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05x12 - In My Tree

Posted: 03/19/22 06:44
by bunniefuu
♪ I was reminded ♪

Open today at Station . See you there.

♪ Riding trade winds, buried treasure ♪

♪ I got on fine with modern living ♪

♪ But must I be ♪

Yeah, I know. Don't suck. Got it.

♪ And the world, still
so wild, called to me ♪


♪ And the world, still
so wild, called to me ♪


Congratulations on following
your dreams today, .

In my experience, following your dreams

is how you end up homeless.

Which, funny enough, is who
we can expect to see today.

Are we supposed to clap for that?

Um, hey... hey, everyone.

Uh, I just want to say that
walking into a doctor's office

or a hospital can be downright scary,

especially when you feel
like you don't have a voice

and someone else has all the power,

even if they're saying
they want to help.

I-I know from experience.

But thanks to all of you for saying yes

and, uh, putting in the work.

Those who feel like I once
did now have a place to go,

and that's no small thing, right?

And maybe we should
give ourselves a hand?

Now, that I will clap
for. Alright, yeah.

- Alright.
- Go, Jack.



It's been an hour and...
and no one's come.

Yep, I can see that, Gibson.

W... Did we not get the
word out enough, maybe?

No, no. We got the word out, alright?

They'll come. They'll come.

Lieutenant Gibson.

Looks like you're off to a good start.

Ye... Yeah, I mean, a little...


... slow at first, but
we'll g-we'll get there.

The department got the word out.

I'm sure it'll pick up.

- I hope so.

Well, me too.

This clinic's the first
thing I approved as chief,

so don't embarrass me.


It's starting to feel like
he'll never talk to me again.

Can you blame him?

Whose side are you on?

Uh, mine, always. Maybe yours.

Help me get him back.

Come on, I need to
think of some, you know,

big, grand romantic gesture.

Well, have you tried talking to him?

He's not picking up the phone.

- Okay.
- Or checking texts.

Or answering the door
in the middle of the night.

So, I get the no dating
thing, but no sex?

- Like, at all?
- No. No, not even a little bit.


Well, you can still, you know...

- With yourself?
- Oh. Oh, yeah.

I mean, I'm not...

Look, I'm not marrying God or anything.

I'm just freeing up
some space in my head

to think about other things.

Yeah, like what?

Like what I want to do
with the rest of my life.

What'd you figure out?

I haven't gotten that far yet.

Okay, , listen up.

Today's the opening
day of the clinic at .

Your fam just can't get
enough extra work, huh?

I know. It's almost like
they became firefighters

to serve their community.



will be busy with walk-ins

and we will be picking up the slack.

Any calls going to them
will come to us and today,

so I want everyone to look sharp,

stay ready, and don't complain.

What if we only
complain behind your back

so that you can't hear us?


Got it, Cap.

Alright, everyone. Make
sure your gear is set.

I don't want any response
time delays today.

Let's go!

Yep. Mm-hmm. Okay.

Yeah, thanks.

You think they don't
respect you, but they do.

- Mm-hmm.
- Trust me.

You wish you were there today, huh?

Yeah, of course.

I mean, look what they're doing.

Gibson created that
clinic out of thin air,

and now it's up on its feet.

My dad would want me to be there.

No, he would be proud
you're supporting not one,

but two houses.

Yeah, well. I can barely organize

this team to make pancakes.


Welcome to the Dean Miller
Memorial Clinic. Can I help you?

Hello. I'm, uh, looking
for a Dr. Benjamin Warren.

Patient registration's
right over there, ma'am.

Oh, I'm not a patient.
I'm here to see Dr. Warren on

a personal matter.

Okay. Oh, there he is.

Dr. Warren, this non-patient
would like to see you.

Hope you learned
your lesson with Ingrid.

What can I do for you?

I'm Tabitha Salzman,
the Guardian Ad Litem

assigned by the family court.

