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02x08 - All I Want Right Now Is One More b*llet

Posted: 03/17/22 08:02
by bunniefuu
I love that color on her.

It looks really good.

- Excuse me. - Okay.

Oh, sorry. Yeah.

- We talked about it. - Honey, just have a seat.

All right. Thank you, dear.

I'll be... I'll be right back.


Okay, but, like, Teagan needs it this big.

How are you holding up?


You gonna do the toast?

I don't know. I'm getting some serious glare and stare action.

Mm. Tell me about it.

One of the groomsmen hit on me.

And the drunk uncle asked if I still had a penis.

Well, at least we live in one of the most progressive cities in the world.

I know.

I think it might be time for me to get a headache

- and bow out like the coward I am. - Mm-hmm.

- CBM incoming. - Oh, God.

- Michael. - Janet.

I don't want to make a scene here.

Why not? I have some great ideas.

I know Teagan asked you to speak,

but if you have any compassion for your sister or this family,

I really think it would be best for everyone

if you had one of your mysterious headaches and left early.

Just consider it.


Well... you gotta do it now.

Is this working?

My name is Nomi. I am Teagan's only sibling,

which means, yes, I am her former brother-now-sister.

This may come as a surprise to some of you.

I'm a subject my parents prefer to avoid.

Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.

As someone not usually invited to these family functions,

I admit that, for a long time,

I related the idea of family to Nietzsche's

"That which does not k*ll you makes you stronger."

But I don't think that way about family anymore.

And that's largely due to my sister Teagan.

So, let me tell you a little bit about her.

Dirt! We want the dirt!

Everybody thinks Teagan is really nice, but it's not true.

She isn't nice.

She's super nice.

Like, sickeningly nice.

She was born a vegetarian.

I remember her apologizing before eating french fries

because they were related to Mr. Potato Head.

And, yes, she did go to Greece to help Syrian refugees.

It was hard being Teagan's sibling...

because she was so perfect.

She was smart, and funny, and pretty.

Bluebirds followed her to school.

I, on the other hand, was the opposite.

I was the difficult one.

I was troubled.

I remember an early therapy session with my mother

where we were just screaming at each other until she blurted out,

"Why can't you be more like Teagan?"

Be careful what you wish for, Mom.

Teagan and I got into huge fights, too.

I know I was trying to provoke her.

I once tore up her diary.

I wanted her to get angry, to feel depressed, to have a fit.

To be more like me.

The worst fight we ever had was just before my operation.

She came to my apartment.

I think, like most cisgendered people,

she didn't understand why I had to have surgery.

She was scared for me.

I think a small part of her wanted to talk me out of it.

And then she found out

I had forged my mother's signature on the medical consent forms...

and we both realized she now had the power to stop me.

I got scared.

I said some pretty terrible things that I regretted as soon as I said them.

She left and I wondered if that was it, if our relationship was over.

The night before I went into the hospital

was the longest and the loneliest I've ever felt in my life.

But no one stopped me.

When I woke up...

the first thing I felt was Teagan's hand holding mine.

Her smile was the first thing I saw.

And her voice singing "Happy Birthday"...

...was the first thing I heard.

It was in that moment...

my sister taught me what "family" actually means.

So, Tom...

treat my sister well,

because if you don't...

- I swear I... - will find you.

To Teagan.

The best sister anyone could hope for. I love you.

And I wish you and Tom all the best.

I would totally wear this if it came in my size.

I can't believe she's already having her third child.

It's wonderful.

And she's a year younger than you, Kala.

Why did she bother going to university

if all she was going to do was make babies?

- Kala. - What?

She was one of the top students.

It's a complete waste of resource for a mind like her.

She shouldn't be at home... changing diapers.

She should be solving, like, global warming.

- Such a way of thinking you have. - Am I wrong?

She's your friend. She's discovering her life the same as you are.

And she looks happy when I see her.

Of course she's happy.

She has a husband she loves.

And both of them together are making a family,

which is the most natural thing in the world.

I'm not saying it's not natural.

Though, let us remember that cancer is also natural,

so naturalness in itself should not be considered a virtue.

I'm just suggesting that there are better uses for a mind like hers.

Well, let's wait and see what you think once you and Rajan start having children.

I need a coffee.

I'll meet you outside.


