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09x02 - Out Like a Lamb

Posted: 03/14/22 12:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls the Heart...

You and Jack. That's
what's important now.

Did I see you ride into town?

- Mei Tsu.
- Nathan Grant.

I engaged Henry some time ago,

putting him in charge of the mine

when this was still
known as Coal Valley.

I'm surprised you'd consider

going into business with him.

- Henry, stop!

I'd like to press charges.

Trust me.

I trust you.

Whoa! Whoa!!



- Hi.
- Hi.

Something smells delicious.

Jack just started breakfast.

There's been an accident!

It's Nathan.


How badly is he hurt?

Well, he made it through the night,

Faith said that's very encouraging.

Thankful Allie isn't here. This
would be too upsetting for her.

Do you know if anyone got a
description of the car that hit him?

One witness thought
it was a black sedan.

There must be front-end damage.

How's Newton?

He's hurt, but hopefully
he'll be all right.

I'm heading to Jameson
for a look around.

I have one man riding to
Buxton, another to Benson Hills.

I'll head to Union City.


Lucas, thank you.

Faith said the only ones
she wants inside right now

are Molly and Mei.

Mei Tsu, she's the new pharmacist.

Nathan's been hit by an automobile.

How is he?

He's alive.

Whoever hit him didn't
stop to render help.

You think they did it on purpose?

That's what I'm wondering.

Faith said you better come inside.


Remarkably, I think he will be
ok after some time to recover.

He's got some external injuries
and a badly dislocated shoulder.

The good news is he doesn't seem
to have any internal injuries.

Most concerning is a brain concussion.

Nathan will need to stay in
bed quiet for at least a week.

He was getting agitated
and he asked to see you.

So, two minutes.

Oh, and he may have some memory loss,

especially about what's happened.

Ladies? Could we give
these two a moment?

Thank you.


You have us all worried.

Who... who are you?


Nathan Grant.

It hurts to laugh.

That was not funny.

I don't want Allie to know about this.

She's at her grandparents',
she's having fun.

That's how it should be.


I want you to check on Newton for me.


He doesn't look good.

ANGELA: He doesn't sound good.



There's blood on his left hind quarter.

He's definitely favoring
that leg... a lot.

What'll happen to Newton?

We're going to help him.

I promise.


- Lee?
- Hmm?

- Sweetheart?
- Yeah?

The tapping.


It's all right.

You're on edge about the election.

It's not just the election.

Yes, an accident like Nathan's
puts life in perspective.

It helps you realize what's important.

But becoming mayor is important to you.

It's all right to feel nervous.

Yeah, I just... I just hope
people understand the ideas I have

for Hope Valley, you know?

How we can progress without losing

what we all love so
much about this place.

You ran a heck of a campaign, Lee.

And it's not over.

I suppose so.

Just... as we move forward
into the th century,

it's important that we remember

what got us here in the first place.

Courage. Determination.

An eye for our fellow citizens.

Is this your acceptance speech?

- Is it that obvious?

Yeah, I thought I should have
something prepared just in case.

What do you think?

That you should go

and see how things are
shaping up at the voting booth.

- Are you sure?
- Go!

- Ok, ok!

I should go down there.

I should go down there.

BOTH: Why should you go?

I'm talking about going
down to the mercantile

to ask about election results.

I'm talking about the jail

to tell Henry I brought in Mr. Smith.

How about we both just stay here
and don't go borrowing trouble?


What's the news?

On the way home I ran into Jerome Smith.

He's dropped the as*ault charges.

You're free to go.


Just when I think I
have you figured out.

Bill, is Henry here,
I'd like to see him.

Keep walking, you'll find him.

I guess you a free man.

Yeah. I can't quite figure out

why Smith would drop the charges.

He forgives you?

There's a reason why

you don't see me in
church on Sunday, Joseph.

I don't wanna hear the sermons.

You asked a question.

If there was anything
charitable about Jerome Smith

men from this town
would still be alive.

You blame him or yourself
for that mine disaster?

I appreciate you wanting to help.

Thank you.



You're wasting your time.

BOTH: Election results announced
when tabulation complete.

Very good.

- Florence!
- Now you two, shoo!

Game of cards?

Yeah, why not?

- Oh.
- Another ice bag?

I was just on my way. Thank you.

How are Nathan's pupils?

Equal and responsive.

Any blurred vision or
ringing in the ears?

He has no idea how lucky he is.

I've been lucky, too.

You've been a big help, Mei. Thank you.

Faith, I wouldn't have finished
my apprenticeship under Jeffrey

if I didn't know how good I am at this.


