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01x08 - You Asked for It

Posted: 03/19/22 09:08
by bunniefuu

"That Sunday, Raquel Murillo missed

for just a few seconds,
the chance to see the Professor’s face.

And that was the last face
needed to complete the jig puzzle

of the kidnappers
and move to the last part of the case.

She already had Rios’s face.


She was about to have Berlin’s.

The Professor had anticipated that Raquel
would eventually get those photos.

Like a pack of cards
he was sorting out little by little

so the Inspector
was busy playing with the cards.

His face had to be the only one
she would never obtain.

But he wasn’t so anonymous, so unknown.

His face was going to start being drawn
like a hologram in the police protocols.

The loose end had left him
at very high risk.

And now, if the Inspector
played her cards right

and obtained the Professor’s face,
the game would be over.

Checkmate would be irreversible."

: AM

-"Alison Parker.
-Are you sure?

Do you prefer saving Alison Parker’s life
to eight people’s lives?

Yes, I’m sure.

How coldblooded she can be,
she didn’t hesitate.

When someone is capable of making
a decision that way, unhesitatingly,

one is speechless."


"That the life of eight Spanish teenagers

is less worth than the life
of an English girl is outrageous.

Alison Parker is Spanish,
she has dual nationality.

Taking into account
that the main thing is the hostages,

we should think carefully
about Inspector Murillo’s role.

I don't think she is ready
for a matter of this calibre.

She’s had an extensive career
in the police force.

A psychologist, a criminologist...
What more could you ask for?

She has vast experience.

The problem right now is
that Inspector Raquel Murillo

has just pressed charges
for physical abuse."

-"What’s this got to do with...?

It has to do from the point of view
of her being emotionally affected.

Probably, she’s under medication,
she’s unstable..."

She has just talked to her father.

Paula, love, Why don’t you tell mummy
what daddy told you?

Come on.

If I want to live
with him and with my aunt.

And what did you say, darling?

That I will.

Darling, but you know
that if you move in with your dad,

-we’ll see much less of each other.
-The same as now. You’re never home.

Look, Paula.

Mum doesn’t want you to move in
with your dad because...

Because your dad isn’t good
and has hurt me a lot. You understand?

Dad is good.

No, darling, your dad isn’t good.

That’s not true, dad told me.

He told her that it’s a lie. I mean,
that you go round talking nonsense.

-I want to live with my aunt.
-But, honey.

Look, your aunt Marta is a knucklehead.

I shouldn’t be saying this
because I’m her mum too.

But her head is made of rag,
like your rabbit Eugenio.


Enough. Don’t turn the child
against her aunt, please.


Look, darling,
You know what we’re going to do?

We’re going out for a hamburger.
Would you like that?

With ketchup?

With ketchup y with fries.

And when I finish this job,
we’re going to the Canaries.

To the beach, a girls’ plan. Fancy that?

If it’s a girls’ plan, I’m in.

Come on, let’s go.

And chocolate ice cream too.

Chocolate ice cream, all right.
You want chocolate ice cream.

"The questions about this heist,
which put us on tenterhooks,

are accumulating.

Who are the kidnappers?
Is their plan to stay inside?

Do they want money or to protest
against financial institutions?

How long can they stay in there
without the police deciding to go in?"

Why won’t the police go in?

Because we’re going
to lock the door from inside.

See how she gets pissed.

They won’t come in...

because no one in Spain will want them to.

Do you think
they’re going to hold a referendum?

-Let’s see.

Year .

A group of young people
start to occupy the Puerta del Sol,

the most emblematic square
in the whole of Spain.

And more than , people
end up gathering there.

-M, no?

That’s the one.

If we had been told, any of us,

that , people would camp

on the Puerta del Sol for a month
and no police officers were going in,

we would have never believed it.
We’d have said that it’s impossible.

But it was that way.

And the police didn’t go in.


Because Spain as a whole
stood by those youngsters.

Right. But those youngsters had tents
and we have g*ns.

-Somehow different.
-That’s true.

But politics is politics.

Money is money, isn’t it?

Sangria is sangria.

