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09x03 - Turn of the Page

Posted: 03/22/22 07:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls the Heart...

There's been an accident. It's Nathan.

FAITH: He's got some external injuries,

most concerning is a brain concussion.

Hope Valley now has
a duly elected mayor.

I won!

I could use some help.

- Are you in trouble?
- Not yet.

I would like you to consider

becoming the managing
editor of the Valley Voice.

Mama, do I have to go to church?

- When?
- Ever again?

It's been said by many

that good things come to those who wait.

If I never regarded that
as being true before

I certainly do now.

Today my novel has arrived

in the town that
inspired me to write it.

And while I am excited,

I can't help but feel anxious
over sharing these stories

with those closest to me.

Anxious over what they might see in me

as well as in themselves,

whether truth or fabrication,

sometimes people confuse the two.

Thank you very much.

How would you like this signed?

Make it out "to the one that got away".

That's N-A-T-H...

Ha, ha!

It is a pretty good inscription.

I see you're getting
back to your old self.

How's the arm doing?

It's still giving me a little trouble.

- Back to duty?
- Bill's still on board.

Well, if there's anything we can do...

I'm actually headed to see Newton.

I just hope he remembers
me. It's been a while.


Oh, this is so exciting!

But I wish the Valley Voice had a camera

so we could chronicle
all the festivities.

But that is an expenditure

we absolutely cannot
afford at the moment,

especially in light of the fact

that we have recently
brought on a second employee.

- Oh.
- A managing editor.

Well, Lee!

Well, you must have your hands full.

Oh, I do.

I hope you enjoy my book.

I'll let you know.


Rumor had it you were up and about

a lot sooner than I'd like.

I can't stand being cooped up.

Besides, I was thinking of riding
out to Rock Creek to see Allie.

Out of the question.

She's been gone a month.

Ok, I know that you miss
her, but as your doctor,

believe me, being on
horseback would not be good.

And if you won't listen to your doctor,

listen to your friend.

Molly, you have got to stop.

Ned, if I may, just for a moment.

You're really being fatuous.

- Am I?
- Mmm-hmm.

"Juliette's brilliant red hair
hid beneath her faded blue bonnet

and she was demure yet
excitable, with an eye

for some of the more eligible
bachelors about town."

Thank you, Ned.

Clearly, Elizabeth has
based this coquette on me.


Or what she regards me to be.

- Ugh.
- Oh, goodness sakes!

We all have too much to do
than to wait here in this line.

I'll ask Elizabeth to inscribe
our copies later. Shall we?

Ned, darling.



Judge Avery.

Hello again.

I was just on my way to your office.

Well, sorry I missed
you. Leave me a note.

I understand consolation's in order.

Your losing bid to remain mayor?

Is there something you want?

As you're aware,

I represent the concern
that's building the foundry.

Ah, that's why they've barely
made any progress out there.

Yes, they have had some problems.

The harsh winter didn't help, as well.

However, it's full steam ahead,

and I'm back to see that
things resume without a hitch.

Yeah, I doubt it.

While mayor you were disinclined
to do business with me.

I thought now perhaps we...

Well, you thought wrong.

Now I can't run you out
of town for no reason

but while you're here I can
make sure you're not a danger.

Your g*n.

I have the right to arm myself.

It's a very friendly town.

One way or another, we
will be doing business.

I don't think so.


MINNIE: Coop is almost
ready. Here's your cane.

Thank you, Mama.

Coop, put a nickel in it.

Don't forget your lunch, baby.

Thank you. I'll start on ahead.

Cooper, you'll have to catch up!

- Have a good day, baby girl.
- You too, Daddy.

Angela, Angela, wait!

Oh, son.

- Your lunch pail.
- Thanks. I almost forgot.

- No hug?
- No time.

They're growing up too fast.

Well, at least your
girl still speaks to me.

I miss my boy, Minnie. I do.

I have an idea.


I can't be late for work, though.

I was about to say,

why not ask Cooper
to come along someday?


It'll give you two some time together.

Minnie, that is a good idea.

You know, the longer
you're married to me

- the smarter you get.
- Mm. Is that so?

- Mmm-hmm.
- Mmm-hmm.



Come on.

- Come on.
- You're making progress.

Try telling Newt that.

I didn't think you'd get him
over here from the stables.

Well, I've done easier
things in my life.

I think I re-injured my arm.

You sure this is such a good idea?

