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08x18 - Forget Me Not

Posted: 03/14/22 08:56
by bunniefuu
♪ Come and knock on our door ♪

♪ Come and knock on our door ♪

♪ We've been waitin' for you ♪

♪ We've been waitin' for you ♪

♪ Where the kisses are
hers and hers and his ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

♪ Come and dance on our floor ♪
♪ Come and dance on our floor ♪

♪ Take a step that is new ♪
♪ Take a step that is new ♪

♪ We've a loveable space
that needs your face ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

♪ You'll see that
life is a ball again ♪

♪ Laughter is calling for you ♪

♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪
♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪
♪ Down at our rendezvous ♪

♪ Three's company too ♪

Was that the doorbell, Jack?

For the fourth time, Janet, no.


Oh, I can't understand it, Jack.

Larry was supposed to be here
with my new car a half-hour ago.

He'll be here soon. Relax!

I can't relax, Jack.

I'm too excited to relax.
This is my very first car.

You're going to blow a
gasket if you don't calm down.

Oh, Jack, wait 'til you
see my little red beauty.

The minute I saw this
car, I knew she was for me.

Well, I hope you
didn't get stuck.

What do you mean, get stuck?

Janet, you shouldn't
have run out

and bought a used
car without me.

I'm sorry, Jack, but you
had to work last night.

Besides, Larry
said I had to act fast

'cause this kind of
car wouldn't last long.

None of the cars that
Larry sells last long.

Come on, I'm not stupid, Jack.

I mean, I didn't buy this
car without checking it out.

I made sure that it passed
the three most important tests.

What tests?

Well, it had to be a cute style,

a cute color,

and I had to look
really cute driving it.

You call that checking it out?

Well, it also had a
terrific compression ratio,

news carbs and
self-leveling shocks.

Did you kick the tires?


Well, you don't know nothing.

Oh, come on.

My new car is at the door.

Take it away. Oh!

Hi, Lar. Here you
are, you lucky little girl.

Oh, thank you! Are you sure
you're old enough to drive?

Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Get out of here,
you crazy kid, you.

Oh, that kid.
Hiya, pal. Hey, Lar.

Look, my new car is here.

Terrific, you can drop
me off at the hospital

on your way to work.

Are you crazy?

I'm not driving my brand-new car

in morning rush hour traffic.

I'm gonna take the bus.

Wait a minute,
didn't you buy the car

so you wouldn't
have to take the bus?

Yeah. But you're
still taking the bus.

But before I didn't
have a choice.


Do you mind if I
look the car over?

Of course not. Did
you wash your hands?

I'll put on my
gloves. See ya, guys.

Bye, guys. Terri, wait
till you see it. It's so cute.

It's all red, and then it's got these
three black tires and one whitewall.

Yep, there goes another
satisfied customer.

Larry, this better
be a good car.

Hey, come on, Jack,
give me some credit here.

Would I sell a lemon
to a close friend?

What about the one you
sold to Harry Feldman?

He's your friend.

Not anymore.

Listen to me,
Larry, I'm tellin...

Hey, Jack. Jack,
don't you worry.

I'm telling you, that
car is in great shape.

Hi, Jack. Hi, Bar...

Hi Barbara, come on in.

And speaking of great shapes.

Larry, this is Barbara.

Barbara just moved into
the building across the street.

I know, she leaves
her blinds up.


Nothing, nothing.

Jack, I am so
sorry to bother you,

but do you remember
when I was moving in,

you said if ever I
needed anything...

I remember.

Well, I just got a
call to go downtown

on this big modeling assignment.

The other girl got sick.


But they need me right
now and I don't have

any way to get down there,
so could you give me a ride?

A ride?

Oh, I'd be ever so grateful.

Well, sure, no problem.

Oh, you're a doll.

I'll call them and tell
them I'm on my way.

Larry, come on, quick.
Give me your car keys.

I'm sorry, pal, my
car's in the shop.

What are you... Well then,
what was this "okay" sign?

That was for
Barbara. She's "o..."

Larry, what am I gonna do now?

Well, you can
borrow Janet's car.

Are you kidding? She won't
even let herself borrow her car.

Oh, it's all set.

Listen, Barbara, I'm
sorry, I just remembered.

There's something
important that I have to do,

so I can't take you.

Oh, no. I'm sorry.

I guess I better call a cab.

I don't want to
miss my big chance.

You don't want to
miss your big chance.

Larry, Janet would k*ll me.

You're wrong, pal. She'll
thank you. Thank me?

Yeah, because after
you drop Barbara off,

you're gonna get Janet's car

washed and waxed as a surprise.

What a good idea!

