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02x08 - Fugitive Fleas

Posted: 04/05/22 07:17
by bunniefuu
Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, his wife

Nice to see you here... the Constellation Beauty
Salon, Mrs. Jetson.

Thank you, Ethel. I haven't seen
you since I don't know when.

Yesterday, to be exact.

What can we do for
you today, Mrs. Jetson?

Facial, shampoo, manicure...

...or, uh, ha-ha-ha,
the works?

Oh, George has put
us on a budget.

What have you got for $50?

Fifty dollars?


Maybe we could do a pinkie.

Only one pinkie?

Videophone for Mrs. Jetson.

Hi, honey. Guess what.
I got the R-A-I-S-E.

The raise. Oh, George,
Spacely finally came through.

Congratulations, dear.

Honey, we'll celebrate
by going out to dinner.

So look your best.
Spare no expense. Bye.

In that case,
I'll have the works.

- Give her the works.
- The works. The works.

ETHEL: - Give her the works.
- The works. The works.

Give her the works!

ROBOT: Nice?

Manicure. Manicure.

And do I need one.
My nails are a mess.

Oh, beautiful.

And now...

...the latest in ultrachic.

A darling fur piece.

The latest in mod-bod makeup.

And this gown is really you.

You look ravishing, Mrs. Jetson.

Thank you, Ethel.

Happy days, I got my raise.

SPACELY:Hey, Jetson.

Oh, hi, Mr. Spacely.

Good news and bad news, Jetson.

First, the good news,
there isn't any.

The bad news is there's been
a malfunction on the board...

...and that raise you've
been promised, forget it.

Forget my raise?


Thanks for understanding,

There are just
no funds available.

We all have
to tighten our belts.

Any more belt-tightening,

...I'm gonna have
to stop breathing.

Exactly why I'm asking the board
for a recount of the vote.

All in favor of Jetson's raise?


Guess the noes have it.

But to make up for it, I'm
giving you some free tickets... the Pleasure Carnival.

Pleasure Carnival?
I never heard of it.

Precisely what my wife said
when I asked her to go.

Here are your tickets.

Have fun, my boy.

Jane and the kids
will really be surprised.



What do you think, darling?
I got the works.

So did I.

Something tells me
Dad didn't get the raise.

No raise?

Goodbye, college,
hello, cooking school.

Is it true, George?
You didn't get the raise?

Yep, yep. Click, click.

Who needs money when I got
something even better?

Tickets to the space carnival
on Pleasure Planet.


Pleasure Planet?
Where is that?

Stay out of this, Orbitty.

Oh, well, I think the space
carnival will be lots of fun.

Yeah. We'll have
the time of our lives.

What do you say, g*ng?

Oh, yuck.

He's gotta be kidding.


Guess he wasn't kidding.

Uh... Watch the road, George.

Can't we go any faster, Daddy?
It's so boring.

I'm hungry.

Oh, the joys of family life.

Well, at least Astro
isn't complaining.

Hey, everybody,
look, there it is.


Hmm. Pretty cool.

ELROY: Except for one thing.
Where are the thrill rides?


Here comes one. Hold on.

Wow, I can hardly
wait to ride them.


Here comes another
thrill ride. Duck!

Wow, what's fun.

What ever happened to the good
old-fashioned Ferris wheel?

If we're going to
the carnival, George...

...let's find a parking space.


Welcome to Pleasure Planet. Take
the fun tube to the land of fun.

- I hope it is fun.
- Hold on, everybody.

- Wow, this is super.
JUDY: - Positively awesome.


Boy, the kids are sure having
fun on these Bumpem rides.


These Bumpem space pods
are out of this world.

The best part is
when they eject.


Hey, look at Elroy and Judy.

What happens
if the chutes don't open, Elroy?

You get a refund.

George? Oh, George,
where are you?

- Is something wrong, Mom?
- It's your father.

He insisted on taking
the jungle-boat ride...

...and that's the
last I've seen of him.

You know, sometimes they carry
this realism too far.

Enough rides. Let's go see
one of the carnival shows.

- I'm all for that.
- Me too.


What'll we see first, g*ng?

We could start with
the Moon Flea Circus.

- Huh?
GEORGE: - Moon Flea Circus?

I haven't seen one of
those since I was a kid.

Step right up,
ladies and gentlemen...

...and see the fabulous
Solareenie's Moon Fleas.

Trained by the one
and only Solareenie.

That's me.


Five of your best seats, please.

You got it, big spender.

That's two adults, two kids...

...and no dogs.

No dogs at a flea circus?

Heh-heh. We got all
the fleas we want.

I'm sorry, Astro. You're gonna
have to wait for us outside.


Oh, boy.

- When's it gonna start, Dad?
- Any minute, Elroy.

Unless the fleas put
the bite on Solareenie.



Astro, how did you get in here?

He must have borrowed that
disguise from the costume store.

- Yeah, and then snuck in.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I, the great Solareenie,
proudly present...

...the greatest flea circus
in the universe...

...starring the Moon Fleas.



JANE: They're tiny.
-Far out.

How do those tiny fleas do it?

Practice, Judy, practice.

And now, for the first time,
The Flying Fleabees.

Oh, marvelous.

Wow, look at that, Dad.

A tightrope act.








Thank you, thank you.

And now, the spectacular finale.


More! More!

Oh, I wonder where he finds
such talented fleas.

Don't look at me.

They could never do it
without Solareenie.

He's gotta be a genius.

Even smarter.

Imagine what it takes
to train fleas from scratch.

