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21x04 - Fault Lines

Posted: 03/18/22 15:33
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

the people are represented

by two separate, yet
equally important groups:

the police, who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys,
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Mr. Chapman thinks you
have real potential.

But it takes practice,
honey... dedication.

- I know.
- Do you?

Because I don't hear
you playing every day.

But I don't want to play every day.



Mom, what is it?

Go back to the car.




Judging by temp and lividity,

I'd put time of death
somewhere in the neighborhood

of : to : p.m.

Cause of death?

Pretty sure it wasn't a heart attack.

Let's see.

Hmm. Any defensive wounds?

No indications of bruising
or abrasions on his hands.

Yeah, probably didn't see it coming.

Using a fire extinguisher as a w*apon...

it feels kind of personal.

- Sure looks that way.
- Yeah, thanks.

Witness didn't see
anyone coming in or out;

neither did the attendant at the gate.

Cameras in this part of
the garage are a bust...

water damage on the hard drive,

so I got a video canvas
going around the perimeter.

Plenty of cash, credit cards.

Doesn't seem like a robbery to me.

The Honorable David Keating.

Looks like our DOA was a judge.

Not the verdict he was looking for.


I was at the neighbor's.

Uh, we have a book club.

Do you have any idea where
your husband was coming from?

Courthouse? He gets home every
night at the same time... : .

Almost to the minute.

Mrs. Keating, do you know of anyone

who might want to hurt your husband?

Was he having any problems,
professional, personal?

The past few months,
David was distracted.

He was a good man, but he had his moods.

I asked him what was
going on several times,

but that just seemed
to aggravate him more.

When he was walking out
the door this morning,


Told him that, uh, I was tired of

walking on eggshells

and that he needed to
adjust his attitude.

That's the last thing I said to him.


Do you know what was troubling him?


It was probably his work.

He, um... it was always in the middle

of someone else's crisis.

You know, divorce,
custody, visitation rights.

It's a lot.

It's family court.

Everybody who walks in the door

is having the worst day of their life.

Yeah, we're gonna need a complete list

- of his problem cases.
- Way ahead of you.

First ten pages are the
judge's pending cases.

The rest are people who threatened him.

Does any case or person stand out?

Not really.

But there's one thing
that's not on the list.

Judge mentioned someone confronted him

on the courthouse steps the other day.

He seemed pretty rattled.

- When was this?
- Day before yesterday.

He was on his way to the dentist.

The clerk said the judge
left the building around : .

Yeah, there. That's him.


It was more than a confrontation.

Okay, I can't see his face.

Do you have a camera
with a better angle?

No, this is the best we have.


Well, maybe she can help us.

Do you recognize her?


But if she was doing
business at the courthouse,

then she would have signed
in or swiped a security pass.

She has quite the client roster.

Eli Manning, I used to
curse this guy every week.

Now I'd give my left
thumb to get him back.

Oh, this woman right here?

She's gotta be one of the
best tennis players ever.

I didn't figure you
for the Wimbledon set.

Why is that?

'Cause you're...

a cop.

Isn't she the one that had
that breakdown a while back

and had to pull out
of that big tournament?

Yeah, French Open.

- Morning.
- Morning.

What can I do for you fellas?

We'd like to ask you a few
questions about David Keating.

[GROANS] I'm still in shock.

We went to law school together.

I ran into him just the
other day at the courthouse.

That's why we're here.

A man confronted him, shoved him.

He was scary... accused
David of ruining his life.

Got physical. I started
calling the police,

then he left.

Do you happen to know this guy's name?

Yeah, I saw it on the news.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

It's not polite to
speak ill of the dead.

Don't worry, I spoke ill of him

when he was alive too.

I take it you didn't like his ruling

on your child custody case?

He's a self-righteous prick.

- Mm.
- Who the hell is he to say

I can only see my son
every other weekend?

Decision could've had something to do

with your two arrests
for domestic v*olence.

That was between me and my ex.

It had nothing to do with my kid.

