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02x05 - Everything Must Go

Posted: 03/18/22 07:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Good Girls"...

It was an accident.

He ran behind the car.

Well, then I moved the body.

What are we supposed to do with this?

- We get rid of it.
- What do you want?

Is there any way you could
take her for the night?

So you can bone some other
pregnant lady's husband?

- Yeah, she knows.
- Yeah, I'm aware. Thank you.

So I think it's pretty much game over.

Do you think I could make it in LA?

We'll put the vroom, vroom,
vroom, back in your...

Here's what's going to happen.

You're going to quit your job
and my husband.

This is 5 grand.
Enough for a plane ticket

and a little to get you started in LA.

I have a few ideas.

If we start catering more towards women,

I think we could really
increase our sales.

We both have our own,
you know, superpower.

Why would you want to wreck that?

- You didn't tell him yet?
- Tell me what?

We're partners now.

We threw a man away.

One... two... three!

Tell me again.

It's kind of late.

Tell me again.

Which part?

Where you chopped the dude up.

And you stuck him in the freezer.

- She did that.
- Where'd you dump the body?



Hill and Snelling.

There's a lot of homeless around there.

No one saw us.

That you know.

Tell me again.

You throw away his shoes?

- Yes.
- Are you sure?

We threw out everything.

- Okay, whose car did you take?
- Beth's.

Did you cover the license plate?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Okay, what about people with their dogs?

It was pretty late.

You don't think dogs like
to whiz late at night?

No one saw us, Stan.

That's what everybody says,
and they all get caught.

Tell me again.

Why'd you tell me?

You said no more lies.

I'm an idiot.

Kids will be up soon.

You want breakfast or...

Where are you going?

Get ahead of it.

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx


Hey. Morning.

Kids want French toast.


What's the egg-to-milk ratio?

I usually just eyeball it.


I'll be right out.


Morning, handsome.

Go away.

Hey, you are gonna miss these moments

when you go to college.

That's why I'm going to college.

Will you take me with you? Please?

Or I could just get an alarm clock.

Yeah, but alarm clocks
don't have morning breath.

This is child abuse.

All right. It's time to get up.

Do I have to go to Dad's this weekend?

Is she being cray?


Well, you know her hormones
are probably,

like, out of control.

He cheated on her.


With who?

I think a friend of theirs.

Wow. No way.

Why would he do that?


You know... marriage is really hard.

Or he's just a d*ck.


Whoever he banged
is an even bigger d*ck.

Okay, you know...

it's probably really,
really, complicated.

Or they're both just
king-sized bags of dicks.

Okay, time to brush your teeth.

Go on. Get out.

Thank you.


Stan said there's a witness.

- What does that even mean?
- It means someone saw us.

- Like a camera?
- There were no cameras.

- We checked.
- Like a person?

No, a damn robot. I don't know.

What did he say, exactly?

He was asking around at work,
and that is what he heard.

Oh, my God.

Well, I mean, a witness
could mean anything.

Someone saw someone do something.

- Exactly.
- We just threw out a bag of trash.

That's literally all it was

from, like, a purely visual standpoint.

There's only three b*tches in the world

- who know what we did.
- Yeah.

- And they're right here.
- Correct.


Four b*tches.

This isn't gonna work.

I mean, we can't... we can't stay here.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Were you expecting the Four Seasons?

I mean, there's no crib, there's no tub.

The boys have school.

I don't think you're in any position

to make demands right now.

Mommy! They have Nick Jr.!

Oh, that's... that's... that's good.

Let's go over there right now.

Yeah, and rough her up.

Like, verbally.

Not if she's talking to the cops.

What is this shady trick's game?

She's just as guilty as we are.

Uh, yeah, except guiltier.

She did it!

So how'd they do it?

I mean, you know,
I already told you, so...

Tell the world.

Can we have some chips?

Yeah, just not too many, okay?

This place is way too small.

You ever been in a jail cell?

- No.
- Real tight.

All right, so like I told you, um...

they ran him...


