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02x07 - Voleth Meir

Posted: 03/15/22 12:01
by bunniefuu
[Geralt] Redanian crowns.

[Nenneke] Melitele,

I have failed you.

Forgive me.

These men were after Ciri.

[sighs] My weapons?

I need to find her.

You need to let me
take care of your wound.


How did it break?

She does that to things.

If what you say
about that girl's power is true,

you can't help her.

Ah, I'll find my own weapons.

What I mean is,

Ciri needs more than you can give her now.

I swore to protect her!


I will not sit back and wait

for something worse than a rogue mage
and his agenda to happen to her.

Do you believe
Yennefer means to harm the girl?

I wish Yennefer knew
of the balance you spoke of.

More than you know, I wish it.

But I learned my lesson
about Yennefer and wishes.

Sometimes, we assume the worst

because we fear to hope.


How… can I help you?

[Geralt sighs]

I need you to open a portal.

[whispers] Zola.

You've been here before?

The woman who lives here,
she took me in. She was kind to me.

The dream,

when I first heard your name,

was in this house.

Same day Geralt found me.

That's why the portal took us here.
It felt safe.

- [fly buzzing]
- [horse neighing]

Should I try again? Get us back to Geralt?

No. That was impressive, but no.

- Let's keep our insides on the inside.
- [neighing]

- Where are they now?
- They must have left.

The battle at Sodden was close.
Maybe they fled.

- Maybe.
- [flies buzzing]


Fire fucker.

Come on.



No. [sobs]


I left months ago.

Nobody knew I was here. Nobody.

Nobody even knows I'm alive.


Do you think he works for Nilfgaard?

What if he's got Geralt?

Geralt's strong.

He'll have held his own.

You don't sound sure, Yennefer.

If Nilfgaard's got him, if…

They'll have kept Geralt alive
to help track you down.

- They'll hold him to lure you there.
- Where?

Their nearest outpost.


I've fantasized about going back.

Finding the Black Knight
and shoving my sword through his throat

until his feathers are soaked in blood.

Geralt wouldn't want me to go.

He'd want me to avoid danger.

Geralt will hold out as long as he can.

We must go to Cintra. Together.


Yennefer, wait!

You've seen what happens
to people who try to help me.

I have to go alone.

Ciri, I'm not leaving your side.

If anything were to happen to you,
Geralt would never forgive me.

We must hurry.

[old woman] That's right.

Bring her.

[cackling laughter]

Chaos will be yours.

[laughter echoing]

[seabirds calling]

[Vilgefortz] You have
far too many clothes on.

Come back to bed.


[sighs] What's wrong?



You're my partner.

You can tell me if something's wrong.

Our new position of authority
means new responsibilities.

I don't want to burden you.

Our new position of authority
doesn't change the fact that I love you.

Your pain is my pain.

We have an unexpected visitor.

Hmm. Who?


Redania must be up to something.

[sheep bleating]

[Fringilla] How can you be sure
that Redania has implanted a spy?

[Hake] Because it's what
I would have done.

First it was elves, then half-breeds.

Now spouses, sympathizers,

pouring through our gates daily,
virtually unchecked.

A gift-wrapped opportunity
courtesy of you.

We need to rebuild our army.

Yes. I agree.

But let's do it wisely.

If we bring outsiders into the fold,
we must ensure their allegiance.

Half of the elves did not muster
for training this morning.

The celebration of the child's birth
went late into the night.

Oh, grand. We're larding up with pointies

who can't hold their drink
or can't follow orders.

- I will talk to them.
- You are not their commander.

[horses neighing]

She should remember that.

- Fringilla, he's right.
- [sighs]

The generals,
they know this is unsustainable,

and Emhyr arrives tomorrow.

I will not have him met
with chaos and insubordination.

I said

I will handle it.

All this talk of loyalty. Why is it
the generals I am doubting the most?

Should I count you among them, Cahir?

Everything I do
is in service of the White Flame.

And what do you think I'm doing?


[horse neighing]

If I were against you, do you really think
I would be telling you all of this?

What would you have me do?

If the elves refuse to serve,
let me deal with them.

The generals will respect a strong hand.

So will Emhyr.

[Hake] You attempted
to breach the castle gates.

[woman] I... I was looking for food.

I'm no spy.

- [Hake] Are you going to do it? Or I?
- [woman] Please!

I was just looking for something to eat!