Not sure about that.
v*olence is v*olence.

Where were you last night around : ?


- All night?
- Mm.

Nuked some leftovers.
Had a couple of beers.

- Watched a Rangers game.
- Can anyone verify that?

No. I was alone.

Thanks to Judge Keating.

Greg Wallace is lying his ass off.

Video from his apartment
building has him leaving at : .

He doesn't get back until : .

That's plenty of time for him to get

to Keating's garage and back.

And he's got one hell of a motive.

Lou! I got something.

Cell sites have Wallace's
phone pinging a tower

a few blocks from
Judge Keating's garage.

Where does Wallace live?

... in the Bronx.

A long way from home.

Any reason for him to be hanging around

the Upper East Side?

No, nothing obvious anyway.

All right. We gotta move on this.

PP is breathing down my neck,

and the mayor's office is calling me

every two hours, so...

- Yep.
- Understood?

You lied, Greg.

You weren't home watching hockey

when Judge Keating was m*rder*d.

Cell phone has you on
the Upper East Side.

You live in the Bronx.

What, I'm not allowed
to visit Manhattan?

Is there a new rule on the
books I need to know about?

- Yeah! It's called lying to the police.
- It's not new.

It's been around forever.

It's not what you think.

No, what I think is you
found out where Keating lived,

learned his schedule,
and went there to finish

what you started on
the courthouse steps.

No, no, no...

I was with my son.

Okay, if my ex finds out I
violated the visitation order,

she'll... she'll make it so
I can never see him again.

Your ex lives in the Bronx.

Yeah, but she stays with her
boyfriend on th Street with my son.

So what did you and your son do?

Uh, we went to the movies,
and then we got ice cream.

- You got receipts?
- It's on my debit card.

You... you can check the statement.

Yeah, we will.

Listen, listen, I...

I admit

that I wanted to beat that judge's ass.

I did.

After that lady left,
I even followed him

from the courthouse.

- You followed him?
- Yeah.

- To where?
- Some hotel.

Yeah, there were lots of people there.

Lots of security cameras.

So I took off.

Judge's wife said he was preoccupied.

Ah, nothing like a sidepiece
to preoccupy someone...

also doubles the chance of
you getting bludgeoned to death

in a parking garage.


Uh, we're wondering if
somebody named David Keating

booked a room here two days ago.


I'm not showing a
reservation under that name.

Maybe he just walked through the lobby

to get to someone else's room.

Going to a woman's room, perhaps.

This is what he looked like.

Oh, yeah.

He's a judge, right?

How would you know that? Was he
carrying a gavel or something?

[LAUGHS] Practically.

He was the keynote speaker
at this event in the ballroom.

Hmm. What event was that?

Some sort of legal conference.

I did the guy a favor...
offered to help set up

his PowerPoint deck.

To be honest...

he was kind of a d*ck.

Greater Manhattan University of Law.

Never heard of it.

It's one of those
unaccredited for-profit places.

Yeah, but why is a judge shilling

for a scam operation like that?

Because the school paid him grand.


He's that hard up?

The guy probably makes a year.


But according to Financial Crimes,

He was flat broke,
practically no savings,

and that was after taking
a second mortgage last year.

Three credit cards all maxed out.

The guy was drowning in debt.

His tab was close to $ million.

Any idea where that money went?

- Was he living a big life?
- Doesn't look that way.

His apartment was nice,
but nothing special.


So much for living a big life.

But that money just doesn't disappear.

So let's find out where it went.


So this judge had a
serious gambling problem...

had an account on First Down.

I'm familiar.

Well, I hope your touch
was better than his.

This guy was down about K,
shut him off three months ago.

Yeah, better to put your
money in a paper shredder.

Looks like he was doing a lot
of betting with a bookie too.

You got a name?

No... lots of text messages
going back and forth, though.

A few of them are from a Dr. Weisman.

Owed him a lot of
money... about grand.

Two days ago, he sends
a text to the judge.

"Need to get paid by tomorrow,
or this ain't gonna end well."

