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03x08 - Devil's t*rture Chamber

Posted: 04/02/22 16:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on Marvel's Runaways...

I'm helping you become
who you were always meant to be.

I need Morgan's spell book to get back
to Alex and I'll do anything to get it.

It's all about Nico and her mission,

which honestly,
really isn't anything new.

Good luck with Morgan.

I still love you.

Long time, no see, Stacey.

Just wear this.

Alex's life is at stake. What?

No, wait, Geoffrey!

Alex? Help me!

Alex Wilder is alone in the dark.

This is it.

I gave you this life.
Now I'm taking it back.

"See the world as I did"?

Heh! BODHI: Holy shit!

She's the strong one?
I've seen it with my own eyes.

Morgan will be thrilled.

But I wish Nico were here.

Permit my entry into night,
and allow the darkness find its light.

Who are you?
What the hell have you done?

I'm not asking you again.

Who the hell are you
and what are you doing in our house?

Seriously? You live here?

Not that different
from an abandoned church.

Look, if Morgan sent you,
tell her not to bother, okay?

I'm not stopping until I get Alex.

Who's Morgan?
Your boss? Morgan le Fay?

Like... from King Arthur?

Doesn't matter.
It's time for you to get out.

Is that a threat?
Is that a glowstick?

Must be great for trick‐or‐treating.

How about I jump in your head,
take a look at your deepest hopes?

Or maybe Ty here can show you
your worst fears?

Great powers.
What are you going to do?

Hope me to death?
Okay, everyone, let's relax.

Her first. Let's...

Look, I brought us here because
whatever you did caused a disturbance

bad enough that I felt it,
which has never happened before.

So... we need you to start
answering some questions.

Who's Alex? Where is he?

He's my friend.
Trapped in another world.

Like this one.

But... off somehow. Dark.

Yeah. That's the Loa.
We've been there before.

Then you can help me get back.

Okay, easy, Hot Topic.
We don't even know who you are.

Fine... I am Nico Minoru.

I'm a witch.

Uh, this is the Hostel.

I live here with five other kids.

This is the most powerful w*apon
in existence, the Staff of One.

Now let's go.
Wait, wait, wait, five more of you?

What, was there like some field trip
to a Roxxon platform?

I don't even know what that is.

It's secret drilling for shadowy energy,

catastrophic expl*si*n, special powers,
intertwining destinies?

It's really not that complicated.

Okay, yeah, no, it's a little complicated.

I didn't know there were
other kids... like us.

Neither did we.

I can't get out.
These must be like extra‐strength ropes.

Trying to flex your way out
is extra‐pointless.

Okay, we have to find a way out of here!

We have some of the world's
most brilliant minds in this room.

And Dale.
We'll come up with a plan.

Not cool, bro.

But in my newly enlightened state,

I am willing to let that go.

No worries, I already got a plan.

Falling on your face, great plan.

Falling on my face next to you.

Oh, that is so sweet, but not helpful.

No. We could untie each other
working together.

Hurry, somebody's coming.

Chase, pull the other end.

Oh, the one with the underhand loop.
No, that's a clean hitch.

Four years of sailing lessons wasted.

We're screwed. Again.

More like still.

So, you used a spell
you couldn't control

to get to another dimension,

but an evil sorceress escaped,
trapped your friend there,

then tried to fix it all by using
another spell you couldn't control.

Well, anything sounds bad
if you say it like‐‐.

Tandy's right.

I mean, if you try to go back,
it can cause even more damage.

No, I'm going. I'll try every spell
in the book if I have to,

so... unless you've got
anything else, I'll just...

Wait. Tandy, we left New Orleans
to do good, to help people, right?

This is a chance to save someone's life
and make sure this one doesn't,

you know, collapse all reality?

What if we can't even help?

Your light and my dark stopped evil
from pouring into New Orleans before.

If this is the kind of help
she needs here, I can't do it alone.

Fine. I'll go.

For you, not for her.

Does Siri have a face?

I've never seen Siri on
a homebrew hacking computer before.

No, that's not Siri, that's...

Nico? Thank goodness.
There's no time to explain.

I got into the Wizard security system.

Chase and the others
are being held there.

I need you to save them now.

I'm on the way.

Wait, hold on.

We can get you there faster.

Don't even.

Gert, back in your chair.

Geoffrey, please, just let the kids go.

Yes, I'm sure we can find
a peaceful resolution.

