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01x24 - Elroy's Mob

Posted: 04/03/22 09:28
by bunniefuu
N Meet George Jetson N'

N His boy Elroy N

N Daughter Judy N

N Jane, his wife NM

And remember, Elroy, no stopping
off at the Spaceburger satellite

on the way to school.

Oh, gee, Mom.
How about on the way home?

Now, not another word.

Come on, come on.
It's off to school for you.

Well, now, let's see.
Here we are.

Playground, movies, school.

- Bye, dear.
- Bye, Mom. See you in orbit.

That must be Judy's ride.

Hey, Judy, let's blast out.
We'll be late for school.

Hi, Mom. Bye, Mom.

But, Judy. Hey, where are you
going with that space board?

Ricky Rocket
is taking me to school.

Well, I know, dear.
But on a space board?


Didn't you ever space ski to school
when you were a kid, Mom?


Bye, dean

Well, that's two down
and two to go.

Hey, Janey, where are my shoes?

Right In front of you, dear,
where they're supposed to be.

Well, Ijust wanna be sure.

Yesterday, I walked out of here
with my shoes on my ears.

You better hurry, George.

Don't forget you have to drop
Astro off at obedience school

on your way to work.

Oh, yeah.
Yeah, this Is his school day.

Oh, boy, will he be tickled.
Here, Astro.

Time to go play
with your doggy pals.

Oh, boy! My doggy Pals!

- Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
- Alright, alright, calm down.

It isn't like you haven't seen
them for ten years, you know.

Now, cut that out.

If I want a bath,
I'll take a shower.

Oh, George, he's just excited.

You know how anxious
he gets about school.

I know. I know.
Oh, how I know.

Goodbye, dear.
Have fun.

Fun? I could have more fun
with a saber tooth tiger.

There's nothing worse
than showing up at work

covered with dog hairs.


And eight trillion
to the third power

times the nuclear hypotenuse
equals the total sum

of the trigonomic syndrome

divided by
the supersonic equation.

Very good, Elroy Jetson.

Now, one second,
while I check over your answer.

Absolutely correct, Elroy.

You really know
your elementary arithmetic.

Thank you, Miss Brainmocker.

Yes, students like yourself
are a pleasure to tea...

To tea...

To teat.“

To teach.

Pardon me, class.

I've got a short
in one of my transistors.

Now, if there are no questions

we'll go on to
Einstein's theory of...

Whatcha watching?

It's the billionth rerun
of The Flintstones.

Here goes! Yabba-dabba-doo!

Hey, look out, Fred.


Kenny Countdown,
how many times have I told you

no TV in the classroom?

What have you to say for yourself?
Yourself? Yourself?

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Sorry.


Very funny. You won't be
laughing in a minute.

Here they are, children,
your weekly report tapes.


Oh, boy. Report tapes.

My pop bought a new tape player

just so he could
hear my marks in stereo.

Big deal.

I'm sure your family
will be pleased, Elroy.

You've gotten all A's.

A“ A's.
Hubba dubba.

Now, now, Elroy.
Come down.

You know how
the principal feels...

about flying in the classroom.

Sorry, Miss Brainmocker,
but I couldn't help it.

Why, you miserable,
little, space sneak.

Forget it, Elroy.

He'll be punished when his parents
play his report tape.

'Four D's, an F and an H.'

And don't try to erase the tape.
It's magna-proofed.

Wow. When my father
hears this report tape,

it'll be planetary pandemonium.

What'll I do?

Say, now, maybe the old
switcheroo will work.

Look, Elroy, up there.

Huh? I don't see anything.

That was just a joke.

Uh, congratulations,
Elroy, old pal.

Sure wish I had your grades.

Yeah. I can hardly wait
to play them for my pop.

He'll never get over it.

I'll never get over it.
Four D's and an F and an H?

Elroy, how could you?

But Mom, Pop, I'm telling you,
there's been a serious mistake.

That's right.
A serious mistake.

Well, there's no mistaking this.

And may I urge
you parents to
come to class

so that we may discuss
your son's atrocious conduct.

Perhaps a good
m*llitary school on Mars

might be the answer to this.

A Martian m*llitary school?

Yeah, maybe
that's what he needs.

A little hup, two, three, four!

Now, now, don't be
so hard on the boy, George.