You were at the garage where
Judge Keating was k*lled.

That's you. No question about it.

You also threatened the guy.


"Need to get paid by tomorrow,
or this ain't gonna end well."

That was a text.

Don't you see it didn't end well?

In fact, it ended really badly.

The guy got his head smashed
in with a fire extinguisher.

So it wasn't just a text.


Never got physical with the judge.


What is this, uh, Dr. Weisman crap?

- Excuse me?
- You sent a text to the judge.

You signed it "Dr. Weisman."

I went to dental school for
two months and dropped out.

The name stuck.

Look, you guys are way off base here.

I didn't have a beef with Keating.

He paid me in full.

We've seen his bank accounts.

He didn't have a pot to piss in.

How does he suddenly
come up with grand?

I don't know what to tell you.

He said he had the money
and told me to come down

and meet him at the garage.

Son of a bitch delivered
too. That's what's in the bag.



Forensics came back on
the fire extinguisher.

No discernable prints,
but they recovered a hair.

Didn't belong to the victim,

and it doesn't match
anyone in the system.

Oh. Well, that eliminates Weisman.

I sent it to a private lab

for genealogy and disease analysis.

Pulling out all the stops, huh?

He was a judge, Kevin.

Come on.

You know I wish we had the
resources to go the extra mile

for every unsolved, but we don't.

Funny how they always
manage to find the cash

when the victim's a white
dude from the Upper East Side.

But when it's a poor black
kid from East Flatbush,

"Ooh, I'm sorry. We don't
have it in the budget."

I hear you.

Do you?

Look, we got a profile:

brown eyes, black hair,
sub-Saharan ancestry,

likely a diabetic...

And it belongs to a woman.



Got a couple more questions for you.

Did you see anyone else in that garage?

A woman, maybe?

Yeah, when I was leaving.

She was getting out of
a car on th street.

She was running towards me.

So I held a door open for her.

Did you notice anything
unusual about this woman?


Couldn't see her face,
she had sunglasses.

Was wearing a big, black jacket.


Was she alone?


She hopped out of a black SUV.

Driver's side?


It was a Range Rover, I think.

Jesse Malloy?

Yeah, that's me.

Do you own a Range
Rover, license plate PHE Z?

Yeah. You want me to move it?

Uh, no, no. We're good.

Uh, were you driving that
vehicle on Thursday night,

around : p.m.?

Thursday. Yeah, I think so.

You stopped on th Street,

and a woman got out of your car.

Did her father send you guys?

- Excuse me?
- Hmm?

Lucy's father.

He's very protective.

Who's Lucy?

My girlfriend, Lucy McDaniel.


the tennis player?

You dropped her off at the
parking garage two nights ago?

Yes. Why?

Who was she going to see?

I don't know, she said she was gonna

run some errands. Why, what is going on?

Does the name Judge David
Keating mean anything to you?

That a TV show or something?

So Lucy McDaniel, one of
the best tennis players

in the world, no history of v*olence,

just rolls up and kills a judge?

Doesn't make sense.

She fits the DNA profile to a tee:

Black woman, brown eyes, black hair,

definitely has the strength
to swing a fire extinguisher

and take a piece of a man's skull out.

Plus, I read somewhere
that she's type diabetic.


Why is everyone so surprised
that I follow tennis?

All right, if it is her,

there has to be some connection.

I'm telling you there's nothing.

We checked the judge's case files,

his appointment calendar,
his phone logs, his email...

But her lawyer, Clara Newhall,

is friends with Judge Keating.

She was with him the
day that Greg Wallace

confronted him at the
courthouse, and a day later,

Keating turns up dead.

Hell of a coincidence.

- No such thing.
- Exactly.

Let's pay Lucy a little surprise visit,

and see if she'll agree to a DNA test.

All right, let's go.


Sorry, guys. She's in training...

can't be interrupted.

It's important.

Not more important than training.


Hey, buddy. Take five, please.

- Hey, what the hell are you doing?
- I'm Detective Cosgrove.