Great. I just pissed myself.


f*ck, man. I've been looking all over this f*cking city for you.

I needed to lay low.

- I figured it was bad. - Why?

I'm not the only one looking.

- Cops? - Mm-hmm.



Keeps calling, like... one of your old girlfriends.

What happened?

- It's not good. - Gah!

When you say "not good," usually means stuff's going to start blowing up

and people will start dying.

Maybe it's time for me to leave this town.

India plan.


Is everything all right between you and Rajan?

Why would you ask that?

Because you're my daughter.

Rajan and I are...

We're not exactly...

Well, there are things that we did not know about each other that we are...


You know, Bitta...

when your father first brought me to Bombay...

I was terrified of these streets.

I remember the first time I went out, I got lost.

It was so different from where I grew up.

So busy and noisy.

Nobody knew anybody.

I thought I wouldn't be safe and comfortable here.

One day, he asked me to get a few things for his restaurant, and I couldn't do it.

I had to pay a boy to get them for me.

I hid in the doorway and waited for them.

I didn't tell this to your dad. I was too ashamed.

You know, Kala, sometimes...

all we need is... a bit of time.

No. No.



Wait. That's her.

- You sure? - Yeah.

We found her. Her name is Carol Cumberland.

She was here.


With Whispers.

Did you say "Whispers"?

We're heading into some creepy house

and you're talking about some guy named Whispers? Seriously?

He can wait in the car if he wants.

I know he's probably saying some shit like I can wait in the car, but I'm a cop.

I was just shining a light upon a situation

that normal people in their normal lives prefer to avoid.

No one's home.

Which means Officer Gorski's probably suggesting...

Let's go around back.

Yeah. Predictable.

What have you gotten me into?

I don't want to hurt you.

But I will if you don't answer my questions.


Little B and E. Sure. Why not?

We're just officers of the law, right?

Angel and Raoul.

Slow down.

It's okay. Raoul, you can do it. I got you. It's just some stairs.

They went down there.

Hold on, hold on. Hey...

I got this.

- I got him. - This way. Go through here.

Come on. I got you.

Yeah, great.

I'll let you do your séance thing. I'll stay back here.

They can make us normal...

She was searching for her children.

So much pain.

The research might be helpful.

They want to sterilize us.

Everything all right?

Hey, what are you doing?

It's okay.

You'll be safe. I'm sorry.

Forgive me.

Forgive me.

I'm so sorry.

That's f*cking creepy.

So to recap, we got your standard mad scientist lab.

Apparently abandoned.

Still looking for evidence of a crime.

We should look upstairs.


Let me guess, his idea.


I know I'm going to win. I can smell my victory.

Oh, no.

- Oh. - Ha! Four in a row. I win again.

Van Damn!

It's good to see you, Amondi.

Give us a moment, Amondi. Go with Martha.

- You still have homework to do, huh? - See you later.

See you.

If you do become president, will you stop driving the Van Damn?



What can I do for you, Van Damn?

I want to know why your men have been following me.

Can I offer you a drink?

- Oh. No, thank you. - I'll have a bourbon.

I should have told you about my men,

but I knew if I did, you would have said you didn't want them.

I don't.

Your friends at the KDRP may know something about politics,

but I know Nairobi.

The true measure of a candidate's viability in this city

is not measured by polls or numbers.

You know that someone is a serious contender by the size of the bounty.

There's a bounty on my head?

There's a bounty on anyone who runs against Mandiba.

How serious is it?

I would say now the price is somewhere between a beating and a kidnapping.

But let's see what happens after your rally.

This will tell us how dangerous they think you are.

Are you telling me you think I should withdraw?

Withdraw now and you will have done the exact opposite

of what you set out to do.

Instead of undermining Mandiba's hold over this city and his control of Kibera,

your withdrawal will serve to make him invincible.

Then I can't withdraw.


And I can't claim to be like everyone else

if I have armed guards following me everywhere I go.

You are right to understand that politics requires courage.

But if you're asking for advice, I would suggest you stop driving a bus

where every day, you arrive at the same appointed time.

Will you answer a question honestly?

As honestly as I can.

Are you helping me because undermining Mandiba's control over this city

is good for your business interests?

The easiest decisions in this world are those where what is good for business

is also good for your family.

F... Family?

You know I'm deeply indebted.

