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01x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 03/18/22 08:01
by bunniefuu
[helicopter whirring]

[zombies growling]


[suspenseful music]


The kids getting bullied
are a problem too.

Honestly, the kids must have
a reason for bullying you.



-It's okay. Take it off.
-[Eun-ji whimpering]

-Hands off.
-Don't you dare move.

[helicopter whirring]


You did nothing wrong?

Nothing you feel bad about?

Honestly, the kids must have
a reason for bullying you.


You know, I really wish the school
would burn down.

[Eun-ji] Till nothing's left.

So that everything will be gone.

[flame roaring]



Hey, Dae-su!

[action music]



What about others? Is it really just you?

I'm by myself.

What about downstairs? In the classrooms?

There's no one down there. It's just me!



-[breathing heavily]
-[Dae-su] Hold tight!

You're sure? There's no one else, right?

They're all zombies.

There are no survivors.

-[Joon-yeong] Pull it tighter, guys.

[helicopter whirring]

[bangs on door]

[tense music]

[helicopter hissing]


Give me your eye, huh?


-[bones crunching]

What the hell?

Why didn't you die?



[tense music]


[fire whooshing]

[fire crackling]

[alarm ringing, blaring]


[On-jo] Guys!

The door's unlocked.

-Let's go!
-One, two, three!


-Look! A chopper!
-Over here!


[On-jo] Over here!

[Dae-su] We're here!

[Hyo-ryeong] Help!

Come back!

-Come back!

[all shouting]

[engine whirring]

[all shouting]

[Wu-jin] Where are you going?

[all] Help!

[suspenseful music]

[students shouting]


[Joon-yeong] Over here!


-[helicopter whirring]
-We're here!


[somber music]

[alarm ringing]

[water trickling]


[suspenseful music]

[Hyo-ryeong] Mom…


[banging on door]

[Hyo-ryeong] Mom…

[banging on door]

[suspenseful music]

[banging continues]

[zombies snarling]

f*ck it.

He's gone.

What the actual f*ck?

-Who's gone?

It's his smell.

[Nam-ra] I hear his breathing.

[theme music]


[all snarling]


[car hissing]

[birds chirping]

[tense music]

[bicycle rattling]

What happened?
Didn't Gwi-nam fall from the fourth floor?

Yeah, I threw him off.

So how did he manage to survive?


Maybe he doesn't die.
He comes back to life.

He's not a human or a zombie.

Do you remember that girl
in the teachers' office?

I'm gonna k*ll you!

Give it to me, you fucker! I'll k*ll you!

-Yeah, she was weird.
-He's like her, isn't he?

You could be right.

Maybe Nam-ra is the same.

[Dae-su] Look, I found an "O."

[Ji-min] That's what you've got?

She'll be okay.

You can't guarantee that'll happen.

We can't guarantee
anything right now, can we?

We don't even know if we're gonna live.

Let's go make the SOS sign.


What if it were On-jo,
could you just abandon her?

[tense music]

It came and left, huh? The helicopter?


Maybe they started the rescues.
Let's get to the roof.

What if that's the end of the rescue?

Maybe it's only the beginning.

We don't even know if it'll come back.

I don't think we should try
to go up to the roof.

[Mi-jin] What if it does come back?
What then?

-Yeah, right.

We can't make it to the roof, anyway.

How are we gonna carry him up there?


-Just leave me and go.
-For real?

Yeah. You should just go.

You mean it? You know me, right?

I'll do it.

Should we?

Shouldn't we?

Don't act all tough.

There are enough crazy tough guys outside.

I'm not gonna die from this, am I?

How would I know if you'll die?

Anyway, I think we should put up
a sign or something outside.

How's anyone going to know
if we're in here and save us?

Doesn't this place have a roof?
Can't you just get there?

They'll see us on the roof.

Well, there is a ladder
that leads to the roof, but--

There is, right? Where is it?

-It's outside.

Yeah, outside.

[zombies snarling]

-m*therf*cker. Get over here!
-Wait, wait, wait. Why?

-Outside? Outside?

-Get back here.

-Stay back.

[Mi-jin] Get your ass here.

