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RoboCop: Prime Directives (2001)

Posted: 03/27/22 19:15
by bunniefuu
I'm ashley st. John-smyth.

And I'm p.j. Flinders.

This is medianet.

Top story: the t*rror1st

Known only as bone machine

Struck again last night,

Decimating a low income housing project.

No major injuries are reported,

Although damage is estimated at $17 million.

Security concepts spokesperson sara cable

Had this to say:

Well, the actions of a lone criminal

Are in no way indicative

Of the state of delta city as a whole.

Today, delta city security

Unveiled its revolutionary new zero fatality policy,

Which prohibits the use of lethal force

In the apprehension of suspects.

Criminals respond with lethal force

Only when they themselves feel threatened.

If the police do not provoke them,

Then they won't act in that manner.

Supporters say they're confident

The new act will help insure

That delta city remains

The safest place on earth.

In other news, guess who turned 10 years old today?

Yes, robocop. The delta city defender

Marked his 10th year of operations

This morning with a celebratory bash

Sponsored by omni consumer products--ocp.

Announcer: delta city's favorite law enforcement cyborg,

Robocop, takes to the streets in this hard hitting,

Long lasting carnival of carnage.

Captured live! Captured live!

Robocop puts the pedal to the metal

With a cast of thousands of d.c.'S finest.

Take cover, law breakers, as the future of law enforcement

Clamps down on wrong doers citywide.

This piece of high octane excitement

Is available exclusively to you,

The delta city citizens, direct from ocp entertainment technology.

Own a part of history as the man of steel takes care of business his way.

Shocking, thought provoking, highly entertaining!

Get yours today!

Happy birthday, robo.

And thanks for helping make delta city

The safest place on earth.



My name is sandra smyles,

And I'm ready to negotiate.

Further escalation of v*olence

Is not necessary at this time.

As a duly retained representative

Of omni consumer products legal affairs division,

I'm authorized to take any demand you may have--

Ha ha ha!

The bombs have no time for words!

Napalm joe,

You get out there and show them we are serious.




Ha ha ha ha!

We do not negotiate.

We detonate!

We are desirous to obtain

A peaceable uni-party resolution

And are prepared to negotiate

A mutually favorable exit strategy

For you and you associates.

Get a news crew up here now

So that they can show the world

The awesome power of the bombs.

We should just sh**t 'em.

That would be a gross violation of ocp policy, mister,

And it's not gonna happen during my watch.

The bombs have no manifesto!

There is no medium!

This ain't your watch.

There is no message! Our president--

Just who the hell do you think you are?

This is commander john t. Cable, delta city security.

You have 2 minutes to state your demands.

Ha ha ha ha!

The bombs are not--

So you're the new guy.

What's your name?


How'd you like to wear your...

For a necklace, sandra?

You will listen!

I want a strike team on that front door

With flash bang grenades in 30 seconds.

Backup squad in with shotguns.

You got a problem with all this?

- No, sir. It's just-- - what?

It's just ocp, sir.

They've suspended all lethal amm*nit*on.


This isn't l.a. We do have our rules.

Shut up, sandy.

What do you have?

Pepper spray and tasers, sir.

Pepper spray?

And tasers.

That car sitting over there has some rubber b*ll*ts.

Today is the day!


Cable, you got a lot to learn.

That's the way things are run here in delta city.

Screw you!

Screw you!

Screw you!

Not anymore.

Screw you!

Having some trouble?

Nothing I can't handle.

I don't need a machine to do a cop's job.

Keep your men back.

Officer, I want no

Unnecessary v*olence in there.

Hey, robo!

Sandra: officer, no unnecessary v*olence.

Just because you have amm*nit*on

Doesn't mean you can use it.



We're sending someone in to negotiate.

Robocop: attention: you are under arrest.

Lay down your weapons and surrender.

Cable: you don't need me, sandy.

Hell, you don't need any of us.


Forget it.

You are trespassing.

Release the hostages.

You ain't the news.

We said to bring the news

So the whole world can see the awesome tnt power

Of the bombs.

Ah ha ha ha!

Criminals stop!

Please vacate the premises immediately.

Let's go. [Woman sobbing]

Computer: w*apon malfunction.

Hey, get your ass back in here!

Man: hey, you!


You are interfering in police business.

Lay down your w*apon and identify yourself.

Identify this, tin man.

