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04x03 - Anatomy Lesson

Posted: 03/19/22 10:44
by bunniefuu
♪ To be sure ♪

♪ To be right ♪

♪ When it's pure and when it's tight... ♪

Most people think you can only
declare love with flowers and chocolate,

but you can also do it with a hammer,

or a power drill.

♪ I've learned ♪

♪ I've come back ♪

♪ You're not having... ♪

Even kidnapping a police officer
can be a declaration of love.

And saving him
from drowning in a swimming pool?

A beautiful gesture.

What is going on down there?

- Pretend we're drunk.
- I'm not pretending anything.

Play drunk, or I'll snap your neck.

What are you doing? What the f*ck?

I'll call the police!

The police... are already here!

- Is that Benito?
- Do you want to call them?

- Ring, ding, ding!
- What are you doing?

- You're a cop!
- Keep it up. Come on.

You should be ashamed of yourself!

The house is full of them.

And your car.

And your wife's car.

It looks like C-4, but it's fake,
made out of plastic.

That's your alibi. If they find you out,
you won't be a criminal, just a father

who is scared to death,
and they'll understand that.

When I get out, I'll tell them what
you did, and I'll be back with 3,000 cops!

Well, we could also use real C-4.

- We can place it anywhere you'd imagine.
- Boom!

Don't get the wrong idea.
We don't want you to do this for... money,

but, well, we understand the trouble
this could cause you.

One million euros.

With this money and the alibi, you're free
to choose whose side you want to be on.

On that woman's side,
the one who makes illegal arrests,


and abuses the power that was given to her
by the Constitution.

Or with us.

Good. I need you to answer some questions.

I'll decide if I answer them.

Inspector Murillo... is she alive?

Well, she could be.

Is she in the tent?

She could be.

I need you to communicate to her
that the Professor knows... she's alive.

She won't believe me.

She'll assume you were arrested
if I told her I saw you.

If you were wearing this watch...

she'll believe you.

When it comes to love,
there's always a ticking clock.

Always a countdown.

- Loving someone isn't enough.
- Is there anything else?

It all comes down to timing.

What's that?

Something for when she wakes up.

That's really very nice of you.

She said she wouldn't touch me
with a ten-foot pole.

Here's a little advice...

don't fall in love in a heist.

It only brings bad luck.

♪ If I stay with you
If I'm choosing wrong ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ If I'm losing now
But I'm winning late ♪

♪ That's all I want ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ I am lost ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ Lost my time ♪

♪ My life is going on ♪

Paulita! Paulita!

Miss Mariví!


The phone!



Paula, my love!

How are you? What are you doing today?

The same as yesterday, Mama.

I'm sure it was something super great.

- Come on. Tell me about it.
- I can't think of anything.

- Do you miss me, sweetheart?
- Yeah.

What's wrong? Are you watching TV?

No, I'm playing with Grandma.

Pass me to Grandma.

Okay. Grandma!


Is something wrong with my baby?
She sounds kind of strange.

I don't know.

I think she's fine.

Well, when you get home for dinner,
you can talk to her, right?

- Sure, Mom.
- And don't forget to buy some bread.

It's six in the morning.

The ambulance is in the lab,
ready to be searched.

In about an hour, Alberto will be there.

And like a hound...

...he will track down the scent
of his new prey. Your sweet daughter.

Do you think I left her address...
hanging on the fridge with a magnet?

I think you're a guilty mother.

Come on. You wouldn't just leave,

do your little heist for a week
and not make one phone call.


And what about your bad daughter complex?
Because your mother... Oof!

You can't leave her alone,
not even to eat a Popsicle.

How'd you do it?

In the ambulance with the Professor...
How did you call them?

We've already thought about all this.
Surprising, I know.

So you can send Alberto
like a dog looking for a bone,

- but you know you'll find nothing.
- Hmm.

What happened to your head?

I'm just obsessed
with the heist Colonel, you know.

I wake up super early.
I can't stay in bed.

I was tying my shoes, agonizing
about the Professor,

and as I was getting up,
I almost broke the window off the wall

because of how hard I hit it
with my forehead.

You're just like me, Antoñanzas.

Even with the truce,
I still can't sleep.

At three in the morning,
I was wide awake like an owl,

thinking about how the Professor
was gonna f*ck with us today.

I'm gonna go in there a moment
to see if Sierra needs some...

Murillo is in total isolation.

Just so I can go
and give a coffee to the inspector.

Murillo can only have contact with Sierra.

She didn't let her sleep all night.
She's... trying to break her.

Let's grab a coffee, you and me.

The biggest enemy of this crime
isn't the police.

It's the rush.

The motor home was as clean as a morgue.

You guys left it...


