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02x25 - Space Bong

Posted: 04/05/22 07:34
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

[music continues]

Meet George Jetson

His Boy Elroy

Daughter Judy

Jane his wife

[instrumental music]

(male narrator)
In this vast galaxy, amidst
a billion, trillion stars

lies an insignificant
planet called Earth.

There, high above the clouds,
safe from inclement weather

man has built his cities.

Peaceful places, inhabited
by peaceful citizens.

Each morning
they leave their homes

and travel
to their peaceful jobs.

And in the evenings, they
return to their peaceful homes

unaware of the silent struggle
being fought in their midst

between the forces
of good and evil.

Unaware that their fate will be
determined by the winner.

On a nearby asteroid lies

the secret headquarters
of Sneek.

An evil organization

dedicated to destroy
this peaceful society.

It's leader is the beautiful
but ruthless Skata-Hara.


Opposing this evil organization
is Space Bong

Agent Double-O-Double.

Equally dedicated to defend
the peaceful citizens of Earth.

This is Orbit city.
It is Monday, June 7th.

A day, George Jetson
will never forget.


(Cosmo Spacely)
'Now, hear this.'


Jetson, you've been
getting back late from lunch.

- I'm keeping an eye on you.
- Oh. Yes, sir.

(computerized vocalization)
'The lunch room is now open.'

Oh, boy!
I better eat fast!

[upbeat music]

(female #1)
'Your order please?'

How about a Pluto Pastrami
on the Martian roll?

(female #1) Sorry, sir.
We're out of Pluto pastrami.

'May I suggest the
Venus smorgasbord.

Okay, I'll take the
Venus smorgasbord.

- And hurry it up!
- 'But we're outta that, too.'

- 'Anything else?'
- Roast Turkey?

- 'Sorry, sir. We're--'
- I know, I know.

You're outta that too.
I'll take whatever's left.

'Yes, sir.'


- 'Enjoy your meal, sir.'
- What meal?

That's just
a glass of water.

'Sorry, sir.
That's all that's left.'

[bell ringing]



Hey, wait a minute.
I haven't had my lunch, yet.

'Sorry, sir.
The lunch period is over.'

Well, I'm not leaving
until I have lunch.


Oh, uh, h-hiya, boss.
I was just leaving.

[upbeat music]

Let's see, uh, there was
something I wanted to do today

but I forgot what it was.

Oh, yeah.

I wanna talk
to George Jetson.




Nice of you to drop in, Jetson.

If you're not too busy

I have an important matter
to discuss with you.

Am I fired?
Or can I resign gracefully?

- Get off my desk.
- Yes, sir.

What do you think this is,
a men's lounge?

Uh, sorry, Mr. Spacely.
I must've lost my head.

You'll never miss it.

I'm putting your job
on hold until after tonight.

- After tonight?
- 'Yeah. Dinner at your place.'

Something our wives
arranged, remember?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Sure. Sure

(Cosmo Spacely) 'I don't like
the idea of hanging out'

'with low-life employees.'

But I hear, Jane makes the best
h'orderves in the galaxy.

And the way to my heart
is through my stomach.

- You have a heart?
- What was that?

I said, uh, you'll
have a hearty meal.

Good, good.

That's exactly what I want.
A hearty meal.

Now, buzz off!


It's bad enough I gotta put up
with Mr. Spacely all day.

Now I gotta put up
with him all evening.




Knock it off, Astro.
Why don't you act like a dog?

Go fetch my slippers
or something.


Gee, dad.
You hurt Astro's feelings.

Quick, George.
Run down to the space market.

Here's a list of things
I forgot.

Some list!

It looks more like
the market inventory.

- 'Don't be funny.'
- Lychee nuts.

Papayas, licorice sticks.
What are you makin'?

Lunar Lasagna.

(Rosie) 'Good luck, Mrs. J,
but don't invite me.'


boing boing

Orbitty says, don't
invite him either.

'Clean your room, Elroy.'

Your father's boss
is coming to dinner.

What, again?
Oh, boy!

Hurry up, Judy.
I need your help in the kitchen.

Be with you
in a jiffy, mom.


Cute, but obsolete.


Ah! That's better!

Gosh! Mom.
What are you doing?