- I've done nothing wrong.
- [grunts]

- [woman] Please, my lady!
- [Hake] For f*ck's sake.

Show mercy... [screams]

- [cr*ck]
- [crowd gasping]

[angry shouts from crowd]


And you call yourself a leader?

[horse whinnying]

[Jaskier] ♪ It's been
A long time traveling… ♪


♪ On roads that lead to nowhere ♪

♪ With hopes and dreams ♪

♪ That always rot ♪

♪ Sometimes it takes a prison cell ♪

♪ The tricks and tales
That traitors tell ♪

♪ To help you see that freedom ♪

♪ Is all you've got ♪

♪ So lock me up ♪

♪ And sock me up ♪

♪ And throw away the key ♪

- ♪ Go f*ck yourself, you whoreson… ♪
- [sighs]

♪ 'Cause you're through f*ckin' with me… ♪

All together now!

♪ And lock me up and sock me up ♪

♪ Throw away the key! ♪

♪ Go f*ck yourself, you whoreson ♪

♪ 'Cause you're through f*ckin' with me! ♪

- Thank you! Thank you...
- Sing another word,

and I'll cut your tongue out!


Guys, your harmonies were a little pitchy.

Gordon, you're amazing.

Talent recognizes talent.
Let's go again. Three, four…

- ♪ And lock me up… ♪
- That's it! I'm taking a sh*t.

♪ And throw away the key ♪

- ♪ Go f*ck yourself, you whoreson… ♪
- [grunting]

- [horse whinnies]
- [sword rings]

♪ 'Cause you're through f*ckin' with me ♪

f*cking hell! You know what?
We're trying to rehearse in here!

Gentlemen, I am so sorry.
Give me a moment.

I need to deal with
this guard's complete lack of decorum.

Good sir, you would not know talent
if I shoved it up your… Geralt.

f*ck it.

I've missed you too.

- What are you doing here?
- No time. We need to go.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

Last time we saw each other,
you basically told me to f*ck off.

Remember? And you left me on a mountain.

Have you seen these boots?

I mean, I pretty much just slid

all the way down that hill
back to Caingorn.

- Jaskier...
- Don't f*cking Jaskier me.

I'm talking to you.
This is how this works.

I need your help.


But first…

Gentlemen, it's been an honor.

What? I made new friends. Get over it.

[snorts] Jealous.

[horses neighing]


These horses are no good to us dead.

[horses blowing and snorting]

The longer this takes,
the more time I have

- to think about what they're doing to him.
- You two seem to have quite the bond.

I mean, he's a grump of the first order,

has the social graces
of a wild boar, but he's…

He's your protector.

He's the father I never had.

When I'm with him,
I don't feel alone anymore.

I know what you mean.


What was between you and Geralt?



hope, and fear.

I don't think I've omitted anything.

So, you love him too.

Let's go.

[horse snorts]


[bell ringing]

I always loved the name Ceinwen.

- [laughs]
- Sh, sh, sh.

Absolutely not.

I had a cousin named Ceinwen.

- She ate her own hair.
- [laughs]

She's a Fiona.


Or Liserne.

Powerful and brave.

- Sh, sh. Come... come here.
- Thank you, Dara.


[baby cries]

- Ohh…
- Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh…

Liserne is pretty.

With such a wonderful distraction,

I trust you're unaware that
your fighters failed to show this morning.

- I heard.
- Well, then I trust

you will make sure it never happens again.

One day is a hangover,

two is sedition.

- Many of us have had a change of heart.
- Then you change it back.

I never intended to fight for Nilfgaard.

Francesca convinced me,

but now she has given me
a far better reason

- not to fight.
- [baby cooing]

It's time for us to rebuild.

To grow strong again.

Have you forgotten
who brought that child into the world?

- Who made Cintra safe for the elves?
- We're grateful.

It's time for us now
to add to our numbers,

not to die in someone else's w*r.

Our w*r is your w*r.

[Francesca] Fringilla,
as a friend, I must ask,

are these your words or Cahir's?


The bargain we struck in that hut,

it is working.

You have your baby…

And I have Emhyr's favor.

It can all stay this way


Our bond remains strong.

As I said, we are friends.

I value the bond we have.

But family,


that's the only bond that can't be broken,
and that's the one I must protect.

[[snorts softly]

[Dijkstra] I thought you'd want
to hear the news right away.

