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01x04 - Fifteen

Posted: 03/31/22 18:36
by bunniefuu
[Nico] Previously
on Marvel's Runaways...

Guys, there's an easy way
to get to the bottom of this.

We do some P.I. work,
and we let cooler heads prevail.

I would be happy to tell you
more about your mom and dad.

- What's that?
- It was Amy's.

I found it in my mom's desk.
She was hiding it.

Did you see them? The lights, colors?

Did you get into a fight at the party?

Just some stupid lacrosse shit.

Get away from her!

So it wasn't about a girl?

- No, no. I'll call you later.
- Okay.

[Stacey] You know we're gonna
have to tell the girls.

Oh, that we're moving to a
remote ranch in the Yucatan

with our prehistoric guard dog?

Mr. Dean, this area is off-limits.

I can't even check it out?
Must be pretty nice,

considering how much time
she's been spending in there.

I don't understand.

It's never taken this long before.

[Karolina] It must've been some kind

of Gibborim ceremony
for a higher level than me.

My mom seemed fine this morning.

She wouldn't have acted so normal if
she'd k*lled a parishioner last night.

If you know anything
about Destiny Gonzalez,

you're being urged
to contact Detective Flores...

We're gonna need another sacrifice.

[alarm beeping]

[Wizey] Amy, please turn off your alarm.

Amy, traffic is heavy on the .

If you do not depart in minutes,

you will be late for school. Amy?


- Amy!
- No! No!

Wait, what's happening?
I don't understand what...

[Nico] No! No, no, no, no!

No, no!

This isn't happening!



- Wizey, call !
- Nico, no.

Wizey, seal the house.

Sealing home, and...


[sobbing quietly]

[dispatcher] . What's your emergency?

Hi. We need an ambulance at my house.

Come quick, please. Um, the address...


[policeman] Does anyone else have keys?

[Tina] Not that I'm aware of.

We just had them all changed
three weeks ago, too.

Are there any entrances
I'm not aware of?

Wizey, scan all windows and
doors for any known breaches.

[Wizey] Scanning house now.

Wizey, show me Tina's office.

I am sorry, Nico.

Shh! Wizey, voice off.

Show me Tina's office.

[Flores] Where's your husband?

[Tina] Robert? He knows you're here.

[papers shuffle]

I'll handle it.

Wizey, freeze.

Zoom in.


[Wizey] Incoming call.

Incoming call.

Incoming call.

Incoming call.


- What are you doing?
- Group WizTalk.

- I think your mom invented it.
- And why are we doing it?

- [Alex] You haven't heard the news?
- What news?

- You haven't heard yet?
- My God, about the beach?

Have you been living
under a rock all night?

Yeah, that cleared nothing up.

[Karolina] They found her body. Destiny.

Gotta say I called it.

- Nico, what...
- It doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, none of it does.

They found her body on the
beach, not in that weird box

which we found
in Victor's garage, empty.

Did you find anything
in your parents' lab?

- No, nothing at all.
- Well, not nothing.

Gert saw something.
You want to say what?

- Uh, no.
- My junk.

She totally put on x-ray
goggles and checked me out.

[Alex] Can we stay on topic?

Okay, Wilder, what'd you find
in your basement m*rder library?

[Gert] Okay, the word choice there

implies that a m*rder
definitely happened.

I couldn't get in.
Dad wouldn't leave me alone.

Oh, what, like he knew
you were suspicious?

No, like he loves me

and actually wants
to spend time with me.

So, did our parents do it or not?

Molly, that's what we're talking about.

[Chase] That's the whole thing
we're trying to figure out.

Why are we even still debating this?

I've been reading Amy's diary, okay,

and I thought my mom hid it from me

because of what was in it,

but now I think it's because
of what wasn't in it.

Amy was happy.

There's no way she did what she did.

A girl dies on the same night after
the same meeting that Amy died.

- Oh, my God, Nico.
- Nico, come on, are you crazy?

That's totally different.
We're their blood.

Not all of us, technically.

[Chase] Yeah, sorry, Nico,
strangers are one thing...

Destiny wasn't a stranger
to Karolina's mom.

Which is why I don't believe
that she would hurt her.

And my parents wouldn't hurt Amy.

[Chase] Like your parents
are better than ours?

You father was actually
in prison for m*rder.

A long time ago,
and the charges were dropped.

The m*rder library's in your basement.