I'm making Lunar Lasagna.

Lunar Lasagna?

Is something wrong
with the menu selector?

We always have Martian
meatballs on Monday.

'Not this Monday.'

I wanna surprise
Mr. and Mrs. Spacely

with a genuine
home-cooked meal.

- A home-cooked meal?
- How primitive!

[upbeat music]

Food! Food! Food!

No-no, dear, you've gotta
learn to control yourself.

But I...

(Petunia) 'And when we get
there, do try to be civil.'

The Jetsons are
very nice people.

Now, move on.

'Pastrami, oregano

Pluto potatoes'

moon mangoes,
half a dozen ostrich eggs

and six bananas.

(computerized vocalization)
'Your purchase number, please?'


Thank you.

'Tomorrow, we're having
a special on Venusian Venison.'

As fate sometimes decrees

Skata-Hara, head of
the infamous spy ring, Sneek

the society involved in various
deeds of evil and chaos

is passing by.


Isn't that Space Bong's
secret agent Double-O-Double?

(female #2)
'You're right, Skata-Hara.
That's him.'

(female #3)
'What's he doing in a market?'

Even secret agents
get hungry, you fool.

Space Bong knows the formula
for the instant transporter.

What's that?

'An invention that
can move an army'

'from one place to
another in a split second.'

- It must be worth a fortune?
- A mega fortune.

Intercept and bring Bong
to Sneek headquarters.

(female #2)
'Yes, leader One.'

I wish your father
would hurry.

Mr. Spacely is such a grouch
until dinner is served.

Stop worrying, mom.
Dad will be here any minute now.

[doorbell rings]

See, I told you.

- Oh, when do we eat?
- Cosmo!

Oh, good evening, dear.

Oh, no.
The Spacely's are early.

Where is George?

Unfortunately, George
is an unwilling guest

in the secret
headquarters of Sneek.

'So, we meet again,
eh, Double-O-Double?'


Don't play games
with Skata-Hara.

- I want that formula.
- Oh, the formula.

Gee, lady. I-I wish
I could help you.

But Jane never told me
how she makes Lunar Lasagna.

So, if you don't mind,
I'll leave now.

Miss Skata uh..
Whatever your name is.

- Argh!
- Not so fast, Double-O-Double.

First, the formula,
then you leave.

Honest, lady, I don't know
what you're talking about.

'Hmm, he's a clever one.'

'I will have to use my feminine
charms to make him my sl*ve.'

No man can resist Skata-Hara
once under my spell.

And to please me, he'll
willingly surrender the formula

into my hands.

Let us forget your
silly formula for now

my sweet, Mr. Bong.

And let me take you
to paradise.


I'll show you a world of
pleasures and fantasies

far beyond your
wildest dreams.


[slow romantic music]

'Come, darling.'

No. No. No.

What nonsense!

Come, do not be modest.

Sit here beside me
and let me entertain you.

For some reason, I don't think
Jane would approve of this.

[Skata-Hara thinking]
Ha ha ha.

In a few minutes,
Agent Double-O-Double

will be in double trouble.

As I pluck this grape..

So shall I pluck
the secret formula from him.

Have a grape, dear.

chomp chomp


glug glug glug

There, now that you've
shared my food and drink

perhaps you'll share the
formula with Skata-Hara, yeah?

- No.
- Why?

Because I don't know it.

Why, you ungrateful, no good
excuse for a-a...secret agent.

No more, mister nice lady.



I want that formula and you're
going to give it to me.

Why do you want the formula?

'What? Why?
I'll tell you why!'

People everywhere
will fear me.

Nations will grovel
at my feet.

'But above all, I need it
to rule the universe


I wonder, who this guy is
that she thinks I am?

As if in answer
to George's question

Agent Double-O-Double
is about to leave

his secret headquarters.

[instrumental music]


I see, you have no intention
of talking to me.

Perhaps, you would rather
talk to the Mind-bender.

'He never fails
to get the information.'

the victim never survives.


bang bang bang

Never survives?

They get over,

[George screams]

- When do we eat?
- Don't know, dear.

Mind your manners.
We just got here.

So, let's eat.

Uh, dinner will be ready
in a moment, Mr. Spacely.