No, no, in Serbia,
because of this, police come in.

-"Yibeli", friends.
-Don’t do that! "Yibili, yibili."

Man! What a pig!

We’ll be the Resistance trapped

in this rat hole

the same way they were
the Puerta del Sol Resistance.

And Resistance always has
people’s support.

-And if that doesn’t work...
-You have your own audience, don’t you?

No, sorry, go on, go on.

Thank you.

If that doesn’t work,

the police will know we have
as*ault weapons,

will know we have expl*sives.

No elite unit
will be able to tell the difference

between hostages and robbers.

No Home minister will order the entry,
no one.

Why not?

Because there are underage people.


Choosing Alison Parker’s life over those
eight adolescents’ life was your decision.

You told me that the Intelligence Service
would assume the consequences.

Go out there
and tell the press that it was you

and your friends in CNI.

The Intelligence Service
cannot make those statements.

But don’t worry.

The President’s Office is aware of this.
You have full support from the Government.

Look, I couldn’t care less
about the Government’s support.

I care about
what my daughter and my mother think

and not what the President thinks.

Inspector, it was never those people's
intention to release Alison Parker

nor the eight underage people.

It’s a trap.

If you allow me, I’ll tell you one thing.

When this is over,
no one will remember it.


It’s like Spain’s football team.

It doesn’t matter how they do

at the beginning of
the World Championship.

If you finally get them a happy ending,
you’ll be the country’s hero.

If it ends up in a long string
of dead people,

we’ll be screwed up... all of us.

I’m sorry for my mistakes.

And you can fully count on me.

But if you want me to quit...

Suárez, I want everyone working.

I want the forensic tests results
on the Seat Ibiza now.

And the report from the Underground Unit.
Where is that report, hum?

And, above all, Mr Prieto,

I want the Intelligence Service

to tell me how the hell
those robbers are going to come out.

I have a question, Professor.

How are we coming out of there?

-Through a tunnel.
-That’s your master plan?

The police will find that out
in a couple of minutes.



This is the Fábrica Nacional
de Moneda y Timbre

seen from above.

As soon as you enter,

you will make the hostages
break the rocks, right here.

In the boiler room in the basement.

It’s exactly metres
from the sewage system.


At that distance,
any GPR system would detect us,

wouldn’t it?


A GPR system has a -metre range.

Or instead, they will use a seismograph

that will detect
the vibration from the jackhammer.

So, they’ll think
we’ll be escaping through here.

But we’re not going to leave
through there, are we?


We’ll exit through another tunnel.

A tunnel...

that they won’t be able to see.

Because it is metres
from any other drain

and, mainly, because it’s already there.

We just need to make a hole in order to
open it from here,

from vault number three.

Who made that tunnel?

-I had it built five years ago.

Once you make the hole
to connect the tunnel to the factory,

you’ll find metres...

already excavated to...

a hangar

that has already been prepared.


-I take my hat off before you.
-And your knickers.

But all the surveillance cameras...

the ground has also been sealed,
hasn’t it?

That’s right.

There’s a first layer made of steel
and a second one of reinforced concrete.

Besides, no pneumatic drill
can be used there.

It has to be done by hand,
thermal lance, and circular saw.

How many metres?

centimetres of steel.

centimetres of reinforced concrete.

Finally, soil.

Six metres seventy, in total.

-It’s a hell of...
-A good hole.

Hey, And...

how long will it take you
to make that hole?

, days.

The time we’ll be inside here.

Say around...

million euros printed per day.

, million.


-Come on!

The CSI has confirmed
traces of ammonia and alcohol

on the dashboard, upholstery, windows.

That is, the whole car.

"The lab’s chemical report revels
that those products were used"

a few minutes just before we got there.

What makes us believe
that someone related to the g*ng

was there almost at the same time as us.

-"What about the homeless man?
-No trace of him."

We have viewed
the traffic surveillance cameras

and shops nearby, but nothing.

"However, there is some good news."

They were able to isolate one finger print
on the button you found inside the Ibiza.

"The owner has previous charges.
They are sending us the file."

