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Dogtown 2 (2021)

Posted: 03/14/22 19:56
by bunniefuu
[Narrator] Welcome to
Dog Town the funniest

and friendliest place ever.

Dog Town is full of
cute little animals.

Meet our two best buds,
Bob Wags and Chester Burt.

Bob is the son of Dog
Town's Mayor, Jack Russell.

Jack has his sights set
on being Dog Town's mayor

for a fourth term
and Bob and Chester

wanna help him get reelected.

There's just one tiny problem.

Bob is a good boy,

but he's also not the
brightest bulb in the box.

Let's listen in.

Oh, I can't
believe it, Chester.

My dad has a chance to
become Dog Town's Mayor

for the fourth time.

You must be very proud of him.

Yep, I am.

I hope one day I can be smart
enough to become a mayor.

Mayor of what, Dog Town?

Hmm, I may-or may not.

[Bob laughing]

If you were Mayor of Dog
Town, what would you do?

The first thing I would
do you stop Roosters

- from running for Mayor.
- Roosters?

Why Roosters

Well, I once heard

that you should never
trust a polo chicken.

You know, Bob, you
never cease to amaze me.

[Chester laughing]

- Hey, I was thinking.
- Oh-oh.

Why, oh-oh?

Every time you start thinking,

we end up in some weird mess.

I may regret this but
what are you thinking?

I was thinking that
we should help my dad

- with his champagne.
- Campaign.

We can help with that too.

No, absolutely not.

For, how come?

Don't you remember
your last scheme

to help with your
dad's campaign?

Yeah, everyone loved it.

Dude, you tried convincing
everyone in Dog Town

to only use something called
mayonnaise on their treats.

What was wrong with that?

Bones and mayonnaise?



Bones and mayonnaise don't mix.

It made the bones too slippery.

Not to mention, it
would get everywhere.

To this day, every time
I get a whiff of eggs

I start having flashbacks.

Well, I'll admit the
general idea had a few kinks,

but it was memorable, wasn't it?


But not for the right reasons.

[Chester chuckling]

Okay, how about this?

Let's go ask my dad and
if he gives us the okay,

we start working on ideas.




Come on.

- Nada.
- Please, pretty please.

With kibble on top.

I'll be your best friend.

You already are
my best friend.

So you'll do it then?

[Chester sighing]


But only if your
dad says it's okay.

[Bob cheering]

[Bob barking]

I am so gonna regret this.

[Narrator] Our
two buddies decide

to go and visit Mayor Jack

at his Dog Town
headquarters, where all

of Dog Towns decisions are made.

Jack is just
finishing up a meeting

with his neighborhood
watchdogs, Mugs,

Fleas and Larry Bones.

How did last
night's paltrow go?

Not a creature was stirring.

Not even a mouse.

- Um, Mugs?
- Ur?

That's a line from
an old holiday story.

It is?

Ooh, where did I learn that?

Story or not, Mugs is right.

This old junkyard was fast
asleep, except us, of course.

We had a job to do.

Yeah, we didn't
curl up on any pillows

or take naps or nothing.

Did I say that right, Larry?

That's what you told
me to say, right?

Oh, button your lip, Mugs.


No naps, huh?

Maybe just a little one.

No, I thought we took four.

Shut up.

Shutting up.

[laughs] What am I
gonna do with you two?

You can give us more bones.

Bones, bones, bones [munching].

Bones, bones, bones.

You both already get
two rubrics a week.


I only get one.

That's right and I
count them out evenly.

One for you two for me.

See, even.

- But, um...
- Quiet.


[laughs] You guys
are gonna have to work

that out with each other.

I've gotta start planning the
campaign of my fourth term.

Is Bob gonna
help you this time?

I hope he doesn't ask.

He's my good boy and I love him

but he always ends
up causing chaos.

He has such a good heart though.

Yeah, remember that one
Halloween when the junkyard

was being haunted by the ghost
of Frenchie the frightening?

That was amazing.

Frenchie hated going to the vet.

Yeah, that's why he
stopped haunting us.

Bob wouldn't leave him alone.

[Larry laughing]

He's a good boy.

All right, guys, it's time
for me to get back to business.

This campaign isn't
gonna run itself.

Good luck, Mayor Jack.

See ya soon.

Yes, tomorrow
night is your paltrow

and no napping this time.

[birds singing]

[happy music]

[Narrator] Mayor Jack
was just sitting down

to get to work on
a campaign plan

when all of a sudden
there was a knock

at his headquarters door.

Hiya, Pop.

Hello, my boy.

Hi, Mayor Russell.

Chester, I've known you
since you were in the litter.

You can call me Jack.

Okay, Mayor Jack.

I guess that'll
have to do [laughs].

Hey, Pop, we have an
amazing opportunety for you.

What's an opportunety?

He means, opportunity.


- That's what I said.
- Yep, sure, go on.

- As I was saying-
- Oh boy.

Chester and I were
talking and we figured

that we should be helping you

with your memorial campaign.


Oh, that too.

That's very kind of you guys,

but what what is it
that you want to do?

We wanna make sure that
the good name of Mayor Jack

is on the tips of
everyone's wagging tongues.

I have all kinds of ideas.

First we can-

- You can actually do
something for me right now

that would be a huge help.

Well, tell me and it's done.

I have to prep for my
appearance on Dog Towns

highest rated TV
show, Doggone News

with Mrs. Dots and Miss. Daisy.

Do you think you could run

and make sure my
water bowls are full?

I'm on it, like rye on rice

on a paper plate,
in a snow storm.

Okay, he's gone.

Chester, what are we gonna do?

I know he just wants to help

but you know how
ridiculous things can get

when he's busy doing things.

Don't I know it.

That gives me an idea though.

How about you think of
something for Bob to do

that I can help him with
that would be impossible

for him to accomplish.

But if he doesn't
accomplish it,

he'll feel like he let me down.

I don't wanna him to feel bad,

but I also don't want
to hurt his feelings.

No worries, when
it comes time for him

to accomplish this impossible
task, we'll work around it

and tell him that he did it.

Do you think that would work?

Do you want another mayor-naise
incident on your paws?


Great idea, Chester.

[shushing] Here he comes.

All done.

Awesome, son, thanks.

- As I was saying first we-
- Oh no, oh no.

Oh no, oh no.

What's the matter, Mayor Jack?

Yeah, what gives, Pops?

I just realized
something awful is missing.