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Computer: rocket grenade selected.

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Prepare to die!



Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


We...we are desirous to obtain

A peaceable uni-party resolution

And are prepared to negotiate

A mutually favorable exit strategy

For you and your associates.

Don't get up.

I'll show myself out.

Computer: tear gas selected.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!


You...are under...arrest.

You check over there.

Officer: sir, we found robocop.

Hey. Still with us?

What're you prepared to do?

Man: delta city: the safest place on earth.

Woman: omni consumer products is the vanguard

Of this new age of prosperity.

Man: from the shoes on your feet...

Woman: to the car in your garage...

Man: to the home you live in...

Woman: to the food on your table...

Both: if you've got it, it's from ocp.

This company is on the verge of complete financial collapse.

The privatization of delta city

Is more than $700 billion over budget,

Which makes us the sole owner

Of the single largest money pit in history.

We have a 30% decrease

In shareholder confidence

And increased competition overseas.

Without immediate and decisive action,

This corporation's days are numbered.

What I want are solutions.

That means new ideas.

Now, what have we got?


Well, I supposed I should have expected this.

How about our junior executives?

Mr. Lowe.

If I may.

Oh, please.

We deal in many commodities here at ocp:

Children's toys, news, entertainment programming,

Space travel,

Intercontinental thermo-nuclear accessories.

But information is the true commodity

Of the 21st century, as our esteemed ceo has indicated.

The asian block has invested substantial resources

In new technologies.

Their advancements in the fields of cybernetics

And artificial intelligence has been astronomical,

And quite frankly,

Ocp is being left in the dust.

At this point, the only thing

That could save this great corporation

Is a little divine intervention.

Sentient artificial intelligence neuronet terminus.


Developed by myself and my team

Here at ocp new technologies division,

Is the way of the future.

Now, if you watch the video,

You'll see the profit potential of the saint project

And the financial benefit to ocp.

Imagine the possibilities.

A computer capable of thinking for itself.

A computer capable of not only automating

The day to day activities of this building,

But one that can monitor the people at work within it.

A computer that we can control.

And after a successful trial run here at ocp,

We can expand saint's influence outward.

We can have the direct control

Of delta city and its citizens

At our very fingertips.

A whole city

Under one roof.

And all your eggs in one basket.


Increasing efficiency and control.

Something that security concepts could stand to bone up on.

Security concepts deals in hard realities,

Not pipe dreams like a magic box

That will fix all our problems

In one fell swoop.

Ocp has no interest in abstractions, mr. Lowe.

This is far from abstract, ma'am.

I have a working prototype saint system

In the r&d lab as we speak.

It was built with presently available components,

So no costly new construction is required.

With a modest commitment of resources,

We could be ready to test saint on this building in...

10 Days.

[Group murmurs]

Thank you.

All right, mr. Lowe. You'll have your wish.

But I want some hard results, and fast.

Oh, you will, ma'am.

That's a promise.

Now, on new business,

Let's review our position with medianet.

[Cough cough]

Choke on it.


I had to jury rig

Some of your existing components,

So you may find

That you're a little on the delicate side.

The replacement parts I requested

Are backordered and might not be in

For a couple, oh, 3 or 4 weeks.

Some of them aren't even made anymore.

I'm a little over the hill.

Birthday blues?

Just thinking.

That's a dangerous habit.

Why do you do this?


Take care of me.

Somebody has to.

Don't you have family?

A lot of them d*ed,

And the ones that didn't I didn't care much for anyway.

Want to know the truth?

I find it peaceful down here.

It's quiet.

It used to be all they could do

To keep people away.

But now I feel--


When they first made me...

When they brought me back,

I thought...

That it was for some reason.

Believe me, it was.

I used to live up on cadillac heights.

It was a w*r zone before you came along.

I meant...

In a higher sense.

I didn't realize you were a philosopher.


Smile, edwin.


We're in business.

That's great!

How did you convince 'em?

They were practically begging for it, ed.

Practically begging for it.

I'll pick up the schedule, then.

In 6 months, I can get--

10 Days.


I'm going to need full building automation

In 10 days.

Computer: system overload. Error.

System overload. Error.

Error? That's not possible.

I have every confidence in you, ed.

Damien, look, even if I had the staff

That you promised me, which I don't,

I'd still need to finish constructing the neural net--

Ah! Do you know what your problem is, ed?

You're too negative.