Attention, listen up everyone.

I need you to leave the tent
for a few minutes.

Everyone, except Detective Rubio.

It’ll only take a few minutes.
Thank you very much.

Thank you.

And except the CNI.

Could it be a coincidence that the guy,

"the homeless man,
got to the wreck yard before we did?

No, it wasn’t a coincidence."

There is mole amongst us.

What are we going to do about it?

Find him.

The police file is here.



Everything is okay.


You rest.

Stay still.


Everything is okay.

Everything is okay.

I’ll be right back.

It’s okay.

No infection. Good.

Very good.

. .

There’s no problem.

, a problem.

. , no problem.

Me, in the w*r, look after many men.

Man looks after man.

No problem.

Everything is fine.

Everything is fine.


Mónica, hey.

How are you feeling?


What are you doing here?

It’s my sleep turn, but I just wanted
to know how you were doing.

It’s hot in here, huh?


It feels as there wasn’t enough oxygen.

If you want, you can rest here, I’m fine.

I’m fine just sitting down
for a little bit.


Yes. Yes, yes.

Andrés de Fonollosa.

He has a detention warrant.

Jewellery shops, vans, auction houses.

White collar thefts.

No exit stamps in his electronic passport.

Most probably he has a fake one.

No record of any family or friends either.

The regular informants
don’t know who he is.

No address,
he isn’t on any census or registry.

"I can only think of talking
to his cell mate.

They shared the same cell
in Soto del Real prison.

Do that. Start the paperwork
to bring him into the tent."

Wait, wait."

That’s not everything.
The interesting thing comes

from the forensic psychiatry department.
Shall I read it for you?

We are before a narcissist, egocentric...

"with delusions of grandeur."

I’ve gathered you here to tell you

a little about how things are going on.

And to put an end to some rumours.

He shows an absolute lack of empathy.

Rumour has it, Ms. Mónica Gaztambide

has passed away. This rumour is not good.

Rumours create...



That's why
I would like to explain it all.

It is true, Ms. Mónica,
your colleague, has been ex*cuted.

"An eccentric man, with tendency
to megalomania which makes him unable"

to differentiate evil from good.

But I also want to...

share with you some other news.

Good news.

Because the truth...

is that this heist...
is going very smoothly,

on the fast track.

"He has a great sense of honour"

and he has a pathological need
to make a good impression.

Especially, on strangers.

Therefore, I want to...

thank you, I must thank

all of you who... are doing your best

and collaborating. Especially, one person.

Mr. Torres.

Mr. Torres.




Mr Francisco Torres.

This gentleman
has been printing banknotes for years.

And today,
today he’s beaten his own record.

Because, after hours, he’s printed...

Tell us how much money you have printed.

million euros.

Say it louder, with pride,
For everyone to hear it.


million euros!

million euros.

He, alone!

Well, with my colleagues’ help, that is.

He’s also a humble man.
Thank you, Mr. Torres, thank you.

Thank you everyone.

Mr. Torres, do you know what you are?

You are the f*cking hostage of the month.

Yes, let’s give him the round of applause
he deserves.

For Mr. Torres!

Come on!

Come on, so he can see
how fond of him we are!

You are a champion.

-So he can feel it.
-Thank you!

And now some more good news,

I would like you to welcome...

how he deserves,

and a big round of applause
that he will never forget,

Mr Arturo.

The CEO, who is finally out of danger!

Thank you, Paco.

Can I have a word with you in private,

I want you to leak everything you can
about this individual to the press.

What for?

-What for?

That bloke is turning this
into a f*cking show.

As he was in a film.

Let’s see what Spain think about him now

when everyone sees
that an eccentric is holding

-a lot of adolescents hostage.

I doubt you’ll win
the people’s opinion over

by saying that the kidnappers’ leader
is an eccentric.

"This country loves eccentric people.

You’ll need more."

Trafficking in women.

An unsolved pimping case.

"Something people can’t forgive."

Don’t do it. Raquel, don’t do it,
don’t be so low, don’t do it.

Leak it. A pimp.

