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Trial of the Incredible Hulk, The (1989)

Posted: 03/27/22 20:10
by bunniefuu
In each of us,

there lives a kind of beast

made of rage.

Years ago, I used science to study this beast

to bring him out of me.

I used gamma radiation to release him.

But I used too much.

Far too much.

Now the beast is out of my control,

emerging whenever anger strikes.


My name's David Banner.

The world thinks I'm dead.

I travel alone.

I try to keep the beast caged

within myself.


OVERSEER: All right, lunch!

[multiple voices in the background]
What'd you bring today?




Come on.

Come on!

Let's go.

Lots of men pass through here.

Working families, migrants.

I was hoping you
might be one to stay.

So was I.

It's not all hard labor on this spread.

Plenty of different jobs.

It's not the work.

What, then?

Man like you could have a
future on a place like this.

Not a man like me.

If there's trouble,
you could tell somebody.

Somebody might understand.

Can't just keep moving on,
you gotta stop somewhere.

You have a nice place here.

Good luck with it.

Where will you go?

The city.

That's not a good place.

People get lost in that city.

You have to stop someplace.

[music playing]

[alarm beeping]

[music playing]

How long you want it for?

By the week.

Stay a couple of months,
I'll paint the place.

Save your paint.

Used to get the sun all morning.

From my roof I could see the mountains.

Now all I got in my face is
some rich man's tinker toy.

Remember tinker toys...

MATT MURDOCK: I think your
client has to change his plea, John.

I don't see any other to work this case.

Well, can I give you a ride to the courts?

Aw, no thanks, Kyle.

I haven't even gotten to
my office yet this morning.


Nice suit.

Aw, thanks!

You know, it's funny you
should mention that 'cause I

got a really gooddeal...
very funny.

Good morning.

You don't have to look so serious, Matt.

There's no clients here.

It's just us serfs.

But you are due in court at 1100 hours.

1100 hours.

Will you fire him?


You hired him.

New scent today.

- You like it?
- Yes.

And you had pancakes
and syrup for breakfast.

You're guessing.

Strawberry jam.



It's OK, Al.

Do you mind if I ask a sight question?

You're more sensitive
about it than I am.

Why do you sit here and
look out window so much?

Are you remembering when
you were a boy and you see?


It's just to feel the sun.

Feel how warm the glass is.

Is Mr. Fisk in his tower today?

Nobody knows.

MATT MURDOCK: We're going
to pull it down someday.

Brick by brick.
And him along with it.

Not without proof, Matt.

Thank you, counsel.

The Fisk Tower's not
made of brick, sir.

I was speaking symbolically,
Pettiman. A figure of speech?


Yes, sir.

Sorry, sir.

Would you fire him, please?

You're the senior partner.

Do you have to talk like you're
still in the army, Pettiman?

Just lighten up.

Yes, sir.


Miss Klein.



[traffic noise]

[dark music note]

[dark music note]

[dark music note]

[dark music note]

[dark music note]

Are you nervous?

Shut up!

[dark music note]

[dark music note]

Alarms are cut.

Get down! Everybody!
Come on! Get down!

VOICE ON HEADSET: ...and fall to the vault.

GUNMAN: Quiet! Get down!
Don't move! Don't even think...


GUNMAN: Get down!


Secure the back entrance.

Keep the customers down and silent.

Blow the safe.


Empty drawers A through F.

two clerks behind the counter.

GUNMAN: Get down!

Drawer M.

Drawer S.

V through X.

Drawer DD.

40 seconds to go.

Start diversion.


[crowd getting worried]

Car's on fire.


Look at the car.

And scatter.





- Beautiful!
- Settle down.

[dark music note]

That's beautiful too.

Hey, you're beautiful too, Pop.

(SARCASTIC) Oh, I really love you.

Tell me an old story.


Wait, Dad.

Tell me a story from
the good old w*r.

(LOW) Excuse me, please?

Would you mind sitting next
and pretend we're together.

(ANNOYINGLY) Old man drunk.


Right after that, I want
to tell you, I'm single.

