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02x03 - This Deadly Secret...

Posted: 03/31/22 16:23
by bunniefuu
[echoes of Danny's fight]

[men grunting]


[police siren echoing]

[man screaming]


I didn't hear you come in last night.

[Danny] I just got back a few minutes ago.


Are you gonna come to bed?

I'll get some rest
when this parley goes down.

You okay?

Oh. This, uh... It's not my blood.

Tigers jumped a Hatchet g*n shipment
and shot one of them.

I had to take him to the emergency room.

It was a mess.

The Yangs are dragging their feet.

[Colleen] Mrs. Yang got Mr. Yang

to consider sitting at a table
with his mortal enemies.

We can't force them to share plates.


but I can strongly suggest it.

Hmm. I'm not sure
that particular brand of might

can make this situation right.

Might can be a powerful deterrent
if used correctly.

Yeah. It's a very slippery slope.

A Triad w*r impacts this whole community.

I know. I live here.

All I'm doing is keeping an eye
on the hot spots.

The territorial borders and the docks.

Just until this parley goes down.

Some problems get worse
when you punch at 'em.

Woke up on the wrong side of bed
this morning?

And you never went to bed.

What's new on the Frank Choi front?

We're gonna play that game, huh?

Danny, we were talking
about you overreaching.

Yeah, then I asked you something
I know is important to you.

[scoffs] You did not.
You deflected from the issue.

There is no issue.

Danny, you have not been home in days.

You barely sleep when you are home.

How many times a night
you light that fist up?

It's not just this parley. It's...

ever since Matt Murdock asked you
to keep his torch burning.

He told me to protect his city.

There's no torch.

[kettle whistling]

This has nothing to do with the fact
that K'un-Lun is gone?

That the Hand is gone?

And without them,
the Iron Fist has no...

clearly defined role?

You build your identity
around this mantle,

then the wind changes.

If anyone gets that, it's me.

I'm just trying to do what's right.

I'm sorry. I just...

[sighs] I worry about you.

I'm okay.

I promise.


That woman Mary called for you yesterday.

When you were out.

What did she want?

I don't know. She hung up.



[theme music playing]

[Ward] Suggestion...

Aromatic candles, wall art...

would do wonders in here.

Thanks for your generosity.

I'd like to talk about gratitude.

How do we struggle with expressing it?


What we say here stays here.

That's an NA thing, yes?

- This is a safe space.
- [Ward] Is it?

Because I ran into my sister
a few nights ago,

and somehow she knows
that I've been coming here.

Did one of you go and tell her this?

Thanks for sharing, Ward.

As I mentioned before,

I'd like to talk about gratitude.

[Ward] Was it about the money?

'Cause if one of you needed money,

all you have to do is ask me.

'Cause money
isn't one of my many, varied issues.

I respect your privacy.

I'd like you to respect mine.

Why don't you respect the meeting
you're in right now?

It's a simple question.
It's an easy answer.

I won't be angry. I just wanna know.

No one knows your sister, man.

Carlos, it's cool.

Let me.

What was your sister's reaction
to the news that you were in recovery?

You've got some unresolved issues
around your sister.

[chuckles] Welcome to the club.

What are you actually feeling right now?

I feel...

No. I know
that you're all a bunch of assholes.

[indistinct chatter]

Hey, we need to talk. Can you meet?

Sure. Your place is fine.

This group thing you're doin'...

it's brave.


Work in progress.

Point is, if someone told Joy
that I've been going to meetings,

it could mean
that someone's coming for Rand.

- So just ask her.
- I did.

We haven't had a meaningful conversation
in months.

[sighs] Man.

I ran into her and her new
business partner at an art auction.

What do you mean?

She only just divested.

Uh, a foreign investor, I think.

You should've seen this little prick.

Uh... Danton. No, David.

No. Um...



Wait, you know him?

I grew up with him.

I saw him a few nights ago.

Did they say what kind of business?

No. But whatever she's doing,

this guy could know what it is.

Is there any way that you can call him
and try and suss out what's going on?

