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20x05 - Thirty a Month and Found

Posted: 03/30/22 10:07
by bunniefuu
With Milburn Stone as Doc...

Ken Curtis as Festus...

Buck Taylor as Newly...

And starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Well, we lost a man last night.

A good man, a bad man,
we ain't here to judge.

Curley didn't join
us till the sand hills,

but once a man throws
his bedroll in the wagon,

he's one of us.

Done his job
without bellyachin'.

Ain't no place in a
cow camp for whinin'.

Took good care of
his horse and gear,

minded his own business,

was a peaceable man.

Except maybe that
time down on the platte.

Oh, he got meaner 'n a
grizzly with a toothache.


But, balancin' it all
out I'd have to say

Curley was a good man...

and he died doin'
the only job he knew.

Yes, sir.

All right, boys, let's move 'em.

Is that it?

A few words?

All a cowhand can expect, boy.

Wrap him in his blanket
and decent buryin'.

Movin' them beeves
is the important thing,

and if Curley could
sit up right now

he'd tell ya the same thing.

He was just sayin'
to me last night

about how he don't
mind night herdin'.

Said it's like havin' the
whole world to yourself.

Hour later they
took to stampedin'.

He died the best
way a cowhand can,

sittin' on leather.

Now, come on, Dodge is waitin'.

Hit me.

That'll do.

Yes siree, yes
siree, you pay me.

Yes, sir.

How 'bout a hug for luck, honey?

Deal, mister, deal.

Name's Delilah.

How do you know?

They're always
named Delilah, boy.

Why don't you
go buy her a drink.

Hey, Doak, this is
your first trail town.

Now, you gotta cut the wolf
loose. Go on, she's waitin' for ya.

No, I already got
a girl at North Fork.

North Fork's a nice
place to have a girl.

I ain't gonna tell her
nothin' if you don't, boy.

I reckon I'll ponder it.

Well, you better make it fast.

She's about as
lonesome as a beehive.

Quincy, how long you
and Will been drivin' cattle?

You don't drive cattle,
boy, you push 'em.

As long as I can remember.

Old Will a lot longer.


Ya lost.


What did he swallow?

How about a glass?

Took a fancy.

First trail drive and already

bitin' off more cud
than you can chew.

Ya know, looks to
me like that little girl's

bein' annoyed by
that railroad fella.

You ever smell
one of 'em up close?

They stink, coal and smoke,

like them iron hogs they feed.

Ya know, boy, I think that you
oughta rescue that little lady

from that sorta trash. Come on.

No, I don't want to, really.

Oh look, Quincy, come on.

Will, wait a minute.


I'm Will Parmalee,

- this here's Quincy.
- Howdy.

Your admirer
here is called Doak.

Pleased to meet y'all.

My name's Delilah.

Delilah, this boy here'd
like to buy you a little drink

and trade a little giggle talk.

She's taken.

Hey, them gandy dancers don't
care where they lay their track.

I'm no gandy dancer.

- What are ya?
- I'm an engineer.

Oh, oh, you mean
you're one of them fellas

that toots that whistle?

You remember that railroad
fella down in Abilene, Quincy?

Kept blowin' that whistle

till they stampeded
our whole herd?

Yeah, I remember.

You know, mister, I just
might take that whistle of yours

and jam it right
down your gullet.

That's enough, cow chaser.

Come on, Will,
I'll buy ya a drink.

Don't worry, he ain't
near tough as he looks.

He looks pretty tough to me.

Boy, even a hard-boiled
egg's yella in...

Stop it.

Stop, break it up.

Break it up.

Stop it.

Will? Will, wake up.

Here, try some of this.

I always said you run
the best hotel in town.

Ya know, just once I'd
like to see ya pass through

without spendin'
the night in it.

Yeah, I guess we
caused some ruckus.

Much damage?

No more 'n usual, and no less.

What about my friends?

They're in the next cell there.

We, I guess we sure rousted

them gandy dancers some.