[Stregobor] It's even worse than I feared.

Not just an elven baby,
but one born to a mage.

Only you could see a thr*at
where everyone else sees a baby.

Not all of us have
your soft spot for elves, Tissaia.

She's a co-chair on this council.
She doesn't have soft spots.

Well, you'd know.

Besides, it's not just a baby.
It's a... it's a symbol. A beacon.

Not to mention a potential enemy
who'll live for centuries…

[Artorius] Who is currently aligned
with our other enemy.

We could be tangled in a w*r again
before we know it.

Unlike your tenure, Artorius,

we no longer act
on unfounded prejudice and rumors.

Which is why
I find it so very hard to believe

that you came here simply to share gossip.

[chuckles] Well, in my line of work,

today's gossip is next month's news.

For instance, I heard that one
of your former students has returned.

Foltest's mage?

Triss Merigold, is it?

Triss is here?

She fell ill in Temeria

and has come here to recover.

Oh. Mmm.

Yes, there are tales of many
a strange stomach ailment this spring.

All of them coming
from up in the mountains, though.

Give her my best.

Oh, I will.

As long as you give King Vizimir ours

for this distracting information
about the baby.

Will there be anything else,



As soon as Cirilla disappeared,
I knew my chance had passed so I fled.


I was aided, of course.

I didn't have the time nor strength left
to open a portal myself.

Yes, well…

He hasn't been here in days.

He said he'd come.

- And you said I'd get to meet him.
- [cawing]

If you brought the girl.

This is on you.

Or it's on you.

Perhaps you don't have
as much sway with him as you imagined.

No, it's part of his plan.

The theatrics.

[sighing] The distraction.


Fine, you little lunatic, you can have it.

Go on, run your damn test.

If it works, your master will be here
in an instant, I assure you.

Do you think?

Blood tracing is simple.

Mages have been practicing it
for centuries.

Though, I admit,

my test subjects are normally…


- Precisely.
- [cawing]


[loud cawing]

[Lydia gasps]

- [thud]
- [Lydia groans]

- [gasps]
- [kicking]

- [screaming]
- [thumping]

[Jaskier] Oh, blessed nectar.

I have not washed in quite some time,

and I'm beginning to smell
like a Nilfgaardian's ballsack.

So if you'll excuse me, hold this.

I have been looking forward to this!

God, it's cold!


Whew, you could hang portraits
off my nipples right now.

You're the expert.
How do you get blood out?

What was Yennefer doing in Oxenfurt?

- Well, she was saving my life.
- What?

Yeah, I know. I'm as surprised as you are,

seeing as I trust her about as far
as I could wring her stringy, weird neck,

but it's true.

She risked her life for me.

I always knew
there was some deeper feeling for me

beneath all that rage and… hair.

- She's got a lot of hair, that woman.
- What was her angle?

Not an attractive one.

[grunts] She was on the run.
She'd lost her magic.

She was almost tolerable.

- She lost her magic?
- Yeah, I know!

It was great! [chuckles]

Unless she was lying.

Only just realizing now
she might have been lying.

[echoing] f*ck! Oh, Jaskier, you moron!

Because if she wasn't lying,

then how did she magically disappear
into thin air

when she was imprisoned
in the whorehouse?

Tell me exactly what happened in Oxenfurt.

When the Redanian guards grabbed her,

she muttered something about forests,

and mothers, and huts,

and then she just
sort of disappeared,

- so...
- "Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut"?

"Turn your front to me, hut, hut."
Yeah, that's what she said.

She's in league with the Deathless Mother.

Well, she sounds like a hoot.

Who is the Deathless Mother, Geralt?

Voleth Meir.

The first witchers
were hired to imprison her.

They entombed her in her hut.

But someone's gone and opened up the door.

That someone being…

- She wouldn't.
- She would.

What? Sacrifice your Child Surprise
to get her magic back?

You bet your bloated biceps she would.

Voleth Meir is a demon that feeds on pain.

[birds calling]

We need to go to Cintra.

- Why? What's in Cintra?
- [twig snaps]


Someone really didn't like my shirt!


[horse neighing]

[Geralt] Yarpen Zigrin.

Your aim's gone to sh*t.

And if it isn't the White f*ckin' Wolf
and the big f*ckin' mouth.

Put your weapons down, numpty arseholes.

This is an old friend.

Uh, friends. Plural.

- Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount...
- Yeah!