I don't know.

His flank is healed but
he won't come near me.

He did the same thing
with me and Elizabeth.

It seems the only person he
trusts right now is Mei Sou.

Newt, come on. Hey.

Come on. All right. Let's go.


Come on, Newton.

Here we go. Easy, come on.

"Rain fell rhythmically on the tin roof

while Elsa tried to still her mind

over the events of the day."

This is boring.

She's coming!

I don't want it.

Don't give it back to me!

Uh-uh. I wasn't even listening.

Good morning, children.

CHILDREN: Good morning, Mrs. Thornton.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

My, aren't we all well-behaved?

- Angela?
- Yes, Mrs. Thornton?

You have my book on your desk.

- I do?
- Mmm-hmm.


Yes, ma'am. I'm reading it.

That is, someone's reading it to me.

Well, why don't I read it for a while?

One of my favorite portions, in fact.

"It was the end of
another cold winter day

as Elsa waved goodbye to the children,

but she wasn't shivering,

and this routine felt as new as ever.

Wondering why, she
realized it was the children.

She considered them her children

and every one of them
filled her heart with joy."

Excuse me.

Nathan. Give me a moment?
I'm finishing a prescription.


I stopped by to check
on Newton this morning.

He's doing so much better.

Not that I can see.

Although, Bill tells me
it's different for you.

I'm wondering, what is it
that you're doing to help Newt?

I'd be glad to show you.

You could just tell me.

It starts with being patient.

Okay. I see that you're busy.
I'm sorry I bothered you.


Look, I realize that my handwriting

isn't exactly something
to write home about-

It isn't your handwriting.

Uh, so... this headline.

"Seems like duck soup for Hickam".

You know, duck soup? Something easy.


Look, when you first asked
me to write this story

I wasn't sure how I felt about that,

and not because I lost
the election to Michael,

it's just... I've never done
anything like this before.

And I think it kinda turned
into duck soup for me too.

Well, that's good, sweetheart, uh,

because you are proving
to be a very big help here.

Good. Great.

Never mind me trying to
write all the pieces myself,

it's a breath of fresh air
reading someone else's writing.

Well, is there another story

that you want me to try and tackle?

Well, hold on.

From the headline...


all the way to the last line...


Your piece is... quite uncommon.

Is that a bad thing?

Not necessarily bad.

So, it's a good thing!

Oh, not necessarily good.



Sweetheart, is there uh,

is there a technique or something

that you want me to follow?

All right, uh, your spelling
leaves something to be desired.


But, Lee, your writing is
unlike anything I've read

in the newspapers around here.

Your style is bold, brazen, even.

Not unlike something
that could be attributed

to Arthur Brisbane, who has a
similar kind of forceful flair.

Arthur Brisbane, from
the Chicago Herald.

He believes if you don't hit the reader

between the eyes with
the very first line

there's no need to write any more.


'Cause that's what we're
trying to do, right?

Smack 'em right between the eyes.

So we stand out from
all the other papers.

Yes, but...

to stand out this much, sweetheart...


I'm not sure I can publish your piece.

I know you worked very hard.

It's ok, I understand.



I'm just gonna go for a
walk. I will be right back.

Oh, uh, Henry.

I'll see you later today?

You will?

Your physical.

That was with Carson.

Well, unless you're
going to Baltimore...

Right. I'll uh, I'll see you later.

Tell me something.

Elizabeth's character of Juliette...

Oh, Molly, I haven't even had time

to begin reading Elizabeth's book.

Then I suppose I shouldn't ask
you about Dr. Flora Hartner.

Dr. Hartner?

She arrives in town on page... .


If we're gonna surprise
Mrs. Thornton tonight

we have to make sure that
the timing is perfect.

Am I boring you?


A lot of people worked hard to
keep this book party a secret

and I would very much like
to have it be memorable.

Oui, oui. May I go?

Please. Yes. Go.

If Gustave weren't my cousin...

Gustave's your cousin?

Why do you think he's still here?


I, uh, couldn't make out your note.

Ah. My pen went dry.

I was wondering if you've
decided whether you'll stay on

with the oil company
should the sale go through.

I can't say that I have.

Though I received a phone
call from Jerome Smith,

and apparently he said that you told him

it would be imprudent for
him to move ahead without me.

I don't think his investors
will want to close the deal

if you're not a part of it.

My sense is that you and I have
all the leverage in this one.

I appreciate that.

