02x06 - The Smile at the End of the Dock

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "13 Reasons Why". Aired: March 31, 2017 - June 5, 2020.*
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Follows teen Clay Jensen, in his quest to uncover the story behind, Hannah, and her decision to end her life.
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02x06 - The Smile at the End of the Dock

Post by bunniefuu »


[HANNAH] Zach, I wrote you a letter.

I poured my heart out, opening
up about personal things

I hadn't had the courage
to admit to anyone.

How hard life was getting.
How lonely I felt.

[ZACH] I keep to myself mostly.

I don't always tell people
things. I'm not good with...


...like, drama.

You look good. Very sharp.

You ready for this?

Yeah, I'm all ready. Yeah.

I learned pretty early
on not to rock the boat.

- You'll do great.
- To stay in my lane.

You're a good boy. The best
son a mother could have.

Don't worry, Mom. It'll be fine.

[SHERI] Don't worry about it.

Okay? He'll be back.

He's sick as hell. He
can't go to the city.

He's got no money, no car.

- Clay, I'm on your side, okay?

We'll figure this out.

Thank you.

- Can... Can I trust you?
- Always.

Do you have any idea where at
school these might have been taken?

No, I... I don't recognize it.

- Wait, is that...?
- Bryce.



[ZACH] I try not to be a bully.

[WOMAN] Mr. Baker!

- [ZACH] I try not to be a victim.
- What do you expect from today?

We firmly believe that our
daughter deserved better

and that the school... the
school could have done more.

We don't let ourselves forget that.
That's how we keep ourselves going.

- We're in this together.
- [WOMAN] Mr. Baker, one more question.

We're in this together.

- [MAN ] Thank you, sir.
- [MAN ] Thank you.

Olivia, everything okay?

Just hope that dumb kid tells
the truth in there today.

Liv, this time, we have actual proof

that Hannah told the school
that she was hurting.

She wrote that note in class.

They did nothing. We're
right on this one.

- It's a win.
- [JACKIE] I agree.

And it is so good to see you both here.

Though, if I may say,

now that we're playing
you're a united front,

it is helpful to hold
hands for the press.

We're not... playing at anything.

[ZACH] It's a tough line to walk.

[DENNIS] So this bullying
that you just mentioned,

do you feel pressure to join
in when you see it happening?

- [ZACH] Yes, sir.
- What type of bullying do you see?

Well, sometimes it's obvious
and sometimes it's not.

Sometimes a kid gets roughed up.

A lot of the times, though,

it's just stuff that people say.

Especially athletes.

[DENNIS] So, what type
of stuff do you say?

We brag about things that
we do with girls, like...

uh... sexually.

Even when they're not true. And
sometimes that can get around.

[DENNIS] And who's saying these things?

Lots of kids.

[ZACH] It's a tough school.

Three weeks before you went to the
hospital, you received the tapes.

Do you remember how?

At school?

No, they were mailed to you.

On tape five, Hannah talks about running

into you and Jessica
at the winter formal.

Remember what she said about you two?

That we looked good together?

No. You weren't at the
dance with Jessica.

You just talked to her there.

Well... [STUTTERS]

- Did you... Have you been studying?
- Yes, I've been f*cking studying.

Clay, I've listened to the
tapes, like, four times.

I don't even know if the doctor's
gonna ask me any of this today.

I went online.

Some doctors tested Marines that had TBI

with dates and memory questions

to see if they could continue serving.

I'm not a f*cking Marine, Clay.
I sh*t myself in the head.

Mr. Porter is out this morning.

I'm Ms. Paul, and we're going to be
watching a very interesting film.

[GASPS] Human Centipede?


Well, no. It's not a
nature film. [CHUCKLES]

It's, uh...

It's about life after high
school, and how it gets better.

That's great, but what the hell
are we supposed to do until then?


I superglued the DVD player shut.

So now we wait to see how long
it takes her to figure it out.

Dude, come on, celebrate me.

My neighbor saw us sh**ting.