- Oh, hello.
- I'm hungry...


I just took these out of the oven.

Ow, ow, ow!

I did say "just out of the oven".

Were you able to speak to Henry?

I was. Thank you very much.

I'm sorry, but he didn't wanna talk.

And, you know, I don't
like it when I can't help.

You can only do what you can do.

God will take care of the rest.

Sometimes I get impatient with God.

Hm. I know that, too.

'Cause you know everything.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

It's gonna be good.

I brought you some tea.

In your new tea cup.

From Hamilton.

Mm-hmm. My family had a
sailboat just like that one,

with red sails and a bell.

We called her Safe Harbor.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Have I mentioned what
a lovely time I had

in that air balloon yesterday?

You've also mentioned our bumpy
landing thanks to yours truly.

[LAUGHS] All right.

I believe I also made it perfectly clear

just how impressed I
was with your ability

to pilot that balloon,

but I really don't want
to sound ungrateful...


Because you always have such
wonderful things for us to do.


You don't always have to
make such grand gestures

to show that you care.

Small, thoughtful
gestures can demonstrate

the same sort of admiration,
like giving me this tea cup.

You are a very fast learner.

Well, I have the best teacher.

NED: Uh, attention!

Uh, if I could have
your attention please.

I just need to make a...
a short announcement.

If you could... if you
could all gather around.

The uh... the results of the uh...

the Hope Valley mayor's election...

- Louder!
- Yeah, and funnier!


The results of the Hope
Valley mayor's election are...


CROWD: Oh. What?

- What?
- Therefore, we will be conducting a recount.

We're sorry!


- Hello.
- Hi.

- I came to walk you home.
- Thank you.

This could be one of
those little moments

that I hope we can keep on sharing.

You realize that by pointing
out the little moments

you do, in fact, make them big moments.

Do I?


Well, regardless, I'm looking
forward to having more time

for all types of moments.

Lucas, I'm worried
that you're gonna regret

getting out of the oil business.

You're naturally competitive

and I can tell how much you
enjoy being an entrepreneur.

You don't have to do this

just to make more time for Jack and me.

I've been thinking
about this for a while.

Henry was right.

Oil business is relentless,
and I have other plans.

Other interests.

Do you?

I do.

Have you told Henry
that you plan on selling

and not just bringing on a partner?

Right before Jerome Smith

said he'd present the
offer to his investors.

How'd he react?

He didn't hit me.

So, you think I'm competitive?

I'll race you to the gas station.

Ready? Go!


You're like a doctor, right?

A bit, though some might not think so.

Won't you at least take a look?

Newton won't even let Mrs. Thornton

anywhere near him. Please?

You'll watch the shop for me?

You're about to learn

that I'm always the
best choice for the job.

All right then.

I'll make a poultice
for Newton's injury.


Oh, no.

- Hi, Mama.
- Hello, Minnie.

Mrs Canfield, may I be of service?

Thank you, Robert.

I'm only here to pick up Cooper.

You promised to come by the
café to work on your spelling.

I forgot to remind him, Mama.

That was your brother's responsibility.

Young man?

You know what it means to make
a promise and to break a promise.

Mama, I need to ask you a question

but I don't want you getting mad.

Cooper, what is it?

Do I have to go to church?

Do you have to go? When?

Ever again?

They're counting ballots.

How long could that take?

I don't know.


Oh, hi Fiona. What can I do for you?

Minnie mentioned that you
tried speaking with Henry.

How's he doing?

It's always complicated with Henry.

I feel like it's my fault

that he got in that
fight with Jerome Smith.

You didn't swing Henry's fist.

No, but I did bring in Smith.

You didn't know their past.

- I did.
- Oh.

Well, I'm not the person
you should be talking to.

You need to go see Henry.


MEI: It's ok. There's
nothing to be afraid of.

Come on. Easy now.

Easy boy.

Easy boy.

You're a brave one, aren't you?

Yeah. You're doing well.


- Nathan?
- [GROANS] Ahhh!

I'm all right.

I fell trying to stand up.

You are not going anywhere.


Oh, my shoulder! I
need to check on Newton.

You need to lie down and rest.

I went for another ice pack.

What... what about Newton?

Elizabeth will report back.

Here you go.

Do you know how to ride a horse?

No, but I'd like to learn how.

Well, I know how.

Maybe I could teach you someday.


Why is that funny?

Opal told me all about
you knowing how to ride.

Before you teach me maybe
you should take some lessons.

Yeah, that's probably a good idea.


Come on in.