No, things are shaky between us.


Man. [sniffs]

I wish we could just...
I don't know, get together, hash it out.

What world is that gonna happen in?

Good point.


I could be wrong.

If you invite us... dinner, drinks...
here at your place,

we talk it out.

- We could do this tonight, even.
- Tonight?


I don't know, Ward, it's...
It's kinda late notice.

I mean, I'd have to ask Colleen, as...

- [imitates whiplash]
- [both laughing]

Come on, man. Don't be a d*ck.

I'm sorry. I don't mean
to put you and Colleen out.

I mean...

after everything that happened
with our father, we haven't even...

We haven't even talked about it.

I wouldn't even know where to start.


I'll ask.

Thanks, man.

I really appreciate that.


Uh, maybe we make it like I, like...

turn up, like...



[scoffs] Come on, it's underhanded.

Especially when you're trying
to mend fences.

She might not even turn up
if she knows I'm gonna be here.


Come on, Danny. Do me a favor here.

All right.

I'll call you once the runway's clear.

[cell phone vibrating]

Hey. You good?

Hey. Yeah. Um...

[smacks lips] I was wondering if you'd
mind if we have some people over tonight.

Kinda like a housewarming-type thing.

Who were you thinking?

Me, you, Joy, Ward and, uh, Davos.


Yeah, you, uh... You lost me at Davos.

Apparently he and Joy
are in business together.

Oh, yeah? What sort of business is that?

We can ask them tonight, you know?

Keep it super chill, though.

You and Davos
aren't exactly in a good place.

No, we're not,
but it'll be good to clear the air.

So, you're going to cook, right?


Yeah, nice try.

We'll do it together. It'll be fun.

This could be a good thing.

A chance for us to slow down,
catch a breath.

All right. I'll see you soon.

Yeah. Bye.


[door creaks open]

What the hell are you doing here?

I got the same question.

You following me?

Maybe I wanted to see
what you were up to, is all.

Now you have.

And you've overstayed your welcome,
so please leave.

Why are you snooping around Choi's place?

You know Frank Choi?

Me and Squad, we come in all the spots
that don't have alarms at night.

Look for food, loose change. You know.

Sometimes Frank would catch us,
give us an earful.

He wouldn't like you putting
your feet on his throne.

- This thing?
- Yeah.

He'd bark if anyone
so much as looked at it.

Said it was where he did
all of his best thinking.

Dang. Half of whatever's in there is mine.

It's no Cuvée Léonie, but...

[chuckles] Two fingers
of Hennessy Paradis Impérial says...

you put your money
where your mouth is.

[Joy chuckles]

I have to tell you
that I took this meeting

because my lawyers advised me to.

After the drubbing I took at Rand...

The patent I wanna talk with you about
is not in the Rand portfolio.

I took it with me when I left.

I'm listening.


Your photovoltaic solar cell patent,

it has the potential
to change the global economy.

Now, I respect your expertise
at development and tech,

and you respect my money
and my years of experience.

It's a win-win.

[chuckles softly]

Give me a day...

to have my engineers
look over the proposal.

Production will still be a hurdle.

There's a factory in New Jersey.

The minute they get your schematics,
they can start production within the week.

All right.

Just give me a call
when you're ready to get rolling.

I haven't said yes yet.

You will.


[knocking at door]


The woman I passed in the hall...

Sofia Rios.

I'm looking to partner with her
on a business proposition.

You know, at home in K'un-Lun,
I studied the tactics of Sun Tzu,

Hammurabi, Khālid ibn al-Walīd...

Somehow skipped the teachings
of Dale Carnegie.

You misunderstood.

I actually meant it as a compliment.

In our dealings, you present strength.

You ask no quarter, give no ground.

You see victory in your mind's eye,

and you make it real. I respect that.

Well, I have plans.

For when this business with Danny is done.

Which is why I asked you over.

Danny called earlier and invited us
to dinner at his place tonight.

How would he know we know each...

He ran into Ward at the auction.

He must've said something.

We have to go.