You gotta think positive.

We can do this. You can do this.

You this.

This is what I mean.

What is this?

I'm teaching it.

What, a game?

3 Dimensional thinking.

What, like 3-d?

Yeah, damien, like 3-d.

You see, you can't program

The neural net like a computer. It has to learn.

The biotic potential--

Ed, how long have we known each other?

10 Years?


Haven't I always looked after you.

I started lowe technologies for you, ed.

Yeah, and sold it to ocp.

So that you would have the access

To the resources you need.


You said I wouldn't have to work

In a basement anymore.

See? There you go again.

Don't you realize this is your ticket out of the basement?


Keep me posted.

This is it, ed. This is it.

But damien--

So this super computer is gonna what,

Hold my dingus while I piss?

You'll all be working for me

This time next month.

It makes sense.

Of course it makes sense.

Emotions, politics, personal ambitions.

Woman's voice: executive urination.

They all impede judgment,

And bad judgment makes for bad decisions.

No emotions, no mistakes.

I've been saying that for years.

Not that those old bastards want to hear it.

They maintain the status quo.

They are the status quo.

This is damien.

Bad judgment makes for bad decisions.

Come on. Come on.

You're new.

Yeah, just graduated. Executive training program.

Nice to have you aboard.

Thank you.

What's your name?

It's murphy. James murphy.

Save it.

All right.

No rest for the wicked.

The good don't need any.

Mind some company?

How are you finding your new position here?

Uh, it's a struggle.

Like everything else, it's a lot of responsibility.

Allow me.

Woman's voice: sara cable.

Authorization verified.

Membership does have its privileges.

Woman's voice: going down.

I like to think that rewards are earned.

I work hard. Keep my nose clean.

Hmm. And that alone rocketed you to the top?

Do you have a point?

You know how corporations can be.

They see a fast riser and rumors fly.

You think I slept my way to the top?

You always do have

The right information at the right time.

Obstacles conveniently disappear from your path.

You must have one hell of a guardian angel

Looking after you.

I don't listen to gossip,

And I don't believe in angels.

Maybe, just maybe,

I'm a good executive.

But you think things could be better.


Things can always be better.

So what are you prepared to do

To change the situation?


Hey, we're friends.

I'd do whatever it takes.

Ocp practically raised me.

After my parents d*ed, if it wasn't for the corporate orphanage,

I'd probably be living on the streets

In old detroit. Maybe even worse.

I have an obligation

To protect this company.

Even from itself?

Even if it means violating official company policy?

If that policy was damaging.



I supposed I wouldn't have much choice,

Would i?

Glad to hear it.

Well, looks like you're gonna live,

But you might want to think twice

Before going head to head with that joker.

I don't know where a guy

Gets that kind of firepower in this town.


Take the sh*t, murphy.

Let him go now. You're under arrest.

Take the sh*t.

I mean it. I'll k*ll him.

Let him go now. You're under arrest.

Murphy, take the sh*t.

I'll k*ll him. I swear.

What are you prepared to do?

Who is your opponent?

No one.

It's an old game I seem to keep coming back to.

White knight takes black bishop.

Black sacrifices queen.


In 2 moves.

Can I help you, officer?

I have something to show you.

This reliable data?

Someone on the inside.

A cop.

Taking the law into his own hands.

It happens.

How's a street trooper

Supposed to get a hold of this?

Someone did.

You so sure it's a cop,

Why risk bringing it to me?

Because you...

Have a good reputation.


Let's just keep this between us for now.

You know we're on shift in half an hour.

Think you might sneak in a move before then?

You're disturbing my concentration, murphy.

Oh, so that's what you call that.

I thought maybe you was taking a nap or something.

This is a game of strategy,

Observation, and patience.

And right now, mine is wearing very thin.

[Stifles laugh]


What? Ha ha ha ha ha!

What the hell is that?

That's the hell I got you b*at

Your next move.

'Course you do.

What the hell is that?

That's the hell checkmate, pal.

I didn't even see it coming.

That's the idea.

The cable maneuver.

The what?

My own patented move.

Oh, so you cheated.

This ain't poker, murphy.

In the end, it all comes down

To what you're prepared to do to win.

Top story: texas.

Famous texas landmark and memorial, the alamo,

Was destroyed by radical militant group "the sons of santa ana"

In a belated attempt at retribution for general sam houston's defeat

Of the mexican army some 200 years ago.