- So my dad's calling your dad.
- sh*t.

But now he wants to take us sh**ting.

So, wait, we're getting in
trouble for sh**ting g*ns,

so they're taking us to go sh**t g*ns?

Essentially, yeah.


Do adults think these things through?

- I know, but...
- No, dude, I'm there.

- f*ck, yeah.
- Yeah, cool.

All right. [CHUCKLES] Who
is good with electronics?


- This silent treatment gonna last all day?
- What do you want me to say, Kev?

I was glad to bail you out of jail
and wait two hours at the impound?

You said that I should use the time

that I have left to do the most good.

Take care of those kids.

And how is assaulting a drug
dealer taking care of those kids?

He all but put a price tag
on Justin Foley's head.

And what happened to
the back window, hmm?

[MR. PORTER] It... It must have
happened during the fight.

- I mean, we'll... we'll get it fixed.
- It's not about the car.


[SIGHS] Look, I'm proud of you, Kev.

Fighting for these kids, doing
whatever you can, I get it.

But, baby, there's glass
in Mason's car seat.

I want you to do you.

But what if someone from
the school finds out

what happened and you get fired?

They won't, all right?

- And what if you get hurt next time?
- There won't be a next time.

I promise. Okay?

[RYAN] So...

I'm obsessed with this
new life you're leading.

But can I ask you about
your old cheerleading days?


You ever heard of a place
called The Clubhouse?

It's a place where jocks hung out maybe.

No, it doesn't sound familiar.

Anything else you know about it?

Apparently, Hannah went there
with an athlete, possibly Justin,

- long after they broke up.
- Are you serious, Ryan?

You're really trying to
dig up dirt on Hannah?

No, I wasn't. I'm interested.

Yeah, well, your interest
tends to end up in your zine.

I would never. I... I was just...

You're right.

I'll drop it.

[ZACH] It is especially tough on girls.

It was for Hannah.

To your knowledge, neither
Mrs. Bradley nor...

any Liberty faculty took any action once

this anonymous note was read aloud?

Not to my knowledge, no.

So a note expressing interest in
su1c1de was read aloud in class,

and faculty members ignored it?

- [SONYA] Objection. Asked and answered.
- [JUDGE] Sustained.

[DENNIS] No further
questions, Your Honor.

Hey, Kevin. How you doing, buddy?
How's that new class going?

- It's all good, thanks.
- Good. Glad to hear it.

Just helps keep your head down
and, you know, focus on work

when things get a little
messed up, you know.

Like last night.

I'm sorry?

I got a buddy I went
to high school with,

and, uh, he's one of the
lieutenants at the station there.

- He called me when they brought you in.
- It was a misunderstanding.

[CHUCKLES] You know, look, we've
all been there, you know?

And apparently, they got that dealer
guy there, like, once a week.

But, look, I vouched for you,

and he said that they'd
all make it go away.

- I see.
- I'm just gonna keep this between us.


So, yeah, I spent the
entire night in my own bed,

and my dad only stayed for half of it.

Yeah, I mean, that is everything.

[JESSICA] Too easy to get sucked back

in to old sh*t. I can handle it now.

Hey, what's up? Uh...
Do you know Michael?

- Hi.
- Hey. Michael.

- [CLAY] So what did your doctor say, Alex?
- I'm sorry, I tried.

- But they're not gonna let me testify.
- [CLAY] sh*t.

Did the doctor say why?


Hey, Jess.

I missed you.

Can we go somewhere else to talk, alone?


I came back for you.

It's the only reason why I'm here.

If you want me to stay,

I promise you I'm here for good.

Look, if you want me to go, I'll go.

Forever, this time.

- You said that before.
- I...

I tried to go away.

I tried to forget about you. I...

I tried so f*cking hard.

But I can't stop thinking about you.

Yeah, I think about you, too.

And I wish you were dead.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt you more.


- Justin!

- [CLAY] Justin.
- [TONY] Justin, wake up.