In an on-going investigation
for trafficking in women

from east European countries,
some of them, underage girls.

"Released for collaborating
with the police.

On top of that, a snitch.

I like your style."

I’m going to the agency
to prepare everything.

-Listen. No, listen to me, Raquel.

Are you sure about this, aren’t you?
We’re going to defame a person.

Defame a person?


Look, Ángel, my name is on TV talk shows,

in the international press
as the biggest b*tch.

And, casually, my ex-husband
has taken this opportunity,

at this time of glory to ask my daughter
if she wants to move in with him.

Do you know what that means?

He’s going to sue me
for sole custody of my daughter,

that he’ll speak to a judge to tell him:

"Your honour, that b*tch
is not fit to raise my daughter."

"'And, besides,
the kid wants to live with me'.

Hey, hey, no judge will grant him
sole custody"

-not to someone who physically abused you.
-But not even my mother believes me...

-Do you think a judge will believe me?
-I believe you, Raquel.

I believe you.

I can testify for you.


What will you testify?

-You haven’t witnessed anything.
-What the hell!

Aren’t we going to defame Fonollosa?
Here, everyone defames everyone.

Damn! Your husband, the first.

So, I say that... I saw the bruises.

That is, underneath your mini skirt, huh?

But I never wear a mini skirt, Ángel.

It’s the same, for god’s sake.

And, at the same time, I can declare about
that night we spent in the mountains.

Again, it wasn’t in Cercedilla,
it was in Miraflores.

"Excuse me, Inspector."

Can I come in?

What’s the matter?

We come from the wreck yard.
We have questioned the Russian man.

"Nikolai Dimitrevich, the guard.

A man asked about his car
an hour before you arrived."

He spoke Russian to him.
According to the person’s description,

"this man could be the same person
who spoke with Almansa.

The homeless man."

Bring in the Russian man.

"He can look through the files
of delinquents from eastern Europe."

And I want a sketch.

"I want all the files of all the Russians
who have been questioned,

arrested or accused, okay?"

There is software that helps draw up
a sketch here in the tent.

"The image of the Professor was so unknown

like an undone jigsaw puzzle
of , pieces.

But a witness was going to put
all the pieces together.

And Raquel, who had never believed
in sketches,

was going to have the key
to the whole investigation."








And Alison.

I’m sorry I tied you up so tightly.

But, damn, you also stuck a r*fle
to my head.

What did you expect me to do?

Despite being the ambassador’s daughter,
you’re a bit rebellious, aren’t you?

Not really, it’s been the second crazy
thing I’ve done in my life.

Ah, is it? And which was the first one?

Taking ballet lessons behind
my father’s back.

Blimey, what a crazy thing to do!

Watch out, you start by dancing
and end up involved in some fishy stuff,

say the violin.
And later, going to a rave,

My father has chosen everything for me.

The school, the university studies...

Even the house where I’ll study
the post grade in Diplomacy in Oxford.

"Alison, this piece of cutlery
is for fish.

Alison, not that glass.

Alison, you will sign up for chess."

And the same for everything.


And to piss him off,
you take up ballet dancing.

I chose ballet dancing
because my father hates ballet.

And volley ball was on Saturdays.

And on Saturdays I can’t do anything
without him knowing.


Take your toiletry bag
and up you go in a line.

What were you talking about?


Something about Oxford.

I heard you.

No, about my life.
About my father being bossy.

Are you inviting him to the embassy?




Don’t you like my boyfriend?


I love his smile.

Don’t you?


I’ve seen you looking at him,
why are you lying to me?

Rio is cute, isn’t he?

Yes, well.

You see? You like him.

It’s fine, admit it.

Yes, I do.

Yes, he’s with me.

But I’m not a fierce b*tch

that goes around biting
when she feels insecure.

If you like playing,

we’ll all have to play, won’t we?

Off you go.

How long have you been in there?

Three sexual assaults,

six intoxications with narcotics,

A total of years in prison

and still pending for trial, true?

What did you bring me in here for?

You shared the same cell with this man.

Do you remember who he had contact with?

With no one.

