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19x13 - The Deadly Innocent

Posted: 03/30/22 08:44
by bunniefuu
With Milburn Stone as Doc.

Amanda Blake as Kitty.

Ken Curtis as Festus.

Buck Taylor as Newly.

And starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

That morning, they came to
a land far beyond the desert.

And there was water, and
trees, and birds singing.

And they were
just all very happy.

And the land was called...

You make up the name.

It has to be a happy
sounding name.

What's the matter?


You weren't
listening to my story.

Yes, I was.

It just that.

Billy, I have to
tell you something.

I can't come and listen
to your stories anymore.

I got all my chores to
do, and all my schoolwork.

You always liked
hearing my stories, Annie.

I know.

It's just that, well,
Billy, I'm growing up.

If you don't come
to see me anymore,

I won't have anybody
to tell my stories to.

Everybody's moving
out of the valley.

Billy, don't you have any
friends outside the valley?

I never been outside the valley.

- Festus.
- Festus?

Festus, my friend.

He lives in Dodge City.

And he always comes by to see me

when he comes
through the valley.

Goodbye, Billy.


Go to Dodge.

Go to Dodge.

Visit Festus.


Good morning.

Can I help you, mister?

Help me?

Sometimes I help people for

a place to stay and
something to eat.

Oh, well...

Well, I'm sorry, we don't
need any help around here.

You know, it's the
first town I ever been in.

Ah, is that right?

Yeah, I never seen so
many folk all in one place.

The valley I come from,

well, there has to be a funeral

for so many folks
to get together.

Real sorry you don't
need no help though.

Son, wait a minute, look.

Why don't you take this and
buy yourself some breakfast?

You're giving me money?

Well, it's just for breakfast.

I didn't do anything for it.

Look, just take
it, it's on me, huh?

No, I don't like to do that.

But, I sure thank you, sir.

And the way the thing
don't make no sense.

It just plain old
don't make sense.

Make a fist!

Doc, have you went crazy?

I ain't fixing to fight you

over how big the blamed moon is.

Just make a fist

and hold it up in front
of your eyes there.

Look at the sun now.

Now that is the same
principal as an eclipse.

You see, the moon,
now that's your hand,

and that's in between
the Earth and the sun.

And the Earth,

well, that's that big
cavity between your ears.

All right, don't start
to getting nasty now.

I know blame
well my fist in front

of my eyeballs has
blocked out the sun.

But, sh**t, the moon,

it ain't nowhere close
to where my face is.

The relative
distance is the same.

Don't you understand?

It's simple.

When the large
object is millions

of miles further away
than the smaller object,

the smaller object can
appear to be the same size,

or even larger sometimes.

Maybe sometimes the
smaller object can get bigger

if you get further away.

If it gets...

I don't think...

I don't wanna go through this.

I quit!

Well, of course you quit.

The onliest reason
you're quittin'

'cause you know
blamed well that I'm right.

Well, I'll be... Billy!

Well, I'll be a Sam Hill...

- Hi, there, Festus.
- How are ya?

It's good to see you, Billy.

What in the Sam Hill you
doing here in Dodge City?

Just came a time to see

the things outside
the valley, I guess.

Well, I reckon that's
good a reasons as there is.

You telling me that you walked
clean over here to Dodge?

I had no money.

Well, I'll bet you
something else too,

that you ain't had e'ry a bite

of vittles since
you left, have you?

Except for apples I got for
helping a farmer pick his.

I ate them yesterday.

Well, we're fixing to
remedy that right now.

'Cause I'm gonna take
you over to Delmonico's

and I'm gonna get
you the best breakfast

that you have ever eaten.

I got no money, Festus.

Oh, fiddle, you don't need it.

You know what you went and did.

You have went and
did me the biggest favor

that anybody's ever did for me.

I did?

You blame sure did.

See, now I'm
kind of filling in for

the regular livery man
whilst he's out of town.

And the very last thing old
Hank told me before he left,

he said, "Now, Festus.

"I want you to be sure and
get somebody to help you out."

You know something?

I ain't been able
to find e'ry a man

that's willing to work for keep.

New boots, that there's
what the job pays.

