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06x10 - Every Version of You

Posted: 03/30/22 18:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on This Is Us...

First day of summer.

We don't want to be
the last ones in the pool.

All right, g*ng, it's time
to get the hell out of here.


We climb.

You need to end it, Malik.

You need to do it for her.

What? I'm not gonna...

- I love her.
- If you really love her, man,

then you will do what is best for her.

He's acting so weird.

He hasn't texted all morning.

Senator Gamble's office keeps calling.

He saw the article
in The Philadelphia Local

and sends his regards.

Tell the senator I have to call
the old fart back

after the holiday.

REBECCA: In the event
that Miguel, God forbid,

is not here to make
those decisions for me,

I'm gonna need one of you
to stand in for him.


I want it to be you.

♪ ♪

Come on, guys. Come on.

First day of summer.

We don't want to be
the last ones in the pool.

And you know what Mom and Dad

- have for you guys.
- Oh!

- Swim goggles!
- Swim goggles!

- I want one!
- Chairs, chairs, chairs, chairs.

Hey, Bug, you want some goggles?

KEVIN: I want to go
off the diving board.

JACK: Don't you think
you ought to learn how to,

- you know, swim first?
- REBECCA: Yeah, bud.

I know you didn't like
taking your swim lessons,

but they sure helped your brother

learn how to swim at the Y.

KATE: That girl is
swimming upside down.


She's doing the backstroke.

And you would have learned how
to do that, too, if you stayed

in class at the Y.

There's Mr. Mike! Can I go see him?

Yeah. Yeah, of course. Good luck.

Actually, Randall, come here.

Hey, hey, hey.

So, um, I know
that your brother and sister

didn't take to swimming
as fast as you did.

And... I don't know,
I just had this whole idea of us

swimming here together.

But... maybe next summer.


Okay. Go get 'em, champ!

- Go, go.
- JACK: Hey, you, uh...

- you got Kate?
- REBECCA: Yeah. I got Kate.

RANDALL: I'm here, I'm here!

- Don't start without me!
- (CHUCKLES) I wouldn't dream

of starting without my star student.

Up top!



All right, troops. Now,

you five have rocked it
all summer at the Y.

Today's the day.

So, how it's gonna go...

first, we're gonna start

with a timed
underwater breathing exercise.

Then you're gonna swim
the whole length of the pool.

Then, after that, you're gonna
tread water for about a minute.

And then we'll finish
floating on our backs and done.

- KATE: Uh-uh. No.
- KEVIN: Okay, hey, look, relax.

- We're gonna try it again.
- No! I can't.

I can't. No.



(QUIETLY): Damn it.

We're getting arrested.


Oh, thank you so much, sir.

Is that beer?



Pick that up.

Yes, sir.

Give me that.

It-it is beer.

All right. So that's illegal
trespassing, underage drinking.

I'd say that you guys are in
for a very unpleasant night.

Wait right here.

This can't be happening.

Just wait right here.
I'll-I'll be right back.


- KEVIN: Hey, hey, hey.
- Randall.

- Don't make it worse.
- I can handle this.

Excuse me, sir?


Just seconds.

REBECCA: I need you all

to hear my voice right now.

Your mother's voice,

with all of her faculties.


You will not make your lives
smaller because of me.

This thing that's happening to me

will not be the thing
that holds you back.

So, take the risks.

Make the big moves,

even if they're small moves.

Forge ahead with your lives

in any and every direction
that moves you.

I am your mother,

and I'm sick.

And I'm asking you to be fearless.



I'm sure she has her reasons, hon.

No, I know.

And it's Thanksgiving.


We knew there was gonna be drama.


No, it's okay. I get it.

It's just, uh...

It's a lot to process.

- Mm.

Wow, I just figured out why
Malik has been being so weird.

You told him to stay away from me?

- Dej...
- He broke up with me.

I literally hate you.

Hey. Deja.

- You don't mean that.
- No, no, I do.

I do. He lied to me. You lied to me.

How did I lie to you?

You walked around for weeks,

staring in my face,

acting like nothing happened,

when you know what you did.

I didn't think
he would listen to me. Okay?

You kids are notorious
for not listening.

Hey, hey. Why don't we all
just calm down, all right?

It is late.
Emotions are at a ten right now,

and this is a very old house
with very thin walls.

Is everything okay?

We heard yelling.

Case in point.


just a little family issue.

RANDALL: Deja, dropping out

of high school to get your GED
and move to Boston

to live with your -year-old
single father boyfriend,

that is not good enough for you.