And you know my daughter cares very much about you.

But I must admit, I would never make such a presumption based on this alone.

You asked for honesty.

I'm in love with your mother.

And it is my intention to ask her to marry me.

We made it. I think we made it. I think we made it.

Oh, God.

Who starts a wedding on the dot?

My mother.

- Good luck. - Okay.


Come on.

Ah! She's here!

Oh, my God, T! Oh!

Oh, my God.

You look so beautiful.

Thank you.

By the way, Bug, I have to say that is an amazing tux.

eBay. Worn by the actual stunt double for Bond, James Bond.

From Russia With Love.

That's a nice rack for a dude.

- Did he say what I think he said? - Uh-huh.

Do you want me to hurt him?

Normally, yes, of course.

But today is T's big day and I have to be careful

because I can't be responsible for anything going wrong.

I read people talk to themselves

when they know no one cares what they have to say.

Do you think that's true?

Maybe just a little.

He's too late.


- I'm not leaving this room. - I know.

I know.

It's okay.

I understand what you're going through.

And I'm not judging, or trying to fix it, or tell you what to do.

I just wanted you to know that I love you.

And that you aren't alone.

Oh, my God. Lito, you have to get up, right now!

If you don't do it...

No, I'm gonna make you do it,

because it's so freaking perfect.

It's you and Hernando. It...

- It's meant for you. - What are you talking about?

I stayed up all night. And I read all the scripts.

I was about to give up, but...

I found it. I found the one.

Many of us spend our lives searching for the one.

For Teagan and Tom, the search has come to an end.

Marriage is a sacred union.

It is a rite uniting individuals into a family.

- It bonds two minds. - I always cry at weddings.

- It bonds two hearts and souls. - Me, too.

You came here today before us as two.

You will leave as one.

- Are you ready? - Yes.

Teagan Marks, do you take this man to be your husband,

to love and to cherish, to have and...

Excuse me!

I'm really sorry about this.

I wish I didn't have to do this, but I don't have a choice.

Special Agent Bendix, FBI.

- I'm going to ask all of you... - You m*therf*cker.

to remain in your seats until we have secured the individual in question.

Now hold on a second...

What right do you have to come into my church?

I am Special Agent Bendix. I'm here to arrest Nomi Marks.

- Nom? - I don't understand.

- You said it was fine. - I thought it was. Oh, God. Oh, God.

What the hell, Bug? You said it worked.

It did work. You saw it worked.

I knew this. I knew this was going to happen.

Mom, Dad, do something.

It's your own fault. I told you not to include him.

No. I won't let you.

If you want to finish your sacred rite, get out of the way.

Otherwise, I can take you downtown, too.

- Teagan, be reasonable. - But...

We knew this could happen. We warned you.

Michael is a disaster. He ruins everything!

Janet, calm down!

There are police officers swarming my daughter's wedding,

as if I have not endured enough humiliation because of...


Go ahead. Take his side. Even when he destroys your wedding.

Please, don't make it any worse.

Go with these men and we'll see if anything can be done for you later.

I'm sorry, T. I'm so sorry.

This is what happens when you think you can outsmart the law.

Turn around. Hands behind your back.



- Get your damn hands off her! - Oh, yeah. Go ahead, obstruct.

Get ready to arrest Miss Caplan, too.

- Come on. - Amanita, it's okay. It's okay.

It's not. This isn't your fault. It's this moron!

He's had his head so far up his ass, he didn't bother to check.

Check what?

Good citizens of San Francisco's upper tax bracket,

this man, Agent Jeffrey Bendix,

has stormed into the middle of this sacred ceremony,

violating this important moment

for absolutely no other reason than the gratification of his male ego!


I urge you to contact your congressperson...

I'm a congressperson!

Nomi Marks is one of the most wanted fugitives in this city.

Prove it!

Show us the warrant, Agent Bendix.

I have the arrest warrant right here.

He doesn't have a warrant.

Of course I have one.


- Agent Bendix... - Nomi Marks is wanted

by at least three different agencies in the federal system.

I trust that you are familiar

with the law firm Winslow, Wise, Allegretti & Marks?

I sincerely hope that you're going to show me the warrant.

What did you do? She did something!

She did some kind of hacking! This is bullshit!