You mean I got here
at the right time, Festus?

You blame sure
did. Now, look-y...

Keep means three squares a day

and a sleeping place
for you and stuff like that.

But right now, what
we're fixing to do,

is to go in and get that
first square that we got.

Oh, Miss Kitty.

- Hello, Festus.
- Matthew

This here's my
good friend, Billy.

Billy, this here's Miss
Kitty and Marshal Dillon.

How are you, Billy?

Well, I'm just fine, Miss Kitty.

How do, Billy.


I guess you're new in town, huh?

I never been in a
real town before.

Billy here's the young feller

I've been telling you about
from over in the valley.

Sure, good luck to you, Billy.

Really nice meeting you.

I hope you like it in Dodge.

See you later, Festus.

They real nice people, Festus.

Oh, they is the
nicest folks there is.

Wait 'til we get done eating...

Well, I'll say this.

You sure look a
might different, all right.

Clothes are sure nice, Festus.

They must've cost a heap, huh?

No, they just come
with the job, that's all.

Well, I'll work
real hard, Festus.

You just show me what to do.

Well, there's plenty
to be did, all right.

Come on.

Well, let's see now.

The horses have done
been fed and watered.

The stalls is clean enough.

But they'll be a whole lot of...

Right there.

There's a horse that
needs looking after, Billy.

Why don't you go and fetch him?

Check the offside shoes.


The offside shoes,
look 'em over.

What are they?

We'll take care of it, mister.

Where'd you get the dummy?

Well, just never you mind, now.

Go on about your business
and we'll look after your horse.


Look it here, Festus.

What about it?

He's hurt, he's bleeding.

He's a real prize.

Ain't he ever saw
spur marks before?

Mister, he's just like
the whole lot of us.

Don't like to see no
animal getting treated bad.

Now you go on
down at the saloon, or

'cause you're liable to be

wearing spur
marks your own self.

Yes, sir, Deputy.

Can I take care of him, Festus?

Sure, you can, Billy.

I'll fetch you some salve.

Well, Billy, what have
you been working at

over yonder in the
valley these days?

Same as when
we first met, Festus.

Fix fences, just keep
moving around fixing fences.

Well, that fence fixing.

That there's a pretty good job.

I won't reckon you're figuring
on giving that up, are you?

Don't get to do too
much work anymore.

The valley's getting different.

Festus, everybody's leaving.

There's nobody to hear
my stories anymore.

I can sure recollect
that, all right.

All them youngins are sitting
around there on the ground,

a-listening to
your story telling.

I learned how
to tell riddles too.

You wanna hear one, Festus?

Well, I ain't too good at them.

But, yeah, go ahead.

Two farmers got one cow.

One half had to be fed,
the other half gave milk.

Now, how did they
divide the cow?

Whew, that there
sure is a hard one.

Now, let me see.

This here feller that
done the feeding,

he kind of got the
short end of it, didn't he?

That's my favorite
riddle, Festus.

Well, I reckon they just
went ahead on and k*lled it.

Why would they wanna do that?

Well, onliest thing
I was trying to do

is to divide up the
cow for you, Billy.

But that ain't no answer.

Well, I reckon I'll just
have to give up on it.

Cow give you
milk, and you k*ll it.

Now that ain't exactly
what I meant at all, Billy.

Have you got an answer for it?

Sure, they both
took turns feeding,

both took turns milking it.

It's a trick question,
Festus, a riddle.

They both took
turns getting the milk.

That's how they divided the cow.

Yeah, that there
sure is a good one.

It's my favorite riddle.

Hey, I got me an idea.

What if you and me was to go up

and see my old
friend, Doc Adams?

And you can explain that
one on him, would you?

See, old Doc, he's friends
with everybody in Dodge.

And he'd like to get to know
anybody that comes into town.

Come on!

They took turns milking it.

That's how they divided the cow.

Nice work.

Well, I'd never
guessed that, Billy.

Well, you're tip top,
nothing wrong with you at all.

I always feel good,
Doctor Adams.

That's about all any
of us can hope for.

Billy, why don't you just
wait for me downstairs?

I've been having
me a little twinge.

I want old Doc
to take a look at it.