I mean, I believe it was the great
Tibetan spiritual leader Sakya Pandita

who said, "Don't avert your eyes‐‐".

Enough. No more chitchatting.

You're all helpless now.

Especially him.

Yes! Who's helpless now?

Wait, who are the new kids?

Karolina, a blast.

Would love to, but your friends
kind of took my powers away

with some magic spell.


You should have
never come back, Nico.

The High Priestess will never
let you go this time.

I am done with the witch talk!

Amazing. Morgan is going
to find you very useful.

Get them.


- Get the old people out of here.
- Hey!

Take them where?
I'm from New Orleans.

Just think of literally anywhere in I. A.

What's a... Wait, what's...



Could you, I don't know,
maybe at least untie us?

Nope. He's gone.

Well, the kids' new friends seem nice.

Just give up.
I don't wanna have to hurt you.

Well, that makes one of us.

Wait, wait, wait! He's... good.

Well, not at the moment.
Just... don't k*ll him.

You betrayed us, for them?

They grow on you.

Ty, can you get us out of here,
like right now?

- They're coming.
- You can't run, Nico.

Everyone grab hands.
Morgan will find you.

We're back in the Dark Dimension.

At least the creepy flappers are gone.

What did you do?
I didn't do it, he did.

- You asked me to.
- But you didn't ask any of us.

And do your new friends know
they're traveling through literal hell?

Oh, no, no, we're aware.

I'm Tandy, this is Ty.

We're just tagging along to prevent
a dimensional cataclysm.

And we know how it feels
to lose someone you love.

The only thing stopping us
from rescuing Alex

was that we couldn't get back.
We're back.

What about Molly?

We don't even know if
she's safe back at the Church.

Pretty sure the Church is safer
than a dimension of our nightmares.

Alex needs us now,
so if you don't wanna help, then...

Ty will take you back.

No, no, no, it doesn't work that way.
What she means is, there's a cost.

I couldn't just jump right now anyway,
not after dragging us all here.

We're here. I say we keep going.

Fine. But if anyone tries
to mindwipe me again, I'm out.

I'm sorry,
what are your powers again?

Oh, uh, I got these supercool bionic
prosthetic gauntlets called Fistigons.

That aren't here.

I am psychically linked to a dinosaur

who is also not here.


Cool, cool, cool, cool.

At least one of you guys
has some firepower.

Uh, extraterrestrial abilities
don't work in here, so, uh, Karolina's...

Powerless. As usual.

Let's go.

Quinton? Hello?

It's us, your favorite band
of racially diverse youths.

Well, not, not me, but...

Oh, that looks bad.

We should probably check out
this blood‐covered sword box, right?

Please, no dead magicians.
Please, no dead magicians.

No dead magician.

What the hell happened here?

In my vision,
Alex was in some kind of a prison.

Which makes sense
'cause his mom died in one.

And he sent her there, so...

Bet this place's version
of a prison is real nice.

Oh, wait. The last time
we stepped through these doors,

this place split us up.

Right. Uh, everybody grab a partner.

If we're split up,
at least we're in teams.

We can meet up at the prison.

How about a polite linking of arms?

The house looks pretty good
from above ground.

Most importantly, we're still together.

I just don't like how the rules
of this place keep changing.

Let's go.

How do we find this prison?

I think that maybe we just did.

Okay... let's go get the skinny nerd.

They told me the only way I'm
getting out of here is to k*ll someone.

I don't wanna do it, but I don't know
how long I can hold out.

I'm not strong enough.

You have to be strong, Alex.

I know what this place does.

What they are asking you to do,
it will break you.

There are lines you can't cross.
If you do, you will never be the same.

Don't make the mistakes
your father and I did...

You're good, Alex, you're not a k*ller.



Well, the boys think today's the day
you'll break, little Wilder.

Time to get your m*rder on,
become one of us.

The Dark Dimension
definitely keeps getting darker.

When we were here,
it didn't look like this.

More like a record store
full of nightmares.

In a mall, and there was
also a gas station.

Sounds terrifying.

The Loa, or whatever you guys
wanna call it,

traps you in your worst nightmares.

If your friend is still alive,
is he even the same person?

She's right. This place does take
the goodness out of you.

We don't leave people behind.

You had no problem
leaving us behind for her.

Everything I did was to find Alex.

Nico, you've been
keeping this terrible burden,

and it's breaking you.

But if you don't stop keeping secrets
and going to Morgan for answers,

Alex isn't going to be the only one
that we risk losing.