Take your hands off my daughter...

or I promise you, I will pursue a suit

seeking the kind of damages that end the careers of men like you.



Pull yourself together.

Apologies for the, uh, theatrical misunderstanding.

Minister, if you please.

Thank you.

Are you all right?

He's never called me "daughter."

- I love you. - I love you, too.


You good?

We're good.

Teagan Marks, do you take this man to be your husband?

It's pretty good.

"Pretty good"? Lito, you're crying snot.

Okay, it's brilliant.

It is. It is. It so is.

It's perfect for you. You are Jordi Gallo.

Dani, this is a Hollywood film.

I'm sure right now they are meeting with Javier Bardem

or Gael García to play Jordi.

Oh, yeah. Javier's amazing.

You see? Even the love of my life thinks there are better choices.

No. It is meant for you.

I mean, this scene where Jordi proposes to Pablo at the funeral, it's...

This is an incredible scene.

I can hear your voice, I can see you as Jordi Gallo.

All we have to do is get you in the room with these people,

and they will see it, too.

Dani, please, stop torturing me.

I'm not torturing you. I believe in you.

I don't even have an agent who can call and get me in this imaginary room.

I didn't have an agent at the beginning of my career. I didn't let that stop me.

Hernando, please.

Dani, I think Lito needs a little bit of time.

- Fifty-eight minutes. - It's not about 58 minutes.

Just give me 58 minutes. Can you bring a timer?

Fifty-eight minutes. Why 58 minutes?

It's the longest it's ever taken me.

Can I borrow your phone?

What are you gonna do?



Hi, this is Daniela Velázquez of the Velázquez Agency in Mexico City.

A little bird told me Kit Wrangler is casting Iberian Dreams

and I have incredible news for him.

Yes. Mm-hmm. That's right.

- Kit Wrangler? - I'll hold.

You think you're gonna just call up and get me a meeting with Kit Wrangler?

Who is Kit Wrangler?

Academy Award-winning producer.

Yes, of course Mr. Wrangler's in a meeting.

I mean, "Daniela who? What, Mexico? Where?"

The thing is... to whom am I speaking, by the way? Jean-Baptiste.

Look, Jean-Baptiste, I need you to indulge this Mexican madwoman for two minutes.

Just two minutes, because every career,

every successful Hollywood story can be reduced to a single moment,

to one break where someone recognized an opportunity that no one else did.

These next two minutes, Jean-Baptiste,

could be the difference between where you are right now

and the first associate producer credit of your career.

I want you to go online, click YouTube, type in "Lito Rodriguez, São Paulo Pride."

I want you to watch the speech,

and then I want you to look at the number of views.

And if you can see what I see, you will call me be back.

This is never gonna work.

- Hi, is Chip in? Yeah, it's Dani. - Chip? Who's Chip?

- Sleazebag at Variety. - Chip!

Oh, really? You saw me in the video?

God, it was insane!

But that was nothing compared to what happened afterwards.

You naughty thing, you! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Oh, shit! One sec. One sec.


I can't believe this. I am talking to Peter Cohen on the other line.

Yeah, it's for... Ladies of the Canyon.

I know. I know, it's so not Iberian Dreams.

But Peter's genius is sensing when an actor's having a moment.

Hold on, hold on.

He's not gonna do it for less than two million.

Oh, really? We'll see what you think after Ellen.

That's right. She loves an LGBT story. Call me back.

Oh, my God, you heard that? I thought I muted this thing.

Chip, holy shit, that was Lito. We'll be in LA this week.

Why? Well, no, I'm not really supposed to say anything.

Oh, but it's so exciting.

No, no, no. It's still a secret.

Promise you won't tell anyone.

Lito is meeting with Kit.

I know! It's so good!

Please, please, promise you won't tell anyone.

Oh, you're a doll. See you in LA. Ciao.

Jean-Baptiste, I'm so sorry.

I know, it's heartbreaking. He's perfect. Exactly.

Exactly like that, which is... Oh, shit.

That's Peter again. I have to call you back.

I know. Lito loves Iberian Dreams, but the Ladies offer is real.

It's k*lling me.

It's heartbreaking, but it's timing, and this business, it's all about timing.


All right, yeah. I'll wait... if you think you can do something.

Talk to me, Jean-Baptiste.

What? Variety called while you were with Kit?

