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07x04 - Shift Happens

Posted: 03/16/22 09:21
by bunniefuu

- Morning, guys.
- Hey, Sabrina.

Wanna join us for some kickboxing?

Oh, no, thanks. I gotta go to work.

I prefer the mellower martial arts.

Like tai chi, judo or gunplay.


Oh, hey, Chip. What's up?

The whole bleeping neighborhood,
thanks to your music.

Uh, sorry. They're auditioning
for the new Rockettes show.

Yeah, Rockettes Kick Butt on Ice.

I'll go turn it down.

Oh, give me a break.
It's not even loud.

And last night
your pizza delivery man

turned around in my driveway
leaving a big oil stain.

Are you sure that's not from
where you were combing your hair?

We don't complain
when you stand on your balcony

and videotape us in our backyard.

I'm neighborhood-watch captain.

What, are you making sure
nobody steals our bathing suits?

Whoa, whoa, okay, time out, time out.
Can't we handle this rationally?

Chip, we'll try to keep it down.
Thanks for dropping by.

See that you do.

Because I'm letting you off easy now.
Don't make me get ugly.

I'd say that ship has sailed.

Okay, well, sorry about the noise

and we'll see you
around the neighborhood, okay?

- By the way, your roses are gorgeous.
- It's October. They're dead.

I'm sure you did everything you could.

Way to tell him off, Sabrina.

Yeah, we didn't do anything wrong.
Why didn't you stand up to him?

I know the guy's a jerk,
but he lives across the street.

- It's just easier to get along with him.
- Sabrina, a history lesson.

Not too many years ago,

during a little something
called World w*r II,

everyone said,
"Let's just get along with this guy."

And he nearly took over
all of Europe.

That man was Rudolf Hitler.

Well, at least she knows
there was a w*r.

No, seriously, Cole, give it back.
You're gonna break it.

Toys break, Leonard.
It's all part of playing with them.

And just between us,

it's not helping your image
that you care so much about a doll.


Man, that's rich. Barbie is a doll.

Maxi-Man is an action figure.

Now give him back.

And his tights.

Good morning, Annie.
How's it going?

- Why do you ask?
- Just making small talk.

Make it smaller.

Hi, Annie.

Starting to grow on you, huh?

Okay, people, gather up.


Okay, there's a street luge competition
up in North Andover.

Oh, oh, I can do that.
I've street luged.

Well, actually, I slid down a snowy hill
on a cafeteria tray,

but I ended up in the street.
It's really a cute story.

Still growing, huh?

James, you take the luge
and get us some art.

a wipeout's a good shot,

but a bone poking through skin's
even better.

Oh. What do I get for decapitation?

Ooh, maybe if you're lucky,
a cool hat.

Okay, with the new James Bond movie
coming out,

Aston Martin has arranged
for a test drive of the new V .

I can do that story.
I have an impeccable driving record.

I've never been in an accident.

Although there seem to be
a lot around me.

Right. Cole, you take that.

Annie, I could give you a big kiss.

Maybe I should come along
with you.

You'll need someone to scout
for Smokies.

Okay, but we're not stopping
at Hickory Farms.

Suddenly someone's too big
for free samples.


Okay, Baby K K is performing
at Club Terminus.

I need someone to interview her,
then cover the show.

Ooh, I'll do that.

You got it.
There's the background info.

Meeting over.

I scored a big interview. Woo-hoo.

Wait, that was too easy.

Hey, what's the deal with Baby K K?

She's just a hip-hop singer, right?

Baby K K is foul-mouthed,
confrontational and perpetually angry.

And that's just from her publicist.

Oh, yeah,
she is one aggressive chick.

She was asked to leave a party
at Dennis Rodman's house.

Oh, it's all just an act.

I mean, she probably pretends
to be angry just to sell records.

Whoa. Has she ever had a picture
not taken by the Sheriff's Department?

I've been set up. That's it,
I'm gonna go tell Annie I'm not doing it.

Not doing what?

Not going to skip work to build
the White House out of sugar cubes.

Sorry, Leonard, you're on your own.

Someone's stressing.

Please, I am not stressing. Ha.

Can't a person make,
you know, six dozen brownies?

Yeah, if that person has pointed ears
and lives in a hollow tree.

Okay, maybe I am stressing
a little bit.

I've gotta do this interview
with Baby K K.


So you've heard of her.

Oh, boy.
I like it when you're stressing.

We eat really well.

Are those the Baby K K CDs?

Yep, I've got Work Release,
Rap Sheet.

Coroner's Report?

- That's her holiday album.
- Oh, yeah.

Santa's toe tag says
"Merry Christmas."

I'm just curious.

Aren't you afraid
of doing this interview?


I'm not intimidated by her.