Yeah, how is it you're stirrin'
out with the railroad men?

Them railroads has come
to stick in my craw, Matt.

They're takin' jobs that
cowhands oughta be doin'.

Herdin' cows into boxcars
instead of across green grass

just don't make sense.

Country changes, Will.



Come on, you two, come on.

Well I sure hope you
ain't changed, Matt.

When we gonna do some roosterin'

and lie like Texans again?

We'll have to talk
about that later, Will.

Right now I gotta get you
and your boys outta here.

- I need the space.
- Right, right.

Come on, time to quit
moochin' off the state of Kansas

and rent us a room.

- Mornin', Marshal.
- Mornin'.


See ya tonight, Matt.

Thanks, Marshal.

That old Will and his breed's
a gettin' scarce, Matthew.

Them trail herds ever
quit comin' to Dodge,

things gon' get
plum dull, ain't they?

You know when
that fightin' started

I thought you might fold, boy.

But you hung in there
tighter than a tick.

Yes, sir.

Hey, eggs, and
ham and hot biscuits.

How'd that go, boy?

Better 'n buffalo
hump and onions.


I had me better
'n $150 last night.

I only got me 32 cents, Will.


I had near a hundred!

Last place I remember
bein' was that rot-gut saloon.

Will, we was drunk.

Maybe we spent it.

We're talkin' about
more 'n $300, Quincy.

That's more money
than I've had in my life.

I was countin' on that money.

I figure either that
barkeep or that card dealer's

got snaky fingers.

I'll tell ya again, you were
throwin' money around

like it was confetti,

gamblin', buyin'
the house drinks,

- tippin' the girls with $5 gold pieces.
- That don't come to near $300.

Why, you didn't have enough
left to pay the damages.

- How much do the damages come to?
- At least 50, $60.

Listen, you right sure
you didn't help yourself

to more 'n this hole
of yours is worth?

Now, you three clear outta
here or I'll call the marshal!


We pushed that herd
through Hades for that pay.

We got froze and
starved and stampeded

and lost a good
man in the doin',

so you best level with us.

I'm tellin' ya, ya spent it all.

- He's lyin'!
- Easy, Doak, easy.

We just want our money,
mister, nobody hurt.

You give us 200
and we'll call it even.

Two hundred. You're crazy!

Look at all the...

Look in the back for cash.

Only what's comin' to us.

We're buildin'
ourselves some trouble.

Here's the cashbox.

Somebody's comin'!

Bring it.

Let's go, let's go.

Doak, you got the box?

- Let's go.
- Come on.

Let's go.

You both all right, let's go.

Hyah, hyah!

Get out, get outta the way.

All right, all right,
look out, look out.

- Clear the way here, look out.
- Bull's been shot.

He's right over
there next to the bar.

Hey, Bull, hey, Bull.

Look out, the marshal's comin'.

Hit bad, are ya?

Yeah, bad enough.

They coulda k*lled me, Festus.

- All right, folks, break it up.
- Let me see here.

- Move along now.
- Easy, easy.

Let me look at it.

What happened here, Bull?

Those three cowboys that
busted up my place last night,

they robbed me, Marshal,

and then when I tried
to stop 'em they shot me.

Matthew, it was Will
Parmalee and Quincy

and that young feller.


That doesn't make any sense.

I've known Will Parmalee
more 'n 20 years.

He never stole a
dime from anybody.

Why would he wanna rob you?

I don't know, they claim
that they was cheated

in my place or somethin'.

Well, was they?

Course not!

They was spendin'
with both hands.

Got drunk and started
on those railroaders.

Just a bunch of
drovers whoopin' it up.

That's happened before.

Notice you don't
ever keep 'em out.

The fight cooled off, I
shoulda thrown 'em out then,

but they was
spendin' real great.

They said they'd
behave themselves,

so like a fool I let 'em stay.

Couple hours went by and
they got into another fight.

Take a look at this.

Looks just like a flesh wound.

You're gonna be all right.

Well that ain't the point,
they coulda k*lled me!