- You deserve better.
- You don't get to decide that.

Well, yeah, I do. You're my daughter!

No, I'm not!

Tess and Annie are your daughters.

I'm just some girl
you took from her mom.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Heard you had a rough night in there.

You all right?

Uh, all part of being the parent
of a teenager.

- Mm.
- As you'll see all too soon.

Yo. Safe travels, siblings!

'Kay. We'll see you guys in L.A.

for Mom and Mig's anniversary party.

- KEVIN: All right.
- Love you.

RANDALL: Love you.

Well, I am off to start
my fearless best life for Mom.

- Mm.
- Whatever that means.

- Do you, brother.

- Be good.
- You, too.

- All right.
- All right.



You guys sticking around
for breakfast?

We're having leftovers.

And pie.

Um... no.

But thanks.

BETH: God.

I can't find her anywhere.

- Who?
- Deja. She's not in the house.


- Where is she?
- I don't know.

- I woke up and she was already gone.
- Tess?


I don't want you to get mad.

I'm already there.

Where's your sister?

She left last night.

She what?

She was really upset. And
I tried to talk her out of it,

but she wouldn't listen to me.
So she took off.

She went to talk Malik
into getting back together.

- Oh, good Lord.
- I can't believe she would do this.

- Where you going?
- To get my daughter.


Should I go with you?

I mean, we'd have to take the girls.

Hey, guys. I know this is a lot,

but let's take a deep breath

and it will feel less overwhelming.

Or maybe we should just let Kate
handle it,

since she handles
all the big stuff now.

Hey, Miguel,
I hate to put you out, man,

but could you give Beth and
the girls a ride back to Philly?

Uh, sure. Yeah, I can do that.

Thank you.
I'll call you from the road.

All right. I'll keep trying Deja.


- Mom, what are you doing?
- I'm coming with you.

Hey, Miguel. Could you grab
my bags for me, please?

That's really not necessary.

I am coming with you.

Get in the car.





Come on.


- Hmm...
- Your call has been forwarded

to an a*t*matic voice...

Malik's not picking up, either.

I swear, when I get to Boston,
I'm gonna...

- What?

Do you even know what you're
gonna do when you get there?

I haven't got it all mapped out, Mom,

but throwing Deja over my shoulder

and zip-tying her to
the backseat has come to mind.


You know the car has Bluetooth, right?

If Malik were to have picked up
the phone,

do you think what you would say to him

would help or hurt the situation?



Thank you.



She's done this before.

A few months ago.

She told me and Beth
she was going to a sleepover,

and she hopped on a bus to Boston.


I was not like this with Beth.

No, you were not.


...not everyone's
first love story is the same.

Mine was with Chris Bellose.

I was .

He was... much too old for me.


(SIGHS) I was head over heels for him.

He looked like James Dean.

Had the cutest butt.

- No.
- Yeah.

- No. Stop.
- The cutest, little,

- tight... Yeah.
- Okay.


I can't imagine you at .


This morning, when you mentioned
Kate handling the big things...

That was a stupid joke. That's all.

Shouldn't have said it.


You think we might be able to
stop for something to eat soon?

I can't, um, take my meds
on an empty stomach.

Uh, yeah. Say no more.

WAITRESS: Iced tea and two
pastrami sandwiches on rye.

- Mmm.
- Thanks.

Thank you, Samantha.

Um, actually...

do you mind taking a picture

- for us?
- Mom, really?

- What? Just one.
- Mom, she's busy.

I-I look like crap. Come
on. What are we doing here?

Oh, I'm sorry. Yesterday, you were
obsessed with taking photos of me.

And now, today,
you're some shy teenager?

- Okay.
- You guys celebrating something?

No. Just, uh, a day with my son.


You like 'em? I can take more.

- Oh.

No, these are perfect.

- Could you, uh...?
- I'll AirDrop you.

- Beautiful.
- Yeah.

- She'll AirDrop me.
- Mm-hmm.


Looks good.


We met up with some heavy people

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

It's good?

- Mm-hmm.
- Good.


- ♪ Up in southern Illinois

They took us way out
in the country

And gave us all a place to stay

Hey, hey...


Sorry, they make these
things so hard to open.




- Thanks.
- Yeah.

- This is my life now. (CHUCKLES)
- ♪ They had farmhouse and a trailer

- ♪ They had some sails and a lot of land

They said they farm all through...

It was, um... Eat'n Park.

The first time I saw you do that.

You were six or seven.

And we spent that summer

working on your Scholastic
Book Club reading list.

- Wow. That is a throwback.
- Mm.

