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02x07 - Instant Replay

Posted: 04/05/22 07:16
by bunniefuu
SINGERS: Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, his wife

This ain't
no regular stop, buddy.

Guys like you mess up
my schedule.

Sorry, my car broke down.

How much is the fare?

Hey, it's tokens only.

No tokens. Rider has no tokens.

No tokens.

Hey, that thing took my watch.

Next time, have some tokens.

I saw that. It's a shame the way
they treat you these days.

Mm. And for me,
it's been one of those days.

Everybody has them.

But that's all behind me.

Please, sonny, don't do that.

Mommy, Mommy, I hate that man.

Junior, stop that.

You'll ruin your
expensive teddy bear.

I can sympathize.

I used to have
those days myself.

Oh? Used to have?

- You don't have them anymore?
- Never.

You see, I'm an inventor
and I invented this.

- What is it?
- I call it Replayola.

And with it, I can actually

change those bad moments
in life.

Change them? Go on.

Truly, I can.

With Replayola,
I can rewind life

and make whatever
changes I want.


That bus driver spoke
rudely to me too.

But I just backed life up,

simply wishedthat he was nice as
nice can be.

GEORGE: In your mind, maybe.

But I'll bet he doesn't remember
it that way.

No, that's the beauty of it.

With Replayola,
you can actually change life...

...not just in your mind,
but in theirs too.

You mean, when I say,

"I wish I'd said that"... really can go back
and say it?


You see, these buttons

are incredibly sensitive
chemical-electro receptors.

I'll be darned.

Here, try it.

- I just push rewind?
- Right.

And just stop when you come
to the spot you want.

Let's see. I push edit.

Hello, there.

That's not
one of our regular stops...

...but I'm sure glad
I could be of service to you.

Gosh, I'm sorry.

I don't seem to have any tokens.

That's quite all right.

You can mail it
in to the bus company.

Gee, thanks.

Now, you just take a nice seat
and have a comfy ride.

Sure hope we see you again.

And you have
a wonderful evening.

Mommy, Mommy.

What a nice man he is.

I wish he was my daddy.


Now you're right back
to the present.

What's this button do?

OLD MAN: Be careful with
that one. That's for erasing.

Let's see. Rewind, then erase.

See, they're gone.

Oh, my gosh. What did I do?

It's all right.
They still exist.

- They just aren't on the bus.
- Oh.

Look, I've got
to have this thing. How much?

Well, I'm not into
production yet,

but I suppose I could spare one.

Oh, boy, I'm gonna
erase everything...

...all the way back
to before my car broke down.

And I'll drive home.

No, no, no. Don't do that.

You'll erase me and Replayola.

- Then what will you have?
- Oh.

I'm home.

Hi, Dad.

What's up, Daddy?

Hello, dear.

Did you get the part
for the sink plunger?

Probably forgot.



I'm home.


Hi, Dad. Great to have you home.

Welcome home to the
number one daddy in the world.

Good evening, Mr. J.
Can I get you anything,

you wonderful,
wonderful employer?

Darling, so glad to see you,
and Orbitty will be too...

...if you have that
release-suction fuse.

Hey, I'm on the ceiling!

What's come over us?

We're acting like
you've been on a year-long trip

to a distant galaxy.

I'll tell you
what's come over you:


ALL: Replayola?

The greatest thing
since laser beam-sliced bread.

So, what's it do?

You can spruce up
the past with it.

For instance...

...I can make myself
the star quarterback

of our high school
football team.

Don't be silly, George.

Bunky Bingston was
the star quarterback.

Sure. But with Replayola,
I could be.

That's ridiculous.

Then what would
Bunky Bingston be?

Water boy, if I wanted it.

George, you've always
been jealous

because Bunky was sweet on me.

Jealous of Bunky? Ha.

I wonder whatever happened
to that creep.

I ran into him at the market.

He told me he's done
very, very well.

Yeah, that's Bunky.

Did he have his net worth
printed on his shirt?

He's right here
in the neighborhood

at that expensive Snooty Towers.

I almost forgot the meeting.

