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04x12 - Family First

Posted: 03/20/22 10:51
by bunniefuu
At the Women in IT awards in ,

which fictional character did the
head of MI reveal is actually female?

-Mmm. Q.
-Mark from Ohio.

-Let's see what you said.
-Come on.


You idiot, it's Q.

Austin in Consumer Marketing.

You said. "Q."

Yes! You're the man, Austin.

Here comes another question.


-You have my mini blender?
-What mini blender?

The one that you borrowed to make piña coladas.

-No, I gave it back to you.
-I can't find it.

Maybe you loaned it to someone else.

No one else borrows a blender.

So, maybe you lost it.

Where would I lose it, Annie?

If you knew that, it wouldn't be lost.

Can you please just look?

Chillax. I'm looking.

Okay, let's see.

Looking and I'm looking.

Nope. Don't see it.

It's red with a black lid.

-Silver button?

White cord?

Yeah, I think so.

Dishwasher safe?

Do you have it?

I'll keep looking.

If you find it, can you bring it by here tomorrow?

-What time?

-I have work.
-Before that.

-Why do you need it?
-It doesn't matter! It's mine!

Except that when I borrow something from you,
I have to bring it back.

When you borrow, I still have to bring it back.

I just have a lot going on tomorrow. Okay?

I have a job.

So do I.

-Since when?
-It's called raising four children.

Okay. You know what? That's fine.

I won't take Ben to school, have any money to give him for lunch

because I'll have to skip work,

so your husband can have his nutritious morning smoothie.

I thought you didn't have it.

That's. if I have it.


I thought it was trash day.

Excuse me. I mean, date night with Angela.

Who's Angela?

Get your coat.


'Cause you'll be cold.

Cold 'cause I'm dead?

Your shoes, too.

-My son's gonna be home any minute.

We should probably hustle then, huh?

Gonna wonder where I am.

Yeah, that's kind of the point.


Don't do that.

And time for another question.

For Canada Centennial.

What gift did Elizabeth II give Ottawa
six pairs of from the Rideau River?


After you.

Tom from Boise.


Tell me when!

It's gonna be all chocolate.

Okay, when, when.

-How about some OJ?
-How about a Coke?

Okay, one Coke.

Can I have one?

-Not for breakfast, honey.
-That's not fair.

Just be grateful that you have two working wrists.


-Don't break anything.

Dad, look what I got.

-Hey, have you seen my phone?

-Yeah, you left in the bathroom.

Hey, where is the mini blender?

Annie has it. So she won't text me back.

Oh, great.

What's on tap for you today?


-Is that what they're calling it now?
-What does that mean?


You're gonna drop off kids or cash?


Hmm. Then what?

Some laundry.

Hmm, you're gonna wash clothes or cash?


Wondering what to expect today.

-Just some errands.
-In what country?

What are you doing?

Daddy's just kidding.

-Okay, you guys, go brush your teeth.
-But I'm not done.

You can take it with you.

Let's go.Vámonos.

Nothing's going on right now, okay?

That's what you said when you were overseas.

-It was just Canada.
-While our son was in the ER, alone.

-That won't happen again.


I got nothing.

Did you go through her phone?

-She deletes them all.
-That's not gonna help.

What about the crime ring she ran through my store?

-That's the problem. It was yours.
-You need something that's hers.

What about the fake money she's printing?

On the press that you built.

I read her emails.

I tore through her car, dug around in her underwear drawers.

-She keep a journal?

Can't you find a of legal loophole?

-Not in your case.
-I thought you were the best.

He'll keep you out of prison.

The day they cut that thing off, who'll celebrate?


She got away using you like one of those period cups.

Oh, Jesus.

Don't put a stop to it now. She's gonna be using you again.

This isn't about your case, man.

Then what's it about?

It's about sewing your sack back on.

Right now, you don't even need that seat on your bike.

He's right. Just sit on the post.

-There you go.

-Give me my bike seat.
-You don't need it.

-I hear you, okay?
-Then give us something we can use.

Come on, Dean.

Hey, bud.

Have you seen my mom?

Did you try homeless guy?

He's at his girlfriend's all the time.

What about the therapist?

-She's over him.
-I'm gonna call your dad.

He wouldn't know.

They're in Minnesota, visiting Nancy's parents.

I'm sure she's fine.

Hey, Aunt Beth.

She left her phone?

-It was in the kitchen.
-Was there anything missing?

There's nothing to take.

Maybe you should call the police.

You know.

I think I might know who she's with.