I mean,
I can stand up to anyone if I have to.

By bringing her brownies?

No, these aren't for her.
Give me a break.

What kind of suck-up
do you think I am? Ha, ha.

I'm bringing these to Chip.

You're taking them over to that jerk?

No, well, I...

The man just lost his roses.
Have you no heart?

I ain't believing
you brought your kid up in here today.

I am sorry. My nanny got sick.

Can't you just take the little brat
to one of those places

where you can just drop it off?

It's hard to arrange daycare
at the last minute.

I was talking about the park.

I gotta go wash this nasty kid smell
off of me.

Uh, excuse me.
I'm here to see Baby K K.

Oh, my God, did she hurt you?

No, no, no. I'm Sabrina Spellman.

Oh, right.
Um, okay, I'll let her know you're here.


Is that a buzz?

You did not just buzz me.

Uh, maybe
you shouldn't have buzzed her.

Okay, just don't look her directly
in the eye. She'll charge.

I wish someone would've told me that
before I decided to wear red.

Do I look like your bellhop?

And what do you want?

Good luck.
I'm going to hide the baby.

Is there room in that stroller for two?

Uh, I'm from Scorch magazine and
I wanted to ask you a few questions.

Back it up, Lois Lane.
I'm over you reporters

stepping to me like you know me.

- Don't none of you all know me.
- Was I stepping to you?

Because I didn't mean to be
stepping to you.

Maybe on you. No, no.

Well, I'll just step away from you.

Just ask your questions.

But don't come up here
with no stupid ones

because I don't play that.


Too slow.
I gotta talk to grown folks now.


I'm not afraid that she might strike me
But I'll do better if I make her like me

Okay, I gotta go now. Bye.

Now, uh, where were we? I'm sorry.

Oh, uh, well, I was gonna ask you
about your upcoming show

unless that would be prying.

No, you can ask me anything.

You really seem like someone
I could talk to.

Come on in. Let's chat.

We'll order smoothies. Woo-hoo.

Come on, Harvey.

I thought you wanted to get in shape
for hockey.

I just want to work on my speed
so when a fight breaks out,


I skate away with my teeth intact.

Evil neighbor alert.

Whoever parked their rusted-out
Corolla in front of my house,

may I remind you that it's my curb?

You can't park there.

That's Harvey's car. He's our friend.

He can park there.

And what if
I have a friend come over?

Then he can park his imaginary car
in his imaginary spot.

But be careful of imaginary
street cleaning on Tuesdays.

Look, smart aleck and idiot aleck,

you're gonna feel a lot differently
when I call the police on you.

Keep harassing us, you're gonna wish
all we did was park in front.

- Don't you thr*aten me.
- Why are you here still arguing?

- Isn't it time to go dance with Mama?
- Ha!



Hey, guys.

Hey, look at that. She lives.

Got through a Baby K K interview
with no scratches and no bruises.

Well, not that we can see.

The emotional wounds
take the longest to heal.

If they ever do.

Actually, the interview went fine.

It was rocky at first,
but I found a way to charm her.

- Hey.
- Hey, James.

It's a good look for you, man.

Too bad the band was never called
the Jackson .

Ha, ha. You're jealous.

You're jealous because
my music industry connections

got me the emcee gig tonight.

You're emcee? James, my man.

Cool it, man.
Save that for the mathletes.

Oh, there's Annie.
I'm gonna go say hi.

- Hey, Annie.
- I'm on a date.

Does he know that? I'm Sabrina.

He doesn't speak.
That's why I like him.

All right.
Who's ready to get their party on?


Listen up, if you got a weak heart,
you better call right now

it's about to get dangerous up in here.

She's mean. She's bad.

She's nasty.

Baby K K!


We've only just begun to live

White lace and promises

Any idea what this is about?

It's a tender tribute
to a new marriage, really.

The music choice, it's, uh...
It's so not her.

You know,
normally the rappers scare me,

but this is quite enjoyable.

Was she like this
during your interview with her?

She was nice,
if that's what you mean.

- Did you drug her?
- No.

Did you get her off dr*gs?

We just talked and we hit it off.

I even did my Marcia Brady
impression for her. Yeah.

She found it really funny.

I want that article on my desk
tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow? But...

Save the whining for your birthday party.
Tomorrow morning on my desk, got it?

Whoa. Back it up, bosszilla.
Do I look like someone

- who wants to be working all night?
- Pardon me?

I'm up here trying to get my groove on
and I got you up in my grill,

sweating me about some article
for your funky little rag.

- Well, sorry, I don't play that.
- Forget the article.

I'll see you
first thing tomorrow morning.

- Did I just say what I think I said?
- Uh-huh.

Where did that come from?

We smile

Oh, I think I know
where that came from.