We spoke on the phone.

Of course. O-Of course.

But, um... But the home
visit isn't until next...

Yes, but you gave me
your schedule for two weeks

so that I could come
and observe you at work.


Right. Um, honestly, any
other day would be better.

See, today is not a normal day,

so if you're looking
for "a day in the life,"

this isn't that.

I mean, I'll be busy and doing...

Oh, a busy day is ideal
for me to observe you

without being interrupted by us
having any conversation at all.

So you're literally just
gonna watch me all day here?

And take notes and gather
what I can for my report,

which will be going to the judge.

What I do here at work
isn't all that relevant

- to my parenting skills.
- I...

I disagree.


I... I guess then you can
just, you know, watch.

Don't mind me. I'll let you
know if I have questions.

Otherwise, I'm, uh,
just a fly on the wall.

Okay. Oh.


What studies are you referring to?

All of them. I mean,
everything I have read

says that being open and transparent

about the conception or adoption details

is the healthiest path for the child.

No surprises. No unanswered questions.

You can even custom design
your own children's book

to tell your child who their donor is.

I've read all these studies, too,

but knowing the person has

its own set of complications.

Not any more than not
knowing who the person is.


You know, I guess I
just would rather know

- the source of the complications.
- Okay. But, ugh.

Oh, crap.

I have to get to the hospital.

My patient is in premature labor.

What, now?

Yeah, now.

Uh, tell Jack and Warren
that I hate to leave,

but I'll be back as soon as I can.

Where's she going? Where's she...

Carina, where are you going?

I have to deliver a baby.

- No, no.
- I can't do this without you.

You'll be fine. Jack, you don't
even have patients yet, but I do.

I have to go. You'll be okay.


- Synced and corrected by medvidecek -
- www.addic -


- Bar fight?


This is where you say,

"You should see the other guy."

You know, there's an AA
meeting every night at : p.m.

at Lifebridge City Church.

- You should join me.
- Yeah, I don't do church.

It's all anonymous.

Look, if you think offering
me something I don't need

is gonna keep me quiet about
your situation with Chief Ross,

you're not very smart.

Two co-workers sharing
a meal after hours.

No rules against that.

And a man slipping and
falling at home after hours,

no rule against that.


A-Andy, I'm... I'm freaking out.

No one's showing up, the
Chief won't stop grilling me,

and Carina just left.

It's the first day.

Yeah, grand opening, grand closing.

I'm just happy Dean's
not around to tell me

to take his name off this failure.

Was Crisis One a big hit from day one?

No. No, I think Dean even said

that it flopped on the first call.

Right, and then what happened?

And then he got better and he trained us

and you guys and
the other fire stations,

and now Crisis One is the national model

for what it actually
looks like to defund the...

Okay, II see what you did there.


Hey, I got a question, actually,

about this, uh, pact.

What exactly constitutes sex?

No. No.

Do not bail on me now

just because you're
feeling sorry for yourself.

- Absolutely not.
- I'm just asking.

MAN: Alright, look who's back!

- Uh...

Gibson, it'll get there, alright?

Baby steps. Okay, I gotta go.

Okay, okay. So now that
you're outta the wheelchair,

does that mean no more
sponge baths from hot nurses?

Well, that's one thing I'll miss.

- Hey!

- Oh, there she is.
- Yes.

- Just stopped by to say hi to the boys.
- Okay.

Dr. Webber says that my recovery

is progressing faster
than they expected.

It must be all those curls.

Look at those g*ns, man. Whoo!

Look at that, it's the only part
of my body I could work out.

- The only part? Hmm? [WHISTLES]
- Okay.

Uh, i-it's good to see you, Cap.

When do you think you'll be back?

Looking like weeks or so.

- Okay.
- God willing.

- DISPATCH: Aid Car , Ladder

- to Bellflower Park, north gate.
- Sorry, Cap,

looks like we're gonna have
to do a tea time another day.