But the ambulance... got out of there
like you were on fire.

There's always something left. Always.

A small hair on a pillow,

a sock...

Then comes the CSI with luminol
and ultraviolet light and then...



I'll repeat my offer.

I go in there right now

and disappear with the hair that would
take us to your mother and daughter,

or we wait for your ex...

and you're f*cked.

You have nothing.

You're threatening me with
"maybe we're gonna find something."

You know what’s happening?

Your pregnancy has you so high on estrogen

that you've become the most
optimistic woman in Spain.

Try not to waste all those hormones.
You'll need them for delivery

'cause it f*ckin' hurts.

What are you gonna do when it comes out?

Is it a boy or girl?

You don't know?

Poor little child.

What the f*ck happened?

They were barefoot, man.

Barefoot? Who was?

Rio and Stockholm.

- And?
- What do you mean, "And"?

Who goes barefoot
in the middle of a heist?

There’s something f*cked up

about taking your shoes off on a couch
in the middle of a heist.

What? Are you stupid?

If they were thinking of f*cking,
they'd f*ck.

They'd keep their shoes on.


What were you making here last night?

This thing.

- You were making this?
- Yep.

You b*at the sh*t out of a guy,

completely shattering her image of you,

and you try to fix it
by giving her a little golden heart?

What should I have done?


In her eyes,

you're the bad guy now.

A violent guy.

Tell me how you fell in love.

I sh*t her in the leg.

No, I sh*t her in the leg

so I could save her life.
To save her life.

I don't know.

I showed her some dance moves.

- You danced for her?
- Yeah.

I danced for her.

I don’t know. I told her stories.

We laughed a lot.


when was the last time
you told her stories?

When was the last time you made her laugh?

When was the last time you danced for her?

Hey, Rio. Could you bring me
a little coffee, please?

I came up with this plan. If you're safe
here today, it’s because of me.

Have some gratitude.

You're stuck there,
so why don't you get some rest?

At least a little water.
That's all I want, please.

Just a little water?

I'm sorry, friend, but...

Thank you.

You look tired.

Can't you sleep?

You're waking up three, four times
a night at least, huh?

Hey, Rio...

if you need anything... to talk
or anything, I'm here. Okay?

Thank you.

That's the weakest link.

excessive sweating, insomnia.

You have to break free during his watch.

He won't be able to pull the trigger.

What makes you think I won't k*ll you
as soon as I'm free?


I bashed your head in.

You f*cked up my eyes.


A pact between gentlemen.

Are you asking me to trust you,
you piece of sh*t?

I'm telling you
they've declared a truce out there.

Armored vans aren't breaking in.

We're in a f*cking Cold w*r,
and you and I are all alone.


And I'm gonna turn you into the chaos
that this heist needs.

Into Alien: The Eighth Passenger.

Into John McClane... from Die Hard.


Let's go.

The Professor arrived
at the storm reservoir

thinking about Raquel.

Just like Alberto did
when he stepped into the ambulance.

It's fascinating how two people
can think about someone...

at the same time...

in very different ways.

They say that love can move worlds...

but the truth is,
hate can be just as strong.

You were right.

Lisbon's alive.

Where is she?

For the moment, she's in the tent.
I imagine they're interrogating her.

How long can they keep her there?

I don't know, but I bet
they'll overlook the 72-hour custody rule.

They'll transfer her
at some point.

- Can you rescue her?
- We can't do it during a transfer.

It wouldn't be smart.

We did it with you. They would see
it coming, and it would be su1c1de.

So what are you going to do?

They have Lisbon with them, and she has
the entire plan inside her head,

including the place
you're calling me from, Professor.


I don't know.

I'm so tired. I can't...

I can't even think.

But I'll find a solution.
Don't worry about it.

I'm making ravioli.
You need all the energy.

Is Palermo still tied up?

- Yes.
- I want you to go to him

and tell him this...

No, no, no. I'm not telling him anything.

He'll bite my face like a rabid dog.

Well you’ll have to. I want you
to say it to him exactly like this...

"You have a message from the Professor.

Lisbon is alive.

She's being held in the tent,

and I need you
to think of a way to rescue her."

- He won't do it.
- Listen to me, Tokyo.

The only thing I'm trying to do
is to get Palermo

to fall back in love with this plan.
I need him to be on our side.

Go and tell him,
while I think of something else.



I'm gonna head to the bathroom.
Would you like to accompany me, Sergio?

Have you ever had the privilege
of experiencing

masterful fellatio
from a man with great skill?


He's completely unpredictable.

Sergio, he was simply proposing
some fellatio quite gallantly.

- He doesn't know...
- You know what I’m talking about.