I love you, Nico. Let me help.

I love you too.

And I'm sorry I didn't fully discuss
my plan and open it for debate.

I just... I... I really wanted you
to be here with me.

Because I know you're right.

I can't do this alone.

That looks like my dad's car.

Chase, stop!


You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm... I'm fine.

What's that?

Shit. Run!

Are you hurt?
Tell me you didn't do what they asked.

I couldn't.

That's my boy.
You are a fighter, Alex.

You know who you are.

Well, that's a real shame.

I got some news
that might change your mind.

My men just spotted your little friends.

They're coming?
Oh, yeah, to save the day.

But I'll let you think about
what we're gonna do to them.

We'll talk again later.

They're gonna save us.

- Did we lose them?
- I think so.


The curry goat guy again?

Wait, you guys know him?
I sent them here.

It's not that smart to be wandering
the streets these days, kids.

But don't worry,
I was told to bring you all in alive.

Grab the witch with the staff first.
Come and get it.

Cool spell, Nico.

Uh... Not my spell. I was gonna turn
their hands into cantaloupes.

Oh. That would have been pretty cool.

It's my spell.
And now we're all probably going to die.

Quickly! Follow me!

We don't have much time.
Quinton? Is that you?

The thanks I get
for pulling your fat out of the fire!

Why the hell did you come back?

Who is this guy, a Loa?

A Loa?

I am a sorcerer!
A practitioner of the mystical arts!

You're a magician.
And we thought you were‐‐.

Dead? An illusion,
to deceive AWOL and his friends

when inevitably they came for me.

Don't take this the wrong way,
but why would they look for you?

They're looking for everyone.

They're rounding us up. Why?

Morgan is pulling at the fabric
between this dimension and yours.

She has soldiers everywhere.

They particularly want you.

She needs the Staff.


And if she gets it, the Dark Dimension
will swallow your world whole.

Everyone who's not on board with her plan

is being k*lled or worse,
being dragged to the prison.

It is a pit of misery and despair,

a boundless hellscape
of never‐ending t*rture!

Anyway, where did you say your friend was?

The prison.

Well... rotten for him!

Let's just get you back
to your doomed world!

We're not going back.
We need to get inside that prison.

There is nothing but death
and insanity at that place.

No friend is worth losing
all your lives over.

We'll take our chances.

Have you ever thought about
anyone other than yourself?

Do you know what it's like
to love someone?

Not, not because they're blood
but because they felt like family?

All right, I will show you the way
inside, but no further.

I've worked very hard
to keep my distance

from that nasty character
that rules the prison.

I'd prefer not die today.

We go by shadow.
Come, come, quick, quick!

Did you do that with your cape?

What is it with the magical
outerwear in this place?

Young man, the cape is Savile Row.

We went by shadows.

How are you gonna get us in there?

Oh, there's a way.

But you're not going to like it.

This is your only chance
of getting inside undetected.

If your friend's here, he's locked
on the top floor of Tower A.

It's the most protected area.

Thank you.
No time for theatrics. Bon voyage.

Run along, children.

Safe travels.

Did you guys hear that?

We can't go back.

Okay, um, that Diner...

You got really pale
when we walked past it,

and you're already really pale.

It's where the Dark Dimension
sent me last time.

But I don't wanna talk about it.

I know we're not technically
"Chert" anymore, but...

but if you ever need to talk
about anything...

I'm fine.

It's like Coach Alphona says,

"Don't let yesterday's loss take up
too much of today."

Pretty sure that was John Wooden.

Did Coach Alphona say anything original?

You play ball?


Well, used to.

Yeah. Used to.

It's basically the same game.

The hoop is just the goal with no goalie.

Yeah, and the three‐point line
is like the box.

This dude bonding is my Dark Dimension.

Karolina, I'm worried about Nico.

Those men who att*cked us,
she sent them here.

And she's gotten pretty close
with the person who runs this place.

I don't like how this all went down,

but it is our best chance to save Alex.

And we're doing it together.
As a group, so...

I'm Team Nico.

Is it really a team, though?

'Cause it seems like we're
just blindly following her.

"Chert" is, uh...

I, uh, never approved that nickname.

Did I, Gert?





You wanna come live with us?

I've got you, Molls.

Gert. Help me.



You left me!

Where the hell did it go?

What was that thing?

Kind of... Kind of Molly.