Yeah, Herrera's got us
covering for all shift.



This is a disaster.

No, it's not.

Yeah, it is. It's a PRT-level disaster

but, like, less g*ns.


Yeah, the Physician Response Team.

Was a vehicle that I
made that was, um...

It was a mobile O.R.

Why isn't it in use?

The city decommissioned it.

It was a... It was deemed unsafe.

JACK: There might
have been an incident

where a junkie held a
paramedic at gunpoint.

I'm sorry, okay?

I say dumb things when I'm stressed.

The PRT program provided
care to the community,

which meant that we sometimes
went into parts of the city

- that are...
- I see.

So instead, you're
making people come here?

Less chance of being held at gunpoint?

No. No, no, no.

That's... That's... That's not...

I'm kidding, Dr. Warren.


Okay. Okay.

Hey, oh, it's happening. It's happening.

Calm down. It's...

We got this.

Uh, welcome, sir.

Welcome to the Dean
Miller Memorial Clinic.

Um, how can we help?

Never mind.

No, no, no, no. Sir. Please, no, sir.

We can... We can help.

We can help you.

Yeah. Right this way.

Uh, you're our first customer,

so there's gotta be a prize
for that or something, huh?


I guess things are gonna
go back to the way it was

when Aquino returns.

Maddox and Barnes... the boys' club.

Don't you want to fight?

Maddox? Yes. Every day.

- No, for your spot.
- Oh.

You turned this house around in what,

two months?

I always knew it was temporary.

It shouldn't be.

You earned that spot.

I'm not poaching Aquino's house.

I'm not talking about poaching.

Or I guess I am, but for good cause.

I've been at a long time.

It's always been kind of a,

you know, stupid boys' club.

The team is more of a
family under your leadership.

It's worth fighting for
if that's what you want.


What if we role-played?

You're not my type.

- What if I got Emmett, like, a whip...
- Hmm.

... to take out his frustrations on me?

I don't think he's into that.

Well, nobody is the first time.

What... Ooh, ooh, what if I

- painted a nude portrait of him...
- Seriously?

... to match the one
that he painted of me?

Okay, how about this? How about this?

Here's a thought.
How about you just tell him

about how the stuff with your dad

has brought up some issues for you

and how it's making you resent him,

and how you shared
that with literally everyone,

everyone but him. Maybe.

Can we do that while eating

his-and-his edible
underwear off each other?

Is that a thing, or...?

Alright, I'll call him.

WOMAN: Sir, come on in.

- Hey, it's Emmett. Leave me a message.

Ah, Emmett.

Hey, it's Travis again.

Can we please talk?

Please call me.

That was so embarrassing.

Hi, sir. How can I help you?

Oh, I-I'm sorry.

My Korean is embarrassingly bad.


Do you want to use my phone translation?

I know what I'm doing.

Right this way, sir.

Right... this way.



- She fell out of the sky!
- She fell out of nowhere!

Somebody hoist me up.
I'm gonna get her down.

ANDY: Hey, sir, do not do that.

We don't need to
rescue two people today.

Maddox, get the ladder in place.

Duvall, I need everyone
away from this tree.

Looks like a parachute malfunction.

Okay, back. Way back. I
need everybody over here.

- Hey, ma'am. Can you hear us?
- I-I think she just woke up.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Help me!

- She's got multiple impalements.
- Yeah.

Please help me!

What's you name, man? I'm Jack.



You know, I've noticed
you've been scratching a lot.

Do you mind if I take a look?




So this is body shampoo,

but really it's just a
cream for lice and scabies.

You just pop the top, apply all over,

and wait a few hours.

You want me to put that on in here?

Right, you don't want
to undress in public.


I'll tell you what, why...
why don't we go upstairs?


Look, I'm gonna level with you, man.

Um... pretty much my whole
career might be riding on today,

and right now, you're my
best sh*t at calling it a success,

so you'd be doing me a
favor if you just came up...