A statement issued by the group addressed the extraordinary lapse

Of nearly two centuries, stating

"Better late than never."

Malcolm expl*si*n, alleged member of the notorious "g*ng de bombs,"

Has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against ocp

For injuries sustained at the hands of dc security.

My clients rights have been grossly violated by the police department in this town,

That would love to turn our beautiful city

Into their own, personal, private k*lling fields.

Well, if they want a fight, we will give them one.

Sic semper tyrannis!

I told you not to say anything.

Archie nemesis here. Cops without g*ns.

About damn time, I say.

At last I can feel safe making an illegal lane change

On an empty street at 4:00 in the morning

Without worrying about getting sh*t to death by some delta city jarhead

All hopped up on caffeine and powdered sugar.

Take their g*ns away.

Right on. Take 'em away.

Give 'em to some private citizens.

Now those are people who know how to do some real damage.

Good day. Ashley st. John-smythe here.

At what appears to be the aftermath

Of another as*ault by the criminal vigilante

Known only as bone machine.

Harlan's donuts, rumored to be

A hangout for local drug dealers,

Was nearly leveled in the dawn att*ck

Which left 3 dead and dozens injured.

Ironically, this establishment

Was once frequented by officers

Of the former detroit police department

In the years preceding the changeover to d.c. Security.

Check it out. It's robocop.

Forget about him. Old news.

We have to do it all over again.

Hey, officer, over here.

He hit it this morning.

Took out the bad guys and then went to work on the rest of the place.

Really did a number on it, too.

Maybe it was personal.

They didn't have the sprinkly ones,

So I got us the plain.

You know I don't know what's worse,

The way he kills 'em

Or what he does to 'em after.

The guy's a psychopath.

Hey, bixler.

Guy better watch himself

If he gets in my line of fire.

I'll buy that for a dollar.


Murphy, you coming or what?

What the hell's eating you today, man?

This whole lousy cesspool.


Well, maybe this whole ocp thing

Will do some good.

Get more money into the department,

Some more cops on the street.

You really wanna trust your life to a conglomerate, murphy?

I don't know.

You know, I heard one of their guys

On mediabreak the other night.

Sounded like he had some good ideas.

Yeah, sara's hooked up with them.

Some new recruitment program.


Said she might be, uh,

Executive material down the line.

Well, that's fantastic.


Come on, john. What's your problem today?

I got a message from sara this morning.


She wants to go through with it.


Oh, hell. I'm sorry, john.

She said she just couldn't see herself

As a cop's wife anymore.

Said she had her own future to worry about.

I don't even know what to say.

You don't have to say anything.

The marriage was stillborn, murph.

Nothing more to say than that.

Radio: all units in sector 7 respond. Over.

221 To dispatch.

Go ahead. Over.

221, Disturbance reported

In the vicinity of moore and goodby street.

Possible rabid dog. Over.

Dispatch, 221, roger that.

We're on it. Over.

See that?

We're glorified dog catchers now.


No guts, no glory, huh?

Oh, man.

That looks like it up ahead here, doesn't it? Yep.

Guy must be the caller.

[Dog barks]

Cable: did you call?

Man: yeah, the dog is right in there.

I wouldn't have called you,

But things sound pretty bad.

Yeah, right through there.

He sounded pretty bad for a few hours.

Murphy: you live next door?

No, no, I live in the house down there.

[Dog barks]

Okay, looks like no one's home.

Ok, thanks a lot.


Sounds like the dog's out back.

Let's check it out.


Remember what happened

The last time we did this?

I'm sure you're gonna tell me.

Oh, yeah, I'm gonna tell you.

'Cause I had to buy a new pair of pants.

Sweet fitting pair of pants.

Yeah, 80 bucks'll buy you a new pair of pants.

Good pants.

Worth the price.

Yeah, right.

[Dog barks]

Oh, yeah.

He sounds hungry.

Quit stalling. Over the side.

Now, listen, I went first last time and--

No, no, no. I did.


I hate this.

I hate it.

Good boy, huh?

He's a big one, huh?

You need that?

We'll see.

Murphy: lay down. Lay down.

Oh, yeah. Good boy.

That's a good dog. That's a good dog.

What you eating there, fella? Huh?

What you got there?

What the hell's that?

It's human.

John. John.

[Metal bangs]

I'm going inside.