I'll do it... for Janet.

Of course.

Excuse me.

Barbara, I will drive you.

But I thought you said you
had something important.

You're more important.

Oh, Jack!

Whoo hoo!

You're terrific!

Oh, how can I ever thank you?

I'm sure he'll
think of something.

Ow, ow, that hurts, that hurts.

It's supposed to. It's a bump.

C'mon, cheer up.

You're a very lucky guy.

If you hadn't been
wearing your seatbelt,

you could have
really gotten hurt.

I thought I did.

You just have a
slight concussion.

Your X-rays are perfectly clear.

Sure, they weren't in the car.

Here, this will help to
keep down the swelling.

Thank you.

Doctor, would you come
have a look at Mr. Kearney?


Another head injury.

Seems to be a lot
of that going around.

Can I talk to him now, doc?

Yes, he's all yours.

I'd like to get the rest
of that information now.

You said you were
driving down the street.

That's right, and
suddenly I saw a woman

pulling out of her driveway.

And you ran into her.


Oh. She ran into you?

No, no, no. I
swerved to avoid her.

That's when I saw
the bakery truck.

And you ran into
the bakery truck.

No, the bakery truck
swerved to avoid me

and ran into the woman
pulling out of the driveway.

Just tell me, did
you hit anything?

Yeah, while I was
watching the bakery truck

run into the woman,
I ran into a tree.

Good. Hit a tree.

And then I bounced off that
and ran into the bakery truck

and the woman pulling
out of the driveway.

Boy, you sure got
around in that little car.

The car! Wait a second, officer.

How much do you figure it's
gonna cost me to get it fixed?

You don't have to
worry about that.

I don't? Nah.

The car was totaled. Forget it.

Oh, no!

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Take it easy,
fella. It's only a car.

You're lucky to be alive.

Yeah? I won't be for long.

Hey, it's only a
bump in the head.


Oh, officer, how's he doing?

He must be okay.

All he's worried about is
that car that he wrecked.

Thank you.

Hiya, Marge.

Anything happen
while I was at lunch?

Terri, I don't
want you to worry.

It's not serious.
He's all right.


I told you, you
don't have to worry.

He just had a little accident.

Who? Jack.

Jack? Our Jack?

Oh! I have to call Janet!

I already did.

Believe me, Terri, he's fine.

What happened?

He smashed up his car.

He doesn't have a car.

Well, he smashed
up someone's car.

Look, it's all
here in this report.

Let me see.

How do you feel?

Still a little woozy.

That's only natural.

As soon as you feel up
to it, you can go home.

See that he gets some
aspirin before he leaves.

Yes, doctor. And what do you
want me to do about Mr. Kearney?

Well, there's nothing we can do.

He has a classic
case of amnesia.

Let's just hope his memory
loss is only temporary.

Well, I'm gonna get some lunch.


Doctor, wait!

That patient in there is a
dear friend of mine, and...

Oh, really? Well,
he's going to need

plenty of rest over
the next few days.

That's all?

And avoid any kind
of stress or excitement.

But, doctor, I just...

Terri, there's
really nothing else

we can do for him right now.

Excuse me. But...

Oh, Terri! Terri,
Terri! How's Jack?

Relax, Janet. He's all right.

Oh, thank God.

What happened?

He just had a
little car accident.

He doesn't have a car.

Neither do you.


He sort of smashed
up your new red car.


Oh, well, I'm...

I... I... I'm glad
that Jack's all right.

Because now I can k*ll him.



No! You mustn't upset him!

He has amnesia!


And he mustn't get excited.


You don't remember
anything, Jack?

Jack? Who's Jack?

Oh, Jack!

Sorry! I'm sorry!

What were you
thinking? I'm sorry.


Here we are.

Does it look familiar?


Well, this is where you live.

Uh-huh. And we
live here with you.


But you're girls!

The three of us are roommates.

And that's all.

Well, I should hope so!

Must have been
some bump. Come on.

Oh! Ooh! Oh, I'm sorry!

I don't remember that step.

We should have told you.

Here you go now.

Why don't you just sit on
the couch and rest? There.

Is that comfy?

I could use a pillow.

Sure, Jack, here. Oh!

Here you go. There we are.

Have a couple. Thank you.

Is that better?

Much better. Keep rubbing.


I'm glad it's better.

Jack? Hmm?

Do you think that
you feel well enough

to talk about my car now?

It's coming back. It is?

The pain! Oh! Oh, Janet!

Janet, the doctor said
you mustn't upset him!

All I said was...

Do you think it
could be possible

for me to get a
little drink of water?

Of course! I'll get
it for you, sweetie!

Thank you.

