. Forget the labor.

We could do it ourselves. Yeah.

We can all pitch in and
fix this place right up.

I'd be happy to supervise.

And I'll teach ya how!

Hey, just a minute. Where am

I gonna get $3,000?

From the bank.

Oh, forget it, Larry.

Banks have guards, and alarms,

and little cameras
that take your picture.

I'm talkin' about
borrowing the money.

Me? Yeah!

It'll be a snap.

After all, you own
your own restaurant.

How can they say no?

You really think so?

Of course I do.

That 3,000 is as good as yours.

I'll do it!

Better make that $3,100.

[everyone chatters]

Okay, Janet. Here it
is. My life's savings.

Not much of a life, was it?

It'll be a down payment
to get the supplies.

Jack. Are you sure
we shouldn't wait

until you get the loan,
before I spend money?

I've waited all my life for
this. I'm not waiting any longer.

Just so you know
what you're doin'.

Trust me. And, Janet?
Listen. Thank you

for all your help.
You've been terrific.

Mmm, Jack... I'll
always remember this.

Oh, Jack.

How quickly they forget.

[thud] Bye, Jack.

Bye, uh, uh... Janet.


What happened? Oh, I, uh,

went to sit down,
and missed your seat.

I mean, my seat.
The, uh, chair here.

No problem. Did
you hurt yourself?

Only where it doesn't
show. [both laugh]

You know, I've got so
much on my mind lately.

Wheeling and dealing.

What with financing one
of my new restaurants...

Oh. You're here for a loan.

Well, it's just a
mere formality.

I found myself suddenly in
a positive cash flow position,

and I thought I'd get
my equity on the upside.

You know, I don't wanna
let my net get too gross.

What? That's just
banker's mumbo jumbo.

They all talk like that here.

[laughs] They do? Yeah.

I guess it makes 'em feel
important or something.

Oh, that's good to know.

Well, there's so much
more I could teach you.

Really. How 'bout
tonight? Late supper?

How about now?

Nuh-now? Oh, didn't
I introduce myself?

I'm Louise Prescott,
the loan officer.

The loan... You're
the loan offi...

Please have a seat.

And this time, keep
your eye on the chair.

Yes. So you're the...
Ah! It says right there.

The loan officer, huh?

This bank's lucky
to have such a...

Name? ...lovely...
Um, Jack Tripper.

It's an old English name.

I'm named after one of
my seafaring ancestors.

Tripper the Skipper.

He was light on his feet,
so they called him Skippy.

So the story goes.

Do you have any experience
running a restaurant?

Uh, well, I was head chef at Angelino's
for the past year. As a matter...

Have you ever
managed a restaurant?

Well, I managed to get a
job at Angelino's. [laughs]

That would be no
management experience.

You don't have to put that down.


You don't have to
get personal, either.

Do you own a car or a home?

Oh. Not now. But
someday I hope to...

Do you have any colatteral?

What's that?

Banker's mumbo jumbo.

Do you have any
security for the loan?

I see what you're getting
at. As a matter of fact,

I have a saving's
account, for five years,

at this very branch.

Hmm. [tapping computer keys]

What are you doing?
Checking your current balance.



Well, well, you see, I-I
was here earlier, and...

I'll say this for you.
You've got nerve.

Asking you for a loan?

Asking me for a date.

I'm sorry, Mr. Tripper.
But this bank

cannot give money to
someone who can't pay it back.

Well, I think that's
pretty selfish of you.

Mr. Tripper, this
interview is over.

Fine with me! And another thing.

You can forget about
our date tonight. [crashing]

Oh, please. Don't bother.

Be careful, or you'll
hit the... [alarm goes off]


Is it lunch time?

It's all right. He
was just leaving.

Do you guys validate?

I don't have a
car, anyway, so...

If I did, I'd be happy
to get a ticket from you.

I'm leaving. It's
the last time I'm...

Okay. Then this will
be for the curtains.

What do you think?

Well, if you want my opinion.

I love it! It's perfect!

Terri, I knew you'd like that.

I did! And how
about this wallpaper?

Well, actually,
it looks a little...

Wonderful! I
love it! It's perfect!

Thank you, Terri! Oh!

Thank you very much.

[mumbling] You know what?

I cannot wait to get
started... [still mumbling]

Why don't we get
down to it? Okay.

Okay. Let's see. Terri?

You sew the curtains. Okay.

I'll paint the tables and chairs.
Mr. Furley, you put up the wallpaper.