All I can figure is that somehow
Baby K K and I switched personalities.

What do you mean, "somehow"?
Did you cast a spell?

No. Well, maybe a little one.
But believe me, you would have too.

- She was scary.
- How scary?

Remember our class trip
to the hot-dog factory?


So, what was the spell?

Nothing, really.
I just said to make her like me.

Oh, my God, I wanted her to like me,
not become like me.

And somehow I ended up like her.
Except without the money and fame.

Well, it happened,

so just apologize to your boss
and she'll forget it.

Annie doesn't forget things.

- Well, thank you very much.
- What?

Would it k*ll you
to save one brownie for the cat?

What good is Seafood Fancy Feast
without dessert?

- Sorry, Salem.
- Sorry?

Well, sorry doesn't have walnuts,
does it?

Do I look like someone
who's running a kitty kitchen?

I'll sell your smelly carcass
to the puppet show,

- you overfed fat ferret.
- Ahh!

It has not gone away.

I don't know what makes this happen,
but I have to fix it.

I'm gonna call Spell-Check.


This is Bob at Bob's Spell-Check.

If you need help with a spell,
leave a message.

... spell...



Oh, wait a minute.
I don't speak Spanish.

Hi, Bob, this is Sabrina, I need help.
Come as quick as you can.


Wow, he's fast.

Oh, hi, neighbor.

Well, if it isn't Chip the dip.

Let's see if you can laugh this off.

I'm taking you to small-claims court.

- What for?
- I think you know.

Roxie, what did you do?

Okay, okay,
I snuck into his yard and l...

I mixed his plastic recyclables
with his glass.

Roxie, Roxie.

It's not too late
to turn back from this life of crime.

What on Earth
are you two talking about?

You scratched the word "loser"
in my car.

What? I did not.

Although it would be truth
in advertising.

What's going on?

Something about crime and court
and I wasn't following.

I was playing with a ball of spit
on my tongue.

See you in court.

Okay, everybody stay calm.
We can handle this.

It's gonna take more than brownies,
but I'll make pecan sandies.

Cookie's aren't gonna do it.

That's why I need you to come with me
to court and be a witness.

Don't worry.
We'll all be there to support you.

Oh, absolutely.

I hope you get Judge Reinhold.
I think he's cute.

Don't worry.
I'll be there to support you.

Yeah, I'll understand, Morgan,

if you have an appointment
or break a nail.

Oh, by the way, Sabrina,

you left a wet towel
on the bathroom floor.

Oh, well,
I've been kind of preoccupied, Morgan.

- I'll get to it later.
- Excuse me.

Later means moldy grout.

How hard is it
just to throw it in the hamper?

Do I look like your cleaning lady?
What, are those painted on?

Why don't you pick it up,
Princess Lay-Around.


You know,
you shouldn't talk to me like that.

I am a kickboxer and you are lucky
that I don't have my music on.

Oh, man, this is getting out of hand.

Well, she did kind of
get in your face.

So did Salem.
And so did Annie, that's it.

Every time someone pushes me
a little too far,

I switch into Baby K K's personality.

Oh, man, I'm late for work.

Hey, wait. What are you gonna do
about your boss?

I'm just gonna have to get in, apologize
and get out before she sets me off.

If that doesn't work, I'll kiss her.

By the time she's recovers,
I'll be in Canada.

Hey, morning, Sabrina.

Notice how I said "morning"?
Not good, not bad.

That's your call.
No need to get violent over it.

Okay, I can explain, okay?

I got a little cranky with Annie
because I was up late the night before.

Oh. Right, I'm sure.

You must have been up till, what,
jive o'clock?

I've never heard you
talk like that before.

You should be careful doing all that,
you could get a serious neck injury.

Oh, that's just the way
Annie and I talk to each other.

You know, we're like sisters.

You know, we're like:

Go sister, soul sister
Gitchy, gitchy


Listen, uh, Sabrina,
Annie's looking for you.

Oh, I know, Leonard.

No, she wants to see you pronto.

Yeah, I got it.
I'm just gonna grab a cup of coffee.

Oh, no, let me make this clear.

Annie gave me a direct order
to tell you to come see her.

So if you don't go see her, I'm the one
who gets my action figures broken.

Now get in there.

Okay, back it up, doll boy.

Do I look like someone
who cares what happens

to your silly toy collection?

Here, let me show you
how much I care.

What's up, dude?


Now Maxi-Man
can get the good parking space.

- Oh, no.
- I was so wrong about you.

Bob's Spell-Check. Someone here
having problems with their magic...?

Magic Ball, yeah.

Mine keeps saying "Ask again later."
It's out here.

Bob, you can't just pop in.

Oh, right,
like I'm gonna drive in Boston.