We need a warrant.

So go get one.

You wanna blow the bust?

Look, what if he's got another one in there?

[Flies buzzing]




We're cops. It's all right.

It's ok. We're cops. We're cops.

Hold on a second. Shh. Shh. Shh.

You stay with the girl.

Shh. John!

Shh. Shh. It's all right, honey.

It's all right. You're gonna be ok.

[Flies buzzing]

Dead or alive, you're coming with me.

How 'bout alive, dude?

Where are ya?

I'll k*ll him!

Show yourself, or I swear I'll k*ll him.

Ok, you're gonna be all right.

I'll be right back. I promise.



Murphy, take the sh*t.

I'll k*ll him. I mean it.

Let him go now. You're under arrest.

Take the sh*t.

I'll k*ll him.

What are you prepared to do?

Put your g*n on the floor, pig.

Murphy, what are you prepared to do?

Put your g*n on the floor, pig.

Do it!


Ok. Ok.

Just stay calm. Just stay calm.

I'm gonna put the g*n on the floor.

Nice and easy, huh?

Don't you do it.

Nice and easy.

Nice and easy, huh?

There you go.

Yes, see the little piggy, huh?

Now your partner there,

He's a smart one.

Sorry, john.

Me, too.

Smart and dead.

You ok?


Where's the girl?



Oh, my god.

You were right about the warrant.

Follow me.

Where are we going?

Now, james, don't you like a little mystery?

I was your age when I joined ocp.

We were a force to be reckoned with.

We were hungry and we made things happen.

Then we started believing our own hype,

We got fat and lazy and complacent.

And now--excuse me--

We're losing ground.


The more things have changed,

The more ocp has stayed the same.

After you.

What is all this?

The tombs.

This is where ocp buries all its failures.

But from these ashes

Will spring its greatest triumph.

This is about the future.

The future of ocp, the future of delta city.

This is about wrestling control of ocp

From its decaying bureaucracy

And infusing it with fresh blood

Before it dies.

Our blood.

You talking about some kind of coup?


We need people with vision, james,

People of strength.

People who will do what is necessary

To insure the security of ocp.

People like you.

Welcome to the trust.

Commander cable.

You remember me, don't you?

I guess they stopped calling you jimmy by now.


Yeah, i...

It's been a long time.

So how you finding things?

Well, you're the first person from ocp I've seen

Since I got here,

So not too bad.

I just got assigned to security concepts.

I guess that makes you my boss.

I like to think of myself as more of a liaison.

What can I do for you?

Officially? Well, I just came

To introduce myself,

But I heard you have a reputation

For being difficult.

I've heard that, too.

Well, just so you are aware,

I can't allow any personal concerns

To interfere with my business.

I wouldn't expect any less...

From alex murphy's son.

Certainly is a small world, isn't it, commander?

Certainly is.

His father used to be a...


Long time ago.

Here, I got something...

Watch your back.

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Is there something I can do for you?

You didn't say anything?

What could I say?

Hi, james. It's me, your father.

It's better this way.

For whom?

Woman's voice: light on or off?


See you tomorrow, murphy.

What are you doing here?

Ought to lock your doors.

You ought to make an appointment.

This is official.

Isn't it always?

Phalanx bio-booster armor.

It's a prototype security concepts

Was playing with 6 or so years back.

We were developing

A lot of urban pacification hardware back then.

Most of it didn't work.

Did this?

I'm not familiar with the project.

Why don't you look into it yourself?

Because it seems...

The head of delta city security

Doesn't have full security clearance.

Gold clearance is reserved for executives.

We can't go handing out full access

To civil servants, commander cable.

You hired me, ms. Cable.

If not to do my job, then for what?

Maybe I could arrange access to the archives.

Do it.

Glad to be of service, commander.

Nice office.

Probably use a woman's touch, though.

You did not tell me that commander cable was your husband.

I don't like to dwell on the past.

That why you sent me to talk to him?

What was your impression of him?

My father's partner. He's a good cop.

Too good, as it turns out.


He's opened up a line of investigation that could be

Damaging to the trust.

To us.

And you'd like me to do what?

Think of him as a competitor.

How would you handle it?

Ah, I would

Remove him.

And what would you do to accomplish that?

Whatever it takes.

Then I'll leave it in your capable hands.

Did you know him?


My father.

Did you know him?


Neither did i.