[Gert] Can we please stop
calling it that?

[Karolina] Can we stop
turning on each other?

Okay, all I'm saying is
we need to be smart.

[Alex] First time for that, huh, Chase?

We need to protect ourselves.

No, you don't. I could be your muscle.
I-I could show you...

I'm so sorry about her.

Although it only works when I'm scared.

Are you not scared? Because I am.

Look, you can all believe in
whatever fantasy you want, but...

I'm gonna make damn sure
that they can't hurt me.

I suggest you all do the same.

[Wizey] Call terminated by host.



[drops heavily]

[drawers slide]

[radio playing]

[woman] Help!

Help! Help!

Help me!

Help me! Please help me!

Help! Somebody help me!

[increases volume]


Somebody help me!


We always knew that this could happen.

That is why we put
a tracking device on her.

Yeah, which you never turned on.

The tracking device is for tracking,

for when she's on the move,

not when she's safely ensconced
in her habitat.

Yeah, where she would still be if
you hadn't left the door unlocked.

Why is it always me who
left the door unlocked?

Maybe you left the door
unlocked for once.

Okay, I always lock the door.
You know I have a system.

All right, all right, look...

however she got out,
we need to find her.

- Yeah.
- Fast.

- [Gert] Find who?
- Oh, hey, sweetie!


Someone is missing from the lab.

Yeah, a hedgehog.

A, uh... very rare, valuable hedgehog,

and I... well, actually we...

are gonna take
this drone out and find it.

[Gert] I don't remember a hedgehog.

I was down there the other
night feeding everyone.

Definitely no hedgehog.
[whispers] Monster!

Well, I guess that means it has
been gone longer than we thought.

Um, you know, maybe we'll just get
something to eat while we're out.

- Okay.
- Bye, girls.

Good luck.

[door closes]

- Those two are the worst liars ever.
- Pretty much.

- Hoo! That was a close call.
- I know.

You think they suspected anything?

No, we're smooth operators.

[phone buzzes]

Oh, it's PRIDE. Emergency meeting.

- Now?
- No! No more!

PRIDE can suck it.

This is too important.
This is about our future.

Testify, Mama Bear.

Now, how hard can it be to find
a dinosaur in the Palisades?


I hope this works.

Yeah, well, this guy look
like someone you can trust?

[radio playing]

Is everyone here?

No. We're winging this shit, man.

Since you called out the blue side,
everything's all patched up.

You have a right to be angry, I know,

but I said I was gonna make
it up to you all, and I am.

The solution is right...

Where is she? You said you had someone.

I did. I hit her with a tire
iron and tied her up in here.

She was eating French fries.

[distant shouts]

- Hey.
- Hey, what's up?

I didn't want to say anything
on the phone last night,

but after reading Amy's diary...

She didn't do it, Alex.

I know she didn't.

I'm going to the police after school.
Come with me?

The police? No way.

Nico, what are you even going to say?

That the most prominent
families in the city,

dressed in matching nightgowns,

put a girl in a glowing box that
you're pretty sure k*lled her?

There are six witnesses...

[distant chatter]

...and a dead body.

Two dead bodies.

[scoffs] And then what?

Our parents lie for each other,
or say nothing and demand proof.

They have the world's greatest
lawyer, my mom, not to mention,

who do you think they're going
to suspect turned them in?

The only other people
at the house that night... us.

So I take it that's a no?

If the police don't believe me,
that's on them,

but I'm telling them everything I know,

about Destiny and my sister.

- We are in trouble here, Victor.
- I know. I know I screwed up.

First the girl,
and now this false alarm?

What is going on with you?

The side effects from malaria medicine,

I think, from my trip to South Africa.

Why not just tell us
the box wasn't working?

He wanted to, but I
talked him out of it.

I was sure that he fixed it.

It wasn't the box. It was me.

But I'm feeling much better now.

You sure about that?

I got my people covering
on the girl's body.

We'll be okay on that front, but...

We have a larger problem.

He's sicker than he's ever been.

We need a replacement, now.

Someone else from the church?

Two kids in the same week?
It'll draw attention.

I think Victor had the right idea.

We need a homeless person
or a prost*tute.

You mean someone who doesn't count.

They all count.

You think this isn't hard for me?

Would you let me take care of this?
It was my screw-up.

You are right about that,
but you're not going alone.


My plate's a bit full today.

Clear it.

