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02x07 - Harmony

Posted: 03/25/22 07:01
by bunniefuu
[Lady Whistledown] A jilted groom.

A broken-hearted bride-to-be.

[rousing classical music playing]

[Lady Whistledown]
A royal wedding in shambles.

Sensational? Quite.

But true?

This author may traffic
in chatter and speculation, dear reader,

but misinformation? [chuckles]


Explanations of why Miss Edwina
absconded from the altar

may be greater in number
than anyone could possibly fathom.

But we must not forget,
it was Her Majesty the Queen

who placed the young miss
on that special stage

so that she could make her grand exit.

- [grunts]
- [clattering]

[Lady Whistledown]
Allow this author to hope...

My carriage.

...for Her Majesty's sake,

as well as both
the Sharmas and Bridgertons,

that an official explanation
emerges swiftly,

lest the ton are run away
by their tawdry imaginings.

[music crescendos]

[heartbeat thumping]

[Kate sighs]

- [knocking]
- [gasps]

[woman] Miss? The baths are ready.

[sighs, clears throat]

I'm finished.

[water sloshing]

[sighs softly]

You should try the lily soap today.

It is good for the nerves.

[indistinct chatter]

Where is your brother?
He should be here by now.

Perhaps he is still waiting
at the altar for Miss Edwina.

There will be no mockery today.

She mocks me incessantly.

Are we not overlooking
the benefit of this... tragedy?

- Leftover cake?
- You wonder why I mock you?

Brother! How good of you to join us.

- Have you all eaten?
- You will need to break your fast later.

For now, it is of the utmost importance
that we act swiftly to

limit the damaging consequences

of the unfortunate events of your...

Bungled nuptials?

Is all of this truly happening
because a woman merely changed her mind?

Unfortunately so, Eloise. Yet,
I suppose the reason does not signify.

We simply must deal with the consequences.

Now, I think it
a pleasant morning for promenade.

[all groaning]

Together, united, as the most respectable
family that we still very much are.


A respectable family is
headed by a gentleman, is it not?

[Benedict] Brother...
Is there something more we should know?

Or, perhaps, more than just I should know?

[sighs] Forgive me.

If a promenade is
what you feel is wise, Mother,

then we shall leave within the hour.

[clears throat]
I shall be a little late. Shopping.

I need a new pair of gloves,

so as to look that much more
united and respectable. [chuckles]

[grunts softly]

Oh, never mind the heavy cloaks.

I will be quite sweltering
where we are going shopping

in town.

Miss Bridgerton.

Straight into the fire.

A favorite pastime of mine.

Now, remember,
it was a mutual understanding

about a private matter
between Miss Edwina and the viscount.

That is all we are to say on the subject.

Good day, Lord Fife.

For some of us.

Is this truly our plan?
Simply to pretend nothing has happened?

We are not pretending
nothing has happened.

We are choosing to deal with it
in private, in our own time.

Scandals may cast aspersions,

but they do not obligate us
to answer to anyone.

Besides, the ton
has a remarkably short memory.

With any luck, by this time next week,

there will be a bigger story for them
to sink their rapacious teeth into.

We may find you a husband
this season still, Miss Edwina.

I give credit
to your imagination, Lady Danbury.

A bigger story I cannot foresee.

Hmm. [clears throat quietly]

Don't look.

Miss Patridge.
Such a pleasant afternoon, is it not?

Yes, indeed, my lord.

My dear, I believe we will be late
for the Gorings. Make haste.

Is this not a surprise,

to see you out in public,
Lady Bridgerton, so soon?

Lady Featherington, it is not
as though we are in mourning.

No one understands the pain
of a broken engagement better than myself.

I never thought we would recover

after Mr. Bridgerton
and Miss Thompson's falling out,

and yet here we are.

Miss Thompson now Lady Crane,

Philippa now Mrs. Finch,
and Prudence now engaged.

Yes. It is rather amusing
how things work themselves out, is it not?

Indeed. I do wish you good fortune
with all of your things, Lady Bridgerton.

We are truly sorry, Lady Bridgerton.