Okay, cool.

Just, right this way.

Hey, uh, do you mind
just waiting just a sec?

Yeah, um, he looks like he has scabies.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he does.

I'm taking him up to the showers.

Yeah, you can't, alright?

He could be very
contagious and at the hospital,

we have a special
bathroom just for this.

Warren, I-I know it's hard to
let go of hospital procedures,

but look, this guy came
here to ask us for help,

and he should be able
to do so with dignity intact.

Look, if we undress and hose
him down here in the barn,

I mean, we might as well drive
by a homeless encampment

chucking canned goods at them, you know?

Alright, alright.

But... But if Carina
asks, I know nothing.


See? Things are already looking up.

How can I help you?

Um... my son needs some help.

Alright, well, that's
what we're here for.

- Come on.
- Come on.


Ma'am, can you hear me?

Yeah. Please... Please, help me.

- Oh, my God. Please.
- I'm Captain Herrera,

and we're gonna get you
down from there, okay?

Am I gonna fall?

I-I'm gonna fall!

I'm gonna fall! Please!

Duvall, let Grey-Sloan
know we're coming.

- How soon?
- As soon as we can...

Carefully bring her down without
pulling any of those branches out.

It could be awhile, but
she's gonna need blood

the second we get her there.

Aah! Everything hurts!

Just bear with us!

We need to keep her calm.

Hang tight. We're gonna come get you.

- Ladder's set.
- Alright, be careful up there.

Any movement of those branches,

we'll risk her bleeding out,
so I need slow and steady.

- Copy.
- Slow and steady.

What's your name?

- I'm Andy.
- Sam.

Sam, we're gonna go nice and slow

bringing you down, alright?

Is there anyone you want us to call

to come meet you, or keep you company?

No, not really.

I-I just want to get down.

I... Aah! Aah!

Hey, hey, Sam. Try not to move, okay?

We're gonna get you down.

See them?

They're making their
way nice and slow, alright?



- Oh.
- Hey.

Hi, uh, Chief Ross.

Your team's downstairs running a clinic

and you're running on the treadmill?

Well, yeah, it was, um... it was slow.

Relax, Bishop, I meant
it as a compliment.

- So, we're past due for our sit-down.

Your temporary demotion
was well over a year ago,

and that can't be contributing
to your success on the job,

having that hanging over your head.

Let's talk.


Great. I'll see you then.

[CHUCKLES] Alright.

You know, uh, my mom is from Korea, too.

But her dad was a diplomat,

so she kind of lived everywhere.

Anyway, I'm speaking
English, like an idiot.





Okay, uh...

Just, um...







Please slow down.

This stupid app. I, um...






So he has unexplained weight loss,

constant fatigue, and
new edema in his legs.

My mom's from Seoul.

Mine is, too.

Well, I guess one of us paid attention

in our Korean lessons, huh?


Okay, Aston. I'm gonna numb you up

and then we'll drain the abscess.

Will it hurt?

Oh, now you're afraid of needles?

Sorry, continue.

No, you'll, uh...
you'll only feel a pinch.

I spent the past year hooked
up to a dialysis machine

three days a week,
trying to save my life.

All the while, my son here
was actively destroying his.

Kidney disease?

I'm a cancer survivor, so I...

I understand the toll

that any serious illness
can take on the entire family.

Yeah, I bet your kids didn't
start using heroin, though.

Was this all just retaliation?

You're having a hard time with
my disease? "I'll show her"?

- What are you even talking about?
- Hey, I may have dead kidneys,

- but I am still your mother,
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

and you will not talk to
me in that tone of voice!

- Everyone just needs to take it easy.
- I tried to sit with you

and keep you company
when you first started dialysis.

I held your hand. I watched you sleep.

All while you were strung out!

I even told you how the machines worked

when the doctors were talking too fast!