-I'll put you outside for five seconds!
-[Min-jae] Help!

This is too big.

How about this?

-Break it apart.
-Here's a big one.

How's this?

Not that one. Put it down.

Not this?

-Grab anything big and colorful.
-[Hyo-ryeong] Can I use this?

[Wu-jin] Joon-yeong, go up there and look.

[Hyo-ryeong] Careful. Careful.


[Ji-min] How does it look?

-[Hyo-ryeong] Yes.

The "O," it's just too narrow.

He said the "O" is too narrow.
Dae-su, hand me that long one.

[On-jo] It should be
much bigger than this.

Nam-ra, could you carry this?

[Wu-jin] Guys, keep it up.

That goes over there.

It goes like this.

-And the "S" is way too short.
-[Dae-su] We need one more of these.

-[Hyo-ryeong] Is this enough?
-Fill that spot in too. That's it.

[Hyo-ryeong] Oh, I, I got this part.

They're too close.

Hey, spread that out a little bit.

[On-jo] Let's clean it up a bit.

Come take a look. We did a good job, guys.


Yeah, well, there's no way
anyone can miss that.

-[Dae-su] Right?
-[Wu-jin] We did do a good job.

[dramatic music]

It's a little crooked, though.

[Byeong-chan sighs]

[Byeong-chan] Hope is…

the cruelest t*rture that prevents you
from giving up on life entirely.

[zombies grunting]

[zombies growling]

[chain clinking]


[tense music]



I can't think of anything else,
but I also can't stop trying.



[paper rustling]

[suspenseful music]

Once the temperature went up,
the white blood cells were activated.

But they were absorbed by the virus
and transformed into a different one.

[zombies growling]

[suspenseful music continues]

Careful now.


The zombies…



Get a bite down.

-You're doing great.


No, it's not broken.

So it'll get better soon,
just leave it like this.

Thanks, detective.

No need for formalities
in the middle of all this. Call me Jae-ik.


Since we're stuck up here,
and we're getting to know each other,

can I be completely frank with you?

Yes, of course. Say anything you want.

Mm, okay.

-Dumbass. You're such an idiot.
-Aah! Ow!

You came all the way here just to sh**t
some stupid Internet show?

You're unbelievably dumb.

What? Like and subscribe?
You like that more than your life?

You're one crazy stupid m*therf*cker.

I'm sorry, detective.

Don't call me detective.
I said to call me by my name.

It's fine, detective.

If you were my brother,
you wouldn't need to worry about zombies.

I would just b*at you to death myself.

But someone has to uncover the real truth
and let the world know what's happening.

What? The truth?

Hey. Are you a journalist?


Well, journalists don't dig hard enough
for the truth, you know?

That's where people like me come in.

Your excuses.


It looked like your colleague
totally dumped you and took off.

Should I blast him on my show?

I can even interview you if you want.

-Forget it.
-You should take revenge on traitors.


I learned from my many years
as a detective.

The assholes fighting to stay alive,

and assholes coming at you
hoping to die can't be beaten.

I'm worried for the kids.

I have a pretty good number of followers.

I can cancel him socially for good.

-Orangibberish. Not Oysterubbish.

Who even cares? Just shut up, would you?

And just go pick up
everything we can throw, all right?

-What are you talking about?
-Why else? It's crazy hot up here.

You're gonna stay here
until you become human jerky and die?

Why is everyone I meet like this?


They're not moving.

No. The zombies follow sounds.


-[metal clanks]

[all snarling]

What are you doing?

You said you'd get rid of them,
not lure them in.

They followed sounds earlier.

sh*t. Give me that.

Stop it. More keep coming.

I said you give it to me, assh*le.

-I swear you're weird…


[metal clanking]

[car horn honking]


[upbeat music]

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Hey, sergeant!

-You traitor!

[Ho-cheol] Jump! Jump on top of the bus!

Jump down!

-I got it, assh*le. Shh…
-[Ho-cheol] Come on, jump!

-Let's go.

-I said let's go!
-What… But…

[Ho-cheol] This is freaking me out.

sh*t. That was close.

Hey. Jump.

What? I can't jump.

Don't give me that bullshit. Jump.