Something's going on, ed,

I can smell it.

Everybody sneaking around,

Playing games.

It's that damn sara cable.

She's got something planned.

Why do I care about this?

Oh, I don't know, ed. Maybe because

Our entire future depends on it.

She's cunning.

She knows that once saint's in charge,

I'm going to be number one banana.

She may even try to sabotage

The entire project.

Or maybe you're just acting paranoid.


Show me a guy who's not paranoid in this company

And I'll show you a dozen daggers in his back.

Knowledge is power, ed,

And I need to watch that bitch 24/7.

How much longer till we're ready to rock?

We're on schedule...

Provided I have no more interruptions.

By the way, I had to use

Segments from the prototype version of neuralnet.


Because of the non-linearized architecture,

It was the only way I could fill certain gaps.

That's what I like about you, ed.

Always thinking.

Technology is our friend, damien.


Technology is our friend.

Fill in those gaps.

This is damien.

Technology is our friend.



Hello, dr. Frost.

Who was that?


There was a technician.

I was...



Must have been looking for the damn bathroom.

How are you feeling today?

All systems functioning.


Now where are you going?

This is cable. Come in.

I read you.

I'm going to the security concepts bunker

On the west end.

I need you to meet me there.

I think there's something there you're gonna want to see.

Roger that.

I'm on my way.

Cable out.

Woman's voice: welcome to the security concepts bunker 115.

Please proceed to the weapons access terminal

And make your selection.

Valid security clearance will be required.

If you do not have proper clearance,

You'll be in violation of ocp bylaw number 2667.

Have a great day.

Woman's voice: contents signed out by john t. Cable.


[Robocop approaches]

Woman's voice: welcome to the security concepts bunker 115.

Please proceed to the weapons access terminal

And make your selection.

Valid security clearance will be required.

We got a problem.

You are under arrest.

What the hell you doing?

Dead or alive, you're coming with me.

[Begins f*ring]



Are you really gonna k*ll me?


It is you under there, isn't it?

You have the right to remain silent.

I came here to get answers, alex,

To questions you asked me.

You came to me, remember?

You have the right to an attorney.

Somebody's playing with...

Somebody's playing with both of us.

Somebody's using us.

Anything you say can be used against you.

White knight takes black bishop.

You haven't forgotten what I taught you.

Whatever they've done to you,

I know it's still you in there.

Anything you say can--

You are officer alex murphy.

You took an oath to uphold the law.

[Speech slowing] anything you say--

You're a man.

[Slower] anything you say--

You're not a machine!

Can be.

You're a cop!

Used against you.

Run! Run!



The award for valor goes to officer john terrence cable.


Ladies and gentlemen,

This is one of the proudest days of my life.

This just in: in a shocking turn of events,

The t*rror1st bone machine has been positively identified

As delta city security commander john terrence cable.

Cable is presently at large

And considered to be extremely dangerous.

But d.c. Security report

That robocop is hot on his trail.

They promise the delta city defendant

Will have things wrapped up in time for breakfast.

Go get him, robo.

Announcer: don't miss...

Well, if nothing else, I bet the movie will be great.


You're in my chair.

Stop. Before you say anything,

I have to give you a compliment.

I would have thought that the head of security concepts

Would have been cold, calculating, ruthless,

And manipulative.

I was right.

Shouldn't you be in the basement

Playing with your magic box, damien?

Technology is our friend, sara.

You're making a play.

A good one, too.

It's no coincidence that you instituted

This zero fatality policy when you did.

Sure, looks like great p.r.

But it also cripples city security

Just as bone machine appears out of nowhere, I might add.

Ocp is disgraced

Right in its very own backyard.


What happens next? Hmm?

Well, let me run this one up your flag pole.

The entire executive board

Is forced to resign after the debacle,

Leaving the field wide open

For another new board to step up to the plate,

Headed by, oh, let's say...


How am I doing?

It's good.

Nearly flawless.

I didn't see it.

Except when the story broke

About your ex-hubby being bone machine,

Well, I just knew you had to be involved.

The old woman doesn't know yet.

Menopause or something.

But you can bet it won't be long

Before she does.

Ah, you mean before you run to her with the story.

I think both you and I know

Where the future of this company lies.

Besides, she doesn't like me.

Well, I don't like you either.

Take a number.

Line forms on the left.

I want in.

Pardon me?