[Leslie] I see Dale and Stacey
chose not to attend today.

I think it might be a good idea
for us all to take some time

to consider the promise we made
all those years ago.

[Tina] I'll make sure they do just that.

[Leslie] I have to get back to him.

He can't be alone right now.

[Gert] Hey, Chase!

Tried to get your attention in homeroom.

Guess you didn't notice me.

No, I saw. I just pretended I didn't.

I thought it'd be weird, you know,
talking like we're friends.

After everything that's happened,
that's what you think is weird, okay.

Um, well, I just wanted to say thank you
for not telling anyone about the lab.

Yeah, figured it wasn't my place.

Why keep it a secret?

I don't know,

I don't really want
my parents to get in trouble

with FEMA or the ASPCA.

They must've genetically
scripted that therapod, so...

must be all kinds of illegal.

Yeah, so is k*lling a girl.

There he is right there.

All weekend, no apology?

You're not getting one now, either.

Come on, man, it was just a party.

Everyone's wasted, shit happens.

All that matters is the team.

We gotta be able to put
stuff like this behind us.

"Stuff like this"?

You can't even say
what you were gonna do.

Look, man, State is almost here.

Just say you're sorry
and we all move on.

You gonna say sorry to her?

No. I got a broken rib
'cause of that bitch.

Well, good thing you got more!


[all yelling]

- [Karolina] Hey, hey, hey, stop it!
- Get off me!

That's enough, stop!

- Stop it, Chase!
- That's enough!

- Get off of me!
- That's enough, stop!

Three of you, in my office now.

Let's go, gentlemen.

Come on, everyone, let's go.
Break it up.

Back to lunch. Nothing to see.

[Eiffel] This is all your fault.

What is?

Well, if you didn't get wasted

and hook up with Brandon
and Lucas at that party,

then Chase wouldn't have
gone ham on their asses,

and our state lacrosse title
wouldn't be in jeopardy.

No, that... that... that never happened.

Yeah, it did,
but you wouldn't remember that,

because you're a lightweight drunk

and a lacrosse-ruining slut.

I have no idea what she's
talking about. I...

I was... I was dancing alone downstairs,

and then the next thing I knew,
I woke up with Chase.

Karolina, it sounds
like maybe those guys...

No, no! She's lying. I would know!

I'm... I mean, I would know, right?


Why wouldn't Chase tell me?

I think he's trying to protect you.

The light of the stars...

The warmth of the sun...

The energy of the universe.


I can't.

There must be something that I can do.

Just tell me.

Warm me.

I had a feeling I'd find you here.

This is a sacred space, Frank.

This is our church, last I checked.

I haven't seen you in days,
so what's going on in there?

It's called a meditation room.
It's pretty self-explanatory.

Leslie, are you having an affair?

That's your fear, isn't it?

You think the threat to our union

is lust and temptation of the flesh?

It's a pretty normal married-guy fear.

What am I supposed to think?

It's not your fault that your
worldview is so limited.

All of that is about to change.

I've made arrangements
for you at the Crater.

- What?
- I sense that you're ready...

to go Ultra.

That's what I've been doing in there...

praying for you over the last two days.

And I've made my decision.

And I just accused you of...
Insecure actor.

You'll have to cleanse yourself
of that if you want to join me...

but I think you can.

They're expecting you tonight.

I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

Don't thank me.
You did this all on your own.


[boy ] It's always the church
girls that are the craziest.

[girl laughs]

[boy ] What's wrong with this chick?!

Stein, team meeting happening about you.

Sorry, Coach.

Inspirational speech time, gentlemen.

You guys have worked your ass
off every day to get here.

You got college recruiters
around the country after you.

Whatever's come between you guys,
it can't be worth risking all that.


Hello, Gert, reporting for duty.

Hi. Okay. What are we talking about?

Your club. Undermining the Patriarchy.

It says the first meeting is today.

We made T-shirts!

This shirt no longer fills me
with unspeakable sadness.

Oh, my God, my club.
I totally forgot about this.

I feel like I passed
these out a lifetime ago.

I think it was Friday.

Hey, Gert, can I talk
to you for a second?

Sorry, blondie, members only.

I'm so sorry, fellow travelers,

but the patriarchy is going to
have to remain for another day.

Hey, Karolina!

I'm just surprised
you wanted me to help.

With everything going on right now,

proving that our parents are innocent

is the one thing that would
actually make me feel better.