[Lady Featherington] Come along, Penelope.
We don't want to talk their ears off.

[mutters indistinctly]

[Eloise chuckles nervously]

[clears throat]

It's a beautiful carriage,
Your Majesty. [chuckles]

Your horses must be strong
to pull all of this gold.

What were you doing
visiting that printer shop

in the middle
of your brother's so-called wedding?

- Oh.
- I know it is you.

Lady Whistledown herself.

Oh, Your Majesty...

Your denial shall only
enhance your punishment.

You were quite clever, Miss Bridgerton.

Why, just last season, I recruited you
to uncover the writer's identity,

and you, rather conveniently,

found not one credible suspect.

I am not clever enough
to manipulate Your Majesty.

Is it not curious that you are
so rarely mentioned in those pages?

I also hear you have
a great distaste for society,

just as the writer herself does.

You do realize the power you wield
in that pen of yours can be used

for greater purposes
than ridicule and gossip-mongering, yes?

Lady Whistledown could be
a strategic ally to the Crown,

should she so please.

And I would gladly help, ma'am,
but I wield no such power, I assure you.


you would rather be my rival?

Have you any idea what will happen
once I reveal this secret of yours, child?

People will seek their revenge.

However bad your family's
situation seems to you now,

it will only get worse.

I might be able to solve that problem.

I shall give you three days

to consider my proposal
and come to your senses.

If you do not,

then I will deploy my resources
to crush you like a serpent.

Pride may not be
as precious to you as your breath.

[chuckles softly]

Lady Cowper.

[dramatic instrumental music plays]

Lady Eaton.

Oh, Lord Hall.

Lord Cho.


After everything that happened
with his scullery maid last season,

and Lord Cho cuts me?

We know what we are
to deal with, at least.

We shall not remove ourselves
from this fight.

All will be lost if we run now.

I should like to remove myself
from this room.

Every day that goes by

without our altering
the ton-shared sentiment will harden it.

Perhaps we need
another story as to why things ended.

We have already started to tell one.
We cannot change course now.

If we cannot speak about the reasons,

might we at least act as though
they are of no consequence to us?

A ball.

[Violet] Yes. Together. We prove
to the ton that our story is true.

It was indeed a mutual decision
between all interested parties,

and there is no scandal or ill will
between our families at all.

[Lady Danbury] Hmm.

A ball would give Edwina
another chance to find a suitor.

Another ball?

So that the ton might inspect
this wreckage with an even closer eye?

A ball may very well work.

After all, the viscount
and my sister have been so good

at hiding their true feelings
from everyone in public this far.

It should not trouble them
to do the same a little longer.


[dog barking]

- [Kate tuts] Ugh, Newton.
- [dog barks, whimpering]

Oh, Newton. My apologies.

Newton, out. Out. Newton, out.

- [dog continues whimpering]
- [both sigh]

Was I truly that blind?

Were they always this obvious?

If this plan is to work...

I suggest the two of you stay on
opposite sides of the room at all times.

Lady Danbury!

All we need would be for someone
to witness something untoward...

I beg your pardon, Lady Danbury.
I do not know what you mean to say.

What she means to say,
is that those of us in this room

at present are the only ones
who know the full truth of the matter.

[Lady Danbury] And we would
prefer to keep it that way.

As should you.

If there is so much
as a passing look between the two of you,

then this plan of ours
will be for nothing.

Are we all in agreement?

Of course.

Quite, Lady Danbury.



Is this plan
going to be a problem for you?


I ask because of what happened
the last time you found yourself

in such close proximity to Miss Sharma.

We'd not be in this situation if...

You have nothing to worry about.
I will play the part.

And then?

This plan...

Well, it is a temporary solution.

If it is successful, of course,
the rumors of scandal will die.

Yet, no matter what,
it still leaves you with no one to marry.

Unless your designs
for the season have changed?

You do realize it is still possible
for our family to endure

whether I decide to marry or not?
This line does not end with me.

[chuckling] No. No, it does not, but...

Are you to rely on
your brothers as your solution?

Do you need me to admit
I made a mistake? Is that what you want?