- Justin. Justin.
- Wake up. Wake up. Justin.

[TONY] f*ck.

- Yeah, we gotta get him back to my house.
- No, I can't do this anymore.

- Okay? I'm out.
- What do you mean you're out?

- There is no "we," okay?
- What the f*ck is up with you?

- We gotta get him out of here.
- Yeah.

Come on, Justin. Use
your legs. Use your legs.

Did you know he was back?

No, no, we really didn't know.

What does it matter to you? Why do
you f*cking care if Justin's back?

Because, clearly, you do.

I don't f*cking care. You
don't know how I feel.

Yeah, you're right. I don't.

Zach, isn't it true that
Hannah also reached out to you

to talk about her feelings?

- Um, yes.
- And did she write a note to you?

A note that was not anonymous?

Yes. Yeah, she wrote me
a letter explaining...

how sad she felt about everything.

How she felt really alone
a lot of the time.

So you told no one at Liberty
High that Hannah wrote you a note

telling you how alone she felt?

I didn't know how to.

But isn't it true that you did
reach out to her off campus?


The summer after sophomore year.

The summer after the note. Did
you have contact with her?

- Yes.
- And isn't it true

that you saw her more
than once that summer?

[ZACH] Um, yeah, last summer was slow.
Most people were out of town.

- You take them, okay?
- Sure thing.

Can I help you?

Hey. Yeah, can I get a
box of Mike and Ikes,

a box of Hot Tamales and
a Diet Coke, please?

No, you cannot have f*cking
Mike and Ikes and Hot Tamales

because you're not a f*cking child.

- Actually, his mommy says he is.
- Okay. f*ck off, you guys.

Don't you get tired of
the mama's boy jokes?

[MONTGOMERY] Uh, no. No, we don't.


[ZACH] So I went to a lot of movies.

What can I get you?


just wanted to say that I am sorry...

for all of it.

The thing I said about
your ass, that wasn't...

And your compliments and, um...

I'm just really...

I'm really sorry.


- You're an assh*le, but thanks.
- Yeah.

Mike and Ikes?


And Hot Tamales, too, please.

And... And a Diet Coke.

[ZACH] I mean, I guess I even
saw movies I didn't wanna see.

[SCOFFS] You see a lot of movies.

Yeah. Well, this thing is
supposed to be a masterpiece, so...

God, it's, uh... so boring.

- Oh, is it?
- Yeah, but at least it's long.

You should still see it, though,

so at least when pretentious people talk

about it, you can yawn really loudly.

Okay. Cool, yeah.





So, yeah...

- that was painful.

Right? You're in space. Why
aren't you having fun in space?

Why does nobody talk?

Why is the movie so long and
nobody talks about anything?

I mean, at least talk about the fact

that, holy sh*t, you're in outer space.

Would you...

ever wanna watch a different movie?

- Like...
- Like with you?

Yes. Yeah. Yeah, I meant
with me, as part of the...

the plan.

Except not at my house. My mom
doesn't let me have girls over.

So, you're inviting me to
watch a movie at my house?

I mean, they're never gonna make a movie

about Cameron taking a day off.


People underestimate the
Camerons of the world.

I mean, they can be surprising.

Everyone thinks when he falls off

the diving board that he wants to drown.

But I think he just wanted
someone to save him.

- I kind of get that, actually.
- Yeah.

- [OLIVIA] Hannah?

- sh*t. My parents are home early.
- Uh...


Uh, just hide. Like...

- [OLIVIA] Hannah, you up?
- Oh, f*ck.

Honey, are you up?


[ZACH] No. To my knowledge,
her parents never found out.

[SONYA] So you told no one else about
the time you spent with Hannah,

- isn't that correct?
- Yes.

Then isn't it true that you
were ashamed of telling anyone?

No. No, I just...


That was the summer that my dad d*ed.

And I was out of my mind, and I
needed someone that I could talk to.

Yes, but, Zach, didn't you send each
other hundreds of text messages?


Hundreds? I mean, I... Yeah, we texted.