I can't believe it's lost.

It must be found.

What's missing?

My lucky Frisbee.

Not the lucky Frisbee?

You know about my
dad's lucky for Frisbee?

Of course.

Don't you?

Well, yeah, I was just
surprised that you did.

I've had that Frisbee
with me every day

since I've been Mayor.

I can't possibly win a
fourth term without it.

Don't worry, Dad.

Me and Chester are on the case.

Oh, thank dog.

Oh, I mean, thank you.

Yes, don't worry about
anything, Mayor J, we've got this.

Just concentrate on
doing everything else

you're supposed to
be doing and stuff.

Before you go, Dad, what's
the Frisbee look like.

And where did you last see it?

It's blue with a red
fire hydrant in its center.

The last time that I saw it,

I was with Double-B,
Bartholomew Barkenbond

at the Junkyard Antenna.

Roger that.

Come on, Chester,
we've got a date

with Dog Town's
greatest inventor.

[happy music]

[Narrator] Bob thinks
he's on an important quest

to find his dad's lost Frisbee

when in fact Chester is just
trying to help keep Bob busy

so that he can't screw
up Mayor Jack's campaign.

Our adventure takes them to
visit one of Dog Town's craziest

and most brilliant minds.

Double-B to Zorkin,
come in Zorkin.

Double-B to Zorkin, do you have
your antenna on, come back.

Hey, Double-B, who
are you talking to?

It's my buddy
Zorkin from Uranus.

This here antenna's
strong enough

to reach deep into the galaxy,

allowing me to
contact alien worlds.

Well, yeah, how's that
working out for you?

I'm still trying to figure
out the whole time difference

between here and Uranus.

But I'm not sure if
it's day or night there.

Does the sun ever
shine on Uranus?

I'm not sure.

It could be dark there
all year, who knows?

Anyway, what can I do
for you fine fellas?

We're trying to
solve a mystery.

A mystery, you say?

Ooh, maybe I can
be of some help.

We're looking for
Mayor J's lucky Frisbee.

Yes, it's blue.

Have you seen it?

Mayor J said that the
last time he saw it,

he was here at the
Junkyard Antenna.

Hmm, I remember
seeing Mayor J here

but I'm not remembering
the Frisbee.

You know, I do however,
remember going to Alpos Diner

with the Mayor, maybe
he left it there.

That's as good of a
place to look as any.

Plus, bonus, I'm hungry.

Thanks, Bartholomew
and good luck

with figuring out the
Uranus time differences.

[happy music]

[Narrator] After
coming up empty

at the Junkyard Antenna base,

Bob and Chester follow
their next set of clues

to downtown Dog Towns
hottest eatery Alpos Diner.

I'm telling you, Mugs,
If what we heard is true,

there's no way that I'm
voting for Mayor Jack.

Like no way.

Yeah, ooh, like
no way and stuff.

If you're talking about my
dad losing his lucky Frisbee,

don't worry, Chester
and I are on the case.

Nope, a missing lucky Frisbee
is the least of our worries.

Oh, what's the trouble?

Barney Lockjaw
was just in here

and he told us that if
Mayor Jack gets reelected,

he's gonna plow over
most of Dog Town

and have a huge, super mega
major postal palace built.

Yeah, and where
does post offices

there's also a
butchers arch enemy.

- Postal workers.
- Fleas.

I mean I'm a postal workers.

That can't be true.

Why in the world would
Mayor J do such a thing?

Yeah, my dad's a good guy.

He'd never do
anything like that.

That would be totally awful.

I don't know, man.

Barney seemed pretty convinced.

Yeah, he said that he's voting

for Sir Rich Carbs the turd.

Oh, that pampered
pup, all he cares about

is how many bones
he has in his bank.

Did someone say bones.

So lovely, tasty,
crunch, delicious bones.

Well snap out of it,
Larry, this is serious.

Come on, fellas, you know
my dad better than this.

He's the bestest boy.

There's gotta be some kind

of mis-combunction-cation.


Oh, yeah, one of those too.

I wouldn't worry about it.

My dad has never
led Dog Town down.

I hope so, Bob.

Still I'm keeping my
ears up and alert.

The last thing we
need around Dog Town

is more postal workers.


Yeah, yuk.

Shut up, Mugs.

Yeah, shut up, Mugs.

Wait, I'm, ur...

[Narrator] Bob and Chester
find out some alarming news.

Could Mayor Jack really be
planning to turn Dog Town

into a huge, super mega
major postal palace?

Something could be amiss in
the land of fur and kisses.

I'm telling you, Bob, I
don't like this one bit.

It sounds like somebody's
playing dirty pool.

What does this have
to do with swimming?

Are you still mad about
that one time I was swimming

and couldn't get to a
fire hydrant, so I pooped?

No, I'm not talking
about that at all.

Dirty pool isn't
actually a dirty pool.

It's a figure of speech.

Meaning somebody is looking
to do your dad dirty.

Someone's looking to
poop in my dad's pool?

[sighs] Nevermind.

This might be just
an isolated incident

or maybe Larry and
Mugs heard wrong.

Yeah, maybe.

If we hear anything
else about this,

we're gonna have to
abandon the search

for the lucky Frisbee
and let him know

about this latest mess.

I agree.

So we didn't learn
anything at Alpos Diner.

Yeah and I didn't even
get to have a snack.

Where do you think that
we should go next, Chester?

You know, I think
it's about time

that we pay a visit to the
most trustworthy fellow

in all of Dog Town.

Fleabag at the bone bank
and storage facility.

Hey, I've always wondered

how come someone named
Fleabag ended up being

the most trusted
pooch in Dog Town?

I mean everybody,
including Larry,

trusts him with their bones.

[Larry] Did
somebody say bones?

Because Chester's
a vegetarian.

He grew up in a commune
in San Francisci, man.

He has no interest in bones.

Ooh, that makes sense.

Let's head on over.

Maybe he's heard something

or he seen my dad's
lucky Frisbee.

[birds singing]

[Narrator] The next stop
in our adventure is a trip

to see the hippest dude in
all of Dog Town, Fleabag.

[happy music]

Hey man, like numb
Stena, you know, cool.

Hey, Fleabag.

Hiya, Fleabag.

So what brings you
righteous cats to my crib?

[gasps] Cats?


Let me at 'em.

[Bob barking]

Oh, chill, bruh.

I didn't mean cats as in feline,

I meant cats as in righteous
dudes who like to chill.