What's that, Dad?

Your father has to speak
about some needed improvements.

But, Dad, you said yourself,

you're the worst speaker
in the world.

If I need a little help
this time, Elroy,

maybe I'll know where to get it.


GEORGE: And so, uh,
my fellow neighbors,

it's up to us, uh...

...that is, up to we neighbors
who live here...

[STAMMERING] in the neighborhood... protect the



I thank, uh, uh, you.


Thank you, Mr. Jetson.
And now, it's our pleasure... have a few words

from a newcomer
to our neighborhood.

Let's give a warm welcome to--

I wasn't so good, huh?

--our new neighbor,
Mr. Bunky Bingston.

Good evening, neighbors.

And what a pleasure it is
to call you neighbors...

...even silver-tongued Jetson
here. Ha-ha.

Years ago, we went
to high school together.

Nice to know he still
has all his marbles.

Too bad he keeps them
all in his mouth.


Anyway, on my way here
this evening,

it occurred to me... reflect upon
the word "neighbor" itself.

What does it really mean?

To me, neighbor means respect,
concern, care...

...and yes, I'm not ashamed
to say it, neighbor means love.


Uh-- Uh, on the way
here this evening--

I had some notes here somewhere.

Oh, yes. Uh, uh, uh--

"Pick up laundry,
stop by market."

Uh, uh-- Where wa--? I--?

Oh, I just wanted to say
in the conclusion,

uh, thank you.

George, did you do this?

That's nothing. Watch this.


And so, my neighbors... is with abundance of joy
that I say to you...

...let us go forward in a spirit
of community and friendship... that in years to come,
this hallowed area...

...this precious place
we call home...

...will forever be
our neighborhood.


Oh, George, you were wonderful.

But poor, poor Bunky.

Yeah, lucky
I talked the crowd

out of drumming him out
of the neighborhood.

Mr. Jetson, I'm Ralph Kingmaker.

Politics is my game...

...and I just want to tell you,

that speech was the finest
I've ever heard.


Oh, well, thank you.

And I think you are
the most exciting

new political personality
of our time.


You can become senator
and maybe even governor.

Governor? Senator?

And maybe even go all the way.

George, how on earth
can we afford all these things?

Easy. I just Replayola-ed back
to my last bank deposit...

...and upped it few hundred.

- George, isn't that cheating?
- Not really.

I'll just play back
the last time Spacely

turned me down for a raise...

...only this time,
he'll give me one.

This is so exciting.
We can stock up on everything.

Stock up.
Great idea, Jane.

Look over there.

"E.F. Glutton, Stock Brokers."

No, sir, I wouldn't recommend
Amalgamated Steel and Die.

They have a terrible
profit-dividend ratio.

What the heck.
I'll buy 10,000 shares.


Really, mister?

Amalgamated is
on a downward spiral.

Make that 20,000 shares.

All right.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

The money is due in three days.

George, I'm frightened.

We could lose everything
we have in the world.

Trust me.

Extra, extra. See all about it.

Amalgamated Steel
and Die plant blows up.

Executives in prison
for embezzlement and fraud.

Video news disc?

It's got the whole story
of the big corporate collapse.

No, thanks, sonny.

Extra. See all about it.

I told you.
Amalgamated has dived 80 points.

It's a total disaster.

- We're ruined.
- Wrong.


I can hardly believe it.
We made half a million.

Extra. See all about it.

Amalgamated Steel and Die

announces greatest year
in history.

President named
Man of the Century.

I'll take one.

- Hey, mister. How about a tip?
- Sure.

Ha-ha. Buy Amalgamated stock.

Some men are born great...

...and some men have greatness
thrust upon them.

And some of us
are a combination of the two.

- Right. Right.
- Gee, Dad...'re not gonna speak
at this thing, are you?

This thing is
an important fundraiser, Elroy.

There will be 5000 people
listening to me speak.

But, Daddy, the time you spoke
at my Girl Scout meeting...

...they almost cookied
you to death.

How do you like
my new dress, George?

Fine, fine.