But I hurt my leg!

I know. Jump!

You should've just taken me with you.
Why did you jump first, huh?

-That's because you're slow! Come on!
-My leg is injured!

You want to die there,
or you want to break your leg here?

-[Ho-cheol] This is nuts.
-[all growling]

But my leg hurts. What about my leg, huh?


Close your eyes, keep them shut.

[zombies growling]

[Ho-cheol] Let's just go!

-I'll catch you… Hey, wait, wait!
-No, I can't!

Hold on! Stop! Stop! Stop!

Jump right now, assh*le!

Damn it! Hold on. Okay. Hold on.
Just give me a second.

-I'll jump. Wait!
-[Ho-cheol] Just leave him!

Can we just get going for God's sake?

[Jae-ik] Aim for here.

-[Ho-cheol] What the hell are you doing?


Whoa! No! Help me! Help me, detective!

I mean, Jae-ik. Pull me up.
Please save me. Please.


[Ho-cheol] All clear!

Here we go! Hold on tight!

Let's go, Ho-seong!

[Orangibberish] Ooh! Wait!

[Orangibberish shouting]

-What does SOS mean?
-It's a distress signal.

I know that. What does it stand for?

It doesn't stand for anything.
SOS is just SOS.

That makes no sense.

[On-jo] That's just how it is.
It doesn't mean anything.

Then rescue quickly…

Speed of save… Save?

Why'd you ask
if you're not gonna believe me?

I thought you'd know.

I do know. Look it up.
You'll see I'm right.

Whatever. How can I look it up?
I don't have a phone.


I asked On-jo what SOS mean,

and she said it doesn't mean anything.

Just say you don't know next time.

Well, it's true.

It's true.

-Mm-hm. She's totally right.

Why don't you believe her?

Hey, prez.

What does SOS mean?

That jerk!

Forget him. Let him be.

Is it true, though?


Are you sure SOS doesn't mean anything?
Isn't it supposed to be an acronym?

-You don't believe me, either?


The sun's setting. Let's start a fire.

[Cheong-san groans]

[wood rasping]

[On-jo] It's setting.

[Wu-jin] I think it's working.


I'm done.

-[Wu-jin] Already?
-[Joon-yeong] Next.

All right. Let's do this.

[wood rasping]

[inhales sharply]

You'll get tired. Slow down.

The fire won't start if he goes slowly.

Do it faster.

Faster. Faster. I said come on, faster!

-Rub it faster!

What is it, cramps?

-My hands. I can't do it.
-I'll do it. Step back.

[wood clattering]

[wood rasping]

-[breathes heavily]
-Hey, should we k*ll him?

Are you praying?

Stop praying. Try… Stop it.

It's hard. It won't work.


Isn't that smoke?

-Hey. Smoke.

Hold on.

-Please. Come on.
-[Dae-su] Blow.

-[blows air]
-[Dae-su] Come on, blow.

-Be careful.
-[Dae-su] Blow.

Did it work? Su-hyeok?

-Come on, come on.

Damn it.

[Su-hyeok] sh*t.

Let me try.

-[Nam-ra] Hey.
-You're getting there.


[breathing heavily]

Just use this.

[awkward music sting]


Well, I smoke sometimes.

You had it this whole time.

You don't want it?

Light it.




[Jae-ik sighs]

Hey, traitor.

A traitor.

I went back and saved you.

You took the children
and abandoned me with this freak.

I found this bus and came back.

Seriously, man, use your head.


-Do you have a license to drive a bus?
-Uh, no.

I have a regular license.

I swear I'll k*ll you once we get there.

Starting with driving without a license…

-Stop, stop, stop the bus!

[brakes squeal]

What? What was that? It's a zombie, right?

Since when do zombies ride bikes?

-Dumbass. Hey, Oyster.
-It's Orange.

Take the baby.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Careful.

Be careful. Careful, careful.

Open the door.

[lock clicks]

You pull any sh*t, I'll f*cking k*ll you.

If I become a zombie,
I'll go only after you.

-I'll bite your neck only. Got it?

[suspenseful music]

Oh, sh*t.

Excuse me.

Are you okay?

You weren't bitten or anything.