That's really weird synchronicity. But, hey, timing is everything, isn't it?

Yeah. Okay, sure.

Put him on.

Hello, Kit.

I know. I felt it, too.

I believe in this project. I believe it was destiny.

I can't wait for you to meet him.

I know you are going to love him.


No velvet rope, no closed doors,

no VIP entrance can ever keep Daniela Velázquez... out.

Dani, that was amazing.

Three first-class tickets. Offer on the table, contingent to meeting.

- Dani! Thank you. - You don't have to thank me.

What you have to do is get in that room and get this part.

- I'm Jordi Gallo. - You're Jordi Gallo.

- I'm Jordi Gallo. - You're Jordi Gallo! You're Jordi Gallo!

Pack your bags because we're going to Hollywood!


Fifty-eight! Fifty-eight!



Mrs. Rasal? There's a man down here claiming to be a friend of the family.

Kala, hi. This is Ajay.

Ajay. Yes. Hello.

Um, I'm sorry, but Rajan is away.

- He's at a factory in Bangalore. - How unfortunate.

Look, I was passing by your fortified sky palace

because I want to drop off a gift,

a better-late-than-never wedding present.

Oh, um...

I know how neighbors can talk,

so I'm happy to have the ever-vigilant Mr. Security here as chaperone.

Won't take but a moment.

Um... sure. Yeah.


A nice fixer-upper Raj has got himself here.

Um, you really didn't have to do this.

If I can be frank, Mrs. Rasal...

I met Raj quite a bit after your wedding,

and it never occurred to me, not once.

But the moment I saw your reaction to the fact

that I hadn't been to your wedding,

I realized the scale of my mistake.

This is what they mean I think by... the "civilizing nature of women."

- Hm... - I mean, everyone makes mistakes.

But I think it's important to make amends when appropriate.

As I said, you really didn't have to.

No, but I did.

And my karma has rewarded me with another opportunity to talk to you.

You believe in karma, Mrs. Rasal?

I do. Um, yes.

Me, too.

Me, too.

Open it up with Raj if you don't mind.

It'll just mean more that way.

Yeah, sure.

And once again, congratulations to you both.

Thank you.

Bye for now.

Might I have a word with you, Mr. Secretary?

We are making great progress with the microspaces.

The neuro-grafting and lateral demonstrations

are yielding extraordinary results.

I need a meeting with him.

I'm afraid that's not possible right now.

- When? - I wish I could say for certain...

Mr. Secretary, remind him of one thing I am certain of.

This program exists because of me.

I'll make sure he gets the message.

Coroner's report came in.

Toxicology confirms what we saw.

Carol Cumberland took a bunch of pills and slit her wrists.


Why was Jonas there?

Are you asking me or someone else in your head?



that is what we call police work.


This is the wife. Gotta take this.


You have to get back to London.

I know how to get to Whispers, but we're gonna need more blockers.

How many do you have left?



- f*ck. That's not enough. - Well, Kala believes she can make them.

- We won't have time to test them. - Are you talking to Will?

I got some pretty bad news.

- What? - What?

It's his dad.

He's dying.

Who are you?

It's okay. She's a friend of Will's.

I don't care what my son did.

I just want him to come home.

What happened?

Shock brought on by septicemia.

We think he fell. Hurt himself.

I found him on the floor.

On the floor?

- How long? - Don't know.

But he's a fighter.

Who are you?

- It's me... - Dad.

Who the f*ck are you?

I want Will. I want my son.

I'm so sorry. I wish he could be here.


Willie. Where are you? Are you okay?

- I'm okay, Dad. - You're not okay!

There are government agents saying all kinds of f*cked up shit about you.

- Dad, are you drinking? - What do you care?

- You're not supposed to be drinking, Dad. - You're not here!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Dad.

I should be here.

I should be here. I'm so sorry.



I knew you'd come.

You see me, Dad?

My boy.

- Come on. Fire it in. - Ready?

Come on. You can't hurt me.


We used to play catch. Remember?

I remember.

Why did we stop?

I don't know.

Go get your mitt.

- You got a good arm. - Whoo! Yeah.

- Willie, I gotta go to work. - Come on, Dad!

No. Come on!

Duty calls.



Dad, don't go.



Come back!



Come on, Dad!

Please, stay?