You know?

Yeah, you know.

We're looking for Mayor
Jack's lucky Frisbee.

He lost it.

Have you seen it?

Ah, dude, major buzzkill
losing you're lucky Frisbee

is like major party
foul, you know?

Now the other stuff I heard,

kind of makes a
little more sense, yo.

It's all part of the trip.

What trip?

Dude, I heard like
your dad, he's gonna

sell our Dog Town
to the post office.

At first I was like, nah.

Then I was like, brah.

Now I'm like, ah.


Ah, short for a-ha, you know.

Now the citch is like crystal.

Mayor J is turning Dog
Town into a postal annex

so that he can get replacement
Frisbee's quick-fast,

in a hurry from that
online shop, Pet Cetera.

- He is?
- Who is?

- My dad?
- The mayor?


What were we
talking about again?

My dad's missing Frisbee.

Oh yeah, right on, man.

The flying thing.

It goes so high.

Who did you hear this from?

From that rich dude.

What's his name, Crabs.


Oh, no carbs for me,
man, I'm a vegetarian.

So wait, Sir Rich Carbs
the third told you this?

Yeah, man.

He heard it from
that Lockjaw dude.

Rich told me that because
Mayor J's a sell-out,

he was gonna run
for Mayor, you know?

Something's really
wrong here, Bob.

What are you saying?

I think that someone is
launching a smear campaign

against your dad
by spreading lies.

Dude, lying is like
the worst party foul.

Like ever, you know.

Come on, Bob,
I think it's time

that we go find
either Barney or Rich.

See you later, Flea.

Namaste, my fellow woofsters.


[Narrator] Something definitely
smells rotten in Dog Town.

And it isn't just because
Fleabag hasn't taken a bath

in three years.

Will Bob and Chester
find Rich or Barney

and get to the bottom of this?

It's a good thing that we
won't have to wait long

to find out because our heroes

have just run into the
self-described pride of the litter,

Sir Rich Carbs the third.

[happy music]

Hello, Rich.

Hi, Rich.

Um, sorry, I don't
talk to the help.

If you need
something, you'll have

to go through my man,
Barney Lockjaw, okay.

Now run along now.

Um, we're not the help.


We just wanted to ask
you a few questions.

You'll still have
to go through Barney.

I've no time to speak with
anyone without a pedigree.

I'll have, you know,
I am a pure breed

and Bob here is the Mayor's pup.

Oh fine.

If I'm to be Mayor
of Dog Town, I guess

that I may have to associate
with plebeians sooner or later.

I may as well get
used to it now.

Did he just call us beans?

No, he said plebeians.

That means he considers
us lower class.

Hey, that's not fair.

I went to class every day.

Oh, do go on with it then.

What do you want?

Well, you already kind
of answered one question

by saying that you're going
to be running for mayor.

Oh, goodie.

Are we done then?

I'm late for tea with
Francesca D. Poodle.

The supermodel?

The one and the same.

Nevermind that.

What I want to know is
where did this rumor

about Mayor Jack
bulldozing Dog Town

to make room for a
post office come from?

Oh, that was Barney's idea.

Drone as it is, he thinks
that if Dog Towns residents

believe that hodgepodge,
I'll have no trouble

being elected mayor.

So you wanna be in
charge, is that it?

Oh my dear simpleton.

I don't want to be in charge,
I was born to be in charge.

Barney's ruse is just
a means to an end

to be enforced only
because Mayor Jack

is so beloved amongst the
lower mutts such as yourselves.

So you're not even going
to deny that he's lying?

You're just admitting it?

Sometimes you need
to chew a few bones

to make your teeth
exceptionally sharp.

I've no regrets as I am
here for the greater good.

Oh yeah, well and you
won't get away with this.

Get away with it?

I'm a certified pure bread
with enough bones in the bank

to construct a
dinosaur laden diorama

of the most elegant kind.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that he's wealthy.

And now he's looking to
buy himself some power

just because he
thinks he deserves it.

Barney is just his lackey.

Tusk, tusk.

There you are wrong,
my filthy friend.

The world is my lackey.

[Rich laughing]

See you at the
Mayoral inauguration.


You know something, Chester.


I really don't like that guy.

Me neither.

I think that we should
go warn your dad.

He probably has no idea
all of this is going on.

Good idea, Chester,
let's get running.

[birds singing]

[Narrator] Bob and
Chester sprint back

to Mayor Jacks Junkyard
headquarters to warn him

about the trouble
that's brewing.

Whoa, back so soon?

Did you find my lucky Frisbee?

No, Dad, [pants] we
ran all the way here

because we have something
important to tell you [pants].

Yeah, [pants] I'm just
trying to catch my breath.

I think I may need to
go on a diet [pants].

Something awful is happening.

Oh, come now.

It can't be that bad.

Nothing bad ever
happens around here.

Except maybe for the one time
when the treats went stale

because somebody
[clears throat] Bob

forgot to tighten the lid
on the container [laughs].

No, it's worse than that.

He's not kidding, Mayor J.

Okay, I'm all
ears, lay it on me.

Barney Lockjaw is
going postal with Rich

to make a dirty in your pool.

I have no idea
what you just said.

Like none.

He means that Barney Lockjaw's
scheming with Rich Carbs

to cheat you out of the
election by spreading lies.

Oh really, what kind of lies?

Barney is going around
town telling everyone

that you're planning to
have Dog Town bulldogged.


That's what I said.

Hey, he's telling people
you're gonna bulldoze

doggy Dog Town to
make room for a huge,

super mega major postal palace.


That can't be.

You guys must have heard wrong.

He's telling the
truth, Mayor J.

Barney wants to get Rich
elected to take your place.

Why would he want to do that?

I've known Barney since we
were in the kennel together.

You had to have heard wrong.

- But-
- Now, now, Bob,

this wouldn't be the
first time you sent me off

on a wild goose chase
over nothing at all.

- But-
- And as for you, Chester,

I'm surprised at you.

You're usually the more
level-headed of the two of you.

I cannot believe you'd
go along with this.

- But, Dad, I'm-
- That's it not another word.

I'm on the afternoon
edition of Doggone News

and I've a million things to do.

Please try and help
by not bringing me

ridiculous stories
to worry about.

A huge, super mega major
postal palace in Dog Town.

[Mayor Jack scoffing]

[Narrator] Meanwhile, on
the other side of Dog Town

the co-host up Doggone
News, Mrs. Dots

is getting an ear
full of misinformation

from Rich and company.