I can't live my life in there with you!

You spend entire days at the hospital

- and come home looking like crap,
- I was trying to

- and it's so depressing, all of it!
- save my life, and I still am!

Okay, that's enough! No more yelling!

I'm serious. That's enough.




Just, um... one second.

So, my dad d*ed from cancer,

and his legs swelled up just
like that when he was Stage

'cause the fluid drainage was blocked.





So what's the move?
Do we give out diagnoses,

send him to Grey-Sloan?

I think we should ask Warren.


JUSTIN: Have you seen
my father, Jae-Jin Park?




I'm so sorry. He just

left the house without telling
my mom where he went.

She found a flier for
your clinic on his dresser.



Actually, sir, just... just a second.

Um, can... can we, um...

Uh, we actually think that
your dad may need the hospital.


I know.

He has cancer. It's metastatic.

It's Stage .

But we haven't told him.


My chute didn't open.
I fell straight down.

Oh, God. How are you still alive?

I've done this jump times.
I don't know what happened.

- Ow! Ow.

Ruiz, you're in charge.

I gotta make a phone call.


That's a lot of blood.
Am I gonna die up here?

Sam, listen to me. You're okay.

The branches are stopping
most of the bleeding.

That's why we can't just pull you down.

Warren, please.

You did it for Terrence
and it saved his life.

We need the PRT.

Any other day, Herrera.

Any other day.

This woman is dying today, right now.

Just screw the rules!

Look, I got...

I got a woman here from
the court watching me,

and if I screw up...

You lose Pru.


Then can you get it approved?

To make it official? I'd
need an anesthesiologist.

I'd need a scrub nurse.

It doesn't seem like you
have that kind of time.

No, I don't.

I can call Grey-Sloan.

I already did that.

- I'm sorry.
- Thanks anyway.

No, I-I-I can't wait. I-I
need to get down now.

- I need to get down, okay?
- Ah!

- Crap.

Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God!
- It's okay. It's okay.

- Oh, my God!
- Unbelievable.

I can go up.

No, I need to get face to face with her.



I'll, um...

I'll start on your back.



How do you know the Chief?

Come on, let's skip the
part where you tell me

you don't know her again,
because I have eyes,

and Beckett said that
thing about sexual favors

the other day, and, uh...

I have eyes.


She wants to finally
meet about my demotion.

I need to nail this and get my job back.

What do you know?


I don't know anything.

If I get my captaincy back,

we get rid of Beckett.


- We were friends a long time ago.
- Oh!

I hadn't seen her in years.

Hadn't stayed in touch

till she showed up in Seattle.

And, yes, she promoted me,

but for no other reason.

You were more than
worthy of that promotion.

I know you get it.

You might be the only
person at this house

that gets how ambitious I am,

and I get how ambitious you are,

so let's help each other out.

You tell me how to win her over

and I make sure that nobody
else at figures out your secret.


We... We can help you.

We can connect you
with the best doctors,

- the best surgeons.
- We're way past that.

His cancer is inoperable.

So why doesn't he know?

We want to celebrate
what's left of his life,

spend time together, go on trips.

But he won't if he learns
what's really happening to him.

He's too proud.

He'll hide from all of us

because he'll think he's a burden,

which is worse than a prognosis.

Yes, it's a lie,

but it's a lie out of love.

But he knows that you're
hiding something from him,

otherwise, he would have told
you where he was going today.

He deserves the truth.


Sorry we wasted your time today.








I need to call my mom.


How do you think I
feel seeing you like this?

Probably the same way
he feels seeing you like that?

[SIGHS] Oh, God.

Look, Aston, I know you feel like

you can't listen to your mom
because she's, you know,

b*ating you up every day
about everything you do, but...

I'm hoping you'll listen to me.

The dr*gs you are doing are
the number-one cause of death

amongst young people in this country.

Do you hear me? Number one.