You're okay, right?

Yes, I'm okay.

Come with us. I'm a cop.

[car horn honking]



[Se-bin] Mr. Detective!

No, no, it's okay!

The soldiers are here. They're soldiers.

We're saved!

What was that?


Don't sh**t!

I'm a cop. Wait. I'm a cop.

Don't sh**t! Here! Huh?

Chin down. Extend your left arm.
Don't stick out your chest too much.


This is so sexy, ooh.

-What's with the face?
-Take this seriously,

or don't do it at all.

Stop being so stuck up
about sh**ting arrows.


Yeah. Didn't work.

You thought it was easy?

Anything is easier than studying.

You can get into Seoul University
with good grades.

But if you're just good in archery…

you can't go anywhere.

We can't make the national team,
or get a scholarship to college.

There's nothing left to do.

Stop whining. Everyone knows
you'll make the national team.

You'll go to college
just by sh**ting arrows.

[twang, thud]

[Mi-jin] Damn it.

[dramatic music]

Are you not?

You didn't make the national team?
No college?

[Mi-jin sighs]

[dramatic music continues]


You won't die
if you don't go to college, you know.

I really love sh**ting arrows.

All I ever knew was archery.

I don't know what else to do.

As long as I could keep doing it,

I didn't care about colleges
or corporate teams.

But now I…

I've nowhere to go sh**t my arrows.

I'm only .

But I feel like there's no hope.

If the zombies were to k*ll
all the archers in the country,

you'll automatically make
the national team.

You're nuts.

That's a good thing?

Hey, it's hope.

At least you have potential
to become something.

Even if I survive,
I'm not getting into college.

CSAT? f*ck.

My answers are always C or D.

Why are they C or D?

C if I'm not sure about it,
and D if I'm clueless.


I swear it's like
I avoid all the right answers.


All right. That's enough of that.
It's time to teach me how to sh**t arrows.

'Cause even if I totally suck,
it's better than you sh**ting alone.

[calm music]

[fire whooshing]

[Su-hyeok] Dae-su.

[Dae-su] Yeah?

How was your audition?

They said I have to lose weight.


Well, you're a good singer.

Sing for us. I wanna hear it.

Just forget it. I don't want it.

I actually really like that song.

Is that so?



It's really nice.

You sing well.

-[clears throat]
-[Wu-jin] It'll cheer us up.

[singing in Korean]
♪ Let's go once it's over ♪

♪ Let's go anywhere ♪

♪ Once we're done studying
hours a day ♪

♪ Once the annoying sounds are over ♪

♪ Let's go hand in hand ♪

-♪ Let's not run ♪
-♪ Let's not run ♪

-♪ Let's try walking slowly ♪
-♪ Let's try walking slowly ♪

♪ Is that drool or sweat pooled
On the book? ♪

-♪ No one notices the plop, plop ♪
-♪ No one notices the plop, plop ♪

-♪ The plop, plop ♪
-♪ The plop, plop ♪

-♪ The falling rain drops ♪
-♪ The falling rain drops ♪

-♪ What is boiling? Simmer, simmer ♪
-♪ What is boiling? Simmer, simmer ♪

-♪ It's Mom's doenjang stew ♪
-♪ It's Mom's doenjang stew ♪

-♪ Mm-hm, a bowl of instant noodles ♪
-♪ Mm-hm, a bowl of instant noodles ♪

♪ In front of the TV
Which plays nothing but static ♪

-♪ Let's go anywhere together ♪
-♪ Let's go anywhere together ♪

[foreboding music]

[all growling]

[bones crunching]

I got to get to the rooftop, damn it.


[discordant music playing]

-[Na-yeon whimpers]
-[doorknob clicks]

[discordant music continues]

[zombie snarling]

[discordant music playing]



[discordant music playing]

[zombie snarling]

[ominous music]

[ominous music continues]


[thumping on door]


[camera beeps]

[Ji-min] The police…

and firefighters never came.

If anybody is watching this after,

punish them.

All involved.

[Hyo-ryeong] …here with some
of my classmates,

and they're really good to me.

Let me just show you. This is them.

[Wu-jin] Hey, Mom.