But I'm looking for a
meaningful relationship.

What's your name, hey?

I sleep with the windows open,
I don't mind doing the dishes

if you do the cooking.

What do you say, huh?

Look, I didn't ask for this.


When can I call you, huh?

I'm busy this life.

- I get off here.
- No you don't.

[dangerous music]

You garbage, get off me.

DANNY: I guess it wasn't your stop.

You know, someday you're going
to do something good for this world.

You'll die.





Take off.


JOHN: Danny!

Back off!

[soft cry]

I'm going to take
this woman as my wife.

Get outta here.

Leave her alone.

[sounds of struggle]

[ripping and growling]

k*ll it, John!


John, k*ll it!




[alarm bells ringing]

[crowd screaming]

Everyone suit up! Suit up!


[alarm bells ringing]

Need a paramedic!



[alarms continuing]

[subway train passing]

[slower breathing]

[slow music playing]


All right, on your feet.

Let's go.

[door lock disengaging]

[door slamming]

[door slamming]

David Belson?


I'm Matt Murdock.

I'm an attorney.

May I?

I'm very interested
in your case.

I have no money.

That's not my interest.

What is?

The two men you described
in the subway car.

I think I know them.

I have reason to believe
they may be part of a team.

Thieves and K*llers who work
for a man named Wilson Fisk.

I can't prove it yet.

The police don't seem to care
too much about finding those men.

Some do.

They think I'm responsible.

Are you?

A woman's in the hospital
with a concussion.

An elderly man just
died of a g*nsh*t wound.

Serious charges.

The two men att*cked the woman.

Ellie Mendez.

I never got her
name, all right?

The men att*cked Ellie Mendez.
I tried to help.

And what happened?

Exactly what I
said in the report.

They knocked me down, I don't
remember much after that.

Maybe that's not good enough.

Maybe you're hiding something.

Mr. Belson, I can go to work
on getting you out of here.

Maybe I belong in a cage.

[whip sound]

Who are you?


No fingerprints on file.

No record.

No next of kin.

As if you don't exist.

Leave it that way.


You don't care about anybody.

Even survival.

No plans, no hopes.

You don't give a damn about
yourself or anyone else.

I have my reasons.

You're a liar.

If all that were true, you never
would've helped Ellie Mendez.

When Ellie Mendez revives, she'll
tell the police exactly what happened.

They'll let me go.
And that'll be the end of it.

Oh, she has revived.

Her story is that
you att*cked her.

The other men were
trying to help.

She also described some
giant, brutish man. Green skin.

Like the others in the station saw.
Are you protecting someone?

Why would she lie?
I tried to help her.

- Who are you?
- Nobody!

I just got into town yesterday.

No friends.
No relatives.

Did you talk to anyone?

I rented a room.


I don't know the address. It, uh...

some rundown building in the shadow
of that tall... near downtown.

I don't know the name of the
street, but I could find it.

All I wanted was to find
a job and stay buried.


I'm going to the hospital
to talk to Ellie Mendez.

We'll find out
why she was lying.

Then you believe me?

I know the truth when I hear it.

It's a compensation.

I'll be back.

Do you mind if I take your photograph?

Thank you.

Don't look so sad.

We'll help each other, David.

We'll get you out of here.

Have a little faith.

Relax, Ellie.

I just wanted to see if you were awake.

You have a visitor.


Ugh, not those same men.


She's supposed to rest.

You can leave us now.

Ms. Mendez prefers that I stay.

My name is Matt Murdock.

I'm an attorney.

I don't need a lawyer.

The victim doesn't need
a lawyer, does she?

Unless, of course, it's become
a crime for a woman to say no.

You see this bandage?
That's what I get.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sure it's a fine bandage.

May I sit?

There's a chair to your right, yes.

Who did you think was visiting you?

You said to the nurse,
not those men.

How could you hear...
You heard wrong.

I've had no visitors,
except my parents.

No one else?

Only my parents, Mr. Murdock.

I'm sorry for what you've been through.