Uh, Judy. Put some
music on for our guests.

Okay, mom.

This one is on the top 10
of the Glitter chart.

'It's some,
Oldie By The Moldies.'

It's real spacey.

[instrumental music]


This is the hard part.

[music continues]

Bravo! Bravo!

Isn't it lovely, dear?

Yeah, can we eat now?

[instrumental music]

(Space Bong)
Are you alone?

- I think so.
- Good.

I'm Space Bong,
Secret Agent Double-O-Double.

Skata-Hara's after some top
priority information, I have.

Jumpin' Jupiters!
We could be twins!

Right! That's why
Skata-Hara captured you.

It's a case of
mistaken identity.

What a relief!

All you gotta do is
tell her, I'm George Jetson.

And she'll let me go.

Negative. But I'll try
to get you out of here

before her Mind-bender
bends your mind.


Tie this rope around yourself,
and I'll haul you up.

Ready. Wooh!

[instrumental music]

[spaceships droning]

It's a Sneek patrol.

Sorry, George.
Better you than me.

[George screaming]



Elroy, go talk to
Mr. and Mrs. Spacely.

- Uh, do I have to?
- 'Just for a few minutes.'

Shucks! Come on, Astro.





Mom says, I should talk to you.
What do you wanna talk about?

Get Astro off of me. Tell her
I wanna talk about food.

Did you think
it over, Mr. Bong?

I'm not Mr. Bong.
I'm George Jetson.

Is that so?

Well, George,
I'm gonna let you go.

Gee! Thanks.

Right after you
give me the formula.

Honest, lady.
I would, if I could.

But I don't know it.
So I can't.

I've run out of patience!

will deal with you.



Hi, Mr. Bender.

If you're looking for me,
I'd just wanna--


[beeping continues]

Watch this, Astro?

I invented a remote control,
turkey sh**t game.

I'll show you how it works.


Look, Cosmo. There is a
turkey flying around the room.

Don't be ridiculous,
turkeys don't fly.

They sit on planets.


Something's wrong
with the remote control.





(Petunia Spacely)
'Oh, look!
You got the wishbone.'

Now, make a wish, dear.

What in the world could be
keeping your father?

Stop fretting, mom.
He probably met a friend.

You know dad.
He loves to talk.

[dramatic music]

[beeping continues]

Stop! I'll talk!

Mary had a little lamb,
it's fleece was white as snow.

Add one part of nitrogen
to two parts of H2O.


(Space bong)
'Stop Mind-bender, I'll tell
you the secret formula.'

[upbeat music]

[short circuiting]

What-what-what's happening?


Oh, boy! Skata-Hara
isn't gonna like this.

I wonder what happened.

- George.
- Ya..

It was the double image
that blew his microgram.

How did you get in here?

By using the very thing
Skata-Hara was after..

...the secret formula.

Here. Swallow

Will it transport me
outta here?



Wow. It really does work!

He's gone.

And he destroyed Mind-bender.

Space Bong,
you'll pay for this.

[cheerful music]

So long, George.
Remember, top secret!

Not a word
of this to anybody.

- 'Right.'
- Here's a memento for you.

And an insta-transporter cap.

'Don't use it unless
absolutely necessary.'



Just as I thought.

He hasn't finished
his marketing.

'But when I get that formula,
you'll be finished'

'Mr. Space Bong!'

Yoo-hoo, looking for me?


Space Bong.

You will not escape
Skata-Hara this time.


Oh, no.
He's gone again.

Oh, no!

Pull over, lady.

What a time to get a ticket!

Food. Food.
Where's the food?

No. No, dear.
Remember your manners.

George, did you
bring the groceries?

- 'Uh-huh!'
- Food. Food. Let's eat!

Right away, Mr. Spacely.


Lunar Lasagna.
My favorite!

comp chomp chomp

slurp slurp slurp

Manners, Cosmo. Manners.

Oh, I need a napkin.
Who's got a napkin?

Oh, here.
Use my handkerchief.

plop plop plop

What's this? Dessert?


'Gee! Who is this?'

He disappeared.

Thank goodness! Now,
we can eat in peace.

Thanks, Space Bong.

[theme song]

[music continues]

[music continues]