You seem like a good kid,
so I really don't want

to get called to the park one day

and find your body there.

People die every day

from things they can't control.

This... you have a sh*t.

Alright, you have a sh*t of living

if you get to rehab today.


- Okay. Okay.
- Okay.

I'll get you some information.

It's gonna be okay.

Hey, how's day one go...



That good, huh?

I have had this stranger
breathing down my neck,

watching my every mistake all damn day,

and when I finally do
something good, she's not there.

Plus, I had to say no to
helping Herrera save a life

because, you know, there's so
much damn red tape in the world.

I mean, I'm sick of red tape.


THEO: Alright, Sam.

Come on, deep breaths,
okay? Deep breaths.

Sam, it's me, Andy.

I'm right here.

Look, this has to be terrifying.

But you did a free fall from
a mile high and you lived.

- That's freakin' baller.

You should be a firefighter.

I'm a waitress.

And I can't die.

Okay? I can't die a waitress.

Hey, it's okay.

I'm supposed to be a journalist.

I'm supposed to win a Pulitzer.

I was gonna change the world.

I-I was too afraid to fail.

I didn't try.

I've been jumping out of planes,
trying to work up the courage, and...

And I keep thinking, "After this jump,

"I'll be brave enough to write.

"To at least try."

I didn't even get to try.

And now some journalist
who had the stones to try

is gonna write the headline,

"Waitress Destroys Ancient Tree."

Sam, you are brave. You are.

I knew what I wanted,
and I-I didn't go after it.

THEO: We're almost
done with this one, Sam.

Herrera, you should head back down now.

Nope, I'm staying right here.

Sam, I'm right here with you.





♪ Ooh, ooh ♪


♪ Ooh ♪

Ready, bring us down!

♪ Ooh ♪

Come on.

♪ There's more to
be said in the silence ♪

♪ Fill in the blanks that you left ♪

♪ There's way more quiet in a siren ♪

♪ I hear what's in your head ♪

♪ We've been coming undone ♪

♪ Holding on to a thread ♪

♪ Learning to pick my battles ♪

♪ Or I'll be the only one left ♪

♪ I only know you're home
when the door speaks ♪

♪ Ooh, I swear, ooh, I swear ♪

♪ Blink twice if you still love me ♪

♪ Anymore, anymore ♪

♪ I'll never know, unless you tell me ♪

♪ Tell me, won't you tell me? ♪

♪ Did you ever really love me? ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


♪ Did you ever really love me? ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

Yeah, man.

You look handsome.

We're... We're open again next week.

You can come back as much as you want.

It's been so long since I've
seen my face clean shaven.

Since my wife, you know?

She passed away about six years ago.

Since then.

You know, she had these
little porcelain figurines

of farm animals that she'd line up

on the windowsill in the kitchen,

and I hated them.


Every morning I'd go down there

and I'd take them away and hide them,

just, you know... just to mess with her.

It really got her going.

When she d*ed, I just left them there

on the windowsill in a line.

Didn't have the heart to take them down.

Didn't have the heart to do
much of anything anymore.

The bills, the foreclosure.

I couldn't see the point
of carrying on, you know?

She was my only reason.

No one has looked at me...

I mean,

looked at me and seen me in six years,

till today.

Thank you.


So, um, Chief Ross.


When can I take you
out to dinner again, hmm?

Well, Lieutenant Sullivan,
my schedule's a little full

now that I promised every
captain and lieutenant

in Seattle a meal, but...

Sully, this is messy.

I think we should just lay low a b*at.

Let me get a few more rubber stamps in,

and then, you know... we'll see.

We'll see, huh?


We'll see.

You know, I could... I could set aside

a private bunk for you two.

I'll even put up a little
"do not disturb" sign.

- Captain, there's a call for you.
- Who is it?

That's the extent of
my receptionist skills.



You scratch my back...

Yeah, I get it, Bishop.

I'll help you, alright?