Sure, Festus.

Doctor Adams, I
ain't got any money.

You don't need any.

Nothing wrong with you, Billy.


See you directly, Billy.

Such a shame, such a shame.

Big strapping
young man like that

in the mind of a
seven or eight year old.

Well, he's been that way ever
since I've knowed him, Doc.

How long's that?

Nigh on to five years, I reckon.

Yeah, I used to ride
through that there valley,

short cutting to Hayes.

And I got acquainted
with him then.

Where's his folks?

Well, they valley people
say they d*ed long time ago.

Of course, he's been
a might backwards.

So they've been
giving him odds jobs

just so's that he
could get vittles to eat.

Festus, he might be
better off going back there.

Well, Doc, see, that there
valley, it's a-changing.

Folks is leaving there in droves

with that land getting so poor.

And I know that he's just
been living from hand to mouth.

Sleeping in barns and haystacks.

And the thing about him, Doc,

he's got such a fearsome pride,

why, he wouldn't even
take a kernel of corn

unless he paid for it or
done a job of work for it.

Shame, I don't know what kind

of advice to give you on it.

I don't know.

Much obliged anyhow, Doc.

Sure is a nice place, Festus.

I should've come to
town a long time ago.

Well, they is sure a lot

of different kind
of folks, all right.

Billy, I've gotta go
over to the depot

and pick up some things.

Why don't you go on
back down to the livery?

Sure, Festus.

I'll join up there
with ya there directly.

Ain't no way he's
gonna make it, Barnett.

That's one.

Two more, then five.

Yeah, and I'll still lay you
odds and double a bet.

You're on.

That's two.

Still need one more.

That's right, one more.

What are you gawking at?

That's a good trick he's doing.

Hey, hey, what's that at my leg?

It's only a harmless
old bull snake.

No, it's not, it's only a cat.

Who asked you, dummy?

All right, get that cat
off my leg or no bet.

You're hurting him, mister.

Oh, oh, it's the cat's
fault, bets are off.

Please let him go, mister.

Ain't it strange that
cats don't like water?

Please, mister.

Oh, come on, Barnett.

That cat ain't
enjoying that none.

Please don't hurt him.

Please, he didn't hurt nobody.

Let's see how many
lives this cat's got.

Is he dead?

Who did this?

Him, he just went
crazy, Marshal.

Not right to hurt animals.

This might be bad here.

Help get him upstairs.

Pick him up, bring
him up to my office.

Be careful, that's right.

Hold him, easy.

Right here, follow me.

Newly, take him over
to my office, would you?

I wanna talk to him later.

Yes, sir.

I didn't mean it.

I was just trying
to save the cat.

Must be nice.

What's that, Billy?

No hurt's gonna
come to that foal

with the mother being there.

Well, that's what
mothers are for.

Yeah, I never saw mine.

I mean, I can't remember
what she looked like.

I try.

I just can't remember.

You must've been very
young when she passed away.

Yeah, but I remember,

she always smelled
of fresh baked bread.

And I remember every
story she used to tell me.

At night, she'd tell me a story.

Every night before
I'd go to bed.

Sometimes I dream.

I dream I see her face.

And I try to wake up
so I can remember,

just to see her face.

Must be nice to remember
you belong to somebody.

Well, Billy, when we get older,

we belong to a lot of people.

We make friends, good friends.

Is Festus mad at me?

No, of course not.

Well, the marshal was mad at me.

I was afraid he was
gonna put me in jail.

Billy, the marshal's a fine man.

He just didn't understand
what had happened at first.

Are they still with the
judge talking about me?

Yeah, I guess
they're still talking.

No permanent
injury to that drover?

Evidently not, Judge.

Doc says he'll be
in a cast for awhile,

but then he'll be all right.

Now, this boy
evidently has never

been involved in
anything like this before.

Judge Brooker, I can
practical guarantee ya that

Billy, he ain't got a
bad thought in his head.

Except that he did
almost break a man's back.

Yes, sir, but he didn't
know what he was doing.

Don't you see?

Yes, and there was some
provocation for it, Judge.

After all, this man was
abusing a small animal.

This boy saw it, and
he just lost his head.