Whatever you're up to.

I want a piece of it.

I want in.

Because I'd hate for the old bag to see this,

You and you ex

Having a little meeting here yesterday.

She's slow,

But she's not that slow.

You're in my chair.

Get out.

Think it over.


Hello, albert.

Your front door was unlocked.

That's careless.

You wanna talk about careless?

What's going on out there?

And don't give me none of that

I don't recall crap, neither.

I turn on medianet, what do I find?

John t. Supercop cable

Running around with my name.

Don't believe everything medianet tells you.

Bone machine was supposed to be

Delta city's top cop.

You have to learn to be more flexible than that, albert.

Robocop is tracking john as we speak.

This will help you locate them.

Find robocop and you'll find john cable.

You keep up your end of the bargain.

Complete reinstatement.

Albert bixler, not bone machine,

Will be delta city's top cop.

There are big changes coming, albert.

You can be a part of them.

All I need from you is...

One more job.

[Remembering] the award for valor

Goes to officer john terrence cable.


Heard your transfer was approved.


Where they sending you?

Metro west.

Pretty rough.

Yeah, opc's sending

A lot of new guys up there.

You think you're up to it?

We'll have to see.


No, don't.

The guy would have walked.

What'd you expect me to do?

Be a cop.

I am a cop.

I don't know what you are anymore.

So why didn't you tell 'em?

Because I owe you

And because I'm still a cop.

You can always come back.

You watch your back.

Cable: you can always come back.

[Voices in various conversations]

Man: it's a nice precinct.

We work down here, murphy.

Get your armor and suit up.

[Voices continue]

Woman: hey, come on. Let me out of here.


[Murphy laughing]

Cable: what the hell's that?

Murphy: that's the hell I got you b*at

Your next move.

Of course you do.

I didn't even see it coming.

That's the idea.

The cable maneuver.

Cable: what'd you expect me to do?

Murphy: be a cop.

I am a cop.



You hear me?

Yes, I hear you.

I knew you'd come back.

This is where it all began.

I knew you'd remember.

I knew you had no choice.


What have they given us...

For years of service?

For putting our lives on the line?

We were the best there was.

Now what are we?


And embarrassments.

A joke.

I don't...want to k*ll...


But you don't have a choice.

So I guess I don't, either.

You have to sh**t me.


You're destroying yourself.

The only way out is for you to sh**t.



I don't want to die at the hands of a machine.

So you make sure it's the man

That does the k*lling.

You owe me that much.

It's your only choice, alex.

What are you prepared to do?



Ah ha ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

You're boned, baby.

Ah ha!

I'll k*ll him!



Take the sh*t.

Ha ha ha ha!

I'll do it!

What are you prepared to do?


Sorry, john.

Do it!


Guy better watch himself he gets in my line of fire.


Do I know you, mister?



Cable: alex!


We win?

We did...

What we had to do.


Don't die.


The world only makes sense

If you force it to.

The t*rror1st bone machine,

Aka former detroit police officer albert bixler,

Was k*lled last night

In a pitched battle in old detroit

With the delta city defender robocop.

Bixler had been relieved of duty

Several years previous

Following allegations around the sh**ting death

Of a suspect.

Sadly, delta city security chief john cable

Was also k*lled in the brutal firefight.

Commander cable was himself erroneously identified

As bone machine.

It was revealed today that this was part of a scheme

To draw the real vigilante into the open.

The plan succeeded, but sadly

At the cost of the commander's life.

Security concepts spokesperson sara cable

Had this to say:

It's a sad day for all of us here at ocp.

Commander cable was a fine officer

And a living symbol

Of everything that law enforcement in this city

Has to offer.

Flinders: yes, a sad day indeed.

In other news, although he is reported

To have sustained some minor damage,

Robocop is said to be in fine shape.

Good luck, robo,

And all of us here at medianet

Wish you a speedy recovery.

Man: I'll k*ll him!

Murphy: no!

Cable: murphy...

Take the sh*t.

Man: I'll do it!

Cable: what are you prepared to do?

Robocop: sorry, john.

Do it!



Do it!



Cable: we win?

Robocop: we did...

What we had to do.


Don't die.

It's been a while since I've done one of these,

So bear with me.

That's all right, doctor.

I have complete faith in you.

There's no guarantee this will work.

A lot of us still think the first one was a fluke.

Ha ha ha.

John was...