We'd like to ask you a few questions.

Thursday evening, Jesse
Malloy gave you a ride

to the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Don't answer.

What's this about?

Are you familiar with a man

by the name of David Keating?

He was a judge.

This conversation is over.

We were wondering if you'd be
willing to submit a DNA test.

The answer is no. Look, I don't know

what the hell you
guys are talking about,

but she sure as hell is
not talking to you guys

without a lawyer present.

Sir, with all due respect,
I'm talking to your daughter,

not to you, so please shut up.

Ma'am, would you be willing

to voluntarily submit a DNA sample?

It's in your best interest
so we can eliminate you

as a suspect in a homicide.

Tell him no.

Tell him you're not answering
any more of his questions.

Tell him you want an attorney.


I'm not giving you a DNA sample,

and I'm not answering
any of your questions,

and I want a lawyer.

Okay, come on, baby.


I'll call the DA's office for
a swab order to get her DNA.

Don't bother.

You stole her towel?

Technically, it's abandoned property.

Well, it wasn't exactly
in the trash can.

It was in the laundry
hamper, close enough.

Besides, it's not her property...

belongs to the tennis club.

And if the hair on the fire extinguisher

syncs up with the sweat in this towel...

It's game, set, match.

We still don't have a connection

between Lucy McDaniel and Judge Keating?

Correct... detectives
reinterviewed his clerk,

checked Lucy's phone, her emails.

The only thing we have
is, Lucy's personal lawyer

was with Judge Keating
the day before the m*rder.

Find out what they were talking about.

Tried. She made herself
part of the defense team,

filed an appearance at the arraignment.


So let's work with what we have.

You've tried cases
without motive before.

I have, but not first-degree m*rder,

and not when the defendant
was a global icon.

Just tell the jury what you have,

not what you don't have.

- If you don't,

the defense will. So
be upfront with them.

Otherwise, they'll never
believe another word

that comes out of your mouth.

We don't know why the
defendant k*lled Judge Keating.

But we can prove beyond
a reasonable doubt

that she did, in fact, k*ll him.

The evidence will show that
on February rd of this year,

Judge David Keating parked
his car where he always did:

a garage on th Street,

just across from his
Upper East Side apartment.

He was in that garage at : p.m.

when the defendant's boyfriend
dropped her off outside,

and we have that captured on video.

You'll be able to see it.

The defendant entered the garage

through the back stairwell

just as Judge Keating was
walking to the elevators.

She grabbed...

a fire extinguisher

and smashed him in the head with it


and then fled,

left him there to die.

But she left something behind:

a strand of her hair.

It was on the surface
of the fire extinguisher,

embedded in the judge's blood.

The hair was tested for DNA.

The results are irrefutable.

The hair is hers.

We don't know what set Lucy
McDaniel into a murderous rage.

But we do know that it happened...


That she k*lled Judge Keating.



I held the door open for a lady

who was coming into the stairwell.

How much time elapsed between
the time you left the judge

and the time you saw this woman?

Less than a minute.

You never identified my client

as the woman you saw
in the garage, did you?

Not by name.

Lucy McDaniel is one of
the most recognizable faces

in the world, and you
didn't know it was her?

Her glasses were covering her face.

So let me get this straight.

You were with Judge
Keating at the crime scene?

It wasn't a crime
scene when I was there.

Judge Keating owed you a lot of money.

We were all square.

You've threatened him
in the past, correct?

You sent a text the day
before he was m*rder*d saying,

"Need to get paid by tomorrow
or this ain't gonna end well."

I didn't mean that as a threat.

- It was...
- Last year, you were convicted

of as*ault in the second degree.

Is that correct?


Yeah, you hit someone with a lead pipe?

I... I'd been drinking.

Last summer, you were
convicted of as*ault

- in the third degree.
- Objection! The witness is not on trial.

No, but he should be.

He's the only person
in this damn courtroom

who had the motive,
means, and opportunity

to actually k*ll Judge Keating.