To tell you I never should've asked
Miss Edwina for her hand?

That I never should've
taken things this far? I realize.

I realize I have indeed failed

at more things
than you and Father will ever know.

This plan will work.

I am... quite certain both you
and Lady Danbury will make sure of it.

[grunts, sighs]

[breathing heavily]

You saved them all?


You must have, what,
every issue ever printed.

Double that.
There are two copies here of every one.

- Eloise, why ever...
- The queen thinks it is me.

- That I am Lady Whistledown.
- Are you being humorous?

She has given me three days to confess.
She is threatening my family, Pen.

I should get rid of these. If the queen
discovers I have all of these,

it will only make me appear
that much more guilty.

But you are not guilty.
El, this is a terrible mistake.

We will somehow
arrange to see Her Majesty.

We must implore her to listen to reason.

Oh yes, because Her Majesty
has always been so reasonable.

But why would the queen think it is you?

Yes, you are outspoken
and opinionated and...

One of her footmen saw me visiting Theo.


I know. I should have listened to you.

I was selfish, and now I may have
even put Theo into harm's way too.

The queen must think he has
something to do with Whistledown.

But he does not, and neither have you.
El, this is madness.

- I should warn him.
- No. No, you should not.

You should stay as far away from Theo
and that print shop as you can.

You should wait for Lady Whistledown
to print her next issue.

Then, with any luck, you can use that
in order to prove your innocence.

[breathing heavily]


I must speak with Madame Delacroix.

- You should not be here.
- It is urgent. Please.

Her Majesty the Queen is now involved?

[Penelope] She always has been, I suppose.

I gather she has felt threatened
by Whistledown for quite some time.

I have questioned Her Majesty's taste,
challenged her judgment.

That was not part of our agreement.

Our businesses both
reaped substantial rewards.

You understood
our arrangement came with risks.

Yes, but that did not involve
the Queen of England.

[Genevieve sighs]

[liquid pouring]

I was hoping you would've
heard something in your shop.

Something to satisfy Her Majesty.
A way to give her what she clearly wants.

Admiration, favor, praise.

Uh, you are to tell me
you could not think of something yourself?

I do not know what to do.

My best friend is
in trouble because of me, and

I do not know what to do.

You could turn yourself in.

Take Miss Eloise's place.

Only, Her Majesty would
need to believe you, of course.

Well, I cannot be certain she would.

Her Majesty would merely dismiss me
as a friend trying to help a friend.

That's if she would even see me at all.

[sighs deeply]

They are quite beautiful.

[Genevieve] Hmm.

- Your designs.
- Ah.

I was hoping to submit them

to a revered house
of dressmakers in France.

Take my business to a higher rank.

Though, now I may be aiding and abetting

the most notorious
gossip writer in London.

I will ensure your name remains unsullied.

You have my word.

I should go.

I am sorry I disturbed you.

The one thing a lady would never do

is wear something she knows
makes her look ugly, Miss Penelope.

Were you to write
something about Miss Eloise

she would never write about herself.


I do not need to tell you
what that might make the queen believe.

I could never do that.

I could never ruin my friend.

Of course not.

Good night.


[door closes]

- [light string music playing]
- [indistinct overlapping chatter]

Brother. I did not know
you'd be stopping by tonight.

Neither did I.

The Royal Schools seem to be providing

a different sort of education
than what I had pictured.

Or perhaps, exactly as I had pictured.

Can I... Can I get you a drink?

Is there somewhere
we can go that is quieter?

It is a party, Brother.

It is something.

Do you do this every night?


Did you come to admonish me?

I only mean to say
you may be a second son, Brother,

but that does not exempt you
from familial duty altogether.

It merely makes you second.

Does this have to do with whatever is
truly going on with you and the Sharmas?

Particularly the eldest?

Mother is not the only one
who sees the way you look at her.

How long do you plan
on punishing yourself for,

and wallowing in such misery?

Forget I came.
Have a good night, Benedict.

Look, no.
Things may seem bleak now, Brother.

But if I'm learning anything
from my art studies,

it's that it is almost always
a matter of... perspective.