Did you fire on them first?

Well yeah, like I said,
they took the cashbox.

How much was in it?

Twelve dollars.

Could just as well have been
a thousand. It was still robbery.

Doesn't sound to me like
they were tryin' to rob ya,

more like a misunderstanding
that got outta hand or something.

I know one of 'em is a
friend of yours, Marshal,

but they still broke the law!

This doesn't have to go any
farther than it always has, Bull,

not unless you
wanna proffer charges.

Well, I sure do.

Well, it ain't just the $12,
Marshal, it's just that...


Well, better go over yonder
and have Doc tend to that.

Go on, Bull.

Matthew, what do you figure?

We'll have to go
after 'em, Festus.

Got no choice.

Mean that feller
shot at us over $12?

He's a fool.

The law'll be lookin' for us.

He's right, Will.

We're on the run.

Might not be much
money, but we'd just as well

have stuck up a bank.

How bad you sh**t that barkeep?

Don't know.

I hit him, that's for sure.

Well, you're a friend
of the marshal's.

You could tell him
what happened.

No, no, Matt Dillon's a lawman.

No, we took a cashbox
and we shot a man.

No, no, any way you cut it
we're gonna end up in jail.

And that's no place for a man.

I ain't seen Tait
Cavanaugh in three years,

but I sure ramrodded
a lotta cattle for him.

Rio Grande to the Divide.

Feller that runs that
ranch over at Salt Creek?

That's the one,
got a big spread.

He might use us.

Yeah, but what about the law?

They're gonna
be chasin' after us.

Well, we'll have to worry
about that when it happens.

Leastwise, we'll
be close to Texas.

That's ground I know.

No, I figure Matt
Dillon won't chase us

clear outta Kansas over $12.

Trail turns west.

That's funny.

Knowin' Will Parmalee,

I'da sworn he'd headed
straight for Texas.

Sweat and dirt cowboys
all their born days

have one run-in
with a knot-headed...

Here, all of a sudden,
they're outlaws.


Matthew, couldn't we
let 'em just keep ridin'?

Well, I'd like to
Festus, but ya can't.

If I could just catch up to 'em,

get 'em to turn themselves in,

maybe Judge Brooker'd
go easy on 'em.

Will Parmalee, you old cow tail.

What are you doin' outta Texas?

Tait Cavanaugh, you
ain't changed a bit,

and that's a shame.

Lookin' at that hide of yours,

looks like you been
soakin' up dust.

Well, we been doin'
some hard ridin'.

Now, I want you to
meet my friends here.

This here is Quincy.

- Hi.
- Howdy.

And the youngin'
here is called Doak.

Mr. Cavanaugh.

He's a cow lickin'
Adam's apple, but he'll do.

You boys been sharin' trail
with Will, you deserve a drink.

Come on in, I'll get the
cook to catch us a cow.

Sounds awful good.

Well, now, what
are you doin' here

and where are you headin'?

Well, we come from
Dodge, and headin'?

Fact is, I don't really know.

We was kinda hopin' that
we'd catch on here with you.

Will, you were the
best ramrod I ever had,

but I ain't got nothin'.

Gettin' down to the bone.

Had to let hands go.

Well, you rode in,
you've seen the place.

Beginnin' to take
on like a graveyard.

I seen it.

Well, the railroads
are startin' to take over.

Can't you fight 'em?

I tried, but I ended up
makin' a deal with 'em

to ship my cattle.

Will, it was the only way
I can get back on my feet.

Man won't go along with
the railroad, he's finished.

A few short years,

there won't be no such
thing as a trail drive.

We gotta face that.

Eighteen steers to a
cattle car, that right?

Well, I guess so.

I don't know what's
wrong with the world.

Everything's changin'.

There was a time when a
neighbor helped neighbor.

A man's word meant somethin'.

There were cows and
men, and not much else.

Now it seems that everybody's

out to get as much as
he can and who cares?

Glory days are gone.

And Will, I'm afraid they
ain't never comin' back.