I know.

Right, yeah.

What are you doin' out here in the middle
of east bloody nowhere, you warlock?

[Geralt] I could ask you
the same question.

Aren't you supposed to be the lord
of a vassal state in Caingorn?

[Yarpen] Ach.

Lording's for peacocks and pissants.

We run the roads for Henselt now.
Protect his convoys.

Pays better.

- You remember my men.
- Of course. Good to see you all again.

I have absolutely no recollection
of any of these people.

- [man scoffs] w*nk*r.
- [muttering]

Where's Lucas Corto?

- He owes me money.
- [Yarpen] You've got a good memory.

Lucas Corto got married,
settled down in Mahakam,

and dropped out of the company,
the stupid oaf.

You ain't looking
to join a crew yourself?

Be happy to have you as our sixth.
Even if you do smell like shite.

I can't right now, Yarpen.

And I need a horse. I'll, uh…

Pay you double with interest
once I find some coin.

Normally, I'd tell you
to sh*t twice and die,

but we're on the Trail,
and you never refuse help on the Trail.

This mount's too big for us lot, anyway.

What's the mission,
if you don't mind me asking?

I do.

The secret kind.

My favorite.


You're not my usual type.

But you'll do.

[Yarpen] Come on, boys! The king can wait.

We're goin' on an adventure! [laughs]

The bridge is out.

Where else can we cross?

It's half a day's ride.
We don't have time.

[Yennefer] We'll have to leave
the horses behind. But there is a way.

Lesson number two.

Let's see what your Chaos can do.

You can either be too strong to fail
or too weak to try.

You can do this, Ciri.

I believe in you.

Repeat after me.

[speaking in Elder]

[repeats words]

[Yennefer speaking in Elder]

[repeats words]

[Yennefer] That's it! Now repeat.

[repeats spell]

Don't strain.
Trust your power to do the work.

That's enough.

I can do it.

- We'll find another route.
- [groans]

- You're going to hurt yourself!
- [rumbling]

Ciri, stop! Stop!

[whimpers and yells]

f*ck! f*ck!

- [screams] f*ck!
- [intense rumbling]



[rumbling fades]

Well, that's one way of doing it.

I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened.

When you have power like this,

never apologize.


[Triss] Do you hear them?

It's wood thrush, calling to each other.

When I first went to court,
I was so homesick for that sound.

You used to put seeds on your sill
when you were younger.

Tried to catch them for pets.
Succeeded once.

I didn't know whose neck
you'd wring first, mine or the bird's.


[Tissaia] When you were called away,
I didn't realize what you'd be doing.

You should know

I saw Cirilla of Cintra at Sodden.


She was there
with the white-haired witcher.

I didn't know who she was,
but now, of course, it makes sense.

- They were looking for...
- Yennefer.


They believed she was dead.

The information you told me about Ciri,

about what you saw
when you performed the Dol Durza,

who else knows?

The other witchers and you.

I don't trust anyone else.


No, no, I said I would call you
when she was ready.

I need to know everything
about the girl. Now.

You told him.

This knowledge, it cannot be ours alone.
There is too much at stake.

Look, this is important.

I need you to tell me everything, Triss.



She wasn't ready.

This is why I didn't want to tell you.

This isn't a game, Tissaia.

If what she says is true,

this child has the potential
to end all w*r.


Unless she falls into the wrong hands.

And if that happens,
the consequences will be ours to own.

Well, damn the consequences.

Because I made a promise to Triss,

and I will not continue
to put my girls at risk unnecessarily.

[yells] I wouldn't ask you to
if it wasn't necessary!




I have always considered you
my equal partner.

My most trusted confidante.

I wish I could prove to you

that I'm worthy of the same.

[portal opens]

[portal closes]

You dare show your face here.

After lying to the conclave
and attacking us at Sodden!

My portal has no doubt set off alarms.

- I don't have much time.
- So get on with it.

What water does Nilfgaard want you
to carry for them this time?

I'm not here for them.

Or as a mage.

Just as your niece.

I may need to leave Nilfgaard.

And quickly.

What's changed?

An emperor arriving tomorrow
with great expectations I...

I brought in the elves to fight for us,
but they… have had a change of heart.

So the elven birth has helped our cause,
not threatened it.

Tissaia was right.

- I care not for the Brotherhood's polit...
- And yet I do.

Triss Merigold returns suddenly,
without explanation.