Look, I'm tired of talking about it.

Couldn't we just... tell me
what movies you seen lately.

Oh, I mean, uhm...
what books have you read?

Do you listen to books on tape,
or do you prefer reading Braille?

What do you prefer?

I was talking with David Belson,

the man who was with you
in the subway car?

The man the police have arrested.

Why are you here?

He says he was trying to help.

I know what you've been through must
have been terribly confusing and terrifing.

I'm not confused.

He att*cked me.

And those other
men on the subway.

Could you describe them?

Please go.

Please, just go.

I prefer reading
nonfiction with my fingers.

But for novels and poetry, there's

nothing like the human
voice to take you away.

I've left my card, Ms. Mendez.

[sound of paper swiping]

I'll get the door for you.

We'll let her sleep now.

Has anyone else been here to visit her?

Her family.

The police.

That's all.

Would you like some
help to the elevator?


Thank you.


[many voices low in background]

She's had a visitor.

She's shaky.
Very shaky.

Some lawyer.


I think she's a definite risk.

May I help you in?

Not yet.

But she will.

I don't think she'll keep quiet much longer.

What do you want
me to do with her?

I'll let you know.

Meanwhile, watch her closely.

I know my job.

Yes, of course you do.
I'm sorry.



Mr. Fisk.
Did you hear?

Edgar, I want you to
bring in more hawks

to keep the pigeons off the roof.

Yes, sir.

And have the Mendez woman k*lled.


[dark music playing]





[screaming and electricity]

She tried to k*ll me.

And he helped me.

(AWED) Daredevil.

Come in, Edgar.

I can see the stress in your face.

I don't know how Daredevil got involved.

Are you sleeping a full
seven hours a night, Edgar?

The camera sees everything.

It is not distracted.

We can turn this setback
to our advantage.

I want the Mendez woman taken alive.

Daredevil will come after her.

And then we will have him.

We will have the
destruction of him on video.

Then when the other heads of
organized crime gather here,

I will show them the best
of my enemy in slow motion.

They will agree to my plans.

They will join their networks with mine,

and place all at my fingertips.

Is this a perfect plan, Edgar?

Eh, uh, Yes.

Well, no.

Good man.
What is missing?

There was one other witness

who saw our two men on the subway car.


David Belson, in prison.

We cannot afford to have any
of our people arrested or even

associated with the
jewelry robbery.

I want the Mendez woman taken alive.
I want David Belson dead.

And Edgar?

I want you to reflect on the
importance of success this time.

I want you...

to sleep on it.

[music playing]

♪ Everybody loves somebody sometime.

♪ There's no telling where love may appear.

♪ Something in your face just told me

♪ my sometime is near.

♪ Yadadumdedededodo.

♪ Yadumdadadedo, dededo.

♪ Ya dum, dadadadum.

♪ Yadadum, dade.

♪ Dodododododo.




Open 14!

Follow me, Belson.

- Where we going?
- Just walk.

Close 14!

What's going on?

Attempted m*rder.

The woman who fingered
you in the subway car?

Someone tried to stick
a needle in her throat.


Who are you?

The name's Tendelly.
Deputy chief.


Who the hell are you?

- You know who I...
- I know zip about you.

I know there's more to this than
you or that woman is telling me.

I want answers.

Everything was in my statement.

Either you've got friends outside
who tried to ice that woman for you. Or...

you stumbled into something over your head,
which means that now you are a target too.

Now, I want to know, Belson.

And I'm giving you this chance to tell me,
one on one, no statement, no ears but mine.


Because you don't know this town.

It's got a disease.

It's on the critical list.

Too many people on the wrong
side, too many people on the take.

Some even in my own department.

So this is your chance, Belson.

Nobody knows you're here,
nobody can accuse you of ratting.

Talk to me.

I told you,
it's all in my statement.

Somebody's out there.

Maybe they've got a
needle for you too.


I guess I'm in a safe place.


minus 2 9 6 equals 2282.

AL PETTIMAN: ...hold on.

(RAISES VOICE) Matt, you've
got a call on line 2.