Judge Brooker, I can promise you

that no such a thing as this
is ever gonna happen again.

You realize, of course,
that you're in effect

appointing yourself
this man's guardian?

Like a parent.

Oh, yes, sir.

But then, he ain't
got nobody else.

Yeah, well, all right.

Let's consider that
young man on probation.

I'm almost done, Festus.

I'm through.

I'll tell you this.

You must've been
working like a beaver,

and you've did a
mighty good job too.

Old Doc Adams, he's just
gonna be tickled to death

with the way that
you've fixed up his buggy.

Festus, can we go down
to corral to see the foal?

Oh, yeah, that
there's a good idea.

We'll do that.

I've been meaning to ask you...

Do you know what
probation means?

No, Festus.

Well, that there means that
you've did something wrong.

But you ain't gonna
get no punishment for it.

You mean you stay friends?

Well, I reckon
you could say that.

The most important-est thing is,

that you don't do bad again.

Because if you was to,

then you'd get the punishing

that you didn't get for
the first time you was bad.

What I'm trying to tell you is,

Judge Brooker went
real light on you.

They're both gone, Festus. What?

The mare and the foal.

Well, they probably
out in the pasture.

Now I ain't never
talked to you no more...

Can we go, Festus,
to the pasture?

Can we go see the
mare and the foal?

No, no, we can't!

Now I'm fixing to talk to you

and you're gonna
listen to every last word

and you're gonna listen good.

I know you're mad, Festus.

And I'm sorry.

Dang it, Billy,
it ain’t that I'm...

You pretty near k*lled a feller.

Now I aim to see

that you blame sure
ain't gonna do it again.

I'm not gonna do
that anymore, Festus.

The main-est thing is,

that you know that
you've went and did wrong.

Saving the cat?

No, Billy, a
hurting that feller.

Now, look-y, we got us
a marshal here in town.

And deputies, me and
Newly, we're deputies.

And when you see that
they is something wrong,

you go and tell them fellers.

You don't just go hauling off

and hitting some feller
when you think he's wrong.

You go and get the
marshal, don't you see?

But, Festus...

If I had done that, it would've
been too late for the cat.

I reckon it
would've been, Billy.

You mean you was
thinking about that

before you jumped
on this feller?


But I ain't gonna hurt
nobody again, Festus.

Well, that there is good, Billy.

Real good.

Now you're giving
me your promise?

I promise, Festus.

Festus, can you
make me a promise?

That there all depends.

What is it?

Well, I ain't never
rode a horse before.

Would you teach me to ride?

I'd like that.

Well, of course I will, Billy.

I'll tell you.

We'll just get all
of our work did,

and then we can take tomorrow
morning off and go riding.

Is that all right?

Hang on, Billy.

That a boy!

How am I doing, Festus?

Oh, you're doing good, Billy.

Keep your feet in the stirrups.

Keep your feet in
the stirrups, now.

You all right, Billy?

Yeah, Festus,
he just tricked me.

I tell you.

You gotta learn to keep
them boots in the stirrups.

Just don't have
them flopping around

like a old limber neck chicken.

Well, I'll do better next time.

Oh, of course you
will, sure you will.

I'll tell you.

We'll probably
find that horse over

that rise there
at the waterhole.

Come on now.

Having fun, Festus?

Oh, you bet ya,
Billy, a lot of fun.

Festus, can I tell
you something?

Sure, go ahead on.

Well, I never had a real
grown up friend before.

Oh, fiddle.

I bet you got more friends than

a dog's got a hair on his back.

No, I haven't.

In fact, you're the only
friend I got in the whole world.

- Well.
- Festus?

Will we always be friends?

You got my darn
tea on that, Billy.

Festus, what's blue
and always watching us?

I don't reckon I
know that, Billy?

The sky, it's blue and it's
always watching over us.

You sure got some
good riddles, Billy.


Be real still.

Ah, we got us eating
for a month, Billy.

Hey, wait, wait,
what are you doing?

Quit that, Billy!

Billy, quit it!

Quit it!

What's the matter with you?

Festus, I didn't mean to.

I'm sorry, Festus.

Hold still now, hold still.