Lots of patience and love
from Solareenie.

He must be all heart.

Okay, moon g*ons,
back into your cell.


Any more back talk and I'll
put flea powder in your makeup.



FLEA: - Nothing.
- That's better.







What's going on, Astro?

That's what we wanna know.

That music, it sounds familiar.

Maybe those fleas ran away
from the circus, Dad.

And they moved in on Astro.

That's ridiculous.
Judy, get my magna-glass.

Hold still, Astro.
I wanna check this out.

JANE: It's the Moon Fleas.
Elroy was right.

I wonder why
they left the circus.

It looked like so much fun.

- They don't say so.
- You speak flea?

I thought you were taking
Esperanto at school.

Dad, please.
I'm trying to listen.


He did?


- That's awful.
- What's awful?

Yeah. What are they saying?

They said that Solareenie
was mean to them.

- And that's why they ran away.
- Ah, the poor things.


What did they say now?

You don't really wanna know.

Yes, I do.

They think you're a nerd.

Yeah? If they
don't like it here...

...let them go back
to the circus.

That's telling them, George.

- No, don't send them back.
- Who asked you?

Orbitty's right, Dad.
If we send them back...

...Solareenie will punish
them for running away.

- That would be terrible.
- I've got an idea.

Let's all go to sleep and talk
about it in the morning.

Go to sleep?


Okay, I'll tell him. They say
not to scratch yourself.

They keep falling out of bed.


Silly dog,
always picking up fleas.

This Bug Out will nail them.
Bye-bye, fleas.

Rosie, stop.

- Drop that can.
JANE: - We don't wanna hurt them.

What is this, Mrs. J,
Be Kind to Fleas Week?

You don't understand.
Those fleas are very talented.



I don't believe this.

SOLAREENIE: Alright, I know
you're up there.

You stole my fleas,
you flea-nappers.

We didn't steal
your fleas, Solareenie.

They just showed up.

Just showed up, huh?

There. There's your flea-napper.

ALL: Astro.

If that's what
your mutt is called.

You treated them terribly.

You should hear
what they called you.

I'll wash their little
mouths out with soap.

- Not in this house, you won't.
- That's telling him, Dad.

We won't allow you to mistreat
them, Mr. Solareenie.

How could I?
They're like my children.

Who do you think hatched
their tiny little eggs?

Fed them vitamins
to make them grow?


Okay, wise guy, drop the fiddle.

You know, Dad,
maybe Mr. Solareenie wants... sell us his Moon Fleas.

We already know
how to take care of them.

It's not a bad idea, George.

- Yeah. How much can a flea eat?
- Oh, no.

What do you say, Solareenie,
you wanna sell us your circus?

Me? Sell my precious Moon Fleas?

Why, I've given them
the best years of my life...

...sacrificing and scrimping so
they'd be where they are today.


How much are you willing to pay?

GEORGE: Just a minute.

- We'll use the rent money.
ELROY: - I'll open my piggy bank.

JUDY: - I'll chip in my allowance.
- I'll help too.

Here's your down payment.
We'll send you the rest.

I can't stand in their way.

Goodbye, my little friends.
I'll always remember you.


Oh, yeah? And "bleah" to you.

Gee, thanks, Dad. I'm so happy.

Me too.

We'll be the first kids
in the neighborhood...

...with our very own Moon Fleas.

Make sure they get plenty of
fresh air and lots of exercise.


Jetson, I'm William Martian
of the William Martian Agency.

- You're the famous talent agent?
MARTIAN: - In person.

I've got all the top stars.

Lenny Ade and the Big Dippers,
The Milky Ways, The Sunstrokes.

Wow, what a heavy lineup.

Jetson, I've seen
those Moon Fleas of yours...

...and believe me, I've got an
angle that'll make billions.

- Billions?
- Just for starters.

Turn over those fleas to me...

...and it's the big
time in the fast lane.

Yeah, but suppose
they don't wanna be... the big time
in the fast lane.

They seem to like
it here with us.

MARTIAN: You gotta be kidding.

I thought these Moon Fleas
had drive, ambition.

Why don't we ask them, George?
It's their decision to make.

You're absolutely right, honey.
Whatever the fleas say, goes.

Did you fellas hear that?


What are they saying, Elroy?
What are they saying?

ELROY: Please, Dad,
give them a chance.

Yeah, George,
give them a chance.

Well, if that's what you want,
but we're gonna miss you guys.

Way to go. Let's get
the show on the road.

JUDY: Is it time yet?
JANE: Almost.

I can't believe this
is actually going to happen.

Ah, that's show biz.

Just one audition
and they're starring... their own TV special.

Even so, I still miss them.

Things are not the same around
here, are they, Astro?

They sure aren't.

Here they are, folks.

The newest, the latest,
the farest-out of the farest...

...the Moon Fleas.


I've heard of bugging out,
but never like this.

- We must get their album.
- And their video.

I wonder if I'm
too old to be a groupie.

Look, they're taking
off into outer space.

What a finish.

I wonder if I'll
ever see them again.

I wouldn't count on it, Elroy.

They'll be too busy
with their careers.

Look at it this way, son.
We helped launch their careers.

You're right.

I'll just go to bed and try
to forget about them.

Me too.



They're back. They're back.

Is that you, Moon Fleas?


What did they say, Elroy?
What did they say?

They say they wish you'd stop
saying, "What did they say?"

- Huh?
ELROY: - Only kidding, Dad.

They say they miss us and they
wanna stay here forever.