He's uncontrollable
because he's abnormally egocentric.

He'll respect the hierarchy.

He would respect it if the heist
was two hours, or three, or one night.

We're talking about multiple days,

and he'll be under
higher pressure than usual.

- I can keep Martín under control...
- You can't!

- Because I've been doing it for years.
- You can't control him. He's an egomaniac.

He's obsessed with being in charge.

And that can only mean one thing.

If it's not him in charge, he'll do
anything he has to do to take control.

And he won't care if he has to execute,
betray or create chaos.

He's obsessive, egocentric,
trusts his instincts and is a true genius.

Like you.

If you prefer mediocre people,

you'll find plenty here.
They'll follow you like sheep.

Don't you understand
that being a genius complicates things?

He's dangerous
because we won't know what he'll do.

Listen to me. You're my brother.

I would put you in charge of any heist
without a shadow of a doubt.

But him...

You're wrong about trusting me
and not him. I'm much less reliable.

Two beers.

Don't order any more peanuts.

You're already fatter than an elephant.

If you laugh at my bow tie,

you're laughing at me.

And if you laugh at me, I assure you,

for the rest of your life,
you'll remember March 17th,

but you don't know why that is yet.

Isn't the anticipation just thrilling?

Is there a problem?

Not at all.

There's fingerprints
all over this place.

The walls are covered with plans,

maps, diagrams.

They have an oven.

They likely used it
to get rid of evidence.

I'll take it for analysis.

I see traces of plastic,

possibly from an electronic device.

I'm gonna separate the melted parts.

I think I found something.

What's wrong?


So a Maserati, huh?

You've gotta be f*cking kidding.
Is it out in the newspaper already?

It's totally fine.

- I can give you a ride, if you want.
- What the f*ck are you saying, Tokyo?

No big deal.
Just a little ride. That's all.

That's all?

Then we push a button, erase the tape,

destroy the evidence,
and there's no record of anything.

Mónica dumped me.

I'm a free man.

So I don't need to erase
any f*cking black box.

I'll take the Maserati,
stick my foot on the pedal,

and I'll start doing 360s
till the tires burn off...

without a care in the world, beautiful.


- a reckless driver?
- So reckless.

So reckless you better be careful,

or you'll have to take the car to the
mechanics and change the suspension.

And wait until you see what I do
to the chassis.

So scary.

This bastard
even leaves false clues in his shitter.

I bet it was put there on purpose.

By the way it was hidden
and melted at the back of the oven,

it's impossible
it was put there on purpose.

So then?

The plastic from the chip
has a recorded number of up to 19 digits,

unique to each SIM card.

- Hm-mmm.
- This disappeared during the combustion,

but it seems that during the process,
it bent and touched the metallic chip,

and it imprinted seven numbers on it.

We crosschecked it
with data from several phone carriers,

and we came up with 354 cards
matching those end numbers.

One of them was bought three months ago
and has only made one call,

and it was made during the heist.


- Where was the call made?
- Wait, wait!

A little bit of suspense.

Mindanao, the Philippines.

Oh, f*ck! I knew it!

We'll talk with Interpol.

- Yes?
- Mindanao, the Philippines.

They know.

- How?
- A half-burnt SIM card in the ambulance.

This doesn't change anything for you.

I need you to get to that office now.

Show her the watch,
and tell her. "I'm with you."

That I am?
Should I say it like that?


Like that: "I'm with you."
It might be confusing.

She could think I'm just some weirdo,
or that I'm a communist.

If I say, "The Professor is with you,"
it's clearer.

"Is". In third person.

Benito, just show her the watch
and nothing more.


Hostages out.

Everybody up and to the stairs!

How's being in charge, darling?
How are we feeling?


Well, I'm all ears. Go ahead.

You have the following message
from the Professor:

"Lisbon is alive.

She's being held in the tent, and I need
you to think of a way to rescue her."

It's an order.

First, you stage a coup d'état.
Now you give me an order.

That's curious. I'd say that's...

very dangerous, but then again,
it's understandable, of course.

Look at them all.
The women are empowered.

That sh*t floats to the top

- then back down the drain.
- All done?

What happened?

To me?

Are you angry with your mama?

She didn't breastfeed you enough? Hmm?

So you hate women
because... you need milk desperately?


this order came from the Professor.

And he has a d*ck, just like you.

They're in Mindanao.

In 24 hours, we'll have them.

You know how this goes.

Paula comes here,

you're declared guilty
of abducting your own child,

you lose your custody,

and she goes to live with her father.

So you're here to tell me I'm f*cked?

I already know that.

It depends.

I'll let you call them.
Right here. Right now.

And you can lead them to safety.

When we get to your hideout in Mindanao,
they'll be gone.