They're obviously
suspicious of our friendship.

Well, let them be.
We'll be done with them soon enough.

Yeah, I didn't go to w*r school,

but I have an MBA and I know
a little something about assessing risk.

It will benefit us both
if we convince Danny we're his friends.

I can't have him or Ward digging too deep
into my divestment paperwork.


He won't suspect anything.

And this dinner...
maybe it's just that.

A dinner.

Dinner's never just dinner.

Figure out what it says?

Nope. I mean, it's a list of some sort,

and these are numbers,
but that's about it.

Can you read it?

I don't know enough Chinese for this.

Well, it doesn't matter.

That dude's either dead or gonna be dead.

Why do you say that?

Snitches get stitches.

You think the police have him in custody?

His cousin told me he owed the Tigers.

Nah, he always pays on time.

Okay, and you know this how?

Me and Squad. We know everything.

What information could he have
that the police would want?

I don't know. Something they don't know.

Oh, wow.

That was profound.
Thank you for that, Sherlock.

That's a stupid-sounding name.

Really, BB? Really?

All right, I'mma go.

Give me my money.

Next time you follow me,
you follow me to Bayard Street.

Lady, you've got nice legs.

But bullshit walks, money talks.

[gasping and panting]


Hey! Hey, Mary!

Excuse me!

- Mary, wait up!
- No.

Mary, slow down! Mary!

I'm sorry. I didn't expect to see you.

I thought you'd be at work
and that I'd leave it and go.

What is this?

I should have told you about it
when we first met,

but I got nervous.

Please don't. Just leave it.
I should throw it away.

Colleen said you called
and then you hung up.

What's going on?

Well, you know...

You were so kind to me from the get-go.

A total stranger.

Then we bumped into each other again.

And I can't remember the last time
I walked down the street with a great guy

and talked about the weather and the city.

And am I so wrong to think
that some things happen for a reason?

Just that certain meetings are auspicious.

Not in a horoscope,
tarot card kind of way.

Just a feeling.

And it's been so long

since I've allowed myself
to have one of those,

or even to leave the house at all.

- You leave this at my door...
- I know. run away... [stammers]
and now you don't want me to open it?

I really have to go.

Mary, what's going on?

- Are you in trouble?
- You could say that.

So tell me about it.

Someone is watching you.


Who's watching me?

Someone called Walker.

Who's Walker?

Go ahead.

[Colleen] Damn.

So, wait. Mary isn't an artist,

she's a private investigator?

I mean, she said someone took these.

Someone called Walker.

It doesn't make sense
that she'd give these to you.

I don't like that she was here, you know?

What if she took something
or installed webcams?

She doesn't really seem like the type.

Why do you say that?

I don't know.
She just seemed genuinely frightened.

Or a genuinely good actor.

A wolf in sheep's clothing
is the one you have to fear the most.

We should cancel the dinner,
just figure this out.

[Danny] No, come on.

This is probably just a...

a Rand thing, you know?

Someone trying to land a story
how I'm moving boxes. [chuckles]


Or someone's trying to k*ll us.


Look, I made a promise to Ward.

He needs us to help figure out
this stuff with Joy.

We can't do it another night?

Yeah, but...

Something you said this morning, it...

it really stuck with me.

I've been pushing so hard recently,

especially with this parley looming.

I could use a night off the streets.

It is always something, I guess.

That's the life we chose.

It seems that way.

Okay, would you put these
over on the table?

These are practically dead.

These are all we've got.


Danny, what do you want out of this?

Well, I wanna find out
what's going on with Joy and Davos.

But I just want it to be good with us.

All of us, you know?

Did you ask Ward to bring dessert?

Yeah, I called, but he didn't pick up.

I left a message.


Hey, um, if Joy gets here before Ward,

she can't know he's coming. Okay?

Why would you not tell her that?

He just thought that she wouldn't turn up
if she knew he was here, so...

Oh, my God. That is ridiculous.
[stammers] So we just...

[knocking at door]

Um, roll with it.

- Try and have some fun.
- That idea just went out of the window.