I was obsessed with that thing.

Yes, you were obsessed.

You wanted to beat
everyone in your class

- and read all the books on the list.
- Yeah.

And we would sit in the living
room reading together

each night on the couch,

while Kevin and Kate
and Dad watched TV.

Do you remember that?

- I do.
- Yeah.

And every Friday in the summer,

we would get to the library
before it opened,

and we would stay until it closed.

And then I would take you
to Eat'n Park... just us.

We'd always get
the smiley face cookie.

Yes. Yes.

That was our favorite part, remember?

It was. Yeah.



That's my phone.

Oh, right.



It's Beth.


BETH: So I finally got a hold of Deja.

Where is she?

She got to Boston.

She's with Malik.

She wanted us to know she's fine
and to stop worrying.

Uh, we're in Connecticut.

- We could be there in a few hours.
- Okay.

- I love you.
- Love you, too.

Uh, we should hit the road.

- Probably be there before nightfall.
- Yeah.

Can I give you a little advice?


Give her some space.

We were sitting
'round the trailer...

- Space?
- Yeah.

Yeah, give her a little bit
of space to figure this out.

Just for a night.

You know, she said
we shouldn't worry about her,

so try to trust that.

- ♪ And putting away that highland blues

And the reefer, too...

So if we're not hitting
the road, what do we do now?


Well, I-I did see a bar
down the block.

You fancy a drink with old Mom?

Him and his lady,
they dug the country...


Thirty-five seconds.

That's got to be
a new swim test record.

- I can go for longer.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.

I believe you, but I also want
to keep my teaching license.

Uh, let's go see what
your swim mates are up to

and get them ready for part two.

REBECCA: Come on.
He's just a child, Jack.

- Yeah, someday, he's gonna be a man.

REBECCA: I'm trying to get
her to put her face in the water,

- so good luck with that.
- JACK: Okay. Here.

Hey, Randall, come on. Let's go.

OFFICER: All right.

You're free to go.

Next time, don't litter.

Happy Thanksgiving.


How did you pull that off?

We just talked.

He was a reasonable guy.

You're telling me what you said, okay?

- You're telling me what you said.
- Yeah, whatever.

It's getting late.
We should head home.

Right, or...

There's another option on the table.

We could head to the diner.
I have the keys.

I don't want to go home yet.

It's depressing.

And think about it,
when was the last time

the three of us
were all together like this?

I'm game.

KATE: Yes.



Are you sure we're allowed in here?

We've broken enough laws
for one night.

Jukebox. Sweet.

Randall, my manager's out sick,
like, five days a week.

I practically run the place.
We're fine.



Hey, uh, do you guys have a phone?

I want to call Mom,
let her know where we are.

Yeah, phone's in the office.

- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.





What's so funny?

- The floor is sticky.
- Ah.

I haven't been to a-a bar in years,

but the floor, always sticky.

I don't even want to know what
substances contributed to that.

Should we, should we get
a selfie? Come on.

Is this gonna be an all-day thing?

- Oh, yeah. Yeah.
- Okay.

Here we go.

- Mm. That was...
- Beautiful.

Oh, after you.

- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.

- Ah.

- Ooh.

What can I get you?

Hi. Uh, we would like two glasses

of your Chianti Classico, please.

I got red and white, both room temp.


Uh, we'll take your red, please.

- BARTENDER: You bet.
- All right.

- Sure.

Since when do you drink
Chianti Classico?



REBECCA: "Five Fun Facts

"about Controversial Councilman

Number one: I love
a nice glass of Chianti."


I can't believe you have this.

Are you kidding me?

I collect anything
and everything about you kids.

Ah, look at this.

"What is Councilman Pearson
reading right now?"

- Uh-huh.


In the article, you mention
that you cried like a baby

when Marjorie brought
Marcus to the Cape Castle.

(SIGHS) I did, too.

Just sobbed.


Buon appetito.

- RANDALL: Grazie.
- REBECCA: Thank you.

Ah. Want to get your phone?

Get a little wine selfie?

- Sure.
- All right.

- That's the spirit.

- (SUCKS TEETH) And...
- Oh.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


Wow, that's a good one.

RANDALL: That's a good one.


- Hmm?
- They have a dartboard.

Your father and I used to play
darts all the time at Froggy's.


You want to play?

Yeah, sure. Well, why not?


Know what?

We don't need pictures of it.

I'll remember this part.

And you will, too.

I promise.

Come on.

Let me go kick your butt.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah, let me show you

- how it's done.
- It's like that.