[mischievous music]

And as your new
mayor, I'll make sure

that there will be a fire
hydrant on every corner,

a full bowl of food
at every restaurant

and fresh kibbles showered
across the town every Sunday.

And of course, extra
bones for you, Larry.

[Larry cheering]

Bones, bones, bones.

Yes, oh, fresh
kibble Sunday's.

Sign me up.

That sounds wonderful and all

but what makes you so sure
that you're going to win, Rich?

Didn't you hear, Mrs. Dots?

Hear what?

Mayor Jack is planning
to sell out Dog Town

to the post office.


Alas, I do not mean to
benefit from the shortcomings

or miss dealings of others.

That really doesn't
sound like something

the Mayor would do.

Are you sure?

The word is all over town.

Which is precisely
why I've decided

to throw my hat into
the mayoral race.

Can I quote you on that, Rich?

You can quote me on
my campaign promises.

As for the things that
scoundrel of a Mayor is up to,

I'd rather not sully my paws
with political mudslinging.

Heaven forbid.

We're having the Mayor on
Doggone News later today,

we'll be sure to bring it up.

Thanks for the hot tip.

Just doing my part
to make sure Dog Town

stays a litter oriented
place that it's always been.

This episode of Doggone
News is gonna be amazing.

[Narrator] The
moment has come.

The TV event of the day,
Doggone News Afternoon Edition

is about to start with Mayor
Jack as the special guest.

Little does he
suspect the bombshell

that's about to
be dropped on him.

Live from Arnold
Schnauzernager Studios

in sunny, downtown Dog Town,
it's time for Doggone News,

Afternoon Edition with
your hosts, Dot and Daisy.

[upbeat music]
[audience applauding]

Hello, Dog Town.

I am Mrs. Dot.

And I'm Miss. Daisy
and welcome to...

[Both] Doggone News.

It's the start of
another busy week.

How was your weekend, Daisy?

I spent the whole of
Saturday at the groomers

getting my nails done
and my teeth clean.

Can you see them
sparkle [laughs]?

How about you?

I lazed around watching
my favorite TV soap opera,

As The Bowl Fills, starring
heartthrob Squeak Vanderpup.

Oh, how frisky.

What's on the agenda
for today, Dots?

Today, we have a very
special guest on the show.

He's been the Mayor of Dog Town
for three consecutive terms

and is running for reelection
for his fourth term.

You mean?

That's right.

Mayor Jack Russell.

Good afternoon, Dots.

Hey-ho, Daisy.

Thanks for having
me on the show.

It's always a pleasure.

The pleasure is ours
as always, Mayor J.

How are things at your
headquarters, Mayor J?

I'm sure it's
buzzing around there

with the election looming.

Things are always
busy around here

but rest assured my staff
and I are laser focused

on keeping Dog
Town, the fuzziest

and friendliest place
in the universe.

Oh really?

How are things coming
with your new plans

for a huge, super mega
major postal palace?

Moving right along.

Wait, what?

So you don't deny it then?



That's right, folks, an
exclusive breaking Doggone News,

it's come to our
attention that if elected

Mayor Jack will be
using his fourth term

to bulldoze the
majority of Dog Town

to make room for a huge, super
mega major postal palace.

Ah, um, ah...


Shame on you, Mayor Jack.

Turning our lovely town into
a nest of postal workers.

I can almost hear
myself growling already.


- It's a good thing that
Sir Rich Carbs the third

is also running from
mayor against you

or else Dog Town would be lost.

What did Rich
promise again, Dots?

During an exclusive interview,

Rich told me and I
quote, as our new mayor,

he'll you make sure that
there will be a fire hydrant

on every corner, a filled bowl
of food at every restaurant

and fresh kibble showered
across the town every Sunday.

Oh, how dreamy.

Would you care
to reply, Mayor J?

Mayor J?

You-hoo, Mayor J?

Ah, ur, um.

Oh, ur...

And just like that,
we're out of time

for this afternoon
edition of Doggone News.

How could...


Tune in later for
the evening edition

for an update on the
mayoral situation.

But, um, poop...

See you later.

[Narrator] Mayor Jack
was left dumbstruck

by the surprise line of
questioning on Doggone News.

And all of Dog Town is now
buzzing about his appearance.

In case you're wondering,
the buzz is not good.

Well, the cat's
out of the bag now.


Ooh, where, ooh, let me at him.

No numb skull, it's
a figure of speech.

Oh, figure of speech.

That figures.

Button your lip.

Buttoning my lip.

You know something.

Oh, whoops, you can speak.


I kind of feel
bad for Mayor J.

Getting blindsided like that.

Either he didn't expect
that or it's not true.

Or he was caught red-pawed.

I'm not sure which.

Well maybe there are
some alternative facts

floating around that are
leading to fake news.

Could the mayoral
election be rigged?

Now you really
sound like a buffoon.

There's no such thing as
alternative facts, pudding head.

Hush up.

Still, something isn't
sitting right about this.

Maybe we should go
and visit Big Benny.

The elephant of Dog Town?


Elephants are smarter
than the average animal.

I'm sure he's got something
to say about all this.

And usually Benny's
right on the dough.

Oh, Big Benny makes pizza?

Is that how that
dough gets so flat?

You know, 'cause
he stands on it.


I know, I know [laughs].

Shut up.

Come on, you lunk-head,
let's go and see what he says.

[Narrator] After seeing
Mayor Jack's reaction

to the Doggone News, Larry
may be seeing through Barney

and Rich's scheme the
takeover Dog Town.

To confirm their
suspicions, they head over

to talk with one of Dog Towns
wisest residents, Big Benny.

[happy music]

Hey, Benny.

Hello, Benny.

What's up, bambinos?

So, did you
watch Doggone News?

I sure did.

I no like it.

Do you believe it?

I just say that I no like it.

It's, ur, how do you say, poop.

You don't believe it then?

Not a word.

I know from my days at the
circus when a story's not true,

my ringmaster,
what was his name?

Oh yeah, Foustoos

he was always telling the
lies all of the day long.

Lies lies, lies.

That's a lot of lying.

That's why I,
ur, how do you say?

I escaped the circus.

The lies were piling up
too high to see the truth.

I tell you this.


- This.
- What?

Shut uppa your face
and I'm gonna say it.

Mayor J, he's a good boy.

That Rich guy, he's no good.