Wait! I thought I was
supposed to supervise.

Well, excuse me.

I'm sorry. I forgot.

Okay. Sorry.

All right. Terri?

You sew the curtains.

Janet? You paint
the tables and chairs.

And I'll put up the wallpaper.

That's much better,
Mr. Furley. Much better.

Thank you. Sure.

Oh, good! You're here.

Hi! Terri, Janet. Please,

tell me you didn't
pick up the supplies.

We didn't. Oh, thank God.

We had them delivered
to the restaurant.

Oh, no. What's the matter?

I didn't get the loan.


Oh, no, Jack. That's terrible.

And now I can't pay
Angelino first month's rent,

and he's due any minute. I
knew it was too good to be true.

Come on, Jack.

Look on the bright side.

What bright side?

I don't know. That's what
people are always telling me.

Jack, maybe we can help.

I've got at least
$200 in the bank.

And I have about 90.

You're both very sweet.
But that's not enough.

Well, gosh. There must be
somebody who could help.

I can't think of anyone.

Mr. Furley. How about you, huh?

I can't think of anyone, either.

[doorbell rings] Oh,
that's Angelino now. Great.

What are you gonna tell him?

I don't know.

Jack, oh, my boy. Here's
your copy of the lease.

Oh, you must all be
so proud of Jack, huh?

You know, I just knew that he

had the stuff to
be his own boss.

Mr. Angelino, I've run
into some problems.


Jack. Son.

If we put our minds to it,

there isn't any
problem we can't solve.

I don't have the rent money.

Except that.

You see, at the bank...

I don't want excuses, Tripper.

I want the rent.

A few days, and
I'll... A few days?

Why not a few weeks?
Or a few months?

Forget it. The deal is off.

Ooo. I knew all along you
couldn't run a restaurant.

You just don't have it in you.

Hey! I should have had

my head examined
when I gave you this break.

Mr. Angelino, I'm sure if
you gave Jack a chance,

he could make a go of it.

Make a go of it?
He's so incompetent,

he can't even come up with rent.

Who says he can't?

A few measly dollars?

Think that's gonna
stand in the way

of a talented young
man like Jack,

from starting his own place?

Nosiree, Bob!

Not with Ralph Furley around!

You want the money?

I'll give ya the money!

Do you have a pen?

Certainly, sir.

That's Frank Angelino. One L.

[Jack] Now look, Mr. Furley...

Just hold your thought, Jack.

This won't take but a second.

[grunts] Oh, this... [groans]

Cheap pen.

Ralph Furley.

All right. You just fill in
the amount of the rent,

and stop wasting
Jack's valuable time.

Keep it.

Congratulations, Jack.

You got yourself a restaurant.

Thank you, Mr. Angelino.
You won't regret this.

I know you'll make a
big success out of it.

Well, I'll give it all I've got.

Oh, I hope you'll
do better than that.


I did it! I got the restaurant!


Terri. Thank you. [smooching]

I'm so happy for you, Jack.

Janet. Thank you. Don't
forget about Mr. Furley.

Oh, right.

Mr. Furley... Uh...

Don't even think about it.

I just wanted to thank you
from the bottom of my heart,

and I'm gonna pay back
every nickel of that $800.

Don't worry about it,
Jack. No problem. It's only...

Eigh... eight hundred dollars?

Mr. Furley?


Mr. Furley? Larry, what
are you muttering about?

I don't see why we need a secret
ballot just to name your restaurant.

Come on, Larry.

It's just so that nobody
gets their feelings hurt

if their suggestion is rejected.

Thank you, Janet. Terri? Okay.

All right. All right.

Our first suggestion?

"La Grande Cuisine."

Boy, talk about pretentious.

But-but it is a suggestion

worth considering.

Promise? Trust me.

Number two?


No... Oh, no.

Forget it, Larry. What makes
you think that was mine?

Get outta here.

Let's see.

[Terri] You're reading

that wrong. It's supposed to be


That gets my vote.

These names are too fancy.

I'm opening up a
small French bistro, not

a big, expensive restaurant.


Well, it is French, isn't it?

I'm not gonna name
my restaurant...

[everybody at once]

Hold it! Hold it!

Look. How hard can it really be

to come up with a
name for Jack's Bistro?

That's it!

What's it?

That's perfect!

Perfect? What's perfect?

Jack's Bistro!

I know! But what're
we gonna call it?

That's it!

That's it?

What a stupid name!

♪♪ [theme]

Three's Company was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.