- This is Murdock.
ELLIE MENDEZ: - Hi, this is Ellie.

Ellie Mendez?

Uh, I'm in a security
wing of the hospital now.

Yes, Ellie. How are you today?

Well, I'm scared as hell,
but I'm angry too.

And it sure helps to be angry.

(ON PHONE) I have a
little more courage today.

And I have a lot to tell you.

But first, you have to promise
me to protect my parents.

They've threatened my parents now.

Who did, Ellie?


I'll tell you that, but first promise me.

I'll see that they're safe.

That man in prison.

He's innocent.

He only tried to help me.
I had to say what they told me,

and they still tried to k*ll me!

Uh, look.

Can you come here?

Yes, of course.

Can you come here now?

I'll make arrangements for your
parents, and I'll be right there.

You just hang on, Ellie.


Christa, Mr. and Mrs. Mendez...

I'll get them to a safe place.

If we can get Ellie to
identify those two men,

it'll put us one step
closer to Wilson Fisk.

I'll need to be alone
with Mr. Murdock.

[phones ringing, many voices]

FEMALE GUARD: There should
be a guard at this door!

Where is she?

She's gone!
She's gone!

Where the hell is she?

[scanning, beeping sound]

She's pretty, Edgar.

She is.

(SOFTER) You are.

Are you an actress, Ms. Mendez?

I'm a person.
A person with rights.

And I have the right to say no to
some punk on a subway, don't I?

Isn't that how all this started?

I was hoping you were an actress.

We have a role for you.

You are to play the part of a
princess who must be rescued.

It is a fine part.

I am a teacher.
That's what I am.

I'm needed.

And I'm missed.

You see, I have my own
plans and my own dreams.

Maybe they're not
as big as yours.

But they're important to me.

(SHOUTING) How dare
you take them away?

Just who the hell do
you think you are?

I have just borrowed you
from your life, Ms. Mendez.

When I'm done,
I will put you back.

I'm sure you will.



Take her away.

Gently, gently.

[mechanical sound]

What an interesting woman.

She has spirit.

I particularly enjoyed
her speech about rights.

She would probably have made
a wonderful teacher one day.

So sad.

[mechanical sound]

But she told you
I was innocent.

That was a private phone call.

It's not evidence enough.

MATT MURDOCK: These are very
serious charges against you.

your case for no fee, David.

We want to help you.

And we want you to help us.

You'll go through the books
until you find those two men.

I can't stand trial.

What're you saying?

You don't understand.
I... I can't.

I have to avoid people, conflict.

You mean medically?
You're not well?

I change.

I change.

We'll be there to help you.

You don't understand!

I understand a woman's been kidnapped.

And maybe it's not too late for
her if you help us break this case.

I can't stand trial.

You have no choice.

You can't force me to go on
the stand. I can't be responsible...

We'll be responsible!

(ANGRILY) You don't know
what you're talking about!

I'm telling you that it's dangerous!
I'm telling you that it's impossible!

And I'm telling you,
you have no choice!

Is that clear?

No choice.

You have no choice.

Mr. Belson, if that is your name.

Answer the question!

You must answer!

Your Honor!

He must answer the question!

He is harassing the witness.

I am trying to get him to speak!

You're all out of order!

What is it you are trying to hide?


You must answer the question.


ALL VOICES: Please, damn you.

Answer the question.

You must answer the question.

David, answer the question.

Answer him, David.

Answer the question.

[gavel banging, voices shouting]


[ripping sounds]





[screaming and growling]

[spraying sound]


[screaming and growling]

[door banging]

[panting, soft whimpering]







[metal breaking]



I can't believe it.

You have to believe your eyes,
Tendelly, don't you?

And I have to believe
what you tell me.

If I tell you about some
giant with green skin,

do you believe that?

You know what I mean by green?

I was sighted until I was 14.

I remember green.


That's what the people on the
subway station said they saw.

And when we made a headcount
here, who's missing?

Your man, David Belson.

This green maniac and Belson
must be working together somehow.