Well, thanks for
your hospitality, Tait.

Now, you boys can stay
here as long as you like.

Plenty of room in
the bunkhouse, food.

Only thing I can't
offer you is a job.

Well thanks, Mr. Cavanaugh,
but we'd best be movin' on.

Well, if you're lookin' for work,
you're better off back in Dodge.

No, ain't no work
in Dodge either.

Railroad's took hold there, too.

Besides, we got
some trouble in Dodge.

Oh, what kinda trouble?

The law, Mr. Cavanaugh.

Started out just hoorahin'
the town and a man got shot.

- Dead?
- I don't think so.

Now they're lookin' for ya?

Reckon they are.

We'll just move on out, Tait.

I don't wanna bring
the law down on you.

Now, a couple of cowhands
passed by here a few days ago.

Rumor was they were hirin'
down in the panhandle country.

Well then, that's
where we'll be headed.

You stop and see the cook.

Got some beans and bacon for ya.

Thanks, Tait.

Wake up, boy, Doak.

- Thanks, Mr. Cavanaugh.
- You're welcome.

Thanks for the dinner, sir.

Young fella...

you're young enough
to do somethin' else.

Do it.

Bye, sir.


Another day's ride, we'll
be crossin' into Texas.


Now, what'd you swallow, kid?

Well, I'd like to
see my girl first.

North Fork's way
outta our way, boy.


Well, I told her I'd be
back right after the drive.

We were fixin' to get married.

You fixin' to stay
a cowhand, boy?

I sure am.

A man can't tote a house
and kids around on a horse.

You better send her a letter.

She's expectin' me by now.

I can't just ride off
and not see her.

Well, there ain't nothin' like
a woman for a hard winterin',

but marryin'?

They get demandin'.

Now, you take a
good range horse,

he don't ask nothin' of a man.

Will, might be quite a while

before he sees
that little gal again.

Besides, we gotta get some
supplies before the panhandle.

Maybe we can get
'em in North Fork.

Well, that $12 is all we got.

Turns out we went
to a lot for that.

Maybe we can put it to work.

Alright, we ain't got
time for no love story.

Ain't gonna take long.


My name's Matt Dillon, I'm
the marshal over at Dodge City.

This is my deputy,
Festus Haggen, here.

We're lookin' for three men mighta
passed through here yesterday,

maybe askin' for work?

Nobody's come through here.

Well, their trail brung
us right smack dab

to your porch here, mister.

All right, they stopped and
watered their horses and moved on.

You mean they didn't stay over?

That's what I said.

Kinda hard to believe.

Will Parmalee and Tait
Cavanaugh goes back a long way.

Will and I go back
a long way, too.

They'd be better off turnin'
themselves in, Mr. Cavanaugh.

More they run,
the worse it gets.

If you knew Will like I do,

be like tryin' to put a
panther in a birdcage.

They didn't tell me what
happened back there.

Some fella got shot.

The fact is the onliest
thing they is wanted for

was for stealin'
$12 and the sh**t',

And then, the other feller,
he went and shot at them first.

Well, I'm willin' to
pay whatever it takes

to satisfy the other fella.

Well, I'm sorry,
but that won't work.

Marshal, there's
nothing left for those men.

They're running outta world,
least the world they knew.

I know what kind of men
they are, Mr. Cavanaugh,

but I got no choice.

I'm wearin' a badge
and the man they shot

swore out a complaint.

Well, I reckon you got
a job to do, like it or not,

but I ain't gonna help you none.

I understand.

Guess if I was you,
I'd feel the same way.

Marshal, I hope
you don't find 'em!

Facin' the jail, they
won't go peaceably.

Ha, ha, ha!

Katherine lives down
at the end of the street.

Katherine, nice
name ain't it, Quincy?

She as pretty as she sounds?

She's pretty all right.

Nice town, pretty girl
wantin' to get married.

Beats punchin' cattle, boy.

Yeah, you'd be better
off stayin' here, Doak.