You know, a bunch of times.

And then they, um...

They C-H-O-P-P-E-D up his B-O-D-Y

into tiny little pieces.

With an M-A-S-H... mm...

M-A-S-H-I... M... ma...

A mashi? What the hell is that?

No, um, no, you know, like a, um,

like a giant... like a giant K-N-I-F-E.

An A-X-E?

No, I know how to spell A-X-E.

Like a big... like a big,
you know, like a big, um...

S-W-O-R-D. Like...

- A cleaver?
- No. No.

Oh, um, you know, they had
them in R-A-W-A-N-D-A.

You know? Oh, with that
terrible uprising.

- Rwanda?
- Yes, but can you...

- Machete!
- Shh!


- Yes.
- Jesus.

Yes. I know.

Can you just, like,
go arrest them now or...

Mm-mm, I need to find the B-O-D-Y first.

Oh, yeah.

How's that going?

We're getting there.

Yeah, that's good.

We need you to make it... go away.

Without, you know, making her go away.

Unless push comes to shove.

Yes, I know. She's a mother.

Yes, I know she has four kids.

But we have, like, seven between us.

What did I say about your rotten egg?

So what do you want, a medal?

Yeah, maybe I do.

Can you somehow shut it down?

I can try.

Just to be crystal clear, we need

the situation that we're in to go away,

not the rotten egg
who caused the situation.

Yeah, I'm gonna need 200 G's. Fresh.


Shutting things down ain't cheap.

On top of what we're
already washing for you?

Jesus. How much to just smoke her?

We don't have time
to sell that many cars.

It is what it is.

You need time to think it over?

Maybe a quick bathroom break?



We're good.

Really? Are we?

Hey. Have you seen this Fluff Challenge?

The dog thinks the owner
actually disappears.

It's hilarious.

How many cars would we
have to sell to make 200 grand?

Ball park?


Like, you know, 20 or 30.

It just kind of depends on the model.

How about the Vettes?

Ooh, that takes
the right kind of customer.

Well, it needs to happen quick.

Well that's... that's not
really how it works.

Plus we don't have that kind
of inventory right now.

How do we get that kind of inventory?

Oh, man.

That guy. What a... what a punk.

I mean, he's already got
60% of the business.

It's not for him.

I am not gonna be his little bitch.

If he wanted an ATM,

he should have knocked over a 7/11.

- I'm trying to run a business here.
- It's for me.

I need it.


Can you get the cars?


- Thank you.
- Maybe.

Is there a problem?

No, there's no problem, per se.

It's just... it's just more of,
uh, you know...

a thing.

Oh, what a feelin',
We're wheelin' and dealin'

at the Eastern Michigan Auto Auction!

Wholesalers, retailers, come on down.

We've got over 250 pre-owned vehicles

with prices starting at just $800.

I'll be waiting for your call.

Can you feel the deals?

I mean...

I know.


I know.

I thought she moved to LA.

I bought her the ticket.

Looks like she did for a hot minute.

Let's see, she was Dead Girl on Pier

on "NCIS Los Angeles."

I'm sorry, is she acting like
she works at the car auction

or does she actually work there?

Oh, she's like the gatekeeper.

And she's got Dean
on a permanent waiting list.

She's blackballing him?

Yeah, I mean, can you blame her?

Ooh, also Mutilated Corpse in Woods

on "Criminal Minds."


Well, that's it.

So, we go down there,
we kiss her bony ass

and tell her the cars
are for us and not Dean.

And by "we," we mean not you.

Yeah, you don't go anywhere
near her bony ass.

No, no. We will take care of it.

You guys, I'm fine.

It was a long time ago.

People make mistakes.

I told myself, "Amber,
you give it six months,"

and if acting is not
in the cards, then go home.

I really wanted to be realistic
about my prospects, you know?

I'm not saying I needed
to be Anne Hathaway famous,

but I definitely should have been

John Krasinski's wife level.

Emily Blunt?

I don't know what that means.