- Hey! Joy, come in.
- Hi.

- Hi. Good to see you. Hello.
- Danny.

- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.

- Colleen.
- Davos.

Thanks for coming.

Make yourselves at home.



Thank you for the invitation.

Yeah. You wanna put your coat
on the couch? Or...

[Joy] Oh. Uh...

- Yes. Just... yeah? Okay.
- [Colleen] Yeah.

Just throw it over?

[clears throat] Wow.

So far, so good.

A strong-willed woman
dating an arrogant prick.

It's not the hardest sell in this town.

[Joy] Is it this place...?

This was a karate school
when I was last here.

Who did all the work?

Uh... We did. [chuckles]

[exclaims] It is so nice, you guys.

And I love the neighborhood.

I hardly ever get to come this far east.


So, how do you guys even...
know each other anyway?

We're just curious.

But first, do you guys want wine? Water?

- Uh, wine, yes. Thank you.
- Thank you.


Can you believe we met in Paris?

I was on a little bit
of a go-find-myself break.

- And, Davos, you were...
- I was on my way back from Tibet.

[Joy] It was just a really crazy moment.

Talk about a coincidence.

It's kismet, you know? Six degrees.

Call it what you will.

I was standing there waiting for a table
at this little place on Saint-Germain.

- And you...
- I was walking down the street,

and I heard this maître d'
call out, "Madame Meachum."


I recognized her from when we met
at her father's apartment.

So he comes over to my table.
He is so polite.

You just...

I mean, as crazy as it sounds,
'cause although we grew up worlds apart,

we have many common interests.


[Danny grunts]


The universe. [chuckles] There you go.

It's big. [laughs]

But it's really cozy sometimes.

Hey, uh, Davos, I got a grill out back
if you wanna give me a hand.


- Joy, step into my lab.
- Okay.

About the other night...

You know I've always had a temper, Danny.

I remember when Lei Kung would tell us
the best way to work on our anger

was to break rocks with our bare hands.

You know, I broke my wrist in two places
trying to smash that one piece of slate.

Sometimes Colleen will tell me
to throw on a jacket.

She doesn't realize
how used to the cold I got.

Well, no one can understand K'un-Lun
if they haven't lived it.

No, they can't.

You're the only one
who knows what we went through.

Yeah. In that way, we are alike.

Danny, what are those?

They're meatballs. They're for the pasta.

And this is how they are prepared?

[chuckles] Yeah.
I mean, it's how I prepare them.


And that little trick means what exactly?

Chefs do it.

As they do.

You know, I never would have taken you
for the domestic type.

I'm not.

I would've called in a catering company.

Yeah. Uh, Danny really wanted to cook.

I think it was a matter of pride.

You guys are our first
real house guests, so...

And what was it
that inspired him to do this anyway?


He hadn't seen you in so long.

And then you guys had that meeting...

Of course. Of course. The meeting.

- Yeah.
- [chuckles]

And Davos stopped by a few nights ago,

so I think you're just fresh in his mind.

Right. That's right.
Yeah, that makes sense.

[Colleen chuckles nervously]

So, I think these might be
a little overdone.

I have an in at il Buco.

I can have 'em rush over something.

No, no. It's fine.

All right. Well, I'll leave you to it.

How'd it go?

The usual.

If Joy makes one more domestic crack,

- I'm gonna deck her.
- [chuckles]

Should we hold off until Ward gets here?

I just called him again.
He didn't pick up.

Let's just hope he's on his way.

Awareness, acceptance, action.

- Okay, I'm good.
- I'm sorry. What was that?

[deep breath]

Nothing. Um... I'll call you
when I need you.

- I could take you up to the front door.
- No, I could use the air.


Everything okay, Mr. Meachum?

Uh, rd and rd.

[Joy sighs] Mmm.

[Danny clears throat]

[Colleen clears throat]

Well, it's, um...

it's nice to have you guys over,
break in the new place.

- Cheers.
- Cheers to that.

- [Colleen] Hmm.
- [Joy] Mmm-hmm.