No tellin' what's
in store for us.

Oh, forget it, I'm
ridin' with you.

What's for me in
a town like this?

Maybe a life?

Doin' what, clerkin'?

Or workin' a farm?

Ya know, just maybe the
blister end of a shovel's

better 'n what we're goin' to.

Well, I'll just take my
chances with you both.

Here's the mercantile.

Now, don't you two
ride off without me.

I ain't gonna be long.

Yeah, the way things are goin',

might be the best thing we
could do is ride off without him.

Yeah, I reckon.

Thank you, Ellen.

- Help ya?
- Yeah, we need a few supplies.

We'll need a coffee pot.

- .45 caliber shells.
- Fryin' pan.

- A canteen.
- New skinnin' knife.

- Some jerky.
- Bacon.

- Salt pork.
- Flour.

- Blankets.
- Couple of pounds of coffee.

- Some of them tin plates.
- Now, hold it.

I'd like to see
your money first.

Twelve dollars.

What you're talkin' about'll
take a lot more 'n that.

I got me a good Winchester
right out there on that horse.

How 'bout you trade
that for the supplies?

I don't do no tradin'.

Likely, it's stolen.

Look, mister, you're standin'
there in that pinched collar

just passin' judgment
on everybody

that passes through
that door, ain't ya?

Is this a counter you're
standin' behind here or a pulpit?

I know drifters when I see them.

Mister, we got a
lotta miles to travel.

We'll be needin' them goods.

Now, if you don't
wanna do no tradin',

maybe we can
work it out, surely...

I don't hire on no drifters.

I either deal all
cash or not at all.

You got us all figured
out, ain't ya, mister?

Us breeds that just come
and go like them tumbleweeds.

That's right.

Now you leave or
I'll call the sheriff.

Now you listen to me!

We come in here to
do honest business...

and all you give
us is a hog grunt.

All right, pilgrim,
we're leavin'.

You filled out some.

Doak Noonan.

Not a letter in two months.

I ain't passed through
no town in two months.

Don't tell me all you
did was drive cattle.

You don't drive cattle,
honey, you push 'em.

I wrote you plenty of letters,

I just didn't have a
chance to mail 'em.

If you don't believe me, you
can look in the saddlebags.

Oh, Doak.

After all them months
with steers and cowhands,

you smell awful good.

I bet you took a bath this
mornin' just like always.

Sure did.

Down at the creek?

Like always.

Too bad you weren't there.

You been sharin' that
creek with anybody else?



But mind ya, I've
had plenty of offers.


Oh, you smell mighty
horsey, Doak Noonan.

Well, what do ya expect
comin' off the trail?

We'll just fix that.

Come on, let's go
down to the creek.


Don't fret.

Pa's workin', Mom's at a
church meetin'. Come on.

Kathy, I ain't stayin'.

I'm just passin' through.

To where?

Panhandle most likely...

with a couple of
friends of mine.

That's all the way to Texas.

We were gonna get married.

Miss Jenny's makin' my
weddin' dress right now.

I know, honey, I know.

We're still gonna get married,
it's just gonna take a spell.

The money I earned.

What about it?

- It's gone.
- A hundred dollars?

What happened to it?

Well, we were in Dodge City...

And I don't know.

You don't know?

My friends are waitin'.

Doak, Doak, ya can't leave.

Ya leave...

I'm not waitin' for ya again.

Honey, I told you,
I lost the money.

I ain't got nothin'.

Well, then that's
what we'll start with.

Doak, I'm not waitin'
out anymore trail drives.

Ya can't keep bein' a
drover and have me, too.

I'm not taking it away
from you, Doak...

just givin' you a choice.

And I hope you choose me,

because I want you very much.

Oh, Doak.

Oh, Doak.

Don't know what we're
gonna do from here to Texas.

Yeah, I got a half
a mind to stomp

that uppity storekeep's
face right into the floor.

We got enough trouble, Will.

Yeah, we also got
200 miles of badlands

with no store, not
even a tradin' post.