Not really.
Thanks for saving us, Ty.

Did he save us?

I mean, we're on the top floor
of Tower B now.

Seems like we're
trapped in the wrong tower

and you just delivered us
to the enemy.

Yeah, I was also saving
your ass, by the way.

I was holding my own...

against terrifying mini‐monster Molly.

Okay, fine, I wasn't.

Can you just do that swishy thing
with your magic hoodie and get us back?

Bro, literally everything
you just said was wrong.

And, um, I'm having trouble
honing in on Tandy.

It's happened in here before.

Great. So what do we do now?

The cells are at the top of Tower A.

Alex is being held
on the top floor of that.

Nico said it before, if we get separated,
we just head to the destination.

Okay, just stay low and stay quiet.

We got to find Ty before going on.
No time.

Hey, I'm not losing my friend
just to save yours.

Do you know where they went?
Not yet, but if we‐‐.

Then we can't wait.

What she means is,
if we stay in here any longer,

then we're all going
to forget who we are.

We're running out of time.
No, I said what I meant.

But, yeah, she's right, let's go.

Kinda not taking orders from you.
Kinda don't care if you come.

But if you don't, yeah, give Karolina
a light dagger, she's defenseless in here.

does not work that way.

She couldn't even hold it
if she wanted to.

Fine, we're leaving.

I bind my heart to thee...

my body to thee.

Always and forever.

So mote it be.

What the hell was that?

Were you digging around
for my hopes, like you said?

I'm sorry‐‐
No, you had no right!

I just needed to know I could trust you.


I'm coming with you.

But if we see any sign of Ty, then...

We'll do what we can, but...

you touch me again‐‐
TANDY: I won't.

I won't.

That thing was a literal manifestation
of the guilt I have about leaving Molly.

She's honestly safer back there.

It's not just that, it's the future.


If we make it out of here alive

and the regular world doesn't fall prey
to Morgan's evil plan,

I fully intend on going to college.

And I'm pretty sure
I can't board my little sister

and my pet deinonychus
in my dorm room at Smith.

If Smith is what you want,
we'll figure it out.


The collective "we."
The royal "we."

Whatever "we" is not me being
presumptuous about... us.

- Guys.
- Check every floor.

You should really use less
gender‐degrading with your pronouns

because you're really excluding
like 51% of the popu‐‐.

Oh, shit!

Well, look a little g*dd*mn harder.

We know they're here,
so split into teams,

scour the towers,
and bring me their heads.

I mean that shit.

Now, go.

That was close. You okay?

Not really. This is all wrong.

Leaving Molly behind was a mistake.
She can't lose me, too.

She won't. We'll make it back
and we'll bring Alex with us.

You don't know that.

You don't know that.

Those guys, they were just,
they were talking about...

Ty, Ty, you have to take me back

while my head is still
touching my body.

But I can't leave Tandy in here alone,
what are you talking about?

Well, then just take me home.
And then you can go back for them.

- Gert.
- Molly needs me, okay?

She shouldn't have to grow up
without a family.

I need to go back, Ty.

If I take you back and then
can't find this place or can't return,

Tandy and the rest will never make it out.

I'm sorry, Gert.

Ty, I need to go back...

No! No, please!

Please! No! Leave them alone!

No! Please take me! Take me!

What the hell?

- Go, go, go!
- With me now! Run!

Right up there.


Maybe I can save the day. Chase.

Maybe not.

Okay. Uh, now would
be a really good time

to do that thing you do
with your little magic hoodie.

Please stop calling it a magic hoodie.
Everybody grab hands, now! Go!

I still need you guys!

Hey, that thing that happened before
with Nico's hopes and...

No, she's right. It wasn't cool
to invade her privacy like that.

I didn't ask for this power.

And I'm not gonna tell you what I saw.
I just wanted to say...

maybe I was wrong about her.

You two are light and dark,
like Ty and me.

Maybe you guys balance each other out
in the same way.

Hey, look!

In here.

Oh, my God. Where's Tyrone?

No idea. But we got to
get over there now.

We won't make it in time.
I can't fly over here, remember?

But I can, come on.

So we're just gonna follow her?
Pretty much.


Where is Ty?

Maybe that's him.

Uh... no.

Oh, my God, did we get him k*lled?


You get to die last

so you can watch me k*ll

your friends.

You first.

I was afraid he was gonna
say something creepy like that.

That thing's not dying!
Maybe 'cause he's already dead.