After all, all he did was fail.

Fail every subject.

Don't, Mom.

We can always move
to another planet.

Please, won't anybody
believe me?

I believe you.

Elroy, get to your room.
And you too, Astro.

I'm sending you both to bed
without supper pills.

Ah, Daddy, maybe you should
give Elroy another chance.

At least let me give him one

peanut butter and jelly capsule,

No, no, no.
He's got to be taught a lesson.

First, I'll start by taking away
his credit cards.

Mr. Jetson.
Calling Mr. Jetson.

Oh, the vis-a-phone.

Now who can be bothering us now,
in our moment of shame?

Jetson here.

Sorry to trouble you, Jetson.

Oh, Mr. Countdown.
What's up?

Well, you see,
I'll let my son tell you.

Okay, Kenny, you tell him before
I boot you to Jupiter and back.

I... I switched
report tapes with Elroy.

He got all high marks.

Tell Elroy I'm sorry.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure.

Hear that, George?
Elroy was telling the truth.

Oh, boy. I feel lower
than a Martian midget.

Oh, Elroy.

Elroy. Elroy, my boy, listen.

He's gone.

He must have written this note.

"Dear Mom and Pop,
I'm running away from home.

Just leave my allowance
in the usual place

and I'll have it picked up.
Love, Elroy."

'"P.S. Re Roo,
Rowe Rex Rog, Rastro."'

Ah, I mean,
"P.S. Me too, your ex-dog Astra."

He's run away.
Our son's run away.

Oh, now, don't worry, honey.
He won't get far.

Now where can a kid like him go?

No place.

Just to the Moon, Venus,
Jupiter, Mars, Saturn.

That's enough!
That's enough! That's enough!

Maybe this'll teach
my folks to believe me.

When I'm rich and famous,
they'll be sorry.

Yeah. Well, I'm hungry.

Hungry already?

Okay, I brought
some food for us.

Now, which one do you want?

We've got a ham
and cheese capsule.


A fried egg capsule.
A chicken chow mein pill.

Pick one.

Oh, what'd you
do that for, Astro?

That was supposed
to last us for a whole week.

I'm sorry.

Alright, you guys,
hands in the air. Get 'em up.

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.

It's just a kid and his dog.

It's okay, kid.
You can put 'em down.

You better get home.
It's after curfew.

Mugsy Megaton and his mob
just busted outta the Jupiter Jail.

Mugsy Megaton?

Oh, gee, I'll keep
a lookout for him.

Don't bother, kid.
He's dangerous.

You better fly home.
You and that mutt of yours.

C'mon, let's go.

- Who's he callin' a mutt?
- Who's he callin' a mutt?

Well, he didn't mean
any harm, Astro.

But what about Mugsy Megaton?

He sure sounds rough.

Don't worry, Elroy.

Don't worry?
What would you do If he saw us?

- Run for help.
- Run for help.

Thanks a lot.

Alright, we're
almost there, fellas.

Everybody know his job?

- How about you, Microbe?
- Yeah, Mugsy.

- But what about the spacebulls?
- Relax.

I got this rod
full of freeze gas.

And besides, we hired
us a real strong-arm gorilla.

Eh, Chuckles?

I don't know, boss. Why do you
have to have a real gorilla?

'Cause he works cheap,
that's why.

A dozen banana pills for him
and we split the loot.

There it is, our next caper.
The Galaxy Gem company.

We should make
a gem of a haul here.

You crawl through the ventilator
I told you about, Microbe.

Then down to the store
and unlock the door for us.

Shh. Knock it off!

, unemployed gorillas,
and I gotta pick a giggler.

- Let's go, Microbe.
- Right.

Help. I'm stuck.

I am too big
for this ventilator.

He's stuck, the birdbrain.

I told him not to eat them
pizza pills before a job.

Don't just stand there,
you big ape.

Get him out of there.
Hurry it up!

Come on, come on!

Get him out
before the cops come.

Okay, okay! Let go.

- Hey, where's Mugsy?
- Let me up, you big ape.

Let me up. Get me out of here!


Oh, boy.

It's enough to make
you go straight!

Hey, a little kid and his dog.

Just what we need.

Now, you guys keep quiet
and let me do the lying.

Now, with these dark glasses

I'll make like
a big time director.