He's the bad one.

I can smell the lie
and he stinks like, ur,

how do you say, a garbage dump.

Somebody gotta put a stop
to him before it's too late.

And Dog Town loses it's
best mayor it's ever had.

Don't trust the crook.

You know what, Benny,
I think you're right.

Yeah, you're right.

We were the first ones to buy

what Barney and
Rich were saying.

I think that we caused
part of this problem.

Yeah, it's all our fault.

Shut up.

Shutting up.

Well, if you make mess,
you gotta use the broom.

Yeah, I think we need to
start doing some damage control.

Thanks, Benny.

Come on, Mugs.

Ciao, bambinos.

[Narrator] Meanwhile,
back at Mayor Jack's place,

things are looking pretty
grim for the Mayor.

[worrisome music]

It's okay, Dad.

I'm ruined, finished, caput.

No, you're not, Mayor J.

I can't believe
this is happening.

I was humiliated on the most
watched national TV series.

Totally caught without a bone.

But none of that
is true, is it?

Of course not,
not a single word.

Well, that means that you
have the truth on your side.

A lot of good that will do me

when everyone thinks
I'm a villain.

No one thinks you're
an outright villain.

They don't?


At worst, you're just a liar.

A big fat stinky one.


I knew why this is happening.

- You do?
- Sure do.


It's because you've
lost your lucky Frisbee.

- Which is why Chester and I-
- Oh, Bob,

I am a big fat liar.

My lucky Frisbee isn't missing,
I just said that it was

because I didn't
wanna take the chance

of you doing something silly
on your quest to help me.

Wait, you lied to me?

I'm sorry, Bob.

I did.

I thought I'd be keeping
you out of trouble

and in return that would
keep me out of trouble.

The only thing that I did
was make things worse.

I understand, Dad,
but I'm your pup.

You have to learn to trust me.

Sure, I get a little
crazy sometimes,

but I'd never do anything
that would hurt you.

I know, I screwed up.

On top of everything,
you two even came to me

with the truth and I
didn't believe you.

Oh, Mayor J, even
I have to admit

that that situation
sounded super crazy.

I probably wouldn't
have believed us either.

Yeah, but still, this whole
mess is entirely my fault.

I should've trusted you
and Bob from the start.

I should've listened
when you came to me.

It's okay, Pop.

I forgive you.

Yeah, no worries, Mayor J.


You both forgive me?

Of course we do.

You're the bestest boy
in the whole world.

And even more than that,
you're the bestest dad

in the whole wide world.

Oh, I love you both so much.

We love you too.

That's why we're gonna
find a way to fix this.

You bet you are.

Do you really think
this could be fixed?

One of the first
lessons you taught me

was to never give up, remember?

Yes, but how are
you two gonna help me?

You just leave
this to us, Mayor J.

Yeah, we've got this.

What should I do
in the meantime?

You should be getting ready

to accept your
fourth term as mayor.

Because after we teach those
two know-it-alls a lesson,

everyone's gonna owe
you a big apathy.


That's what I said.

Okay, boys, I'm gonna
trust you on this one.

We're not gonna let you down.

- Chester, my bestie.
- Yeah, Bob?

Let's head outside
and formulate our plan.

In the interim, I'll get
busy doing mayor type stuff.

Don't worry, Dad, me and
Chester are on the case.

Thank you, boys.

Yes, don't worry
about anything, Mayor J.

By the time we're
done, you'll have all

of Dog Town standing
right behind you.

Well, some will be sitting,
it's hot out there, you know.

Just be realistic.

Drink lots of fluids.

Copy that.

Come on, Chester,
let's get cooking.

[Narrator] Can Bob and
Chester saved the day?

One thing's for
sure, they totally

have their work
cut out for them.

[happy music]

Okay, we need to come
up with a plan of attract.

You mean attack?

That's what I said.

Where do you think
that we should start?

Let's think.

The easiest way to get
to the bottom of this

is to go straight to its roots.

Oh, boy, I love
digging up stuff

as much as I'd
like burying stuff.

Focus, Bob.

- Focusing.
- Good.

So obviously Barney and Rich
are behind this whole mess.

What could they
possibly have to gain

from your dad
losing the election?

Maybe they're less
concerned with my dad losing

and more concerned
with Rich winning.

You know, Bob, sometimes
you're incredible [chuckles].

What did I do now?

That was a very
smart assertion.

Hey, don't go blaming me,
I didn't insert anything.

No, I mean, that's a good way
of looking at the situation.

If we can figure out why Rich
being mayor will help Bernie,

that we'll know how
we can fix this.

Cheaters never win.

That no good Barney,
what could he want?

Wait, say that again?


That no good Barney,
what could he want?

That's it.

- That's what?
- It.

Oh, I'm confused.

We have heard a lot from
Rich about the situation,

too much even.

And Larry and Mugs told
us that Barney was the one

that told them about this.

So, I don't get where
you're going with this.

So, it's right in front of us.

Where, where, where?

Let me at 'em.

[Bob barking]

Not physically [laughs].

The one person we haven't
personally heard from

in all of this is Barney.

Oh, I see.

And if we find Barney
and talk to him,

maybe we'll learn
how we can fix this.

Exactly [chuckles].

There's only one problem.

What's that?

Even though Barney is
an old friend of my dad's,

I've never met him.

And I have no idea
where he could be.

- That's okay.
- Why?

Because I know exactly
where Barney hangs out.

- You do?
- Yes, sir.

Barney is always coming through
the back alleys of Dog Town

all we have to do is
search the alleys.


How do you do that?

When I was a pup before
we met, Barney used

to send me and my
litter on odd jobs,

like chasing the paper boy.

Paper boy?

How very early '80s
of you [laughs].

Hush [chuckles].

Anyway, when I started
to grow up I realized

that Barney was just a scheming
bully who was always out

to take a shortcut whenever he.

Oh, it sounds like
nothing has changed.

You got that right.

Let's start looking.

I'll bet my favorite bone that
he's around here somewhere.

[Narrator] Bob and
Chester starts searching

the back alleys of
Dog Town looking

for the sneaky dude
known as Barney Lockjaw.

As expected, they didn't have
to work very hard to find him.

Hello, Barney.

What, who?

Oh, if it ain't my
old pal, Chester.

What are you doing
around here, kid?

Looking for you.

Oh, really?

Who's this guy?

Oh, I'm Mayor Jack's son, Bob.