Don't forget to subtract the cost of goods.

Um, what's that?

It's the cost of everything that goes into selling the bags.



What are y'all doing?

-Teaching baby girl accounting.

Um, so this is Aunt Beth's pile. This is Annie's and this is ours.

We had a good week.

-You wanna do the deliveries?
-I'm gonna need all of it.

That an expense or a loan?

Just straight-up theft, baby.

What's this?

First installment.

We'll get the rest.

-Oh, I know you will.
-Give her back.



Where should I send the first installment?

What do you want?

You know how much of my money you left in that casino?

-All of it?
-All of it.

Guess we'll call it even.

-I don't wanna be even!
-She ain't worth more than that.

-Not sure how we'll use her.
-I'll think of something.

-I want my sister back!

Do you?

Finish the job, then.

Regular or Double Stuff?


Which one?

I don't know.

You can try.

Everyone tries.

Double Stuff.

Chex Mix or Cheetos?

Chex Mix.

Uh, grab some Skittles, would you?

I don't like Skittles.

They're not for you.

I'll go grab water.

Sparkling or regular?



Hey, hey, hey, hey.

See that guy I'm with? Don't look.

He's kidnapping me.

These are two for one.

I'm good.

Except for the fact that I'm being kidnapped by him.

So, make an excuse. Go call the cops. Please! Really quick.

-Hey, bro.
-What's up? How's your moms?

You always worry. You should stop by.

I definitely will, um.

Can we get a couple of Slurpee cups?

I don't want a Slurpee.

It's not for that.

-We've got a long ride ahead of us.

Ma'am. Ma'am, he's not available.

I want you to look into.

-This is how you serve your community?
-I'm in a meeting.

By looking the other way?

-I didn't think it was--
-"Of the people," my ass!

Okay. Can we have the room, please?

Thank you.

What do you want me to do?

-Help me get her back!
-Not so easy.

-Why not?
-I can't be anywhere near that.

Now he's not your brother or whatever?

It's political su1c1de, Beth.

What he will do to my sister is far worse. Trust me.

-Detroit Police.
-Councilman Martin for the Chief.

One moment.

I can't.

-Why not?
-You know why.

-Not so easy, is it?
-It's not my job

-that's the problem.
-Tell that to your sister.

It's him.

Uh, I got Chief Gorski on line one.

Tell him false alarm.

See, it's not only for your face, it's also a whole body oil.

What's this have to do with fantasy football?

Well, yeah, but first things first. Look.

Can we just talk about our picks?

Yeah, as soon as we talk about your dermis.

-I got my own system.
-You using Brawn and Beauty?

Brother, this is soap and water.

That's a dangerous road, my friend.

Yeah, so are these dudes that you're in with.

-No, it's not like that.
-No? What's it like?

It's like a brotherhood.

The kind with the Nikes and aliens?

Look, they're just.

They're trying to keep me out of jail.


Legal advice. They know how to work the courts or whatever.

What's their angle?


Wait, you. You're gonna sell out your own wife?

I mean.

-It's not like she ever had my back.
-Oh, no. Hold on.

What? She just gets to destroy my family? Why? 'Cause she's the mom?

She's not the only one in this.

I will protect Ruby.

-I promise.
-What if that's not up to you?

So I have to make sure it all sticks to Beth.

That's heavy, man.

That's why I need your help.

-Uh, what can I do?
-You got eyes and ears.

If something doesn't, you know,
look or sound right, just pass it along.

Well, uh.

Even if I could--

-I know how close you guys are.
-It's not that.

But you don't do anything,

you're gonna be wearing one of these things, too.

No, that's not my kinda look.

Good thing is I.

got something for the chafing.

-Can we please pick our teams now?

Thank you.

-Who's gonna do holograms?
-I don't know.

-'Cause I don't do that.
-I'll do it.

-You do the color.
-I can do both.

-It'll take twice as long.
-We'll figure it out.

I just talked to her last night.

You talk to her every night.

I accused her of stealing my blender, which she denied.

Then I thought she really did it.

And then she got defensive,

so then it turned into this whole passive aggressive thing

that had nothing to do with the blender in the first place.

You're gonna get your blender back.

Just maybe not right away.

-It went back to the city.

It says he owes a bunch of property taxes.

Sounds like Gene.

He's gonna lose a whole club over, like, nine grand?

Sounds like Gene.

All you gotta do is pay his back taxes.

What, like, first dibs?

Yeah, city doesn't wanna get stuck with that dump.

Well, we don't have enough, anyway.