Two, three days, them
buzzards'll be countin' our ribs.

No, sir.

There's one thing left for us.

What's that?

We take what we need.

Wait a minute.

Now, like I was sayin',
a fryin' pan, some coffee,

and some salt pork.

We're gonna list 'em
for ya as you go along.

Now, get 'em up here.

Ah, don't forget
the beans, pilgrim.

I want your word you won't
stir for a spell after we're gone.

You don't give us your
word, we're gonna tie you up.

Now, is that your mouth
there under your nose

or is it an ugly scar?

Say somethin'.

I won't do nothin'.

Storeroom back there, Will.

Lock him up in it.

You'll get the balance
by mail, mister.

Maybe we oughta leave
him here, be better off.

Yeah, but he don't know that.

She is pretty.

Leavin' that for 30
a month and found?

He's stayin'.

How do ya know?

The way that gal
looks, he's stayin', Will.

I'm so glad that you're home.


So long, kid!

Will, Quincy, wait!

I gotta talk to ya!

- Wait up!
- Doak.

Wait, Quince!

Sheriff, go, they robbed me.



- I'm hit.
- No!

Will, I'm hit, I'm hit.

Doak! Doak!

Doak, no.


Help the kid.

Nothin' we coulda done.

A few nights ago...
visitin' Dodge.

Just a break at
the... end of the drive.

What happened, Will?

Save your wind.

Now listen...

Get ready.

Hold onto that.

Hold it there hard.

You know, I must be
gettin' awful fond of ya.

Look at that. Gettin'
down to my last chaw.

Will... we k*lled a man.

They're gonna
be comin' after us.

You better go on.

What's gonna happen to you?


I'll tell 'em the whole
thing is your fault.

No, siree.

Much a pain in the
hide as you get to be,

we're goin' on together.

Now listen, we'll be
gettin' into Texas soon.

Now, that's ground I
was born and raised on.

There'll be somethin'
there for us to do,

even a couple of broke
down old hands like us.

Now, come on, come on.

Get up, come on.

Ya know...

kid wantin' to be like us.


Few days ago, it
seemed like a good idea.

She sure was pretty.


Come on, come on.

The girl told me the
man who shot him

is named Will Parmalee.

The young fella answers to Doak.

You know how it happened?

Well, I thought at
first it was a robbery,

but then, the money
is still in the cashbox.

Well, Matthew?

We'll have to keep
after 'em, Festus.

Now, it could be m*rder.

What's that?

Twelve dollars.

Ya know, we'll be
crossin' over the border

into Texas anytime now. Come on.

We can make a camp, then.

Get ya some rest there.

Come on, man, dig a spur in.

Hold on.

You got it, come on, here.

Watch it, watch it.



You know, we
ain't there yet, part.

Well, long as you're down
here, you might as well rest.

Will... how you gonna
know it's... Texas

when we get there, huh?

Big old signboard sayin':
"This here's Texas?"

I'll know.

Bleedin' again?

Aw, some, some.


there's a pencil, and a piece
of paper in my saddlebag.

This ain't no time to be
writin' your mother, boy.

I'm fixin' to make out my will.

Well, see, you ain't
got nothin' to leave

except that fiddle-headed horse.

And a g*n that
handles like a plow.

And you ain't got no family.

Yeah, that's right.

I'm fixin' to leave
everything to you, Will.

Ya know, I've taken another
look at that horse of yours,

and he's worse than I thought.

Now, what'd I ever
do to you, Quincy,

to deserve you leavin' me
an animal like that, huh?

Now listen, you ain't gonna die

and do nothin' like that to me.

Do ya hear me, Quince?

There's somebody out there.

Yeah, I suppose it's Matt.

We better stop
it right here, Will.

No, I think too much of Matt

to have him have to bring me in.

Besides, it ain't just
another night in jail now.

Will, you ain't ever
gonna make it to Texas...

with me along.

We both know I'm dyin'.

I've lost enough
blood to paint a horse.