- [ZACH] I don't know how many times.

[BRYCE] Who is it, Zachy?


No one. It's just my mom.

How's she doing? She okay?

She just needs me to come home.

How are you doing?

I'm good. I'm fine.

I'm not good.

My mom...

My mom doesn't even wanna talk about it.

She's acting like life
is just, like, going on.

And, I mean, I know
that she's destroyed,

and she's worried about the future

and everything, but she doesn't
say anything about it.

My parents do the same thing.

[ZACH] We just...

We had things in common to talk about,

and things we didn't have to talk about,

things we just knew about each other.

[SONYA] That must've been
exhausting, keeping that a secret.

Yeah, I guess I, uh... I just
wanted to keep the friendship ours.

And in all that time you spent
together, all those texts,

you and Hannah never
became more than friends?

You never told your fellow
teammates about her,

as you've said they do?

- Bragged a bit?
- No. I would never do that.

Because there was nothing to brag about

or because you're not one to do so?

Because it wasn't like that.

What was it like then?

Mr. Dempsey, did something happen
between you and Hannah Baker

the summer before she took her life?

- What? Shut up.

After that, we went on Space Mountain,
and I threw up all over her.

And after she broke up with me, I
took a long walk through Toon Town.


Yeah. How about you? Any bad breakups?

Kind of hard to be broken up with
when you've never had a boyfriend.

What? Really? I thought you and...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to...

Everyone thinks I've done a lot of
things with a lot of people, but...

Hey, because I'm a guy,
people give me sh*t

because I don't do enough, so...

And what have you done?

- Are you seriously asking?
- I am.

Uh, yeah, nothing. I'm a virgin.

It's weird.

You know, 'cause of my reputation, like,

people calling me a slut and everything,

it made sex seem bad,
like this negative thing.

But I don't want it to be. I want
my first time to be how I want it,

not how everyone says it's been.

Yeah. I actually get that.

[SIGHS] Feels like there's no
one good left in this town

to even wanna do that with, though.

So, um...

It's just, I...

It's just you are a good
person, and I like you.

I like you, too.

Sorry, what's happening?

I wanna lose my virginity,
and I want it to be great.

Like I wanna do it on my terms
and with someone that I like.

Would you be interested in having sex?


Oh! Yes!

All right, man, so, who is this girl?

She's, uh... She's from another school.

- [JUSTIN] Cool.
- Yeah.

So what do you wanna know?

Well, what exactly do I need to know?

Well, I'm very happy you came to
my office for this chat to...

No, but, seriously,

it's hotter when a girl likes what
you're doing and she feels good.



I'm sorry, I don't know how to, um...

- begin this...

[SIGHS] ...thing that we're doing.

- Is that me shaking or you?
- Maybe both. A little bit of both.


♪ It's my direction ♪

♪ It's my proposal ♪

♪ It's so hard, it's leading me astray ♪

- I... I hate my body.
- What?

- Why? It's beautiful.
- Okay, you have to say that.

No. I look at your body every
day, and I think it's perfect.

♪ My obsession ♪

♪ It's my creation ♪

♪ You'll understand ♪

♪ It's not important now ♪

[ZACH] Mm. Mm-hmm. [CHUCKLES]



Okay, yeah.



- Does it hurt?
- Uh...

Just... pressure. Keep going.


It's okay.

It's okay.

♪ All I need is ♪

♪ Coordination ♪

♪ I can't imagine ♪

♪ My destination ♪

♪ My intention ♪

- ♪ Ask my opinion ♪

♪ There's no excuse ♪

♪ My feelings still remain ♪




Was that, uh... Was that okay?

Yeah. It was good.

I could probably do it better
if you wanna try again.

We could try again.




- What?
- Yes.


We had sex.

- Just once?
- No. We...

It was all summer.

But it wasn't just the sex.

We really cared for each other.


[ZACH] It was amazing... I think.

I don't know how Hannah felt about it.