- Do you know anything about that?
- No.


you are my blood.

And that is a bond
that is stronger than all others.



I'm asking you for help.

For once, will you give it?

I should have stood up for you
that night at the ball in Aretuza.

I'm sorry.

Let's be honest.
Whatever is brewing out there,

the Brotherhood needs
reinforcements in here.

If you were to return,

you'd need to plead your case.

Apologize, as well.

For aligning with Nilfgaard?

Of course.

For believing that you could have
any impact there at all, my dear.

There are those who are
obsessed with finding power,

and those who know their place.

You know which one you are, thank gods.

You wouldn't have come back here
if you didn't.


[bell ringing]

[Dara breathing shakily]

Of course I'm nervous.

As a child,
I watched Cintran soldiers m*rder my kind.

Now I'm watching Nilfgaard do the same.

Only now I'm complicit.

- [man shouts]
- [horse neighs]

They're looking for me.

- [cooing]
- Elves are dying because I'm here. Spying.

But it's more than that.

Last night,

seeing my people sing and dance,

seeing the baby in her mother's arms…


I don't care about Redania.

Or Cirilla of Cintra.

They can have each other.

From here on out,

I want to focus
on keeping that elven hope alive.

Tell Dijkstra I'm done.

[Hake] I've had my doubts
about Fringilla all along.

[dog barks]

Emhyr letting a mage give us orders? Nah.

The White Flame will take one look
at this disaster and reset the table.

If her head's still on her shoulders
by morning, I'll be shocked.

You're falling behind.

What's the matter?

We're supposed to be on the same side.

Searching for Princess Cirilla.

She's alive.

I know it.

[Hake] And we'll find her.

As soon as we unload
Fringilla's dead weight.

If we don't,
all our heads will be on the ch...

- [crackling]
- [choking and grunting]

[dog barks and whimpers]

I have so much resentment
for my Aretuzan training

that I forget…

- There were bright spots.
- [muffled groaning]

Botany, for example.

Where else could I have learned
the paralytic qualities of nightshade?

Or how to mask it in a glass of mead?

My most valuable lesson, though…

[Cahir whimpers]

…came on my last night there.

When Yennefer of Vengerberg

stole the seat of Aedirn
to which I was entitled.

And that taught me

whenever a lesser light
tries to steal what is yours…

[grunting] …you do not sit there
and take it.

[Voleth Meir cackling]


[Voleth Meir] Your power…

Seize it.

[Fringilla grunts]

[Voleth Meir laughing]

You must do…

[Voleth Meir laughing]


Is required…

[Voleth Meir] Not as a meek sycophant…

[echoing] …sycophant…


[Fringilla sighs]

…to hold on…

To what you've earned.

- [choking]
- [Voleth Meir laughing]

[laughter echoing]

How did it come to this, Cahir?

I may never know

if you were planning
to overthrow me or not.

But one thing I do know.

I am never going back to that dungeon.

- I would much rather…
- [whimpers]

…put this Kn*fe in my own eye

and end it all.

Emhyr needs to hear of the treachery
I just uncovered.

And he needs
the general that he trusts most

to tell him I was justified.

So when he arrives tomorrow…


[Voleth Meir cackling]

[flames roaring]


[laughter fading]


[Dijkstra] Hmm.



Our little spy Dara
has had a change of heart.

We have all the information we need.

The girl gives you
the rightful claim to Cintra.

That makes Redania the most powerful
kingdom on the Continent.

Or Nilfgaard, if they get her first.

What about Aretuza?

Didn't you go there for…

- Something?
- Hmm.

There are some… unknown variables
in Aretuza.

Tissaia knows of the girl's existence.
I'm certain.

But she keeps the information
very close to her chest.

Even from Vilgefortz,

whom she helped install
and, uh… obviously cares for. [scoffs]

- Who?
- The new leader of the Brotherhood.

How long that will last
is anybody's guess.

Tissaia acts detached,

but she lets relationships
cloud her judgment.

Stregobor will take advantage of that.
If I were a betting man...


You were a betting man,
you'd be betting with my money.

I pay you to solve problems, Dijkstra,

not fill my head with piling bad news.

Not bad news, my lord.


And if our goal is
to destabilize the Continent,

bedlam is good news.

Yes, well, let's hope so,
for your sake, Dijkstra.

Trust me, your Highness.

Elven spy or not,
we are in a strong position.