- Mm-hmm.
- First thing is,

she hates a suck-up.

- Oh.
- Alright?

What about skywriting?

Oh, my God. Trav, you
spent the entire afternoon

trying and failing to
communicate with that man.

If you can't see the
metaphor here, I'm actually...

I do. I see it! Okay? I see it! I know!

I know I'm supposed to
communicate and listen

and learn and tell my truth,

but what if the truth
is hurtful, you know?

What if... What if it's kinder
to lie to protect someone?

Like your dad did to your mom?

My truth is horrible, okay?

I am a judgy,

selfrighteous hypocrite.

You're supposed to refute that.

I'm pretty sure I've said
all those things to you

multiple times today.

I just... Trav, you don't
actually want to...

What if I don't deserve
him taking me back?

What about that?

Okay, Travis, stop.

I think... I think it is okay

if you don't want him to take you back.

I know you don't want to hurt him again,

and maybe you
already told him the truth.

Gibson, that was a
beautiful thing you did

for that man today.

Yeah, um... kinda bummed
we only had patients,

but it'll pick up.

Those patients
had their lives changed,

and they might just go out
and change some other lives.

What you did today is not a small thing,

and word's gonna build.

I am impressed, Gibson.

Take the win.


Nothing you saw here today
shows you what's most important.

My wife and I, we love Pru

with every fiber of our being.

Everyone in this building does.

- So...

That's why she belongs with us.

I think you're wrong.

I think today was an
important piece of the puzzle,

'cause what I saw today
was a man who works hard

and cares deeply,

a man who goes the extra mile,

a good human who is
very likely a good parent.

I will represent the
fullest picture of the story

in my official
recommendation for the judge.

That's why we do these visits.

But I have also been
doing this for years,

and I want to brace
you for the possibility...

... ready you for how I've
often seen it shake out.

You and your wife are very impressive,

but the Millers are blood.

And, yes, I do have a lot of say,

but I don't have the final say.


- Hey, how'd that delivery go?
- pounds, ounces.

Everyone is healthy.

I heard you did good.

Yeah, I, uh... I think I actually did.

You don't have to say
"actually" like you're surprised.

Oh, but I am.

Yeah, I did not think
I could do this, Carina.

Um, up until I was doing it,

I thought, "This is gonna fail.

- "I'm a failure."
- Mm.

And then somehow, suddenly, I wasn't?

I will always hate you, just...

Just a tiny part of me,

for sleeping with Maya,

but working on this clinic with you,

I've watched you become
the man you really are, and...

What I'm saying...

- You kinda like me?
- No, I did not say that.

- Yeah.
- No, no, no.

You do. You like me.

- Kinda thinking it?

- Shh, no! Come on, Jack.
- You thought it.

Not a word to Maya, shh.

Emmett, hi. I've been calling you.

Yeah, I know, and...
and just stop, okay?

There's a reason I haven't been
answering, so just stop, Travis.

Wait, I just want to talk to you.

No, I don't... I don't want to talk!

I am asking you to please
have just enough respect

to notice that I don't
want to talk to you,

and that I haven't been
answering for a reason.

So, Travis, please, just stop.

Emmett, I-I love you!

- Emmett, please, wait.
- No, you don't.

- No, I...
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay?

I'm really, really sorry.

I was angry with you because
you reminded me of my dad,

and I know that that's not fair.

And I didn't talk to you about it

and that was also not fair,

but I know that you are not my dad,

and I know that what
you two had in common

- was just a very rational fear...
- No, I don't...

... and it was not my place
to judge, and I'm sorry.

And I want to talk about it.

I want to talk about it
and I want to be honest,

and I-I want to listen,

and I do love you.

I do.

No, but... Maybe you love me, Travis,

but you don't respect me,

and I don't think I can
be with you anymore

and... and still respect myself, okay?

Which I do.

- Wait, will you just...
- No, I-I respect myself,

even if I am...