♪ Running like a fire ♪
♪ Burning in the wind ♪

♪ You say you'll take me
higher Higher than I've been ♪

♪ It was a feeling ♪

So, I've been practicing.

♪ I never wanna live in... ♪

- Practicing what?
- Figuring out what I like.

I had to get past the initial

"This is wrong. God's gonna punish
me and all women" feeling of shame.


Which wasn't a joke, but...

now it's like, literally,
the only thing I wanna do.

- ♪ I don't want your love ♪

♪ If you can breathe without it ♪

♪ I don't want your love... ♪

- Holy sh*t.
- Right?

- This is all starting to make sense now.
- Right?

♪ I don't know the way ♪

- ♪ The way that you feel about me ♪

♪ I don't wanna stay ♪

♪ If you can be free without me ♪

♪ Don't wanna give it up ♪

♪ Don't wanna give it up ♪

♪ If you can give it back ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

♪ I never was a dreamer ♪

♪ Never wanted to pretend ♪

♪ When the night comes,
I still feel you ♪

♪ In my dreams, you never end ♪

♪ And I want you to be with me ♪

♪ And I want you to be free ♪

♪ And I want you to remember ♪

♪ That I don't want you
To fall too hard ♪

♪ I don't want your love... ♪

Hey, do you think we're
doing this too much?

Do you think we are?

No. I mean, do you think so?

- Are you okay with all this?
- I'm good.

- So should we...? Okay.
- Yeah. Yes.


I, uh... I'm gonna meet with Dennis.

- Damage control.
- I'd like to come.

Fine. We're meeting at my house.

I don't want you to feel
alone in this, Liv.

Well, that's nice, Andy. [CHUCKLES]
I'm honored by your concern.

Can you not give one inch?
I'm trying here.

Is there not one g*dd*mn ounce
of forgiveness somewhere?

Some... Some kind of understanding

that not everybody else is as
self-contained as you are?

Forgiveness for what? For which part?

- The leaving or the not fighting?
- This is you, though.

This is our whole life together. Not
just this trial, not just Hannah.

You have never forgiven weakness,
or imperfection, or struggle.

I forgave...

every weakness, every imperfection,
every mistake that we made

in parenting our daughter.

I guess I'm just surprised
that's all we had.

I lied to you. I am living
with Valerie and her daughter.

I know.




[MATT] Clay, are you home?

- What the hell?
- Aah! It wasn't me!

Who the hell are you?

[STUDENT] "Frequent sexual
intercourse." That's what it says.

[ZACH] I never told anyone because...

Well, I thought I was protecting Hannah.

Maybe I was just protecting myself.

What the f*ck?


I mean, what gives, Dempsey?

You cash in on your v-card, and
you don't tell your best friend?

- What the f*ck, Bryce? What the f*ck?
- It's a joke. Lighten the f*ck up.

- What the hell is wrong with you?
- Hey. Hey! Same team, same team.

Chill out.

What's going on, you two?

It's nothing, Coach.

All right.

If it's nothing, I don't wanna see
that kind of behavior in here again.

And I don't wanna see
it out there. Hear me?

That goes for all of us. Okay?

I don't care who the
hell you are out there.

You step into this room, you
step across that baseline,

you are the Liberty Tigers.

The end. Yeah?



Olivia, I just don't think
we should call him.

I mean, Sonya will tear him apart.

They must know everything
about the kid, right?

And we don't.

Lainie did recuse herself, but that's...

Somehow, I'm not concerned about a
mother knowing her son's secrets.

That tends not to be the case these
days, it seems, with mothers.


Our daughter...

I mean, she...

becomes a woman, and we missed it?

[ANDY] But is this the right response?

We put another kid on the
stand and hope for the best?

There's a reason why we
kept him off the list.

Clay was devastated
when Hannah d*ed, okay?

He was in love with her. He
thought she was perfect.

The jury needs to hear that.

All right, we'll have
to prep him tonight.

Go ahead and fill out the
paperwork. I'll talk to him first.

What the f*ck did you do?