That sounds terrible.

Where the hell is he?
Where'd he go?

Whatever you're planning on doing
to me today won't be enough.

Don't you get it? I will never do
what you're asking me to do.

Where the hell is he?

Let's see how your friends are doing.

He keeps disappearing.

They're here.
Yeah, right across the way.

You know, they got so close.

Too bad they're about to be
slaughtered like lambs.


You see...

We let you keep your memories of them,

so that you could watch it all happen.

Look out! Ty, get back!

Ty, hey.

Die! ‐ Where are we?

This isn't the Hostel.

No, no, no, no, don't start forgetting.

Ty! Ty, you have
to get us out of here!

Wait, what does she mean?


Ty, what's happening to you?

Finally, the real Alex Wilder.

This man right here

with so much righteous anger.

Embrace that.

The darkest part of you.

The part that you got from your parents.

No, no. I'll never be like them.

We both know that isn't true.

You wouldn't k*ll to save yourself,
maybe you'll k*ll to save your friends.

It's now or never, Alex.

Are you finally gonna do
what we've been asking you to do?


are you gonna stand by...

and watch your friends die?

Punish the guilty, Alex.

People call that justice.

Alex. Where's Darius?

A man can't have two families.

So it's time to choose yours.

Your mother or your friends.

Did you find a way out?

Yeah. Yeah, I found a way out, Mom.

It'll all be over soon.

Tandy, her dagger!

Let go of her!

That was so bad‐ass.

Good choice, little Wilder.

Let's go!

This place will never let us go.

I'm sorry.

A deal's a deal.

You're free.

Come on, we're free! Go, go, go!

How did that door get unlocked?
It's almost like someone's let us out.

And where are the soldiers?

No, I'm thinking no murderous
Dark Dimension soldiers is a good thing.

Let's just find Alex
and get the hell out of here.



Are you okay?

Now I am.

Uh... Alex. Do you remember us?

Of course I remember you guys.

But I don't remember them.
Should I know them?

No. No, no, no.
We just came along to help.

Where are the guards?

I was just kind of escaping on my own,
but I appreciate the backup.

It's gonna be hard to get
out of this building alive,

and it's a hike
back up to the mansion.

Actually, I think I got you.

Oh, you remember?

Sort of. Not super reassuring.

So you have a better idea, right?

No, no.
I'm cool with the hoodie thing.

Everybody hold hands.


We got to go back.

What are you talking about? Him.

I saw his hopes, they weren't good.

Look, I don't know what
you think you saw, okay,

but I just spent months locked up
in a soul‐sucking hellhole, so‐‐.

No. No, no, no. What I saw was‐‐

Alex can be a little... standoffish.

- No, if Tandy says he's a problem, he is.
- Let's just hear her out.

No, we're not sending him back.
We all just almost died getting him out.

Maybe you saw some
Dark Dimension version of me.

Okay? Minds...
kind of get broken over there.

Now that I'm back, I'm fine. Okay?

Trust me.

It's not like... It's not like I played
a One With Nothing Card

and I got mindflavored, okay?

If I did that, then you'd
have to send me on back there.

The Gathering reference.
You guys don't...

You two haven't played.

Missing out.

It's definitely Wilder.

We're good.

What's been happening
since I've been gone?

It's a thin place.

The dark world's seeping through.

It's Morgan.
She knew we were over there.

Which means...
she probably knows we're back.

Good news.
We were only gone for eight hours.

I have no idea how time works over there,

but at least Molly hasn't been alone
for the last six months.

Um, Tandy and I should go,

you know, make sure these poppies
aren't showing up outside of I. A. Too.

Do you still have it?

You mean...

The super cool "my chocolate
in your peanut butter" gray dagger?

Well, keep it close.

For protection.


For coming with us.

For trusting me.

Hey. Sorry if I freaked you out before.

I just, um, wanted to say

it's pretty clear that your family
isn't just your sister.

It's lacrosse boy, too.

Yeah. I hate that you're right.

By the way,
was there some type of like...

how do you say it... veloci...

Deinonychus. Common mistake.

Wait, that's... that's a real dino?

What is this place?


It's okay, Lace, he's a friend.

Thank you.

Will we see you again?

I think so.

Maybe you guys can come
help us next time.



What do we do now?

We find Molly.

And then... we save the world.

Morgan's on her way back
for the ceremony.

I think she'll be pleased.

Even without the Staff.

This little one will give us
all the power we need.