TAPE RECORDING: (VOICEOVER) was a rundown building

in the shadow of the tall...

[rewind squeal of tape]

I, I don't know the address. Uh, uh,...

It was a rundown building
in the shadow of the tall...

[dial tone]

[phone dialing]

[phone ringing]

Murdock and Klein.

the city map down and put it on your desk.

Take the map down?

Al, do it.


Got a ruler?

Got it.

Okay, the ruler is the Fisk Tower.

Got it.

All right.

Your desk lamp is the morning sun.

Move it into the eastern sky, 8 AM.

Tell me where the shadow falls.

AL PETTIMAN: Uh. Across 7th
through 14th, near Crocker Avenue.

Move it 8 AM to 9 AM.

AL PETTIMAN: Holman Street, Cobb.

Tell me the mean streets, Al.

The tough part of town.




Part of Carpenter.

Why, Matt?

Thanks, Al.



[knife clinking]

That's a very noisy knife.

- What the hell do you want?
- Information.

The wrong people see me talking to you,
it's all over for the Turk.

Then be quiet.

Tell me about new people
in the neighborhood.

A man rented a room last Wednesday,
he's back tonight.

5'10, bearded, a hermit,
talks to nobody.

How the hell am I supposed to...

This knife hurts my ears.


Where'd you learn all that stuff?

DAREDEVIL: Talk to me.

I don't know everybody goes in
and out of the neighborhoods.

There's all kind of places
like that on Chester Street.

My aunt's got a place near Gage,
but... but he ain't there.

But Chaz's is full.

He's bragging about all the rent money
he gets out of his place on Wentworth.

- Wentworth?
- Yeah.

Next to the liquor store on 7th.

Can you teach me
some of them moves?

Don't hurt anybody, Turk.

Be very good.

Read a book.

Wha... I been very mellow lately.

I been a sweetheart.

[music playing]


David Belson.

Don't be afraid.
Matt Murdock sent me for you.


I'm not going to hurt you.

Just let me leave.

I can't.

You have help me and Matt.

Come with me now.

Why should I?

You could be one of them.

The ones that are trying to k*ll me.

I could make you come with me.


No, I wouldn't try that.
Trust me.

All right, I'll trust you.

I'll give you something, and then
you'll come with me on your own.

What could you possibly give me?

My face, David.

I never thought about it before.

How a blind person lives.

I forget about the darkness.

Your darkness.

Nothing on the walls,
no paintings, no mirrors.

Only a...

The boxer?

It's my father.

Good middleweight.

And the award?

Be comfortable.
I'll get you some food.

Then we have to get back out
there. They still have Ellie Mendez.

Tell me, why are these here?

They're all I have left.

My mother died when I was
too young to remember.

My father.

The wrong people gained
control of my father.

He fought back,
and they m*rder*d him.

And that's what you're doing?
Fighting back?

It's not revenge. I don't go
out there to punish anyone.

Why, then?

To protect.

But you're an attorney.
What about the law?

They've corrupted the law.

10 years ago when I was first starting out,
I was ready to fight the evil in this city.

I wasn't sure exactly how.

There he is!

REPORTER: Tendelly, what's going
on? What did you tell them in there?

Well, if you shut up, I'll tell you
exactly what I told them in there.

- You walk off the task force?
- Task force?

The task force is a sham.

Are you accusing your own department?

Yeah, my own department,
and the DA's office,

and a third of City Hall is on the
take. And you can quote me on that.

Albert G. Tendelly.

A good cop.

I've met him.

Well, if the task force can't
do the job, captain, who can?

Are you saying that nobody
can get to these guys?

You're asking me who can take on
the organization? All right, I'll tell you.

You, captain?

Yeah. Me.

And a few good judges. And good cops.
And a few attorneys that can be trusted.

Maybe somebody who could work
alone could do some damage,

maybe somebody could
get behind the lines,

hit and run,
keep himself a secret.

Maybe some kind of a...
I don't know...

crazy daredevil, if you will,
could hurt them.


laugh all you want,

but it'll be somebody that they
can't k*ll off, pay off, or scare off.