Randall. It's almost : .

And I have a pulse,
and I found a phone.

We're just at Kate's diner,
goofing off.

It's actually nice. Been a while
since we all hung out.


You doing okay?


I will be. (EXHALES)

Uh, Kate told me about Miguel.

I don't know why
I'm taking this so hard.

He was a big part of your life.

You know, it's natural to feel, uh...

...yeah, no, just to feel.

Yeah, well, I am...

I'm feeling.


Anyway, you know what?
Don't let me keep you.

You go enjoy your evening

with your brother and sister,
all right?

Hey, uh...

could you check
the right pocket of my backpack?

I think it's on the couch.

Yeah, it's right here.

Open it.



Our cookies.

I stopped by Eat'n Park

on my way home.

I wanted to give it to you
before dinner,

but a lot was going on.

Randall, thank you.

This is...

I-I needed this.


You're welcome.

Mom, now, don't eat it all. Come on.

What are you talking about?

- You got these cookies for me.
- No, Mom.

Sharing is caring.
You taught me that. (CHUCKLES)


at least their only room left
is also their finest.


You sure you're okay with this?

It's lovely.

Okey dokey.


You have more gray in your beard.

I know. Can't seem to stop it.





Jae-won, it's late, buddy.

Push the meeting.

I don't know, man. There's a lot
going on right now.

Just, um...

need to find some more runway
to kick this can, okay?

(SUCKS TEETH) All right, later.

What can is being kicked?


Senior Senator from Pennsylvania
keeps calling,

wanting to meet.

Why don't you want to meet with him?

It sounds important.

Uh, it's complicated.

Well, okay.

Well, if you don't want
to talk about it, I won't pry.


You know that article,
the five fun facts?


It's not just a fluff piece.

It's part of a bigger strategy.

I've been getting these calls
from the DNC,

this, um, Senator Gamble,
in particular.

He's retiring next year,

and he's put my name on a short list

of potential people to replace him.

- Now, it's a long shot, Mom.
- What?

I don't have a national profile,

but, uh, the first election
got a lot of attention, and, uh,

this rehab initiative
is getting some more, so...

Oh, my God, Randall.

- Ma.
- You are gonna be a senator?

- No, I'm not, Ma. (LAUGHS)

I haven't even decided if it's
something I'm interested yet.

All right? Beth just got settled
into her dance academy.

I can't put her through
another campaign.

I just don't want to make
any major life decisions

with so much uncertainty
in the family.

You know?


Yeah, I understand.


♪ ♪


And that is how you get it done.

k*ller job, Randall.

It is my great honor to now certify

that you are allowed
in the deep end, kiddo,

with the big kids.

No more limits.

Let me let the lifeguards know.


- REBECCA: How'd she do?

Today is not the day.



Settled the bill.

Ready to go?


Will you sit with me for a minute?

Okay, but just for minute.

If we hit the road by : ,

- we'll be in Boston in time to get back to...
- Just sit. Please.




I remember watching you swim
as a little boy.

You took to it so fast.

That first summer,
you were just all...

(CHUCKLES) ...skinny limbs and...

flailing arms,
but you were still so good.

- Yeah.

And then the next summer,
you were a little bigger.

And then the summer after that.

You kids just kept changing.

Getting better and better,
and stronger and stronger.


...second, every day,

every year, you just... became.

It was quite a thing for me...

...having a front-row seat
to the best show in town.

I know you're worried about me,

- Oh, Mom, I'm not even...
- No, no.

It's okay.


this disease has taken
its toll on everybody...


...but on you, especially.


When your dad died, you just, uh...

you really rose
to the occasion, Randall.

Any time I needed you, you were there.

I used to think you kind of
became my rock after Dad,

but in reality,

no, this thing you and I have,

that was there long before then.

I mean, Dad didn't love to read,

- so you read with me.

And then, when your dad died,

you didn't end up going to
the college that you wanted to

- so you could be near me.
- That's not true.

It is true. It's very true.

You-you took care of me.

Which, yes,

it is the natural course
for parents and children.

Eventually, but not that soon.

Not that early.

It was...

it was a lot to ask of you.

It was, it was too much.

And that is why I couldn't
make you the executor.

Because you and I both know
you would move heaven and earth

to see me get better,

and you would stop
your entire life for me.

- And I can't let you do that.

Not anymore.

You are my hero, Randall.

You're the most incredible person,

and I...

I will not be the person
that holds you back anymore.

- You've never been that.
- No, I know.

- I know.

I know.





Hey, can I say something
that sounds obnoxious

that I can only say to you?