I look at my art,

and if I do not like what I see,

I may always alter the color palette,

but I certainly do not toss
the entire design aside.

Perhaps you, too,
could do the same in your own life.

Back to taking the tea, are we?

At least just shave, will you?

- Lady Danbury.
- Hmm.

- Lady Mary.
- Thank you.

Miss Sharma.

Miss Edwina, I...

How thoughtful of you, Lord Bridgerton.

Now, remember,
before we are to send out our invitations,

we must appear
to be enjoying each other's company.

Shall we?

[awkward chuckle]

[inhales deeply]

[Lady Danbury clears throat]

[indistinct overlapping chatter]

[Violet clears throat]

Do not be deterred.

If we can put the wedding
behind us, so can they.

You must forgive me, Lady Mary.

I have yet formally to apologize.

It is not exactly a surprise.

Men often take time to realize
their culpability in such matters.

It is quite the privilege, is it not?

You have every reason to scorn me.

But I would be very much remiss

if I did not tell you
it was not my intention ever

to cause your family
as much strife as I now know I have done.

In truth, I cannot place blame
entirely at your door, Lord Bridgerton.

I myself have been absent
for far too long.

When my husband died, it should've been me
taking on my family's burden,

not Kate.

She sacrificed
far too much for us, indeed.

Lady Hood. How good to see you today.

And you, Lady Mary.

And Lord Bridgerton too.


[chuckles softly]

Mr. Mondrich.


I'll, uh, take a brandy.

Um, not exactly
the kind of welcome I was expecting.

Forgive me, my lord?

I was hoping for the owner
of this fine establishment to regale me

with many stories, indeed.

Of his boxing days, perhaps?

Truth be told, I never really
enjoyed the sport myself.

Boxing is not for all to enjoy.

It requires a strong stomach
and an even stronger jaw.


A rather interesting assertion.

My cousin had neither,
but Lord Featherington,

may God rest his soul,

was quite an admirer of yours, I've heard.

I am honored.
Though his regard was unknown to me.

Surely, your paths must have crossed.
He attended many bouts.

Yes, well, I likely was preoccupied
with the fight at hand.

It is dangerous
to become distracted in the ring.

Of course. Dangerous in your occupation.

But my cousin did keep
meticulous records of all debts, and


I just came across
a rather significant one myself.

I do not wish to defend myself
against baseless accusations, my lord.

And I do not wish you to do so.

I respect a self-made man,

no matter what means he uses
to make himself.

I will ask no more questions
of you than you ask of me.

Baseless accusations, I cannot imagine,

would be good
for either of our businesses.

And, from the looks of it,

you might need
all the help you can get with yours.

- [light knocking]
- [door opens]

Master printer's gone for the day.

You'll have to come back.

It is not printing I wish to solicit.

Are you mad?

[softly] What?


Not even a little excited to see me, then?

People from the palace
have been asking about me.

I was almost thrown out today.

[sighs softly] Yes.
I think that may be my fault.

The queen, she... she saw me
visiting you the other day

and now believes me
to be Lady Whistledown herself.

Ridiculous, yes?

What is ridiculous is the fact

that you thought it wise
to come back here again.

- [scoffs softly]
- Come for more books, did you?


No. I came to make sure
you were all right,

to get our story straight.

Our story?

This is not the least bit surprising.

What is that supposed to mean?

That you are a lady who's never had to
endure any real difficulties in your life.

You may have
the protection of your family,

of your society, but I'm...

I do not.

You took your pleasure
from low life, Miss Bridgerton.

Now I think it best you return to Mayfair
before you get me into any more trouble.

It seems both Miss Cowper and Miss Goring

are swallowing the story
about the wedding being halted due to

a mutual decision.

That is good.

Well... I appear to be a very good liar.

Something else you and the viscount
have taught me, perhaps.


what will it take for you to forgive me?

If I must apologize every day
for the rest of my life, I will.

Your happiness is all
that has mattered to me, Bon,

and now, believe me,

I am reaping
the consequences of destroying it.

I remember the books you used
to read to me from Appa's library.