What about the 5 grand I gave you?

Acting classes are so expensive.

Got any left?


I bet it goes fast out there.

And I didn't want to take
a day job, you know?

Like, I moved out there to act.

Not wait tables, so...

Mrs. Boland... I seriously
can't believe you're here.

I'm here.

I really owe you one.

How about 20?

As in motor vehicles.

- Yeah.
- What do you say?

- For him, right?
- For me.

And we can pay cash.

- Look at that.
- Mm-hmm.

Cash... money.

I don't care about the money.


What he did to both of us
is completely terrible

and I can't excuse what he did.

Did you forgive him?

You know what?

I think I did.


You're a better person than me.

I don't know, I just...

I don't think I could just
forget all those times...

And when you say
all those times, Amber...


Do you mean all those times
with one woman or...

One time with all those women?

Or... all those times
with all those women.

There's no good answer here.

I'm so confused.

How many women did my husband
cheat on me with?


Lifetime or per year?

It's not the damn census.

Oy vey.

Well, the good news is, we got the cars.


I mean, if you...

if you know someone
is already... a cheater...

Does it make it that much worse?

I don't know, I'm just asking.

And it's not a love affair, right?

I mean, it's like a...
a preexisting condition.

And... is two worse than one?

And is three worse than two?
Again, I have no clue.

I'm here for you.
You don't have to answer.

It was just a warm body.

Anyone but me.

That makes it way worse.

- Okay.
- Now we know.



Hey. Yeah, uh...

I'm not gonna make it to dinner.

They tracked his phone.

That's a good thing, right?

Yeah, it took us... took us
to the lake just like you said.

Then forensics backtracked us
to the Dumpster

and that came up empty too.

Good, that's good.

What's up with the dogs?

We were so close.

I mean, we were almost out of there,

but then they picked up a scent.

Where are you, Stan?

And once they do that,
they don't stop, you know?

They don't stop until they find a body.

Hey! You did it.

How many?

You tell me, Dean.

Including Amber?

Why not?



I love you.


I was pregnant.
I mean, I must have been.

With one of them.
I think. I don't remember.

Which one?

- Why does it matter?
- Because it matters.


The flat-chested one with no ass?

- Yes.
- She looks like a little boy.

- I don't know how to respond to that.
- Does that turn you on?


- Did you bring one home?
- What do you mean?

- Did you do it here?
- Of course not.

- Why not?
- I don't know.

It's disrespectful.

How was the sex?

- What is the point...
- Was it good?

- What does it matter?
- Was it better?

I don't know. It was...

It was different.



Things weren't good between us.

- Apparently not.
- Since Jane, it was like you...

- Don't even.
- You did not want me around.

You're gonna turn this around on me?

No, I'm trying to explain it.

- It's called depression.
- I know that.

It's hormonal, you d*ck.

We hadn't had sex in two years.

- That's not true!
- It is true!

It is.

What did you expect would happen?

I'm gonna go feed the kids.

You going in early again?


First light.

How do we play this?

They're bringing in...

officers from the eighth
and ninth to pitch in.

Jesus, Stan. What are we gonna do?

Put on "Below Deck Med."

- What?
- Yeah, I'm behind.

You want to watch TV right now?

Yeah, I want to see if our boy Conrad

is still with Hannah.

You know, last time, they were running

a little hot and cold, so...

- This isn't a grocery store.
- I know.

- Or a bunch of fake cash.
- I know.

There is a body,
and they're going to find it.

I-I-I know! I-I know.

I know.

I just can't.

Not... not tonight.

I just can't. Okay? I cannot.


You're not gonna believe
what Hannah did to our boy.


I don't play favorites.

What I do reward is initiative.


In light of your
excellent work habits...


Excuse me.

Excuse me? Ma'am?

You can't do that in here.

Oh, man.

I was hoping you would rob the place.

Guess I wasn't in the mood.

I used to put vodka in those in college.

Can I help you with something?

- Yeah, uh, do you bowl?
- What?