[Barney laughing]

What's so funny?

I'm surprised you or
anyone in your litter

would show your faces after
today's Doggone News incident.

[Barney laughing]

That's exactly what we
wanted to talk to you about.

Oh yeah, well you're
out of luck, kid.

Why's that?

Because I'm smart enough
to keep my trap shut.

You ain't get nothing out of me.

Barney, you started
this and you can stop it.

Why do you wanna see
my dad lose his job?

I don't care if
your dad loses or not.

All I care about is
happens if Rich wins.

And what happens if Rich wins?

Hey, like I said,
I'm not saying nothing.

It's bad enough I
gotta worry about

that wealthy loony tune walking
around constantly blabbing.

My trap staying S-H-U-T, shut.

Trap, where?

Chester, quick, hold me.

Don't worry, Bob, that's
just another figure of speech.

Get a load of Mr.
Chicken [laughs].

No, Bob's no chicken.


He just likes to
throw his target off

before the rough stuff begins.


Wait, I do?

Yes, you do.

Yeah, I do.

Rough stuff or not,

you ain't getting
nothing out of me, kids.

You gotta better chance
of hitting the lottery

than you do getting
info outta me, so scram.

Oh, we'll scram all right.

But know this mister,
this isn't over.

Not by a long shot.

No matter what your scheme is
this time we're gonna stop it.

That's right.

We're going to sh**t your
scheme for a long time.

Or something like that.

You tell him, Chester.

I just did.

Yeah, you did.

Okay, kids, play time's
over, I've got business

to take care of that doesn't
involve messing around

with your nosy pups.

Well, that didn't work.

Actually, it did.

It did?

But he didn't tell us anything.

- Yes he did.
- Huh?

He confirmed exactly what
I was hoping that he would.

That Rich is the one
with the loose lips.

[gasps] Oh, I see.

And loose lips
make stinky ships.



Let's go and see if
we can find Rich.

I have an idea.

[birds singing]

[Narrator] Bob and
Chester head back

to Junkyard headquarters to
begin plotting their next move.

Little did they know
that they'd have company

once they got there.

Mugs and Larry have shown
up to talk to Mayor Jack.

We're sorry, Mayor J.

We fell for Barney
and Rich's story.

Yeah, fell down, go boom.

Hush, Mugs, we're trying to
apologize to the Mayor for us.

I forgive you guys,
but the damage is done.

As soon as Barney told
you that malarkey,

you should've come
straight to me.

I have no idea how we
can possibly fix this.

What's malarkey?

That's old man speak
for untrue nonsense.


I suppose we should
apologize to you too, Bob.

I feel like this
whole thing started

because we were swayed
by those no-good knicks.

Oh, it's okay.

You couldn't have known
it was all macsharkey.

Have you boys made
any headway in terms

of how we can get
the truth out there?

Well, I have a few ideas,
but nothing concrete yet.

[upbeat music]

If only we could get
on the Evening Edition

of Doggone News to let
them know the truth.

Yes, but we'd need proof.

Even if I go and say that
everything Rich was saying

is a lie, if I have no
evidence to back me up,

it's just my word
against theirs.

We tried talking
with Barney to see

if we could get the
truth out of him,

but his mouth was shut tight.

His last name's not
Lockjaw for nothing.

Barney did confirm that Rich
can't keep his mouth shut.

If only we could locate him
again before Doggone News

and get him talking.

Yes, that would be great.

But we have no
way to record him.

Um, that's not exactly true.

- It's not?
- Holy moly, Mugs.

I think I'm thinking
what you're thinking

and that's one big thunk.

One time Larry and me wanted
to record an audition tape

for Dog Town's Got Talent,
but we didn't have a camera.

But Redella, over at
the junk yard power plant

and broadcasting station was
able to record it for us using

the omnidirectional photo
instalenzo metergram.

I'm sure if you guys could
get Rich talking again,

she would be happy to record
the whole thing for ya.

And then once we
have it recorded,

we can go on Doggone
News with the truth

and the Mayor can
even say a few words.

There, problem solved.

Well, not really.


We still don't
know where Rich is.

Oh, soggy bones.

Dad, please.

Oh, such language.

I'm sorry.

I'm just frustrated.

I think I can
help with that too.

Do you know where Rich is?

Every day at five P.M.
he leaves his apartment

in downtown Dog Town to go
have his claws polished.

His place is the only
apartment that's south

of downtown Dog Town.

If you can be
outside at that time,

you'll definitely find him.

What time is it now?

It's 4:15.

Okay, so that gives
us 45 minutes to talk

with Redella and then
head to downtown Dog Town

to get Rich yapping.

Do you all really
think this will work?

It's got to, Dad.

As long as there's still fight
in us, we gotta keep barking.

Well, I must say, I completely
underestimated you, son.

Without you and your friends,
the day would be lost.

I'm very proud of you.

Oh, shucks, Pop.

Nothing to be proud of yet.

Well, let's fix this first

and then we can
climb our own trees.

I don't have any
idea what that means.

I mean, cats climb
trees, not dogs, right?

Yeah, but we'll be the
ones barking up them.

Whatever you
say, Bob [laughs].

Let's do this.

[Narrator] With a plan in
place, our heroes hurry over

to the junkyard power plant
and broadcasting station

to meet with another of the
few non-canine residents

of Dog Town, Redella,
the sassy southern snail.

[happy music]


Hey, Redella?

Where are you, Red?

Hay, y'all, I'm right here.

Well, down here, I'm not as
tall as you folks, remember?

True, but your brain and
heart are bigger than anyone's.

Flattery will get you
everywhere, honeysuckle [laughs].

Oh good, because
we need your help.

Oh, what's going on?

Did you watch the afternoon
edition of Doggone News.

With both eyes wide open.

It's a shame what they
said about your daddy, Bob.

So, you know, it was mycocky?


That's what I said.

Of course.

Talk about fake news.

You just can't trust anyone
who'll tell you exactly

what you wanna hear.

There's always a catch that
they're not telling you about.

Yes, siree.

You're so right.

They deserve a whole
bowl of comeuppance.

What about their pants?

[laughs] Comeuppance.

That means that one day they'll
get what's coming to 'em.

Boy, I reckon that'll
be a grand old time.

Wish I could have a bit of
skin in that there game.

What if you could?

You mean help take
them down a peg?

Well butter my biscuits, I'm in.

What y'all need?