Why would you say all of that? You
just made everything worse for her.

I didn't mean to.

Clay, I swear to God, it's not a lie.

- I'm sorry.
- So how come no one knew about it?

- You were out of town last summer.
- It wasn't on your tape.

She put everything on your tape?

You didn't deserve her.

I know. I'm sorry.

f*ck you. You just go to hell.

- Clay, come on, man.
- Get the f*ck out of here!


You have something you wanna say to me?


Hey. I've been looking for you
everywhere. It's called The Clubhouse.

- Wait, what?
- The place in the Polaroids.

It's called The Clubhouse.

Jesus. I don't care anymore.


- How do you go from...?
- Look, I don't f*cking care, okay?

I'm done.


I have to take this.

So, I'll see you.

All right, put your g*ns down, guys.
g*ns on the table.

We're gonna put in a fresh clip, okay?

Cyrus, look at this.

We're going to eject the old clip
like that by pressing that button.

Roll in the new clip like so.

Rack the slide. Okay?

- You guys try it.
- Cool.

Remember, even if there's
no clip in there,

always treat your g*ns
as if they're loaded.

- Okay?
- Yeah.

All right. Give it a sh*t.

I really appreciate this.

My wife didn't think it
was appropriate to call,

but we don't know anybody
else we could ask,

and Alex has been a
good friend to Tyler.

Oh, well, I'm happy to do it.
Tyler's a good kid.

You know, we can't change the past,
but we can be better, right?


Dude, what the f*ck? I've been waiting
outside for, like, minutes.

I'm plateauing.

- Plateauing?
- Yeah.

Apparently, that happens when
you sh**t yourself in the head.

After, like, six months, no
matter how much work you put in,

your body just settles
into being broken forever.

Come on. You had a rough couple days...

It's not a rough couple of days, Zach.

This is my life now.

My doctor said so.

Pretty sure your doctor didn't say that.

Well, I can't testify.

I can't help Hannah, I can't
help Jess. I'm useless.

Well, maybe that's for the better.

What is that supposed to mean?

After what happened to me today,

- maybe you don't wanna testify.
- Don't tell me what I f*cking want.

- Alex...
- Man, at least you can do it.

And at least you can
walk and f*ck girls.


- Alex.
- f*ck you!

- Alex, don't...
- Get the f*ck off of me!

f*ck my leg and this
f*cking hole in my head.

And then f*ck Justin for
coming back for Jessica.

- And f*ck Jessica, too!
- Look, man, just...

- No! Get off of me!
- Come on.

Alex, stop.

- Fight me! Man, fight me!
- Calm down, Alex.

- Just... I'm not gonna...
- f*ck you!

- Whoa! Stop, stop, stop!
- What? What's wrong? What's wrong?

I, uh...

[ZACH] I, um...

listen. It's probably just...

like, from the physical
contact and, um...

Are you okay?


Yeah, I am.

My d*ck works. [CHUCKLES]



We need you to talk
about your friendship.

About what you two meant to each other.

Her kindness.

Will they ask me...

about kissing her?

They probably will.

But it was just one kiss.

It's important that the jury
understands who Hannah really was.

Dennis will ask you what
you two talked about,

the hopes and dreams that
Hannah shared with you,

her good qualities.

This trial...

I mean, I've learned things about
Hannah I guess I didn't know before.

I understand.

Me, too.

I feel like I didn't
really know who she was.

Can you put all of that out
of your mind, though, and...

focus on who Hannah really was to you?

[JESSICA] I couldn't move.

He got on top of me, and
I couldn't move my arms.

Or if I did, he'd just
push them back down.

He just kept pushing everywhere.

He wouldn't listen.

I can still feel his hands
taking off my underwear.

I just feel him all the time.

If I kiss someone, I
can feel his breath.

If I touch someone, I just remember
trying to get him not to touch me.

God. So it's really f*cking stupid
that I'm worried about Justin

when he's one of the g*dd*mn reasons

why I'm dealing with all of this sh*t.