We f*cked up.

The thought of Paula
being with that bastard Alberto

doesn't thrill me either.

What's Paula doing right now?

Go on. Close your eyes. Picture her.

Tucked in bed.

Her hair across the blanket.
You can almost smell her.

Close your eyes.

Picture her.

Go on.

What are you doing, Alicia?

It's only a five-year wait,
and then you'll be reunited again.

She comes running to you. "Mommy!"

She hugs you like this,
curled up around you,

with her arms and legs
like a little monkey.

And you press her against your chest...

and grab her little face...

to look at her.

But she won't let you go.

She repeats over and over,

like a prayer
that will save her from evil,

"Mama, don't leave me.

Mama, don't leave me.

Mama, don't leave me.

Mama, don't leave.

Mama, don't leave me."


I know you love him, and he loves you too,

and because of that...

what do you think he would tell you to do?

Did I offer you...

five years in prison?

I’ll trade it for five minutes.

I'm offering you freedom.

Sergio goes to jail, but you go free.

Your arrest was never official.

You call them, get them to safety.

In 24 hours, you'll all be together.

We'll never come after you.

Everything will be over.




Were you able to get any sleep?

I tried to, but I just can't do it.

Are you having nightmares?

Every time I close my eyes,
I relive it all again.

So, what happened to the alpha male?

I thought you were a free man.

- What are they talking about?
- Oh!

Hello, beautiful.

I'd like to bring you to my island.

But only if you don't party all the time.

I'm not really into chunda-chunda
or dancing, you know?

If you invite me over,
I'll show you my tiny bikini.

Why didn't you tell us?

I couldn't.

You need to talk about it, Rio.
It’s important.

They took me out of my cell at night,

and forced me
to dig my own grave out in the desert.

I'm really really sweet, and...

that's why I'm smiling
the whole f*cking day.

Then they made me drag a coffin
in the hole I dug.

Then they forced me to get inside.

Then they threw sand into the hole.

Until I was buried.

And then they left me there.

In the darkness.

In the silence.

- I could barely breathe.
- Ssh.


Calm down.


I'm here with you.

Do you know what I just kept thinking?


That the Professor...

should be the one inside that coffin,
not me.

I'm sorry.

Look. Oh!

Okay, let's go.

Pardon me for a moment.
I'm going to the restroom.

You don't trust me.

I'm an egomaniac.

I'm only willing to follow my plan.

I'm so obsessed with being in charge

if something doesn’t go
according to my plan...

I could become dangerous, no?

That's right.

That's what I believe.

I'd agree.

But there's one thing
you're not considering.

Not only do I love your brother,

but I also love the plan,

and that love is equal.

I would betray you.
That's perfectly clear.

And the rest of the g*ng, too.

But the plan? Never.

And that's where my loyalty lies.

This is so much more than a heist,
and you know it.

Right now, the plan isn't perfect.
I can recognize that.

It's an unfinished poem.

We need you, brother.


You were very brave out there.

And that's admirable.

Very commendable.

Just let me leave, please.

You seemed brave earlier,

but now you have to demonstrate
that bravery.

Let's have a look at those balls.


Hang in there.

Hang in there.
And tell me, what do you prefer?


Look at me. Or impotence?

Sometimes your forced
to make tough decisions in life.

Mine: what do I do with the assh*le
who's making fun of my bow tie?


is it even worth living without a penis?

He's taking a long time.

He’s b*ating the sh*t out of the fat guy
in the bathroom.

I haven't heard any punches
or any other noise.

Real chaos, my dear Sergio,

makes no noise.

Palermo was loyal to the plan,

but in his mind,
that only meant one thing.

For the heist to continue,

he had to be back in charge,

and to do that, he would quietly
create chaos we never saw coming.

You know what you have to do.
Don't be a coward.

You have to dislocate the joint

between the trapezium
and the thumb's first metacarpal

with strength and determination

Grab your thumb and twist it.

- No handcuff can stop that.
- Ssh.

Do I have to sit you kids apart,
like in school?

It'll hurt a tiny bit,

but your freedom will be worth it.
Don't you think?

Now do it.

Don't move!

- Don't move.
- Easy.

I'm just a f*cking bodyguard.

On the ground.

- I can't do that.
- I said on the ground.

What are you going to do?
Are you going to sh**t an unarmed man?

I swear to God,
if I have to, I will sh**t you.

You're gonna k*ll an unarmed father
with a family who is trying to escape?

Go on.

I'm right here.

Don't move.

Don't move!

On the ground, Gandía!
On the ground!

You're not gonna sh**t.

On the ground!

Go on.

For f*ck's sake, stop moving!

Stop moving!

See you soon.