Four score and seven years

...our astronauts brought forth
upon this galaxy a new--

Ten minutes till your
appointment, Mr. Big Shot.

Shake a leg and break a leg.

Break a leg?

Good luck
in ancient showbiz talk.

I hope this dress is okay.

I kept thinking what a
governor's wife wears,

or a senator's.

You mean Daddy
is really speaking

in front of 5000 people?

Mom, you ought to be thinking:

"What would a widow wear
when they bury him?"


A star is about to be born,
but where is he?

Oh, Mr. Jetson.

What a great night
this is going to be.

I brought the family
like you said.

Wonderful. Kids and a dog
are pure gold in politics.

And I'd like you
to meet my wife.

I'm sure you girls
will be great friends.

Like identical twins.

I'd heard there were some
cheap rip-offs of this dress.

Careful, tubby, or you may see

that dress
ripped off right here.


Who are you calling tubby,
aluminum head?

Girls, girls.




It's okay, Astro.
No harm, no foul.

Time to put an end to this,
Replayola, old buddy.

Let go, you mangy little mutt.

You keep your
grubby little hands

off Foo-Foo, you little runt.

Where are you, Replayola?
Where did you go?

How dare you speak
to my son that way?

That son belongs in a kennel
along with that dog of yours.

That's my brother
you're calling a dog.

And that goes for
your whole family...

...including that pie-faced
piece of scrap metal.

- Thank you for making my day.
- Oh!

My future's on the line.
Replayola, come back.

Get out. Get out, all of you.

I don't want to set eyes
on you ever again.

But you were gonna introduce me.
My public is waiting.

What about my future?

As a far as I'm concerned, your
future's behind you, Jetson.

Did anybody drop this gadget?

Boy, I never thought
I'd live to say it,

but I'm sure glad to see you.
Don't overdo it, Jetson.

From what I've seen
of this little fracas...

...Old Marble-Mouth has become
Old Foot-in-the-Mouth.

Well, maybe I'm not so glad
to see you. Give me that.


Mmm. As the old saying goes,
would you run that by me again?


I brought the family,
like you said.

Wonderful. Kids and a dog
are pure gold in politics.

And I'd like you to meet
my wife, Irene, and Foo-Foo.

I'm sure you girls
will be great friends.

Well, at least we have
a head start.

We both have great taste.

I agree. I love your dress.

Oh, I love yours too.

It's not fair to keep
your public

waiting any longer, George.

I want to introduce them

to the most dynamic speaker
of our time.

And that, my friends,
is our call to greatness.

A challenge for today
and a golden tomorrow.


Did Mr. Kingmaker
really mean president, Dad?

Anything can happen, Elroy.

Remember, we're living
in a free galaxy.

With speeches like that, Daddy,

you could take every planet
in the universe.

Well, maybe not every planet.

JANE: George, your broker's
on the phone.

Can you imagine this?

The Amalgamated stock has shot
up another half-billion.

We're billionaires, Jane.

nobodies with nothing,

and today, billionaires.

And pretty soon,
I may be president.

Dear, let's not lose our sense
of proportion entirely.

Lose? We haven't lost anything.

-We've gained money and power.

that's hardly everything.

Ha-ha-ha. But close, Jane.

Bunky Bingston,
cry your eyes out.

You're right.
He doesn't have your Replayola.

With or without it, he's
still the bum he always was.

your jealousy is showing.

Me, jealous of Bunky? Ha.

Just because I
liked him a little

and he did a few things better
than you did.

You liked him a lot.

He had a nice car,
took you to nicer restaurants.

I suppose he even kissed
better than I did.

I didn't say that.

You didn't not say it.

No, I didn't.

Yuch. The idea of that idiot
kissing Jane.

Hey, why not?

I'll just rewind back
to when he kissed her and edit.

No, I'll erase.

I'll erase the whole day
he kissed her.

Aha, there it is.

I'll just back it up
a few hours and erase.

Darn. Burnt again.

Jane! Jane! Where are you?

Did you call, Mr. J?

- Have you seen Jane, Rosie?
- Who?

Don't play games, Rosie.