You're the only other person
who thinks they might be.

Not that I'm incapable
of doing it on my own...

I do most things on my own.

No, this is better, though.

Sisterhood is powerful, right?

[Gert] Hey, Alex,
do you want to come with us?

You two are going somewhere?

- Together?
- My house.

Yeah, we're bonding

on a mission to prove
our parents aren't K*llers.

And how's that?

As I was telling Gert, there's a Gibborim
ceremony when somebody goes Ultra.

I haven't seen it,
it's a higher level than me,

but maybe that's what we saw.

My mom has a bunch
of my grandpa's old papers

and books on our rites and rituals.

Could explain it.

Except the rest of our parents
aren't in your church.

There's clearly a lot
we don't know about the 'rents,

but wouldn't it be great
if their big secret was

just that they'd converted to Gibborim?

Everyone can live without Dale
and Stacey's Passover brisket.

Actually, Gibborim practitioners
can still observe

any other aspect of other religions.

- It's really inclusive in that way.
- Even better!

You guys really want this?

Are you with us?

Team There's Gotta Be
Another Explanation?

Yeah, honestly, I don't know
what I believe right now...

but at least you two have each other,

from someone who doesn't
have anyone in their corner.

I gotta go.


[siren wails in distance]

What's that smell?

The smell of failure.

Pick one, and let's get out of here.


[Robert] Okay.

All right, let's wheel him to the car.

No, no, no, we gotta hit him
first so he doesn't wake up.

The man's passed out!

He's probably been passed out for days.

He would shit his pants.
I can't take that chance.

That doesn't seem like the most accurate
indicator for whether or not he's...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?

Finishing what I started.


Robert, slice his Achilles tendon!
Disable him!

- Are you insane?
- You ain't slicing shit, mother...!

[siren squawks]

Your wife is going to k*ll us.

My wife is never going to know.

I'm calling Flores.

[policeman] I got a in progress on
Fifth and Spring. Requesting backup.

You know, I'm really digging
this Gibb thing.

I mean, I'm not super down with the
amount of white jeans involved,

but there's a lot about this
that's really beautiful.

Thank you. I know how it looks
to the outside world,

but the more others doubt it, the more
it's always just reinforced my beliefs.

Well, I apologize
for ever referring to it

as a quasi-sci-fi crackpot pseudo cult.

You know, the other kids think we're
crazy for believing in our parents.

That's called faith.

That's weird. My mom's laptop.

She usually has it with her,

but she has been kind
of distracted lately.

Ultra... hey, maybe that's
what we're looking for.

The file's encrypted.

Hey! Do you remember Alex's
sixth-grade party favors?

Well, the gift that keeps on giving.

I'm sure Alex can figure this out.

Ooh, that could be my mom.

[knocking on door]

- Chase.
- Karolina.

...and Gert.

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

- It's kind of a long story.
- That's, uh...



Hey, can we talk?


Of course, yeah.

I have to go get this
to Alex, so I'll be going.

Oh, hey, Gert...

Thank you for being there for me.

It's nice to know
I have you as a friend.

Of course. Yeah.

I... I'm everyone's friend.

Yeah. Bye.

I'll wait for my Lyft
out here, thank you!

[phones ringing, office chatter]


You come here to try
and talk me out of this?

No, I know better than that.

I came here so that you
wouldn't have to do this alone.

Help you?

I'd like to report a m*rder.

I mean, I wouldn't like to, but...

Is that right?

No. It's two murders.

- You quit?
- Yeah. Whatever.

But lacrosse meant everything to you.

Yeah, it did, but...

there might be other things
that are more important.

Chase, I don't even remember Brandon
and Lucas being at that party...

but if they were and something
happened, I need you to tell me.

Please, okay, I can handle it,

but not knowing is, like, way worse.

You don't have to worry.


I... I walked in
before anything happened...

but just before.

Thank you.

- I'm sorry.
- Hey, you don't have to be sorry.

What I saw in them,
I can't be a part of.

And, hey, maybe I'm replacing
lacrosse with something better.

Come inside.

- Where are we going?
- You'll see.

Something else happened that night,

something that I can't explain,

and I think I can make it happen again,

but I've been too scared to try.

So if I pass out again,

I need you to help me, okay?

- Just like you did.
- Wait...

What's going on?

Just stand there.

I'm gonna take off my bracelet.

Your bracelet.

How do you do that?