And could you hand me
that magazine, please, Janet?

Oh, sure.

How'd you know
my name was Janet?

Isn't that what the
skinny blonde called you?

Right, right. Excuse me.

You really think she's skinny?

Ha ha ha ha!

There we are.

Well, thank you...



Mmm! I am so lucky

to have such a nice,
friendly nurse for a roommate.

Thank you.

I'm even luckier to have
such a gorgeous brunette

for my other roommate.

Oh! Thank...

Thank you, Jack.

Would you care
for another pillow?

That would be
so nice. I'll get it.

I'll give it to him.

No. I got it. No.

I can give it to him.

Just get the door, nurse.

Put your head over here.

Hi, g*ng!


Jack has amnesia!

Oh. And you don't want
him to find out about it?

He was in a car accident
and bumped his head.

He can't remember a thing.


Can I say hello to him?

Go ahead.

Will he know what it means?


Hi there.

Who's the funny little man?

Jack, this is our
landlord, Mr. Furley.

Hello, Mr. Furley.



do you happen to remember

anything at all about
the way you were?

The way I was?

Uh, Jack, see, the only reason

Mr. Furley lets you live
here with us two girls...

No, no! Don't remind him!

This is our chance
to straighten him out.

Do you remember or not?


You don't?

Good! Then I'll tell
you the way you were.

You were a real ladies' man.

Golly, I was?

Boy, were you ever!

The way you used to
handle all those women!


Wow? What did I do?

Well, let me show you.

Terri, could you
sit here a minute?

Oh, well, no. I...

Come here, come here, come here.


All right. Jack, put
your arm around her.

Mr. Furley!

You want to cure him or not?

Go ahead, Jack.


How's that?

Oh, God.

Look, I'll just...
I'll just show you.

I'll show you how it's done.

Janet, come here.

On second thought,

I'll just tell you
how it's done.

Okay. Pucker up. Like this.

Like this?

Yeah. Now lean in and kiss her.

I'm sorry, come again?

Lean in and kiss her.


She's laughing at me.

Oh, don't ever worry
about that, Jack.

Happens to me all the time.

Mr. Furley, I think
that's enough for today.

Jack should really go and rest.

Oh, oh, okay.

Well, you made great progress.

We'll work again tomorrow.

Well, thank you for helping me.


He's had a relapse!

Mr. Furley, thank you
very much for stopping by.

All right. You girls take
good care of him now.

Oh, we will, we will.

Build him up. Right.

You know, feed him
lots of meat and potatoes.

No fruit salad.

We better explain to you

what that Furley
business was all about.

Well, I'd love to hear it,

but first, can I go
to the bathroom?

Well, sure.

Thank you.

Wait a minute!

How'd you know that
was the bathroom?

It is? What a relief!

Did you see that,
Terri? Did you see that?

I'll bet he's faking this
whole amnesia thing

just to keep me from
breaking his neck.

Janet Wood, I'm a
professional nurse,

and I can guarantee
you that Jack is not faking.

But, Terri...

I'll get it, I'll get it.

Yeah, Larry, what? Hi,
Janet. Is Jack around?

Uh-huh. He's in the bathroom
right now. Oh. I'll wait.

Larry, he's not
feeling too well.

He was in an accident today.

An accident?

Yeah. He smashed
up my brand-new car!

Your new car?

I'll be back when he's
feeling a little better.

Well, that could
take a while, Larry.

He has amnesia!

Amnesia? Oh, that's good.

That's very good.


I mean, uh, what...

Uh, gee, gosh, golly!

That's awful!

What a shock!

Hi, pal.

Do I know you?

Could you girls give me
a moment alone with Jack,

you know, buddy to buddy?

Maybe I can help.

Oh, sure, Larry. Come on, Janet.

But, Terri...


Ooh, that's good.
I'm very proud of you.

Larry, you don't
have long to live.

Hey, hey, hey! What did I do?

You talked me into taking
Janet's car! That's what you did!

You remembered. What a recovery!

Of course I remember, Larry,

but when Janet
finds out the truth,

she is going to k*ll me!

Why? The car is insured.

She'll get her money back.

After that,
she'll still k*ll me.

Larry, you gotta
help me out of this.

Think of something. Right now?

Yes! Off the top of my head?

Yes! That's impossible!

What's impossible?

That something like
this should happen.

The poor guy tries to
do someone a favor,

almost gets himself k*lled.

What are you talking about?

What am I talking about?

Well, it was right after
you girls left this morning.

The doorbell rings, and
there's this lady standing there.

A lady?

Oh, you should have seen
her. She was out to here.


She was pregnant!

Oh! Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just about to go into labor.