And I have many more irons in the fire.

- [neighing]
- [driver] Go on! Go on!

[Jaskier] Look, I understand

that what's-her-demon wants
to eat your Child Surprise and all,

and I'm happy to help save her,

but you never even wanted this child
in the first place, and now…

Now it's like she has turned
your entire world upside down.

[men talking]

I guess…

What I'm really asking you is…

Is this what pleases you?

I thought ignoring Ciri's existence
would make everything better.

I was wrong.

What about Yennefer?

If she's hurt Ciri,
I may just have to k*ll her.

Oh, no, well, obviously we'll k*ll her.
We'll definitely k*ll her.

I just haven't found
a good enough jabbing stick yet.

But what if she's changed too?

People do stupid things when they think
they're trapped in a corner, Geralt.

And they say stupid things.

That's what friends do.

They come back.

[Geralt] This is different.

And I'm sorry, Jaskier.

Gah, you are always so emotional!

I mean, it's just yap, yap, yap
with you sometimes.

[mimicking] "Oh, Jaskier,
I'm so sad and complicated!"

- Shut up, Jaskier.
- You shut up.

That's a perfect impression of you,
by the way.


[Ciri] How can it look the same

when everyone I've known is gone?

There was a monolith there.

The blackest stellacite.

What happened to it?


You did that?

Ci... Ciri…

Promise me something, if we get separated.

Remember what you have.


It's lodged in you. Like a spiked arrow.

It wounds you. Deeply.

But it's a strange sort of pain.

Combined with…


Trust me.

It's all you'll ever need.

It's everything.

I want to believe you.

I really do, but…

When you had magic,

you controlled the Chaos.

But it controls me.

No one's been able
to teach me how to use it.


I'm afraid, Yennefer.

[Voleth Meir, echoing] So close…

[overlapping voices] Do what
you have to do to seize your destiny.

Deliver me to the shattered black door.


- Your destiny.
- [gasping]

[high-pitched ringing]

[low rumbling]

[Yennefer] If you're afraid, turn back…
[distorted] …back, back…

[Ciri, echoing] That door mustn't
be opened. You know that.

[Yennefer] I do.

[muffled, distorted echoing]

[Ciri] But you're still leading me there.

[Yennefer] If you're afraid, turn back.
[distorted] You still...

[clearly] You still have time
to turn back. It's not too late.

[Ciri] And you?

[Yennefer] For me, it is… it is…

[distorted] …no choice…
[clearly] I had no choice…

My Chaos… I thought… I thought I had to…

I'm so sorry, Ciri.

Don't go.

I didn't know who you were.

I didn't know what you were to him.

I need to get to him.

He's not here!

He never was.

That mage at Melitele's,

he knew you.


You led him to us.


We were in trouble and needed help,
and you betrayed us!

I was stupid.

And I was selfish!

You have to come with me.


[distorted] I don't trust you.

[rumbling and crashing]

Sound the alarm!


Get to the horses.

Get to the horses now!

There they are!

Get the girl!


- Looks like you lost your horse!
- [neighs]



Come here!


[grunts] Oh, we got a fighter!

- [yells]
- Little brat!

[soldier 2] Get hold of her!


[all yelling]

Come on, Bard!

Right in his f*ckin' nose!

In the kneecaps!

Come here, you little...

[soldier] Stop it. Stay down!


How could you do this?

I'm so sorry.

Yarpen and his men
will get you out of here.

Jaskier, take her to Kaer Morhen.

Ciri knows the way.

No. No, I'm staying with you.

[sighs] You can't.

Why? Where are you going?

To slay a monster.

I'll be with you soon, I promise.

All right.

The Child Surprise, I've heard so much a...

Like father, like daughter.

The girl.


[sword rings]


Mine, Zigrin.

Say it.

Behold the mother of forests…

[driver] Bah! Bah!

…the Deathless Mother,

nesting in dreams.

Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut.

Turn your front to me.

Hut. Hut.



[cries out]

[Filavandrel yelling]

- [gasps]
- [sobbing]

[Francesca] Oh, no…



- [flames roaring]
- [Francesca screaming]


[laughing wildly]

She's gone.

It's always worked.

The first witchers imprisoned her
in this hut for eternity.

She shouldn't be able to escape.



Unless she's had her fill

of pain and desperation.

It would have given her new life.

To do what?



[Voleth Meir cackling]