I don't know how!

I don't even know what...


What does it feel like?

Good. Warm.

- [chuckles] I'm kind of afraid.
- Of what?

Electrocution? Radiation poisoning?

I think it's okay.

I have so many questions.

Me too.

[phones ringing, keyboards
clattering, office chatter]

What's taking so long?

You getting cold feet?

Oh, hey. Sorry for the wait.

Detective on the Gonzales case
got an important call, so...

We're good.

Let's go. Let's go.

Wait, why?


What is Chase's dad doing with your dad

at the police station?

Holy shit. Go, go, go, go.


That detective is the man
my parents called when Amy died.

He came to the house.

He said he'd handle it.

And now he's in charge
of Destiny's case.

Your parents...

Our parents have the cops
in their pocket.

This has gotten too big.

You believe me now?

I think I always believed you.

That's why I took this.

Jesus, Alex!

I found it in my dad's desk.

And what do you think's going to
happen when he notices it's gone?

I don't know. But Chase was right.

We've gotta protect ourselves.

Thank you for meeting me at home.

As I'm sure you're aware, this
isn't exactly official business.

Your house calls are
my favorite part of the job.

You find what I was looking for?

I did. Paints a pretty clear picture.

Those bastards.

It's none of my business, of course...

Sure isn't.

...but I was expecting something else...

economic espionage, trade secret theft,

but not this.

To be honest, once I
put it all together,

huh, kind of wanted to go with them.

As always, Kincaid...

thank you for your service.

As always, Tina,
thank you for your money.

You know...

they don't seem like bad people.

They never do.

Temescal was a bust,
but I say we head northwest,

Paramount Ranch.

Let's face it, she's gone.

I say we go, too.

What do you mean?

Go home? No. No way,
we are not giving up yet.

No, not home. I say we go away.

Without her?

Stace, someone is going to find her.

And then what?

Well, then it'll become
the stuff of urban legend,

like alligators
in the sewers of New York.

Or it becomes the biggest thing
in the history of biogenetics.

- And we don't get the credit.
- Or the blame.

I can't do this anymore.

I'm tired. I'm scared.

And I'm done.

What about the girls?


The sale of the serum
hasn't gone through yet.

We have enough money.

It was a good plan,
but the plan is screwed.

Look at us!

We go home, we pack, we leave,

and no one ever hears
from the Yorkeses again.

[starts engine]

So maybe the bracelet
is some kind of inhibitor?

Which would explain why my mom
never wanted me to take it off.

Do you think there are other
people in your church who... glow?

I don't know. I really, really
just gotta talk to my mom.

Well, are you sure you can trust her?

Yeah. Chase, I take this thing off
and I turn into Rainbow Brite.

I mean, with all the weirdness going on...

Hey. It's not weird.

You are a...

You are...

the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

You deserve answers.

[keyboard tapping]

[object shifts]



Are you home?

[object thuds]

You better not be trying
to scare me, Gertrude.

This isn't funny!


- [roaring]
- [screaming]



- [roars]
- [screams]


- [screams]
- Stop!


Get away from her.

Be still.

Holy shit, it does what I say.




No way.

[Stacey] You know, hon,
I think my passport expired.

- [door opens]
- [Dale] Yeah? We'll take care of... that.

I guess we found the dinosaur.

We... have... a dinosaur!

When were you gonna tell us this?

Well, there's a, um,

a time and place for that kind of stuff.

I'm available now.

Can we start with why this
dinosaur listens to me like a dog?

What do you mean?

It only listens to her
and it doesn't listen to me.

- Okay, that's...
- ...unexpected.

We created it for your protection...
for our protection.


Protection from what?


Look, this might be
difficult for you to hear,

but I just want you both
to know that everything we do,

we do it for you girls.

Everything. And...

what I'm about to tell you
you may not understand

right this moment,
but I promise you, one day,

you will. It's just...

I'll explain more to you
in the car on the way.

[doorbell rings]

Ignore it. This is more important.

- [phone buzzing]
- Um, okay,

- what we're trying to say...
- It's Tina.

Were you expecting her?

What's going on?

Uh, nothing. Just stay here
and keep her quiet.

It's a "her"!


[Tina] It's not like you two to
miss an emergency PRIDE meeting.

Oh! We are so sorry about that.
Wanted to come.

Mushroom hunting in the cave.

Yeah, and the cell reception
is so spotty.