[ZACH] You fool yourself into thinking
that by keeping things hidden,

it makes it easier for you to get by.

[CALEB] ...people looking at me
right now, facing the other side,

and the twos will be
with their backs to me.

Let's face our partners.

Let the ones be aggressors, let's
have them grab at the neck.

The twos break the grip, throw the palm,

grab the shoulders, throw the knee.

- There you go. Speed it up.

Here, Lucas, you can switch
with Selena for a second.

Thank you.

All right? One more time.
You're gonna grab my neck.

We're gonna break the grip,
we're gonna throw the palm,

throw the knee.

All right? We'll switch, and
this is with the sound.

Ready? Grab my neck.


- There you go. You good?
- Yeah.

Get back in line. Selena, switch over.
The twos are the aggressors.

[ZACH] Even though you
know you'd feel a lot

better if you just came clean.


Don't drink it so fast. That's
a one-way trip to barf town.


- Sounds fun.
- Not so, my friend.

[CYRUS] It is done.

You hacked Zach's iCloud
account in two minutes?

His password was "zachattack," so...


[CYRUS] Isn't that the girl that d*ed?

Yeah. That's weird.

What's that?

[BOYS CHANTING] Marcus! Marcus!
Marcus! Marcus!

- Holy sh*t.
- This is incredible.


- We have to send this everywhere.
- No. No, no, no.

No, let's f*ck with him first.

No, I mean, I think...

I think you're really brave
to talk about Justin.

Is there anyone else
you wanna talk about?

- Bryce maybe?
- Bryce?

[SCOFFS] What do you mean?


I've been the girl who's avoided
her r*pist in the halls.

Mine was a senior named Mark Perry.

And it's a story for
another time, but...

I'm choosing to say his name to you
even though I didn't turn him in.

You wanna know why?

Because it's my f*cking story
to tell. No one else's.

And you should be so proud
that you told yours tonight.

- I am.
- Good.

You know, just know that you can
always, always talk about it with me.

I get it.


Look, I was trying to
help Hannah's case.

[LAINIE] By hiding Justin here?

In the home of a lawyer whose
firm is trying the case?

Do you have any idea
how that could look?

It's not just appearances
we're worried about.

Matt, I'm an officer of the court.

Justin failed to respond to his
subpoena. He's in contempt.

Look, I was hiding him
here because I didn't have

any other options, okay?

What about the option of coming
to talk to us as promised?

I had nowhere to go.

That's why he had no other options.

My mom is a junkie.

And her boyfriend is...

He's a dealer and not a very nice guy.

I knew that they wouldn't take me back.

Clay and Tony, they
found me... and saved me.

He didn't tell you guys

because I was too ashamed
for anyone to know.


And he's sick with the flu,

which is why we were waiting
for him to testify.

You can stay as long
as you need, Justin.

But I will need to report you
being back to the lawyers.

- I'm sorry, it's the law.
- That's okay. I understand.

Thank you, Mrs. Jensen and Mr. Jensen.

Now... who's hungry?

[MACKENZIE] Really? You threw
up on his favorite boots.

What were you guys drinking?
'Cause he is out cold.

Uh, he said it was his special recipe.


What were you guys even working on?


You got a little...

There you go.

He's gonna hate me.

Why? I'm not telling him what happened.

You don't have to either, you know?
It could just be our secret.

Like just me and you.

Okay. Thanks.


What are we paying the
Walkers' lawyer for

if you're just gonna
keep secrets from him?

And this was happening all last summer?

- No, I wasn't ready. [SIGHS]
- And... save.


No, I'm not ready.

[WHINES] I don't wanna
go back to school.

Junior year's like the only year
that counts on your transcript.


Oh, Bryce is back and wants to party.

If you want, we can hang with
him later. I don't have plans.


I don't want my friends
to know about this.


I just kind of want this
to be ours, you know?

Um... yeah, okay.

Why would you keep this from me?

- 'Cause that's how we do things, isn't it?
- What does that mean?