Uh, okay, cast,
take it from the top.

This is the big robbery scene.

Uh, let's make this
the best show on TV.

- The best, best, best!
- A TV show?

- Which one, Mister?
- Uh, um, The Unspaceables.

It's just the run-through.
We sh**t in the morning.

The Unspaceables.

You hear that, Astro?

Yeah, my favorite.

That's one of my
favorite programs too.

Full of cops and robbers.

Eh, just robbers
in this one kid.

No cops.

Uh, say, ever do any acting?

Uh, one of our
juveniles didn't show.

Well, I was a little elf
in a school play once.

Splendid. Just what we need.

Come on.

Now, all you have to do
is zip through this vent

and open the door.

Gee, Mister, thanks.

- But I'm not sure I can.
- Sure you can.

Everyone wants to be in showbiz.

- I'll give you a boost.
- Okay, I'll try.

Good thinking, sonny.
Here we go.



Through the ventilator,
down into the store.

What talent. A natural.

Get set, you guys.
He's openin' the door.

How was that, sir?
Did I do alright?

Kid, you were perfect.
Hurry up in there, you guys.

How much will I get for my part?

Oh, about five to ten years
if we're caught.

It's the spacebulls.
Come on, you guys.

Head for the car
and take the kid with you.

I'll give 'em a whiff
of this freeze gas.

Right, Mugsy.

Wait for me.

Hurry up, Astro.
Oh, gee, what realism.

And gosh,
this is just a rehearsal.

It's Mugsy Megaton. Pull up.

Okay, Mugsy. We got you.

Don't move.

Oh, yeah?
Don't you move.

Now to cool off your partner.

Uh-oh. A freeze gas g*n.

Calling all cars,
calling all ca...

By the time these cops thaw out

we'll be half way to the moon.

Boy! That's what I call
an exciting script.

- Thanks for the part.
- Don't mention it.

Maybe we can use you in some
of our other episodes, huh, fellas?

Watch it.

Watch it!

You know, I wish Mom and Pop
could see me.

Now that I'm a TV star.

But they'll never know now.

Iran away from home.

And we just passed
over my house.

That's very touching, kid.

But we gotta find us a place
to hide out..

Say, now, you ran
away from home, eh?

For shame.
We're taking you right home.

But what about
our getaway, Mugsy?

We just got us a new hideout.
The kid's house.


And how long did you say
your son's been missing?

He and his dog ran away
about an hour ago,

wouldn't you say, dear?

Oh, yes. And both
of them missed their supper.

Now, now, ma'am. Kids fly away
from home every day.

We'll locate him.
What's his name?

Elroy Jetson.
And here's his picture.

He's nearly three feet tall,
weighs about pounds

and he's wearing
space sneakers and, and...

Hold It.
An emergency flash coming In.

Attention, attention.

The Mugsy Megaton mob
just robbed Galaxy Gems.

- He sure didn't waste time.
- That's right.

Mugsy, Microbe, Chuckles,

and a brand new
member of the g*ng.

Appears to be a little boy
approximately three feet tall,

about pounds.

Oh, boy, you hear that, Janey?

That's what happens when kids
don't have the right home life.

Oh, no, it can't be.
Not Elroy!

The boy is accompanied
by a big, simple looking dog.

That's them,
sergeant, that's them!

Oh, it's all my fault!
I drove them to a life of crime!

And he didn't even
take an extra handkerchief!

What are you doing
with Elroy's pictures, sergeant?

Sorry, ma'am.

He's now, one of the top
ten most wanted criminals.

Do you have any extra photos?
We'll need 'em for the post office.

Our son, a criminal!

Oh, there must be some mistake!

Better take her home, mister.
We'll be in touch with you.

Where? Where did we go wrong?

Elroy Jetson, a mobster?

Oh, what will I tell the PTA?

Step inside, please.

Mugsy Megaton!

What have you done with our boy?

Elroy, where are you?

Nothin' to worry about.

We just brought them home
for safekeeping.

Now, I know you want
to give us a reward.

Two months' room and board
will be just fine.

Two months? Oh, no.
You can't stay here.

Now, that's too bad.

I was hoping we'd be welcome.

Well, like I always said...

it's certainly nice
to have company drop in.

That's better.

Now, how about some coffee?