So I trained very hard.

I took myself to what
I thought was my limit.

And then,...
I went beyond.

One day, I introduced myself.

So you work together?

No, not even Tendelly knows my identity.

But he has a way to contact me.

I see.

You haven't told me about this
award for bravery in 1968.

I was 14 years old.

I was very strong for my age,
and fast.

So,... when I saw the speeding truck,
I just moved.

There was an old man
standing in the way,

and I didn't even stop to think.

I just ran and pushed him out of the way.

And the truck hit you.


One of the steel drums broke loose when it
swerved and hit the street in front of me.

Last thing I saw...

last thing I'll ever see...

was a wave green liquid.

Kind of radioactive liquid.

Toxic material.

It took your sight.

And left me other things.

Other things, yes.

It's kind of hard to explain.

I suppose it is.


I'm a doctor.

I want to look at your eyes.

You doctors know very
little about radiation.

No matter what you think.


I happen to know a lot about it.

Trust me.

Can my sight be restored?


Thanks for being so honest, doc.

How can you see?

I don't.

I kind of sense everything.

A kind of radar sense.

With amplified hearing
and scent and touch.

I can listen in on your heartbeat.

It changes if your lying
or anxious, you know.

And I can read normal
print with my fingertips.

It says, I don't believe you.

Do you now?


Then help me.

Help me bring them down.

If you walk, you're not
just walking away from me.

You're walking away from
Ellie Mendez, if she's still alive,

and all the other people
they're trying to break.

I can't help you, if I stand trial.

Who're you protecting?

Myself. And all other innocent
people that I might harm.

You said a change comes over you.

What you mean?

And who was that beast
that broke you out of jail?

I'll help you find the two people,
that I saw in the subway.

Don't ask more of me.

Why are you so alone?

We're both alone.

I've put a secret in your hands.

My life rides on that secret.

Now I expect you to tell me...
An untraceable cellular phone.

Only Tendelly has the code, and
even he doesn't know the location.

to us selling information.

Not much.

He said he overheard a conversation.

That they're holding the
Mendez woman in the web.

That's all he heard, the web.

Can you make anything out of that?

Contact me, hmm?

Then she's still alive.

The web. That could mean anything.

A network?


Giant spiders from Mars.


The last movie made the old
Cosgrove Studios on 14th.

Giant Spiders from Mars.

They had the whole studio
covered in a phony kind of webbing.

The stuff stayed up for years
after the studio went bankrupt.

Some people call it the web.

The old Cosgrove Studios.

They have her there.

You'll contact Tendelly?

No. Some of his
men can't be trusted.

Just me. In and out.
I'll bring Ellie Mendez back here.

They'll be guarding her.
I'll go with you.


To help.

I almost turned away from her once.

So I'll, I'll do what
I can before I leave.

For her.

And for you.

Because of my sad story.

Radiation poisoning, and now
you feel sympathy for me?


I feel somehow we're alike.

I'll be back before dawn.

[music playing]

[pop] Hey, everybody.

Drinks are on Turk!


Oh, now you drink too.

Come on! I'm in a good mood.

Everybody drinks, eh?

You, and, and you, and oh!

And a drink for my friend here.

Word is out you're
spending high, Turk.

Now where does slime like you
collect all these Benjamin Franklins?

I rolled a cop.


Get him outta here.

[heckling laughter]

Hey, are the drinks still on Turk?

Get yourself some OJ, my friend.

[phone ringing]

me like that information might be phony.

Turk was paid off to leak it.

If you made anything out of that
web business, don't act on it.

Could be dangerous.

Tendelly, he's left.




[music playing]

[creaking slam of door]

Are you ready?

You feel that you are
looking your best?

Do you know your part?

Let the woman go.

This will be the greatest
performance of your life.

And the last.




[disorienting sounds]



[disorienting sounds]

[music playing]

[disorienting sounds]

[music playing]

[disorienting sounds]

[music playing]

[disorienting sounds]


[disorienting sounds, growling]

[electrical sounds]

[electrical sounds]



(SCREAMING) What is happening?