The stories of true love
and happy endings against all odds.

Did you yourself ever truly believe them?

Or has everything you told me been a lie?

Of course I believe in true love.

Of course I believe in happy endings.
How could I not?

You saw Appa and Mama,
how happy they once were.

What I saw is how
even that ended in tragedy.

Happy endings do not exist, Kate.

At least not in real life.

Miss Sharma.

I've been wishing
for a moment to be alone with you.

To speak.

There is nothing to speak about, my lord.

- We kissed.
- We did not.

Nothing happened between us.

How could it?

You were my sister's intended.
There is no world in which we could kiss.

Are you quite serious?

We did a terrible thing.

We should be ashamed of what we did.

[Lady Cowper] Oh.
Lady Danbury. Lady Bridgerton.

What a surprise to see you here.

You do know my family
has its very own room here,

yes, Lady Cowper?

Over there, is it not?

The one with the, uh... Danbury name

just above the door.

[light chuckling]

How nice it is to see you both.

Though I'd have thought
you required a respite after

the strenuous events of the past week.

Oh, on the contrary.

Well, I myself am hosting
a ball later this week.

Have you not received an invitation?

- Oh.
- [Violet] My. Well...

I will see if there is still room.

We shall have a full house, no doubt.

[soft, polite chuckling]

[sighs softly]

[Colin] You truly are
a Jack of all trades.

[Jack laughs]
When one is in such wild country,

one sometimes must do wild things.

[both chuckle]

But if I'd not gone
on that hunting expedition,

I'd never have discovered my mines.

Huh. Ah.

- The lady of the hour.
- Colin.

Cousin Jack.

I was just telling Lord Featherington

that my interest in his mines
was sparked quite naturally

when I viewed that exquisite necklace
you wore to my brother's wedding.

Was it?

You make a compelling case, Bridgerton.

Allow me to give it some consideration.

I shall eagerly await your response.

The rest of the ton is dazzled
by your exploits. I only wish to be too.

[both chuckle softly]

Would you see me out?

[chuckles softly]

I did not know
you fancied yourself an investor.

No. Even I did not.
Yet, I am beginning to think differently.

I know it is a large sum to risk,
but I am sorely tempted.

It is a chance to make a name for myself,
as your cousin has done.

And once our profits come,
both our families will benefit,

which is just what makes it so enticing.

You think highly of my family?

I am not in the habit of consorting
with those I hold in low esteem.

I never thought of it like that.

I understand.

Our relationship has taken shape
so naturally over the years,

one could take it for granted.

You have always been so

constant and loyal, Pen.

I do not believe I deserve
such praise for my loyalty.

Does something trouble you?

No, not at all.

Oh. I almost forgot.

Perhaps I might rely on
your loyalty one last time.

Until this agreement
with your cousin is confirmed,

I do not wish for word
to get back to Anthony.

Could you avoid telling anyone?
Especially Eloise.

I know there are no secrets
between you two, but...

[Lady Featherington] Mr. Bridgerton.

I did not know we had a caller today.

Miss Penelope was just seeing me out.
While I have been talking her to death

about matters so foolish I'd have
blushed to share them with anyone else.

- [man] Mr. Bridgerton.
- [door opens]

[door closes]

Need I remind you of our discussion
about who is and is not

to invest in our business?

I love it when you call it our business.

[chuckles lightly]

I tried to dissuade Mr. Bridgerton,
but the lad is quite persistent.

Despite his family situation,
he seems fixed on it.

Because it is precisely
that situation that is prompting him.

He is not foolish in wanting
to come to an agreement now

before everyone wishes to stop associating
with him and his family altogether.

[Jack] More bills, Mrs. Varley?

Invitations, my lord.
And there are quite a few.

And why should there not be? [chuckles]


- Look at that one.
- [gasps, chuckles]

The invitations are ready
to be distributed, ma'am.

Oh, excellent, Mrs. Wilson.

Oh, dear little Augie is
still suffering from his cough,

so the duchess
will naturally not be able to attend.

But that is precisely
why it is so important

that the rest of us
embrace this theme of harmony...