Oh, uh, coffee?
Coming up.

I hope you don't mind instant.

Coffee, sir.
Coffee, sir.

I've got some extra cups
if you're still hungry.

Okay, tie these two up and we'll
hit the kitchen for some chow.

I wonder if this place
is on our credit cards.

Oh, boy.
We're really In trouble.

- What can we do?
- I don't know.

George, George, look at Astro.
He's chewing his way out.

Attaboy, Astro.

Chew, chew, chew!
Chomp, chomp, chomp.

He did it! Good boy!
Astro to the rescue.

Hey, what are you
doing down there?

I'm scared.

I know you're scared.

But you've gotta help us
before it's too late.

Come on. Outta there.

Now, fetch a policeman.
Fetch a policeman.

Fetch a policeman,
fetch a policeman.

That's it. Now don't forget it.
Keep sayin' it.

Now, fetch a policeman!

Fetch a policeman,
fetch a policeman.

Fetch a policeman,
fetch a policeman.

Yeah, yeah.
You already told me that.

Now, who's the criminal?

Big guy?

Two little guys.

Yeah, sounds like,
eh, sounds like fun.

No, g*n.

You're cold?

You're very cold.

Oh, a freeze gas g*n?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, what?

Hold it, hold it a minute.

I'll call in the police artist.

Maybe he can make
something outta this.

Yes, sergeant.

This canine character
is trying to describe somebody.

See, if you can draw it up.

Uh, okay, hound. Try and
remember the mug's mug.

How'd he look?

Ugly head.
Big nose.

[Ed, ugh] r R “ -

Ugly head, big nose.

Oh, yeah.
Make ears bigger.

Oh, mouth smaller.



Wow! He's an ugly. A typical
criminal if I ever saw one.

Here you are, sergeant.
How's that for an ugly mug?

Why, you dumb space head.
That's me.

That's him!
That's him!

Mugsy Megaton, Mugsy Megaton!

That's him?
Mugsy Megaton?

Call out the Riot Rod!

Uh, I mean,
call out the Riot Squad.

George, what do you think
they'll do with us?

I don't know, honey.

But I wouldn't make
any social commitments.

Uh-oh. Here they come.

Well, folks, we got
good news for you.

We took a vote and
I'm afraid we'll have to leave.

- Goodbye.
- And drive carefully.

I also got some bad news.

Since you know so much,
we've gotta do something with you.

- Right?
- Right.

Show 'em what we're
gonna do to them, Chuckles.

Hey, you dumb ape.
He's one of us.

He sure enjoys his work,
doesn't he?

You can say that again.

Me and my big mouth.

As I said, we took a vote
and you lost.

I demand a recount.

Sorry, it was unanimous.

This is the end of the line.
Okay, Chuckles.

[mam Hands up, Hussy

Or you'll get a sh*t
of freeze gas, too.

Yeah, hands up!

Astro, you saved us.

Good dog, Astro.

Yeah, he's a hero, alright.

Aw, shucks.

Okay, take 'em out
and lock 'em up.

He would have to freeze
the biggest one.

Don't worry, fellas,
it's just a temporary setback.

Yeah, very temporary, Mugsy.
Thirty years to life.

George, we're free.
I can't believe it.

Yeah, me neither.

This is the longest
I've ever kept quiet.

Hold It. Hold It, everybody.

It's your roaming
television reporter.

Billions of people are waiting
to hear this story.

Okay, we're on the air.

Good evening, universe.

This is your on the spot
newsman, Chet Sprinkley.

We're at the Jetsons' home,
where the Megaton mob

has just been captured.

And here he is, George Jetson.

- The hero of the day.
- Well, not really.

My son Elroy
is the real hero here.

Elroy, my boy,
tell us what happened.

The truth is,
Astro was the one who saved us.

Well, Astro, could you
tell us what happened?

Oh, boy, will I!

Did you ever see such a ham?

Oh, yes, well, thank you.

We're very...

Thank you, but I...

We need to get on with the show.

Thank you.
That should do it.

The Jetsons.

Brought to you by
Scotch brand Magic Tape.

Looks frosty on the roll,

invisible on the job.

Scotch brand Magic Tape,
in the green plaid dispenser.

Help! Help!

Jane, stop this crazy thing.


Help! Jane!