I gotta get that fixed.

Um, I realized we haven't really spoken

since you came back from your trip.

How was it?

It was good.

I got to see Christopher.

He and Rachel, it looks like
they're gonna get married.

Henry, that's wonderful!

I'm delighted.

Elizabeth, I...

I know that you and Abigail
write regularly so...

It meant more to her
than you'll ever know

that you drove out to see her.


Looks as though we've
got ourselves a new mayor.

Should we go see?

Henry, there's just one other thing.

I was hoping you might
talk to my students

about your fight at the saloon.

It's all they can talk about

and I'd like to impress upon them that-

Slugging it out is no way
to solve your problems.

I just... I don't know
if I'm the right person

to school anybody on being a peacemaker.

I can think of one person in particular

who would beg to differ.

Shall we?

- Well...
- BOTH: May the best man win.

We need to discuss Cooper.

He doesn't want to attend church.



I hope we're not in for another recount.

After a good night's rest...

And enumerating the ballots once more

we are confident that
Hope Valley now has

a duly elected mayor.

And the winner is...

Mayor Mike Hickam.

- Huh?
- ROSEMARY: Mike Hickam!



I mean, way to go, Mike!


Mike? Where is Mike?

Uh-huh. Already a lame duck.

Woo-hoo! I won!

I can't believe it, I won!

I came by to say congratulations
on a hard-fought campaign,

and I hope that we can get
past any ill will between us

so that we can get down
to the serious business

of this town's future.

Ok. Well, there's work to be done.

I can't believe it!

I won! Woo-hoo!

Why wouldn't Coop come to me?

He never wants to disappoint you.

When you were asked
to pastor this church,

just like your first church,

we agreed, as a family,
this was all our calling.

Not only yours.

And you told Coop that he
needs to attend Sunday service

with the rest of us.

I told him we'd discuss it.

Cooper is growing up. Questioning.

I believe that's why he's acting out.

Not everyone's as strong in their faith.

I have my own questions, my own fears.

The same goes for him.

What will folks think?

Me up in the pulpit, my
own son nowhere to be seen?

That's not anyone's concern.

That would be between Cooper and God.

You wanna give Sunday sermon?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Is that for me?

Actually, no, it's for Nathan.

Oh, that's very thoughtful of you.

Well, he shouldn't get used to it.

I don't want it to melt, so...

Go on.

Mei? Hi, I'm Elizabeth Thornton.

Robert's told me all about you.

Oh, all good things, I hope.


I happened to see you helping Newton.

I didn't want to interrupt so
I left without saying anything.

Accidents can lead to trauma in
animals the same as with people.

I only needed to show
Newton that I understood.

Well, I just wanted to say thank you.

And if you understand
people the way you do animals

I'm sure you'll be making
friends here in no time.

I, uh, I forgot a spoon.

Lucas, that's my fault.

Scooping ice cream isn't my strong suit.

Thanks, Mei.


Yes, he is.


Well, you certainly
haven't lost your appetite.

It's delicious.

So, when do you get sprung?

Faith said probably next week.

Although she said I won't
be riding for a while.

We'll see about that.

All right.


- Uh, Lucas?
- Yeah?

- Forget it.
- No, no, what is it?

Would you get me some more ice cream?

Sure. Why not?

You don't have to.

If this is about guilt,
you don't have to.


Yeah, about Elizabeth.

I don't have any guilt.


You shouldn't. I mean,
I know I wouldn't.

Nathan, let's be clear
about this. I really don't-

I get it. No guilt.

Two scoops this time.

All right.

- Hey, Lucas?
- Yes.

A cone.

You got it.



Look, when it comes to the mines

Jerome doesn't blame
you for what happened.

He doesn't blame me?

Well, I'm delighted to hear that.

Look, I should have waited
to hear what you had to say

about the matter.

Instead, I headed for San Francisco,

I saw the opportunity to put
together a big business deal

and I lost sight of everyone else.

I apologize, Henry.


Thank you for telling me.

You're right.

We can't lose sight of the
people involved in this.



For me?

No, for little Jack. If you approve.

I approve.

But this one is for you.

Thank you.


Oh, Lee, we're so sorry.


Oh, it's all right.

The people have spoken.

I voted for Bill.

I voted for Lee.

That's how Lee and Bill split
the vote Hickam became mayor.

I'm sorry.

Why does everybody keep saying that?

Well, this was important to you.

It was, it really was.

I just felt like I'd
found my purpose, you know?

And it still might be.
You could run again.

The wind has gone out
of my sails, sweetheart.