The thing is, Doc.

I just know for sure
Billy didn't mean to do it.

Well, you mean he
said he didn't mean to.

Well, right there's
the same thing.

No, it isn't either,
and you know it.

There you are.

See, Doc.

I just kind of keep
forgetting that Billy,

he can't stand to see no
animals getting hurt or k*lled.

But then, you can't blame
him for that, don't you see?

I'm not, I'm not.

Billy didn't know why
the deer had been sh*t.

He didn't
understand, that's all.

Well, Doc, I just know for sure

that I can learn
Billy the difference.


Why don't you try to
recognize this problem?

Well, Doc, I'm
taking care of him.

And tonight, I'm fixing to
give him the powerful-est

talking to that he's ever...

Now quit, quiet!

You're just being dishonest,

with yourself and with me too.

I reckon I know it, Doc.

Bill can't cope
in an adult world.

He lives in a world of fantasy.

Now, you sh*t a deer,
and he saw it as m*rder.

You want me to tell you
that I think he'll get better?

I can't tell you that, Festus.

'Cause I don't think he will.

Well, Doc, you
just can't throw him

in jail and leave him there.

We have a county home.

Are you talking about that
there place for crazy folks?

No, no, I'm talking about
a home for sick folks.

Well, Billy.

You can't just put him someplace

like that where
he can't be free.

Festus, he's not free now.

Out on the prairie,
he came after you.

Now he'll do it again with
somebody else, he might.

Somebody who might
sh**t him, k*ll him.

We gotta protect him
from something like that.


I'm sorry.

Obliged, Doc.


What's he doing in there?

Well, I think he's just
trying to please you.

Make up for things.

Tomorrow morning, commitment
papers from Judge Brooker.

I guess you know this
means he'll be going...

I know what it means, Newly.

The marshal said that maybe

you'd wanna ride over
there with him tomorrow.

I can do it if you'd rather not.

I reckon I'd better do it.

Newly, much obliged anyhow.

I thought I'd save you
the trouble, Festus.

Sure looks mighty clean.

Festus, I sure am sorry.

Billy, Billy.

Don't be crying
now, it's all right.

I know I made you mad, Festus.

And you're the
only friend I got.

Oh, well, you just
couldn't help yourself, Billy.

Festus, I won't do it again.

Well, the best thing to do

is just don't think
about it no more.

Does this mean you're not
gonna take me riding anymore?

Oh, no, it don't
mean that at all, Billy.

The fact is, we can
go riding tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Festus, you mean it?


Festus, how many balls of string

would it take to reach
from here to my valley?

I don't reckon I'd know that.

Only one if it was long enough.

Did I do good, Festus?

Oh, you done mighty good, Billy.

But you better just kind
of walk him for awhile now.

'Cause we got us
a long ways to go.

Probably be dark
before we even get there.

You never did say
where we're going.


Just a place.

Visiting somebody?

Well, I reckon it'd be
something like that.

The fact is,

I might just leave you
there for a spell, Billy.

Leave me there?

Yeah, for a spell.

See, I got me a whole
of deputy-ing things to do,

and, well, of course I'll be
riding back that a way, see?

Oh, you're not still mad
at me, are you, Festus?

Well, I ain't never
been mad at you, Billy.

You can just quit
fretting about that.


Who lives here?

Oh, it's just kind of a
house that the county's got.

Where they look after folks
that needs looking after.


Festus, I'm afraid.

Oh, there ain't nothing
to be feared of, Billy.

The house looks funny.

Oh, well, that there
is just 'cause it's dark.

Come on.

Festus, I'm scared.

Please, I'm scared.

Sure is quiet.

What was that, Festus?

It's all right,
Billy, it's all right.

Good evening.

You Mister Crooms, are ya?

I am, indeed, what
can I do for you?

My name is Festus
Haggen, Deputy Marshal.

This here is Billy.

And I got a paper
here that was wrote on

and signed by Judge
Brooker there in Dodge City.


Billy, this here
is Mister Crooms.

Him and his wife,

they run this here place.

We'll try to make
you comfortable, Billy.

Can't we go, can't
we go, Festus?

Please, please?

Obliged anyway, Mister Crooms.