[piano music stops]

[stifling laughter]

...and work together to impress our guests.

If we garner enough support,
the queen may even be swayed

to forget all about this wedding business.

- [piano music resumes]
- [Eloise gasps]


- It is positively suffocating in here.
- [Violet] Eloise, dear?

Are you feeling unwell?

Do not fret, Mama.
I'll still be in attendance at your ball.

Participating in this farce
along with the rest of us.

I am doing this for all of us.

Perhaps there is still time
to change your theme.

Has there truly been
no Whistledown delivery today?

Good day, Bridgertons.


- I am going to confess.
- What?

I know all I need to know
about Whistledown.

I shall find a printer,
publish a counterfeit paper,

and give Her Majesty
exactly what she wants. An ally.

And you'll use the assistance
of that apprentice, Mr. Sharpe.

I do not wish to speak
of that boy ever again.

[sighs] I am doing this
for my family, Pen.

I make the queen,
once more, our supporter.

It'll make the rest of society overlook
all the scandal we've recently caused.

Eloise, I do not wish you
to do anything rash.

There is little sand
left in this hourglass.

If I have to say I am Whistledown,
then so be it.

That'll only last for so long.
You cannot continue lying like that.

What will happen...

[breathes deeply]

What will happen when the real
Lady Whistledown decides to publish again?

[scoffs] I no longer care
what the real Lady Whistledown does,

or does not, decide to do.
She is dead to me.

Pen, I have made my decision.

At the very least,
it will allow me a little more time to

finally find the real writer
and make her pay for all of her crimes.

I only wish to thank you.

For always being such a loyal friend,

whatever the circumstances.

[rousing classical music plays]

[Lady Whistledown] What is it
about betrayal that excites us so?

The ton itself has certainly felt
its peculiar kind of frenzy

after the promise of the wedding
to end all weddings was broken.

Yet this author has it
on very good authority

that the viscount's failed nuptials

may not be the only betrayal

our dear Bridgertons
must manage at present.

[pleasant classical music playing]

[Violet] Hmm.


this is unexpected.

It is still quite early, I suppose.

[man clears throat]

- Would you still like us to play, my lady?
- That will not be necessary.

[indistinct chatter]

If there's no need for my presence,
I'll head to my studio.

I do not wish to be around
such misery all evening.

- Wait.
- I know of your opinions.

You will stay for a dance.

There shall be dancing.

A new perspective, yes?

Dancing? With whom?



[Hyacinth] Yes, Brother?

Come down here and do me the honor.


If she gets to dance, so do I.

[Lady Danbury] Come.

Show this dowager
the benefit of all these lessons

I hear you've been taking, Mr. Bridgerton.

He's much better than me, I'll say.

Something lively.
A country dance, perhaps?

I believe the theme you have
chosen tonight is harmony, Mother.

[lively music playing]


- [squeals]
- [laughter]

[Gregory and Benedict] Come on!

[indistinct chatter]

- [laughing]
- [whooping]

- [women laughing]
- [men shouting] Hey! Hey!

[shouting and laughter continues]

[both laugh]

[Benedict exclaims]


[Edwina shrieks, laughs]


- [laughing]
- [music crescendos]

[all panting]

[laughter and panting]

[light clapping]

Perhaps a quadrille?

[Lady Danbury] Uh...

Perhaps we should
start eating some of that food.

[Eloise sighs]



Given the ton's usual gullibility,

I must admit, I am rather surprised

they did not give credit
to our story, Lady Danbury.

Whatever happened?

Perhaps we should ask them.

Mrs. Wilson?

Is something wrong?

It was just delivered, ma'am.

Is that Lady Whistledown?

Has she published, Mama?

Indeed, she has.

And now we may know
why we are the only ones here.

[Lady Whistledown]
Should our lives be distilled down

to the sum total of our choices,

then Miss Eloise Bridgerton
has certainly made a dangerous,

perhaps ruinous one.

For she's apparently been associating,

unchaperoned, with improper company.

Political radicals, in fact.



You seem happy, my lady.

It seems our neighbors are to remain
afflicted for quite some time.