Mugs and Larry said

that you could
record stuff by using

the station's omnidirectional
photo instalenzo metergram.

You're darn tune, I can.

Us Southern Belles have lots
of tricks up our shells.

What you got in mind, y'all?

Well, as you know, Rich
is a bit of a motor mouth.

Yes indeed, he
never hushes up.

Everyday at five o'clock,
he leaves his apartment

in downtown Dog Town to
go and get his claws done.

[laughs] Why, I do declare.

Yeah, so we're thinking
that if we head on over there

to catch him as he's leaving,
we can get him talking

and he'll admit the whole thing.

And if you have that
conversation recorded,

then we can get
it on Doggone News

and set the record straight.

So, are you in?

I already said I was, darlin'.

Y'all get that son of a
g*n wagging his tongue

and I'll record the whole
thing, wrap it up in a neat bow

and hand it to y'all
on a silver platter.

Yes I will.

You're the best, Redella.

We owe you big time.

Yes, y'all do.

So which way should
I be pointing

the old omnidirectional
photo instalenzo metergram

to get y'all on video?

Mugs and Larry said that
Rich has the only apartment

that's south of
downtown Dog Town.

Roger that, I know exactly
where y'all are talking about.

Consider it done.

[Narrator] With
not a moment to spare

Bob and Chester
head to Rich's place

where they catch him
just as he's leaving

for his claw appointment.

Sorry, I've no time
for you hooligans.

Make way, please.

Oh, it's you two.

Here to beg for me
to spare your father

further embarrassment, Bob.

I do so love a good begging.

Nope, just the opposite.


I'm intrigued.

Go on.

Well, Bob and
we're no dummies.

Yeah, we're no.

So we figured that
since it's looking

like you'll definitely
be elected Mayor,

maybe we should
befriend you now.

Yeah and that way, maybe
you'll have some jobs for us

in your wardrobe.

He means cabinet.

I say, aren't you ambitious?

You surprise me.

I didn't think you lower
classmen had it in you.

Hey, we know
when we're licked.

We've gotta get with the times

to make sure we have a future.

Oh, I like this.

You may have the makings
of an executive, Chester.

Not sure about Bob just yet,
but being that I'm a big dog

who's kind of a big deal,
I'm intelligent enough

to know that everyone
deserves a chance.

You really are smart, Rich.

I have to give it to you.

Everyone believed everything
you said, hook line and sinker.

Oh, it was nothing really.

Though I do appreciate
the praise of my acumen.

All I had to do was start
playing the proverbial fiddle

and all of Dog
Town followed along

like the good little
dancing pups that they are.

Yeah, you certainly know
how to diddle a fiddle.

There's just one little
thing that I don't understand.


I mean, I get you
being Mayor and all,

but what in the world
does Barney Lockjaw

have to do with any of this?

Well, I suppose if we
are going to be colleagues,

it wouldn't hurt
to tell you my plan

so that you can further
bask in my superior smarts

and intelligence.

Please, sir, enlighten us.

Well, if you want to reach
the lower branches of a tree,

then you look for the
insects to show you the way.

Old Barney is just
such an insect.

What's this got to
do with bugs [laughs].

[Rich laughing]

I knew that if I told him
that I wanted to be Mayor

and I wanted him to
be my Deputy Mayor.

I suggested that he
should spew forth all

of the yarns I wish to spin

to reach all of Doug
Town's lower class mutts.

You promised Barney
that he'd be Deputy Mayor?

Quite so, yes.

A wise move indeed.

Now that I've successfully
won the hearts

of the imbecilic mutts,
I can cut Barney loose

and rule on my own.

You are using Barney?

Every artist needs a brush.

Barney, that
Neanderthal, he was mine.

End of story.

Speaking of end,
I'm going to be late

for my claw treatments.

Good day, says.

[Narrator] With Rich
gloating over his evil plan,

more than anyone could've
possibly hoped for

Bob and Chester hurry back
to the junkyard power plant

and broadcasting station to
see if Redella got it all.

[happy music]

Did you get it,
did you get it?

Please tell us
that you got it.

Every last word.

That varmint spilled the beans

like I have never heard before.

Awesome, this is great news.

Can you send the recording over

to the junkyard
headquarters immediately?

Quick as a jack rabbit
running from the greyhound.

[Redella cheering]

Rabbit, where?


[Bob barking]

Hold on there, sugar,
that was just an expression.

Bob gets a little
excited sometimes.

He sure does.

Tell me what are y'all
gonna do with the footage?

Well, the plan is
for my dad to call

into the Doggone
Emergency News Hotline

and play it for them.

Once the public hears
what Rich is really up to

my dad will surely be
elected a fourth time.

I do love the way y'all think.

Thanks for letting
me be part of this.

Are you kidding?

Thank you.

T'weren't nothing.

Besides this is the most
excitement we had around here

since that big bull dog
was chasing that tom cat

who was chasing that mouse.

[Redella cheering]

You're awesome, Red.

Come on, Chester,
let's hurry back.

It's nearly time
for Doggone News.

[Narrator] Bob
and Chester get back

to the junkyard headquarters
just in the nick of time.

They hand over the video
of Rich to Mayor Jack

who is excitedly waiting
for Dots and Daisy

to open up their call in
Emergency News Hotline.

Live from Arnold
Schnauzernager Studios

in beautiful downtown Dog Town,

it's time for Doggone
News Evening Edition

with your hosts, Dots and Daisy.

[upbeat music]
[audience applauding]

Hello, Dog Town.

I am Mrs. Dots.

And I'm Miss. Daisy
and welcome to...

[Both] Doggone News.

Wow, Daisy, what a bombshell
we dropped this morning.

It's been insane, Dots.

All of Dog Town has been
petitioning for Mayor Jack Russell

to step down so that
Sir Rich Carbs the third

can take over as
Mayor immediately.

[Miss. Daisy laughing]

That's the power
of journalism, Daisy.

Once the genie's
out of the bottle,

there's no letting him back in.

You know it is.

And dare I say it, Sir
Rich Carbs the third

is one dreamy genie [laughs].

The way that he
speaks, it's so stylish.

So posh.

It's [speaking in
foreign language].

Indeed it is.

Was there any
other news today?

There was some sports news.

What's the info?

Today, the golden
retrievers scored a win

against the bulldog boneshakers
in the tug of w*r event.

Wait, wasn't there some
sort of controversies

surrounding the win?