- Your Honor...
- That's enough, Mr. Mendez.

Nothing further.

Mr. Malloy, did you
drop Ms. McDaniel off

at th Street near Park Avenue
on the evening of February rd?

Would you like me to
repeat the question?

I respectfully decline
to answer on the grounds

it might incriminate me.

Uh, Your Honor, we concede
that Mr. Malloy could face

criminal liability and
accept his assertion,

which is why we've prepared
a grant of immunity.

That means you have to answer
the question, Mr. Malloy.

Is this your Range Rover?


Yes, that's my car.

And the woman in the picture,

you've previously identified
her as Lucy McDaniel.

Mr. Malloy, would you please identify

the woman on the monitor?

I can't be sure if it's her.

She got out of your car.

You can't tell us that
she's your girlfriend?

Your Honor, he's badgering the witness.

Okay, fine. Let's... let's
move on from the photo.

Mr. Malloy, you dropped off

your girlfriend, Lucy McDaniel,

in front of that parking garage

shortly before : p.m., correct?

- Yes.
- Nothing further.

We put her at the scene.

That, plus the DNA evidence.
We're in a good place.


- Have you checked your email?
- Why?

Defense just filed a psych notice.

Psych notice?

They changed their defense.

They're going with "not
guilty by reason of insanity."

I know she had some issues
on the court a while ago,

but she's a high-functioning,
world-class athlete.

How could she possibly
be legally insane?


My name is Dr. Stewart Moore.

I'm a board-certified psychiatrist

and director of the
Restorative Health Clinic

in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Was Lucy McDaniel a
patient at your clinic?

Yes. Four times.

First visit was six years ago.

Her most recent stay was two months ago.

What is her diagnosis?

- Bipolar I.
- Hmm.

She suffers from manic depression.


How did Lucy's mania manifest?

Ms. McDaniel exhibited
a number of symptoms,

including disruptive
behavior, inflated self-esteem,

and increased psycho-motor agitation.

And the depression?

She reported feelings of worthlessness

and had recurring thoughts
of suicidal ideation.

Dr. Moore, do you have
an opinion as to whether

or not this condition
interfered with Lucy's ability

to understand the
nature and consequences

of her conduct on February rd?

Yes. I believe it did.

You believe she was
incapable of determining

right from wrong?


Thank you. Nothing further.

You're not saying that
everyone with Bipolar Disorder

is criminally insane, are you?

[CHUCKLES] No, that's
definitely not what I'm saying.

Because many of the people

with the disorder are high-functioning

and productive members of society.

Yeah, I would agree with that.

Uh, Winston Churchill
had the condition...

he called it his "black dog."

I read that, yes.

In fact, Lucy had been
managing a rigorous training

and competition schedule right up until

she k*lled Judge Keating.

I understand what you're saying,

but this disease is complicated.

The only reason Lucy has
been symptom-free is because

she has the benefit of intensive therapy

and proper medication.

She also has the love and
guidance of her father.

The best thing that
ever happened to Lucy

was having Tom appointed
as her guardian.

The defendant's father
is her legal guardian?

Is that what you're saying?


When did this guardianship begin?

Six years ago.

And the guardianship was court-ordered?

Yes, but the records were sealed.

Unfortunately, mental illness
still carries a stigma.

Nothing further at this time.

Confirmed with the family court.

Judge Keating appointed Tom
McDaniel as Lucy's guardian.

He also appointed his old law
school chum, Clara Newhall,

to be their lawyer.

Shrink slipped up.

No, he didn't slip up.
That was choreographed.

They wanted the jury to know.

This has to be connected
to motive somehow.

Lucy didn't want a guardian,

didn't want her father
to control her life,

so she k*lled the judge
in charge of her case.

Sounds plausible if we actually
had the evidence to back it up.


This guardianship thing, though,

it makes things a lot more complicated.

- What do you mean?
- Legal guardians are assigned

to protect people who can't take care

of their own basic needs,

which means the jury is gonna
assume that Lucy is, in fact,

insane, and therefore, is not guilty.