Colin Bridgerton, go ahead.
Seal the agreement with him.

[giggles happily]

[Lady Whistledown] It might be that
the young miss spent a great deal of time

considering her decisions.


perhaps, they were made in haste.

Whatever the case may be,
we all must remember,

as one makes one's bed,

so one must lie in it.

Might we return home, Bon?

As if you truly care
what I would like to do.

Edwina, this is cruelty...

Do not dare...
try to make me out to be the cruel one.

I may not know who I truly am,

but at least I know
I am kinder-hearted than you.

[sighs deeply]


[Anthony] What are you doing out here?

[Kate sighs]

- My apologies.
- No, no, please. Stay.

You were here first.

- I was just leaving.
- It is your house, my lord.

- It does not signify...
- Perhaps it should.

- Must you always?
- You were the one insisting.

- And this is you compromising?
- [scoffs] Good night, my lord.

Can you ever just agree?

[breathes deeply]

You have been like this from the moment
we first met in those woods.

Obstinate, inflexible,

unyielding to good, plain common sense.

Well, I can certainly understand why that
would be so troubling for a man like you.

A man used to always getting his way.

- A man used to giving orders...
- I do not give orders.

You give me orders
and you expect me to listen. I do not...

- Perhaps you should.
- I'll never listen to you!

Or to anyone
I wholeheartedly disagree with!

The fact it's taken you this long to come
to terms with that, to accept that fact...

- You wish to know why?
- I am uncertain you even know why.

- I know why.
- Enthrall me with your self-awareness.

It is because I have never met
anyone like you.


It is maddening,

how much you consume my very being.

[Anthony breathing deeply]

My family is on the brink of ruin.

I am nearly certain every last one
of my brothers and sisters

secretly despise me.
My own mother, at that.

Despite the fact I have lived
the better part of my life for them.

And yet still,

all I find myself thinking about,

all I find myself
being able to breathe for...

is you.

Do you think that
I want to be in this position?

Contending with these thoughts
of wanting to be nowhere except with you.

[sighs] Wanting to run away with you.

Of acting on the most

impure, forbidden desires,

no matter... how much I must remind myself

I am a gentleman, and you are a lady.

Of that... [inhales] ...of that scent.

[Kate sighs]

It has remained imprinted on my mind

ever since the night
of the conservatory ball on that terrace.




- You have to stop.
- I have to stop?

There is no other course of action
to be concluded. You must stop!

It has been you.
It has been you this entire time.

Spinning my world off its axis,

making me reconsider
everything I have ever told myself.

[breathes deeply]

I came here resolved... to save my family.

Everything I have ever done...

...has been for them.

[sighs deeply]

- [quietly] Has been for them.
- Yeah.

[softly] You are the one who must stop.

You are the one who must stop.


Before what? Before we both
finally do something for ourselves?

[exhales deeply]

[tense music playing]

Please go inside.

[Anthony exhales deeply]


in... side

What did I tell you
about you and your orders?

[exhales deeply]


[both moan]

- [gasps]
- I will stop.

- [sighs] Do not stop.
- I will stop.

Do not stop.

[romantic music playing]



[exhales sharply]

[shuddering moan]


[water drops pattering]

[inhales sharply]

[exhales deeply]

[thunder rumbling]

[rainfall intensifies]

[intense music plays]


[sighs sharply]

- [exhales]
- [thunderclap]


[heartbeat thumping]


[panting, moaning]

[moaning, panting]

[dramatic music playing]

[knocking at door]

I must speak with Miss Sharma.

[thunder rumbling]

[watch ticking]

I know it is early,
but can you please tell her I'm here?

I am afraid that is not possible, my lord.

She does not seem to be here.

One of the horses is gone too.

[thunder rumbling]

[intense music playing]

Come on. Come on.

Miss Sharma!

[horse neighs]

[Anthony grunts]

Miss Sharma!

[Kate grunts]

No, no, no. Miss Sharma!

[music crescendos, fades]

[distorted neighing]

[distorted] Kate!

[tense music continues]

No, no, no, no, no, no.

- Kate!
- [horse neighs]