Kinda like your dad.


- Let's just...
- No, no.

Please don't call me again.




Why knock if you're just
gonna barge in, Sullivan?


My worst day when I was using,

I found myself on the floor of my office

with a probie putting Narcan up my nose.

I never heard that part of the story.

Well, I bet you didn't
hear that I pissed my pants.

That my body thought I'd d*ed,

so my bowels emptied themselves.

"Oh, I'm good at what I
do. I'm... I'm excellent."

I kept leaning into that inside my head.

"I'm good at what I do. I'm
just having a rough patch.

"I'll stop tomorrow."

But you know what? Tomorrow never came,

and I wasn't good anymore.

I was on the floor in my office,

lying in a puddle of my own filth.

Look, I-I don't know if
you're drinking at work or not.

I'm not drinking at work, Sullivan.

Well, maybe not yet, but
it's just a matter of time.

Look, I'm not sleeping with the Chief.

I'm not trying to blackmail you,

and I'm tired of playing games.

I'm trying to save your career, man.

I'm trying to save your life.

Come to a meeting.

- Look, I'm not...
- It's not a church.

It's a basement of a church,

where people come
to and they tell the truth

about the worst days of their lives,

and... and somehow, telling the truth

makes you better.

One day at a time.


When's the meeting?

Thursday, : .


CARINA: I don't know.

Is "co-worker" a little
close for comfort?

You know, I guess it might be weird,

especially when I get
reinstated as captain.

Like, "Line up in

and I want your sperm
on my desk by lunch"?

And what if you don't
get your captaincy back?

I will.

So whoever this person might be,

you want that somebody
to be in the baby's life?

You know, I don't think I
ever thought about it like that

until just now, but...

[SIGHS] You know, look at
what happened with Miller.

I mean, my job is so
high-stakes and high-danger.

- If something ever happened to me...
- No, don't you dare.

I am just saying,

God forbid, something happened to me,

I don't want to leave you alone.

So you want a third parent in this?

No, no, no.

Not a parent, exactly.

But he could be like an uncle.

Okay, there is something
I have to tell you.


Jack offered.

Offered what?

His sperm.


It was practically a joke.

He was like, "Um, I have
extra if you need some."

And he took it immediately back,

like, "It's a dumb thing to say."

- Because it is.
- Exactly.

You tell your grandma that you
get one bedtime story, not two.

No, two!

No, one.

No, three!

JACK: Ooh, ooh. Me, me, me.

I wanna say hi.

Come on.

Hi, Uncle Jack.

Hi, Pru.

- Guess what?
- What?

Chicken butt.

- I have no idea who taught her that.
- Yeah.



Herrera? What happened?

I lost a life.

A life that could have
been saved if the PRT

hadn't been shut down
by people without a vision

who prioritized protocols

and avoided lawsuits over human life.

Captain Aquino is expected
to return in a month or so,

and after some careful thought, I...

You feel like you should be
made captain of permanently.


The team my father put together

has spearheaded programs

that are saving taxpayers
thousands of dollars a year

and are changing
this city for the better.

Crisis One, the clinic, PRT,
which I want to fight for.

I want to fight for the PRT,
but it's not my place,

'cause 's not my
house, but it should be.

I was able to make some changes
during my time as captain at ,

but the problems at that house go deeper

than hazing and sex jokes. I...

I want to be at .

's my home.

You just solved a big problem for me.

Yeah, I finally worked my
way through McCallister's desk,

and what I found was
a massive budget issue,

bigger than I thought.

I have to find $ million or
SFD has to declare bankruptcy,

so all week, I've been
trying to figure out

which station to shut
down, and after the way

that you just spoke about
, that's an easy decision.

- No, no, no.
- I'm... I-I didn't mean to...

I know. I know you didn't.

Thank you for your transparency.

Let's get dinner next
week, and we'll figure out

how to get you home, okay?