Fine, but he must have some relatives.


-I don’t know.


He didn’t mention.

Are you telling me that
he didn’t mention anyone in seven months?

What's the matter?

I asked what the matter is.

Did he say anything about his home?


His neighbourhood, his home town,
I don’t know,

he was thinking of going back to.

I don’t know, he didn’t say anything.

I think you don’t quite understand
how this works.

I need you to tell me something.

Do you understand?

A clue to help us.

Think, please.

There’s something.


I won’t tell you for nothing in return.

I’ve been in prison for four years.

-I need something in return.

Let’s see, don’t piss me off.

-This isn’t a film. No, no.

You tell us something and then, well,
we’ll see, we’ll come to some arrangement.

You start talking
and I’ll give you a candy.

-Did you hear me?
-Ángel, Ángel!


Look here.

I’ll sign a form requesting

the board of Soto
for you to be released on parole.

But under two conditions.

The first one is
that you give us the information now.

If the information is good,
I’ll tell you the second condition.

But you have my word
that I’ll obtain the parole for you.

He used to inject himself some medicine
each day.

I have his infirmary records here, but...
it doesn’t mention any medical condition.

Yes, I know.

It was something he kept as a secret.

Something degenerative.

Do you remember the name of the medicine?


How did he obtain it?

I don’t know if you are aware

that in the prison it’s very easy
to smuggle anything in.

Inside your a**l cavity.

And now tell me
what’s the second condition.

That you volunteer to undergo
a chemical castration treatment.

As soon as you ask for it, I’ll sign
the form to be released on parole.


Suárez, take him away.

-Come on.
-You gave me your word.

-You f*cking b*tch!
-Come on.

Find out what Retroxil is used for.

Track any strange purchasing patterns

in all the pharmacies
during the last six months.

If that guy injected himself that
every day,

"he has had to get himself
a big stash before going in."

Only you.

We can’t trust anyone
before we find the mole.

All right.

I brought the Russian guy in, Inspector.


I sent for you so you can recognize
the man from this morning,

in the wreck yard.

Do you think you could recognize his face?

Can you do a sketch?



"Tell the others they can come back in.
Come with me."


I’m very concerned about my pupil, Silvia.

Because she is...

a particularly fragile girl.

And I think she
would feel much more protected

with the rest of the group, do you know?
With her mates.

What subject do you teach
in the school, miss?


I teach...

-Philosophy, Ethics.

-How nice.

History of religions.

-And... Well, some workshops.
-What kind of workshops?

About environment, sexual education.

What an important task, isn’t it?

And as you’re an expert,

you may be able to help me
to solve a problem

I have about sexuality. You see...

Actually, I would like
to explain my theory to you.

May I?

Yes, sure.

Tell me.

I came up with it because of jokes.



You know that for a joke to be funny,

there has to be some truth...

and some pain.

Ah, really? No, I didn’t know.

-How curious.
-Yes. It’s that way.

Do you know the one about the headache?


The husband arrives home.


I brought you an aspirin."

And the wife says:
"But I haven’t got a headache."

"Then let’s f*ck."

Have you notice

the amount of jokes
that portray the male figure

always trying to break down the female
to obtain sex?

And the woman, always obliged,
as if she didn’t like it.

Do you think that's the truth?

Don’t you have
the same appetite for sex, miss?

I understand we do.

Perhaps, not as frequently,
don't you think?

It could be.

But tell me, Silvia,
can I take her with her...?

Ah, of course, Silvia.

Look, stand up a moment, please.

Come with me.


Look, there she is, Silvia.

You see how relaxed she is?



Say hello, miss.

I’m sure that it’ll make
the little girl happy.

What’s the matter, Nairobi?

You are on TV.


It’s been a pleasure, miss.

Come again whenever you want.
We’ll talk about Ethics.

Take her away.

Come with me.

I think this nose.


How is that identikit coming up?

Well, he and I
concur with the same features.

-"We’ll have his face soon.
-Very good."

"Those words made the Professor embark

on something
he had never imagined he would do.

Look for the police to save his own skin."