Give yourself a couple days.

I know you. You'll feel better.


But right now, if you don't mind,

I would like to hear
your acceptance speech.

No, you wouldn't.

Yes, I would.

- Really?
- Really.

It just so happens I have it right here.

Of course you do.


I think you should read it.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I know. I had a lot of ideas.


But I think, I think if you just
read the last paragraph that...

that kinda sums it up.



I'd like to thank my wife, Rosemary,

who has helped me to be better,

do more, dream bigger, and
best of all, to never give up.

You're all doing such lovely work.

And being so quiet. Thank you.

Oh, thank you very much.

Oh, how sweet, Opal.

You two must have worked
very hard on these.

All right, everyone.

Shall we get back to
our long division now?


Mr. Gowen.

What a nice surprise.

I'm not very good at long division,

I'm afraid I can't help.

Look, I understand that
some of you are curious about

the fight that I got in, in the
saloon, so I'm here to say...

Don't fight!

Mr. Gowen.

Are you sure there isn't
anything else you'd like to say?

Listen to your teacher.

Nothing else to add?

Eat your vegetables?

You still gave that man a good
sock in the nose, right Mr. Gowen?

- Cooper!
- That's enough now, Cooper.

Look, if we hurt one another
we all just end up in pain.

Thank you, Mr. Gowen.

That is a very important lesson.

Boys and girls?

CLASS: Thank you, Mr. Gowen.


Now then...

If your investors decide to buy me out,

you and they will have to
contend with Henry Gowen.

Should they vote he stays on.

I can't say that I would
recommend that notion.

Henry made this company.

It would be ill-advised
not to retain him.

His tenure with Pacific Northwest Mining

was quite some time ago
and yet he's still the same

bellicose and quarrelsome
man I knew back then.

Well, that mining disaster,
all those men's lives,

is still very fresh in his mind.

Your concern doesn't put you

in any better position
to leverage a deal.

We both know that this is a fair offer.

Do what's right. Reach out to Henry.

This is only the second poultice
and he's looking better already.

Well, I'm impressed.

And not only with how
quickly you gained his trust.

I can be better at communicating
with animals than with people.

I'm a bit headstrong and plain spoken

and that hasn't always served me well.

Well, I like people
that are plain spoken.

I understand you're a constable.

A forensic inspector.

You're also an attorney and a judge.

I am.

I could use some help.

- Are you in trouble?
- I don't think so.

Not yet, at least.

Well, that's not very plain spoken.

Can we talk about this another time?

Of course. Whenever you're ready.

Thank you.

Where were you, anyway?

When they announced I'd won?

I was helping a neighbor
round up some cows

that had gotten loose.

But if I'm being completely honest...

I was also trying to avoid Henry.

As I was leaving work yesterday

I looked up at my Nichols & Dimes sign.

The sign that's supposed to remind me

to always treat people
with respect and kindness.

So, I went and apologized to Henry.

Told him everything
from start to finish.

How did that go?

He actually thanked me for
reminding him what's important.

Well, that settles it for me.

I have been thinking about
my responsibilities as mayor,

and to avoid any conflict of interest,

I've decided I should step down
from running Gowen Petroleum

and sell all my shares in the company.


But I'd rather give those shares to you.

Oh, no, Mike, you can't.

If you decide to sell them
later we'll settle up then.

But the company needs you, Fiona,

for the exact reason
you went to see Henry.

This is a new day for both of us.

Lee, are you sitting down?

Of course you're sitting down.

It occurred to me upon realizing
how much work I have to do

that I would like you
to consider becoming

the managing editor of the Valley Voice.

Oh, sweetheart, that is really
very sweet of you but um...

I think it's like you said.

I just
- I need a couple days and I'll be fine.

Lee, you see how swamped I am
and I still don't have a staff,

and besides, you don't even
know what a managing editor does.

Well, do you know?

He supervises the day-to-day
operation of the publication.


And the best part?

He reports to the editor in chief.

Hmm. What does he report?

Anything he likes.

Oh, I do like the sound of
that. I like that very much.

Are you serious, though?

I'm very serious.


Mrs. Coulter...

I accept.

Come here.

... And with the pipeline carrying oil

directly to the rail depot,
output will only increase.

Very smart.

Well, that was all Mike Hickam's idea.


But you've always known how
to get the best from your men.

Well, perhaps too much.

This mine must serve
as a constant reminder

of what happened.

I'm sorry that your
warnings went unheeded.

In fact, it was my reason
for departing from PNW.

It was always profit first.


You really are the same, Henry Gowen.