Bowl. You know, the sport
with the funny shoes.

- No.
- Hmm.


Maybe you garden.

I like to stay out of the sun.


Well, there's something
there for everyone.

- Where?
- Crystal Falls Correctional.

You won't even know you're in prison.

It's like an all-inclusive cruise.

If you came here to freak me out,

I've already had a night.

No, I came here to offer you a deal.

I got a hundred guys looking for a body

with your name on it.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.


My source says you do.

Are you charging me with something?

- Not tonight.
- Then I'd like to go home.

When they find the body, though,

the bougie prison
will be taken off the table.

It'll be Ionia Max,
which is... way less fun.

I don't know who your source is,

but they have no idea
what they're talking about.


Lot of crazy out there.

Yeah, right?

Where we at?

Well, I did a deep dive last night.

Not prepared to label it,
but I ordered a bunch of stuff

about sex addiction to my Kindle.

I'm talking about the cars, Dean.


How many were sold?


Rick's Lincoln and Linda unloading

the Hyundai last night, we're at...

we're at two.

We have to sell the rest today.

I can't move 20 cars in a day.

- We have to.
- We both can't steer the ship.

You don't understand the business.

I mean, I know you think
you do, but it's...

They're gonna find a body.

Did you k*ll someone?

Not really.

Jesus, Beth.

But they're gonna pin it on me.

I don't have any more time, Dean.

I would literally
have to give them away.

Okay, let's do that.

This is a $50,000 car.

- What?
- What's up with your hair?

- Nothing.
- It looks different.

Yeah, it's like, fluffy.

Bouncy, even.

It's called shampoo, guys. I washed it.




What are you gonna do?

Uh, take care of it.

Buy off a cop or a judge or something?

Yeah, you don't really
have to sweat the details.

Well, how will we know if it worked?

If you don't get arrested,
it probably worked.

It's not really a plan.

You trust me?

God, no.

That's good.


Oh... my... God.


Oh, I think you know.

- I don't need this from you right now.
- Oh-ho!

I think you do.

- Hey, so just riddle me this one.
- You don't get to judge.

Picture if it was me,

'cause you'd be so far up my ass

about the responsible choice

and keeping it in my pants
and all that bull.

Dean slept with half of Detroit.

Dude, I'm not saying that
you don't deserve to get some

because you obviously do, but,
like, this isn't just some guy.

Why would you drop
that steamy of a deuce, like,

right where you eat?

What has gotten into you two?

Oh, I'll tell you
what's gotten into her.

- Oh, come on, shut up.
- g*ng friend.

Don't look at me like that.

You know what?

- It actually makes perfect sense.
- I'm sorry?


It's why he gave you the money.

That was before.

Yeah, and you've been, like,
big-timing us for weeks.

- Come on.
- You're on a total power trip.

- I am not!
- Yeah.

You think you're like the big boss now

'cause your vag*na got woke.

I mean...

How was it?

You know what, Beth?

You're actually a total liar.

- And you're a truth teller?
- Was it good?

What's that supposed to mean?

It means you're screwing
a guy with a pregnant wife.

- I ended that.
- When? Yesterday?

You know what? Bone whoever you want.

But I'm telling you right now,

this is gonna end bad.

For all of us.

- Chill, dawg!
- I gotta go.

Yeah, oh, hey.

Um, I made you these, like, really weird

sandwich kabob thingies
that I saw on Pinterest, so...

- You were on Pinterest?
- Correct.

It's kind of my jam now.

Weird, but thanks.

- Cool it!
- I'm gonna be late.

Okay, uh, uh, well,
don't... don't forget,

um, you have debate after school.

- I know.
- Uh...

And, oh, I thought maybe later,
we could binge that documentary

about the guy who pushed
his wife down the stairs.

Can I have my bag?

What's going on?


I am the d*ck who slept with your dad.


I couldn't lie to you, like,
for one more second, you know?


Look, I know this is...
it's really messed up.

And it's really crazy, and I...