[hulk roaring]



You poor soul.

Hey, Tendelly!


Is it true?
What they're saying?

Is Daredevil dead?

I don't know, kid.

[disappointed sounds from kids]

How much longer before
you can be up and around?

Has the doctor told you?

Not long.

Well, we want to come and see you.


Not yet.

In a while.

Anybody can fall down stairs, man.
I've done it myself.

- You know, once I broke...
- MATT MURDOCK: (ON PHONE) I'm being well cared for.

I'll call you in a while.


I just want to stop by and say hi.

In a while, Christa.

Sometimes he keeps me
so far away from him.

It hurts, Al.

He's a proud man.

It hurts.

You're lucky.

You have people in your life
who care about you.

Why don't you accept their support?

I don't want her to see me like this.



You're healthy, and you're mending.

At least your body is.

You know, you could
try walking today.

If you'd like.

- Here's my hand, it's just above...
- Above my chest, I know.

[phone ringing]

This is Tendelly.

If you're alive, send me word.

Or meet me.

Let me know, for God's sake.

Look, I'm not sure if the
Mendez woman is still alive.

I do know that Fisk is gathering
crime bosses from all over the country.

Word is that they meet tomorrow.

Now, these are men with no
warrants on them. I can't do a thing.

Can you?

Let me know if you're alive.

[roaring on screen]

Stop it, stop it, stop it.

Roll it back.

[tape rewinding sound]

And we end it... there.

Do you suppose he is dead?

I'm sure of it.

No one can take that kind
of punishment and survive.


I want this on the giant screen.

I don't want our guests
to miss a moment of it.

I want them to see how
we solve our problems.

And then they will agree
the link our networks.

A national corporation
with me at the control.

As it should be.

As it should be.

Mr. Fisk,

Uhm... The Mendez woman.

Is she still alive?



[music playing]


Are you comfortable?

Clothes seem to fit.

You look lovely.

Look at me, please?

If none of this had happened,

if you were...

if you were seated
in a restaurant,

dining alone,

and the waiter approached your table

and said,

the man in the corner booth
has sent you this glass of champagne.

He asks if he might be
allowed to join you.

You look up.

It's me in the corner booth.

I'm nervous, but I try to
smile without looking foolish.

What would you say to the waiter, Ellie?

You look across the room at me.

You turn to the waiter,
and you say?

I'd say,

I think I'd like some company.

Some dinner conversation.

He seems like a nice man.

(WHISPER) Thank you.

But I'd be wrong, Edgar.

You people are K*llers.

Sometimes I save lives,
if I can.

[bedroom door closes]

[music playing]


Very, very, very touching.

Ah, Ellie, what are you
doing the rest of your life?

Say, 24 hours.

I'm a good doctor.

I thought I'd lost it, but I haven't.

I can cure anything they broke in you,

but your spirit.

Don't you understand?

They were waiting for me.

They... They knew just how to
get at me. Somehow they knew.

They knew nothing.

They threw everything at you.

If they'd known you were

do you think they would have tried
to disorient you with all that light?

To have Ellie Mendez sitting
out in plain view like bait?

They wasted me.

It was easy for them.

That sound would have crushed anybody.
Of course it hurt you more with your gifts.

- Gifts?
- Yes.

Radiation took your sight.

But look at the gifts it gave you.

Look at what you can do.
You're forgetting that.

I understand, because I forgot.

I have gifts too.
I have something to contribute.

Recently somebody said to me,

I was thinking only of myself.

That someone was you, Matt.

- Leave me alone.
- That's what I said.

What you said was this,
if you walk,

you're walking out on Ellie Mendez
and all the people that they try and break.

Who in the hell is
going to stop them?

Who in the hell is going
to keep Ellie Mendez alive.

- Will you shut up?
- No!

I'll help.

I'll be your eyes.

I'll do what I can. But I think
together, you and I possibly...

Shut up!

Help me to the gym.