If Dillon's the
man you say he is,

he'd be obliged to... bury me

and give ya... a
lotta time to get away.

Quince, you always
was the worst man

to go right to the shade.

What's the matter, that ground
gettin' warm under you now?

Ride, Will, ride.

I'm runnin' out on us, partner.

Can't be no cowboy forever.

I'll buy that, yes sir.

Come on, now,

they might as well dig
a hole for both of us.

Come on, get a hold of me.

I gotcha.

Your hat.

Let's go now.

They're headed
for Texas, all right.

Yeah, home ground.

One of 'em shot up thatta way,

they ain't gonna
make it neither.

Feel that warm air?

Yeah. I figure that's Texas air

comin' up all the
way from the Gulf.

Breeze is warmer
than a mother's smile.

Smell the salt from here.

Wait up, Will.


Either I already
died or I hear cattle.

Come on.

We're in Texas.

Easy, easy, Quince.

We're in Texas, Quincy.

Not a railroad track,
no boxcars around,

just cowhands doin' their job.

Will you look at them
slab-sided, lop-horned beauties?

Sure a pretty sight.

Come on, Quince, come on.

I gotcha, I gotcha.

Will, Marshal.

Best get ridin'.

Naw, naw, even a
hard eye like Matt

ain't gonna chase us
all the way into Texas.

Now listen, you just
rest up here for a minute

then we'll get out
and find you a doctor.

You can mend up and I'll go out

and hook on with
one of these outfits.

Sounds good.

Hey, look at that.

This is good country
here for cattle, the best.

I ever tell you I got a
little piece of land here?


Well, I have, just this
side of Hardin County.

Good grass, little
creek runs through it.

Just never could seem
to find the time to work it.

Boy, the winters come down hard

off them Horsehead Mountains,

howlin' loud enough to
drive a coyote to su1c1de.

Planted some pines
for a windbreak.

Wonder if them
trees ever took hold.

You know...

I reckon you was right.

Can't go on pushin'
cattle forever.

Someday we're gonna
wake up all wrinkled

like a burnt boot, lookin'
around for a rockin' chair.

Yes, sir, I reckon
you were right.


He ought to have
just kept ridin'.

Old Will ain't changed none
bein' on the run, has he?

Still a ramrod.

Still takin' care of his men.

You know, I reckon
him and old Quincy

was just about as
close as two men gets.

Yeah, just like Will, isn't it?

Wouldn't let Quincy die till
he got him back to Texas.

Old Will, he'll be
a-figurin' this be

his buryin' ground,
too, Matthew.

I know.

That's far enough, Matt.

I didn't figure you'd
follow me this far.

I didn't want to, Will, but
you k*lled a man back there.

I couldn't help it.

The way they had me
backed in, I had no choice.

As it turned out,
he k*lled Quincy.

Doak's dead, too.

Now don't make it three.

Come on down, Will.

You know better 'n that, Matt.

Doesn't matter how far you run.

I ain't runnin' anywhere,
Matt, I'm home.

Afraid it's just like
we called it, Matthew.

He ain't runnin' and
he ain't comin' back.

Ya know, Matt, I always
figured to die a cowhand.

Struck by lightnin'
or under the hooves,

but sittin' on leather,

not danglin' at the end of a
rope like some side of beef.

So long, Matt.

Vaya con dios!




Ha, ha, ha!

Ha, ha!

- Wait, stop!
- What are ya doin'?

Hold on!

Clear the road!

Look out!

What are you doin'?

Well, Matthew,
there ain't a thing

that you could've did about it.

That there was a fool
thing old Will done,

but he wouldn't have
had it no other way.

Yeah, I know.

It's like you said...

he's home.

Their names do not roll

with the thunder of
Jefferson or Paine,

but between 1866 and 1882,
for $30 a month and found,

these hard and lonely men
pushed five million cattle

into the heartland
of a growing nation.

They were the
builders of this land.

Stay tuned for exciting scenes
from our next Gunsmoke.