Family first, right?


-Whatcha doing?
-I couldn't sleep.

-Want a snack?
-Already housed all your chips.

I can get more tomorrow.



-Good night.
-Aunt Beth?


Was she always like this?

What do you mean?

Like, drops everything to run off to Mackinaw with some rando?

I don't know how rando he is.

I've never met him.

Maybe they weren't serious yet, you know?

I mean, she just does whatever she wants whenever she wants.

Well, that's. totally your mom.

-So not cool.
-She's very impulsive.

-Not the most responsible.

-Like, at all.
-She's a train wreck.


You know that's what makes her great, right?


When we were little, life was kind of a bummer,

but she found a way to make it all.


Like how?

Like a million different ways, but.

So we never went anywhere for spring break, right?

And one year,

she decided we should spend the night
in the camping section at Target.

-Did you get caught?
-Yes, we got caught.

But she also convinced the security guard to order us a pizza

and let us watchFried Green Tomatoes in the home theater section.

She makes me watch that every spring break.

-She can turn anything into a party.

She just doesn't know when to leave.

I wish I was more like her.

Is this new guy cool?

He thinks he is.

At least she's having fun.


Get some sleep, bud.

Hit me.

-I think you've had enough.
-One more.

-I'm not doing the thing again.
-I can't do it.

-It's too dangerous while I'm driving.

It's upsetting.

Don't make me pull over.

* Growing like a breeze *

* Country roads *

* Take me home *

* To the place *

* I belong *

*West Jamaica *

* My ol' momma *

* Take me home *

* Country roads *

-How much longer?
-Stop asking.

-Then tell me.
-You'll know when we get there.

-You are making a big mistake.
-You think I want to be here?

-It's your job.
-It's my day off.

Whatever, then your boss is making a huge mistake.


'Cause good luck making money without me.

What makes you so important?

I basically do everything, I'm the brains behind the operation.

He doesn't see it that way.

Well, then he's sorely mistaken because I basically do it all. I.

I do, I'm the one. I do the blender thing.

And I do the holograph, the shiny part. That's me as well.

I'm the one who cuts the sheets into bills.

-That doesn't sound hard.
-Oh, it doesn't? Well, it is hard.

Do you think people are buying sheets of money?

No, it wouldn't fit into their wallet! It has to be cut!

*Country roads *

*Take me home *

* To that place I belong *

* Whoo-ah West Jamaica *

* My ol' momma *

* Take me home *

* Country roads *

* You know, get your hands together *

*Country roads *

*Take me home *

* To the place I belong *

* Whoo-ah West Jamaica *

* My ol' momma *

* Take me home *

*Country roads *

* You know, get your hands together *

*Country roads *

You know who the important people are?

The ones who don't tell you how important they are.

Sidwell number " - - - - - - - - ,

fourteen-unit apartment building, back taxes of $ , ."

Do I have any bids?

Okay, moving on.

Sidwell number " - - - - - - - - - ,

banquet hall."

"Back taxes of $ , ."

-Right here.
-Any other bids?

Pick up your title and pay the cashier.

Oh, my God.

Ruby, hi. I didn't know you were in real estate.

-I'm not. We--
-We're paying a tax bill.

What do you guys do?

Hey, great bag.

-Oh, she's the one with the hook-up.
-Her son's a mathlete with Harry.

Oh, by the way, how did Barnaby Prep k*ll us at semifinals?

Well, you can't win until you learn how to lose.

They'll learn real fast, getting those quadratic equations.

Sidwell number " - - - - - - - - - .


.adult entertainment center, back taxes of $ , ."

-Do I have--

Any other bids?

$ , .

I didn't see this one.

-$ , ?

$ , .

It's all we have.

Do I hear $ , ?

-You already have one!
-It's such a steal.

Yeah, from us.

But you can't win until you learn how to lose.

Anyone else?


Pay the cashier.

-See you at school.
-Your bag's a fake.

Okay, moving on. Sidwell number.

Morning, sunshine.

What are we doing here?

Paying our respects.

To who, the cast ofCocoon?


-Oh, my God.

-He helps old people?
-I don't know about that.

But he won't steal from them no more.

Now can I please have my Skittles?

Sit tight.

-Hey, where is he?
-Out back.

Hey, big time.

-Hard at work, huh?
-Love what you do,

never work a day in your life.

You're not making things easy for me.

-What're you thinking?

Had to do what I had to do.

What, that's playing it smart?


While you're out doing whatever the hell you're doing,

I'm losing money.