- Well, yes, that's what I'm here for.

If I do this thing, I'll win, Mom.

If I run, I'll win.

And if I win,

I can't even imagine
where this thing will end.

I can.

I can see it very clearly.



It's Deja.


Hey, Dej.

I'm on my way right now.






You know, I didn't do this
because of you.

No, um... (EXHALES) just wasn't fair to her.

For either of us, really.

I just love her so much.

That's the thing
about first loves, man.

They form you

and can stay with you
for the rest of your life.


You know, these things have
a way of coming back around,

Malik, if they're meant to be.

A person can walk out the door
and that's the end,

but sometimes, the door reopens.

Thank you...

...for looking out for me,

being my mentor.

It really meant a lot.

You're a good kid, Malik.

You're a very good kid.

You take care of yourself, okay?


Everything has been so intense for us,

since we got together.

And I guess...

...maybe in-in the future...

...just not now.

I'm sorry about what I said.

I don't want to have a whole
talk about it right now...

...but you're my dad.

You're the only one I ever had.

Let's go home.


Hey. Mom all good?


Okay, I got to ask, man.

What did you tell the cop?

Seriously. What'd you say?

- Excuse me, sir?
- Whoa.

Just seconds.

My father died two years ago.

And my-my siblings over there,

Actually, we're struggling.

Sir, I've been trying to carry
this family on my back

for the past two years, and...

I don't know if I'm doing it well.

But if we break tonight,

if my mom has to get a call

that her three children
are in trouble...

...there's a very real chance
we won't make it.

Oh, and I may end up
being president one day.


I really can't get arrested.

Like I said,

he was a reasonable guy.

I just asked him to look at you two,

to really look at you,

and tell me if he thought

you guys would last one night in jail.

- He did not.

(LAUGHING): Shut up!

♪ ♪




What a strange thing.


All of it.

RANDALL: Miguel, thanks

for sticking around, man.

Oh, anytime, Randall. Of course.

You guys have a safe trip back.

- And call us when you get there, okay?
- We will.

Good to see you. Mmm.

- You, too. Thank you.
- Take care.

You got it? You got it?

- Thanks for everything.
- Of course.

- Migs. Mwah.
- That was so much fun.

- It was a blast.
- MIGUEL AND BETH: See you soon.

- Thanks, Mom.
- Mm.

Could I get one more selfie
for the road?

- I'll wait in the car.

Why not?

Come on.


Here we go.


- Cheese.


- That reminds me.
- What?

Could you sign this for me, please?

It's gonna be worth
a lot of money one day, and...

- I should leave something for Miguel.

Well, in that case...




Hey, bud!

How'd it go? Did you pass the test?

- Yeah, I did.
- You did?

- Good job, bud.
- Good job.

You guys want to come in with me?

You know what, I think
we're all a little tired.

So maybe next time.

- Tag! You're it!
- No way!

- All right.


JACK: Hey, boys!

- Boys.

- Hold on a second.

- Hold on a second.
- KEVIN: Kate!

- KEVIN AND RANDALL: Come on! Come on!
- Oh, Kate! Come on, Kate!

- KEVIN: Come on!
- ♪ Well, I think it's fine

JACK: Come on, Kate. Okay, okay.

- ♪ Building jumbo planes
- I got you.

Or taking a ride

- Oh.

- ♪ On a cosmic train
- Here it is.

- ♪ Switch on summer

- Come in!
- Come on, Mom!

From a slot machine


- So fun!
- Mom!

I know we've come a long way

We're changing day to day

But tell me

Where do the children play?

Well, you roll on roads

Over fresh green grass

For your lorry loads

Pumping petrol gas

Hey, Jae-won.

No more kicking the can.

Let's lock in Monday morning
for that meeting

with Senator Gamble.

But they just go on and on

And it seems
that you can't get off


I know we've come a long way

We're changing day to day


(QUIETLY): They're both sleeping.

The prodigal twins have returned.

You're impressed. Admit it.

I am.

♪ ♪

(PANTS) Did you, uh...

fill Sheila's job yet?

PHILLIP: Uh, no. But
we're looking at applicants.

I'd like to be considered.

Oh, oh

Well, you've cracked the sky


Scrapers fill the air

But will you keep on
building higher


I've got, uh, some good news.

The, um...

smoker arrived in time

for your mom and Miguel's
anniversary party.

Will you make us cry?

I am not ready
to move to San Francisco.

Not with where we are right now.

I'm sorry.

I know we've come a long way

We're changing day to day

But tell me, where
do the children play?