- Really bad. Have you ever been there?
- Oh, but the mushrooms!

- Really good.
- They are delish!

We have some if you want
to take them home.

Little olive oil, salt, pepper...

Okay, I didn't think so.

I'm just happy that you both are okay.

When you didn't show up,

I was worried something
might've happened to you,

or that you left us.

Left you? How is that even...?

[stutters] Where would we go?

The Hernandez's ranch in Yucatan.

Oh, you, um... know about the ranch.

Seems like a lovely property,

completely off the grid,

held in a private trust,

hidden behind a wall of LLCs and DBAs.

So thoughtful of Gene and Alice

to leave that to you in their will,

almost like they wanted you
to have someplace to run to.

I mean, it's just a shack in the jungle.
We're not even...

I'm sure that sounds
like paradise right now.

I assume that's why
you've been transferring

large amounts of money there.


dreamers gotta dream...

but I do hope you can focus
on the job that really matters.

- Ours.
- Ours.

It's on the top of my... the list.

We're almost there.

And by "we," I do mean all of us.

Oh, my God.

It's over. We're never getting out.

- Oh, my God.
- [Gert] What happened?

Um... You, uh, you wouldn't understand.


Just like I didn't understand you
guys were lying about the hedgehog?

- Maybe if you guys finally...
- You know what, Gert?

This attitude needs to stop.
The sarcasm, the snide remarks.

So, admittedly, you got that
from me, I have had enough!

Got it.

No, Gert, wait a sec... Oh, God.


[Alex] Gert says this
is from Leslie's laptop.

How long do you think this will take?

Oh, I'm getting there.

The encryption on this
is a lot more complicated

than you would expect
for a church group.

But not someone hiding a m*rder*r.

Well, the good news is
by the time this is over,

I'll have a pretty
high tolerance for caffeine.

Great, we're already not sleeping.


I got in.

There's nothing in here about
any ritual church doctrines.

It's files, intake files.


♪ You go sleep with the fishes ♪

♪ There's no room for you here ♪

♪ There's no room for you here ♪

♪ Wrap your teeth around the pavement ♪

♪ 'Cause your body's a message ♪

♪ Send my regards to hell ♪

♪ Fall upon your knees ♪

♪ This is my body and soul... ♪

- Chase?
- Shit.

Uh, sorry, I'll, uh,
I'll get out of here.

You needed something?

Uh, no, it's... nothing.

Give me that.

Dad, please, I've been working
on that for a long time,

so just... please.


I knew that was gonna happen

when you got ahold of it, g*dd*mn it!

Sit down.

Right there, sit.

Now, tell me.

Tell you what?

That thing is the work of a child.
You got ahead of yourself.

Don't worry about
the execution. Not yet.

Just tell me your idea.

Every detail. What it does.

How it feels. How it makes you feel.

Right now it is perfect in your mind,

and that is where you need to
live while we build this thing.

Take me there.

What is this thing called?


Destiny Gonzales, .

No next of kin.

Special consideration: per led.

Geparhart, Brian, ,
runaway. A Mexican.

They're all "per led."
What does that mean?

No idea.

Is Amy in there?

You think they're all dead?

One way to find out.


Yeah, there's no mention in
here of any of these names.

Because they were nobody.
No one cared for these kids.

Not even enough to file
a missing persons report.

One a year for years.


Leslie's maiden name is Ellerh.

L-E-D. Leslie Ellerh Dean.


So our parents are serial K*llers,

and Karolina's mother
hand-picks the victims?

Do we tell her?

We have to.

[barista] Anyone drive a silver Prius?

Plate frame says
"My other ride is a Tardis."

Um, yeah, that's me.

Alarm's going off, bro.

- Go. I'll call her.
- Okay.

[vehicle approaches]



[cell phone buzzes]

What's up, Nico?

Alex cracked the files.

They weren't about any ceremony.

They were about...

So Destiny isn't the only runaway

to go missing from your church.

And it looks like your mom

was the one choosing the victims.

They've been taking people
for over years.

We don't know if Amy
was involved in all this.

- Karolina, are you there?
- Hey, hon.

Come meet us. We're at Timely.

Karolina, are you there?
Can you hear me?

[car alarm wailing]

Where is he?

[Alex] Get off me! Aah! Stop! Hey!

Alex! Alex!

Alex! Alex!

- [Karolina] What is it?
- Someone took Alex.