I wish I could explain it to you better,

you know, but... it's just so...
so complicated.

And believe me, I am not proud,
at all, you know?

I totally admit that I am the...

I am the king-size one.

Of the... dicks from earlier.

Honey, please say something.

I have to go to school.

Something else?

I want to stay with Nancy tonight.


Oh, suck it! Suck it!

Just got rid of half my sales force.

There's nothing to sell, anyway.

Burnt the whole thing to the ground.

We did.

Is everything okay now?

I think so.

Well, then, I would do it
all over again.

So now what?

We start over.

I've been working on your calendar.

Emma has ballet Tuesday.
Thursday is swim.

Cub Scouts is on Monday. It's all here.

Oh, and Friday is early dismissal.

You have to be there exactly at noon.

If you're even, like, ten minutes late

they charge you for aftercare.

Mm. Okay. So wait.

So you need me to do all of that?

I do.

Where are you gonna be?

Here, at work.

We can't both steer the ship.

- What's your favorite donut?
- A free one.

Rotary club forgot their glazed.

Is that "Nemo" again?

I cannot watch that movie one more time.

And when they get scared
at the same part,

that's all you, okay?

I'm so sick of that damn fish.

There's no body.


We searched every inch of that dump.

That's impossible.

It's over. They called it.

We threw that boy away, Stan.


Then we got somebody looking after us.

Yeah, we do.

Call now before this deal expires.

You enjoying this?

- Is this fun for you?
- What're you talking about?

Having a hundred guys sift
through a bunch of garbage.

"They C-H-O-P-P'ed him up."

- They did.
- With a machete, no less.

Where do you buy those from now, huh?


- I saw them, okay?
- In your home, right?

- Yeah.
- In your freezer.

Maybe you did it.

I just need to, like, shower
and sleep for a hundred years.

I want you out.
No more staying ahead of it.

No more pen caps.

I want you to stay clean of it
from now on.

- Ruby.
- There's no saving my soul.

I'm already going to hell.

Someone's gotta stay here
and raise these kids.

Don't you get it, boo?

You're done. You hear me?

Wherever you go, I go too.

It's the scary part!

Damn sharks.

I'm not playing with you, okay?

I don't know what you want from me.

- Give me something I can use.
- I told you everything I know!

- Then why isn't there a body?
- I don't know!

Okay, maybe your guys missed it or...

or... or maybe someone took it.

How do you think somebody
even takes a body?

- How does that even happen?
- I don't know!

Maybe Jesus came down.

Or the tooth fairy.
It's a landfill, all right?

It's guarded 24/7. You know what?

Pack your kids up.
I'm booking you tonight.

One of them's married to a cop.

Check out this ride, baby.

The paint sparkles like your eyes.

Ladies, are you tired
of being hit on, lied to,

or ignored every time
you try and buy a car?

Then come on down to the new
and improved Boland motors,

where we have on-site daycare
while you shop.

Imported teas and coffees
from around the world.

Free car seat installation.

But most important, our flexible hours

will suit any woman's schedule,

whether you're stuck at home
or stuck in the boardroom.

We'll make time for you.

Our team of specialists can't wait

to meet your family's needs.

So come visit us,

and we'll put the vroom, vroom, vroom

back in your engine.

Come on, now. It matches your hair.

Hit the road, Jack.


Let's take five, everyone.

I don't know what to do with my hands.

Mrs. Boland, I think
your business partner is here.

Thank you.

You can't tell people
you're my business partner.

No? What do you want to call this, then?

Let's just not label it, okay?

Yeah, yeah, you're right.
It is kind of early, huh?

So I got your trash bag for you.

- Where'd you dump it?
- Nowhere.

Yeah, I figured I'd hold on
to it for a bit.

Just to be safe.

One man's trash...

Who are you protecting? You or me?

Let's just see how all this goes, yeah?

Ready, Mrs. Boland?

"Ready, Mrs. Boland?"

You'll do great, just, um,
picture everybody naked.