I want a raise in allowance.

-Is it ready to go?
-[Wu-jin] Yes.

[clears throat]

[Dae-su] Music and lyrics
by intergalactic superstar Yang Dae-su.

[Singing in Korean]
♪ Chicken tastes better fried ♪

♪ In olive oil ♪

♪ Pork tastes better than soy meat ♪

♪ What makes me laugh, laugh, laugh ♪

♪ Is trans fat ♪

I'm hungry.

[Wu-jin] How can you sing
at a time like this?

[Wu-jin] Doesn't it feel like everyone
should leave a final message?

[Dae-su] Why is it final? Are we dying?

[Joon-yeong] Hello.

I'm Oh Joon-yeong, business major
at Seoul University, class of .

I'll meet you soon, upperclassmen.

And if I get in, I definitely wanna
find myself a girlfriend.

Won't happen.

[Joon-yeong] What the hell?

[Cheong-san] Mom.

It's me.

Dad, you're okay too, right?

Mom. Listen. Don't freak out, okay?

You're the only person I can tell.

Gyeong-su's dead, Mom.

Because I called him over.

I did it in case he'd bite
the others, but…

It's my fault he d*ed, you know?

[somber music]

Please tell his grandma on my behalf.

Put it gently, so she doesn't get…

too upset.

Gyeong-su wanted to work
at our restaurant, remember?

But I told him no, because he'd try
to eat free chicken every day.


I should have just let him do it.

[camera beeping]

[somber music continues]


[ominous music]

[Nam-ra] You k*lled him.

You wiped that blood
with your handkerchief.

You wiped that on the scratches
on Gyeong-su's hand.

Like his blood is so clean?

He was a zombie.

Nam-ra, that's enough.

It's true. Na-yeon did it. She k*lled him.

How could you, you're just a f*cking…

-How could…


a m*rder*r.

[gloomy music]

[music fades]

-[Gyeong-su] You k*lled me.

[Na-yeon] Go.

Please go.

[Gyeong-su] You k*lled me.

[rustles, thuds]

[gloomy music continues]

[breathing heavily]

[fire whooshing]

It was such a nice song.

Didn't you say that it sucked?

Well, now that I actually listened to it,
I think it's kind of nice.

[Wu-jin] That was encouraging, Dae-su.


How long…

have you been smoking for?

Since eighth grade.

I had no friends
and a lot of stress back then.

[fire crackling]

Did you ever need a friend, though?

I'm not sure.

I can't really tell.

You always put up a wall.

You'd wear your headphones all day,
and you never said anything.

Wasn't it because you hated us?

[fire crackling]

[fire crackling continues]

I never hated you guys.

I just…

didn't have any friends.


I never really liked you.

[dramatic music]

I thought you didn't talk to us,
because we were beneath you.

I kind of hated you.

There were times that I wished
you just disappear.

Aren't you close?
You're the top two students.

That's why I hated her.

No matter how hard I worked,
I was always second.

But it's okay now.

I think I was able to come in second,
because of Nam-ra.

Hey. Second's good too.

I can't even be th. Right?

-[hands thud]

Don't compare yourself to Joon-yeong.

I was just saying.

Why do you always get on my case
whenever I say something?

[dramatic music continues]

Wait a second. Do you like me?

-Shut up, you moron!

[Dae-su] I'm going to put it out there,
so you don't get hurt.

I like somebody else.

So don't like me.

I don't like you!

I'm not interested in you at all.

Dae-su. Who do you like, then?

He's, he's a total freak.

-His sister.
-Ha-ri from Archery?

[Ji-min] You're insane.

[Dae-su] I go crazy when I'm in love.

She's like my little Cupid.

[Wu-jin laughs]
Stop it.

If we get out of here alive,
I'm gonna tell my sister.

Will you really tell her?

-[Wu-jin] Yeah.

To sh**t and k*ll you.

I said not to like my sister.

You can't do that to me,
future brother-in-law.

[Wu-jin] You… Hey!

-[Dae-su] Will you tell her? Promise?
-[Wu-jin] Yeah. To k*ll you.