I don't even know how you
feel about Dad dying.

I don't know how you
feel about anything.

What if I felt like Hannah did?

Because I have, Mom. I actually have.

- What would you do?
- Zachary Shan-Yung Dempsey,

that is enough. Don't say such things.

- Why not?
- This trial...

That girl has put thoughts in your head.

You do not feel that way. You're fine.

Yeah, exactly. [SNIFFLES]

I'm fine.

Well, what about Jessica's party? I
mean, you didn't talk to him there.

He was drunk and stupid
by the time I showed up.

So why didn't you put it on his tape?

Maybe I was keeping it
private for me and him.

- Or maybe you were protecting yourself.
- Yes. I mean, maybe I was.

Maybe it hurt that it meant
something to me and not to him.

If I had been in town that summer...

would it have been me instead?


You thinking about Zach?

What? No.

I read that stupid blog.

I have to tell hundreds of people
tomorrow what I loved about Hannah,

and all I can think about is how
she lost her virginity to Zach.

I mean, Zach.

Then, like, a month later,
she hooked up with me,

and then she freaked out.

But she didn't freak out when she
hooked up with Zach? I mean...

What the f*ck are you saying, Jensen?

I mean, do you know how
many girls I've slept with?

Like, a lot.

Classifies me as, like, a
player or something and...

my best friends used to think
I was the f*cking best.


Hannah, she sleeps with one guy.

She has a crush on
another guy, being me,

and she kisses a third, being you.

And it's whatever, it's all fine, right?

All of a sudden, she's a slut?

All of a sudden, you
don't know who she is?

- You're a dumbass.
- I'm not a dumbass.

You're dumb. You're an ass. Dumbass.

I'm not the dumbass who got
locked out of the house today.

Clay, I didn't get locked out today.

Someone broke in. I...

I didn't see who it was, and
I didn't tell your parents.

What the f*ck?

I mean, who the f*ck have
you pissed off lately?

Bryce. It has to be Bryce.

Did he leave anything,
or did he take anything?

f*ck. I don't... I was downstairs
with your parents this whole...


- What is it?
- Wha...?

Nothing. It's... It's good.

Everything's here.

[ZACH] Hannah had nothing
to be ashamed of.

I made her feel like she did.

Because I don't tell people
things, like I said.

[BRYCE] Five tickets for
Sudden Descent, please.

Hey, are you still wearing
that lacy, black underwear?

[WILLEM] Yeah, come on, show us.

Oh. Miles and miles of skin.

- [BRYCE] All right, ladies. Enough.
- [MONTGOMERY] What? It makes me feel free.

Yeah, just keep the change.
Thank you, sweetheart.

So, yeah...


[ZACH] sh*t. I forgot my wallet, guys.

- I'll meet you out there.
- [BRYCE] All right.


Sorry about earlier.

I didn't want them to make
fun of you or anything.

They made fun of me anyway.

Right. I'm sorry about that.

Can I make it up to you,

uh, sometime?

Uh, you were right before.

Maybe it's best if we just
keep this thing between us.

You know, if we end it now, then
it stays good. Not complicated.


Yeah, no, that sounds good.

Okay. Cool.

[ZACH] Hannah didn't tell
me how she felt either.

But now... I guess I know.

And I'll be ashamed for
the rest of my life.

And shame burns.


[ALISHA BOE] For help
finding crisis resources,

visit reasonswhy.info.

♪ I'm out again on my own ♪

♪ A reflection in the chrome ♪

♪ Of an idle machine ♪

♪ It's been so long ♪

♪ My mind is drawing a blank ♪

♪ Don't know if I can go back ♪

♪ But to live out this dream ♪

♪ It's just my luck ♪

♪ I call you up ♪

♪ I had to hear you ♪

♪ Just to feel near you ♪

♪ I know it's not true ♪

♪ But it's been so long ♪

♪ I know it's wrong ♪

♪ I know ♪

[MAN] Well done, Ed. Well done.
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