Oil is the future of this country

and if my investors do come in

you'll regret not being
part of things, Henry.

So, what do you say?

I'll consider it.

We should get back.

You wouldn't want to miss your train.

Thank you.

And not a single punch thrown.

Well, I thought about it.

It would seem that I
can't quite outrun my past.

I need to see what I can do to fix it.


Beep beep!

Where're you going?

I'm not sure yet.

Well, you're certainly
in a rush to get there.


This is an unexpected surprise.

NED: Frankly, we feel
that we have been mislead.

My intention wasn't to mislead anyone.

You corresponded with me by
letter posing as your husband.

Everything else I wrote was the truth.

About myself, about my
qualifications as a pharmacist.

Yes, but you omitted the fact...


Oh, if you're busy...

I'll be right there, Bill.

Would you have hired me if
you had known I was a woman?

I tried to stand up only
to fall and hit my head.

A couple more whacks and
I'll be as good as new,

if not better.



Thank the class for me.

They're worried about you...

And Newton.

Yeah, I'm worried about Newton.

No, don't be.

Mei Tsu, the new pharmacist,

she's been taking very good care of him.

Newt wouldn't even let me touch him.

He's always been a
good judge of character.

Is this how things are gonna
be between us from now on?

Well, probably.

For a little while, anyway.

Ah, I'm sorry to interrupt, but-

No, you're just in time.

Things were just about to
get unpleasant between us.

Visiting hours are over.

Oh, I only wanna pass along
this letter Ned gave me.

It's from Allie.

She must miss you.

I miss her.

All right then.

Uh, one last thing...

Here you go, Mountie, your hat.



Sweetheart, you know what we need?

A new window. Right there.

Uh... oh... ok.

Um, you know what else we need?

We need to modernize.

We're on the threshold
of a new era here.

You really want me to hear
this acceptance speech.

All right, go on. I'm all ears.

No, no, no, no, no, no.
Sweetheart, it's not that.

Listen, sweetheart? I just...


I need to talk to you
about the newspaper.

You're standing in front of my window.

What will become my window.


Oh, ah, ah, ah!

Allow me.

Valley Voice, Leyland
Coulter, managing editor.


Um... hello?

Valley Voice, Leyland
Coulter, managing editor.


Aye. Here.

Well, you can't be wrong this time.

Valley Voice, Leyland
Coulter, managing editor.

Um, yep.

Just one minute.

It's for you.

Rosemary Coulter here.

Yes, just let me grab a pencil.


I do, I fully support you.

But you don't agree.

I'm not as convinced as you are,

but if you want Cooper in church...

Would you give him the
choice to not go to school?

I just think he may need to come
to that understanding on his own.


It feels like I'm flying!

It's sort of like riding a horse.

Right now I'm more worried about

Angela and that boy than I am Coop.


Loaning Jesse and Clara's bike
to Robert was an inspired idea.

Well, I thought so.

You're so good with kids, you know that?

You would have made a great mother.

And you a father.

I'm just so happy that
we have each other.

Amen to that, Lee Coulter.

I know this isn't your usual routine,

attending Sunday services.

It's time to spend with you and Jack.

And that is one big little moment.

JOSEPH: Good morning, Hope Valley. Wow.

CONGREGATION: Good morning.

JOSEPH: Well, before
we sing our next hymn

I'd like to speak about the
reason we gather like this.

It's why I thought it essential
to put a bell in the steeple.

To remind us all of the common
calling to come together.

The bible says forsake not
the assembling of yourselves.

God created us for
fellowship. For friendship.

And not just in church.

In marriages, in families,
in communities such as ours.

It's good.

It's important that we
encourage one another,

especially during the hard times.

Times of change, like
those that lay ahead.

Hope Valley won't stay the same forever.

That's why we should enjoy and
cherish it while we're able.

Mayor Hickam, is there
something you'd like to add?

What you said.


All righty then.

♪ Oh, they tell me of a
home far beyond the skies, ♪

♪ Oh, they tell me of
a home far away... ♪

I hope you enjoy my book.

Your book is flying off the shelf.

[NARRATOR] Next Sunday on an
all-new "When Calls the Heart."

Have you read Elizabeth's book?

No, I haven't.

I couldn't put it down.

You've recently had your
heart flouted. Don't be hasty.

In the book,

do you know whether or
not the Mountie is...

Based on Nathan?

I'm not looking for a new courtship,

and I don't have a flouted heart.

[NARRATOR] "When Calls
the Heart," is all-new,

next Sunday night at
, only on Hallmark.

Where love happens.