Different standards,
different definitions.

I know, but try explaining

the difference between legally insane

versus mentally incapacitated.

To them... to most
people... insane is insane.

- Question is...

is Lucy really that incapacitated,

or is this a tennis dad

trying to manage his
rich, famous daughter?

Oh, let's review her
medical records again,

and make sure Dr. Moore
gave us all his files...

Waste of time... found out he
never actually treated Lucy.

What? He just testified.

He runs the clinic,

but he never worked with her directly.

So find the doctor who did.

There has to be a good reason
he or she wasn't called.

Dr. Moore fired me two months ago.

Did it have anything to
do with Lucy McDaniel?

Lucy's disorder first manifested itself

when she had a very public
incident on the tennis court

about six years ago.

She got treatment. She was doing well.

Things were under control.

I told Dr. Moore she didn't
need in-patient treatment.

Then why was she at the clinic?

My opinion?

He's a way for Tom
McDaniel to control her.

Control her...?

When Lucy didn't wanna play
in a particular tournament,

or she'd wanna go on
vacation with her boyfriend,

he'd punish her...

send her away.

It's all a part of his
plan to control her life

and finances.

You shared your concerns with Dr. Moore?

I wrote a letter to Judge Keating too.

- Saying what?
- That the guardianship should be terminated.

It just wasn't right.

Lucy didn't need someone
to control her life,

make decisions for her.

Two days later, Dr. Moore fired me.



You sent this letter to the courthouse?

Certified mail.

The guardianship was a sham.

Her father was using it
as a device to control her.

What about Judge
Keating? Was he involved?

Sure looks that way.

All he did was rubber stamp
anything and everything

Tom McDaniel asked for.

He also buried the paper trail,

making it impossible to find.

If they hadn't put her
mental state in play,

we never would've even
found out about it.

Did Lucy ever try to
terminate the guardianship?

The hearings were held in
secret, but they were recorded,

and we've had them transcribed.

According to the transcripts,
Lucy didn't even know

she could terminate the guardianship.

- What?
- She was living in a bubble,

following her father's orders,

while he paid himself
a $ million salary.

Okay, let's say you're right.

The father was trying to
control her, profit off her.

Why did she k*ll Judge Keating?

She wanted to marry her boyfriend.

But Judge Keating said no,

because her father
didn't want it to happen.

She had no autonomy whatsoever...

legally, financially, romantically,

despite the fact she was mentally fit.

Ask me, this isn't first-degree m*rder.

This is manslaughter.

Uh... I agree that she
was being mistreated,

but the facts are the facts.

She hopped in a car,
traveled across the city

to confront Keating, and
when he wouldn't give her

what she wanted, she bashed his head in

with a fire extinguisher.

What she wanted? No.

What she was entitled
to as a human being.

They were enslaving her, for God's sake.

I understand, but she
still m*rder*d a judge.

A corrupt judge.

Do you have any proof of that?

Nothing concrete.

But I'm guessing the
grand he came up with

to pay off his bookie didn't
just drop from the sky.

I agree with Ms. Maroun.

The correct charge here is manslaughter.

Defense will never agree to
a manslaughter instruction.

Then talk to her lawyer.

Try to work something out.


Lucy agrees to plead guilty,

we'll reduce the charge to Man One,

we'll recommend she serve years.


My daughter isn't serving days.

If she loses, she'll end up
doing life without parole.

We appreciate your offer, but we
are going to proceed with the trial.

You're serious?


You realize the only reason

we're offering to reduce the charge

is because we have empathy
for her, because we know

you're manipulating and controlling her.

- Excuse me?
- You misrepresented

your daughter's mental illness

in order to control her
finances... her life!

You caused her to k*ll Judge Keating!

You don't know what the
hell you're talking about.

Are you even going to ask
Lucy what she wants to do here?

She'll want what I want.

Trust me.


Okay, let's get started.

I'll hear you and
your motion, Mr. Price.