- I'll walk you out.
- Great.

This town's poised for big changes.

Speaking of which,

I heard that the foundry's
finally starting construction.

And if our deal falls
through with Smith,

Waldon says the foundry would
be interested in talking with us.


I'm not sure any good will come

from our new mayor
talking with him, though.

You're probably right.

Boy, when Joseph takes on a job,

he really doesn't waste
much time, does he?

Lee, I wanna publish your article.

- You do?
- Mmm-hmm.

You wanna publish my article?
Well, what changed your mind?

Well, like it or not,
the world has become

more blunt and unvarnished when
it comes to what people say.

And, well, here are a few examples

by way of reviews of Elizabeth's book.

- Oh, dear.
- Mmm-hmm.

- Oh boy.
- Mmm.

What do we do?

We? We don't do anything.
You are the editor in chief.

I am also Elizabeth's friend.

I know, I know.

Well, I guess we could publish
the good ones and toss the rest?


- Hi!
- Hi.

"Ms. Thornton's work
lacks depth and nuance.

It merely scratches the surface

of anything meaningful or profound."

Reviews are just opinions.

Yeah, opinions.

They mean... they mean nothing.

Are they all this bad?

No. No, no, no. They're not.

There... there are some good ones here.

It is an editor's job to verify facts,

correct any grammatical
spelling, punctuation errors.

It is also an editor's job to... modify.

You take the good with the bad.

Oh, honey.

I'm sorry.

You know what hurts most?

Is these reviews are
mean. They're personal.

These are fictional
characters. I was just...

I was just trying to tell a story.

Nathan, have I said or perhaps
done something to upset you?

I've only tried to help.

It isn't you.

I think this accident has affected me

more than I'm willing to admit it has.

Now, with Newton acting this way...

You two were injured, physically.

But more than that you both
suffered emotional trauma.

It doesn't surprise me that you
and Newton are having trouble.

Maybe I wasn't paying attention.

Maybe this accident was my fault.

Bill seems to think it
couldn't have been avoided.

And, from what Faith says,
because of your concussion,

you don't remember what happened.

I don't.

Consider that a gift.

At least you don't have
to relive the accident.

Mei, I... I wanna apologize to you.

And I wanna thank you for...

just everything that you've done.

How about a cold drink at Yost's?

How about that?

So, what made you want
to become a Mountie?


Ah, perfect timing. I just
finished another chapter.

I know that you're a
very capable doctor.

Right. A capable doctor.

I just... I just don't
know how comfortable I feel

having a woman give me my physical exam.


Well, Henry, I hope you'll reconsider.

Maybe you'll let me take
your blood pressure sometime?

When I have a moment I'll come see you.

... And here we go.

FLORENCE: Well, thank you very much.

You can go ahead, Faith.




Yes, I'm looking for Dr.
Shepherd, Carson Shepherd.

He's there on a surgical fellowship?

Ah, I see.

When's the best time to call?

Yes, I would like to leave word.

It sounds like a very busy hospital.

Uh, just let him know that Faith called.

No. No, last name. He'll know.

All right, Carter. Uh, Faith Carter.


Ok, give it a push, son.

- Like this?
- No, the other way.

Like this?

The other, other way.

It won't budge.

All right, all right. Stand back.

There we go. Good job, Coop.

That window lets in so much light.

- Nicely done, Mr. Canfield.
- Well, thank you.


Something wrong, Lee?

Is it just me or is the window um...

- Backwards.
- Yes, backwards.

The handle is on the outside.

You are so right.

No problem.

Coop, we'll have to pop this
window out and start over.

Isn't it time for dinner?

You're right, too.

Well, you and I will just
have to come back tomorrow.

We're sorry, you two.

Coop, pack up my tools outside?

I'll be right out,
we'll walk home together.


Joseph, did you do that on purpose?

Put the window in backwards?

Well, it buys me some
time to be with my boy.

- Ah.
- I appreciate you understanding.


Are you two having a rough go of it?

Minnie thought that uh,
us spending time together

might draw it out of Coop.

- Hmm.
- Well, maybe on the way home.

I keep hoping.

You have a good evening, you two.

- All right, goodnight Joseph.
- Goodnight.

Oh, oh!

Oh, this looks great.

Are you sure you're ready?

Maybe yes, maybe no.


Mrs. Thornton.

She arrived earlier when
I happened to be out front.

Gustave, where is she?