-What about the position you put me in?
-Aw, you have a lovers' spat?

-I was making progress.
-My money can't wait.

See, that's your problem. You never were a big-picture guy.

-'Cause I don't see it your way?

Never did.

-It's like they say.

"Keep your eye on the ball."

-You know what else they say?
-I think you're gonna tell me.

Hit 'em where it hurts.

I hope you're right.

-Later, brother.

Hear that?

-The motorcycle?
-No, not that.

I don't hear anything.


Because Annie's not in the back seat,

asking us if we'd rather die of , beestings

or be mauled by a bear.

-That one's her fave.
-'Cause she thinks there's a right answer.


The bear.

Bees. 'Cause eventually you go numb.

-And you don't feel it anymore.
-The bear's faster.

Not if it starts at your feet and works its way up.

What if the bees decide to sting you one at a time?

Like they're waiting in line at the DMV?

-If she was here, she'd settle it.
-She'd tell us we're both wrong.

It's just weird not having her around.

It would be weird not having you around, either.

He told you?

You should never have had to make that deal.

Come on.


No boy's gonna break us up.

Say you were allergic to bees.

Fine, bees.

-Now, let's go get Annie back.

She's here right now.

Yeah, replace the floors, little paint,

this place will be ready in days.

Gotta call you back.

-How's it looking?
-Better than my knock-off bag.

-This isn't the right place for you.

I'll need a refund, by the way.

You know how they say a space chooses you?

-This one chose us.
-You're not a right fit.

-What's this?
-Our offer.

-To take it off your hands.
-Well, this is way less than I paid.

Yeah, we're trying to get it for a steal.

All set in here.

I can't do this now, my inspector's here.

Quite a place you got here.


Used to get my groove on back in the day.

Okay! Well, now it's gonna be a dog hotel.

Aw, might be cheaper to house them at the Four Seasons.

Excuse me?

Plumbing, electrical, ADA, gotta dock you for all of it.

-What? That's ridiculous.
-I'm just getting started.

Fire suppression, asbestos.

I don't know what's up with that tinkler back there.

It's all gotta go.

Excuse me, ma'am.

-You dropped this.

-Sweet of you, hon.

My mom found me this morning in our driveway.

-I've never seen this guy.
-You bashed my face in.

-I don't know what he means.
-Look at his hand.

-Cut it shaving.
-Your knuckles?

She knows. She was in his car, she saw everything.

Ma'am, do you know this guy?


Were you with him last night?

Did you witness anything?


-First-degree m*rder.

Of my vag*na.

What's that, now?

Like Lizzie Borden, except the hatchet is his--

So he didn't as*ault this man?

Trust me, Officer, he wouldn't have had the energy.

-Oh, my God, she's lying.
-We haven't left our motel room in days.

Sure you don't have the wrong guy?

Who else would look like him?

People say I look like the guy fromLord of the Rings.

Baby, I'm starving. Let's go get our electrolytes up.

Are we free to go or what?

How did she do?

Megan Thee Stallion called. She's her new backup dancer.

Um, no, she's gonna be my backup dancer.

Go wash up, it's taco night.

-How'd it go?
-We're back in the club.

I knew you'd get it.

I gotta go print.

Make sure Harry doesn't eat all the taco shells.

So, uh, whose name is it in?

-Ah, she's not going anywhere, is she?

-Family first, huh?
-Now you're getting it, Hill.


See you.

-Bye, babe.

I knew it.

No, thanks.

For back there.


Running would have made more sense.


Couldn't let you get arrested in front of your grandpa.

Not my grandpa.

Then who is he?

-Called him the janitor.
-Oh, no.

Did clean-up.

-Anything that needed to be dissolved.


-Then flushed.
-Got it.

-But he was like a grandpa.
-That's sweet.

The kind of guy you wanna do things for.

-Like that sister of yours.
-It's not the same thing.


How can one bitch have such a hold on so many people?

She's not all that.

Then why are we both here?

* You are the reason why *

* The tide moves in beautiful ways *

* I'm walking around in a void sincere *

* You are the reason why *

Let's call the ladies.

* You are the reason why *

*The light glows mysteriously *

* My life before I was asleep *

* Now I'm awake *

*And you are the reason why *

He should've taken me.

He never will.

I need career advice.

No, wait. Okay, what about lip balm?

-Forget lip balms.
-Lip balm sells.

-Dude, you gotta have lip balms.

What do you think, man?

I think I got something on her.

* You are the reason why *

* You are the reason why *

* You are the reason why *