Your Honor,

we're asking the court to terminate

the defendant's guardianship

and remove Mr. McDaniel
and Ms. Newhall from having

any further involvement in this case.

No, this is ridiculous.

Just because we
rejected their plea offer

doesn't mean we're bad people.

It means we have a strong case.

It means we're gonna win.

Yeah, Mr. Price, if you want
to terminate the guardianship,

file an application in family court.

We don't have time for that.

The reason we're here is,
Mr. McDaniel's legal team

is not looking out
for her best interests.

Well, that's a hell of an allegation.

It's true.

Oh, then bring proof, lots of it.

Otherwise, your motion is denied.


- So now what?
- We move forward.

On what charge?


You read those transcripts.

She was practically being held hostage.

Her father forced her to have
an IUD implanted, for God's sake,

and Judge Keating just let it happen.

We presented her with a generous offer.

But her lawyers and her father said no.

Listen to what you just said, Nolan.

Her lawyers and her father said no

like Lucy's not a person...

doesn't have her own
opinions or feelings.

She's in love with Jesse.
She wanted to get married.

But her father...
no... her boss said no,

then blamed it on the big, bad judge,

and Lucy lost it.

That was the last straw.

- That's not m*rder.
- I share your frustration.

Unfortunately, they're the
people in charge of Lucy,

and right or wrong, they don't want her

to plead out on a lesser charge.

They want to roll the
dice on an NGI verdict.

Nothing we can do.

Yeah, so she can keep playing tennis,

keep laying golden eggs.

It is what it is.

I'm not so sure about that.

Have a seat.

You're about to be convicted

and sent to prison for
the rest of your life.

Might as well hear me out.

Does my dad know you're here?


Don't talk.

Just listen.

It's your father's number
one priority to get you

back out on the court
to make more money,

and he is willing to gamble your future,

your life,

in order to make that happen.

It was your father

that prevented you from marrying Jesse.

No, he said that was the judge.

He blamed it on him. I know.

But it was your father.

He told the judge to...

"deny your request."

It's all here in the court transcripts.

Read 'em for yourself.

Did you know the prosecutor
offered you a deal?

- What?
- Yeah.

They presented it to your
father and your lawyers.

But they didn't tell you.

Reason I'm here.


plead guilty to manslaughter
and serve years,

and move on with your life.

Marry Jesse, have some babies,

build a life together.

More importantly...

you'll be free.

No more guardianship,

and you can do whatever
the hell you wanna do.

Read the transcripts.

Is everyone ready to proceed?

The People are ready.

Defense is ready.

Your Honor, I wanna plead guilty.

If I may have a moment with my client...

No, I don't want a moment.

Lucy, sit down now!

Can I just say something?

Would you like to consult
with another lawyer?

No. Please, no more lawyers.

I just want to talk.

- Lucy, stop!
- Shut up.

For once, just let me talk.

Your Honor,

I k*lled Judge Keating.

I didn't plan to.

I went there to ask him
to let me marry Jesse.

The judge... he wouldn't listen,

said it wasn't an option,

then he just started walking away.

And I...

I snapped.

I grabbed a fire extinguisher,

and I att*cked him.

I wish I could take back
what I did, but I can't.

So what I wanna say is that...

I'm so sorry.

I feel so horrible for what I did.

But I'm a good person.

I am.

I just wanted to marry Jesse.

Your Honor...

I'm gonna accept the
offer the prosecutor made.

I wanna plead guilty to manslaughter.

- You're sure about that?
- I am.

Would you like to
consult with your lawyers?


I don't wanna consult anyone
or ask for anyone's permission.

I just wanna control my own life.

I spoke with the
Financial Frauds Bureau.

They're going to open an investigation

against Tom McDaniel and Clara Newhall.

Couldn't just sit there

and watch her get screwed over again.

How'd you do it?

Do what?

Let Lucy know about the
deal we were offering.

I had Bernard reach out to her.

If you ever pull a
stunt like that again,

I'll fire you.