The balcony.

I directed her up the outside staircase

and I asked her to wait.

Thank you, Gustave. Thank you!

Gustave said you'd be here.

Or would you prefer to be left alone?

Not by you.


Uh, why don't you come join me down here

where there's a... beautiful breeze.

All right.

- Hi.
- Hi.

This is quite the switch.

You coming up and finding
me watching over Main Street.

Ah. Yes, it is a switch.

It's also a switch for you
to be the one who's brooding.

What is it?

Some book reviews came to the paper

and a few of them were awful.

More than that, they were unkind.

Not just about my writing but about me.

You're open and vulnerable

and that is what makes you
the great writer that you are.

Don't ever let anyone
callous your heart.

I was gonna wait to give you this

but now it seems like
just as good a time as any.

It's from your mother.

It is.

"Dearest Elizabeth,

Martin and I regret
being unable to join you

on such an auspicious and
well-deserved night of celebration.

One of Lucas's favorite
stories was Excalibur.

With that in mind, I wish
to present you with this."


This is the pencil your mother
used to make her countless edits

on my manuscript.

It was the pencil.


"You have pulled the sword
from the stone, my dear,

and unleashed your power
over the written word.

With love and great admiration, Helen."

I wish your parents were here.

Me too.

But now, how about dinner?

Couldn't we just stay for a while,

look up at the stars?

I think that would be nice.

But first, a kiss.


I'm glad you decided to come.

Well, you practically twisted my arm.

You're wrong about Juliette.

However, I did have my doubts
about the married shopkeepers.

If they weren't such sticks in the mud

I may have taken offense like you have.


This is simply stunning.

You know, I am becoming quite
interested in interior design.

Perhaps that's something
you should pursue.

[GASPS] Oh! Oh, Ned.

You still have your
nose buried in that book.

Well, I... I like to finish what I start.

Only more pages.

I'll go on for some libations.

Why don't you go finish
up and I'll tell Molly

about the new home decorating area

we're planning for the mercantile.

That's the ticket.

Late for a date?

No, I'm not. I just uh...

Aren't you hungry?

- Not really.
- Not even for a light repast?


To be honest, I'm not
feeling much like socializing.

Could we stay up here,
just the two of us?

I think that sounds very nice.

I'd like an ale.

And can you please pour
it at a -degree angle?

I don't want it to be all foam.

- Bill.
- Molly.

Well, you look lovely.

Not like a Jezebel or a tart?

Molly, how about some dessert?


- Oh, Hickam.
- An ale, if you would.

I saw you earlier with Waldon.

Are you sure that's such a good idea?

Ah, look.

Here, Hickam. You take
this one. I can wait.

Can you please pour another
one, -degree angle?

Now, you know this Waldon is crooked?

You're the mayor. You
should act like it.

I'm not happy about having
to deal with Mr. Waldon.

He threatened Fiona, he nearly
bankrupted Jesse and Clara.

But you're right, I'm the mayor.

And Mr. Waldon represents a company

that's trying to make
inroads in our community.

I'd be a fool to just ignore him.


Whatever you and Lee might think,

I can do this job.

I'm pretty smart.

Now, I see why you like it out here.

The view is amazing.

Look at those stars.

I feel there might be a storm coming on.

I don't know.

Maybe we should go inside.

There's not a cloud in the sky.


I'm really enjoying Elizabeth's book.

I borrowed Molly's copy
with all its dog-eared pages.

I'm surprised Elizabeth isn't here yet.

Yeah, same.

Faith, in the book, do you know
whether or not the Mountie is-

Is based on Elizabeth's
late husband Jack or Nathan?

Uh, I was about to ask
whether he's the one

Elsa winds up with in the end.

Nathan courted Elizabeth?

Does that surprise you?

No. Not at all.

I'm not saying you
should give up on Newt,

but I have seen some Mountie
horses not make it back.

Bill... this is a party.

Can we talk about anything else?

I understand.

Appreciate it.

Laura said she left over an hour
ago so she must be with Lucas?

Our conversation about enjoying
the little things in life

really stuck with me.

What about you?

Ok, Elizabeth, I um...

I wanted this to be a surprise

but it turns out I just
have the worst timing.

There is a saloon filled with people

waiting to congratulate
you on your book.

- Downstairs?
- Yes.

- Now?
- Yes.


Lucas... I... why didn't
you say something sooner?

- I...
- Thank you.

You're not upset?