Look, I cast a spell
to make someone like me,

but she became just like me.

- Syntax error.
- Plus, I've taken on her traits.

Well, that one may take some time.

No, no, I don't have any time.
You've gotta put it back the way it was.

Go, go.

What do the words "right away" mean
in the hood?

Because where I come from
it means "right now."

not when the mood strikes.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

- Hey, Roxie, what are you doing?
- Trying to find CourtTV.

I'm doing some last-minute cramming
before my case tomorrow.

I wanted to talk to you
about that.

Hey, look,
there's your friend Baby K K.

In light of her recent behavior,

an army of paparazzi
has surrounded her home,

hoping to catch a glimpse
of the notoriously prickly star.

How long have you guys
been out here?

Well, come on in.

I made some brownies
and if you don't like those,

go on, girl,
I'll make some pecan sandies.

Y'all like pecan sandies?

No wonder you guys hit it off.
She reminds me of you.

Come on,
I'm not that eager to please.

- Am I?
- You can't help it.

You'll do anything
to avoid confrontation.

That is not true,
but I don't want to get into it.

Sabrina, you don't have a mean word
to say about anybody.

That's why
you're my main character witness.

Roxie, that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

- I can't testify for you.
- Why not?

Trust me, it wouldn't be a good idea.
I can't explain.

I know what this is about.
You think I keyed that guy's car.

No way, Roxie. L...

Well, thanks for the vote
of confidence, friend.

So it isn't just me.
You're turning on everyone.

you see what's been happening to me.

If I were to lose it in a courtroom,
I could mess things up for Roxie.

Hey, it's small-claims court.
What's the worst that could happen?

She gets sent up the river
to the small house?

I'm sorry, I feel bad for her.

Miss King has absolutely
no consideration

for the rights of others.

She needs to be punished
for the good of the community.

Hey, Matlock,
this is small-claims court.

Crank it down to about a five.

Miss King, did you scratch his car?

No, I'd never key a guy's car.
Unless I was dating him.

Your Honor, this woman
has been constantly abusive to me.

Is that true, Miss King?

Not really.

Well, kind of.

Uh, sometimes.

Do you like brownies?

Sabrina, what are you doing here?

Oh, this is so frustrating.

That jerk is shredding Roxie in there,
and it's ridiculous.

She would never scratch
anyone's car.

I mean, she gets goose bumps
just sliding a chair across linoleum.

Why don't you go in and help?

I can't.
The spell hasn't been lifted yet.

Miss, you can't stand
in front of these doors.

- But my friend...
- Are you deaf?

You either come in
or stay away from the doors.

Now move.


Stand back,
Sabrina Spellman in the house.

- What is going on?
- I'd like to call my character witness.

Your Honor,
this man is a neighborhood menace.

He's rude, he's obnoxious,

and I'm guessing his roses didn't die,
they took their own lives.

What do you think you're doing?

Testifying, Your Honor.

Does this woman look like a vandal?

Does this man look
like a crotchety old crank?

No, but he is.

He's a peeping Tom who doesn't like
music, children or dogs.

And he is the reason
that the ice-cream man

doesn't come
to our neighborhood anymore.

Isn't that right, sir?

How many times can any human being
listen to "It's a Small World"?


All right, quiet.

You, young lady,
have to control your attitude.

- Thank you.
- And you, pencil neck,

need to stop complaining
to your neighbors

about every little thing
and accusing people willy-nilly.

It could have been anyone
who scratched your car.

In fact, if I lived next to a jerk like you,
I might have done it too.

Case dismissed.

I knew you wouldn't let me down.

Hey, what are friends for?

But if it turns out you poisoned
his rose bushes, I don't know you.

Oh, here you are.
Sorry it took so long.

Don't worry about it.
Lift the spell already.

What do you mean?
I fixed it an hour ago.

- Sign here.
- But...

That other girl's spell
should be winding down any minute.

Do you want me to read it again,

Do I look like I want to read it again?

I am not LeVar Burton,
and this is not Reading Rainbow.

Okay, that should do it.
Here's my card.

Don't forget, I also fix faulty hexes,
potions and garbage disposals.

One thing I can't figure out.

If the spell was lifted,
what just happened here?

I guess it was all me.

It turns out if I really want to
and my friends are on the line,

I can kick some serious butt.

Yeah, that felt good. I was smoking.

I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings.

Annie, I just wanted to say I'm sorry
I had to bail on the Baby K K story.

That's it?

You're not gonna get all up in my face
and snap your witty street talk at me?

No, and, you know,
I feel really awful about that too.

Oh, that's too bad.

I thought you might have been
getting interesting.

You know, a word of advice,
find a personality and stick with it.

I don't know
what makes her think she's all that.