Their win was almost contested
after the lead retriever,

Furback Fiona McFurmaker
dropped a bone

on the referee's toe.


However, an instant replay
showed that the bone drop

was purely accidental
and the retriever

who's usually such a
good girl was very sorry.

[chuckles] Good to hear.

Anything else?

That's it.

Okay then, let's open
up to our phone lines.

This is your chance
to call in live

to Arnold Schnauzernager Studios

to give us your Doggone News.

[telephone dialing]

Whoa, we already
have our first caller

and oh my, it's the
Emergency Newsline.

Doggone News, you're
live with Dots and Daisy.

Mayor Jack, we didn't
expect to see you back

on this evening.

Are you calling in to
resign live on the air?

Ooh, attention folks, this
is Doggone News exclusive.

Go ahead, former, May...

I mean, Mayor Jack.

Actually, I'm not calling
in to resign at all.

You're not?

Well, since you called
on our Emergency Newsline,

I'm guessing that you
have something equally

as important to say.

Yes I do, Daisy.

You see, when you hit me
with those questions today,

I was flabbergasted.

I had no idea what you
were talking about.

It's a little too late
for excuses, Mayor J.

I'm not making any, in fact,

I'm here to tell you the
truth, the whole truth

and nothing but the truth.

So help me dog.

Attention, people.

This is a Doggone
News Exclusive.

A politician is about
to tell the truth.

[laughs] Yes I am.

You see, I never
had any intention

of turning our wonderful
city into a huge,

super mega major postal palace.

I wouldn't even dream of it.

Then what are
you planning to do?

I'm here to tell you that
the news you were given

is completely false.

Do you have any proof?

We can't just take
your word for it.

Yes, I do.

If you would allow
me the courtesy,

I just D-mailed you a
video file of my son, Bob

and his bestie Chester
talking candidly with Rich.

The video was shot
just over an hour ago.

Do we have a
video file, Daisy?

Yes, we do, Dots.

It just came in.

Shall we play it?

I think we owe it to Mayor J

to give him a chance
to clear his name.

Thank you.

Okay, let's roll the video.

[Narrator] Dots and
Daisy review the video

and play it for the
millions watching at home.

Will it be enough
to save the day?

Let's tune back into
Doggone News to find out.



Mayor Jack, I believe we
all owe you a big apology.

Oh man, do we ever.

It's okay.

I know that you two
have a job to do

and can only report on the
news that you were given.

That's very kind
of you to say.

In a Doggone News Exclusive,
we are here to report to you

conclusively that Sir
Rich Carbs the third

is a big old lying stinker.

The same goes for there
to no good Barney Lockjaw.

Thanks for bringing
this to our attention

before it was too
late, Mayor Jack.

You're not only a great
Mayor, but you're also a hero.


But the real heroes are my
son, Bob and his buddy Chester.

They're the ones who
uncovered this whole scheme.

Yes, dare I say it,

all of Dog Town owes
them a huge thank you.

I'll be sure to
tell them that.

So while we have you Mayor J,

can you share what
your plans will be

for your fourth term as Mayor?

I'd be happy to.

But you're gonna have
to wait until tomorrow.

My boys and I have
some celebrating to do.

Right on, sir, you
guys go and have fun.

As for us, we'll
see you all tomorrow

for the morning edition of...

[Both] Doggone News.

[birds singing]_

[Narrator] With the day
saved, Bob and Chester

are deciding how they
should celebrate.

Mayor Jack however, has
other things on his mind.

We did it, Pop.

We certainly did, my boy.

I bet you that
neither Barney or Rich

will be showing their ugly
mugs around here anytime soon.

[Chester laughing]

[Mayor Jack laughing]

They will be quiet for
a while, that's for sure.

But the thing about
people like that is

they never learned
from their lesson.

Well, at the very least
we won't have to put up

with their shenanigans
for a while.

Ain't that the truth [laughs]?

So, are you ready for
your fourth term, Pop?

Well, I wanted to talk about
that with you boys first.

Oh, what's up, Mayor J?

Well, I've been thinking.

Today you boys
solved a huge problem

by thinking out of
the box in a big way.

Thanks, Dad, but we'd
do anything for you.

And for Dog Town.

I know that, that's
exactly my point.

I think that Dog
Town could possibly

use a new younger Mayor.

One who's capable of solving
new problems in creative ways.

You know what they say,

you can't teach an
old dog new tricks.

No way, Dad.

You're the smartest dog
in the whole wide world.


That too.

That's very kind
of you guys to say,

but today you proved
that you two together

are just as smart as I ever was.

- That's why-
- Dad.

You can't step down after
everything that went down today,

- it's-
- That's why I think

that you, Bob should
run for Mayor.

And I think that Chester
should be your Deputy Mayor.

Wait, what?

I think that with the both
of you working together,

you can take Dog Town in a
new and exciting direction.


I mean, whoa.

So what are you boys think?

Are you ready to become Mayor?

[Narrator] Thanks
for joining us

on another adventure
through Dog Town.

We'll see you all again soon.

Until next time, have
yourself a howling good time.

[upbeat music]

♪ Dog is god spelled backwards ♪

♪ What a great idea that was ♪

♪ Dog is god spelled backwards ♪

♪ Because a dog is
unconditional love ♪

♪ When you're sad he's
there to cheer you ♪

♪ When you're bad,
he doesn't fear you ♪

♪ He's your buddy, no
matter what you do ♪

♪ Through thick and thin
he's always there for you ♪

♪ Dog is god spelled backwards ♪

♪ What a great idea that was ♪

♪ Dog is god spelled backwards ♪

♪ Because a dog is
unconditional love ♪

♪ When you cry, he'll
lay beside you ♪

♪ And if you're blind,
he's there to guide you ♪

♪ If you're lonesome,
he'll be your companion ♪

♪ And give you trust
and understanding ♪

♪ Dog is god spelled backwards ♪

♪ What a great idea that was ♪

♪ Dog is god spelled backwards ♪

♪ Because a dog is
unconditional love ♪

♪ God created dogs to
be faithful and true ♪

♪ That's why they call
them man's best friend ♪

♪ Can't adopt a dog
without him adopting you ♪

♪ So it seems to all
to make perfect sense ♪

♪ That dog is god
spelled backwards ♪

♪ What a great idea that was ♪

♪ Dog is god spelled backwards ♪

♪ Because a dog's
unconditional love ♪

♪ Yes, a dog is
unconditional love ♪