That's so thoughtful.

Ok, good.

I don't know what we're gonna do.

Everyone down there, they've
been keeping a secret.

They wanted to surprise you.

I could act surprised.


- Yeah? Really?
- I can.

- Yeah?
- Mmm-hmm.

Ok, great. That'll be perfect.

We'll go down the outside staircase,

I'll... I'll sneak in the back,

I'll let everyone know
that we're on our way.

Are you ready?

Oh, if you think Rosemary Coulter

can deliver a performance, watch this.

Well, it uh, it sure seems
awfully sleepy in here tonight.

ALL: Surprise!

Oh, my goodness! I was
not expecting this! At all!

What a surprise!


She knows.

- Ah, good morning, Nathan.
- Florence.

Have you read Elizabeth's book?

No. Not yet.

I believe there's a package here for me.

Oh, Ned's back with
the delivery right now.

- Hmm.
- Mm.

How's the new pharmacist working out?

Well, we had a curious start

but she seems to be doing quite well.

Why do you ask?

Just making conversation.

Ah, Nathan, if I might,

you've recently had your heart flouted.

Don't be hasty and rush into...

Why don't I see if I
can find Ned myself?

I thought I heard you up
here. This looks important.

My new hat, great.

Oh, and a letter from Allie.

Even better.

Now, have you read Elizabeth's book?

No, Ned.

I haven't.

And I'm not looking for a new courtship.

And I don't have a flouted heart.

Plan on keeping the name?

If you uh, stay with the company?

I was just thinking that it
looks strange to me up there.

There was a time when there
was nothing more important.

Are you getting closer
to making a decision?

It depends on what day you ask me.

Get out of the way!

- You're right, though.

The town is on the verge of big changes.

Is that something
you're ready to welcome?

I don't think so, Lucas.

I mean, the truth is
part of me still regrets

not keeping on going when I left here.

You know, change doesn't always
have to be beyond our control.

It's whatever we want it to be.

Only a man in love
could have that outlook.


Listen... Elizabeth's book,

it might not be your usual read
but I wanna drop you off a copy.

I think you'll like Mr. Gains.


At least, you should.

I stayed up half the
night reading your novel

and do you know, at
first I was surprised

there wasn't a character
I seemed to inspire.

But then it occurred to me
how could you possibly capture

my full essence in a
mere supporting role?

Well, nevertheless, I
couldn't put it down.

Even though you know how
it ends... with bad reviews?

Elizabeth Thornton, don't you dare.

Actually, I woke up this morning

feeling much better about things,

with my life in perspective.

As you should.

Especially after such an
elegant affair last evening.

Oh, let me let you
in on a little secret.


I wasn't actually surprised.

You don't say.

"I was not expecting this. At all!"



I wrote this as a love
letter to my son, and to you,

and to everyone else in this town

who's been a source of
strength and comfort to me

ever since I arrived.

Almost a decade ago.

Rosemary, all those
years, where did they go?

Well, they went right here and...

Right there.


Your mama and I talked,

and if you'd rather not attend church,

well, we'll leave it to you.


Isn't that what you wanted?

I guess.

What's on your heart, son?

It hurts me to see you so miserable.

It does?

Of course. You're my boy.


Please tell me what
all's been bothering you.

It's Angela. How come she's blind?

Well, you know why, don't you?

I know it was the measles,
but I had the measles.

How come I can see and not Angela?

Why her and not me?


Maybe since you weren't as sick.


It isn't fair, Pa.

At all.

I've been so busy I
hadn't seen this yet.

Thank you both so much for doing this.

Florence has re-set this
display three times already.

We need to keep re-stocking.

Your book is flying off the shelf.



Hi, Molly.

I'd like to ask.

Don't you find the character of
Juliette just a wee bit... obvious?

Well, it wasn't supposed to be.

So, I was right.

Elizabeth, I've been defending you.

My sister has made it
clear, she's quite upset too.

Your sister?

Ah, the fiery redhead

who's always on the
lookout for a new suitor.

Juliette's based on your sister?

Juliette, Julie?

- Oh.
- Excuse me, I have shopping.

Why don't I help?

It was all my pleasure, gentlemen.

I'd like to cash out, Lucas.

That's quite the stack.

Well, sometimes you have the cards.

What're you doing in Hope Valley?

My money, please.

Not just an advancement
for the steel foundry.

You strike me as someone

who knows when to mind his own business.