-[Dae-su] Stop it. Seriously. I love her.
-[Wu-jin groans]

[ominous music]







[ominous music continues]




[pants, screams]




[Na-yeon] Ms. Park.

It's Gyeong-su.

They're all… Gyeong-su.



You were scared.
So were the others. That's all.

So make sure you go back to them later.

Go to them and tell them…

and tell Gyeong-su

that you're sorry.



Stay alive.

You have to stay alive.

[somber music]

And you're gonna help them
this time. Okay?

Do at least one thing to help them,
you understand?




[bones crunching]


-[Sun-hwa] Na-yeon.

It wasn't your fault.

It was my fault.

I'm sorry for cornering you.


[somber music continues]



Na-yeon, you have to stay alive.

[breathing heavily]


[somber music]

[somber music rises]

[music fades]

[pensive music]

[pensive music continues]


[ominous music]

[Ji-min] My mom and dad prepped
everything for my transfer.

They said to just go to Seoul.

But I really didn't want to go there.

[fire crackling]

I wouldn't have had any friends,
and I was afraid of the Seoul kids.

I didn't know what to do.

Then On-jo gave me a great idea.

She said I just had to cut school
for five days.

Then the principal can't write you
a recommendation.

So that's what I did.

It's all thanks to On-jo…

that I didn't have to transfer.

[fire crackles]

I should've just gone to Seoul.

Then none of this
would have happened to me.

[Wu-jin] People have always said…

my sister was an archery prodigy
ever since she was little.

So our parents only cared about

trying to get my sister
onto the national team.

They've never paid attention to me at all.

I'll give you all my attention,

Don't be sad. You have me.

Thank God that I have Dae-su.

I don't really have anything to say.

I wouldn't really know…

but I feel like I made friends.

[soft music]

[fire whooshing]


Me and…


[soft music continues]


[fire crackling]

[suspenseful music]

[distant snarling, approaching footsteps]

[suspenseful music continues]

-[door closes]

What's that?

-It's… nothing.
-[Gwi-nam] Well…

I have to go to the roof.

But the door's locked.

So I'm going that way.

-You're not a zombie, are you?
-Zombie? f*ck that.

[tense music]

Is that food?


Are you hungry?

Are you, huh?

Are you hungry?

[tense music continues]

Me too.



[discordant music playing]


I just, well…

I just want some water, really.

Not stuff like that.

Be completely honest.

Be completely honest. Do you like someone?

[fire crackling]

-You do? For real?

[gentle music]


Why do you keep on stalling?
Do you have a crush?

Uh, pretty much.

Pretty much? What does that mean?

Who is she?

[gentle music continues]

No one.

Who is she?

Do I know her?

Who is it?


It's you, On-jo.

I like you.

Hey. Stop that.

He doesn't mean it. He's just kidding.

[soft chuckle]

I mean, we were friends and neighbors
since kindergarten, that's all.

[fire crackling]

Stop joking.

I'm not joking.

Ever since I was six years old,

I've always liked you, On-jo.

And I always will.

[gentle music]


[On-jo groans]

[fire crackling]


[gentle music]

[Dae-su] Did you know? I had no idea.

[Hyo-ryeong] You're the only one
who didn't know.

-[Dae-su] Everyone knew?
-[Hyo-ryeong] Yes.

-[Dae-su] Why didn't I know?
-[Wu-jin] I didn't, either.

-[Hyo-ryeong] Because you're you.
-[Wu-jin] Cheong-san's so cool.

[dramatic music]


I'm sorry.

You don't have to like me back.

Please don't.

I did it.

I said it all, so it's all good.

How is it all good? You're a jerk.

You were my best friend.

I-sak's gone and now you're gone too.

What is it that you want from me?

[ominous music]




[foreboding music]


Did you…

Did you ever like me?

[slow music]

Not even a little bit?

You never liked me?

Would you please leave?

I just want to be alone.

You don't have to like me back.

[slow music continues]



[somber music]



[suspenseful music]

[distant clang]

[suspenseful music rises]

[sudden music sting]

[tense music]


[muffled grunt]


-[tense music rises]
-[On-jo grunts]


Give me your eye, assh*le.



[thunder rumbling]

[closing theme music]