Jane. Where'd she go?

Jane? I don't know any Jane.

Jane, my wife.

Mr. J, you know
you're not married.

Rosie, have you blown
your circuits?

I'm married and have two kids.

You never did marry, Mr. J.
You're a bachelor.

You don't have any kids.

Cut it out, Rosie.
Of course I have kids.

Elroy! Elroy. Where's Elroy?

I don't understand.

Judy, honey, will you tell
Rosie that--

Oh, no. Judy, Judy.

Oh, my gosh, I remember now.

Bunky Bingston
was at our wedding.

He kissed the bride.
I've erased our wedding day.

No wife, no kids.

This doesn't even
look like my home.

Rosie, Rosie,
what am I gonna do?

The same boring things
you always do.

You get up, you count
your money... call your stockbroker,
you count your money.


Oh, Jane, kids, come back!

I'm gonna check the phone book
for a doctor, under "bonkers".

I'll sue.
That man on the bus

is gonna get the biggest lawsuit
that's ever been.

Now you stay calm and I'll
see if they can work you in... the Happydale Home
for the Hopelessly Zonked.

The man on the bus said
once you erase it, it's gone.

Good news, Mr. Jetson.

You're up another half-billion
with your Amalgamated.

You're on you way
to becoming the wealthiest...

...most powerful man
in the universe.

Don't bother me.
I've got to find Jane.

But where would she be?
I know. Bunky Bingston.

Maybe he's kept in touch
with her.

Great news, George.

There's a galactic groundswell
rolling for you.

Yeah, yeah, but I've got
something important to do.

What's more important than the
highest office in the galaxy?

Snooty Tower.
This is where she said he was.

Come on, Bunky, you twerp.
Open up.


Jane. Thank heaven I found you.

Why, it's George. George Jetson.

BUNKY: Who is it, Jane?

It's George Jetson.
Remember George, from school?

Come in, George.
My, it's been years.

What do you mean, years?
What are you doing here?

JANE: Doing here? I live here.

Come on, Jane, you belong to me.

Oh, George, you were always
such a kidder.

The furniture. Why is it here?


Why, I picked this furniture

right after Bunky
and I were married.


George, what brings you here?

I've come for my wife.

Your wife?

Let's go, Jane.

George, this joke's gone
far enough.

I'll say it has.

And don't bother seeing us
for another 20 years.



She hardly knew me.
Our wonderful kids.

They don't even exist.

And all because of this
lousy Replayola. Hey, wait.

Maybe if I rewind back

to that little man on the bus,
he can help.

Oh, I warned you about erasing.

Please, mister, please.
I'll give you anything.

I'm a rich man now.

Oh, I don't want anything.

I've got to have them back.

Well, there is one way...

...but you'll lose anything
Replayola has brought you.

I don't care.

I saw your political speech
on Spacevision.

There'd be no stopping you.

It doesn't matter.

And the money.
It would all be gone.

Yes, yes. Anything.

Then all you have to do
is give Replayola back to me.

Here. Glad to get rid of it.

And I'll rewind back
to before I got on the bus.

And I'll never have
had Replayola?


I won't take this bus.
I'll take another one.

Mommy, teddy isn't heavy enough.
I really hate this man.

Oh, here, darling.
Use Mommy's purse.

Great little guy
you've got there, lady.

Hey, this is my stop.

And next time, have tokens.

Thank you, I will.

Hey, Judy, Elroy. I'm home.

- Hi, Dad.
- Hi, son.

Boy, I love the sound of that,

"Hi, Dad."


Daddy, what's up?

My spirits, dear. Mmm-ah.

Mmm-ah. Hello, dear.
Have a nice day?

Every day I get to be
with you is a nice day.

Hi, George.

Astro, that slurp
is worth a million dollars.

Oh, George,

they cancelled
the neighborhood meeting.

Great. Let's order
out for some space pizza

and just have an evening
here together.

Oh, that would be nice.

But you'll never guess who I met

in the market today
and invited to dinner.

Hi, George, old buddy.

Jane, how's my girl?


Oh, here we go again
and again and again.