[Danny clears throat]

So, Davos, K'un-Lun to New York

has to be quite an adjustment.

I look at any adversity
as a welcome challenge.

So what are you doing
with your spare time?

Besides, uh, shopping for antiquities?

Well, I'm just exploring opportunities
as they arise.


And you, Joy? What are you up to?


Yeah. What's going on
with that divestment money?

Well, I'd rather not talk about it
in front of the competition. [chuckles]

I mean, unless you two...
wanna sign an NDA. [chuckles]

- [scoffs] I'll sign whatever.
- [chuckles]



- Mmm-mmm.
- Mmm. Mmm.

So, I take it from the redecoration
you're not teaching anymore?

No, uh... I'm not.

Mmm. That is too bad.

I had so many teachers
that were so influential in my life.

Well, maybe it's for the best.

What's that supposed to mean?


A teacher lives by example.

And I, uh... I recall a moment of truth.
Do you remember?

A true test
that you just walked away from.



- Do you think you know me?
- [Danny] Hey, Colleen...

[chuckles] We've both been crazy busy.

- Colleen's working at a community...
- [scoffs] What the hell is going on?

Come on. This game we're all playing,
hiding our real intentions...

I mean, I don't... I don't % know
what you mean. [chuckles]

We invited you two over tonight
to get stuff off our collective chests.

So you know what? Davos has it right.

Let's stop being so damn polite.

Is the truth really that hard?

Or am I the only one with the balls enough
to call it like it is?

Oh, God.

You are both so important to him,

and you are clearly
very angry with him, so...

talk to each other, air the grievances.

I mean, it would be nice to know
what is going on between you two.

Davos, you think
Danny stole the Iron Fist from you.

Danny, you think you won it
fair and square.

So hash it out.

[clears throat]

- You wanna go first?
- This is neither the time nor place.

[scoffs] Then when?

Everything doesn't have to be settled
in a g*dd*mn sun chamber

in K'un-freaking-Lun!

Excuse me.

- [sighs]
- Don't.

Let him come back.

[breathes deeply]

So now it's my turn?

Pretty much.

What's your problem with Danny?


I wouldn't say
that I have a problem with Danny...

as much as...

Well, I have issues
with everything that's happened

since he came back into my life. [scoffs]

To find out that my father was alive?

And Danny and my brother, well...

They knew about it,

and they kept it from me.

I mean...

how does someone make that choice?

Joy, there were powers at play

that were bigger than all of us.

We did what we did to protect you.

I can protect myself.

So much of my life was spent living a lie.

And I know...

I know that Harold wasn't...

I know he was a troubled man.

I know that he wasn't right.

But he was my father.

And you kept him from me, Danny.

My dad.


I deserved the truth.

So now, every time I look at him...

[shudders] all of that comes rushing back.

We should go. Now.

No, just... Let's just hold on, okay?

Let's sit back down.

Let's work through this.

I think the wounds
are just a little too fresh.

I know.

That's why me and Ward agreed to do this.

I'm sorry. What?


He's coming.

We need to figure this out.

Hey, there.

Need a hand?

Go away, Ward.

I've had my fill of you today.

I just wanted to say
that I might have overreacted earlier.

- See you at the next meeting.
- Can we talk? Just for a minute.

[sighs] You're my sponsor, right?

Are you working for Joy?


I knew having sex with you was a mistake.

It's an honest question.

Screw you, Ward.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Please. Please. I'm sorry. Uh...

I am. I really am.


Things have been hard
between Joy and I for a while.

I was waiting for the right time
to tell her that I'm in NA.

Never happened.

So when she already knew,

I felt... robbed.

And... I wanted to know by whom.



You lead with assh*le.

[chuckles softly]

And then...

Will you take some advice?

Not as your sponsor and all that, but...

as someone who has two brothers
and a sister of her own.

You're gonna tell me I'm crazy.


Families are crazy.

Relationships are hard.

And life brings challenges, always.

This is a flash point for you,

this thing with Joy.