Oh, no! Don't you see?

Her car had broken down,

the woman was desperate,

and Jack, without a
moment's hesitation,

offered to drive
her to the hospital.

In my car?

He didn't think of my
car, your car, his car!

It was her baby!

If it hadn't been for him,

well, who knows what
would have happened?

You're on your own.

Oh, Jack, you are wonderful!

Please, Terri.

But it was my car!

Oh, Janet, please. Will
you forget about the car?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

That's awful of me.


that was the only thing
that you could do...

I guess.

It sure was.

I mean, it must have been.

Why don't you lie down
and get some rest, Jack?

That's a good idea. You
know, I have a feeling

that a nap will do
wonders for my memory.

Then get to bed, Jack!

Okay. See ya.

Okay. Okay.

Uh, which is my room?

That one. No, no,
the blue one. Yeah.

It's a nice room.

And you thought
he was faking! Oh!

Next time, trust a professional!

Okay, okay.

You made your point, all right?



Hi. Is Jack around?

Well, he just went to bed.

Well, do you think I could
see him for just a minute?

I'm sorry.

He was in a car
accident this morning.

Oh, no! It must have happened
right after he dropped me off.

Dropped you off?

Oh, I knew I shouldn't
have asked him for that ride,

but it was an emergency.

That was you?

And they let you out already?

Well, it doesn't take long

when you know what you're doing.

What kind of hospital
did Jack take you to?

Hospital? It was a
photographer's studio.

Then you weren't pregnant?

He just gave me a ride.

Did you hear that,
Miss Professional?

He used my car
to give her a ride?

Your car? He said it belonged
to the buddy he lives with.

I'm the buddy he lives with!

You mean he lied to me?

And to me!

And to me!

Ah, I'm gonna strangle him!

Wait! Wait, wait,
wait! I got a better idea.

Better than strangling?

Yeah. Much better.

Look, you have a pretty
good wardrobe, don't you?

Well, sure. I'm a model.

Good. Great. This is
what I want you to do.

I want you to go on home...

Go on, Jack.
Drink all your soup.

It'll make you
feel a lot better.


Boy, I don't know what I did

to deserve all this attention.

We do.


Go on. Finish your soup.

Come on.

Well, gosh, I wonder
who that could be?

Why, I don't know.

I'll get it.

Oh, okay.


Hello. Is Jack Tripper here?

Yes, he's right there.


You naughty boy!

Who is this girl?

Why, Jack, it's me, Barbara!

Bar... Barbara?

Jack was in a car accident.

Oh, no!

Oh, yes. And he has amnesia.


That's what they tell me.

Oh, so that's why
you're not dressed!


Well, yes. The minister's
over at my house

waiting for us.


We're getting married at 4:00!

Ma... ma... ma-na-ma...
Ma... ma-na-ma... ma...

M-ma... ma-na-ma... ma...

Oh, Jack! Oh, I'm
so happy for you!

Happy? Whoa! Wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait!

I don't remember saying
anything about getting married.

Of course you don't.
You have amnesia.

Oh, dear.

Oh, he's forgotten.

I guess we'll have to just
postpone the wedding then.

Oh, no, no, never.

It's bad luck to
postpone a wedding.

You're right. I'm gonna
call up that minister

and tell him to come
over right away.

Oh! We can have
the wedding here!

I'll send out for a pizza.

No, no, no, no.

Would you rather have Chinese?

Nei... wait a minute,
wait a minute.

I swear to you, I never
proposed to that girl.

How do you know, Jack?

You have amnesia.

I don't have
amnesia. Ha ha ha ha!

I mean I do! Wait a minute.

All right. You're mixing me up.

Boy, what a nervous bridegroom!

I am not a bridegroom,

and I am not getting married,
and you can't make me!


You pushed him too fast!

Now we'll never cure him!


It's open, Larry.

Hi, Janet. Hi.

Hey, how has the
new car been running?

Oh, like a dream.

It has? I mean,
gee, that's great!

Oh, hey, Larry.

Hiya, Jack. Wanna
go to the Beagle,

grab some beers? Maybe later.

Janet, where are
the keys to the car?

Oh, Jack, they're right
there by the phone.

Oh, great. Excuse me.

Wha... You let Jack
have the keys to your car?

Sure. Why not?

Well, after he
totaled your first car,

you're gonna let
him touch this one?

Larry, come on. You know me.

I'm not the type of
person to hold a grudge.

You've got a big heart, Janet.

Oh, go on.

Be sure and polish
the chrome this time.

Yes, ma'am.

Jack! And, um,

I need that finished by noon.

Yes, ma'am. Don't
you say a word.