Good to see you.

Well, there's at least six limos out there.

Crime lords.

LA, Detroit, Chicago.

Fisk is spreading his wings.

What do you hope to do?

Discredit him somehow.

Well, first you're going to
have to get in that building.

That part's easy.

There's a rooftop to our left. It's within
reach, from here to there on a cable.

There's a door on the roof.

I've studied it.

That's easy?

I could do my eyes closed.

You go in through the front door, David.

Meet me on the 20th floor, west side.

Then we head for the penthouse.

That's the tough part.

The fortress is on top of the tower.

[murmur of voices]

Gentlemen, welcome.

A toast.

A toast.

Unfortunately we cannot drink,

because there is only ice in our glasses.

But it is a very special kind of ice.

Gathered especially for you.


A modest gift.

Thanks, Fisk.

We read about the little, uh, diamond
harvest you had here two weeks ago.

Ah, so kind of you to keep up
on events in our little town.

Some of you will have heard rumors

and will no doubt be wondering
whether it is true

that at last I've managed to put
my own house in order

and get rid of my most troublesome enemy.

Yes, what about Daredevil?

Can he still throw a wrench in our machine?

So glad you asked.


[music playing]

An octopus can not be only legs, gentlemen.

It needs a head.

An engineer, if you will.

I humbly submit myself for the
post of manager of all our tentacles.

And the following video is my resume.


I'm home.

We have to make our move now...


You've been bad, Edgar.

Very bad.

This woman was supposed to be erased days ago.


Mr. Fisk says you're supposed
to help me do the job.

And very quietly.

We can't disturb the meeting.



I recognized him from the subway.
The other guy called him John.

No! He'll be armed!



All right, now listen.

The woman, Ellie Mendez.
Is she still alive?



Who the hell are you?

You're going to tell
us where the meeting is.

You're going tell us
where the woman is.

Or I'll punch your heart out.

You look tired, hon.

Rough day?

Why don't you go lie down?

(ANGRILY) You scum.


Catch her screams, Edgar.

Be sure you catch them all.

[pained sounds]

ID scanner.






[glass breaking]

This leads to Fisk's office.

There'll be guards from here
on, no way to avoid them.

This is as far as you need to go.

Well, if he was telling us the truth,

this stairway leads to
in Ellie Mendez's room.

I'll try and get her.


You are watching the ending of a man.

And the ending of an era.

I am without serious enemies gentlemen.


No g*ns, the meetings on.
They can't know this is happening.

You were crazy to come here.

I like it here.

It's quiet.

This time we finish the job.

See what I mean?


I don't see at all.

[music playing]















Do it again.

Do it.


You sad little... Augh!


Follow me.

This stairway leads to the street.
Go. Hurry.

- But Edgar, he'll k*ll you now.
- No, no, no.

He'll forgive me.
I'm the only one he does forgive.

C'mon, Ellie.
I'll get you out of here.

Gentlemen, it is
with the greatest pleasure that I declare

Daredevil officially dead.




MAN IN ROOM: It's him!


Your power is finished in this city, Fisk.



[motor revving]

[groaning creak]


[groaning creak]


[motor revving louder]

You're finished, Fisk!

You think Fisk will be back?

He'll try.

Ah, you'll be here to stop him.

And you.

No. I'm going to start using my skills

as a scientist and a doctor.

Parts of me that I've
been neglecting lately.

I have you to thank for
giving me back myself.

Could you settle here?

No, I can't settle now.

They're building a new
laboratory outside Portland.

They're going to be
dealing with radiation.

So, maybe I can find a way of...

a chance to free myself.

Good luck.

You take my secret with you.

And I leave mine with you.

I have a brother in the world now.


You do.

- My hand is in front of...
- I know.


Will you look at that?

(DEADPAN) Am I looking at it?


Didn't mean to say...

Relax, Sergeant.

There's something strange about
the roof of the Fisk Tower.

The roof line's different.


I could have sworn there was
another structure up there,

even yesterday.

Things happen in the night.

[hulk theme music]