Whatever the hell is going on between you,

if you don't work it out,

I'm afraid you won't be able to have
a single successful human relationship.

Now go away.


So, is this, um...

Are we...

Did I ruin it?

Today's theme is gratitude.

Ward talked you into this.

Into lying to me
after all the g*dd*mn lies?

- He didn't think you'd show.
- I wouldn't have!

I was just trying to help him.

You two are so g*dd*mn twisted.

Of course it was Ward.

Of course.
And he couldn't even show up, huh?


he is broken
that you're not talking to him.

You two are family. We all are.

And all I wanted to do was sit down,
break bread and make peace.

[Joy] One big flaw in that logic, Danny...

We're not a family.

You and Ward conspired, behind my back.

Something that seems to come
naturally to the two of you.

Joy, that is enough.


Worthless bastard!

There were photos... surveillance photos
of Danny and Colleen.

The ones you paid for.

How would he have gotten those?

You said she was the best.

[Davos] Call Walker.
Tell her we're coming now.

I know that didn't go
the way you wanted it to...

We tried.

At least we now know
where everyone stands.

I may have thrown gas on the fire.

You were the only one brave enough
to call foul, so...

You're not mad?


If anything, it made me realize
how lucky I am to have you in my corner.

[cell phone vibrating]




Sorry, who is this?

Uh, yeah, give us ten minutes.
We'll be right there.

It's Mrs. Yang.

Something's up with the parley.

Thank you for coming.

Is your husband
meeting the Tigers tonight?

The meeting is to begin in a few moments.

I'm taking his place at the table,
and I'd like you two to accompany me.

Did he back out?

No. He had to return to Hong Kong.
A family emergency.

I tried to put off the meeting
until his return,

but the danger of continued confrontation
is too high.


I need to make a show of strength
as I begin the negotiation.

I know who you are, what you can do.

I believe the Tigers do as well.


We're in.


He is the w*apon.

Thank you for agreeing to meet.

I agreed to meet with your husband.

And he sends his regrets and apologies.

The dragon head baton.

Symbol of absolute authority in our Triad.

My husband has entrusted me with it.

I speak on behalf of the Hatchet Triad.

I accept your authority
in this negotiation...

Mrs. Yang.

Shall we begin?

We'll hand over control
of the Red Hook docks

in exchange for your real estate holdings
in New Jersey.

An annual payout over ten years
at percent.

Fifteen percent.


The docks were ours
for over three decades.

Twenty percent.

[Sherry] And then they weren't.

Thirty-five percent.

[Ho] It's a matter of honor.

[Sherry scoffs] No, it's pride.

These are fair terms.

Take them or bring on the w*r.

We need some time
to make arrangements in New Jersey.

We need to leave.

Something's not right.

We're close to an agreement.

[Danny] What are you planning?

Is this a trap?

You have no place at this table.

You brought me here to keep you safe.

You're not safe.

There's someone outside.

We need to go.



[all grunting]

End him!


Keep moving.



[Danny] Who is out there?

Tell me.

Who's outside, huh?


[police siren wailing in distance]

[white noise]

[muffled sound of door opening]

[Joy speaking inaudibly]

- He had the photos that I paid you for.
- [white noise fades]

Say that again. I missed the first part.

[Davos] We've come from Danny Rand's home.

Your surveillance photos, he has them.

[Joy] So that means
that your cover has been blown.


[Joy] How about ours?

I'll deal with it.

It will not affect our prior arrangement.

- [Davos] We'll need more than that.
- That's complicated.

The situation is salvageable.

- I would like you to leave now.
- [Joy scoffs]

[Joy] And we would like some answers now.

[clears throat and sighs]


I told you I'll handle it.

[Davos] You will tell us the details,

or I will make you.

[Joy] Jesus.

It doesn't have to go down like this.

Like you said, we had a prior arrangement.

Your partner threatened me.

I don't like threats.

Walker, tell me how Danny Rand
got those photos.

- [thud]
- [gasps[]

I'm not leaving here until you do.

Whatever blows your skirt up.

[dramatic music playing]