Festus, Festus, what
kind of people live there?

Just go and get
on your horse, Billy.

Festus, is he a bad man?

No, Doc says he's a good man.

He just works hard, probably
harder than most folks.

Now go on, get on your horse.

Good feeling, huh, Festus?


It's a good feeling, you
and I being here together.

Oh, yeah, that
there's real good.

But, Billy, I've just
gotta tell you something.

You know, ain't
nobody that ever just

comes right straight
out and tells you things.

Now, old Doc, he says

that you ain't growed
up in your thinking.

Now that there ain't your fault.

Nobody's saying it is.

But, the truth is, you
gotta be took care of, Billy.

Why, Festus?

Well, because.

You see, they is some folks

that just natural take
longer a growing up.

Don't you see?

Well, you just do things
like growed up folks does.

You mean I shouldn't
tell no more stories?

Oh, no, that there
ain't bad, Billy.

It's just that...

Well, I sure have
got us in a pickle.

They just ain't no
place that we can go.

Actual where you go,
except back to that valley.

I can't never do that, Festus.

Everybody's leaving.

I just don't know what we're
gonna do tomorrow, Billy.


I don't mind staying with you.

I'd like that.


Why are we stopping
here, Festus?

You getting
hungry, are ya, Billy?

Oh, sure.

All right, we're fixing
to eat us some vittles.


Now, Billy.

The Almighty, he
put some living things

on this earth so a man can eat.

Billy, I want you to look at me.

Festus, please.

Now I'm fixing to sh**t us

a couple of them
rabbits for us to eat.

And when I do, I don't want you

jumping on me and hitting me.

You understand that?

Billy, you understand that?


All right now, Billy.

I want you to go
fetch them rabbits.

- No, Festus.
- Go on.

I did what you wanted, Festus.

Can we go back to Dodge now?

No, we can't, Billy.

Old Doc, he was right.

You can't never go to no town.

Ever again.

How'd it go?

- I just couldn't do it, Matthew.
- What?

I just couldn't leave
him out yonder.

Festus, this is very
serious. Now where is he?

Well, I was kind of hoping

that you and Doc could
ride out yonder with me

and see where he is.

And if you figure that
I've went and did wrong,

well, I'm just hoping you won't.

Now the little
boy and little girl,

they never heard
a tree sing before.

And so, they sat down and
began talking to the tree.

"How can a tree sing?,"

asked the little boy and
the little girl to the tree.

"Is this a magic forest?"

The tree didn't answer them.

It just went right on singing.

And so, the little
boy and the little girl

sat down and began
talking to the tree.

"How can a tree talk?,"

asked the little boy and
the little girl to the tree.

You see, Matthew.

I thought maybe these here folks

out at the orphans county place

could use a man to help
out with the chores and stuff.

And Mister and
Missus Whipple said

if you and old Doc
thought it was all right,

they could sure
use Billy out here,

and, of course, he
can live right here.

Once again, they asked the tree,

"How can a tree sing?"

The little boy and the
little girl asked the tree.

What do you think, Doc?

Well, I don't know.

And the wind began
to sing to them too.

Aaron, why did you
throw a rock at that bird?

It was only a bird.

But birds are our friends,
animals are our friends.

They're here to give
us food when we need it.

But we must never
hurt them just for fun.

Just like we must
never hurt each other.

Even when somebody
does something cruel.

It's just like my
friend, Festus, says.

"Two hurts, well, that's
twice as wrong as one hurt."


Now the little boy and
the little girl run the hill.

Festus, sometimes you amaze me.

I'm a little ashamed
to admit it, but you do.

You amaze me, you
got a good idea here.

The Whipples are
good supervisors.

Gonna be children coming
in and out of here all the time.

This is be a fine
world for Billy, I think.

What's more important,
gonna be a world he can handle.

Festus, I'm proud of ya.

Doc and I will talk
to Judge Brooker.

And I'm sure he'll
give this a chance.

Obliged to you, Matthew.

And they were trying
to talk to the wind.

But you know what?

They soon found out that
the wind could only sing.

It couldn't talk...

Stay tuned for exciting scenes

from our next Gunsmoke.