You strike me as someone

who knows when they
might need a partner.

- Nathan, hi.
- Hi.

What can I do for you?

I was hoping, when you have time,

if you would uh, work with Newton again.

I'd be happy to.

How about tomorrow?

Name the time.

I'll meet you at the ring.

Nathan, I think I should
work with Newton alone.

At least for now.


Yeah, no, whatever you think is best.

- Am I interrupting?
- No, not at all.

What do you need?

Uh, calcium sulfide.

I'll see what I have.

Just let me know when's a good time.

I'll come and get Newton.

Anytime, yeah. He'll be in the stable.

Mei, I should have come back.

No, Faith, really.

There's nothing between me and Nathan.

And even if there were,

I'm in no position to
do anything about it.

I'll get your calcium sulfide.

- Hey Lee.
- Hi Elizabeth.

So, what do you think?

My first article for the Valley Voice.

"Seems like Duck Soup for Hickam".


I'm not sure I know what that means.


But now you're curious so
you wanna buy the paper.

And that's what's happening.

In fact, this edition
is entirely sold out.

So, how do I buy the paper?

That's a good point.
That's a very good point.

More copies coming right up!


Elizabeth, I have something to show you!

Just wait!

Now, I know I told you
not to pay any attention

to your reviews... well,
this isn't exactly a review.

You really should read it.

It's a letter to the editor
that I received just this morning

from a widowed mother outside Jameson.


Actually, may I read it to you?


It's so wonderfully uplifting.

All right.

"I lost my darling husband
two years ago and of course

my two daughters lost
their beloved father.

But after reading
Elizabeth Thornton's novel

"A Single Mother on the Frontier"

I feel much more at peace
about facing my tomorrows,

for I know there's a better day coming."

Well, she then goes on to
say how you made her feel like

she wasn't alone in her situation.

You put to words what
she hadn't been able

to express to her children
about losing their father.

Oh... you should read it.

I will.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's uh... it's just...
being able to comfort others

the way that you have... it's a gift.

This is the kind of review that matters.


Oh, Hickam. Come in.

I'll only be a moment.

I'm glad you stopped by.

I want to apologize for what
I said yesterday in the saloon.

You're entitled to your opinion.

Well, yeah, let me explain.

I take being mayor seriously.

I've watched others do the
job, including yourself,

so, I know it comes with
a lot of responsibility.

That's why I'm asking
you to vacate this office

- by the end of the week.
- Move out of my office?!

The mayor's office.

Bill, if you do need
until the end of next week,

that's ok too.

What did Cooper say then?

He picked up my toolbox
and started walking.

So, I let it go.

I couldn't tell him that a doctor

refused to treat his sister.

He's already carrying a load of hurt.

I didn't want him
turning that into hate.

With everything that
happened with that doctor,

and everyone acting so ugly,

we can't have Coop and Angela
thinking we just let ourselves

get chased down the road.

What would that teach our children?

We'll need to tell both of them
when they can better understand.

A different time, Minnie.

Isn't it something, that
Angela never asked us?

What's important is that we're here now,

where it feels like we can breathe.

I only wish it had been sooner.

- Bonjour.
- Gustave.

Merci pour l'autre soir.

You are welcome, mademoiselle.
And once more, congratulations.

Well, thank you. Is Lucas in his office?

Where else?

- Good afternoon.
- Hello.

Wyman Walden. We met some time ago.

Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't recall.

In the cafe with Lucas. I
was trying to buy the saloon.

Oh. Well, I trust that
you're not back to try again.

Um, I know how attached Lucas
is to the Queen of Hearts.

No, I learned my lesson.

But I do admire his business instincts.

Would you please excuse me?




Am I interrupting?

No, not at all.

I um, I should be done
this call in a moment.

Why don't I go speak with Gustave?

I'd like to ask him about a recipe.

I'll come out as soon as I'm finished.


You need someone to watch Jack.

- Do you have anyone in mind?
- Me.

[ANNOUNCER] Next Sunday, When
Calls the Heart is all new.

And troubles found
its way to Hope Valley.

I need your help.

I'm a fugitive of sorts.

Afraid your certification
is... worthless.

I don't like him.

This is still my school
under my authority.

I'm warning you both not to go anywhere

near Ms. Thornton or her son.

[ANNOUNCER] An all new When Calls
the Heart, next Sunday night at ,

only on Hallmark, Where Love Happens.